..j , wit- , ...fc, - ' Will reeosbbFou .- "Wr 4k.. a' 'alladMin. 'UlEF.XSBOROUGn V. C SATURDAY APRIL 18. 1829 (NO. 5f. k C II' At .. r i i. . ... ,i .......... ...... i . r ............ t .i . in.L I 1 . f r.... ....!... ... i. u ,i. 7' jE" uuiirnru nun'; j J' I HilvilK I II lirin m Mir; Ttt-i)nl?'r STU.VGE, fine I'J house at 'lie head if Pearl lSee ,prs per annum, payable within s' reel, fccupitil by the late Franklin .i from the receipt of the first a k, or (lie other spacious mnnsion in UrondwH), now Ihinker'rt Motel, for lie lived in both, and in bthl on hs n very plain soft wc are unable to di-tcover it atnids' AUu jrt we 'egret on aoroant f to mtt their ronfidenc advanctr ,. that lim. qjj'.o be il'iNContinuetl until l arrctr- V e pa;J, unless at the option of the r; n l a failurf ti notify a liv.ontin w ili be c 2f.ii! e red iicv fKe- thc Nmoke. the Renublir 'hat you rould not c m It is impossible give partirylas timiein Iip presidential office another amidst the; confusion which is every term, yet, no doubt, nn exemption where rtigninc. Many buildings from the rarcs o fffice. and 'he en are injured, and many we kn"v are joyment. of the tranquility of private not. Our neiehbors. like ourselves, life, arc infinitely desirable. Were his in a very few instances bena with drawn, while 'hat of wh'l sutes which had judged les favorab' be fore, has been geoe ously yielded to me now. Of these. New Jersey her self is one, and permit me to avail ... ..I. I L n i l? mveti tbem into. ISroan-strcei, anuji uange nas ueen euecieu, as ooain Iiat mav U" ronsiiJered eqwal to aino g'iod, either to the well govern- uuration ol the LCcpublic. nvpn m mercy aver: mtici .MTr.rmFrxrw, rve for oir dcJJar, and $5 rents for eve- ry furceedi' jr nublica'ipn; tltone nt grea isitort liitn." The Evrninpj Vmt at',1. that : evert tltinj relalin.n to this greM ' jt.j,.,) ,f city. Ins been destroyed,, men: or rw;r interest id jr. we irentiui no au'd th;t !rt of it e.bove an;! in !ie May fT:1 ; nrcrdote of a later il'ite which ha 'iinni-nia'e heiffhborhood of tin' ni;r j u!ed evils' been related t t:s by cnJ atitfjorir . kV-tt eiu.i .i . o.j i'i active tr aiiing! In '.Uiu espresjinj; onr regret that Valipgon attended the inanura- p'lrrion of the grocery business, lion of the rider Adattifr, in the aitn(ife f Tlie 7 --i hin l"'let saved with fr Irnc-t in ".lie same proportion Let-; 5-". , t n-v iv. 11.1.117 , . .... r...w U!. t0 the Fciitcr wst he post pnid. 1 "Bl '.M-i:ru ujj in me ri.ui, uui u- ivrrai liraes on UTC sujocanng hMu oieecnes aud while fot;)nl D.iors. ; is the smuk?, that-the lower cjhI ol He had t;evrr before shown h:ms-ll ; tlie city cannot be .rinited it feiBi ii .! ,t.. K'-h. Vi.iL- T-;rpniif i r t o- f t descrii) " H"af rf Jnvp,n't1C,,, 1:1,1 14 ,0 he lesig'ird to a fte which CHiuiot ; raenceU : n the contrary, wc know lY't. 'W h Honing extra u j mi(j,arv l)rirfi,.m r ; a fuij (Jre. . ,J8 Cl,n -r, ,1 jcl The fire in thai part ! we best cypres ycur seotimpnts r.d V)U " fih?lZh?r nfhh ! ,1 !',,t!in! "n hew,re;isyctunc:;inVJ:J.d. ' reciprocate yr.,,r feeling when we ::in I"" o! Jnc 1 r u . ' nt...., bit t,ti, .. it, nf r..r :., .1 !.,. ,v'.rw! 1 44V. w.? hone r!miiii4!i a:i,o will . ,. ,f.-cem tr w 1 n z ns!.t, it seems a if the I ve nud th sW,;e tlut we arc hlo to are, More th.ia tlu best li.;;.'fi f hiv ITU,-, hi i "fi in i fit- Tii-itii:n h mi ill's m trp i ictinp u f ra crfn" I m ai i ""iiu.it mm iiim i-t.i i ' 1 v (Ka "On tnc ant i to- " ;ed ten fold. iNcither the splendor l. CM.fi ac-atinn i and v -.a.MM ti.A y . rr m nri i i k . . toni House wnn c uif vum ; ; - tt.