V ; U '. . ' . V..''' , 3 hf (! ; tnil ! rrf !'''' Empero' snaie r; in f?ie !terauier, h- trr.v ve rny ' f Muffin I'lruaV1 ie"ived from - Mr ft . ? ... ,. ., f.,f t end of 'ho month. t inHaitin il, tne ni iri e 1 vl I h ime 'f.e reinfoicmews, ! th t uf f: i! J ?lr .UWld.piei", Wll : n i lied Imi dcstinst'iop, 'He ih w r !. d-hi 'q ' 1 . i I i c ft!i.uing lie liratl quarter- irr H-il that hej could send turn no rin forrnuentfi ; os a'J troops wliHsapre stmre'waa not fieeeffsary in the c pi ml frr Jo be sent t- the M On 'he 6'h, General Rnciger w i spri' -'I'll s alofijr dttc merit of I . I A I At. I .. . ... . . ff'tm. lftO nren SO severe, inai IIWH .tiiiij iiu i 'J. n tht thes youlri rrnaain forjeonnoitre the right flank of the etne thr pi ram r t 0(!e i, uroil rnrom 'my, in he direction of Tchflyk " 8i r . should rill for their presence. Kostfes. FjHorp -he de'achraent had jr. Hdvmwr. The fortress of PotvJqni'led the position a'c0" near Tch oi -au'em nfx.ir of the F.oxioe, flyk by lA u Oen. IvnnofT, onr pi 1ml fiirndfrH: and th Ruisian qup'a had remarked that a corps of Jdinrh. Ilreie was irrsini Vrn. 2000 i uikn, composed in a grent by -. By rutrl tessln, arr ived iiit valour ot iut itoupa, lie was r pulsed and 'pursued to tha foot of tit amprts. , Thfi regular Tu.kUli infantrjl m?de four r barge m tti? ! rrgi nrtentnf Chsiwrur nd tne lid bat'at i-iri of ;he 13th. In-h:time the ennn receiT"J with he bayonet i iven bark ti fh gaffl of the tow viJhoit rer"ivi sj iVo'H u a hot. Thi conflict, which lasted 'l whole day, only occasioned us a tri fling la-H. "In 'his sortie we had no more than 37 bounded, and 25 killed or missing. Unfortunately the brave Colonel La veothell, commanding tin ai OitfeHt from Cormraniinnplr, it Wrt Htti d, 'ht, a erarrilT of ecu- hrret. to hr felt in that capital ; measure of cavalry, having quitted' regiment of NizofT, lost his left arm the place, had procetdad by Kogtees in h affair. (to Kate Stamboul. Th enemy lias been employed l.ieut. Genera) Rtidiger marched tw whole dya in btuyi.ig his dead, ?n ronsqti' iice nf Wiich. n embargo imrofdiatHy on hate Sti'fBbou'. to which proves the magnitude f h to be impnMi a ()de-"r-, n v o- ui.d with corn to the Med ite anean. ar icle li'aritis th verv indef eta vnn it was xp. ctrrt ihiy must er. a )t nemi)"n h tml V t nj shortly .y ehl o the Goveramint deserved io hae iioii-. pnrty through necessity. pi. H. diet) at his tesdojc- if Bullivan'a Island, on the 9-n vnnt, fte a few d-os illne9i- .;f hilli..u THE COTTON MARKET. The following letter addrcsv d to a respectable Mercantile H -use in Augusta, (Georgia,) was brought by thr ship Perfect, arrived -at the city of Charleston : Liverpool. Jugnit SO, 1828. Sir dose ! tevir, aged 43 ?!. Hi T i an event of ill deepest 0ffl n to his relaliyes and Dumcou- 'nenji. Vbr. Bfaeoiu Fire. We letro il,at thr sp -rni(f and handsomely finished bri k nH- : I nave now toav.sc havins v.- ... . - . N.,1-., ....... .otL,L...f owmib. im,. -inia.roo L.yiilihived n. a ...... a. ft. u ii .i witci. 1 1 iiu rr3 'iBi" oouikv, auorfi i tr-m hairinnr rlrl f n m o i-. n r. ... " .