7 .J m IG SORANT AND DEGRADED OF EVEHS YA'J ION OR CLIME MUST BE ENLIGHTENED, BEFORE OUR EAR! H CAN HAVE HONOR IN TH F. UNI V ERSE. " VOLUME IV. NO. 30 GREENSBOROUC?!, N. C. WKI)NA 26, 1832 WHOLE NO. 18G. The Patriot k ta printed Ai published every Wednesday morning"- by 4t Two Dollars per annum, payable w:tliin three months from the d.ite of the first number, or Tnree Dollars Will be invariably exacted immediately after the expira- tion of that period. Each subscriber will be;it lil.evtv to discontinue at any time within the first three months from the time of subscri bing, by paying for tbe nunibers received, ircordius to the above terms; but no paper will m discontinue until all arrearages are paid. A failure to order a discontinuance within thr ueur, will sub ject the s'lbs-rib'T to payment f r tin- whole of the suc ceeding xrar, ;t the rates above mentioned. A years subscription will be ascertained by the- numbers of the paper and not by calendar months, Fitty-two numbers will make a year's subscription ; and in the same -proportion for a shorter time. Thos who may bcoir.e responsible tor ten copies shall rt" ceive the 11th trrati. n allowance ot ten percent will also be made to authorized agents for procuring subscri ber and war intiiu; their lvenrv or remiMng the cash A 1)V K ! TISF.M 1' NTS, N t exceeding 1'2 lines, willbe neatty inserted three times , u-as iead the first time.' tor me dollar and twenty-five cents for each succeeding publication those o greater length in the same propor- " tion. - AN letters and communications to the F.ditor, on business n ative t'-tho i,aper. must be post-paid, or thev will not V tt . ed to Mr. Sea well from tin- committee on (lie Judiciary, to whom was referred the resolution enquiring into the expedie ncy of requiring Superior Courts to pro ceed lo business on some one of thc.ir dockets on Ijie. ffrtt daof. .Iter rjy;iivrfliprjted that no legisla- tion on the. suljoct is necessary, which "wr concur red in. IMr. Montgomery, of Orange, from the committee to wh tn was referred the resolution instructing; them to enquire into the aff org of the several Banks and I he funds and Bank stock belonging to the Slate, made a detailed report, thereon, which was laid on (he t hie and ordered to he printed. On moloioii of Mr. Wellborn, Resolvtd, that the Senate tin adjourn on tomorrow, at 12 o!ock. and thai the ue of th ir chamber be tender d to the Electors ot President and ice Pres ident, aller thai hour. A joint jfdect committee Was appointed to wait upon the governor elect; and ascertain when it will he convenient for linn to qualify. Thev tuibseqently reported that be would attend for thai purpose, on Thursday at 1 2 o'clock. Mr. Sea well, from the Judiciary committee, to whom a resolution on the subject was referred, re ported a bill authorizing widows of persons dying intestate to tile their relitions for a year's support before letters of administration are granted which Houston, Howell HiHsey, Lamb, Lathirn, Lock, . pliu nd S.i npson, prnyiu for the erection of n w Lindsay, Martin, Mascey Velvin, Motiit, Montgom-. county out of p irl of thoe counties. Tliete P ti eiy of 'Orange, Moore, Morris, Norman, Pirbain, ' twn were roud and referred to appropriate Com- rarker, Kay, Khndes, Simmons, Speucer, btedman, I mitties. lyson, Vanhook, Uellborn, Wilder, Williams. .Nys. Mers. Akew. Bailev. Bell. Carson. Col- tins, raison, Kiir, Ulley, iil Uowell, Marnm, Hat thews. Mongomiy of II. Moye of G. Moye of P. Spaight, J'oouier, Wilson. ( Saturday, December 8 IJOLTSE OF COMMONS. 1 ti ., k.u ..... . i ... .t i n.ni.;i,:t J nr lllll III r t, rt I .,11 ill IU ,IVIIIIUII .17 llUin tion of noie? under $5 of other States, passed its THE LEG! SLA TUfiE Hlmtriuif ai1 aifirared. Who rui d Hiiftrrmr i n.fifv O hf-i 'rifn-o-- ilac' in l idfi n-c ilnd'.' third reading ind was ordered to be engrossed, The eirnsied bill derlaatrtry-of tlw Uw- uowJa force. the Count Cxirts the power to alter and fix sep .rate place of election, tc. was ordered to be enrolled. and H'rdncfftay, December 5. Rills presented fix Mr. Ilmlon, to secure a H .uie-tead (n ehold io evrrv ( it izen owning lands in Ibis stab . l .Mi. li !y to athorie tbe Adminis Irator of Samuel Pemlitilon, dec. late Sheriff of Montgomery county, to collect arrearages of taxes. The firt bill passed and wa ordered to be prin ted, and the last nmed was i ejected. Mr. Montgomery, of Hertford, from the Commit tee of Proportions and Grievances, -made an unfa vorable report on the petition praying that Ralph Freeman, a free man of color, be permitted to ex- en ise the functions of a preacher, toncurred in. Mr. Lilly submitted a resolution in fa or of Dm u l Hants, of Montgomery, which was read the liist lime .Monday, December 3. Mr. Homier presentl a lull to hftve the . ilitia ' laws of tins state digested, revised and pubh-h.