(l rava its trioute 10 ine ! e City Hall, coremanding a view -,r the wide and winding synue ot J5: d itief. Here is a species of btcry in the eewnd sto. y of the t'uildig. Rucl a?!; i ie Italians call a oi'jjifl, mean in its materials of wo.d bfi. krbu! fvleni!M;intIie tiate ;:tul prponionagienit tvthe arch irert I.'Enfart. the itiv.ugtjratmn .l tbr"'i'Vcf Mgi-tra'e ot '1 L'uh t Vas Fdniitti-f-iMl by Clinncli.. t n'n irtiMi t ashii-.eton the fir ; ( I i i 'iiiiin's I" fl I ! t.oi'f'n: an i.'.numeiable ai:d ru '. , ;nv. ol ctiz. i.b in'in-ly caz' t p tin uus' ( ctcir.i i.y tin ungi d 1 1t- j f.p: i.-tiH streets in fVon!, a.l fiiled j .A utet-l fmni. Will r.iM sut'tttnj llrtutwav.-.- Hli:)0 'tiie l'reijH4- th foreign f,atbas d r tinctioti with whl- 'i the lost every thing after they had re- j g"ct, tio, the manner in which the; myself of this occasion to extend to the whole of ber pure, unsoulnstica ted tr-i!y Renublican and intelligent p tpula'iori, my hrt felt thanks f ir that nupporr. Let mc add, that in ona of her native sons, I have found, as an assistant in the arduous duties of my station, a nun with a heart as pure as it is given to humvi natare r p isiess, with a mind capable of those conceptions which lead nations to th pat'js of storj, with a promp. tituda and cnigy of action, which disappointment cannot discourage, or the infirmities of disease duress: Tlie N.vyof this Union will re oera. ber hi;tj Nor is it, I trust, rmirujes to withhold him ng from j ucioation in the liiglrst C'lU.icils.... perceive . cicsi;(g anu accuricg muivnuiu , 01 on c -jerry, i need n ti say it is tin j ine Hi-iioso to who n your enelosej ie-ters wete Mitd'esirij, you have not been continued fa office another term, and cir regret at the mr.nncr in which the change hns bo n e(u!;!tcd ; we would not b n;id'rstooo as condemning the Administration of General Jackinri, before it has corc- i .wapiti le spiertdor im r-ir.li tgi-ation ; anJ wc peri rive, ucm, iu fc. iuiu,; muni iua not this j s ending, from thn pcrulia'rity flf 'lt'ir happiness anl conifrt, wiihiri tin Chies Mai is .:oatioiis Dr. Anthot.v'.-J and M.-.j curistiluiional power of the Pfesiden ' iS'Hi t I) jnlu t'n ii'H"j, tn fi. opo-i't- ! v ,-ers of v'ciiiresli c c. where it crosses Green. tracy of the Union invested 'he n President, could divert from htm Hip public attention but for a moment. All eyes were fixed upon him even during the ceiemuny ot the inaugu ration, and silent and attentive as the- crowd were, he could hanlly move without exciting among them an au dible murmur. When the ceremony was glided, Washington left the p tv' ot d;s!!rg:iH!i('d a.i:l -Itiiai per "in- iya:ds ab.ve the Hrw agps who surrounded Mr. and withdrew to ,s private Tlu- !i.!( RiuHitci'i ri'l rnn ct, d u!'"iiuJ b pot ii K'joi-M-oM ly lii Tt. The tithar is '(jiully worth of the With beat wi-bo--, fir your i:id;vi.l-l 'iotrr in which you have associated ua! h-iij);ne,s ;! tlmt of your family, !nm wifh ra? by vour letter . Upon Iiel.T.v. on ro:vl scree'. Mrs.! we beg leave repectiu ty to suj-i nut turn Mie ! iw -sf slanders have bcao Rirretl's and'Gen. Mnntgo-Ttery's, anil a few small homes on the same sqoire have been saved. i NVo arc infirnjod G"P. Holt's home on t!ie river bok. is saf.'. All hitu nre in ahes, for fiftv ab )v-c Adams. ' cornet esJi:i..i'e s o ourselves, y 'Ur juow cmw.i. UORERT LKK J. C. G All I'll VV VI i'S, JOHN SIHJFWELL. Committee. ft liwaj, N. I. M i rh i iSi'J. i . 1 1 , . 