-" lost, about 'Jid-dar. The fim ie a r i . OH o At Ik . ...W'U ' L w aas'n Will miO WttV I Kdl V 80 at 6 per lb. ; which, in the pre dc,,OJed bj fi,c fi d J sent state of the Mnrket. is creat . w... . . . L . and could be reahz d t-day. Tne mnrk nnre nnn I miirh niintinn .r .r .... i ' -l aairl fn knn h.an i the roof from the chimney, and be inrk t is certainly dovrn one ei,hth f" ' " ,1 , ' i u: i i . s ' " fore any xcrfiong could bo made ta er pound thts w-ek ; d indeed I eItj ilh u for f f , j n g.ve vouno hc ttr idea ofthe f,ertit g,lutd MCendaoc, tl(tl rci Rc. m.in mat tne naits prr r,.rirj aii k.,... ... .l' u per can d t i' um 'ne uamiue stiy i All the unfa r ITI 'T il p A g '.m. a I' eios on Change a Virimn, TPs c r g the T;ai of Mi. Emperor linlns 'o Odiav, are as yr.-und less as the are abmrd. The sj!e( Dial r Change, wn find it n ens inattrr u cut to pin-8 wh I' Rt 8 rnnm rv ry day, hw but I a tie g urphical and military knol , wlnn !,ev spHk of a retreat frir. ('! umla to ()ipHa. f-ti..wi h i ariir-fire. rom hided )nm if t. I'he truth is that (he-Cm prr :Ntrhoizs, to give r 'resti proof ol Ins coi.-i.stei: !D'dertttion nr.r Iom ot peae. tPHklred. rhongh o !! in iTip ai'uaii"ii of the Ditan, h i'ipflne f snrh a ate'p my easily l)1 f eei, to ddreii a -,ev tt i r. ' at i n ' the Sultan ; a d in d" r.- 'his t- mak' use of 'he C"Uy-Vs am' i atioji 1 1 L d Heytebu- h Duke of Mor-mart, and o. intercept the enemy, after having, at l8s. Aid d- Camp Goner4 Princ the sme time, eent parties to observe M nti hiofThas sent to the Mutidmide his movements. The nartiffs dis i o. thr Ii tress (f Varna, which n not! 3amici Kobertann, which were s Id ,,r,0S9, We uoiJerstand tin th9 covered :h.t the enemy, affe- having '. yet invented, cps of partisans tnlvmeonthr 1 4th Mavtfil-d were building was insured in the I. . . mi pHssei' bi'hiiKi the vilhgr ot U-eghi-; destroy the convoys which might try ki i, had directed his march upon; to peuctra.e into a from beyond tke 1 chalykaviik. Lirtu. Gin. Rnd gi" having con (lu'icd 'hat his detachment whs de gi eu to escort transports wnica re intend d foi C- umla, st'ipjied a Lsre ht- mb-rnl, nd took up u po t'ci niiidi w.M trAblc h'tn to rut B- kau. Operations against tiiUslria, July I5 The general of Infntiy, llmh informs us that cn the 2 vl ith, ibh, (lit! enein had ma ir n-'ina r ties, whi'ii o ir.ps had ropl with smiii Io- ;mj out patt. T ha. md an; f rttfied now .koin" the heglus hxU nu lied lie I it II k the i's net npiid n hrt'k ' it fh' e cmy retain OrF.ltATIOKS r..MST VRN. Jnly 30, (August 11.) ...... i . r rom inr j' t r. , rir vi- n we f.rurfed,;T th'-fmt" fe Ije.g'i "Ci:pi d by ojr frn.p, fi v . rdou'( which (OVrid the ii)Rv bMvee M.e sf-r -mi-tiii" rirn, wtrcii lies eio-r th- v'.HI. B--mU", west .pped during ri?wl fr" P,,rt " Sa U'ilf-J , 0 the i :ch ! (ho s.nne ' 8V to cons r a i -'" ' " " s-o-w a ix'ii redMuh", on th- rrj ' rd f thi gulf, which will tnn ml' ti in" -f hi ckade ii e no th j 'i 0 b' morning; nf ti p 7 h ih iUi.timorb, ttetoher is he bng Aspasia, Masicott, a yrsterdavre-s ldat flid. So much n9..x 0lHce, in t,is H rough, lor for speculation! f he sales of this f1V0 thousand rfollnral week are 13,500 bales, and holders, are still anxious to rralizc, p .rticu- Bmigration.