' J ......... WMicwi I : ' '-huh l1." MW T - : 7( ;.VQK.iXrAND DEGRADED OF EVERY XAHOS QR CLIME MUST HE I'.Xl.l'iJI TEXI: 'BEFORE OUR EARTH CAX HAVE HOXOR tX THE UXIVKRSE GiiMssmmoviin n. c. avkdnday, January lssa NUV.I5KI. THE 4 bv s ..riiilcl ttWUi..-. every WcW IVfMitf S V .11 u, noll.rsper annum, payable within three ninths frv,ho d.U- f the first nmnSer. nr. I '-c W a. w U be i,,rn exited after the exp raton oi th.-i F 'suWriber will ! .-it liberty to discontinue at anv tin,, '.,,-, the hrst thro- months, bv p ,yin8 or the iwunbe,- omli-rr i. the alxne terms ; but no paper vvd V liv .v.t.i. k 1 tintii .11 arrearages are paid, and a faihm t, order., di 'Vinu-Hwu.ce will be considered a new enga. T I, se who may bece responsible for Ten copies sh-dl .re- rt. -v,iV- 1'th n allowance ot ten percent . AN V made to ..nthorized HgentsforTjnKurinsubHcr.l.e a,l warranting the-r 1 vency or remitmg the cash. AD r.in iSRMRNTS, V ,t , xreedirvv 12 lines, will be neatly inserted three times f , ' OJu d ,,; r-ovltwcntv.five ceMfoFeach succppdir.epuh licttWn-t'" .f rreter lentf h the same rr-poi-tion. AP let ers md c-m.n mirations Jo the F.mtnr, on business re- l,; n 1 1 the paper, umst be POST-PAID, or thcy;will not be endatory of the law respecting the crime r Alters the punishment lor bi-uimy, dcam' to,mpr.soume..t, branding and whipping. 3. To provide forll.e payment of Jurors ... 11k I i . rV.X f 11. g.n.v Oill is 1 . i t - t ounlies ol llowaiK Waki- ir.invilU-, Sump.M, li.-rti' and io,. fi'ioM.hs that Hh i i v tic kf t in pavun't t oi ia .hi nt itlit'i- tin- S:i. nor IK f(!'ri;oiii.J of the (V.i nt fees, Linbodic? Duplin, M.;d-oni n k .ati't lor ouier U nll i:ill i i civr a par valnf, :nd 1 ' I M ro'intv 1 ruLt:c soaii i 1 rade lor tlw .!.. at Mi in ; ar viluuj . 19. To amend the .5.1 ect.onc,fal, act pa-ed ... 810, relat.ve to the pae .of tih ti( th- Uedee mI Viulkin iintv. I..H.we. a penalty ol 2o or. ;,e Comrni-ioiin foriif;lfCt ol dnty. An act fi.n- the true eonst. .iction of the ter... iie A 7, l'!;n;e of Da- v oi reri-ond will, those of the 3i. 1mx.ii the let's ol tin- V l'"Ks ,:,d Superior ('oiuls, and Sheiuls n nito one an. n I J . ....... nkll.iK C'oiM-om ..' tl,- State r .aa in . . -'-"y (he said road under Il.e junvJK ...... .... 1 M 1 I'RIVATE ACTS. ti...:.. .,rn 1 1 1 ntivte arts naed ; we tii l. et M,.:h - a.e of any imerct to the Wi-.-l. i n or it . .r 1 s 1 1 1 uit: m t uin ...v r ... . ,, . r71' ' - ? . . .1.1-1 r Repealmt: the acts ol 1 80'J, chanter a..-...i..s . ir..vi Jmn Ur the peniianei.i esia.M.s.nnc..L D ' . .i i i a ...i .tw... ..Tili.. (iwii ol Mor-' i i . . r I ; .1.. ... li .itlwi f.trdtoo. Hie net lor ll.c neuer it-y.ii.ui"" .