'i L l.t :i iccJa!;i.t;ui!H. Tdf fi r.oiirn l 'nt-" ? pro, ' y, i;nr tl;e amount of d-s'ress tn. !i : h:n eii!hile.d oil the Oil i : i floe; tiiiu; to (Mine. lVD lowiT'ii -Hr i'tiirn! on Ilroud-sM ret, ant! ui r hit nor: er on tin- n'li r u'; ti s ;;c wind cI:h:i' "t, til-' u'.o.iiii i ln i li ter iod grp 4 --Uv Whi!ii j hrrt -ht-r?m ';rrif :r-f htrb'irrr - fa her.i ol the ration, Il&rnmn and I f xhaustion, we sit down to rrnni Ri:.. wi.d tlie elder Adams, and ll.c , th-tnos- awful cata-ttrophe whhh J . ni.iikii' a tut lnniirnt .lntittnn. ntut ! t, .fniun ililu iliv IT ni.nr iltttittuii nw t-.....!..! luu . iifi.i i hi uil'i iirti I1IT.MJ. II 'IMil ;i n u it d (, the c :tv w:il I" i; v. ; l vn'iKtfce o! a mm 'ot- tTfll! ; I' 1t- (Mti.'-lH of Ktfi' X iV Mold: --x. in N "V liv-ey. I'-H'iir n'-. "; : I !::tvc receive:! , i -. i i r v v k'-.n !;?.!' :( ! i ; Ii iot'. iV' i'ft-Mi i ! -':il! of tiv ':'!7.'"ts Ir "r ivtroti ti-" ' v:U rvT.'. -iiid Tv:tdr t-i V- ; nh-twercd. Lone kno.vu and annre- ! a a frd. rs successively a rae:nber : ill io"sps of your Nation rtl'Legis Ictu: -', r.'j i'ic unrivaled Soeiker und, at the stnic time most efficient lea der of debotcs in ono of them; as. an" atile and s:i"ccssful npofint .r for j kkf.mi.u. i your mter-sts, in war and peace, "' Siior- villi forei;-ti powr. ani s a now- ifi! ciruli l tte hr thf liig'i st of v i r trc-it. f lip Drpartrrent of 'it; i M;!f was a station whit:h, by irs l. i'o vr.l, co ild w.f-r neither p o'it n r Ii m. r upon him but upon vo- ii oe 'in Plied nnfudiiig honrir ly the mano'T-ifi w'lich fie uh riu LlUrrih. Bi'u bhemv.oi nf CtT) nri ticut, ni;d Utinton and ChhT Jus tice Mot tis and Dunne New Y k, arid Uoutlinot of New Jctsev, nd Ilu lctle'of S Carolina, and kss conspicuous in person thnugl lost every thing bt:t ti e nsateiials of " i . i . . . . our oiurc, we Kn-v ni io sym i4- tise with ur fellow-ritizens, mny of whom are irett ieva'dy ru5"rd. About h tlf just two o'clo. k fids afternoon, o Fire was discovered in fornii'f.t in fame, t e Virginian the. Ui tenement row n Kliis-street, MiitHaon Then too sto d the. most kuoWi.as iMcMuI1cds buildings bc- ( vt ret;(Uf the clergy of New York, lomrins; to the Stale Hank. They the i iH-rj.blc Dr. Rogers ol i i;e i were so completely enveloped in Vus!y:t nun chui. m- wise and ;rtm before means to extinguish the j c0.Jlmitt,.c. lull . ai;d persui.MiM I) . M 'f -i.nr e'crient could be procured the iv, W'i'Hl; Ie-d'gi.i:i:'fJ Hi'- i ;it, r ui); vvi' t w t a v v i nd -n .irT"rn-r--rfirfrii ;rkT r.i -rrrr'etf tirv rmtfei;-; ' ' Pi'Pjil-lice " ana""" tii- seitiini,- . s ,u iu c p! ;...! 'o' p ssion Iikvc ciia'ged him wi h ob- Jrcsed t ) Mr. Ada:ns by :i Ci n mittee appointed by a lar;je nir-ting of tht: citizens of Essex and Mid dlesex counties. New Jersey, as sembled on the 4th of M.irch la-n, at the Peace Ta vera, in Jlahwav, with the renlv of Mr Adams. Let ters wete address : 1 at the same time to Mr. Clay and Mr. South ard, ard replies received by the' Ufe ;! . .1 .:.! ' .1. .. ......1. ... it., a - i;i iico vvitii ujf in i nc , y- " i' pi.iistration of he gt-nera1 .t'. (5 :'!.. by bargain and . rt.-.iirA vim mi fnlL.tir- i 1 ci-'i rc.is. in (he ,c9nce of our cun Mr.1 "7 od of Heaven; 1 pron-mnce that CIhv and Mr. S iii'li.tnl, et.rlosed m! chrg2 t ta!ly unfounded. This tri- y tuj'i to me, have beeu delivered to hote of justice is dao froai me to "th::in. 'm' a d I sciza the op;ior;!inity af- I ii a fi- Ii'i!ilif, the first wish! forded m ; by yur letter of discliarg. ffovcii. men. Tlie letter t i raMt iUc D-. (itos.