And Green sborouffh Palladium, vol. III.") ui;i:r.suoriouGir jv c sjrumMr JirniL 4. i829. NO 4 bTtr ti a rn r rnn jinnlei' and ptbli.-lipd weekly bj v. ':.:rly stiia.xge. ii r IVIIr.--, per sniirrr, p:iynb'.o v.itliin iv.oii'!.- 'rem ti e receipt l the first " l (tiari .wav" to filer his all' gianre to the Emperor .had ihcre been a turnpike Rt every step. Is it nut, after all, passing strange, that this great icpublic has not pow er f makr a road and ke p it in rc- r ihroi- Ticllirs afur the exp. i pair, uhen audi power is enjoyed by any petty corporation ! On the subject of fa'e rights, and (he motive of tho-e who, in he ptes I rnt day, find it xerdiert to tnkr '.I tli:1 thit--. -r b in - )r!tini!f(l nnlil ailrwr- v- jn i!,iiIii ot :,e option of the r; iii' ' o f. h;i o r.otifv a ilitront in to trace this history offline itle, tevan .fuze Nlarfenz, with fw i ins of E sf and xVm Florida, the for two crnttries tindHpiHril ; but to Spanish ships of war arrived, and duties perfa-n.og to which he proceed sliow. that Amc ica. by her own m finding these British vessels under to discharge as o'n as the Span tional arts, in the Origon Territory, Portuguese colours, demanded the ish sovereignty ceased, has a claim to it, pa amount to that ! reason of their being in his M sf Governor Jackson, after organiz of Great Rritain, v;ho hftvc made Catholic Msjes'y's regions. Th y ! inR tbe Oo. "t n-nent, "deleeatd hl pretentions to this, as writ as every replied lor wood and wafe . Hd .' powers as u -vernor if the fvincrs other unoccupied part of the earth, j tiny not been conscious of trestms- r v t.ct ..Xcrcl anew t pk'P J s rpu( btioise about them, vr H nt! j the following ohsei v n'.ions in I i Savannah Mercury : e an- m sel v s. great s'icklcrs for state rights bu' we are not ,!eily to sac. ifi- the rigVs of the I llevnbUc at their shrine. The sov 1 e gfiy of the Starr," in the sense it is j;etirraHy usul by the dema igogiies ol (he day, il litcialfy defined. 7V. if'fT I'i'.p.-isitin to can.' w uli! tend thus: a gudgeon bii! .jjfonu" State right'' " fil''; s'!fur n ofTi c hunter to cue. ' 'he pep-. I' r ,"r;r rri sr.'V.vv v, .',,,,, If)';- . ., ncHth i .' r'n! llircf .... (.,!' nr.. I'.t.'.hT, UlUi C;"TtS fT'V in 'lie sT.!ie p"j';)'. ti.'Ti- - v Mio l'it',r be post with tin wli i n; k' i !n :our. T!ic p-inrijml In .... A i . ... UJiij,.. in the while thev are e..i.,i,lC t,( n:te.. o,i.rrv. to. h.r ' i-rcoht momcn. tn vn rhirt. vjesii asitie irlert . . trMi.t vttftr of ihir;.'S. if we weienot ot human feiicilr, that fhey aW-" in That ambitious nation, convinced that they could n tt ustaiti a rie;ht hr nrinr ''Hnivoric of pomesion, at tciriptrd t ) establish ne by conqoest. In 1812 (hey fok the town ol At i'irt a place Imiit andownrd by the 4ubjccl9 of the Ai;iricn gotcrn mr;;t. who went fiora he city of -.- York. Tl'w tnw" r-n(I f,,rt t,JC llrirtsh held till 1813- when, in c ra 'iance with a rrq i-sui "i of thtrea ty ol Ghent, it was formally fiurre-. derd up to the Ui?d Statrs. And ajTisi in 1- or 5 day ? afrcr, it w ts re taken bv til" wlio h ive ! t i I'i t tin it. sins; on ananish nghts they would not have uppeared und -r false col rs or dissembled their real 'bjects. Don Martenez s;cne-ously ave assist nce and then ordero l 'hem t depart. Afterwards, on c? unt of some in dignity Qi'ed the Spatiiah Uag tliey wer captured. The arrived in R-s'-m harbour on 'he 9!i of August 1790 ; and on the 27ih .f Sept;?n)h'M l'-n-tow n?, sailed on a seionJ v ! isd ; and attain on thr 9th of June entered Cliorjtiot, wiiich plic, in t'l' lornier voyage, was called H 11 cmtbiril, by no'.inc; tue sir.s ol the pooest uevlls in the wo;J. 1 nis times, to five a shrewd gtip i its bait is often used by I'atbjotS for o'jf -rt. It is (he f;:jitonof t!e fitiirs the purpose of catching the favor of to iew rritli j' ab i: y the geM i al (he people, and by ( ickling their van oe niM't.t : I i a i ror;rcrn ity, make it pay tribute to their ig tt.. n . -nj of the individual 41 8ov jioranre. rli;r:;irF;,, ;uvl tleiefore it i r In the constitution of this govern. ppmi mm the f.ii:!e I set for mcnt, as well a9 of others, subordina rc i'.'y we kn w of no other, that tion ii indispensable ingredient rint i!ai!gcr is to o i-r to 1 he la ler, n-.t that slavish subordination which '. m tlx pever of the former. ' he( ha. acierises a monarchy or despo iliiir.e'a 9 i:rewed In a thousand. tismt and destroys equality in politi fsiw iltd fliat i :,. by the would b'cal H w iety, but that which combines itt, :itid a!tlirs.H'(l to the per ;t!.e parts into one harmonious wfiolc. cy . i s f (h who think li'th on; If 001 Union is ever t be dtHinem '.!; fiil'j" p od wb(fe ps:;ii;n un bercd, it will be by the Stores' trench ! n rif tif. In fon c Rvctiot s 1 I ig upon the right of the general i;ov ;.to o t r h j I'lnie," lie ti'ic.l-: ha" ' irimrnt. Let her energetically s?:s :e. v "iih r'ulli . I , ha, hern q-'id j-ain her pi 1 ugafiv s, as they are i;i ,t ! fiir hie im Nt" nit. In some j (l i fted by the Connti ut ion, vi we ar' '! r h si (es, ti e nc s1 (tr i- us d'-rliiui Is "-Rut' If -die d'cs hot, she w T" i;ict l.r a dilav of another ten years, would j it be for the American government, at once to abondon their rightful claims, that her citizens my with draw from a commerce which has al eady become valueless by Bn ish monopoly, and which brings them in daily cooipetitionj and in disasterous calMai'in with Rrithh trad rs, antl Anglo Indian hute s. In 1778 the Engli'ih O'TJtnpnced their dijovi-ries in (he Pacific 0 ca k'V ('!'t. Cook whose fT"t Irtlol ' u :t!ii' Sanilwi k hlaiidi ; tbeo o !i j.-rocefd'd to the coas', desi 'ibi d t.'tW. 7'r;- y, I'et aod i-'nttl ic! tlx- r v : 5 tt ;ealisc the l.iie ol poo Lcui, in (!i ; a n.h r ill laiu-. i.i i.- ti .j.i N of rcdeiiip i mi. the v...iue of whi--!i may 1 1a1 a KU!:H!i esel v a lio'n th-re. yet remain to bs asceita;ol ' , and imi 0 lintMi .yesffel JU.1 been price of huinan blood. "The'qucsf ion 1 seen since t h' we cap un-d. as to right of sovereignty ought to be! On the 23d of July, the II 1 e, .1 Immediately settled. Preferable to snph Ingram, or b tvn, arrived. Un the of Aamf, while the Columbia lay at RrownN Sound, in lat. 59 deg. 13 rain. JM , a place nauieu in nonor 01 damn 1 is-ownj Ksq. of R stoo, the llati uric, l.'ap . ; Crowell, ol Boston arrived. Capt. Gray returned on the 29th to Clio dtiot, where be roet with Captain .'Cendri. J-:, who, in lat. 4D, had I iug!it of the natives their landc .ta'cs Jtayi.:;; ni in muike II it), capper, and clotliio-r,. The ex . nt ol ,e;ii;oi v, I'uus purchased, is ii :!ui.)vvn to t!i- wri er. () i t :f Ib'.U of Sep'etn'ser, Cray atid ami. .t i hi.i' tin iilaire Kvcjviding the Crown am.ig hia datig! FUOM TIIK i'.OSTPiM flULIJ.TlN. Ore y l the teixi h! jr,o tnuu-n, ! r s the- hiuhfs honoio, hh uh t hy loved quite as wi ll rc T'7: ; i i tlx r irovn nments. J Ii, tH-MtM'3 in ft'iott, hs- been i:! nt!v a thnvitig 1 tie, that tlx ( coum, however