j.-jflf '-win JL - "Hfr j.nin'ft - ffcrrild of a ov w-rld j ATfv r"' r t' IT- f.-- - ' i T Ifeian.s, profiting by the temporary retreat of 1H0 Turks. Vkhv.Uatk fhom 'iritoPR. Xzic-York, Mv) 13. -The packet Hhip Canada C p-t-.in .'hhiam, irriVp.1 yesterday from Liverpool hence she .i k1 011 the 17th ult. We li ivc our files of papers, shipping lists, letter, &.c,. lo the 1 atcst date, from whicli ,tfeh vo extnetedthe very interesting intelligence which occupies our1 columns this morning. England. Tli" Catholic Relief Bill passed the llouse of London the (lh of April by a majority of 101, and received the 1 oy 0 1 Assent, by commission, on the 13th of A ril. ' The lill for the Qualification of Irish Free holders, also passed on the 10, and received the Royal A-uit on the 1'Hh. On the passage of ihe Relief Hill the vote stood 'onti'uts I 'rosei it 119; Non-Contents Present 70 : Proxies CI 1'mvics C5 109 r Majority, 101 Of the "2 ft Protestant Biho.?, 10 voted for this Hill. Thii Bill became operative on the '-' April, (St. Georee's Day.) Lonr ere liiis the English Catholic Pe rslrive taken their seats m the IIou.se of Lords. They uf" eitrht in.nuinber, viz: the Duke of Norfolk, tha Jiarl of Shrewsbury, Lord CliUord, ,ord Arundel, Lord Dor set", Lord Petre, Lord Stafford and Lord Staunton. The Irish ( 'ath die Peers can only --it in the II use of Lordsus Representative Peers ; 1 1 1 i forgetting certain privileges, the may, like Protestant Irish Peers, sit in the IlouhO of Commons, on being olecie.Lfor any place in England. The Karl of Surrey, (oldest on of the Duke of .W folic, the Premier Pwr of England.) i.s -shorly to take his Heat in the House of Commons for the borough of Hors ham. The Jews are said to ho preparing a petition to be re lieved from the disabilities under whiffli they labour- The Rt. Hon. R. Cordon's appointment ao Ambas sador Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary .to the Sublime Ottoman Porte, has been officially announced. Croat di Ire s prevails in' the. in imifacturinadistrtcts. A no ouVuitl Ln)umul savs: 1 n a' state 01 alt the mnnufanuri'tk o!i1r,f-' is siirh as 1o exci'1 t' --ntst fearful apprcheiiioiis. In our oun town,t4ic,unand i'or iu manufactures vasse;ireelv rnersodull; aldtfiough teian.s, profiting by the temporary retreat of tHo Turks, 1 h account of the overllotting ol the river Kamtsclnk, 1 1 " ver troops, and burned the vv hole of the Tyr kistcanjp -. .olu-is from Ptersburgh," says the Hamburgh Re porter of the 7th April, "mention that the Emperor's departure depends on the result of the mission of Prince Matuschewitz to London. As soon as the Prince has terminated the oegotiation with which he is intrusted at the British Court, ho w to return to the Russian Capitol to communicate in person with his master. A note is spoken of in these letters, as having been addressed by the Russian tJoveininent to the principal Courts of Cu roM?." k Meanwhile, thd accounts received by the Sultan, of the attack upon Suseboli and Archiali, have only served to increase his activity. Ho has sent immense numbers of troops ami vast quantities of cannon and amumtin to Adrianople ami Rodonto foil the sea of Marmora, He will have 300,000 mm jn the field. He has built and repaired a great number of ships, so as to form a power ful navalArmainrnt. On the 10th of March, (a day con sidered to be peculiarly fortunato by thoTurks,) the Sul tan was to leave the camp of Rami Tchiflick, with the standard of the prophet ; he marches with all the people of the metropolis able to bear arms, (amounting, it issaid, to 150,000,) to Adrianople. His first operation will be an attempt to roirniii Varna. His presence in the fipld has given great confidence to his people. Jassaf Pacfia (the traitor of Varna) is dead poisoned, we presume, as that would be tho shorterway to pay him his pension for betraying his country. 