-ri Indians J tirnaj hrly the importers from Brazils, fUrnihe the foliuwing evtdeo Hut -vhich d scnption presses very hca ih- coure ..f e t!gr,i0 and -r vilv upon other qualities, and is nt VV s.ward if not ant) t f selling tower 'han ever was known. J,;i Vc y pprcep;ibie: " - vi n toe rMorn or aofamn, heavy tide of emigration i ug iri Y urs tridv. THO CROVVDER. iSi lowaro-. i no ve. r ( ,.etr orv ftnf. u may tv j numbcr daily passiug, a pr..u1 ii- r , uinu ii j I" u b r reanrri to tht tiij looMiic i h tiac en who vrr. i eoemv milf torons slly t drive invited to O rs-a wiih ,hs view The military nperiins, h wevci Vti I no; h n rru ted for a m in n ; On ft e coot) aryt the pi earn r t.l tlir KHijero at d na xnd Odessa, svil OnU aV irrat the nirgeT)f tL. form er, aru tne navance oi tooi i.ow on il" i' match through Bessarabia As v on as (Jen. Witt's, crps i,f SO 000 men ha anived at Bacaid ilk, the fc.ro pei or will return to f in umla, and by 'he -id of tfii re Tn'oitemt-ut- it wili.bt msrhk - at tack a positions he conquest ! whi h OQus drcide the fate of the CMropxign. 1 ht British Traveller of tbe 6th, spea-iing of the slory from Constan (it'opte, of a let er o' credit on the Tut kish capital having been provi ded l r Lord M tbury, says, it has rceivm corroboration frm va rious Hooires this day, though we Cfiiiioi piiM.ounre it, to be tefVctly Cor. fir mi d . f- )' . If in also rtpoiidi thai the (ifaiul Vtzitr takes wu. him to lieMd quarters tvi Uijit uu.i istsof higo note. Important, iif.goo ation me consf qu n!ly expected ii thfse uh attach credit to the ru in n ' HI' I. LI. 1 1 - OF Tflt". -U'SSil S UIY .) C in u r Offi , 3 f.Mork, S'-p- 0. W l'Teju.t icceived the u II. w ins Hi.M : Oj eraiions against Cltouihla Jug. 7. ;rr i,r Orj-Hitu f tiiv Mje i) the btnpe or, on ti e 2d. no hinj. hail Hssed n maikahle hi Choun L with he exception ol a cannotindinv b'-'ien the ii nil!nirs of our Hdv;o f 1 t "N. & lriM'kish tiralleu- 'O'l hi 3'. Lt'-ut G'l lv;m t! xi. s wi.h a p r of his diviDi' at 1 1 ii. rlyk, cmpletci the fortifying of f i e posi ion. O- the ftth, the detachments un dei the orders of Gneihi Ptii.ce M :tth t rfi". rnde -tr- r j.- 7-rcnnn oil r : ir g ( Ur niemy's te fl k, lr ni h post ol Ma i no, u Boe.ular, by 10 ih-oi. his detachment (''i nut tnert wiih h -To'ks any whfie. but i iit-y riC' i i ' 1 1 ' e 1 1 1 1 tsiily 'he Muuaii' i nl e 1 1 iih. and r. uiaikcl ttit tti etM in, uii upon a h in of b j; i whi '.. . . t ..-.thf ii fl..hk, vasi en tiM n'r' m il.ik(db hitations. Mir Tinkish KVhlij h'.i! no qn nni i)r i . i treat. A' oiding tl' . i ; oi n (, he IKoga' ii,s, vvio hh k i v. n I o . 'hi t i ' - is jn n a n i rruvjsionjdes- uh tiom our imiifiou; on air t tnu dt r uis conflict, wh i h lat-d un 23 '! Aaq-v. Tl- editois r o. erican are ind'Wed t- .hr-po m .ifCai.t.iin M. fornix R puvra i the 20t! imluie fie s aTes 'hAt thr negotintions. - the snVrert of pc.ce wee daily pr Cf-edins between the Bu nf Ayrea til sun ee, they were re; ulsed, od "rl"rKM 4ne Uovernmfnr ai retired into the place, alter having WHI " WB u.nmaiij "" "U, sunken a seteie Io!. 1 w U,(T ' T ,n,r,f r" ,u"' 0 " .