i ... . , .A & bja mis jjs 7i Ki.YORJ.YT A.D DEGRADED OF EVERY jYAIIO.Y OR CLIME MUST UK EJYLIG II TE.YE I), BEFORE OUR EARTH CAN HAVE HOXOR LY THE UNIVERSE.' VOLUME 1. GREENSBOllOUGfF, N. C WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10,1830. NUMBER 3R. THE GHREXSDOHOU-m PATRIOT. fs printed & published every Ycdnesday morning, by V .ST 4 .If, AHTfej Dollars per annum, pavablr within three months from .the date of therfirst mmdr, or Three Dollar will be tuvariably exacted immediately after the expira. tion of that period. Rftr.U subscriber will be at liberty to discontinue tit any time within Hie first three months, by paying tor the number received, according to the above tenns ; but no' paper will be discontinued until all arrearages are paid, and a failure to order a discontinuance will be considered a new engage nient. Those who may become responsible Tor Ten copies shall re" ccive the 11th gr.tb). An uljowranre of ten percent will also be made to authorized ngeTifs far procuring subscribers Ond warranting their solvency or n miting tlie cash. ADVEHTISEMF.NTS, JTt exceeding 12 lines, wil! bencatlv inserted three times for one doll u and twenti -five cents for ettrh fHiccendintr pub lication those of greater lcng'.h in the s ime proportion. Al letters and communications to the TvVtnr, on business re lative to the paper, must be post-" AID, orttiicy will not be oicincAiioLiAA. And mvrrrtgn taw, that S'atel rattcxtcd unit, " ' O'er tormet aiit globe$ etui', '' San rmirrHt, crowning good, r''firrmin Ul." SHERIFFS' BILL. Mr. Phhtr remarks on thtt ill for vesting in the fie men of I It its State the right of electing tlic Sher iff's in their respective countut. lr. Fisher aid, lie felt that it was due to himself to n0sgn some of the reasons why he was about to vole for the passage of this-bill. In doing -so he rould detain the house but a few momerfts. Some of the zealous friend ( this biil looked up on it as a measure of very great importance one Galen lated to do much good to the community ; while ome of its opponents consider it as a most dangerous project, full of mischief and evil. For bis part, he viewed it differently. He thought to change the i node of electing the sheriffs would correct some evil that now prevail ; but it would at the same rune, ihtrodu.ee some of another description. On fhe whole, however, he did uot think it was going to d o n n ic h good or rriu ct'f KaraC '" He "tfi 3' not "Believe fb we -would get better tariffs by th change ; nor A. i he think we would get any worse. It is not so n :th the mode of . eltciuig the tariffs, as the. laws fv . nbing their dot), that make goodherillsj. Viewingthe qtiehtion i:i this wa, Mr. V. said, he vouid vote for this htJI,jr because he believed that the people wished tlie change. Me held it a Correct republican maxim, whenever the 'people wished any measure adopted,' not inconsistent with 4-" Constitution, that it was the duty of their repre tjr.itHtives to couily with their wishes. Who are we, and for what purpose are we- sent-here? We are the representatives the agents of the people ; ,and wc are sent here to do their will. They sent us bcre to act for them, because it is inconvenient for them to attend here themselves. As their agents, "flieti, we are bound to do what we believe they would do were thtj here personally acting and do ing for themselves. If we know the will of the peo ple, no matter how we acquire this knowledge, it is Our duty to do that will. Now, he would ask, if any 'member in this house can doubt but that a large ma jority of the people of North-Carolina are in favour of the principles of this bill f He thought no one Could doubt it, who had noticed the history and pro gros of tins question. At all event-, he entertained no doubts on the subject, und therefore saw hiscourse clear. But, he said, he had another reason for now vo ting (or this bill. He thought it was time lor the legislature to get rid of this question. For the past eight or ten years, session alter session, this subject had been before the Legislature, and e be lieved that there had generally been a majority of the members