x"' ' M . !.. ..tv.-:, aUma ' -Tin at man ilil. porf upon fh- f.nance, rctDpa.cd tended to themV .".-:. irtlheMV!frloll.e vttbfbfase of irii' prfdeecssnis; With rfKrJtotljog0rprebfnHiojps !a wears, the buildings tnat sntnci. rei tbe payment cf thirty three nil of f.,fuie evil which your solicitude bun, the air, perhaps, wiucii. ne ,rwr . .. i-i .. - - i .n - j..... i......n., M.f. itiist that files around turns oi me puuuc urn, uurinfc me mr me wenat : i your cognuj unpn., "... -ftur years of his agency; W Main. : inspired, in locking forward to the bis Lead, the solid earth that I;.- mi- V 4 i 5l pYckisiocj. 'TWi irto be hoieO Wend and Iho cefiiahn of ils t4,j ted j but vc fcaf it re, in nomcmies. The g'iod wk hai mm.n. . ... . 1 irinilv in .?mir,i-.fi,.n nl' mv oi.rrpKi r. It Uer bta ftjet. all UIB iJiains BI.U diarbarRe of all Me duties uf un bomes me pcrhnp only to ay, animals it nourishes, are but w ma . m ..,;!. 1 1, AM .im,ui t .i.... r i ,nr,nn. n v LTuinw (tr masses l anfiMcu DC- 1 k0.hiii,.nri,..n.'in..P.nr.. ,u P,oui,i-; ,.f hp i!ii! intra: thut inijttcr au far honi being doctor, or clergyman, and contnb -fcf urbanity of bii mannrrs and the: Star-, the favur , f the peajde ia an inert or dead, w preguant with un uus m bwtil the number in these courtesy of his deportment, to the iustri.mcnt of beneficent power, more extiuguiab-blc life in a!P Us forms,: proleasiona, which have now become innumerable claimants upon the' nofent than an imm iit.1 acrptn-. tnat Hie wboie, in M'.n. m inciwiy i so mica in eery pan 01 mc iu.. trv'jtnut out two crd, andwitlrtho blesHin-; of ' Gt.ii vi'dl g' on until America, bo I tRrr' fettered by foreijm nionopoly. (,i)V' mikt his son a professional man, become ail 'thafits founders intenilhi degree i-ut ot the natprc of our in stitutions. Every man, however humble hi fortune, it 'desirous to . . . M .. . aod for thifl purpose gives him an i mUepondcnt h) the luilost siiifira. education proportionate to his lini- Un oi the teni-depeinjeni h, ittd means He becomes a lawyer, I If!t m wvll ai ihgjfer doctor, or clercvman. and contrib-1 liner irrasurv, who have approached him Hut it is in tie fortunes of r.:i i oi.k. alive, b wc re noi.iutg aner an io tie ewresslv ' years tbrmigh nd especiaUy u the iinpfveinKnt ol out a,. coni.:ueruinH " "8 Vtthlcb, but for the intervention of their condition, tht the history of inserts; and whrn .wo have gaz"d disease, he baa been absent from his ihnir Ueii'lactor"must be traced. It face and pouting hps, Office not ft slngla day. 1st these he in in the svh of plenty t!iis history , we hnve, seci and lvetf only the most 'ho (kfifiite tcsti. Descended from uiuit be r-d. If in tlie rcfonn of lieauHM modification of somo o! .ps'rnils of whosa character, b h abuses which have escaped the ii . "obc millions of auiffiulculjc, vrhicli public and private, Pennsylvania arid lnce .f my observation, the I'rcsi- wa live urn! breathe, and cat and -r. w JirHtv have caual leasrt! to be ''dent of the United States sba'l n- drink, and tread u;mn. It nny-be roud, well as he sustained and does' troduce nore of deeper coiis.;fiencrt, j true, f-r wc feel our tin U rreep when Sustain the honor of his won.