H turf" f t AA. tfJS!U. : j ! 1 ' V vt 1 'iV ..id 1 'I'e ( h il (il i -:i . ! i. I mm , 'it . . ' i : re, ' : . I i i I k i v . i i v ' in . t.i r. ; ..id .is, ( r ! I 1 1 win ue me and to bur il ariio.it il' -iro i tfrfSPj i ifm. ,4vvii (Mta ! i I i ; 1 i'.v i ; itiy ovi oli'iiU I -trtl) rely, tliero- i ! iii tht Piov iHcucc which w liilhcr ! ,i m! In c i !h) -'i.itiful to' me, not dou4li:v.' k I ir:i tfc t; VOil it) tiu: f;iU. I .-l:ll lr ii t'li t iilor (lie t.iru;rr of (lie r un- s will i'ow from tlie UiH:i ! it"- :!l fi t ! fioMi !ii i left Hio.ie. I tlioro i i will si n in i io; i our whole foitihnlr, (r-ni--us n .cimmK' s iiosihlo. i'lliin ; inn' ii s ui.o .ton an (o nonr inis. from vo ir own My our ct and -.,"lh it von wo'ild iMirsne ;uiv id;i:i th;it is rhos; i kt ! ' orod'K e content, and a tolcralde de cree of l: t i ii'itv : as it must add roatlv to my mi-a-iv 'ee'i:iij, to hoar that ti l are diatMicd orcorr jil ii.ii tl wlni real'v oonld not avoid. As lifi- :i!'.v;iv unci rtain, and oommon prudence dictates tn every maatlio nece-il y of -fttliii hi leoi jiurd coueer .s while it i in his power, and w!iile (he tni id is eaho a i 1 uiidistnrhed, I have, sinue I came to this place, (for I h id not time to do it before I left lio in-,) Mil ( 'ol. Pendleton toilraft a will for me, hv the d .rections which I avc him, which will I now o icloe. The provision made for vo l in ease of my death will, I ho,ie, be agreeable, i all add nothing ni MC,as have several letters to write, b'lt to desire that yo i will remember me to Your friends, and to assure xi that I am, with the most unfeigned regard, my deaf I aty, Your affectionate (j'KOIiGK WASHINGTON. Fon i;. v. "Ir'comri thr Herald of a voiau vj'irld, , row all na i'jtin rumbling a- hut buck." From Hvglano. By ilic. sUii.X!J6ridM, (Jata.iii. rinkliara, vhiciiar "Ttvtti hsMnwHiivj- 4avFj4, we-dime He4etl Loido4 p.iperstu Mav 4tli, an J. Liverpool to die 5lh, inc'iixivo. A V V4I. 1.1V...-" J I I I II" . IIJIHVl'IM Wllium.'i and w" is very severe. f-'(cunc 'MttnV oufshad occiirn d in .Manchester, lioclidale, and Macclesfield, and other places. The maler.ontents had eve'i gone so far as to break the windows and destroy the ma- chiuorv of so. no of (he factories. In some c.xses the military had been called out. Liverpool M:ty 5. We announce with very reat the immediate neighborhood of .Manchester and which Jed to the bnrntn otone null and the partial demoli tion, of two others.( The solet cae of this disttir- , panvv iios lVV ' till rai'inj kilt jmi i. ri 1111 inn.w i to red'icr the? ivaei of the workmen, which the in "iatiatedTnen hire resisted by these acts of riolenee. ri ri 11 -fii.,. r..i. .. i inie'Uiou orabau'ToniUj; (he Auction Uuty bill 1 lor . the present -essaei. i no wmuh'i liivjue 01 uiu seeo-M u niHriin .10. was before ic -orie I) states tliat tlu liritih (ovem ineet. in ri..i itm'1 n i with some of the other -Teat wtfh a Yo vers oi'E 1 i n ie m a bout to interfere- tnVn4 nv a ni i'onty hau l to jntt d-rvv -t the-sirptioH-H'-l)t Alnel Port'igai, and to epel the usurper from the Kingdom .Liroii'i, .rif), il. 2. It is said that Admiral !I vde , intends t: blockade (he harbor of Alexandria, .1 nl hinder the I' iclia if Rajypt from s'r-p!i;!; th' !'. v:('j prie. i-inns. S-imc pcrsous ak wiie!h 1 'in IltKsia.i Ad'o-ril wa authorieil to do lb s, :i .,' :, 1 ,: that the ports of Alexandria and. Smyrna were iK 'lut ed tieutra'ln lueiine.e meditatTng Poxm 1 -in tin e Vac ntina of l!ie M iea bythe Egyptian troi,is. The b'o; ka le of eand i'a would he very inj iri n to GM:a iti iO'dej and reitly embarntu the 1'a- praicipalnies, and the ri-orous prohibition f impof tation froui the ports of tin1 V!aek SMr...(.'o.!a ,tihb-. 'pie has derived a most all its i;vil: - of r i .1 iV nn lv gypt ; and the lr ado of Alexandria, which In, already , decliue.ti 1 a very alarming decree, would be redo ce I to nothing bv this measure. 