iu favour of the principle; but it at wa) failed by the disagreement on tlie details. The friends of the bill never would ceae their efforts until they should succeed, if you reject the bill thi year, it will pass at the next session, or at far thest in a few years. As well might you attempt to turn the current of Neuse river back to the moun f:is as t resist the will of the people, when tin v let their minds in a certain direction. They look upon it that they have a right to the privilege of e lecting their sheriffs, and why should we withhold from them the enjoyment of this iiht f Mr. F. said, that he would fuiiher icmark that tcononvf required that we should put this question to re.-t. For. a number of years past, thi h;i! has Con sumed one or more days of every session. We sii here at an expense of 70J per day, and therefore if is Hear (hat this aubjet t has already cost tbe Siate slime thousands of dollars ; and it w :ll continue to eiM thousand until we pass it. It id belter, then, to giatify the peopie at once. Mr F. said, he.kncw there were some who doubt ed whcnVr the people wolilJ"cerwV'thi8":over JudiciutisU . yp.c.httJie.tiiQuq they would. He thought that the people, of iNor. Cuio'ina were as cajHihle ...of chousing, their sln'riv as were ihe. people1 of other .talejS...,:l.in'..c very .n,.t south 'd .Aurth - 'ari.-.iua, ti.ie ln-i lurc-vU'Vte'd.l.-tTie pccyivV in laly land, i'tnusy Ivaida, tw Vrk? and several others oft Slates north of us, the peo ple elect their -heriiT, and so likewise in some of tlie WesWrn Statw. To sa ' that the penp'c of those States jtre capable of choosi-t-; their sheriff', and that onr people are not, wu ' 1 be a blander on our conslittietits. He be lieved that the people of North ( Carolina . wouhl ex "ieie this privilege with as much discretion as those of any other State ; and under this belief, and for the n iisons he had aJveuturcd to tate, he would give his rote for tfie passage of the bill. 20 cts. Wets. 10 cts. 1U cts. AN ACT, Fixing the fees of the Ch ills of te County and Superior Courts and SlieriflV'fees. Be it eiinetul by tlf. fleueral Amnubhi of the.tnie of Worth Carolina, audit is hereby enacted by lt authority of the same, That the Clerks of the Coui:t Courts shall receive the following fees, and no other, viz. For every leading process, $1 00 cts. For every indictment, 60 Cts. Do. each recognizance, .20 cts. Do. every continuance or reference of any cause, 30 cts. Do. every judgment, 75 ens. Do: do. subpama, provided the party ioscrUfttf iwttti. .tfun ioajr, ,y4if in . w ; san e, 20 c!s, Do. every execution or order of sale, 40 cts. Ker every eirc. facias provided. nothing. herein eontKiued vA lie construed to re- peal any part oi the act of 1828 allowing half fees in cases -of scire facias, 60 cts. For ev ery copy of record, 10 rent? for . each copy sheet of ninety words, not ex ceeding five copy sheets, and live cents fof j each copy sheet after live. For every order or nile fo rei'Ui to the i catise, with copy of tle same if required, For tfitering the probate of a will on the. minute docket, and qualifying the ex ecutors or administrators with the will annexed, For recording .will, for each copy sheet, For copy of a will, do. do. For receiving probate, nnd entering the same On the minutes of the court, of each inventory, account ofsa!es:id account current and schedule of executors, admin istrators and guardians, . 55 cts. Fo r re c o rdii ig jsac h ..do v'.il..?.0!t.foT...lhat.. purnose, by tlie copy sheet, 10 cts. P or every marriage license, 75 cts. For every search of record ont of court, 1 0 cts, For proviug. .or entering acknowledg ment. of any conveyance of land and other , estate, fO Cts. For every commission to examine a feme covert, 25 cts. For every commission to take testimony, 25 cts. For every guardian or other hood taken in court, 60 cts. . For every indenture for binding appren tices, 60 cts. For every 'special verdict or demurrer or motion in arrest of judgment, 30 ct?. For every writ of error or appeal, with a transcript of record, 1 00 cts. For every certificate of witnesses or ju rors, ... 