-. His and of more alarming magnilud I ; w" of il. We should veiy An ices and his friendship to inV shall, myself, te r-ady to mingle in : ntwh iil.e to know if the t,id, s: oi tiave teen n.tstimablc, and in par- tho vmac of gratulation ntthc deepr been usclul and prosperous as me. chanics. f.mnen, or manufucturtrs, become mere prescriberi of pills, or Ioinent'ers of village rciuiioii,v and arc re i(tr to seize upon iiny thing th4t will yield the r a aopport. Manv, again are brought u; with out tcjdra ?r Drolf-ssions. li-.icl a In t!.e PcpaJtrrcntoi War n!onc,i be vshsted upon trifles, undiscer nable , w finoi?il(J "V1 uo1m ,u,e ,easl "I' life of dissipation and extravi ? mce, i-iivtuAil if it'hiln tun liana liAon iniln f . . . to the eye of posterity, or cc spent , i" w" " . are reduced to want, and rusii to . . ... . . . . . I. !... . i i : ............ hirmpn i! trr"Milfl "mi'sM llntr iiern mm i conuuenu uuai nun j'tiieu auon or uiuic vim. 11:0.1 i.it a 0 u winch shai! diocera me latent ueic'ct c i n liquid in the irviddle of a rock, is or u:ni an- ere are 1001c fi.-rp fsnrirrs will not be lust to ?he sacuci-v trbis Wive eta?rf or of I and u i nly ho corrective remedy,, things in heaven end earth than ar, he Unioo. I Should the promise of icform itself ""ant of in our philosophy, and than are into can ot.ri.tio moie bjre subsistence. Trj.es fished in Vir6iniadrtl4ti:i. ; r;.v idential c.inva-s, anuV ;vftu'" ( r,"ft hte neg tiations ljv v , desprsed, and all that cm. rush huia and riiiscount h the learned nrofessions, as more tcn lY 1X,r- TV.ewell,,.if, rl: . 3v" Penteel. and more likclv to lead to' been published in Londoi'.u,. . J'r" honors and distinctions. In a few lc form, probably through ' ; years bitter disappointment takes. 01 v,dl'ld' at..(, is, i.U(;st:r the place of visionary anticipation, i Cat0 British sideof ths;.j,njj..'. and many ot these who mirht have1 so pointedly they are-, tb,d L " did v. eUange take place of tlie f rhon at its head, during !! ir,n;rcs.s ol "fry a'niinUtration. It wns at fus conferred upon a citizen ! Vi'girin. fmp possefisrd of the highest r;mu der.ee .f ;4ht great and honorable i injury by the clisng :1Mn,,fi.,llui,1;.aiiM,,.ofhcartbeisveonlinS',,'8 belief (hat we. ere a rrasona 11,0 if:romUnl and' the expertant fj able and tbi.kn being, with V'J. .,ffirial;nmluin.'nMl ths nation v jP Htobs organs, and dimensions,'' we little bei.HU btid ndler litile . e?i,y ""um,B uurc T -rt lU'ie Kno:. or a cucnmi.er a iat- Washington- for1 office. tion of the British lo'M given rise to varioispji 2 both sides of the At!j tic, fro! proihiuility that Mr. TaB.-vell vl 1... . j . . . 1 utaucu vo reprea r.t m& cj)ul "v 01 jaint-3, ni if final settlement. Mr. 'f'a-Vl would retreat with a f-ad grac fr;r.4' thpnsiriocs taken in Sencx by4 vyrrc url cncs.B r), is better judgment, tut w;re rr'iiy t eio.iv Cnrrmonwealth. Her tronrnor. in . 