sun nu t of t. iniH I l -oni( iiir.s . I other sections cl'g .n Territory, must be deuniul use '.!,e rrurtry hrxn irnluced to'ful, as lar as it enables tle public to v n 111 iKe l u- :ind c.y, to -get u; fi tin a correct opinion o! its advan ii"l- : i.' rcainsf 'be general gov j tners for'thc contemplated "purposes tt p ent, Irr.m h very cisii tetete(ji and operations of a settlement. In t'esue if el 'atnh' louver fwl f'urel formation 00 this stibrect is morocer ... . h- T-'hiiig at bwt i. ne of tires v. places, j Ahnhuwat. ' i'iie Ciii-J rarxd Cta ) r , 1 1' ri-M w-' r 1 d. ir-d ore ic -i t;inurt iMHl j tain, as if is t tie result pi personal rtv.utnif I." gafcf; ohs-iva(iot. The facts which con. to creel'. 1 )- t. ni -t l li:r r islit il so, : .:' IJ' fectM al ti "!;t!nn. i, v. !. do ( ii it. I Y. I ! I.-. 1 . . (). r 'I 1 1 . k 1 !'ii! ih- gt rM'U'l r: j.; , ' tv,e in w et i ml 'i 1 1 niu1 the m !l'n tb- p j If aid vl'i hmt votid sotii je?i -i -in in f t- r of tl 13 rout!, h ki v 't i g d I irt. 1 11 in t !? r i:!"" o! fh- (!i Ii. te eg'n 1 x.'e and vii 1 1 ! ft' In Ins h'triiMe nr-it'ti A tiiii pike i.-te W s a thousand t'nn- Jiio 1 i lmiiiing to bis res'nied visi t!. thi n ti e v.iido i!!s tc h t f the re M' ;.i.d s, v.,( !Mi s Knight of La -MI11 h;i. y wh.t imthori'y. H (i. mat tied- is such a trt-trendotjs powi 1 cla n c; cstablihh ie 8itit:td n Ti'rr;c(in and- 1 v. oiiltl isk g iilh itten, where ibis j l 1 did goiei i r.iei f .shall b- t empei Ud .0 etop its chariot w lie I ?". and id I ibis ! w tnnipike gte J Anoihei viy gieat sditt MTtan. giws t: fjetcl. that was ntv.i stitutc the date of the folluwing ac- count, have be. 11 derived directly 1 Ir m public documents, arid ci'her fioi pcisoual inteivicws with voya tie s nd traullcrs, ur Ir-tn their I V 1 9'iiim Iiavin'. been ryj witnees ' I tlie country are quajilied pirlly ! eu'im .le itx ( hararter. 4ud those I h hwve limited this, concur in rep raining, niai a nauon count not u; plan'cd under n mm 0 propiliou tieavi n, or in a more congenial soil. They, more than all others, express a solicitude) to the success of (h great . bjrrts of the memorial befoie Congress, during the jast session. I he i it Ic which (he TJtiifcd States have-acquired tri-thtJimtrntrjrH inr vaiunble and incontestable. It has mqmitly been investigated, and as often found to have invested (hem with t lie en ire rii;lit of sovereignty nod domain to the tenfory lying - t - 1 - uice ainar;g..;t A'miu.', which w-aVat tlm't. time, and had been from the year 177 in the or-opnixy ot bpivttlth :J?Ctd -TXii jOm o...lit; called King George's S mid. Th n. e Conk proceeded northward, pene trated as far as latitude 7. disc.ov. crtng and givjrtg naia-'s to many im portriit places. It does not apjiear thai be took formal possession of any part of the territory, not fven a m of the Floridas, exercising the p'w era of the Caotain General, anl of the Intends f 'he Island f Cu!i over the said l1 ivines, and tf-thp Governors of siirj P ivinces,' to his two Secre aries, W. I). G. Worth i"gt'n, Eq. I' r th Eastern and George Walton, Esq fir. the Wes tern I'ravirre, until the further plea sure of 'he President and Cangrew should b nsdo known, Ry act f Congress. p;-oveil 8th Ia ch, 1S22 Mi" two Province svc" united info on Territorial Govern and tw Judicial 0. !ie -nents, and William' P. Duv4l, Esq. appiia e G Vvernorj JT -seuh V. Srni h, s qT wa apjviinied Judge of Mm Extern O'-rmTtrarn n d i I m -f f- 1 r'e.k "iia iilg", lr.r) Jii'lg" if