10 cts. For recording mark or brand, 10 cts. For affixing the seal of 'office to every instrument of writing requiring the same, 25 cts. For every certificate, 20 cts. : Provided, that this shall not au'horizo the Clerk of " the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of Craven county to charge any fee for a cer tificate given according to the provisions of tlie act to regulate the finances of Craven county passed, A. D. 1328. For issuing warrants' on citry of land by order of court, - 40 ctw For enrolling divisions of estates, for each lot, 20 cts. for taking aud recording every proseca tion bond, 50 cts. For every certificate of tavern license and bond with copy of rates, 1 00 cts. For taking an account, such sum a the court may allow, not exceeding 50 dollars. For every subpoena founded on a petition, 1 00 cts. For every petition by the copy sheet, 10 cts. For every writ other than leading pro cess or subpoena ad testificandum, For certificate of amount of account of ales or account current, of administrator, executor or guardian ; if under $200, If above 8200, For every order of court authorizing i ho sheriff" to issue a license to retailers, For correcting an error in a patent, W lie it further enacted, That any Clerk who shaH lail or neglect to record in a well bound book t or hooks, to be kept for that purpose, all last tvfns, testaments and inventories and accounts of sales of idrninislrators, executors apd guardians, and ac counts current of executors, administrators and iiaidmus, within three months from the time of their probate, rmil incur a penalty of one hundred dollars, to . be recovered byuyrpnttw4e-i--ame; and shall be further liable, fcr all damages ,,'vhich may" lie sustained by any persbn in couse- luence of such faij u re x.r neglect. v - - III; lie ttfuithtr enacted, That the Clerks of the buperiei-Coum eiialJ for like eeiriee retoive tte '"-v.., -I . -. same fees as nrc by this act allowed Clerks of the County Courts, and no other. IV. ? ,7 further enacted, That whenever a court -hall make an order of sale of lands levied on by i consta'dc in pursuance of an execution .issued by j;isf ice, no attorney's fee shall he taxed, nor any other fees for Clerks or sheriffs, than those pro scribed by 1 1 i act. V. lie it jvrthcr enacted, That no cleark of any Comity or Superior Court shall be entitled to eliarge any fee for anv capias ad respondendum issued during term time, unless such capias be executed, VI. He it further enacted, That in all State case? be so collected and received, to be applied n lt discharge of county claims and contingent expenej as by law directed. - XI. He it further enacted, That the said shT.e shall return a transcript at the time of settlement with the trustees, vvhich shall contain the tiarnef f ill persons from whom lines, forfeiture and amorce ment shall have been received. f XII. Be. it further enacted, Tint the clerks of the several courts within tins Si lie shall annnil'. v, on or before the firt day of January, in each rcl every year, make a full and complete return tot thjfe-' respective county trustees of all tax fees, fine';' fur- feiiures and amercements which shall have W'rtt ;ce4m? year, wlu re there shall be a nolle prosequi entered, or the (imposed, adjudged or decreed in the preceding y defendants shall be acquitted or convicted, and ', as well as the names oi the persons wh0 sh'iU liavo tinable to psy the costs, and the court shall not order paid fees as of all those who have lr.rr "fined, arnerv the prosecutor to pay the costs, the counties.; shall .ced or adjudged to have forfeited tneir recogmzair pay the Clerks and sheriffs halt their, lawful fees only, except in capital or clergyable ftdonies or pros- . I ecutions lor on:erv, perjury ana conspiracy. VII. Br it further enacted. That l!i ail civ il suits & ces. Xllf. Ami be it furiKe'r enacted, That the sher iff shall receive -siity cents for sinoinonirig each guardian to renew his bond or settle h'4 accounts'f s rormej indtcttnents herealter tried or dispvsed of othei in which sum shall he paid bv said g iardian. thf. Coiintv orJui)erior Courts, the Dartv or narties ! XfV. ? it further enar'ed. th.t all law V , I . ' ' ' . 