1 (he Ivrjish s piadron ia the .Mediterranean, it i alnr iicd that the oifn'ers hidieve the) tlrdl son 1 be rr'i'l to m re active exertions, and that many hatf pa' o fi ers have been ordf icd to join it. Briitsd-;, Mif 1. After several days debate, from the 2 lib lo ,th.-2Gth of April, the second cb nniier of ; the Stales (JetKUul decided in favor of the new pro- irf rrf'liw rc' iliv' In tin- nnsc T: 4 votes- Berlin, rfpril 1 3. The IvnpH s of llus-i 1 it-expected to be bore nt the nurri.'ie of IMin e William ; but it does not appear tint (he 'Kini'ernr will come, an was expected, or that he will go to the annv. .Mauv think a general warn Europe bv no means im; 1 b able. A". York Journal of Commerce, Juoe d. Paris, Mr: 1. IVe learn from Tipiis, that the French division blockading Algiers h :s captured t-ev-eral vessels, amonj; which was one under (he Tuscan, ! .1;. which belongs to (he Ciovei iiineul of Tunis. The i ii a 01 1 1 .j)Oii 11 1 i r aiM.ai eiauns against Jiiscanv. and the Fre ichCoasiil has settled the alliiir by pacing GO lj pn-Iers. . '"" On the present ooea-ion, this barJiarotis custom i--r'eii into a system, a id a new staH, under the di r 'lio 1 of a a old (3erm ei o'J'cer, is j)rdered to oran i " 1 plan fitfa general ;o ';ia.;i-,fioi!, hefoie the ene 'ti't in neneirate to sstch places j.s it mav be nccesa r t-i evacuate. Jteoru-.l b 1 ie, ded lb at. the 10,1 (j :1; op would be stopped bv s t A miuc edi i. b it rv'i i' a fatal prospect t- th to'iut uoibt.tiiiiate i..inij :t ,'. , of Bui ','aria a id iio.ueiia ! '1 .oywfww'ce is tleait : lotlun .s uM but ainm'unifiou ?iud ii'ary stores, f.ir wiiich die (vjvenuneut pay god ic.ejJif readv ni'o:cy.M . "It isprett'i)dcd ttiMt t!nr ir nrison- of )Vu1den hn? ',a;e!v made an incursion in Little Wallachia. when r w fruit ti&imt ff Aunm w for the campaign are truly formidable on the side of and faithful priideisto Congress, 'Gales and SValon Uuch extieine Copruption are now in power and the lave been Jiemisscd because tney reniseu sunserv i-tease is cnantien. J lie ush is cautrnt. unices nave icy to the park, and in their stead Ihe Ftipple tool already been bestowed by (ho Jackson party, sirn e In addition to this, Uie Turks, as far ns concerns the number of troops ; and orders are iven to lay waste every tiling if a re treat should be necessarv. It is, indeed, the constant practice-of the Tirrhish troops, when (hey are ob-ti-jCd to abandon a country, to leave it desolate. Jlltf sages (Irs Chumbres, Ml; 1. Rits:o and Turkey. It appears that the Turks have a--uuied tlie attitude of active defence alon' the line of the Balkan mountains and have also prepared the advanced fortresses for vigorous resistance. With the exception of a sally from Giurevo, in which-the Russians su'feivd considerably, we do not learn that thev hav e done anv tiling of C0(isequence. Accounts of April l'2lh state that the scarcity had a s;ood deal increased, within a few days, although a little grain had arrived from Ihe 15 lack Sea, which the Govern ment had notnllowed to be monopolized. It was thought there that the Persians would un .pic tionablv take up arms against the Russians, since the massacre of the minister, it beiiuj said there that all the Russians in Teheran had at the same time fal len a sacrifice to the popular rae. From Walladiia it was reported that tlie Russian head quarters were to be immediately removed to Crajova,in order that operations of Servia mihl be commenced before the expected interference of a neighbouring power could intercept them. It was said that Count Palm would have the direction of the siee of Silistria, whither all his troops were going. Great scarcity 'of flour pre vailed at Buchanst; and great mortality prevailed. Letters from Odessa of the 15th April,' state that the Turks have despatched a great many troops to Krerumj and a report was in circulation, that; the son of the V iceroy of Egpt was to go there with his relator troops. The Ottoman ihowed there a prompt disposition to assume hostilities, and were employed in fortifjing Erzerum with 'palisades, ditches, artille ry,. - . ' : ' Itis ?ard that the Kin f Pnisia w about to pur jffiasmeTui hiau vyhichb .considered extrcnuly vatuahtc, "Ji v? Paris, May 5. JVe lea ni from Stockholm, that on the niht.of ihe IGtu uiu a vioJeutihock of au eartli 'piake was felt at Malung, in the province, of Dalarne, accompanied by a loud report, which was heard at a icat distance. Spam. The King of Spain consented, in confoi mitv with the wish expressed b the consulate of Ca diz, that the late ordinance, making that a free port, should iro into e'.lect n the ,3(Hh of Mav. O -..