dim JPA1T 'I'M.. ' i .1 77; IG.YORAjYP A YD OEQRADED OF EVERY JYATIO Y OR CLIME MUST M EMZTQHT&YED, JIEFORE OUR EARTH CAN HAVE HQNO;tN THE UNIVERSE," fOLCMK I. GREEVSBO ROUGH, N. CC STU!U)Y, NOVEMBER 7, 1829. V'-' 9 I !, V NUMRril! 25. J r-r-rTr-Tn r l.-1 V c S" l r I T I J l4TI?irVP fs.u! iteil ami published every Saturday morning, by WILLIAM SWAM, A" Two I'Mhrs per annum, payable within three months , imm the date " the first ntmiber, or Three Dollars after thr rxpir.ition of that pcriM. . E-i-li subscriber w ill bo at liberty to discontinue at ant timo u;t'i'? the first three months, by p ivinp for the numbers P".t--ivd, nrcor.-!iii!, f the above terms; but no paper will b' discontinue i until il1 rrear e;es ce paid, and a failure to order a disc .v.uimiance will be considered a new engage rs mt. Thom- tt'li" imv bcrtTiP responsible for Ten epie shall rv rcu ct1"" lih frrtiif. n allowance of ten per cent will rIw V ma le to auti in.,-d agents for procuring subscribers A 1) YF.K'TISF.M F.NTS, N t e"-Hin: 12 'iins, vi"l be neatly inserted three times for one d "'1 ir mrl fvcntv rents for each succeeding pub lic.t'uvi those f pi-cater length in the same proportion. All letter and cimmunir u:.on to the Editor, on business re 1 -ifi 'c to the m per, must be post-paid, or they will not be tit'.on le 1 to. i 111 COM VU.YICATIO.YS. "T', 'fif'9oWF''bt''tttH,'ffittrmrtfiitt caw. Foit I'rrs (i it b k us bo hough PArniof. . NORTH-CAROLINA"," No. VII. " 1T(KNAL IM !vROVl.MF.XTS. "i r vw I in the list rf tlicm that hope; H , cl"ss are all my evils, all remediless. " Milton Tt not mv belli f, which coull he made, other tilings being tlie same ling, and to convert it into a .stepping-stone, from which to elevate themselves to power. Abasing the ignorance and versatility of the people, inveighing mightily against internal improvements, not discrimi nating between the greatness of the object to be attain ed, and the impropriety and inadequacy of the meas ures adopted for its attainment, and being aided by thoe who were yet sore with the wounds received in the attempt already made, they have succeeded in turning tlie current of -popular opinion altogether against internal improvement's, and have raised them selves to places of homjr and trust, under the prom ise of opposing every attempt, how judicious soever it may be, at the bettering )f our internal cnmiwrce. Ths game is still phved wi(ij success. Meantime the best interests of i!-e Sti-te ;ire sii.'feri:ig for the want pfsoiriething t iutu.iJ being ti'e. An enlight- WnAl people ca:i discern the MM' economy and parsimony ; whilst ignorance ii natural ly short-siglJrji and penunous. The people are gravely t. !d by these electioucer ing stump-orators, (hat the have nothing to take to market ; that it b i.nusensi to be at the expense of making provisions for t carrying off their surplus pro duce, when, so far from having :;ny (hint' to cany to market, th.ey are in want of c eiy tliing; that they should first turn their attention to improvements in agrioultiiie ; and that, perlvuvs after lapjjc of a ce;4tary-irXvvo,ou,tte improvuneiiU oi flic' lacuuy oi cominerce may beconjo . eccssary and practicuble, They have even gone m firps to inal;e some regc.la tious, and ' offer some, premium?, to encourage im provement in agriculture. This is t- sa-n.pfe cf the extreme fatuity vf our little titr 'cs.