7 . .. 1 . . ., - - . .I' i I . I cast or convicted shall pay a tar lee.ot jpueiJWIar;; wunin tne meaning ami pet view oi mis act, ne, a which sever T Rimls the respective clerks halKpay j Uie same arc hereby ivpcaled. over to the county trustee within three months after j XV. And be. it further enacted, That it sha'l he neverthhss, the jdantiffs in civil suite shalll be' Courts to keep a copy of this act pott d up in li-'or required to pav a tax fee o writ asv bewloiWe : ' rtspective-Jlisy mihI- iuthe- coort- tcwsev te and provided fttrthrr, -that: -the-- provision of tin CAspicu4h plate d-ring the sitio ot each ce-tr section shall not t xtrnd to the fiity f Nasi. - ' under a penally of fifty dollars to bo recovered h'. Mil. B it further enacted, That the sheriffs shall fore any justice of the peace by any person s;;i' g I for the same. 75 cts.! Provided nevertheless, ll.at ihe provision of tie 2J its. act shall not alli ct :v private art, pa-scd for :' couotv in ihis Slate, in relation to ihe f es of i U ru tO cts. and sberillj. ; XVI. And he it further enacted. That not''.!- CO cts. herein contained shyli be so i n(jti ued hs to ri' -10 cts. ! vent lb several County Courts of ibis S:at( linn 0 cts. ; making just and reasonable aiittwnnces to their errr- ills and clerks, for performing what has lten.l.eov tolore caJted extra service, as now autnori.td by receive the following fees, and no other; For every arrest, Fore vi it bail or replevin bond, Fer service of a copy of a declaration in ejectment. For service ofsubpntna, with copy of petition, Forsfryfrp copy of declaration, ' For Hxvice of every tcire facias, For service of notice to arbitrators, re t'erces or com'uiisior.ers to" take an account, For every attachment levied, And if further trouble by moving of goods, fo he taxfcd by the court. For every replevy bond upon such at tachment, For every subpoena served, on each person named tiicicin, For Hitting hrtoek -or pillory- For every connnitinent, For every release. "i For stmirnooing commissioners to divide real estate, and for qualifying them, to be pid in etplal pontons by the claimants," eti, Thcfeisfor keeping each criminal in I per dav, to be allowed by each Coun iCourt as now directed b law. Il'or everv notice of akin.; depositions, tr'or sumnieiiing, ernj -ai.ua liing and t ten ding on every jury, in every cause in court, and calling the sameT Vhere a special venire shall issue by orrler" of court, for g'inmoning each juror, 30 cli. 76 cts. 25 cts. 30 cts. 50rtf. . 30. cts. 30 cts. 30 cts I 30 rt 10 Cts. Ja vv. II .!!..- vats SELECTED " 1d 'fi-i thi H jd ro tn f :!.:ir i, and rimv t rr.e, H ti tf e'er wr write,' wr arm J'.rfh ne.tfii- .rtr. FROM THE nil attendu g the same, 20 cts. i 1 50 cts. 1 00 cts 20 cts. 40 cts. 80 cts. 40 cts. rw etvriiiir Qiol 1 1 ri A i n 1 1 t t o r - niiwn o6 a habeas enrpus. per day. ItA. f.-ttivr ill., nlnla ti r i i nt t . i t .1 vi viliiiil iu1. vcmn. vi ait inn ?icil(. , 11 e allowed by the court not exceeding vo and a halt per cent. r or executing a warrant of distress, or i execution against the goods or body, 10 ttvo and a half per cent. For every writ of possession, 1 00 cts. vFor every levy by virtue of an execution, 75 cts. For the execution and decent burial oi any criminal, 10 00 cts. For services of equity process and in cidental thereto, the same fees- as for the like services at law. For apprehending any. criminal $100 For Maintaining any slave or criminal seized by virtue f any. legal precept, such sum as may be fixed by thrt County- Court in each county in the State. Fofconvcying any criminal to the jail where such criminal ought to be conveyed, 10 cents per milt, and 5 cents lor each person composing the guard, prof ided the number shall not exceed four persons; niulif more than four shall be absolutely necessary , twotents per mile for said guard. For each day Michyheritf shall maintain said prisoner, fifty cents': the cVpcusc shall be paid . by the respective coun ties, when such prisoner shall not be liable or able to payjthe same. Provided, that