- ip in.ic roau inn.. w ' " " - . i.i-, it in-' l . act l. aner me unit i ... hd ..;..,r ttio rhsrfio'w iii Ihe co.inlie vid-on, Mecklonlviri; and New 1 1... over. A illi H-.Mi! ti.e appointment ol co.nm..oners to run a .1 uurk the .livid...,' line between the coun i.e of !l iv wood'and Bunco idx'. V or Il.e relief f. lames D. Jestice, of Buncombe county. i)iv. din" the regiment of Macon county. Anti.oni. A .drew vVel. h and illi.un Thomas, of Ma, on co'intv, to erect certain des. iinori.in rtio.nas L. Cowan of Rowan, to ei'"-( c riani -a.es. '-..nton n.i... ..m uu tn MeUUfOiutu ai. Juld,. ' ,"v. i . f;,tn.,r Mr, i utruifus ' i-tctltll l' . . v -I fie wf Ltgmtatnrc.oJ tCCLIC ACTS. i.rovi-lc f"i- a division of negroes and .... r . . . i. . . .. I , , . ; el pr.;-eriy .held iii commo'i. .'iu.. . -'....,! t'ourts unnn inlition of on- or more i I. To i 1. t! ! 1 ... l- ..... ,1 111 ,.,,,u. common, toumue nr iimi- f.' , y ( ..uit d- eimd lest, of the property so held in '1 ' . . ., ; . tlw. 2imerior and County Court-, :)..;'iiatin" Ihe place wh'-rc tliel'.ist rt-uncid of! i ..(..(' i i' )M . hi r. ..... I irtid ited ai conn's, coiitai.u u m uie . , i,. ."i J(l., ,(uon snail nc. auei n.-.. vtendni' the i'Misdictioi. of justices of tin- peace; R(. f. ,() ) :id,-horoiiJi Acad, i;v. i.oid.- tint ihe words liquidated accounts used i:. , i;,..,,.;,!,,,; fl, e.cii ol the act ol 1 Ucr-po-, l coinprt ihi.u vii-- ...,... I uckasf'ct anti iei..itsvc ; ! ,...v .!.,-...,. in I lav wood coiintv s ' lu u,e r.i.iru ui A m klriihiir mi." i ivi " ...... , , I Charrii- in- ,...i J. iii In-so contructe. .ii'i n.'i . t I .... I, .w .ii accounts settled sued i i oiuin timi Lu... I.i i -J reams, m Ainendin- the act of 1IV:7, pro.'m- for the corporation of il.e lowti of Lexington. A.n.Mdn.tl.ea.t of Ks2l?, s.ii-plemeiital to the net er ctit.tj the county .-I Macon. A i.endnton of the , i:d acts appoint!!.? com .IV -1111- ol Asl.horou -h, and for the !ir I llf'i'lMlt. viliit I'viihmct- the purchase nwucy for vacant h..I una,jjr.MM.aic ;lll(rirovides that the Secretary of State shall ,.uc ;;r.nts for vacant lands upon a ce.tll.cate taken from the rTv of entry bn.-ks retum-d lo ins othce, the same manner as he now docs hum warrants I ;il iiim-)-.i t 1 nr.it to contracl f. 4he reopen... vm.uucw -(l).rects that an examination shallhe made, by m'e- io:,TJl.r- XWTwl Improviunei.t to asTi iraiA l ie . ract.cahilrty of re-.t nt- .aid Inlet, and .1 s, the -uni oi' lfi'Jo dollars is appropriated lor U.at pur. lose. n.i'-sioners for Ine town U...W.I- p.. -.i iii i . ot ti.e Done iiovenicul ol the road irom ine t.u lio.Li . i u A! Mile, i i ISu.icomDe., . . i I c. r-....l hv the imrtV h'Oill 1 , ...;., .P,.4 b ; Hi MaCOII COU in. tljftll III HUM '. illi ' "J I J , . .11 ! ... i.i t ..-,-. , .b.lLlu. owiiLr.l t It... l.n- thea.t of 1028, appoiutini comiiii A noil. r.rti..i. ol,-,,r J ... -i r i ..(.,, t. : ... . - "I Amei.di.m the act ol 1827, preserving 0I a part ol the road leauu no:.. , lot Ui(. ..... ... V I... II ..t A. . J I .. ..I - . . .I."... , . I. .1...' i'..i,i... i ....i.ir. r si.an n i. inn.i.i' in: n in ii i ii- joh.i.i. . u,it m i ine i ui'iiv. j .v.. .inn ii..'j"v . , - ,,-.f Allowii. eoninensatioii to Jurors i.i lu.Ke coun-. Audio, i.n, the couuty court oi duikc v a(r..,.t h; e on.ni.v.f.s to run and In oil a lnr).ike : road. " Amrndiny theact of 1H-21, esla1!is!..n and rtxu-) (nyn , ,! line to .1 i, oh MuHV fin'l. . latin ' a turnpike road in Uutheiioui a..d L-uicomue ( A:i.e.i-Ji. the act of . 