-of the ( hu;chis. Uick ol th se h"" d vnurg' r iiien, niitce scarcely It-is il iuslrioiii ban lhe elder siari-sniro i have men; 1'iirtd' Ames, wiul C'.tjbo. ai;d GovnnenrM oi i ts, majestic and gthiioi in frpite -f iiis wnoden kg. jJu why fdioidd I attempt to de scul.:: this grat occ.ision by words? I lU'!y. looked tver the p it folio nt a in ft und " bunion", nd found, otnoi.g wviM) "ether fuse things nker-hrs which piiMiit sctne xiviiily io tin i )e, with the IVaiuics of the great men win figured on it, and their (unums r.ud attiludev, fulIi as he hm.stil b-.-heid them. 1 wish sotr.e loily iuid employ him to paint a side nt of Viz United Stales. Sin: V oom ier of vour fflluw J of every msti invested with a public trusfj should he, by the f.u ill fill dis charge of his duty to his constituents, to deserve, and the second t; obtain, their approbation. For the first, dpendinQf ns it t cs upon his own will, he is ri'sii niuble to God and his country. For the second, depending as it d ies vm lire will of others, he can he m farther rciji msible than! t;:r.. i n-s ion w a' v a i r: . P , . , . . nri.ii..! Ir. 1 M l .Mm. .fi!,i lJ..vl, j,. ml It-nl ' JOHN t'''1'' .iu.v3, uul iu. V m- . m- .- ail' I ( . i VI l.l 1 1 J li'O OI'M O Jll aod fhe te itntd Dr. K ihv , ai.d lb. In;,--rj all the daV. Olowivc from he mi;M,v M. :n i,. direr tjuo of fir ik;! Stiei t. Tin f.rc so n found itj way to liroiMl ' i'lrns ol tic .mi - .! Iva uf.d , by the pet ' lir.iatsce of his du'ics. As s repf. sw.'fi'i. tr rntiidiY to n. cast, t X3idd!esex. in f'te Sinte ol iScw I i - till i; c, vi in! in fid-i:e tli r Mm !i t, I ev. crtefui f r V"r i .. . .....-,. ?:...!... i. t' . ..., I . :...!; l..ii 1 1. 1 ' i uvdue anu ail tile loo i ol ',U 10 v. jn'c ,Jil' ' ' ', var n 111.. mi.j ui-iui.-. 1 : i i mi j I. - : -I 1. . . t. .. ,. ' , .. .,,1 , :i ..o . I . . .1 . f ' ... .I.... I.tr ml,,,.!, li. n , ,1 llv re :. r 1 : of a I resident of the i vires! IJ'.ite.l S : -wv or lenn of ser. It 1 1 1 . 1 . 1 ! . houf-es, and those in thtf hoad. It w.is stooi.cd u! Uiirnon's 1 nrinciplcs h;we t; iverned y,.nr tj'in of .nil rii'iuhbfr the purest motives ninl most ptli:ot;c he oomiim, hy which th; appi'ob.itinn . i - - - - on - of Ins le!!w.citi'.: mis. uoo.i his sn-v i- linck bodding. No. on the South side -l Croaikstrect,' a'; I i!i: IJiidge uk UiiiKlins on the Noitli side. From tlie last to the river, on b I'h stilus of Centre street, leading to the Hr-id?, nearly opposite the City Hotel, to Green stnet, not a UuU34' that we'rcmrmbcr, has ejeap ed 'he roufiagraiion. Goofs and furniture, carried into Br ad stmt writ dcsir ed ar read- nobi . ;CtU:e, Mich as he is capable jily s if ihry had been in thu stores of . d'.i ing, on litis iii'giiificent sub- aod douses. Not one dollar in i lie p id-. ol a New Yoi ker, hundred escaped t His articles, that iin hc.irgj f a pteti'int, the ambi ! t he owners vainly iiuagiried 'hey had 1 .1 U t . I IO! Ql t I, .. . r. M . I tlViJ UI on fillip nnu lit I i tul ( v U .u,s ui this itit irs'it'g irrcmony. mm Ii t-uH live in his memory, would nig i he -bliaii m. Of my motives for tenderins to him the D 'uriment of State when I did, let that m .n who questions them come f.rwa; d. Laf him ik r uod among Sistesinen and Legislators of this natioiand ifthatihy. Lt him then select and nurac the til ,i wh'm, by his pre eminent tale its, by his sp.endid services, by his ard m patriotism, by his all embracing pub lic spirit, by his fervid eloquence in belialf.'j,!' the rights and liberties of m i kind, by his long experience io tnetfiw s f tnc Union, foreign aod .1 tm stic, a' Piesideot of the United Si !. intent only up w too t uior : -I w.di'tre of his un ry iuj;1i, to 'uve preferred to JLIenry CJay. Let do t through a l:ng course of pn'slic ; cei, can be ascertained, it is .in object life, cannot consent to let v.nti ',oss of ho'l-ihli' asnMj'o'i, and of blame into retirement wiihotn sorne piilic' ss uc-i.e. it it cannot be -ihiaincd expression of the kind feelings they ! !y pnb!ic service alone, th. duty m ; hi-ri nutne 'ho mm, aud then judge . ....... .. 