nothing herein contained shall ef fect tjlic provisions of an act, passed at the present sessioji of the Legislature, providing compensation for jiyors of the original pannel in the counties of Beaufort and the other counties therein me ntioned. ,TX. He it further enacted, That no sheriff' of anv ounty in this State shall charge a couiirission on any monies collected on a judgment rendered by a justice of the peace, nor any other fees than those allowed by law to constables for similar services. X. He it further enacted, That the sheriffs ot the respective.. counties within, this State shall here after collect and receive alt fines, aiiierceuiMitSj lorn fcrteil'FccognizaiircR smd forfeitures on penal statutes imposed, adjudged or decided by airy of the courts u this State ; and ajl su feclcd ant received shall. pay over fo the respective county trustees or; -wardens entitled to leceuve the saat witkiu (ferae mouths after such monies hall Yiarl;) Meeting of Jfl:iisttn- and Elders, hell or Wew Oar4LcTtin 'l8i23i -',,.J.v;.: .: ..... To the Monthly and preparative Meetings that c-'.r.. ttilnlr it. Dear Frikvds : On the present ..inerctmg easion, our mind- have been i'Hrfed iced iUo ' t exercise and concent, firthe wr'Tire .f every of our religious socii ty , and par'icularh fr to'- e ).o fill the important station ff minister i ..ier ; believing that mucb'dcM-nd. on onrkerpi:'.'.' our 'ank- in righteousne1, and faithfu'lv di-i-har;i't our various duties, in tlje pirsc-l hae k-lidir f 'U. of ociety, vv herein it is sonou falK poorer.!, (t: t inanv iiiconsipleiicics have found the ir way tliu'-v.'l the medium of imwalehfubu ss. And dcarlv beloved friends, we are led to i upon re 's that our present situruion loud'v c i I i , i individuals to sanctity a !a:, to run .oi miii a-ve:"- lbh,and sincerely inquire for ouve!vc. how tr have been accessary to the memy's m iking nnfM in our families, and in the elmr. h. winch d-vs :o greatly mar the beauty cf our Z on. Do we hold forth the blight .vaiop'e of c. , i :: y first tlie kingdotn of heaven, arid the ri-hu u. , thereof, in preference to all world. v it-.ti r.-t. '-,v our cheerfu'lv leaviiiir it t aiiei'd our irnvtn . '-y-stiluted for divine worship, lading our frien'N -ViiVj, us, and when th' re, evince that oar minds are d.' .- u a fioin all sublunary obj :s, our hundde pa'iitt waiting for tl.e ans-ns of the pitre stn am f)l f? v -m life, by which alone wc should he enabled to s f and strengthened to move. Orw.ird in (he wioilc of reformation, in oinx ives, in our families, ai d in society at large ? And as we believe that a living minister is of great importance in preserving society iVon' unsound doctrines and principles we earnestly de'ire tV-t such may bow in hmnil tv,1 and jvait to fei I to holy anointing oil, whereby their nodet -.;a:id.rl('s limy be opened 'learly lo fee, and firmly kltcve the glorious truths of the (io el a- i eord- m the Holy Scriptures. We tenderly sympathies with our brethren and bisters culled to lb s so'enm M r cr -t we would revive the apottloic inju iction, "l( 'Ti uian speak, -t him speak as the oracle- of fio-k; if any minister, let him do it as of the ability whirh God givelh, tliat (iod iu all thiiis, may.' pe gl-irfied. through Jesus Christ." Mini-ters and ciders being united in (Int. boewbirh casteth out nil fear, each sLi iding in hi proper alotment, we shall not be offended, at the cet i'o admonition of a -'brotlier or a sister, but be M i'ii,"; every part of our conduct .should be br - .- 'it t, the -light, and tried by (he light; that our tv heart lieing thus given up undci il luluero . o.ir lives and conversation will bci oinr i leao ami bh.ier, less amongst tneti, and we be continually on t'-c vvatch tower, with our. loins girded and lamps bmv .L!,u.ug,.w.a.iijjjgjrpr. the coming o our Lord. We believe there is grt-at need (or its lo ,!:r more ireumspect in our example and 'WiiutiesVai d that if wc wCf e fn'oTe dispOsvd "In ill Warn retirement, to meditate upon jour laMct r.'l. arid our eterttitl "condition, il wen d have itudicy, to chuck or to anvias parsmt attv- lie; rrliia nt in ni.f ''f :t