-.. .... The ,arth piakesstitt coulinutd at Marcia and Brill nela, and the tolcaunes continued to ( mit varius substances. The former city is almost entirely de serted ; the remaining 'people are in great distress, through the loss of property, sjlh-rings from wounds, hunger, or the attacks of robeis, who range the neigh borhood of the two places in search of prey, and who commit crimes and even murder. . A private letterof the 2 ul nil. from Madrid, states that the pries's who came to that cupUal some time ao, after bein expeefd irom Mexico, have exerted so much inllaeuc'e upon the mind ol king Ferdinand, asto -it-nd him to Ih io t . te-rsdatHWti Miim an a v pedihon anaiust Mexico. The Inl.eit I )on Cai !s ifrt "declaied titmcjf a partisan of rhis rnrnMirr amt ihe plan livcvl n is, thai the expedition' vvdi -,ul -ii: ;!ie ilavaunaui Oc.d'-r' e.r Nun ,uU 1 next. Al!e ei, adds tln let'er, 1! e- p r !).! e tlia! n:',ini! ; f i' i . 1 will i.iteru.io to ind ice .-j ma to liut ,n In. resoiuljon. I )nlf Green has been appointei eleven other editor- have received the rewards of their loyalty in an aggregate sum of more than $100,000, in eluding the salary of lbilf. What' has become of the patriotic alarm of those tender politicians who saw the freedom of (he press expiring under Ihe lale administration ? Oh ! how .glorious have their fears been banished ! What beau tiful consistency do (hey display by supporting an ad ministration wiiich in ufn' Utile, months" has lavish ed on a dozen partian editors as many hundreds of thousands of dollars as the late administration bestow ed hundreds during twice the number of years. Now with these consistent gentlemen the watch word is ; "all's well !" The ship is manned by a trusty crew, and tlie brave boys are worthy vy their hire. But we say let the people look' to it Let (hem be aware lest instead of true hearted tars, they have a crew of heartless pirates not only upon the property but upon the reputation of our country; who will stick to the good ship U. S. so lon as they are allow ed to fatten upon her cargoes, but (his privilege be ing 'Withheld will scuttle her without remorse. " , . Cutawha Journal. ' Temveanoe. 5 A respectable merchant of this City, has permitted qs to state, that he has not sold in any way, ardent spirits for five years, and that his neet proceeds of sales have been much greater, and his business more profit able and pleasant, since he aliandoned a. traffic, which to him appeared entirely inconsistent with the profes sion of Religion. ' 1 . t . . As respectable a Jailor as is in the State, declares, so far as comes within his observation, that niue-lcntbs oTtho persons committed to prison, for anv cause, are intemperate, lie savs that a ober vilUauJS.xart.dv J nieTwinn"nW fnSifage' 'thnff ttfe' crowd of Ahiskey drinkers, v ho care not where, nor what they are, if they can only get li pior. Pal. Peg. The present great men in the Administration will all get clear of dyspepsia, for they appear to shun the rood dinners ottered them, as if thev were seasoned with arsenic. This is ho doubt a terrible cross to the appetites of some of (hem. What a pity they should have not themselves in such a hobble, by their blather about an eatrg and speech) fifing Cabinet ! Thev ma a a rve themselves with good policy, for not all (be wiue they could drink would elevate the genius of some of i hem to the pitch of even a decent dinner speech. Georgia Courier. , 4 iev have come into power, on editor ef partian pa pers thr salaries of which amount t' up'vnrds rf r.