1.1.1 . . " . ...... l .i. i ! . .. r.-i. : . : . r o i. uijr ien inv.ciiixt.is, oi my ino- tr N r n;i I orm ovrr Ibis op .o' ii. ni:y, witlioul o.T.srmg a congenial' ri'i.tte of jo'ii'ice and of gratiude to ;!j.s' other einine t aod vir'u ns biina iiie him to tl . it ample justice. enter aio towards you, nnd the l;oj' . jh hc v.;it w.oh.is thus h'! d that !h e vrhlng of j or Jy Mt-iy o'ht.in th nporubation ol ins -,: . -u-t,t be passed in thq enj yineut d that is, ( iicei i uiiy to nrquiu -. j t i U trauquilily whic'i is only the lot ol ! expression of their will by 'a ' ; -: ' i: Hie good ttnd tllat you m.iy roniintiH! is d riicd : ai;J caloily to a-. if i:i it to witness your country in the oi- final jndeinuit upon his pnbl l session of that rational liboity, and hours ami aoiiraions which sp'Mlts ' ci'ir is nln heii united with that prosperity, public and private,1 u the i;i; ja imI voice of after nges. ! ;no in ihi ner.'oroianc" of my pai'ifu!, which yourse'f and your father, mj In the recent expression if lhe will h:i 1 will n t Hsy th.t i'cIss laouurS, conjunction with a numerous band of of tho peop'e of iln; Uni n, wi h re 1 to k ft 't ne of the n from Hie cir patiiots and eages,. hayj:.untrilmtcd '- gard to the general Admioistratiou, cic though I It-ave evey one of ;li ,a sgreattyto establish i it has been coasofatory io inc tn ob-! asnong tho ilea est of ny .ipi sona! In thus conveying to you our as-: serve the laig'j and respect a bio mi-1 friend intdst all the diffi nines, sutanccs of respect, and our regret; (ion of them, who. though not com- diHCoinug incuts, and troiibics which thatyourouhl not have been contin j posing a majority. l the whole, .ye; ; have 'attended my administrali tn it ued in oflice another term, we beg comprised upwaids of hail a iniiuon has hsen never failing Houreo of leave to say fhat our approbation ex of xufTrages and proclaimed by those coiui!)lati o to me, that internal bar tends equally to all your Cabinet fli ' suffrage Uieir appj obsfioii of y ; in ny has been more perfect than That cc, H. In them we had entire coufi-1 humbie but lai hful efforts to seive of any othci administration which toitnai and ' liiidge llank and Bignnu's - ii'iuse. t dence. and much tegret that, uurcou..- mycuotiT. It lias been pet uiai y ' ihii roQni.y have ever wii nssod.' :c and n j.uo landliom Green liireei io the rivet , ; try must lose the services of such gratdul l me to pamive, that the Of (he qualifications of tnx 8ecretiry- saved 'r in their bl-ritug dwellings. While we arc writing, tiie ragmg clement is progressing eastward, aod tint line out want Of materials to " VWshti gt n afterwards received iconr-ume, seems likely to tct ruinate the visits and c.ingrMtulaiutis of fiis its progresn. 1 1 is already at the oui -yuien at an . f eittoon levee, a lower end f the town, and and if a ecu', iv wliii Ii vr.tH hen thought single house-has) escaped from toe by umi ) smut w ii court iik. for out suit; lican manneis, though now it would (down to the lower end of tho City, i able and patriotic Citizens i''pron of tV'e who l.ti-! extended , of '.he Treasury, p h3 wn o. -.-?. .

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