0 mm -j during the lae war ; her Senator at - the Yurie hen I invited bin) peptide over that DfpHt tment. - I)e had I;t n a vaim supporter of one ofmy com petitors it jhf election ; but his oppo sition to rnehad been that of a lib crhl and horoiabJe mind. His fu'fd toent of the duties uf if e Department iulM justified the confidence I had Trip fit.l.ln - hiw ; and he recently left it enly far the most important 6f our missiors abr-.d, in which he ii r.ow ably, aud faithfully main lain'tig the honor and interests of ' A:r country. Hi successor was a citizen of JSew York, als! l ilily diatlBguisticj iK i"."o kiia native State and ,j the Union pUuf the root ol wiii'-.h will strike j hirh wc ate dispod to pr. lor t. occupied as vantage ground, inlh The trite Jdimnishclion.Zlw party struggle. tJ effect the discmn tribute paid by 'Mr. Adams to the fitureofhis political 'opprinents-tr merits of ibe meinbcra of his cabinet, the Adminiitration. Gcj. CoUriir, m his Icttir to the i.iizeus of. New iv.M impend iih fracraitco to the ! W of suchhorild motiaters lis he l r m ;r, K ffeIioefJo ;(8 o,,,!,., ,j GOVKliNOiiS-oivNOuni -caol!:;.. nkietr. With vou, my ctrtmtrymeh. ! ' acfu.u-.ce we -w-rr 't- ' juhTTIIs Concepiriij of"t fl.e n.irriJrs " oi uiu M8te iroin the ortarrrtn tf its- vrvernmrnt to ttju jv.-eat lime, with 'ie !qte .otihdr iirpj-uitn.c.r 'i!innft to J'.o, and urfiv for ' 11,110 J Ar- ""!' "f ' ' ! u-er a-.d fal.-'ntt ol the d'stinfrulshed ' II...... . .,.'. KJ T.iim tull .'. .. .. w ,t ; to extend to the mhr.inH ur- ,,rinv" ". .-.. uuin, ... M..,iivu!uais to h.rn it rcf-fs. It H,w;au.cnip'J3eu oi wi.tnmm u . w-uU; he evhiCinc; a Iota! iffn .rarce t I am the best tration everv reasonable induls which ih?y may need, and to gin them credit for every good deed they may perform (or the proinoli m oi the geneial welfare. Accept, gcnlletneu, fury ourselves and those whom you respect, I lie respectful salutations of your friend aod fellow-citizen, JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. Washington, ilA .VsircA, IBM. Jemarkable Phenomenon. L-)ii;x'iiu, iAi.; juarcn c pi . 1 i.j have lust cooverseia wun 4 (rentic 1 iwirtitH man from Cumberland County, who i aiert 1 rolljliil I . . 1 . .. .11.1 .f party sj.mlihal of d.'rin- ;4.pttd to rt.e polMcueaf of M, V " The following o''tice from the author of the Lite ot Culumhui, One f the members ' presents an appeal that his country 1 men will not, we ar sible to. If therr meet of (his wo: k uf tli t Congress which vindirsted the traduced h'ltmr and spirit of the nxin lv ihe declaration ol war, in ISti, .O.it ui ilie.w-nurs -vh:.se f tlant i( hievebefirs. dia tngthe a?, have been roenrded in the boh-mri le giaia i.e thanks cl Us count") ; Jiuce . enULsted r. iih an aidwous romru. --t4ir -frr tfre -ret- itnrrrrt--uH.tr -trn tin-' : iet "7 and. her. ir.vited by me tojfor.nedt tint ahhaiein the council of the LTiii:in, j nited Stares n iiiriuuei U iilv; u;;in;ui Ml V ot tW llCSU. a ICTH Yoik. His Kcrvices in the Depart ment of war have also been satis'ac lory aid effective ; and he tt-ave s In 'lis mic essor an cflicf nl reputation Ahichit wilt he prhise cnoiigh to him '.0 maintain unimpaired. The A'torney CenprH m as r'-'o an adopted citi?.en of .Virginia, not less .distinguished by the ci.iaic;:! v-i informs us that iu boring through rock lor suit w-iter, . a honuin ot Petroleum, or volatile oil, was's truck at the depth of about 130 fe.t. When the auger Vas withdrawn, the oil rushed up 12 or 14 feet a hove the urfacr of the earth, ud it was believed that' about j g l lons were diachtrged per minute. be liny abridg. forming -nts a boi.J stream from oat in procreus j the place to the Cumber hnd Kiver.. 