-n-n. W ho will, or who can, be ai I he expr'te and tremble ofimprov-' ins land, whi't i.is sun lus jvodtK will do nothing' 1 to wares iuuin(u;ii!Lf him . icr-1, their stead ? Wi 11 all the now blooming beauties Aide, and disappear ; all the pride ana passion, the love, hope, and joy pass away, in ninety years, and be forgotten "Ninety years !" (says Death,) "do you think I can wait ninety years? Behold, to-day, an I to-morrow, and every day, is mine ! When nine ty years are past, this generation will have mingled with the dust, and be remembered not." StlLECTtli). "And Vm the .md conJaint, and almost (rut; Mlia'.'r :.vr uritr, wc bring forth nothing ncv." KVKNTS-OF Tlr'-: WAR. -Hi $r .l'ov".ng a. tide furnishes U'.jful memoranda to any reu lev wh . takes nn iri'.vVwliil lite prefioiit wur between Hus- i l.... j I-. that anv internal improvements 4- i v- . , , . . , . - .. i ii iiii:h uu: cifiisc : v . ;-,'u u.' our vro" lieu m nks oi' cultuit:, Hie ri.ibcrant proouc'.ion ;. pf coiuitry iip uiu.:i a i'::,-vii on the h'wl- of the il- t he ai!K)ail to which iia.ijiLitv. lie call nv rtfli.-.rj-iJiLr io it. u 1 r 1 1 t ie aiu a a g')oe; nv.'.p, i ice the pn gress i the Impci i il tr;ops, iv tm, every srp f t!.e:r itnsion, during the two canipaigns, It may be remarked howotr, resjiecting the terms stated as thoe upon which the Emperor Nicholas would be willing to make peace, that juch vrrc tlx co nd.'.'kiiM of 1828; and J are pro! ?bly' much more moderate than would now be ac cepted. From appeai aa;cs, it is r.ot the intention of Russia to negotiate until her trot hs shall have entered Constantino ple ; when she ca.i, at her leisure, explain what she means !)y indemnity for the jiast and net urit'y for the future. , 1 he lA'Claratioii ,vv;;r. .by .iiussja,.was isstied.ou the 'ibth tf April, Jli-C. lnllu:tdocum.vSMir Ike Em peror declares ihat he will not la)' down h'rs nns till he "has cbtained the results' which rt sets foTt h, vir: all t he trrp'-irres jmdws ix'casiuned ly- the war de frayed, by Tuik; 'V ; pst treaties acknowledged and enforeett ; iu. iolah'e libcr.'y to tiic commerce of the Rlack .cea,;titd ihe Tree navigation a. the Dosphorus ; an 1 (ir. .: Uy,. the-ialUlLiMCKi9H J uJ.) (I'l. idi- pHCi.iCntio'i cl (i.eci'c. i iL-ent prospect thev are, could whollv relieve North Carolina from T T ... A. 1 I .vnv ik. All V 11. .-I iotd, J.rvj fnv"rw'SofcaMK & w erecting oi , in:l!cubbtV ,t u the vil't -nruity to talk of our U .il Unmlj nr nlhi.p rAiln lint mnil'rh IPO ImnuM A. . . . . i.v, wU ...W..V. .. .r,...v , ,ln fnil .,-,,,,, (o (o miir;:c our "iieva:ite is ! ments m.-iunot wno.iy relieve us, xci, uv auor(i.- ,,ut tl'a uc ll()i;-ti H f;( p ,N,f.,cr a cheap .conveyance for the .crchanSe of r.r0d..c-j tliHt fe is ,:() 1iiU,(.( ,,,,, th;;t' ,.. ;nsr, ulKi t,;,,. tious In d.derent portions of the State, and lor throw- circumstances, wili I-,, ca.i ..." io t. indicate chat he will be ion?. The pi noii.'t I i .c to enforce these condi- of the war, so far as we jug Ihe surplus into the mart of the vo;ij, it rou'i I ( u'.re in a j 1 1 1 ' cnci.-al '."."i! .!'"- 'era'.e si':iatiei- 4ot fail. to have a. potent induence oTcr our p.,-; ' .C(, n(v r6Avil., JUtll iW ,v tv and enterprise. iti n ... j r s' 1 j VT u nen uonr is worm per onrita ai 4.T7F)ern, aid market, and already too poor, for rather, I should and wheat is plentiful in the upper eoi.ntry, ?a ?. or : I fhink, tco indolent ,. and p-ji.iii i ptoverncnl. VV hil t "fh'jr. Milrfjct - j ami -: onr rodueiioiis 1 hive bcn r.ble to collect (hem. are brief: , as fol- low:- -. JJ'y 7., J8-?.). Campaign commenced. J tve 0 . I'a.r.ge of It.o Danube, and captmx- of Safoano-v.-n, with 1 J pieces of canon. Jure P t. raigage.nent betfen tiie ll'issian and Ti ' ni-.h tloiilias near LVailow ; th-: former consis- tiii of 1 7 v. --els i.f dl,' iT nt sizes, j,;.,! i!iC. latter of ."'2'.'