()n the same .Uv a frigate and r-e bctwesn the bePigncnfs. Mm bomb vessel rommrmrd bomba-dins naa s Iar nxw"a ,n3 " Ayriu prisoners confiur-d t ( d b o n'leed frn prison, aad .0rd he privilege of moving at a ill frhm the limits of the cwpit!. i lift fnllnwir.ff. HnhKenui-nttV r. . - - i tlic f r'ress; th y continued hts oi e-non wiin st'ecess, not Aims n- uu. a vigorous fire from the place. Thes- vessels will, when necessary, be re- -j 'j I ..... i i -- i r During the night of the 7th ta the rfl ve" !UI1 corroM' airB luc IorcS' mornineolthe 8th. Admiral Gicnc M'.'K '"'k--' r-itp cr ot -4eiier ta tac bhtonjoi - A mtric an, daU-l Riw dt Janeiro, An 2ft 18iS I enclose yon some newspupers, hot they contain nothing of impo tancc. The Commissioners from a M"tir .1 vi".v ot tins e-t.io!jh. vc: nt vtiickexceeiis Uny ther in the " "-"lo i i the a " ount.of hisioess trans- r-'ft',. ('wif'l tt, Iff iili..n n.rh. .a ..f tiat at Wah:rf-tc;n,) and also in itg r -ints. Th -re a'v eijjh- clrk. aail t whole. nuT.bcr of onons employe l vr-nty four. Tli, number of iiv. in , u,j dsily are abnat IJ0, of !mu Ueir tae and for oth-oflie-n. Nearly forty thousand w-fa;H-fs p4 ti roali t'. ollire erklj, and themnnihly and qunrtr- erii(iirals ptohiuly ar one tourtli tt niiinbtr wetkly. Ketwee.i fitfy id nix'v ih .-nund letters are snt i.u h the offire ever? Week. The Live-pod ltkets aually deliver n 1,500 to 8.3'K) letters; the L..n . aH.-jt mo ; tne Hnrr GO ) to 1.. JUU: th' Miicn nesrlv 5fl0; and 'he i.i detached some l-mc; boats, un;i'Tthe c tumand of a Captain of the Second Rank Me ikh IT, Chief of. hia Staff, toi iaeon the To k sh Ceet stationed under the fortr s. .- .. .. i r.ll"' - rav ureo uj uio ooncnruy o, me RorHi Avr arrivC(1 ab(ut ten dllT, . . m.i.Li. a- j . .1 -- - lligni. inp:. ciikiiou mramru !o , , b :,. -ian rllP complete order and pcrlerf silence, lhp g(M wp(.k jv hp oJ)iaIjn r keeping c oso to the side or Cape th(J8e D04taule to jud-e, that a peacf " -"- - ' tnw nut nl the mission. amC. that, in a Trry .short' time, ssy a cou ,r . .1 I. .1 I I v imi ; aiHi naving pusii u uuuer tuv Me.rn of.the enemy's llutilia. he ad arire..' rapidly against it. The en finy did rot-reniark the inaricouv i of our boa', until they were wi'Iun nolf musket st. t f 'hem. A treoii nd' tu" C' of artillery Ac bosk' fry, which ilie. llviiU common d :v ou: C could no' s ' I tK io'. ; .il sailo-s ; iljey r:.'nin;( 1 1 ivL h jrr s plo of nrnths, the grand end wili h accomK'shed. lhy have a'rendy agreed upon an exchange of priso; ers, and those wbn were confinf i hero have this morning been ufcrra ted. CENTRAL MERTCA. The New York Merc ntile Ad standing a (leerate siance. nr;r, towed litem T the fiV't, uid?r lemer.dnoua flu of grape sh"t from bf i-l-ce. F in een vessels, 2 armed boats, live pn ees of raono , a great qti inti- y of aiDiiiunition. and forty -live pri rera, amioga' whom is the com m under of -he fl nilla, ae the fruits i this audacious ehte iiz' , which wa ciowin d with the most cotnplffe nnrcrs, node tb- eyes of he Capi Pnihi. who c mtnimis Vs tia. W r had in (his air u. four killed ami twenty seven .wow tied. Among h laer, are thre" ofljcpia mi a marine. I he lo ol tue eceiny is it in h more u .i . .i . unroll vertiser sintea ihnt Captatr Lvveo. . ., , . -.i. j who arrittrii lucre in inc iuicpn, orui ir vthijou' r. i uu mi, iihiwi'" i r . i r i Jilll uai tii.i. iia, vi.