8 .6, a poii.lu.u comnuoii (0Mrs. !irt .superintend tt.e'buii i. ;,g a, ou.l-house in iJr- TjiYv-ve t cy ctiuciy:; :t '"' - f - couimisoioiM rs of .State.-v.lie. , 'l lrtv-S'-ven resol i! on- were pa-ed ; we u' 'join To revive and c,r.lioue m fm le. acl.dJil7-ajUj,tj,.a;...rirt.b(r. of t;;i,.r: t to tire-great .-i ut ;Mtlionn- Itiomas iro, n, m i " Macon) county to erect two ates on a .i;!d'C r.r.-d. Authori.n-i Mathevv . 1 lushes, of Suny, to r isl.er s river. co I'pensatiou mane to clerks ai: 1 our reaoers K. vliK -in in. '-diction of Ik ation for the -teyiMmatinti of Va tu i c:.i:dren. TlVovldes that it shall he done h 1 I the mother ti&1l be tutennarrit d.j r a .. l 1.. r-ntntivo r-ltlltT II I ill ijioi. in wr.linji niHue m "'",' - .. i l.. tbn Cnttri vvhn said UUta- . i-r-. to o, nictuv; ' - r . .ut lii-i- an. . .... . I x.kvu I oilil.UllV ..ll. , - oiicer.iin rue p.a nreiv ..... ...... tr,-' hah b, held. Provides that such places shall n, t, I h a mau.rtM of th, company. , . ii. .i.i... Ol I IIOIM 2J D.irctin- the removal of ceratin papers from j he ollice , f the Treasurer to that ol I ho ( rca, , ,'M:.tf f Provides ior Ihe ren.oval ot the papers . . . . - . I erect a dam across ( 'ore. Ti.iii'i the . I . f ..........; 1 v on. ( rnniij ine o.i.ih.m-.o.'v. I I Wets th Treasurer of every u.corpor m which the State is interested, to n.haivp i.i ilio nM-arora lamls.l 21 A.iihori.iim the lioM rnor to Lri-..t certain ( ,'pm , ;aT.dsto ihe BanlHt om;rt-Hlio.v at Kpa-.hH- Macon ,-oui.t (Grants 4 acres of land on which their met tm house has been erected, to include the grave ''iT25 to prevent d.sfirrin the Walls of the State !loue. rr.-ribea p. i.a.iy oi live .... 11 WllllS, Or IIIHIKIll im.i.. sher.lt's, so tar as rectnis ( hatharn count v. ore fl'ett.alU to prevent obstructions to the I passage of W up i(o ky river joi..in' Aason coun- fiiouth to ll.c V .inarms nne. AuihorfZTnz .lamr Sr'hee, bher.tl ot Haywood, to the Governor to . elver to the puh'c Pn a- i.',, I 111- ( n ek o. tlie Ma e 1 . k 101 :iu, now in de.MMte to I n cd.t ..fine Governor. IJii, !... Hi-- Public l i,a-ur,r l- call on he sev. r,.: li.inks lor a si iie ne d of tlie amount due the n lM directors, -lock lioide' s c. ' ( a;ei-.ui Mi-s L l.iey M. Ijiakely. i (i)i-.-oai..iu,:s lie ajorop..al.on for her support, I aud , dac.it. on.) Allowing credit to the public 1 reasurer lor ine . a mount of Tre.su ly .Notes which have been burnt this -essio.l. I) rt ii:i ' the Governor to transmit to the Kxec- ..." V'.r eii:e -die act ii i( oi i.ora t in ' the l.a.;e din.' t. charter of the Catawba Navi the Pres.d-nt :.!ni e n a i oioiiaov r, . ;e. aoa! :c,..uts to the Assembly ol the Ulale K .i (.rixiiu. ui uicrr Fwtj . t ; I'd .in, ,. daud improve the HiCKory Nut Ua; T:' "-ad." :.,nopnale:a iwelveTiUndred dollars tor t,.i pnrp !