- : 'Li. ., I t tn it- i ex K:1 ' - 11' ' i t' '' I 1 '' '' v t ' . . 1 ' -'- I -- ',1 "i - vi Arid i ii ' i ii II i insxw - i r ,n . h i n ti i hi ii i ii l 7 Greensbordug VOL. in.i fa Palladium. CREKXBBOROVGII JV. C. BMUD41. t'V'IOBEH ,11 i8. THE PATRIOT. Je printed and fubliihed wtekly by T. FJIRlt STRA.YGB, , ZAtTwo IMtari p-y annum; payable within three moatbe Ijm the receipt of the first umber, or Trf DolUrt IW tbe epi. etp of that lime. ..'-r- 3 Si NO. 4. AN ADDRESS To the Freemen of Handolph County. "The perid U rapidly aprroacbinjr, which tcry true ciiii f thii cooitry, and every friend to Republican liberty roust View with deeo or" the retreat of great interest A pint of hiih excitement, and of division irhrol in tht- of tha retmblic. that thia im the tranquility of the Country. 'Thii excitement Mpire a to the highest unirenal question who shall bt r next l're- sot narkaxl. Handily K I is to thia tubjecti Fellow citizens that we invite your attentFoa : for1 mfn,,-But the killiar of fbarlea Dicjkanaon ib 10. b- viodictivd . .p o lli.eo.tinuel unt.l n arresr ,If(Jt hich threaten the .repsiXunle- st the pptio. of lb. fc originated io tbat unj W.tor, ..fsnure t.notlf,.d.ontIn ; , the t,me uanee will le tent. j JV TT.RTlSF.MtJ.T8, Though tbe several theatre on wbirh b acted, or rather on which bf I appeared were well adapted for the exhibitioa of tboae talenta if ii rfael he had poiifsacd the m : Tbenre ap to aboat the year lilt we find bin rtsiding en hie farm near f(hville, having retired net ao muck iron paanc aervicea as iron puWic atatinna. nor can we find that tbln inter val wea distinguished by tlsV ezrreiae of thoae private virtuej wbirh n- v We canJd indeed wiib lor (he character al vu a blank la the Biorrapby f n ' re abe ban to beatow ! V e could wieh II - rkeii by tboae ignoble cvntee'n between ca t of libertine pursuits er irrational smaee- we view the evert cf the next presidential election as far more impor taut, and far more comprehensive in ita ccusfquencea than anv clcc .&6t 1reJhi(r n,iM! bMmeltwre'Jo4 hich ha tsktn vf lace amce .the formation e tr. oVcr nmevt. lime e ene aonr, sna sjcptu ror eve. is uh vmy m cor.icsi uciwcen two icaiviauais w nose (Qepts we tree ry nrttdr puMiestinnt thotc ol gres ly canvasi, and whose quilificntiocs we critically inquire, into.; but trleirtb iii the same proportion Let it is a contest which we believe (no are we alone iff? thii belief) in etrs t the Editor mu.t be post paid. volves in its ustJe thia important quebticn . ' Shall thii Tlvll.t Mhw .l.;rJ.:zz-,.r:-tw.Ste of the ttfmNics old f. M.shaU it continue a gtorfMi ifrwiiMra W Isi the oppoeeots or the l si in, turn of the proposition, tlial man is capable of ttU goxtmmtniV Shall it frief y to fien. J.io. in the , c,)!ltiDue io ht tt (hr vw(u a irigft ti.vdel of civil rtjmUteaoxeTvmtnt? Si; zr;i,v zzn r hf u irUy thi rr ? iron i hyitetn, the noutl.-piere f the Jark-f . 1 !"."' W fW 10 5 nruay"vi-lved m the entVir8 pres.. rrtv in the State sf Ne-York,! dential election, and upon these thinga e ask cu to nfltct ealmly & filie Albsnv Jrrrus.1 cornea suf with ipassioniy. . i emnmutilration aiKneil " W ooTtrni,' rc'sriai that thia policy, which it apeaks nt as matt wise ai psinotic, sotioe neither to Air. Adams, nor "to ike KiaUnd Trie dsin rsoeres, linr Mr. r-TOaas, nor Mr. W ood eect nrr "to the friend f thAt. , n (filtration in Centres' from lie ', Jtstc New York ; hilt "U the Jac . "fi'f.irr. oe