'Alettorfronl Jas sy, dated March 1R, states that the Russians Jiave organ ized a tra in of 60,000 wagons, drawn by oxen, for the en suing campaign. As the men attached 16 this jrain ftre armed, the army, stated as amounting already to 250,000 men, may be considered torecievc an additional roinforcp mcnt of 80,000 men. t : - . " '. Frdm the Mediterranean. Accounts from Malta, of the middle of February, say that Admiral Malcolm bad sent a tiliip of the lino to Naples to convey the Ambassa- 4omo filter .'I urkiah.wty... . Most of. the Russia men of war which vwerc at Malta have sailed to Poros. The Turks have been again expelled from Livadia, after - ', - . ... 1 . j . -.. m: - ' ' ' 1 . i.un.n-. 'i j. v .v.i.v-m.n. ui. Mj.ni, ....... , . .... 1L .. . . - 4 m.. . i A .'i 'v 1 1 ii 1 n . z n 1 1 ti u ij4ap 1 tin i m f . 1 - 1 . . 1 . u 11 -and leave the matter witli von Inui w !...! I " - " ---w ------ - ' ' , " tiv i 1 11 1 1111. thorn is too much reason t believe such an appalling sight will, ere lonir, present itself. Tho prices at whicli in inuf icturcd goods are sold do not, in some instances, exceed the raw materials, and the wages paid for lalw.r arc necessarily so very low as to reduce the workmen al-ruo-t to the conditipu of paupers. Slilj, under these cir cumstances, it is vith difficulty any sales are effected, and large stocks are consequently accumulated. This order of things, however, cannot exist long, and, unless .a revival of trade takes place very shortly, we almost trcm bl for the consequences." The distress in Spitalfield district exceeds alldescrip lion. Thousands aro actually starving, and, unless sjee dy relief be afforded, fauaino will soon accomplish its work in pestilence and death. Portugal. Don Miguel is really making himself quite a notorious character On the 2oth Marc.hho atteinpti'd to murder his own, sister, tho Princess fsabel, the late Princess Regent, becauso she chose to send from the tala?o some of her jewels, and somo Hute IJocuinents belon'Ti T icfselfr The moment he lieard of this, he " "haslenethe apartmcflt of h& unfortunate dialer, aud ---insisted of? Wft - Princess' producing her jewefs a nd the documents. .The PrinceKs was at first so terrified by her-brother'a' menacing maimer, that her utterance was chokedshe was unable to answer hii rapid interroga tones at the Instant. The Prince, at this, grew more en- ' ?a?od, and aimed a violent blow at his sister's face. He then attempted Jnrftple hei throat, but the Princess, by a desperate ' providentially escaped from the monster's murderous 'grasp, and the monster was hirw.elf thrown on the tloor-On rising from tho ground, Don Miguel dischjrgcd'BTpistol at his fugitive sister, just as cheTwas hurrying out of the room. The ball missed the Princess, but a servant ifl the Palace, who was hastening to the scene with fount Camarde, was shot dead by the assassin. The Count himself was wounded by a blow, aimed ut his life by his royal master, with a bayonet fix ed athje end of Don MiguePs fyistol. The news spread throng the capital with fearfii rapidity. Horror was 'depicted on every eounten i;u,o. The Princes. it is iaid. afterwards awaited her i.j)tct d execution by the bands of her brother, with great foititude. Don .Miguel, however, has not yet pit his H.to,r to death. Donna Li. vl is now phot up in a solitary apartment ofthe palace Under the con-t eit survellonco of the Royal 'rn.inU Turkey and Russia. The campaign hasojiem d w ith fsie siege of Silif.ti ia. Gen. Count Palilen is in command of the besieging corps. Tho Turk; have not been inac tivethey lately attempted to retake Varna by a ;oup do main, but Gen. Roth was informed of th"ir intention, and anticipated if by inarching out and urpri.