--. ii I n v, -l the r'vM of electing Slier.lis in Ihe " L . . I J L. i. r rou..tu w.thiuirie male, m ine iretrn' .i w.f ri',,ivil. - that the first election shall ,1 iiiriio... i. take place in August next, at ti.e u-ual plates, m e .ci countv of hoidrna; elections for memoers of the A- emlv, ue.nci the same rules, except that the re t.,r ,s shall be made to the clerk of the County Court. C'nuntv Court to appoint iu-pectors ai.,1 the pers,.., bavin' the hihe.-t number of votes declared elected. .i, i7e of a tie or iu.dni.ty to ive security or r fu ,1 u act, a majority of the Justices being jiese i ted shall elect the person to act as Sherill. The e leci.o.i to take place extty two ytars no one oli-i-b , unless he is 21 year- of ane, has resided in tin county where he is chosen 12 months immediately preceding, and owns a Irethold of one hundred acres oi i.tlid. . 7 To amend an act passed in 1828, to amend the Isu roanlati.iii the inspection of Flour in the town ol v , ..i i.ttilL riVovi.les for the aiutoiiiUne.it of an f.;.. i.. i..-.. ii o.lditin.tal hi-i't (".or. I iror, ii i ' tin! cross canal leadiiiii from the G.t at d.-.oal Swamp Canal, eear the l.ead of th( VM.odsin Camden county. Kxtendsthe time lor the completion of ti.e canal to ten years. I To prevent frauds in Deed of Trust aud Mori ga - s. (Titles to pa- under them only from thep. - r of r iiislratiou and author. sls the cb'.ks ol tin f eoniv Conns to lake up bales out of Term lime. in " viiieii.L.torv of the lawsrl.ow ... force for tlx sun, -region of Counterfeiting concerning bank noie ot'iiiH United Stale?, or any of iU branches I npo U s vhipj)lU4,impi lfeioiiniei.t tfnd line at the di.-cie-ti i . of thrf itirl. '11. Foi'tJie relief of certain purchasers of the f .....ok,- Lands! fiVovides that the interests on' hoinUoUucli purthaM .s fc-hill he reunited o. a! factorv evidence to the Tras.irer that the lands r!. nrchased have been interfered with by India.. ti;- rvation. 2. 'J o exempt the men. hers of Fire companies, tvithii. this Male, from militia duty. 1 To amend the Militia Law of this St ale, so f i .-r, s. , ts ih- U of )r.n c.ou.pa ne-oi Laid I.. f . 1 1 v , li.lle.nen, Artille.y and (irenadier-. Au to r.-e's the foniiinf; of one corrij any ol Kdlenu n, G.. ...id.ers and Artillery in cacli Brigade. II. Ao act coi.ceiiuua iho Pjiiiic inhe un.pik- . ... f Villi. tri.i. tlw 'l.'.-liMii id' i.i!';, CI al.d s( ciues the rilit to alter Ihe direction of said road.j n at t to amend the I Oil i -ectio . til an act passe , in lol'J, p.escr.lyu the moot- ui' ur , y a...- si i.i. s the lauds la.cly acquired by tivaty, .Irom t..i h. i .k, e Indians. ' iti. I o "incorporate the lake . Diun.u.oi.d 'and (,.!, i a u CaaalCompany. r.athor.z.es-a corpora $ .. . ..i baicf Canal and royid,e lof the impositio jf io.is.1 . . ,,. lm or scrih.u.i; on a -I lUftll.t -.J 2b. A-neiii .1,.,.. ( niMO u V. 1 .lilori7t" dii'ec toi to c.i.l upon r.e -mcUl.o'le. s k-r sin h por :ion oflheirsiocksas may he i.e. es-a-v lor cany, u (he winks of ihe c o-v ; uidn'. thv lad I" i -uch pi.n.on, tin" ro k i s n n. - old at attctmu. J-Bx'-eutl tle cl.aaer .kve ..;-u.u from the 1st Ternary , I .ji.. , the bonds in t.i.e od.ee u "- ('hcrr.ke. the I noli. . -IM u ni 1 1 d in. hi" oiil who shall raise an accoom i tie 1 rea-nrer lor trie same, j 28. Ceding to the United Mates Jurisdiction ovei ertain l.ii.ds' as sites for liju h..u-es. Provides l, .i the Cited .sitate shall have jurisdiction over lauds at Pamlico and Cape llattera for the said pur- re- 27. C 'uci r no : lK.l.i:- 'I . t- t- r.n- t'er-ottrchase ! tV I 1 I I . I l V . 