-d. Mr. I ) dicrt v nreseiileil ;i mil to evlen.l rtiM.iirn. Mr. Wellborn, from the seh-t co.nm.ltee t vis,m,s of an act pissed in 1 8.W. to prev. nl si , e, whomvya- referred the bill to repeal an act passed frmn h((rn()ni, mll.((.r or eleriion grounds in tha in J 830 entitled an act to repeal part of the second . C0U1,KM o( tllover, Sampson, c. section of an act, passed in 1800, entitled an act to j v)r Vlnug i n, from the select committee, to whoa, revise the militia law- of ihe late, reported was referred tliu bill f..r the i-rfc.rio:, of a new coin same with an amendment, which was agreed to. (y , the IVcb ,ni(je a (. taiied report thereon, Mr. Sea well, from the committee on the Judicia-( wlich WHt rea,, anJ or(jt,rui lo nril,,,; tha ry to .ibom w.s referred the resolution instructing bi) w;(, m,f ,f,(. ol-.t.r 0f ,,0 (j ,y fr Frul.y. inr.li to inquire it any, anci wnai provision ny law is vlr V1o;ik introduced the following Kenoiutions. m cessary to enable parlies to mits when grants for land isued by Um state shall be investigated, to show thai such grants have been obtained fraudulent ly, d;c. made a report thereon accompanied by a bill; which was read the first lime, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Senwell, from the same committee, also re ported a bill lo provide for the registration of copies of grants for land; which was read the first time and ordered id be printed. " Mr. Senwell presented a bill to amend the second section of an act, passed at the last session, entitled an act for thejjetter regulation of the rondurt of tie rmsr slaves and free persons-of colors which wag read the first tune and passed. Mr. Stedman presented a bill lo appoint Commi which were ordered lo be printed and referred to a select Committee Whereas, The Union of the States of this eonfrd. erary ought to be a subject near and dear lo every merican bcom: And, whereas, iti.mv parts of the present Constitution of the United States are sus ceptible" of ilitP rcut construction, viz: the riirht of the General Government to make woiks of Internal hnproyemciil, within the seyeal stales; the riht to erect a Bank; the rihi to upproprirte money for works of Internal Improvement; the right. U dispose of the public lands or common domain; tbe right of laving duties and i.nriostj on Foreign imports, having h lendeiiy lo tlie pr4lectioi4f l)timttic JUai.uiJ.;i:iw. lures: And wherea-, Congress have passed laws, believing the n lo be in conformity with tht i rue aontr lr the town of ILvwddH in thf numtv nf i : . .j r .i... f . . .1 . c Bnm im 1 yrnrt:! Vile tm : r- v-,.w --tj--- i' - i- ; Mr. lhnm ineseiUed the. fjlloNVing Preamble and ' The bill to repeal the act of 1 830 co flpellu.g Q rd tiu.- Mr 111 rimnw,i in it ...... ALI? U,Vt. -v in SEN A : E. Monday Dec 3. Mr. . Allen presented a bill to repeal an act pass d in 1830, to repeal part ot the second section of an set passed i'n 1806, to revise the milita laws. Bead three times anJ sent to the hou-e of commons. Mr. Hawkins, fom the com niJtee on military af fairs, to whom was referred a resolution, -uggt sling (he propriety of exempting officer fmm further mil itary duty vho may have held a commission for live years, reported that it is unnecessary to legislate on the suiject. " -.- .-- The bill to repeal the act prohibiting the circula tion within tins slate, ohiott of other states under fiv Joll'rs, was taken upPshd nficr discussion, passed to a ihird reading by a vote o 31 lo 28. Mr. Haw kins presenteii II e Annual Report of the Adj .Ut General of ihe State, which, with the ac comtMiiying docuirn i.Js, were ordered to be prioteo. On motion of Mr. Hinton, Remixed, that the committee on Militar) Affairs be instructed to enquire into the xpedicney of passing oine general law whereby Companies of Cvalr. Ligiit Infantry, Rifle Corps', and rnll r companies Oiay obtain the bcut'llt ot corporate now- rs. Mr Martin submitted the following PreambU Risohitions, whit h .vas adopted; Whereas many of the good people of North Caroli na entertain the opinion that Ihe Con-tiiutiou of tin State is defective in some of its provisions, more especially in the present mode of represent! , Vdmih instead of being on the just and equitable basis of taxation and population, is according to gc graphi cal limits, unequal in size, and pently disproportion ate in wealth and inwibera thai the right