republican dlegstiofs froiT' ' "e York. rVrnralvai ia, and oth r , aiddle Ftstti reneiali!" Cherltslun Cotritr i . Jrr. In casea of extenuve 'njo- i fi an - ikia cause, oue of the meat aarress'ttl applications, hrtherta re akaayBaaaataaaaeaswa) TT (UrLtn- ire. in me sc,," "" 1115, briwceo the L. !?. . Injjutr uerriere and sn Aiptiu ..Irifiate . esily 80 ir.en belonnirs to the fr er were sefrely burnt ky the ex- i virn of oaf. i tlie isrje juns. n e nf theae men e in i ot it:fcle conditii'P, at ffered the jmit exnuisit tornent. They were "fsken dewn to the cockpit. spiI tpi'its i tiiipenline' freely pt red over their wund. They all did well. KIM 1TKY. -When the Sheriff 6f the teveral cotirlieiitt Ken fU(ty. net at Frankfort lo eompare rl.e pclU oT ths receut !ettiOD, ae (Ley ert p to the Cten' table to aipn the certificate, tliy expressed their preference for M. Allans or Gen. Jackson, to one of their number, who noted it down. There were 44 -for Mr. Adams, 45 for Get. Jackico, nr.d 8 neutral. Since the fcfiratlcn cf cur coveixmfnt. no rresideetkl .trrt!r.n has excited a rpirit eo dangeiuus to its pehce ard stability, as the pre Sent. It is a apririt which tverj c!ispassi rate aprT reflecting rr.an must dcpiccate because ol itsrWgcroua terdcrcy Party spirit where principles are concerned ia held to be bemficicl io a govrremtnt like ours : beceliar it kct a op a wh lesomc cXcitrirent, at the same time tbatat ia regulated and res'rsined by limits fxed hrd cufiicd. But that party spirit (if party spiit it may te called) which we few no v prevails, where titn not ptiiciples are corccrced has rojienit. Th passions when nce aroused ard the oire i reason aftroced, are in a(t t sw ell into an impetuous totrent which ' ears di;wrin ts lut the fair fahn'c o' ration. 1 litrrty crecer; b 'ihe haPda olwisdcm an patriotism I atriotiam itselt is corrifVr' rerveried tylhatphrtnl 'w, xied nl distempered excitment in which trat reverence and.Jc hit . T ,'1 m' i claiKitd for the persor-s oi 4 nf wf ich It lire s only-je rle-greet trti n irotablc prircipiea of ttovrmmepf... . .y.'lii..y : .Zcxuztti, that jcu rrrjft have aeen with pain. the factious nr.d disc rgi izu sentiments that have teen ijprissecl tbroupb tre in temperate 2eal oi violer.t pattisars, andfowtvrr fear tul it rosy be to-participate in a controversy which ia fondpeted, op ore side at least with ao much violence ard aciiirpny. Yet these thiros cornet ixcite rerublican chixtrs cxtrcitirc the functions rf elf pcvetrn ert from a free and tearless irvritir,stion of thefr.erita cj quaUficatioriS cf thrse who are to be elared in' pewer, tilhts dtrecth or indirectly l y the people. Yts, Felltw rltizrns, aa virtue the up holding pilar cf all popular go'errnr tnf, it becc n e$ the trperious duty r.feifcb citirtr l arsver tatif factcrily to himstlf the Allowing qnesticn with Tefertrce to every Individual who aipirtk td placte ol trust in the Republics Is he 'irtuoua? bis he a proper sense of those great moral r.d aocial obligaticrr, without which man ia i train r to hiniself, a tyrant to' three in his pow Tn ar-d a vlrtr iri'th'ebotom ef the David W. Stoke, Esq. of this ity, has beea appointed LVhirr of the' Kdenton Branch of the State fiaok, vice Saml. II. Pollen, drreasil. h'al. Beg. JkctienliK amall son of F.dtti 'Smith, of this County, wa killed last week, py being thrown frow tbe ti j of a loaded cart, where he had been placed by his father for a ride. The wheel passed over his body add crush iid hire to death ! ib. Tritident dnm Duiinj; the ne- Jjciations at Ghent. 