1 I V , l ' T .,.d T.i.e ivi'.i hue's, f Provides t!i..! ltivi i. Treasurer sli.i.l pn pare a full slat, me. d oi -a" i ii. .... .i ... ii... ( 'iirniil mller. to hi: hV Hid ,1,111.1 i " ." i collect certain taxes Incorporating the Vance Circulating Library bo-.-!..( e Ashville. .. . .. . . ..i.e...... 1 1 '. . .. . I Amendm5 the act ol jy4, lor ine ueuti ivfeU.v,...., .r. ..r l.)...ir..i.,l. 1 II) L'xiliu. nicj''l.".n." lV( Amendinir the acl of 1C28, allowing co.nrer.saie-.. rA ,, Com. a . v. ami to juror ol the ordinal pam.el in (jllL.,t ;4 llia,lon theicof by the legislature of , oih.lv. i i licit Slat, t . , t.rr'e u in the liabilit) of certain hand.-in the- 'y (he (;oxeril ,r to loan to the New .' j c,.ia!.,i to work on roads 'j i ylV , ,a(l01l ( oiupany t.e necessary iiH.runie.uis . .A;!lL... Uuiiurd. T. Brumby, ot Lioln, -r , cu w - New Hope Creek. t -. . a ; an e;. in.- r-oid. ... i -1 ) r- e .be Jo.o d rmler to make the proper AU'hoil.M. Hie i ..... e,tru ,.,5i Iii? -n.v- -v a,...-- mnit nrdem ot the poor, and to Ootid a hm- ji - a n- -u. ll.e Stale. wori Iruise. . A,;i..uimj the indices of the peace ol lre.lt II , ,i iiL't .u'laiidVai-d erect tht iroii buitdn to I. .-If It l.'mi;res. d Senator- Hi !iii'otir ivein-seieui,c!" n" (.. call the attention "f Con-res to he tor o.e .cc dioo of the p,.r ot said county subject ofsel!iu4 or eUemptc.g to self couiderleit l-.'i Provi.ine-r the passage ol tu-b up La.net tr.ek, i ii . :. ...... i. . .in .- or diail. on ine ,' I' I ,,i the puipo.-e of providing for ihe ol.-cnce. I.i favour of .lames !,. iiumr ol ArcmUa.d 3. nrowu. In f.vor ,.f ihe Lie .loin. L. Taylor. In lav o. ol .lohn Low l Orange. I., i v ..r o! (i, eii e vii!,vr j In-iru, iin'4 oui Senators and requesting our Rep i nseiitativt n. ( onvic-s to use thtir endeavors lo I . roctiie ihe rii fid ot iht s;1( ( ix. In favor of'lt,oi!as Walk. ., rf Mecklenburg. Apjioiiding ill. am R. Hi." Librarian. liisiitietii the i ..aid of I uit mal Improvement l'o procure if possible, Iron, the Cape Fear Nmig't tion Coiiipanv a release to tiie Slate , if lln u j rivi :(.Mt'ii in the tnbulaiy blieams of the Cape Fear n ver. In relation to the lare wtdrrn ro.is. Suspends he findiers.il. s of Cherokee lauds cover nil, v l.e grants to Hoidinai. and Lssjeinan ami to Calhcari and Sltdmali, until the further order ol the L g.slat.iie. and until which the Treasurer is direct til lo abstain from collecting leoiicv due upon bonds ivcu or , it a in lands sold by the Slate in the coun ties of Macon and Haywood. Authorises the employment, if necessary of addi tional council in deience of certain suits pending in the Federal Court. - Couet ii.nig the claim of the State against the Uni1 led Slates. Directing the statement prepared by the Comp troler, exhibit. nil the amount paid on certain s, ci s of taxation, to be lilt d in his tffice. Makinu com; ensation to theTrasurcr, Coin) tro ler and St c ivt-ary of State for examining the old stand in.' debts or the Coo tioii r's book. O - 15,.