." Oft his iVusi.t-' 70 "Vvcii'e fak.,., :.L'ik, burnt, or ra:idcd. Same day, a Turkf. ! ilotilla, with . ariilj, amin inilioii, 1c. was captured oil' Anapa, owwie Asi.uu ;oast : 1 JOO person;, uui fi standards ol convc u- so :ga-j m .i.i- ('lllOtOIH r. nifu'd in wauoriimr his flour to market ; tor f would nrA;u 0j .jr miuence by .. i . . . .1. i.i : J tt-i!niiic-- vm-) r-tMt r--nen, .w- --nove-t "! ia;wn. April 11. Three detachments of Turkish h . .s cross the Danube into little Wallachia, but are dri - ven back, after suffering considerable loss. Muy ll-Silistriaagaiu invested, afler an enaraeement about two miles distant, in which the Turks lost 400 or 500 men, and the Russians abnut 1 50. On the sarrVe dav a battle was fought near Paravadi, the Turks being led on by the Grand Vizier in per son. Turkish loss in killed, 2000, Russians, kil led, 501, wounded, 627. June 11. Great battle near the village of Kulawts cha, not far from Schoumla, in which the Gr. nd Vizier commanded in person. In this engngcn.ent and ihe sulisequent flight, the Turks lost 5900 inert killed, a great number of prisoners. 43 pieces of cannon: 6 standards; all the ammunition waggons, bagage, ic. and suffered a complete dispersion. Vt'HHSrcrdCT---"OfSilitiria.. to the Rnssiati?. The garrison, consisting of COO0 men. and the.ar metl inhabitants, of 10,000, were made prisoners of war, and among them, two three-tailed Pachas ; 2 50 pieces of cannon, and 100 stands of colors were taken. Jwic 27. Krzerum captured by the Russians. Among the prisoners weie the Seraskicr and four Pachas: 150 cannon were taken, 29 of them at Hassan Kael. July 19. Choris and Eerburst. (As, Turkcv) occu- ... pied by. the Ktusians. , . Julji Ah'Vwo cliMfionsof the RiMosian -nrmv left Shiimla to undertake the passage of the Da!kin. July r?-ttt-f9. The principle obstacles ovVicome, and I0 annon, 14 standard- with nearly 40t j -ris-oners taken from the Turks, who also" had many killed. ,-.;v.t July 22. In descending the Ralkin, the Russians rn-t countepid a Turky' Jivision of 6000 or 7000 mm under the SerakiK-Jbduhl Rahman, and del'. ;it ed them,tafeni;u;p.jbatteries of four guns each, ic four other pieces of rannjon 400 prisonei-s k se en standards.. July 2.3. Capture of Jlescnbria, with 20 standards, 15 cannon, and 2000 prisoners. Same day, Arhio h was captured, containing 14 pieces of cannon, . two powder magazines, &c. . July 24. Capture of Bourgas, containing 10 pieces of cannon, and abundance of military stores. July 25. Capture of Aidos, with the whole. Turkish camp ; 600 tents, 5o0 barrels powder, 4 standa i ,ts, 4 cannon, a great quahtitj'of small arms, and 220 prisoners. p';l ,- to I vr.n ;ne eo'thifiv t-tlv half its value to get it there; ami (he-! jntrse-jtrin, to sii;'''est ttny uiite: lo iedjne, would balance would not pistitv the ui.dertr.kinj.-. h.it.l the farmer coifld" !et bis flA'u'rTo'marireFTTi-'lPss tTi'anii i ono dollar per hnirel. be woubl realize a proti., which Jj,--i.;Lt!e-s v.tll in firnrcd .on in ens. .'. ''' '' k rnan of !-!i sl i!i;!i ":m I . I . . I . . " 4 . .. I . . . . w'OM'.l imparl new vtenur in jr. enTerp. i . '.'.'um, u rir-oi elaborate oel j. iti .:i- , n pciwci'Swl exenu.n Slate, 13 I.e.: w;.:l ,'u eMicm, ci'te. f.;r ll.c in- 6a!t frciVientlv co-ts but 50 or GO cents per lu -bel in i t ile pooniar atknii, ( to Wilmington ; wbi!t, in th. upper countrv. i; aKvavs j rca.jt i'ro.:i . 1-jwbei l, llir.i ,'i more than doubles theso pnce. f be dio. reiu .