'Vtrumlid b ilficuUiei that eemeii insurmaunti- hie, and when mne of our delraiinn thoonht it prodelit io yield m niething in dr ie have peace, Adaais altm tood like a lower 'unmoved and irai movable. When the news of the burning f Wahington, by the ne my, reached Ghent, the documents were placed by one of the Cumitm aioners into Mr. Adam'a hands. Af ter he laid ihein upou the table slap ping' hii hands epo'i llirm, declared them the very documents he waated v-h-lur. aaya he, the Vandals have done that for us which we have been una lie te do for ourselvesit wilt unite ever American heart io prosecatipa- thi war, and we soon shall have peace.f The truth ot liu leuiaiK was fully Realized. JV. da. $ spirit with wl.trb be pcretrktea bitn to the arreve. bie unwarrantable inlerferance with the printer w be waa nbnt to py a alight tribal af respect th nemnrj -f ejecettwdhtfl nrk,Jnj ton, with dirks pit;f etc pre orrurrenret wbirn in n country wberw free inquiry ia pet milted, rarmot ao aoo beconaigned to oblivion. Uew ever unpleasant the review war be, It in nevertbeleaa ear duty to ecruti. nize thia period of Oen. Jadvron'a life, a period which hia drivting nne unrandid Biographers pas tastily over, that they may lavish their tn traaperate praisea on him ai hero while be was at the head ef the Seotb ernArmy. ft putt be rcollectfd that it waa dating thia period thai he waa engaged in a aprcir ol triwffr, whkb in point of moral turpituda we rannnt dielingnish frenj that v. huh most h uroren gf vercmei ta M well aa Ihr Ufi'ed States lave frowned upon, and stigmatixed aa piracyJ this charge of Stare Timlin no' pretended: lo be drnied en behalf of firr. Jatkson, the fithest ihry have gone ia to offer an odd kind af pal-: listire, by aiying the Geaerel wna only aecuri'y for n ateck of glO,00 le ennaMe Coleman and Creen to prosecute the trade ith moie effect. Nor ran it be forgotten that it was alao during thia period of retirement that AARON Bl'KS, of treacherous memory, was the familiar aaaoct aie of Gen. Jarkxni. Judje Nathaniel Williams has told the world that - Aaron Uurr was the a'saociate of a kaon, the inmate of hia heuee in thr fall of HJf.rt id wir.trr of l07."' T he character of Dorr'a move, merit at that (erfid are too well recollected to require further nr.tfcw here. Jm're Willie ir fun her says " that be heard Jatkson declare in the r ieenre of aetetal gentlemen, that you will find that a division of 'he 1 niied States has takn r'eeproot, you will fird tbat a member r-f the Srniife, and a mm her of theHobee of tteprisenratives are deeply Invol- That at another tlr. e Jarkinn teld bin (Williams) that h could procure a Csptain romroiaaion . for him in Buri'a army 1 if he Wfldd ,. ..ncrr p! M4ju, Rational Journal ancTKT.Ife Erqwirer.) Now If Judge Wiiiiarrs iato be believed, (ana we nave no wnere seen hia veracity impeac hed) to say the lenat there ia a dark shade of so s. pk ion reeling n the conduct of Ja kaon ; acd if we call to mind the ad. ditional fact, which it is now too late to conceal, that several conspicuous members t4 the opposition whn have gone the most on warren table length! m denouncing an Administration whose policy they do net attempt to arraign, declaring tbat "ilia MEN ' MEASURES tbey care ter x" that if the Administration were pure aa the angefs tbat atand at tbo right hand of