-rmg their camp. A saii'Miinary action followed ; but, thouvh many brao men perished on both side s, nothing more decisive than tho relief of Varna from the danger of an attack took place. The Russians have captured the fortress of Sezebolis This is on the Black Se i, below tho Gulf Poros, and Movcral miles south of the Ralkan. -They liaye also ef fected another landing beyond Hourgas, at a place called Archiali, and have destroy! the Turkish batteries and ljwa.inos whicli iteontained." This fresls til tat k, tollow :nir so close upon the capture Sissipeli in the same quar ter, had excited alarm along the whole coast, and it was feared that, availing themselves of their tiiix'-iiority in the Hlaek Sea, the Russians miuht venture to present themselves before Constantinople as soon as the season vould permit ships ol'llie line tonavei.ite safely. Should Ii do this, there is considerable dilli-renco between be Tng hi fore tiin getting into 'onstantinoplo. As it't) m i - ; firm this alarm. eminon report, with her ordinary acii- k ft ftlo in jnrtreets ate not vet hlcl vvitlt naii-iamisneo - woratneuj." ipsiianti. uencrai vnurcn announces inai inoasiicoi Zonitj has surrendered to his arms. Persia. Assassin ytiox ofthi: Rrssr.vN Ambassador. An event has occurred in Persia which may have a con siderable effect upon the relations between that country last year. Of the manv propositions U appropriate money ftr irrtnrovinir the condition of the State, f boiiic of ivlncli pasied,) I will take a pas-jng notice, a you already know the policy I have adhered to. How evfr, I would not wish to with-hold a liberal aid, where I .rielicve the objects aimed at are practicable, anjl would result to the benefit of the State, provid ed our Finances would justify the attempt. But un def the present pressure, or scarcity of money ; and reollccling the many thousands which have been squandered on those projects, without any, or, but very little public benefit, I hold myself justified in voting very sparingly (if at all) for appropriations. There was t loan of $G000 granted at the late ses sion to the Clubfoot & Harlow's Creek Canal Com pany, it was said, for the purpose of furnishing a suf ficiency of water; that the Canal was completed al ready, ftut 1 voted against it, as I did against the latt appropriation of $1-2,000, for which they have no security, Lat the Canal itself. There have been large sums expended on this Canal; and it yet remains uncertain, whetjier it will ever benefit the State, or countervail the expence bestowed upon it. There was also an appropriation of upwards of 8900, to remove the flats below Wilmington; this is -four or five appropriations for that purpose; but, it it is-said, it will require 2000 of this appropriation to repair the Jetties, which are said to be in a decayed situa tion. The Senatp had a majority, who were favora ble to appropriations generally : they passed a bill to graut 89000 to clear,or.opena j-oad from near Nich i NTih.v, :.. M w'- ",.; ... iv:n i .. .i. which, some of us "thought, was not in a right direc tion to benefit the State much ; but the bill was lost in the Commons. i T?ie Bill Which caulcd the greatest excitement of any during the Session! was in consequence of a re port of the minority of k Committee appointed to in spect iflto the conduct knd situation of the Banks of fllfe-Stat it -. t i i .t . i ..- , ... .. . . ' l . i ... : :"::vh7!Tr"7r"jr"Yi': -: mi -r- . nave nasseu itgnuy oveiit, mai ot jhjh im case, that the Members of a neighboring county published .a Circular in GreenshojVugh, vindicatiinr their con- Mucf in voting; wainst -tfcr bill. As I voted for the pill I considered it a datji I owe my constituents, to jive my reasons whv 1 di so. ou may recollect, the resolution was, in tli first instance, to rule all three of the Banks to a judicial inquiry into their con vnfo arrnnli with vonr views m- tml I t-l.ll i i I - o l-l .i I . . I . . . ii m vie noeriy to maKc a bjioii coiiiiiieriturv o nir o.w, and tate in siibslance, the views of those- who?