-is owinj; to the expense of carriage, These two hisian-ce- 'jOic.iently illutriate the subject, fr the compara tive effect i pear lv the samp in oilier .usance, accordini o the weiubt and bulk of the commodity. As things are, the active citizen of this Stale has manv and stront: inducements to emitrate. Me may rrmoe to verv distant States, and vet. if Norto-f'ar-ohna 0ers the best market, he mav compele wilh her own inhabitants. Jn verity, when the improve ments now in progress shall be completed, (he rifi ?eus of Ohio and Indiana may rival us in our own ' nvirkets. Thev wj'l be, in effect, nearer to our tra dinj towns, (hah we of the upper country. The rarrmn pnlinr "f our Statesmen is a bv-word and a reproach a;not."g our Sister States. Thev have so far outstripped ns, in the honourable raceof improve ments, that we have shrunk back to the gaol, oppres sed with an incubus. We owe this state of things, in part to the monop olizing, self-aggrandizing projects of a few speculative nspirantsbo-were, a few years ayo, at helm ; iu part, to our own ignorance, and consequent contrac tedness of spirit ; and perhaps we mav justly attribute a part to that baleful fatality, which has hovered over our destiny from the earliest moment of our existence s an independent State. Our State offers a facility for infernal commerce, if not superior, nt least equal, to that of other States. Some year.aeo, our politicians and others becan to be convinced of our natural advantages, and to think of improving them ; but, instead of adopting a rational policy, and a calculating judicious coure, their avid lh to sec splendid works, and to n ap splendid profits, precipitated them into premature measures. Accor di i-ilv. they ecu rPd charters, pun based lands at enormous prices, as the seats of their operations, and the situations of future towns, and to work thev weiit, without system, or experience, or skill. Tin State, meantime, invested her surplus funds, which wi re then considerable, in these ill-conrerfed scheme. Evravaeance marked everv step ; and what was done, wa don' (o no purpose. The funds were S I'landered the romantic projectors were involved in difficulty, anJ bankruptcy. Ryin and consterna tion spread around ; for, Jn thejt. fall, .they were pot alo''o)'bnt with themlhev carried others, whom thev hi J involved as. securities." Iiketbemllinc of mighty oale; they crushed all within reach - of their wide. i.sit lor g sm. e, a n-a t.iteM'.s,niid uii'.'ei, made, in a i : i n.i Ihe Centr;1 ft:ie lint the pe ; Ic an e rxiTi! rr.ass are too ljruonnt o t.n.iK ! ;i l..e in.-: e a sul iect ol sucti nnpor- laiice, and their adv-e's, except such as live near the proposed roul.aie. disinclined (o favour .the mea sure. Moreover, uon-y i.v v'U.':n. and most men feci doub'.Hil whence u is o be obtained. The people have been ; often duped bv i-jiccious prclen ees, that (he) ctinnot now be au istd to their n .il interest, ospecialiy if epen.-e l.-e involved. It may be observed, .'hat, if from the nature of our c.'iasV we have no ade.-piale port, we might, with propriety, so oirect our operations, as to embrace the benefit of maikets in adjoining Slate. It might, indeed, hurt our Stutc pr'u' to build up great cit.es in other States, with (he means which we fancy ought to build up one or more in our own ; but as such cities, are generally the hotbeds, in which is engende red every species of ice and debauchery, and from which is spread a contagion, infecting the whole sur rounding country, they may justly he considered a a c-nrm; to be-avoided, rather thn a blessing to be sought. 