-v. - Nicarugti.t, the last day of July Tk'U place was still in possession of the- party hrv'ttlc to the General Govern. ment. The day before he left, the opposing par ies had an engagement, in which the Grana dints had 200W and the Govern ment party 500 The latter having taken their military stores, debated the former, who werre driven 'ck witnin their lines, with a lo&s of up wards uf 300 killed The Govern ment P'irty h.ive abundance of arms nr in unit ion, and money to pay thrir and they preserve, witn-41. v M K . "rver mil readily discover t;i ,' ,g sTi'i ;nt ; hv no means icon! !e. I' i'Mievei hat, in aTi .i itf to the narcerout individuals it ttiif ' ne traC"rioi t , ri-.imry io iitt f.and, from 25 to D moving fa rft ; rs pass tiirnugli t'3 ; . h 'r cattle, s!eep, . r mw d'Mjtn.esncent if until 'he V-n in erposes. The ooint to v .cli ligratian is chiefly directed t '-ii n, is the Wabash country. S ip d indeed has hwen the p ipu'a on r this part of oar State, 'h w s .n rss has been almost u.-iq:jl)e f r .i- last l-'w rears; pi-en in the W-st, where infant eetfleitients hare, in s many instances, had a tnashr irrj crowth. It is pleasing t wiriess, amongst m ist of those nht are tho t .e w Oriearm 500 T'te picket tnisjrafing. the habits as well as k vop l-'l'.iida, nicn irivfd last wrek mans necessary t constitute r i il f rom Liverpo-d, h-onai, 2.100 letters, i citizens and useful tnerabers of socio which Ae e c Minted, marked, and rea-i . I I'-.. . I K .. ' At . . 'n iy iui uciiTtr t, mi ininures : i ne , l .KiuQt of pos,t(ii;p received during the (d irtcr ending 30th June, excce; ed.S38.000. Ths labor in thiso-Kcu TVtroit, f 'chin:an rerritary, Owt & Vidian Treaty. We learn f- n -ar ts a diio.,,, ,.o the vtowt activur. ;Ci tni Cf,, VIanan. the d s n,?, accurac y, and civihty, are required m l,;MCr, apnoiritft tre-, wit!l t ie eipcdite. ouHiness, and do juce to Ah at JoM , t,&t an imjwrfafrt he citizen, and ro stran-ers' w , ! of hfen , , throng there for I'ty- jn rt, in thi, Territory, and part- posed t' be abiot t,50'),000 acres. rjij .1rtod Roy I nr re is t the Jrns. W(t (ia..jersfand it is of the first qualV house at Ueltevue, (N. Y" ) a ruati iv 'tv. well watered, and sbo'indin iff the name of ('eely, who hi -eache l Jft t prairie Settlers wdl i n ae liatev in xtraoroinary age of 108 year's. I y resrf there in reat nu abirs. I'lis Hf was bor' in lh o ifh end of ; p iTi ise co npletes tne cess'on !" Io. Wal--; i'i 17-21) In 1T7I he camf i ''i1" ',!e r, tl,f,r n,,, i'1 this tor. New Y -rk. In G, at iae age of ritry. soutii -f Gra d Iliv--. an l all .V, he entered a volumaer company n 1 ;tH,e ; '. . f the" of cavalry. as io the enga-e.m IVswata-nies are , ir i .i ' i iin . I.. : .very friendly