of electing the Governor of the State ought to be vesied in the free people thereof, od lht lha bieuuial meetings of the Gleneral Asse nbly, subject to the call of the Gov ernor, would enable'it lo discharge all its necessary duties to the country and be of gjeat sating to the State; And whereas, many of Hie people of this Stale likewise entertain ihe epmion lhal the Seat of Gov ernment should be removed to some place uniting .i .i C O.I... I. .....t I ( more advantages man u.e cny o, u , f(jrher C01Jslut.ratl(M ,ht.ie0, lieving they Have retained in .r ow n . m ms , .,w power of altering or au.endmg .he Cons itut.on and 1 y a(llhorii.tf tbe widows of persons dying of removing tne Seat o Gove.nment, without be . to fi pe.ion for a yean support, be- strained in the mode or maimer .,, w -.ch s. rh 0 aduniVtr,tioo are granted, was read amendmenU are to. be made, ,t is believed to be the e( Tnosepetitunder eitii.g ai cmi.stances,io submit J . thee several questions' directly to tbe people of tins p ' ' Statt: Therefore. ' Friday. December T. Resolved, that the joint select committee n the prt,Uer presented a bill to regulate the col ubicctof a contention, be, and I hey aie hereby in ; tH.llo ,, stale witness tickets, so tor as respects the count) ol Ijuiiioiu. lieau trie tirst, secona ana uuiu tiiiHs. and oiden d to be engrossed Mi. Martin moved that the committee of lie w hole bouse, lo which w.is referred the resolution disapproving the doctrine of Nullification and the poiicv of a southern convention, and the resolutions on the subject ol Nullification and the tariff, be dis charged from the lurtbec consideration of, the said4 resolntions; winch motion was laid on tne tame Yeas 34 Navs 27 and tbe further consideration rheieol was postponed until Friday next. .The bill to vest the right of electing the Clerks of the County and Superior Courts in the several coun ties within this state, in the free white men thereof, ws read the second and third times, and ordered to " ' " 1 1 l .WI ( blh:.m ai,A A,, uie Detler TPgUiattriTr Ol oic hich was read the first second and third tunes and ordered to be engrossed. On motion of Mr. Hell, the committee on the Ju diciary were instructed lo inquire. iuM the expedien cy of ami nding or repealing an act entitled an act to amend Jhe law wrih respect to the tol (lection of debts lorn Ihe estates of deceased persons, land the law in relation to levying of executions issued by justices of the peace. . Mr. Scawell presented the petition (of John Dunn, five man of color, of the county of Wake, praying permission to emancipate, his Lson, a slvy; which was referred to the committee on Propositions and Grievances. Monday 'December 10 Wherkah, many f the t-d people of the State regard that provision-in tle 32o section of our Mate Co'i-f itiition, wl.ich requires a attet eligibility lo oftn , the belief ol the truth of the Prolesta- I Uc hiiinn, a loo intolerant for the preM-ut enlighiened state of Society as no iong r necessary to guard against imaginait danger, and as operating as a con- BCieiitioiis barrier l' anv participation in the oflices of the tve. ol a respe tal)l- d nomination ot Chris lians residing among u-, ossessing ability and mor al worth, well calculated to adorn , and benefit the Sf:,-e: V it therefore Resolved, that the Committee on the siilj' ' t f a Convention be insttm ted, il they conclude to reromnu nd any alterations in the Con stitution, to outsider the expediency of expunging therefrom the aloresaid provision... Thursday, December 6. On Motion of Mr. Hogan, Rrsolxtd, ! hat to prevent fraud and corruption, in clci lions, the committee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire into the expediency of so alter ing, amending or explaining the law touching and concerning the-holding of elections, as to define clearly the powers of SheriUs holding elections and inspectors appointed to superintend elections, also to inquire when and under what circumstances a Sher iff has right to give a casting vote. The bill to secure a Homestead freehold to every citizen owning lands in this Stute, was read the se- stiucted to enquire i. the expediency ol preparing amendments to the Constitution ol tins Stale on the several subjects herein contained, wiili a view to their being presented to iht. free people of this State, at the next August elections, for then ratit'ica tion orrgeetion. Mr. Montgomery, of Hertford, moVed the following amendment, which was agreed l: , .. Resolvedfurther,A the said committee be also ' Instructed to enquire into the expediency of limiting the right of sulirage in the ele ction