the 1 brcte i f GO D they woold pot it down ;" and ibovej all have publicly avowed the abhorcd, the execrable sentiment, that if jatkaon is not elected President, the UNION of the States will bo diaolved;" when these thinga present thenraelvee to us, thelnquirj iiivol. unfarily arises, did ol tlwt rtstltu child of faction, Jaun Burr, find a Unit id spirit ct tU UnvtUogt in the fall af 1806, and vtafere 1807. . wLet ustiow pan? to that eriod ef the General's life in which hia ambi. lion aeens to hate ter one full iedged for its flight lo the Presidential Chair, and here we aha II be biief aa wedo not delight to dwell on scenes) of blood aid rarniga' lis enters on hiw Southern com a. and, prosecute the Creek Mar to a close, receivea ample powers to negeciate a treaty to with the confused Indiana, in whit h he atipulatea that three miles square " .,r ,imltt .tiatt L reded in himitlf. ater and above what waa Ami. community that nourishes him : Is he.patilctic ? has ht cr all ccca flioca evinced hia love cf count' y, hy a proper respect for. and tbedi- enre to her constitution and laws. Does he possess the requisite tal ent and acquirements to serv in etch puMic static n with honcr himself, without hazzard, ;.rd wi h adv enter ce to the Republic ? these in'errogatives cannot te arrwered in the aBrmative, be assured ntt M an indemnity to the U. Slates, this extraordinary atipulatlon leiiow cuizere, ire peraon c urnt 'cr an tuice in iree governmenc. e gf Blte or tLe United Elate could Dot well digest, as it was quit an. V hatevtr sdventitioua cirrumFtar.cea may have cimbincdUo enaLlt ptctitd in the biatoty affpfowafie intercourse, tbey itetefore with, him to exhibit acme one ahring que'ily to the admiration of an undia j)rcrTr reepect fi r the dignity f the natiue refused to ratify tbat part of criminating multitude, yet he ia potto be trusted in sn cilice where, lf fjtnee,,', Treaty. hen he repaired le New-Orleans for ita defence, the wantot those essertial qual ficatioi s n ay fret'uee li e meat disas-j nnithgnding ,t deiJartd in hia address to the Isyor tbat be waa trous censrqurnces to the country. 1 deeply impressed with the unanimity and patriotic tl displayed by tbe W ith these principles in iew, let us thrn irquire wlo is Am'rtw 1 ciiiztljB yet on tie ltb December he wade tbe very extraordinary Jackson, and on what are h; preteosicna io th e President t l the Uni-! requeet of the Legislature then in session, to Juipeod the rit ef habeas' ted States founded? In Ir tecutlng this iiquiry we thlicotoe w'torpn; a c a mittee wia appointed to epiisifc'ertb mesiure, as It wi.a one selves to well authe'ticae( re titri ta, -rd to i ncn-.tradicttd stale- -fiirb had not been restated t even In tLe worst tiers of the revolution, ments made through the p if c'icaU i the day. The rst we know cf! the rco.mitlee repotted unrsvorabiy' 1'te Legislalare however passed his v'iiical life, we fed him Hire as a pen. let the ccnenticn.n ci aosiendiriK ill ciiil suits and processes and abutins no the courts; which net in 1796 to form a t ati to and t?fe Gcvetrmcrt fcrjtbe Cccrisl not asl'isfed wftb this sad wi'.heut waiting to see what would Ter.nessee, under the act cf Orcre p tmittirg Tennessee to come into the Irion as a State (a" Prnd'a nd Eatcn'a life cf Jatkscn "l at Eln ) Here he supported principlea wbitb gave the:Ccnthrtirn ( f Tennessee as strong an aristocratic feature as any Stare in the Uni n we speak the rule which