7 It might be added; r, that were we void of debt, ignorance, sloth, pride, dissipation, and injustice, and possessed of their contraries independence, intelli gence, industry, humility, economy, and justice, we might be very happy, will) even less commerce than we now have, liut, as an improvement of the facili ties of internal commerce would advance our prospe rity, and assist in the acquisition of somcof the desira ble objects above enumerated, without rendering more difficult the attainment of any, the subject cer tainly is worthy (he notice already taken ol it; and should the period ever arrive, when our greater grievances are redressed, and popular attention is aroused to the redress of this, I shall rejoice, "if'stil alive, and able to wield a pen, to add ' my pittance to wards the advancement of so great a good. Polydoue. Jure lib'. Surrender cf Isakiscba io the Ruscians, "telifcr- wl;h 57 piocv ofraimoit, 1 7 stands oi co- luiv a o.d a lug.; tuantil' ofuiiHimnition. Ju,,.' T)'Ji.- a attempting to carry urailow by alorm, tiie Passians lo?t ( JO men killed, including Major General Wolf and 'J'imoii:, and I. HO wounded. Ju:o 20. Ih-aiiow snnvndei? to '.he Russian-, on condiiion of the garri-on being. periniUd to retire to Sihriria;. "27.V ca.mon, Crj,(HiO lbs. of pOwder, indan imcuse quantity oi b;.m t re laucn I-put on-m-y -new coat. My miser) Was heightened by the circurm.laice that I expected to be partif ular ly happy. 1 puXjtnalieiLJ)j"eiiMI exceedingly well and I have rather a handsome figured at least, my tailor tells me. J have been reading Miss London's lnproxo strive but the niomi nt 1 put on my new coat, I found that my thoughts wand dered to Prince's street, and I could no longer par ticipate iri the sarrows ofber heroine. T huttei.ed my new c.out ; for the great-st natural philosophers in- Jam ". jiuireuu r of Anapa (Asiatic Ti:rke Vwith C5 nieces of cannon, and a law .iiiautih ofauunu-l ,0'n' t,,at we should alwa)s wear a new coat nition. J he gur.ron consisted ol 1000 men. " hlia """ o me Jal , 2.Prev io.is to this date, the Rus.ans had b.ken J My. I buttoned my new coat, and sallied .forth. I pa.-scu inrougn me western divisions oi lieore i Spread boughs. Then commenced another scene. . The public mii id h v exciledrio aa. nuukuaWegrejovvit b, . th- jrrrMrirratinn of sorrrcthfr de rs;r, w;h ,lisapnointment. Artful and designing men were ready to seize on this state of public fec- i!,.et) )e.us hence not a single man or woman now twenty years of age will be alive. Ninety years? alas! bow .many of the lively actors at present on the stage of life will make 'their exit . long ere ninety vears. shall roll away 1 And could we be sure of line!) years,, w hat are they ? "A tale that is told ?" a dream, an empty sound that passeth on the wings jf the wind away, and is forgptfeu, :ears shorten as man advances in age ; like the degrees in longi tude man's life declines as he travels towards the frozen note, until it dwindles to a noinl and vanishes "I V .til C I, J.vi-fl l.iv ...i,. ... ... ' . ..'v v. .bra - Vill ninety years erase all the golden names oVer the doors in town and country, aud- aubsitutc others in se 'jn fortresses, viz. Rrailow, Maisrhin, Touitscha, llii -ova, Kustendji, Keuzgon, ,:nd Managalia sides Ana; a on the coast of Asia. Toultscha was garrison by early 2000 ineri, and bud 'il cannon on the ra. apart.-. 1 July 15. 'J he fortress of Kars (As. Tink.) taken by storm. The garrison, il is .-.aid, amounted to 1 1,0 00 men, 20uO of whom were kill d, and 1500 made prisoners, inc lading a Paciri. of two Tail C 151 pieces of cannon were taken. July 21. Sili;-tiia inverted by the Russians. An'j.7 In the night following this dav, the Russian flotilla before Varna made an attack upon that el the Turks and captured fourteen vessels. .lug. 20. The Grand Vizier left Constantinople for the army. Aug. 22. Tlu foriressof Ardaghanc (As. Turk.) sur . rendered io the Russians. Aug. 25. News arrived at Odessa of the capture Of ' Ackuschil &Tbpsachale, (As. Turk-) together with 31 standards, and several thousand prisoners. Sept. 26. Scraskicr of Widden having crossed the Danube near