- were in favor of the bill: 1 will now supposvthert? & One Million and a Quarter of circulaliiiii m dium afloat in the State; that at least one third of the dehU1 due the several Bank8, is coining tit the. Stale Hani;,', or perhaps One Million Seven I uiidred Thonsaiul Dollars we then must consider what a niou.it of (heir own notes are out; and for wanlofn sl.iii ineiif, ' we will suppose one third of what is in circulation or perhaps $1-0,000, admitting this to !e ih, f.i. i, it would leave a balance of $1,:.,0",0()0, how is thiit." to be paid? The B;inks are not hound to n.-ceiw; any notes but their own; -when they have received ail their own notes, they demand sj ..vie for Iho halanc.-. Where is it to come from ? It is not in tin State, i cannot be' procured. The lands of the debtors and their other property, together with tbi ir endorse,- property, must come to the hammer.. Then- are i. bidders among the people; there i no specie to fie. had theBank notes are called in, to out no morj the sales must he made, and the linkers bid the property oil' the original holders are turned out l.' doors pennyless, and the debt not p iid ! To obviate this calamity which lian- by a threm! suspended ov er the state, it was thought best (in coii formity to the report of the cnir.niilte. the result oi which wasworse than. .had been anticipated,) to in stute a judicial impiiry. Those who were interest ed in these Institutions, and their adiiermts were a gainst it; they said it w:is a plan laid b the promo ters of the bill, to ruin tin: stockholder, and to estab lish a similar Institution on their ruins. It wa? n bar 1 trial. The eloquence of the ablest rpeakers ws e n listed In the cause, and much ingenuity used. 1 could not see why a cprporotion should be exempt from the lash of the law, anv more thn individuals, tn:- ii .i . . . - .- ' . '4 and Russia. In some riot, the causes of whicli aro not yet ! diicf, but was amended s as to include the btate accurately known the populace of Teheran and thesuiteofj Bank only. The parties were so equally divided, M.Gribojidoff, the Russian Minister, quarrelled. Somelthat it eventuated in a tie i both Houxes ; so the bill of the populace has ing been killed, a crowd hastened from was lost. It appears thajt il 1310 the Charter of the the Bazaar to avenge their countrymen, forced the hotel and put to death the Minister and all his suite, three or four only excepted. The Schan himself and his son attempted to check the rioters, but too l ite. Abbas Mirza, with the Caimacan, are to be sent to General Paskewitsch to communicate the particulars of this event. Italy. Ki.r.r-noN of a Porn. Cardinal Francis Jia vier C'estiirlioni, Bishop of 1'rcscati. Grand Penitential and Prelect of the Sacred Conm elation of the Ir:d. x. has been elected to be Sovereign Pontiff of Rome, and head of the Roman Catholic Church. Four days latkii fkom Frr.orr. Tlie Aniethyst made her voyage from Livcrpoofto Boston in nineteen days, a short, but not the shortest rwrf:i(rn wliieh haM been uviilp frnin l.ivrrnon! to iitic lm.ird. Tension is four l:r. 9 :ihead of Ww-York: Ifi I heetl t,ol(l the article of foreign nev.s not lf or 17 as M(. Jenks of tho Bulletin imagines. Chaka, a formidable and restless Afr'n'jn chief, h:ie been killed by his brother. The return of the Duke of Clarence to the head of the ..Admiralty, is anticipat State Bank was granted, 1 was not a member then In 1814 the law was passed to extend the Charters of the Newbern and Cap-Fcar Banks ; I voted a gTiinst their extension. Ijhaj at that time formed an opinion, that it was not iisc policy to permit such corporations, or nionopoliiing companies, to have an unlimited coutroul over lly? circulating medium and resources of the State. I have retained the same o pinidii respecting those ly titutions to the present time. Of course I was