'here, i: v II i , v. c 1. :pc, bo auanJon- ; into vvh.ch it dis'.hargad itbclf. The rid or if no-, ur. 1 1 i; still persisted ' fountain or stream wes strjtclc four ir:, wc iiri:.s .a k btuuUI not, a j - fie d j'i pr: vious to the depar '.LU.'. it Would '.,., he patr-jnr.'rd. tt'urcotiuir -iHt'-itnutin, at which ... J". ji iterTr'in. .ir.if n .1 .1 nt , ' v o I l' r. .!- -1 - . .air; sure, be ioscn the hi 01 us' 1 a'. Covr raor iii ivnri .Mri-v'i.i. t'af.t:.oseeii:! rnk; 3f Y7&-f -of the--lute- r.CMii eiit. will ; - ; f;"" ? will, a penerul resh..He, To ' 7 ' ul 1i MW15 -liowini: infW- offiu. onfv. ; . hAK? rrl't we look for a . proper estimat.'' ;af,Hr Jahnun'rv , - and fli kiiowlodgrnent of the rharac V :sAuw fi j w a. r, Preside ;V j iir.ie the n i n:i y o' I f I I ! r i . 4 it ii. l.. li-r-.-if I ... 'ilIH, I'l J 1.1. r a : . n:jl p r. i a o:s cpti'Hy i.li'iiii! C:i.r!f r'.m.j trance of l.ij tus'c in Uteratuie (lian by his profound learning in the laws, ai-d his commanding elujurnre at the liar. The biographer of l'atrt?;k Henry ; painter of manners, snd insfrurtoi-1 : rj ;!3 ; at frt early je. ro.ie pffs mi i i tne IJ-; ishe". i ..l.inp niro :ad u.uh rtojl. to !ab j Ui k'rr. t!-,c r i.itih ort c: v red a c n voluminous work out isid. ra:.le n-rtio)u ft' fie firlace o ot my Jlistory of the Lueand V'oy , the jt;eaio for nir.y ii'iU-s br. iiw ages of Columbus I have thought ! I' ignited, it wcul i pp se.it a m g proper immediately- to execute my inificent, if not au a, polling sptcta oriinjl intention of making an - I cle. hridgrv.ect of the History, i adapt ) British oil, v.hi.h i, ejtefts;,-ely it for j;ei:tral circuUtioii. Ia this, jused as a medicine, is manu'.ittu I trnut, I have given a satisfactory j red ol Petroleum, abstr ct ut ev ery tiling of essential VVe 'hive feeeu a rp-rimen of this importance in the larger work, and oil it ig.iitfs freely a-.id produces have preserved thse parts nearly i il ime as brilliant as gas light, entire, which have been considered ' (Jjr inforinant states that in the the most striking and charactei i tic. isam- ncighbo' hoo I in which this It is probable als , that the nirra ) immense fountain of Petroleum h -.a tive has rained a snirit ia manv Ijeen discovered. Doct. Tohn Croc w i j i - - j a ter and services ol the pant Admittis nation, a:i,l of the iirti Vi'.s u hicti j K'jvernrd its nimoaerri io t!e dis chart;? of their rlalicS ; 'o 'hi cop- : vi noni produced hy ih.it i i H u' r:." , j we iaiy Balely trust for a decision, 'wtnoh will he hm It MiorHolc f tiioH' MtVi d.. hfded pnblir Kerfants, ,tis it : viiil ha oreoirable tithfc peiuooW'- f a lJec()le, who, when e Ki itenieol ln passed away, to.e ever teioly to a. ward fTifii c (o tlie inpred, w'h- thcr .v'lCjnjury has. bmi the rcxull of in. ?e..sio ..! nrs-unst; ucti in o motives, j of it ke views o p . !:". The l i :ir:no.-.s i tlus h.Vrr .iti rd renre to '! "'-jbarge of r-orir nniioi J re rv(!e v.; h a inreiity wWy hj rrigh iay, and r-o fhiuht) will, be impeached.. hi us neve theless, carry j 1 1 4,n Apil.t.f l! .).,.. Widli'i iVyoffj-Jj-iaii .Martin, Siu'sc inert i-j Kirltard Ja jV- ell, 'J'ioona Ii .fi. rA Jvit'liaro L'av.vW;, . iSainu.