f!e V"tern. The sun ta created t,vgv!sUfiT5 . Cmneiltto which was enrinf-! the ioternal regulation of the Territfy. IV ne'in'"rs ' ,,us-('oimcil were ap;i linted by t!i? V Midftif, Iiy vk wi h flic alvico and consent f the S- mtc of the United S'ates To the Aci of Organization, there have bean virions 'nodifiVfitioris, s as to unite tin view and feelings of thn people, and to adapt the system of G irern mont as mu l as passible to the rapid advances mado in population and liu'dic i norovemcnts. iy f't -'v-eral tndilicat ions, the General Gov ernment has relinquished to tho ' hoice of t.'ie people fh - L gislature, 'ut still ictaias its cootrol over the Kce-'iitire and .In licial Departments. I' e arc thus filled at the present iae . r.rtcurivr. tt;;p'tr.viKT r His Ex eI eocy William P. 0 ivs (i ive: uor. wi h a salary r 3200 a year as Governor, an ! 2 1500 a-i sti perijitciidcnl of lodia i Xtfur-i. Willia n M. rarryt- Secretary :i ib': Territory, with a salary of Slid). jupicivL nrvrtrvtsr. Hun. Joseph I 3 nith, Jufge of to- Dis'rict l Eis' Flrrrla. Th nas Douglm, United States A'torncy f ir said l)nt-icf. be. wren the 42d and 49th narallels tk,M' i vy) publishes it, aflc. (he of N lat. I bey Hiicceeded to the stioi: h riu ;,:,(, t, jing novel ! Spanish title, which was founded on (h -e 1 fovis conclusively, by discoveries and possession. It whs 'tiw: I ibi'iirS 1.11I 1 he Aipiao and n liile g ku ng.iinst all nations, and tnand of the Columbia fvi iliiti wnH, th 1 hm i n nf'aj disputed by one until within a lew lu'tpke gHc is (Ik- nc jlus ultra (.1 y. ais. I he English in 17."0 res 3 ttiiimi govtu nii ic. '1 his gen- pected it and treated with Spain for n ai ..ipenks f-onicwbat iH u te-'ecrtain privileges on (heir coast. neiduo, into tno.j ti ay tiiat cr t io op.'.ni i tN bH n.u th?re, c -n-vcrting ihera to oh ii'ianily, tint Ii1 ji'j'.l vertral th4-, and nnny.iif thir cliil.'.reii had been hiptized. ta tlx -Z'Mu Captrtiii O ny re turned to CUoqa-at for winter quar lers; erected a tprt called Defiance, and placet! in it four cumni, f iHy muskets, and several blunderbusses. In March 1792, he left CUoqu t, ren l!:ine h el ween latitudes il and' and on the lltli of Ma v. while sail 49 N; ing snug to the coast, he .Use tveredl Watpra Smith, Marshal In 17S5 the Americana commcn- and entered the great river of the ced a series of discoveries, cxnlora-J wear which he named after flic ship tions and possessions, which gave to j Columbia. Vane Mirer, who at this ihiir rountiy, a clear title to the tcr- tinr was at N'o iika, receiving from ito.y in rjucstfon. At this time ' Captain Gray iaformatioti of this Rndi tcks, a ciuzen of New! river, sent his first lieutenant to our. Y " k, rli '-vered the Oregon Kiver ! v y its m uih. Ill;'ie to, no En. In 1737. Insanh Ram II, Ciiutot gluii n m had seen this beautiful ri Hat' ii. Charles Rulfiitch and oilu r.H.i ver. The Uoited State'., in IS03, all ol llosfon, planted a voyage ol . otdored an expedition, nnd'T the trade and c'i .eovuriea to the North 1 cnn nand of Captains Mei riwcitlier West" Coast. For f'.is purpose they Leis nd William CI rk. to ex.i re fitted out two vesctMs; one a shin olj the MUsouti to ill 3 ui i 3 and r!ie ah Mil 250 tiiw, tailed tlie Ctd.m.hiaj C'dunibiii from iis souv;- ' to the P Ucdivioa ; the ofhei a sloop of lUOjcilic Oeivin. 