allows 'he rich man to vpte1n ettry cftrty where. he has land, snd'eonfitrs the po r man to,.cc yofe in the county where he lives end exclddcs all men from the Legislature except auch aa have two hundud acres cf land in their own right i for the active part he te-ck in promoting these anti-repuUk provisions, (see Journul of'Terneasee Convention frcni Jafcuery 12.1788 to Feb. 3rd.) Io the aaroe Ccnvtpiion he vojed; ti expunge the au'uJc, .Jro Mding that no person who publicly der iea the being of GOD and a fu ture atatc of rew ards and punishments, shall hold any olfse in the civil department of the State.w About the same time he : walekcted to Congress, and took his iest in time to vote with Giles against a res pectfal address to President Washington, who was about to rttire trom office, (see Journal pf Cc rgress from Dec. 5, 17fi (oMarth Std 1797.) V'e state these facts, fellow citizens, and cite jcu to etidttce, from which y ou will say whether Jackson waa not at that time Ariato cratic in his pel tics. Atheistical in his religion, snd meanly envioua in' his feelings toaida thatgrcht ard good man wheae irreproachable life, and eminent pu ic aervicea had . inspired a ealton with gratitude. PuhftequiM t fhi nod he baa been n dhtrirt judge in Tercessre, a 8riii r of thr Vi itn htai: but, we ha'c soDcht in vain fi r the ! Iardon etheiaoUenlhyieirirtTcr.idcnce of tb) ravine dnitirguikhed himrelfis a Jorrel or Statesmen Inetly be dot e whb rrgatd to the wiit of Habeas Corpus, on the 16th d land llartial Lawi td thus totk all txwer Into his own bend, making himself despotic master f tbe whole populsllr. Tds was feHeeed by a aerlea ofhigb baidtd mtiisurea utiprect dented in trie military history of ike Republic. A sate conduct wss allowed to the ft male nf llarataria, . who With their ectoiioue tlisf Liiette, waa v. enrolled with the soldierr attl vulunieeianf thecnuiilty, his imptiaonmantof Mr. LovrelIer,a mem. ,.-.. btr i.r the Leghlature, 'of Judge Uall of Mr. Okk ihe Attorney Gen etal. trgetber with Jad.'e Lewis weie wantn ind'gnitica to the civil salhoritirs ti the couctry btfote unheard tf. rYfhee General Jscksorr -was abut to Uke tie field against lbs Seminole Indians, the regulars end militia drellied for that letthre amaitcdlo 1800 men, V he was directed by the Drpsniceot if Var, tbat If be should deem tbsl force inadequate, to call en the Guvcrtioia of the adjoinicg Statee for si ch portions of the militia si he might thii k rtquiaits for that service ; tLe General tbanght. prefer, however, to disregard tLe oiderewf the department, And immedi. alely. lahed a volunteer forte m iOCO nopnlcd gen men and t con panire el w hat he called "life geaids,' this force Le erganiicd by" appelating their Cfficers 4c Wiib tbi force Le ( enetretcd into Florida, waa joined by Mc Iniosb ltd bin Brlgsde, took end occupied the Spanish Toat it St, Mat ka, aid coamittcd kbcL nnautbotiaed outrage ee the natives end foieigners so t eg them, as called fur an iavtatigation of hie coeduct by the aerate i.f the Ui itid Etaifa. 1 he Committer of the Senate le ( u the eulject waa n d rcC n ids iheir rejortun the Setht.f February ilSI fit n w Litk we tl all ffsr a bih f atatt at fe "At the litre Ucr. Jukicj, . ' -j j. . - r : 1 .i-v' My . - ' . . ,4 5 ' V f 'It-rwt. iWHK3vn T0f vyBisT(i ........... ... I r--- t .-' r - ' ' ''''. ' ', . . ,.i ' ".,'' '' " ' .' .. .. ''- T' ir'r

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