in; favor of an examination into the conduct of the sevlral Banks, by a joint se lect cominittt e, the proposition carried ainl they corn-metief-fl the --ardrmirs 'talnrt' examination. They" took the-depositions f a' rrtisiderable number, and found, to their astonishment .. that the half had not that the General Assembly had hitherto been duped by while-washed reports, that-th."1 Brinks' had at the outset, grossly violated their Charters; that the State year 1 TIP,, at wen- nearly twelve to one on the amount of the real capital in their vaults. The ihrector thou opened same time 1. was w'iimg,. .iiuqeea .U,mas...Uc .ie.atiw; of the bill, in case of a decision against the Ba k. and 1 believe it was the case of nvrt of the inc-iiihei - who voted m favor of the billf). that commisbioritrs -fuTrihl be appointed, to take into possession the prop ny of the Bank of every description, and assume the pay ment of their just debts, and to provide tint i,o hon est stockholder should be kept out of his haiv, w hen the stock of the Bank should be divided; but tint l1i fictitious stockholder who had subscribed without" paying, should receive no part of the stock when the concern should be wound up. This I thought would be just; moreover, a large amount of notes which have been destroyed, say by lire, water and oth r casualties, of three hundred thousand dollars, togeth er with the fictitious stock, would of course revtct to the state and be saved. The State then, if it should think proper, could au thorise a State Bank, and put their funds into thr.t Institution, and perhaps procure other stock from o ther sources to which they might have access, and .mak out a State Bank in reality, uflicietit to begin witii. inc notes issued irom that institution nnjit have good ellect, and Lelb to save the people fro;n illlpetrdiln'baiikiupfij'na what will -be tho consepieiiee, time must ile ih , but the prospect is gloom v. U'c, (the people.) hae put a weapon into our children's hand-, whuh may' be wit Ided against us, to our great injury. II ver, it it should prove too late, Bank continuec their career up to the j bought our w it too d-ar, it may prove which time th-,: notes in cireulati on' tion to us at w future period. 1 show md if we have n. a salutji'v Cau Id have !! le" It is rumored that Mr. Secretary' Peel is soon to b. ; subscriptions for 100,000 win h yet leiti on. .J i called to tho Peerage, and als., Sir Kobert Peel. Parliament adjourned on the ItJth, for the li.-ter ibd idays, till the 29tii of April un it was expected that Parliament would be prorogued ; (o (),lfl subsciibcd, the Directors admitted lho-e -nlerii-tion- to he paid off with "their ovu note s. It must he I kept in view that the capital of 1'tis Bank, amounting nt the end of May or theboirmumg ef.lunr ion Six Hundred V housand Dollars, a irecaldv to tin Charter c xeluive of S J.'.0,000 for The King was expected in London on the th, to S j); v.as thm.- i'ourths'tobe paid remain Borne days. , ! in gold or silver, the other fmirtli was admitted to be Inland. Mr. Il nnc has given notice ihni ;f nbot;i , . . . ,' t j , . ip.iru ri i.i' 1 oir, j.apei . uneiM n me oiaic. I His was among the stipulations ot the.il Charter ; bat there the middle of May, he would introduce a iiiotnn tot il tering the present system of corn laws, ioas i,( eh.i:.e the piescnt fluctuating scale of duties on lniporfation -for a livdduty. . .'" t ' - On the 1st of' February, on ihe cwt of Aun, the P.lcick Joke, tender to bin II. M. ship Sylalle, captured, after a long chasi and k galliint action, the Spanish .slave ves.el Alniirante with' 400 slaves on board. Tlu B. J. carried two gun- and had 65jnen J the A. 14 guns and 50 men. In the action, the former had 2 killed and 4 wounded; the latter 15 killed, including her captain and lirst and secend mates, and 1 wounded. - Emm the i a.t of War. The Messagcsdcs Chambers states th;: '.without vouching I'or the truth of the statement, that in the last week of March a most sanguinary battlcj was fought near (Jiurgevo, in which the Turks had sus &ncd a very considerable loss, and ' the Russians had made themselves masters of important positions. The searcry of com bo'an tr be felt in a.deplorable manner in trver il provinces of tho Ottoman Kmpiic. The blockad ; of the DardanneHes produces the fatal effect.