-l joiini.;., Ah'X.lnIiT Xlc.(i. Rictnrd IVitos Uiujamin AVillums, Jauius Turnrr, Natianiel Ah iander,,. s B "m ifWiUjaniS, 1) ivnf Si;,' i if, fjjjjiinin 8.iii!., Wiil am llakvSvijj, W'dha.n .Mi lei, , !lli nM0(fl, with it CotiV ictioo. oi : Ir. Adair .nnnceur- of an oft -nee, hich, if be j Jese. Frank! ir., j- n-rd been gtiil'y, would hve con-; t.bri"l 1. 'n.e,, signed him to icverlusiing infamy. i Ha-chm- ii 15J( t onr ' Vf. ;. 1 '" Iredell, . J Jo'll! OvVCli, Out VroirpPLts. ll is rh.crin t" j ' 'vi!li! U e-d and Mif-'.cw' K' the hi ait of mii Amtricau one who j n weie presrjent ot is tounciJ a; !'n. h a.- titi-."" of rli'H li ce and ' the l1'1 t;fed above, and acted aa 177 i 177 J7bt: J7S:T 1733 Its: V'.' .... l9.r i m ...HO- i h ; r Itt2'. hapjiy eouuiiy .v'ou.M feul o vvij ness liie rapid pi o iu mfive inrnf ;hu ior leLSir"' triouoiti of .' .voir i ; lie-. i , , ,' . i (.a ii vacancies in that of FORSSGN" parts by the omissiou of details ! ban has sacceeiled. bv borinc. in noeJ o. his life, :.ppci..:ad end com- K hich caused prulixitv. but which iobuhinc an abundant suddIv ol I inerhaoioal n iwer over n'umnJ (.n. missioneo by my pretisccr.ir. . . c-.-ulu not be omitted in what pro ;-salt water, at 'ft elepth cf more than pi!ioriof ii ii;d over nature. I Hy an aruval at iJofUni. En;lisir deemed myself and the countiy for- , tossed to be a complete and rir I'JD feet, which now rises about is I U bat h ii.iglify -..p oration hns a few ! -,:,l,'s ,u tl:C ,;f 'February are re- tunateUyhis continuenie in me same cumstantial history of the suljject. jfect heve the ordinary level olihe vrasinade in ffr nspn-t of our co'mV jcmp" capacity during my term ol service. I have felt the more hurt at thia '.umherland li iver. The works, i tr, 1 Ilrr tti!,!isl i m indurated and inclining to a risrorous , attemnr io 11),,1 !C.it!nlics -, - u 1 j-. ..i.i.iivt. iiiji nuii miH 1 1 ii. ntui,"i 'Mil iiuiv. ! I ' 1 1 j i I ,v ) ' K u lurHn' I .1 I lie IMU 1 L '1 l K . tJian to the cnlarcement of its exer v ise ; for, in the whole comae nf my I have felt the more hurt at this Cumberland 'Kiver. The works. tr-, Ilea- wildest recess have ! 1 he R!,bJcct concr.sin to th. was srni a!iriot tne on; ill-cussed ia Parliament, Too usrics. aud t!je Duke of W'ef h ol ti'M'i i f "'linV.w.-.i .j : bcem to have found tueir reFpecuu j fAVur of concei:,i. "t viiliion of iMf'.ra i... ,-.":.",ded t..: .'. A '",,'!' ';,MV"t! i' or tier c i;i 1 construction of tbc exact ol conati-jthe public, from havinrr alwavs con tutional power, bis pn-fess'onarad I sidtred it as a peculiar offering to vice has been 'he more readily con-j my countrymen, whose good opin lided in by me, as its te- denies al- jion. however the country may have ways were i athrr to the limitation been insinuated, has uever ceased j Offi Uanling. fhe Washington beneficial to the surrounding cOun try, and profitable t the tnicrpri sing proprietor. Adv. f 1 1. to bs the leading objects of my am - j City Chronicle publishes au article onion, nnu the dearest wish of mv mis suoiect wtucliMs rluratteTi i'.droinistration, I have deemed it s- heart : and i rr.u-t confess that, in i ied Ly sound sense. We estrarr frr ia abstain lrom tlie use of any ; assiduously labcrinK at this history the f lowing, which is well worthy ! mnnulHi torv h 2- niioie auiuoi oy , man m uaz.a of tne nrstuiscoverv ot our country. I ol aiten'ion: tons of and rudf nrd desolate, Wbeie .Uie j Vj-eol's rougli earth and flirt foiling torrent i tum r tiie fikill and Zfiifi, fd al- rniTcmly v. .;m ard 'h.' nrroaclunent of power, by assenting, unnecessai ily, the decibiau of disjiutid points. T i ..i : a : i i . i I'k f,,l'.,...V,. , - , I a ua-c uctiiL.utuy ;immaicu oy tne , iy""ij5 hb picture v iucn oirren , w.Kie hope, that the interest of the subiect ! nas some truth ol coloring, hut wi,i ; iVc.m the (Leani. i " I V Ii IK Hl'J 1. Hlf.ev .'i;:l -!i mi I. :: u 'I ll" !:l I'jlliaiil i.i'e o ha b'OM. on .:.n;'.s a si u: kA Yi :rcit. I !:: ;;ti' 1 1 r f,i '..'-.ir,T Hie at '". t .ri.l r' at N'vv Turk, 'the i -'.1' Liverpool, ,it.r lea of tUa would cause the work to remain a Sm h, lellow.citizers, have been j IUQtl(r rnv cnijnfrrmen. and widi it. ;he Hsnrifitcs of my ofli:iil duties in ja rtmetnherance of the author. the conduct of ray administration, j whtn all the frail productions of ui. uic ku uvsiow up Jti viifiu liny yj..3!' efard lor their faithful and It.VvI.U .(.ill rl . . .1.. .1 ' ...I. . ' . "im.li .in uoi oniy o i n mi or siri-ngiti u-.ii Lilr.eiio but to past administrations. I l.t- , w tst. n ti.o k, 1. 1 ... ic o.o ' 'i number ot appUcaots, however, is, ' ".I, h is u -imi ui, ! t. ii. e fi., r.H i .i . ;!'' i ; f I 1 3 I r 'mi i ice (' m mi ui' r he I! iti il I" if i of ta"! tfl 8 ervice. to their country than ibis f s unonral ol my gratitude end eatee : ii is"vith a pleasure, not in iciior hi that which I receive I rqrn Y ur friendty estiiua e- of my "wn ?n:c8Y8, ilct I thai! cherish in iti ir ; o- inctivf uti d i n. j .i.l j'io l to th.: ! D '.: people ,vm. (... ...j. ktlOA', J!,,!, ( ! h ii i:s p J IILHM. ft. I ! fi :r.) O'.r t. . i-j i rv we are sorry to see, auomentir.:' hi:-, fancy might have pciishcd and j rapidly, and their isnportor.itifo been forgotten. proportionally increased. It would WASHINGTON IRVING. cem to indicate that the" nation Seville, Dectyibcr 1828 Was not a condition to afford em- i ArneiK h wiasi ! '" i - -f ' pioYuicin. iu lis .uuuuiauoti, or IMat i (vn f x.i r; ,;i . I :H'f :im. Mr. lirowni of Edinburp', has many would prefer the shackles and : Th,: eKPi-ri :nent h w im ooi.e c. ree . ! . . r , . ". ' I 1 I ... - rl . ... . . . aatnneu lumse'.i that plants, wood tniseraoie uepenuence ol otuce to :cu insil.- ml it ban (bus f at . sm; i and ever: rcclvs, tvrt: composed con Ja useul ani in Jepecdent. trades "nd 1 r,rf'j '': '!.;.? uduirarim -of is ,io v 1 1 ; '(' ; ;' ."S I CHi.'i .1 t', I '-; 1 . I.'.' Ii ; I I' -. t. .;r.l.l i I .! i 1 in ii !..?. ui U mi v. . -Vl! l I'f.! fl !''llM I oe IJal.e ( J - ;j ; f ' at a t i :.'!. r i 's'lon i r .( i'r' i Lli-.-e . f i I "'.! - t : 'ia oi alar i: ; . t-'iK-jprisoii bc a! i JtfItk.i. Ilk oi v.,'-: tki side.' o . Micaan .j "ret ' -ar. ' e.i.f , .', Il'lf Ml Z : iLnti- Ci'.'ni; I'l 'nro; . 'J J' : -' - !' I I.

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