-ne hundred thousand dollars a year. This is an appal ling fact of wljich anv one mav satisfv himself b ad ding together the amount of the vearlv salaries of Dull" Green, Hill, Kendall, Carr, Noah, N. Green, Dmdap, Menshaw, Danforth, Gardiner and others. l. Noah has'aii office w ith a salary of $ 00() and nothing to do, as we should suppose Irom his own Avords : ' "Our new duties not interfcrin ; with the duties rind obligations we owe to the repubhean park, will not abate the attention hitherto paid to Ihe columns of the Knejuirer, which we hope to itnprov e in ev t ry de partment.'" Mr. Noah publishes a dailv paper, and his offee does not inte rfere with his -'.!i(oi ial labors! T1ht must be little to do then, and t he .ets SvOPrt a v ,ir. Does this look like retrenchment ai.nl reform; or h'.e pensioning a press ? The nets ;ne (brown awa- (In- Drayton, ( Ohio ) Journal, fish are caught Latkr from Kngi.and. .Vric-York, June H. The ship Mentor, Captain Webb, armed at a late hour lal nibt from Liver pool, and hrouji'. Lotulon papers of the Cth of Mav, a id Liverpool -of the nth. All the news of anv im loitance, bv both arrivals, has been brought into the follow 1 u.' samuvarv : Tlie Cover. m.erit has firvh(roubte',"ora serious lure, upon its h inds. The people of In land have no -ooner been hrotisdd into a .stale oP-teinporai v , 'sIm'I v e cau if ' (rauipiibf, than the legion- of inanufac 'luer. at home have In c. me riotous, and all but rebel-'-. 'I'm i:. i ! k o'a 1 s of mv ral d these no were v ' ; ii '1 1 i I. 0111 1 u i's Mieived b (he !oi ida, on A AI.I.IVG Off. The New-York Conmieicial (June ?) s!.?tes, (hai Mr. Hamilton of S. Carolina, whom our readers will remember as the chairman oflhc Hamburg, stvl.d the "Retrenchment" Committee, in the House f Representatives while! in that city Inst week, s; oke openly and frankly, in disapprobation ef the proceed ings at Washington. From north to south, and ea-t to west, a strong sentiment of disgust and disappointment pervades the community.. We declare that though , in the daily habit office and familiar converse with Jackson men of town and coun(iv,on political topics, we have met with (wo men only, who justified the system of removals and 'appointments, ' pursued at Washington, and one of them was an oil'-cr seek fr. In,almobt ever)' .case, dLeit was unrescrvetlly ex-yrr'sedr- flrffirkfm t? lendetV hrrt tK-t -wild - - cnth'is4:tb,ni- of personal-.admiration for (he Military ' Chieftain, which so strong ran through tbe eormtrv, swi epintr away in i(s progress (he experience of man kind, the admonitions of our Republican saos. nnd the maxims before deemed irrefi a;;abb is uttCilv de- Ginct. Men continue to be Jai k?onians, only from oride of consistency. Thev hate to confess (hat the, individual upon whom (hey almost bestowed a livieg Apotheosis, (urns out upon experiment, to be so little of a God, as to tamely surrender himself into the keep- ing of some of the most depraved men lh country lias, ever reared convicts of deei crimes, and the out casts of society. Pwhtnond Whig,- s, M.n'.f.i ;io'i pji 'tnt'i, hi' m nit turn wi:i climrt, iriii in wi.'i honks, uu J ir in dp leu wai linen. SlI.K . We were much gratified at a viit which we paid this morning to the rooms w litronJohn MacKae E.sp i rearing the silk worm He has about ..Wio Worms, uio.tof which have now formed their Caeoons :some few of them are still feeding, and others are spinning their silk. .. . Sev a ralothor person in this town have made es says towards rearing the silk worm among others. Jan ics I! Hooper, Lsq. upwardi of 6ix thousand at work. We have seen seine specimens of the raw nik after it was wound oil' from the Ca Oon, and it was really beautiful, being of a . hriJit stravv-colbllr. We an- iej.ieed to see intelligent Citizensjurning tht iratte ilm.i to this most phisant anil