-, which the enemy expected, particular in 'fandorua, and the aopt . aranc.- o' ;onie liofsiaji.wssels oli'the Culf of The.-.-ijMi iica, v Inch cjij'l.ue all ve--.-s wuh prov isioits, add.; to tin1 di-lrcsS of all liie e ro.n.tt ie . w loeh i fart! i r inere.is.od hv the usurious -ipirit of the obei -, wlio take , ad.:i'l ace .1 it. i-.l.-vVhTa'ie.s lll.it t'o" liC'l i 1 IliC mar oriVrs to take a considerable part o Paskew itsch on lMia'rd.Vnd land them Jiiirgas. The Kdsr.iati armv in Armenia, r .-duced to fict uo!) ill" di ? p-ive. The Turks are making refe ded attack: fiian pots between am I a nt( the .Danuhe eniragements have taken p. "1001.01 ivai mtjik and I'r.ivadee. h i.-i reported that wounded sol dies are daily brought to Issaktcha and the neighboring Hussion hospitals near Meantime the Russian columns',, on their "I II I'1 I','!-. " a nnv (f 1 ien. tti'e icuiitv would then I the .Danube JlB!,uiillVnl Ll,ir'.,,,Mls J'y'J.hL-lua: IhUiiiucl.lt.is-'therdUre unnecesurv ti cce 111 trends to ne innuoc. 1 m; ncinniin, wiucn -PSsJhTn, verv hackw''.rd(in eonsequencoofthe long winter. noi'V jwliapai hi' ve .been a great obstacle to -tl)ecoininvncc pient of gran-iy optrralioiw ay fora vvag every ti'hcie was paid it) only about 9000,00e agreeably to those stipulation--:. By tins tune the tmtitulion was 111 olved; (Ikv owed a large amount without capital to meet it. In this dilemma, at tor a nitting their own notes as a substitute for Capital, tlijvtook the private notes of certain privileged individa Is, which were counted as Capital ; thus nominalli enlarging their Stock, they enlarged their discount!: And it appears in evidence that the Banks have ilteceu the people out ot -200,000 annually, on the cjedit ol tins ficti tious paper, which they have received contrary to their -Charier. They havecontrive by their specu lations, to exact usury to a large aiiount from the people. They have by their agents taught 'their own notes at considerable discount, . w'i which they boVtght Cotton to a large amount, and entered into a mercantile speculation. It appears fcat in certain instances they exacted Specie and Bill of Exchange) Northern Funds &c. in payment for loa" 1 6t their own notes, to their nominal amount. Thulharrassing in the round and pocketing the people's nncy by their unjust and vile practices. It appears t'tt the Banks 4 l.- ..I i . L 'TM -J , must u;ive pin lino ciicuiauoii, ociwem x uree ana I 'Aur Millions of notes, founded upon iis fictitious took, without a cent of capital, and biring no in rest, tir an equal amount of the people'inotcs with nterest, jiaid in advance. 1 Thus thee ptjvileged In stitutions, without funds to. pay their own 'Jehls, have jbeciii rTadu illy drawing the people into the vortex, J until the Cilieiv. of the .State have paid tlose Corpo- I rations :i on. lit of I 'oiir l1illions of DaIIhisj on tl.eir ' ""V01;' ,,4srorl;rn iire.-l V.niihs of which wn mi niifHiirod nts passed :it -ur ! ... .1 . i. . -.'.-. . . v ny iiieniseives, m ,i iijuuiii. iii UKiiuier, our limes ;he amount the Capital'. Stock ever ''paitljn accord ing to law'-, and they now' hold the notes of the people fur more than Five Millions of Dollars ; Jibout four times the amount of the-circulating incctum in the Slate. , , . ' ' ",: In ........ ;!.vrt- 4 .1.1;, I f..i;. 1 "'" Mi 1M.u1.i,1uBflllcumuiu;ti I .1 iv, m n q no rt v nil will rorri l.u-f 4Ka mo Itl ' . I , . 