'They t a k a fwinai tons, called the Washi gtoii. The potgssi'n ofiliis r:Tr, aid built a coniin ind of tbse vese!s was given it? uiowth f irt Clofsop. The candid to Captains Joltti Kcndrick and must admit that England has ha in H diert Gfayv-respeClivIy,- who vested right in thu Oreg n country, sailed from I he port of Boston on and Miat Ainerica, aside from the the first day of October, patj onised! purchase of France, and the deed of by Congress, and the State of Mas- Spain, has d ine enough to consuro sachusetts. The Columbia arrived! mate her title, unless she has yet to at Noi tka Sound on the 16th ol Sen-, uurcbase of the Indians, the lords ...... .. i . tembcr, 1713 I he Washington ' tisiy nl l 1 w, as w li as ol tin. pike pair; it one were. to ;t; .!;e In m bis cnrrpoi mn t. when I he active and ''enterprising com roandeis of the Spanish nation, from a pem u soon alter (tinr uisc vey arrived soon after. While at tit ib place these vessels exchanged their masters, and Gray look the com- . and sailed from Clioquet for Canton on the 31st lion. Henry Vl. Rreckenridee, Judge of ho District of West Fi ari da. R. D. Wright, United States At to'Miy. dam G anion, Marshal. I n. Tin ms Rind ill, Julgo of , the VI t '1-11.; District. Ja nes G U trggold, United States ittorney. Alexi idcr Ad;r-, larshiL, II n. Ja n 's Webb, Judge of tin i titherti D 'sprier, V William A. M'llei, United Statea V r iey. Henry Wilson, Marslnl. The Judges receivo a salary of St500, and flifl AtNirnoTs '''l Mir slur. f2:)0 an fees. The vthole of tho-'T s vlai ies a:c paid by the Uni ted S Hf.'M, If will hero he observed tint s raoiJ l. n been the growth of th ) i'ci ; i'o' y, as to requi e an addi tion of twi Judicial Dj)i!mmts, . . . . and original promietot s of the forest. I l ' i'l' n-J b? proiecteii in MEvIORIALISr J all th ur rights. I he Legislative Depirtinenf i t'wni Uie l-nt Fl .n l i lernKl POLITICAL ORGANIZATION OF FLORIDA. co npostd of thirteen members, !i.f. cd by the people, wh 1 tn?ot in C "un ci! at tho scat of tho Territorial likewise, a .part ef the officers and crew of two Rritish vessels, which had been captured far the reason ef their having been found in the wa- iii li t; 1 d vt m sj t(t ibt. had lic'td the new world, lill 173V, weie 1 ters ol Nootka Sound trading with I' ' t. Ill Ci S. : .1.(1 th 1 il 1 i;:s. he w 1 u)(l ha LV ACllliicST, to liaf-fro aloni tt'e'imrt hn-vrver nt t he rosrtf nVmro fiettletiu'tit ntlti!SIr of July, 17S5), carrying what lurs! Florida, as n-.w bounded on the Government on the second Monday had b.en collected, aad catryingi westby Iho I'enluM, on me nonn uy ; in vi 1 .o,r bihumiij j a n nvoon - 1 - . . a . I I I " -7 - A 1 1 I . . . . Alabama and ucargia, on t.'ie cast 1 wn;ic in s?ssion; e;ir,n, mrro i by the Atlantic, and on the south by ! m'c day, cm a cominsati n for their (hi Gulf of Mdx'cn. bacame a depn j service, fi om thu United Sta cs. drncy ol the United States, by odirial j When t'v (1st Council asso-iMed at tra.,Bfnrs. on he lOlh and 17th .1 ilv. L t'enssc di i- I S J. (be wlida Fer- 11 . t. tinny olinaviga'ing and c ling the Wes- the natives- The Spanish suujec s 1S21. under the direction of General , rXorj cooste I l f . cointiea. bctr. ter i.'Occ'n without a r.vnl. It is no" for fifteen years baa maintained a Andrew Jackaot.. who then h-ld a h the 1 divid I tnt f mr, sml ni 1 along tt:e(pnrt howryer ol the r"reict design : settlemctil at.lhis'phce, Don F.s cummission aft G-jvcrr-npef th ' IVov- th rrj tra" ' cMry vi sm. di- t . ""-J'i'T" i"IM.WkWS. ..Win 1 u-iv unmtr- - u. -" 1 1

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