profitable pc ci'p.iiiou, and v e hope the fo v is not Veryi distant, when every fiiuily Th the slate -'will rnak"e fjUc Si vvinc. Our stute is admirably adapted to the culture ofeach of them and nothing is wanting to insure success, ; but pa'ieneo and perseverance. Let every family plant the while; mulberry get a few silk woi ini-pand cul tivate (he grape, and we shall soon become a wealthy, healthx and really independent people. ' v V In about ( wenty da vs, Mr. M'Rae will hareagrcat many f ilk worms, for graluitous distribution, and we advise every person, not already supplied, to call upon him, andTtfet some. The evperirnei.l will richly repay all the tro'uble attending it. N. C. Journal. 11 il.s Hie ri ; en looms, three wen B ti, .-i'.h .juei.t arrival, we barn that ha l re. 11 bed 011 alarming In iht. Blood lied. At Roebdale, the rioters destroyed and carried awav th'ir 'hiTttles. Twenty anprt bended bv the Magistrates and the mi'itarv. The remaii'der collected before tbe prison, ci t'berate them; The soldiers at first fired blank car ' rages, whi.i h not in'nnidating the rioters, who rushed ipon (he sold'ei s, several rounds of ball were (ired, by which In e were killed and about twenty-five wouded. There IcmI been extensive riots, and lif -sev c n per sons had been appn bended at Manchester. Through the intervention of the soldiery, it was aain preltv piiel on the 7th May. Thej ilragoons at Birmingham had bee. 1 ordered to Leeds. There Were hopes of a compromise at SpilalfieUs. A Just Tbihute. The following just tribute to (he people of this country, appears in an article of the Paris Conti tutionnel relative to (he United States: "There is not a city so small that it has not ifs printinn office and its journal, or a hamlet so obscure that the litjht of (he periodical press does not penetrate it. A foreigner is surprised to hear eomnKSn farmers .d'J'.a'c, w ith a perfec' kn.ow!edgc...of men and things, notoidv upon (he affairs of their own countv, but rven noon (he jiolitieal events of which Lropc is the thea tre. 'There is rnore gwd serrse, more -sound ideas iifion civilization, in a log Jiouse in tlue.. United States, y (ban in our most brilliant saloons, and even our academies." p. aid to have desi roved a great hurnbt, r of Rrrssiarr im liary iiyigu.mes, wierii is !ioc a( .nil probable, h c i uerc is. a very suo.i;. corps Jt I lire ho va and in '1 -N i i se: h m inner Tliaf it would be cxtrenielv" ' . .1, .. . inus to aVieun'd tri ' -.Vass : Prune' ost v)n i:v. JJcpati t.me.vt. Niles, in a late nun. her of (lie Register, states that silcb is the atle.ui'U) n.id lide'iiy in (he inanaiunent of the 1'osl Oliiees east and north of (he Susouehanuah. ' that L'enerallv not more than one h:lter out of SOM, di ced i d to the tdlicef die Reg. had been lost. He says he cannot speak thus of the soeth and soulhwe-t ; and lhat bis le.sses have been hea, notwithstanding (he Lot ece!!e::t i'ost Master Gi neral was laborinto brncahout a 1 eio; inadon in tho-e .piarters.- The Re gister, 'he. savs !- s,.(1-with more, certainly to the inos dista l! pi. ices c;is( than il is the -hort distance of bO miles south of ihe Totoinac, except to some of the prin cipal I'ost olliecs. (ZHMHWm' 1 HE .'L'HEtvK IMl'KOVED. Many of our renders will remctyber that rvfyout three year ago Martin Van Ihire'n,, a- Senator from Tsew 'TftTTCWrged'tqiOn the Sedate the necessity of' "bi proviug (he condition of the prc's."1 If there cverV'x jsled a doubt as to Vial ihe honorable senator meant' b v .'iiwamv'iiri' Ftfe couittibYn ci rli-. piy.ssi:ehULt ,-.;..