-. k of the Said iose 2J. Regulating the entries of lands in certain ca- rn i . .... L...L- i.iwt- iinfrrcrl Mtill I lie ses. i rov lues ina( no ii..o, i' ....v.--, entries of which will expire on the lath Ueceme.u nil II be re entered within t welve monu.s ai- in Ln icoiiiDe county. Providing for the pavment ol juiors in ine couu lies of rowun, Wake; Duplin, iMontgo.ucry, Gran ville, Sampson, Bertie and Moke-, and lordlier pnrpo-es. Provides that the SI.e.itf shall re.eive llie juror tickets in pavmeiit of l.,vs at par vain, and that neither the sherill or county timlce shad ss than par value. J uncut oi .-toki s county. R'.leVjof Davidson. Hi ter that date l the persons in whose naines e p. lej sa itl cases, iudjie entries; are now mad, . 1- , i' AArbvlll 30" rr the rebel i securities m eei.n.o fPiovides that original securities on justices j l .... ill i . I' '..x frt nil I'U- ments shall be ai-oiveu irom iiaoouj m .i...---es, by causing their dissent to be entered by the I IxllCC. J .. .1 .' i C . . . . ... I i. n .f rf i ' . .11. Securing the collection i m.es ami mm -nents from -herills. Renders the securities of she nil's liable for such lines aud amercements.) 32. Intending the tune for registering grants . ......... -u .if -itlomev. bills of and mesne , ,n. , .t... . -j sale aud deeds ofg.it. Extends the time lor register-" mg said iu-lruinents, t 'two years.) 3 3. To enable the State P.ank to wind up gradual ly .d it lived, uniform rates of collection. Grants ' ' ..I .i,iH.,l exiei.sion ol the Character until Jan. i, .8J0; a'.,d provides that after December , 1834, ihe bank -lull make .o new loans, or discount any iole, except in renewal of some previously existing dehl i noreinilorre issuo any UW or notes ue' ..ills olni .alorv or other proper evidences ol uem t secure pay ...ent of what it may owe; and shall, alter Dec I. lii.T2. issue no bill under the denomination o! $5. Provides further Hut the hank shall not cm led in .re than one twentieth pari of the debt-now exhisl.ug, ev( rv ninety day s, except in cases won. ., special engagement tx. -is to pay by larger li.-lal-,-nt-. Mock may be received ... payment of debts; .,. ,,1 dividends ot the capital may be declared altci Januarv 1, I B id. Reduces the -numh, ; o( direttor nl'llie pYi. .cipat bank to ten, and of the branch, s to ...t . ..ni-.. tli.n -even, nor ess than live. P.ovides i" .' . or the di-continiia..ce of the branches at intei va,!- ot l.-s than nine mot. lbs ; alter the hrst ol Sep- .,i.k.ii ..wi ii.xi i. kiik .ii tit Oil iimxiics im IK t . viiows ti.e bank until the first of Jul) to (fetermin. Aiietlier they, will accept this restricted cxleiision ol ne ebaractcr.) ' - '...id. To enable the Rank ofewber.i and Bank ol aTie FeiftTo'vvii.d in. gr oluaiiv, and to tin a uni- r..r.'