1 imii. tllVH jom n pun. a, f i 1 i.V. Villi, t 11113 ID fi unit 1111 imiiii'iir 1 in rit in - ri ir if- -w nrift rn irio- iir.i. ii . ... . . . !ed th..t (hs nent will nkrt: .1 Iinnrrs a "t. t: r.'ilh fortuncx, hutr.uurs turn 1: ' ' h , ' ks, v.vd j hi 1 .7. . '; . thi: nu.i:.MK.v of oi ii koiii) I i.u ou -f 'rn.i.Ns : I liave nothiri ! co.'iuuti'iieaje with 'respect to t!i ( OI'.N'I nii' iuiKj un. o:ni:i:i'iic,i : wiui i "es peer to i;ie acts iiasei 1 - II ill. I..' I . II .1 M.rv moony laie '-."-100 01 me iietnrai ,vsseinniv, mere item ' 1.0 tnali 1 1 .1 1 change made 111 (ur public, laws. I In icnre. forty-live I'uhlicind one lnmdred X" t'wents two Pri vate Acts passed, together with a number of resolu tion; a statement of which no doubt you h ive had 1 . 0 : . . . : 1. ',. r , J . I ne prprjiiiieiit finest fops w hich tamts-binbte'tis; and such laf I CjQiiNidc.iiilerfstiri jo flic people. -It appears Jfnw thw Trcasurtia Uenoity that on the litetpf No-J (aketi from the Report of the iMihority "of Ihe Com iliittce, on which the bill was founBedBtt the. Re port of th Majnrity "f thc Cororp'ittef, jf Mid not red, as an individual, the original resolution hr .i-h? forward by the minority of th(l committee: to have subjected nil the brwiksoflhe State to a iiidici.'.i deci-iou: as 1 chuik they have specuLled r.ifia r tui long already, rnd if wis? rneasures ar not -j eediff pursued will ruin the State. As the hill va? iiinend- ed, I (eh invsell hound to vote (or it. In so large a body, it iiiu.-t be pecte dant ideas, and a uillerence oi sr.ntiin or hss u"cvail; meaurah., no doubt from difierent interests, and local prejudices. Vhere e(ut.-t;i.ns have been of sullieient importance to bike the ea and nays, it has lieipiently been close voting, u not a tie but generally conducted with a becoming moderation and modesty. We hneliada i-.:i,er Session than usual, there were an unusual nnruier7)t officers to choose, and places to till ; ntul tiiere va a great number of private claims and petitions preentv ed, most of which had to be rfererd, and coiiiequent' ly contributed toward the consuming of time. Upon the whole, although we .iayj?.,jiipjt1dpic,i.riich good, I hope you will be disposed to accept the will for the deed. However, I can speak for one, I always wish, in my public capacity, to act for the good of my fellow-citizens. If I have erred I hope you will passir by, as the unintentional effect of human frailty. I am with respect, JONATHAN PARKER. March 10th, 1820. - : 'OFFICE HUNTING. vThc following letter, verbatum et literatum, lately addres sed to a respectible mercantile gentleman in Hoston, is a fair specimen of the office hunting fever so prevalent in this 00 ted age of "reform" and political regeneration. We think , from the, style of his letter, he stands a fair chance to into businccs. His Orthography, Etymology, Syntax and Punctuation, arc all sufficient to recommend him to the favour of the new Administration, without unking a favour from the good' people of Ronton. ' most Kespected friend?, I had something Coino to my mind, .this morning, be fore I pot up and finerly most of the uipht, we Live in times, of the most sudden ( 'hanes,, the new Administra tion, is day ley makeing ' 'Changes, in, nfliccs, I so by yes terdays paper, that A new post Master, was appointed, in Salem, and proberbly there 'will be some one. Ap pointed for . I inn thinking thai you are frendly to'tho new Administration if youT are,, I think, you iryjght git the Post office in- fore mee there is no promi nent Jackson men i n:irXto iRecoiriineh cure pood. RccommemLation. and bonds if any ia Re- quirpd, to Any nA niyfti- tXii would binsy . to Obtain the . ofliice fuiWf as the, Pb( Mnbter-8rMdamH, man I an.. and Always has bo infavor LJcii'l .Jackson nowl I ' l...... t . .. , T' ...'. :il ..1. M x 'jeuiviuvun vou nave IjO.si iv me. u mu wim-w, rri 1a'..fj.w. " i