Kalcfat, and being on the advance, was attacked by Gen. Geismar, and after an obstin ate engagement was compelled to retreat. His loss is represented to have been very severe. Same day a manifesto was issued from St. Petersburg, ordering a new levy of four men in every !00 of the population. Oct. 7. Varna carried by assault. Garrison, in cluding the armed inhabitants, Mipposcd to have a mounted originally to 22,000 men. When captur ed, was reduced to 6000. This was one of the mo!t important to. tresses of the Turks, and its cap ' turn secured tw the lliissians a permanent footing on the western coast of the Mack Sen. The Em- perior, in a lt'tter to Count Diehitsch of Nov. 20, speaks of it as "that fortress which had never seen a conqueror." From ibis date the active opera- tions of the camnaitm mav be considered as ended. Oct. 15. Blockade of the 'Dardanelles officially an nounced by Admiral Hey den. March, 5th, 1 829. A battle was fought near. the river Natoiiebi, (As. Turk.) in which ihe Turks lost'l 000 men in killed and wounded, and the Russians a- bout 200. street, It struck me that there was an unusual number of ladies at the window. I did not care : 1 was sure that ip) new coat had a fas. ionable cut ; so I-said to myself. "They may look at ii if (hey plea-e." I re solved, however, not to walk as if conscious thai 1 wore a new coat. I assumed an easy good humour condesending kind of air ; aud the expression of my countenance seemed benevolently (o indicate thai I would have addressed words to an old friend, even although he appeared in a coat that 1 had seen him in six months before. I did not wear my Indian handker chief in my breast ; for I look upon thai as a strata, gem to which men should resort only when the front parts of their coat get threadbare. I put my hand kerchief (it is real India, and I have only -mieof the sort) in my coat pocket, and 1 allowed one of (he y 1, low comers to hang out as if by accident. J acca sionally conveyed it from my pocket to my ne ; but, when I replaced it, a yellow corner, by the same accident, always hung out- At the corner of Castle street, several porters touched their hats to me; and two maid servans w ho were standing at the top of their area-stair look ed afler nie till 1 was out of sight. W hen 1 came to where the coaches are, opposite the Assembly rooms three or four men asked me if I wanted a couch ; but; though'thc compliment rather pleased me, I declined (heir oilers in a dignified and gentlemanly manner. Just as I passed Gardner's shop, or between that and M'Diarinid's an individual rather shabbily dressed, whispered in my ear, "Any old clothes to sell sir V I answered "No!" rather grullly , for my first impress- : a. .i ..c :. i . i .. .. iuii was, uiui a kiiiu oi sneer wus iiiieuueo ai mv iicav.! coat; but, on inflection, I feel conviccd that these old-clothes-men only addrss persons of gntUvuianly-' . appearance: and therefore I take this opportunity of publicly expressing my regret for my severity (o tie individual in question, who, 1 am to r. peal', was rather sfiabily dressed, r I itricrto 1 had; met ivifft little to ruflle. me. Just as J Turned into new Hanover street, I rubbed against '.'a white phantom, who passed on as if nothing had happened, but who It. ft the whole of my right arm and shoulder covered w ith flour i.dust. Thc'da . ru).villiauav. fflarcT 26rAl)ou was captnrrd by4 thr-omVof a-lineal -kM'etwlul of the munleier I lag- thei Russians, and immediately fortified for a per manent position. gait, he hadi at templed to dcsiioy forever mv coat and ny happiness,- t ortunatcly aniObliing lootman. - - sn .. W n, mi i IL

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