-.' "".' - : ' Tut j'isii cai'oiit. An Ambitious monk, who wa the son of a fisher man, kept his father's nets hanging before him jn his ce4l as an evidence of his humility. This show of humble piety gained hirt such reverence thidyby a few short steps, he was advanced to a bishop's digni ty. In the most splendid halls of his palace thenets were again hung up, and the Bishop was still the most humble of men. His reward was a Cardinal's hat! The modest Cardinal still preserved his father's net, and it was hot long untilhe became POPE. - They were theh disca rded. On being asked why he no lon ger retained them, he answered Foolsf I have no longer any use for them 4ht fish is caught;"-:-- r The professions of the ' Jackson party; before the election, were much' like the monk's nets, The ob ject being now attained, they have now no further use for (hem and find it very convenient to lay them aside, nhd they manifest as much contempt as the pope did, lor these who have been deceived bv them.( One of General Jackson's nets, which wns'pf great service (o him in catching the fish, was his Opinions on, the subject of (he appointment of members of Congress to ollices under the general goven ment. This pet is laid aside, and Van. Huron, Laton, ljiauch,XDerrien, Ingham, Moore & McLaue, all members of Congress, have got snug appointments under the general govern ment. Apothor net was Jutrenchment, but it was convenient to throw it aside, when'. M 00 rc'.AV as ap pointed minister to Colombia and McLane ip Eng land. Pefona was an excellent net for catching gud goons, but it is useless now. . - i...::..'!. Iieforelbe late election a monstrous cry was kept up about pensixjucd presses and hireling cditorsrA paper whicli, received one or two hundred dollars a vear for pubhshfng tlie laws of (he United States was iit'uaed of bei fig supported bv go vei and the administration was charged thOic grossest corruption in making changes, in a few j nuances, of 4eX ' pa'p"iJfff'.';''civq;dt A. CAUTION. The demon of Party continues to wave bis baV f d wiugs over the Rulers of the day, and by ev ery fre:,b Instance of his predominance in their councils, lessens (he character of the Administration, even amongst its own partians. For those individual, whom neither age, virtue, or talents exempts from the political guillo tine, our strongest sympathies ore excited: but we sorrow more at the wounds inflicted on our national honor, bv those who possessing might, forget right. Let tbe President and his advisers, continue cxultiu jy , to(rampleon the lawsof humanity let (hem laugh at (he misery they have occasioned and let their satellites , applaud them hut let them not mistake the approba tion of each other for the sanction of the people. I ,et them bearwimnd, that tbe Governments ppt l.ey.-l-itary, and that there is such a thing as retributive jus tice even here ! Pal. Peg. - 1 Etilitfhtfn your children, and learn them te prate Of jhtt thing that concern both your country and ttaif.' 1 ;. An Infirmary. has lately, been established at Vater to wn, near Boston for the care and recovery of such "young gentlemen as are intemperate, and unmanage able by their "pa rents;' ' v. ?:'...Thc Executive of Virginia lias appointed John F. Mayj Esf. of Petersburg a Judge of the GeneralCourt of Yijn't inpla.ce'df Tho. T. Houldin, Esq. elect ed to the House of Representatives of the United States- -j General Asstmlly. The General Assembly of the Presbytefion Church of the United States, commen ced its annual session in Philadelphia, on the 21st ult. hrtlie first Presby terion ChurchV on "IVashington qnare:':-"'.";' Marfan "'Weiearti' (savs (he Tallahassee Flor idiati, of the 12th inst.) that Gtn.R- K. Call, and Col R. Eutleri have received orders from the General Gov ernment, to lay oil' a tow n at St. Marks. Chan. Conr. George W..Erving, Esq. late Consul General of the United States for Spain, has arrived at New York. The bill to prevent masquerades in the State of New York, has been read a third tirqe and passed in the Legislature of that State. . 'Mississippi. We learn from the Statesman and Ga zette tiu.uLe Hon Mr. Williams, late a Senator from that 'State, will be put in nomination for Governor of Mississippi, .' "j0rtT9th ult. the George Washington, said to be the largest vessel that ever appeared at New Or leans Wiled from that port for Liverpool with upwards of 'bales of cotton 6n ! board. V