.i r-in of roll.'ction. H TlitV oroviiiotis cd Mus at t irade for these tickets at I, ( oncerniiiL' the first re - r-y .. ... i j The regiment to muster at Look s obi Ik id, or i;vr ' miles therefrom. Amending ihe third section ol the act ol ibn , relative to the passage offish up the Pent e and Yadkin rivers. Imposes a penalty ol l2J dollars on the commissioners for neglect of duty. 'I'.. if .,-! I 'ji.i.jiii A l. vyi.del's COloUailV. ill lie- dell, to the lirst regiment of that county 1 Concer.mig the fees o( the landard keeper ol Rutherford co.inlv. Amending the act of I82S, appointing commi- sioneis to alter the plan of .he town ol Asliboix.ugh, and for the better regulation of sa-id town. To prevent the falling of timber in, or obstructing the run- of Big and Little Polecat creeks m Ran dolph count). . Providing lor the compensation oi jn.ois u n. .. . . 1 i 111 V t counties ol lieaulort, Unslow, nyue, a''.v- Iambus and Duplin. - Repealing part of the act of last session, chapter 74, to compel the clerks of the county and suj eiioi courts and register of Chatham county to keep their offices at Pitisborough. Repealing lite ad of 11123, authorizing the county courts of Ashe and W likes to keep in repair the road by jcllerson, h) tne imposition of tolls on said road. F.xle.idiiiL' the i rovi-ions ofthe act of 188, "ap pointing commissioners to build a new court house i.i Siiitv count), and lor other purposts. Contin ues, in force for two) ears the section providing tor Ihe creation of a fund lor the purpose alor, said. . To prevent the tailing of limner in, or obstructing the run of Rocky river in a portion of Chatham county. m Incorporating the Salisbury Vigilant tire con. pan). - appointing commissioners to run and mark the dividing lin between the counties of An-on and i MecLlenburi'. Amending the act of 18'25, to prevent the falling, of timber in, or obstructing the run ol Drowii c.uLk in Anson CU.itV. . Extendinii the provisiotifi of the act of 1 328, sup pjemental to the act erecting Macon county. Ik THE CONTENTION. The procedings of the Conv ei .tion were , -t, rda) of a spiral character, and the whole da) Irom I 1 t" o o'clock was coii-uiiied, will, but one single ei.i me result of in, Teasia the I lou-e of Delagate- h oie- I - to ;4 ivi,,g one additional men. her to l.iuisw , k ;u,d one to Moi.ton erv. . 'Hit re i- reason lo In e however, that the p, I plexing and ii.tlama.oiy sul , t 1 ..... ........ in, i . i .. 1 1 . F i . nri lit a 1 1 v e i o el . I- ''i-- III U.C ol'i'l.H" . I'. . . . i . . ....... j-- , j osed ol, as no other amendment wa- ott, re.i,ai-. . uie .mended second r, port ol the Select Coiiun.t,. r, - .'. as linhlly adopted, There is now two am, i d..., Ls afore the Convei.tioi - Mr. Madi.-(-'. v -t( i.I , tiered, juovidi.kti for future apjvort.ot no tds, bv t vi eirds ol each lloi.Mf G-ei-ai , i'.bf , a.(..l L. SuiuiiktV, rcsptcting n.o..eu d .cor;,-' s. ther of these, it is hoped, will occup a.iy gieat ic.;-. V, I'' .,"-,." ' - ... - -- . i

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