iiod wtll disred. . at FlatntHh, Whoe fJmos Lu;c ,,Jre wefe vir of i00) (f lh( Mind, c At Whiff PI.SMI.S holitthetre4,rfilllliti, baWe th as vduoded by a cm from hi head ! fore'lotig, be concentrjited up" io the r.ghf vytx pi-tol birtii'tj j ,n a trict oJ country, lying upon the. hti leg, and t tr y r.Pf ti,rust on j Kntikakoe. I' te effsci uf tin-ir au"n e br?ast bne. He also teccive.l a j ittt- ii snid ' Uu verv visible in their' iiHoiwk woiindf'0n an ludian in j!t-I cjridiriou. They were xel!. th-. Genestf FI its. Lust V ir he :i I ma. iy of them richly dressed ;. inJ "ked to Sharon, (Con.) 150 mii s 8 dsys. f oovtr drank spirits ti'.fl aliei fiO ytars of ae. His (h- consideration paid fhem f ir for- ;er c-si.ni, enables thenj f lire c iinf u tu' lr. Tiy hsv ss ctse t r . , ri-rretltiieir aale9 ta the United States, cp is still firm his eye quirk, and ," ,. n r 'when these yield them muci -nare than aoy thing they could procare fro the land. his memor good, lie probahlv is the only ro-to living who rinerobers Gen. W' ff, and storn:i' ?f (Que bec, a the capture of which he ajis rd Boston T f'nirs. i . in mi . t$ Vr announce with dcn so row, Ihe de.Wi ol Card Root. IIevley, TnttricavTURs ok ran I'aets. M I Cor iier, in his essay rd to The Fi eiicfi " Acde.rny or Sciertcefr te duces from his r.vri obervati n nnd Die wf other, tlut the h4t inc-esse of the U. S. Nav -i the time of , ri penetrate from, the surfdc to .1-.. .1. .. .1 . . .1,. Xf....-I . i . . i . r .l . l. ii. his death cmnra mhut of the Naval truups; and tnry preserve, witni. b auon ai iiiaii- si n, i a. i .;i i r very good discipline, respecting in4y years and until Tee tlytj an i . . i e .i ti .. . i coi.K.tdefable. B-sides! persons ind property, as they mirth estertmu resnint oi mis um-ugn, I his party and one ot the most .nstinguisneu :i . i. L: I...I .1... : .1 I... I... i I thrniirrh thf "minfrv rhi II .iuw R ii it'll mil ii ii' ii mill, un iii-M w--- i .. .. . ..-. n,.. .... hnunl iIim lo.a-plq.'ia under the head of erd the --ur naval hrrows in the last war wrh I i,. in nd! voi mg escape by Governor of N-caragua. who is one England. I'hp laur-ls w :i by his wlrnmirg, the greater number were of the 6 st men in that country, sk ll and gallantry on Like Chatn tl w-Ar.rij. The; Giar.admes. on the contrary, plain are twt vcrdan. and hi" f me On thr 9 h,-the en my made a area lawless set of vagabonds, di's Mo. wa mly cherished by ins country fiVsh a iem; i disfodf-e ih fr.m ui p.ising of life and property withoti' andl-iMids to reqtiii o a recital Hf pus i i i s ; o thrt-,ks to v ah- dm c r m-itiy, having 'oi trtcr head an his mi ; iimc:vii on.i ' - - 't ' Kusuionsotihaiudli gAS!2iSjgCi wards the cent o of the earth, at thiv nte of about one le5re Irenneit inr 45 let ; that the heat ol'boilia wtter' isfouud in our latitudes about a mila and a half hel w tne surface that at tlie depth of Co miles, the heat most hi so iHteti' as to keep such rncks we see at the surface in a atate of fu lio.i; tha the iateMo of the sjUii-;, u siiurt consists of a molten iai, en con passed by a solid crust or -otH .i i i Go .i. in th' kooss.