of Member ol the General Assembly to ihe free white n en el this State, Tuesday, December 4. Mi. Montgomery, of Hertford, from the committee iKmnbMitniWitmwuuiii of propsihons and grievances, to whom was referred W reaa t ie secona a,.u , L1 "L:i ,,1,,,,. of U.,vvi,. nravimf ' be enrolled Aes 43, 17 0,1 aluiuation of a part of that 'com.ly to DavrdV.,,; , Avks - vUsms. Allen, Allison, oddie, Britta.n .a .i , i. ..i-iuiinn i. ,,ec. .u., v ,,n tne suhiect. I Uull- k. Carter, Cowper, Dishongh, Uobson, Gam Wilsrtn',inveit mi amendment which nrfvaned mak ing it the. duly of Mditiiv Captains to enrol Quakers, Moravians, c. but exempting them from duty except m cases of invasion. The lull, as arciidsd, then passed its thud reading, and was ordued to be cn-gros-eil, .i4 to 27. thcse who voted in the affirmative were, Mrsseis. Allen, Allison. Askew, Bell, lhittaia, Rul oek, Cai-on, Collins, Debsoi . Faison, Harrison, Hiutoiu Hogan. Howel, Leak, Me Dow tl, Marshall, Martin, Ma.-M. Maltht w$, Melvm, Mofl'-t. Montgom ery of Hertford, Morris, Moy of Pitt, I'ai M r, Scawell, Skinner, Spaight, Spencer, Tooiner, Tyson, Weil boru, Wilson. Those who voted in the negative were. Messers. Boddic, Carter, Cowper, Disbofgh,Gavn Hall, Hawkins, Hoke, Houston, I lussty , Kf rr, I ,umb, Latham, Ltlh , Ijndsey. Moutgomerj 4 Orange, More, Mo of Green, Norman, I'arham, Kay, Kode, Simmons, Stedman, Vanhook, Wilder, Williams, On motion ol Mr. Martin, the Senate resolved its self into a Committee of the whoje House, Mr. Wil son in the Chair on the bill to establish the Bank of North Carolina; and after some .time spent therein, the Speaker refmned the Chair and Mr. Wilson re- .. . I ported the bill with sundry amendments, ami recom mended Us passage into a law. Further amendments were made by the Senate, and on motion or mr. Wilson, the further consideration ol the Din was postponed until Wednesday, and with the amend ments ordered to be pnnttu. Tuesday Dec. 1 1 . Mr Wilson, from theY committee of Finance whose duty it is made by aw to examine the Report of the Public Treasury, the statement of the Compt roller, and in general, into the state and condition of the Finances of the State, made a detailed & satisfac tory Report thereon, which was sent to the House with a proposition to print. - " On motion of Mr. Montgomery, of Hertford. Resolved, that a message be sent to the House of Commons proposing to raise a joint select committee to enquire what arrangement may be necessary to provide for the accommodation of the Governor du ring the next year. Mr, Wilson submitted a resolution authorizing the the Public Treasury to adjust certain conflicting claims betw en Ihe StMe and the Banks of New hern and Cape Fear, growing out cf Ihe tax of one per ct, paid by those institutions lo me mate, on me siock held by the President and directors of the Literary Fund. A full statement of the merits of this contro versy appeared in the Annual Report of the Public Treasurer, at the commencement of the Session. Wednesday Dec. 13. Petitions presented By Mr. Spaight, ot W.lie A Walker and others pray ing an iucaease of allowance made by la w to witnesses in behalf of the Slate, ah tending Courts out nft.e county m w hich they re.-nie. f thf irooil citizens of thi m il" do viM. -, j w. r - , believe and entertain the opinion tint there is no tri bunal wnich can amicably and satisfactorily decide and ajust the foregoing contested articles, nut by re currim to first principals, Therefore, Resolved, By the General Asembly of the State of North Carolina, that our Senators in Con-, gress he instructed and our Representatives be reques ted to use their best endeavors locall a General Con vention of the States of this Confederacy , io take into c ousidertioti all articles in tbe present Constitution of the Uoited States susceptible of iiuscou-truction, and give s n il ui interpretation of the same, as will save the Union from anarc iy. And lie. it further Resolved, That the Governor of ilhis State be, and be is hereby requested to lorward 'a copy f ihese lt.hitions to the Presi ient of the 1 II .ited butes, to ine executive ol each Male, ana io i il 'if m each of our Senators and Represe itatives in Con gress, Mr. Daniel subnvt'ed the following Resolutions, which were read, ordered to be printed a id releired to Hie Com niltee on Lie foregoing It 'soluiio.is: Resolved, That in tin opinion oi this Legislature, the la ws enacted by -Congress for the protection of Domestic Manufactures arc unconstutioual an.luu iiisi as well in the dilfu iyt clisise ol Society, a to life ditlerent sections oi tti i union. Resolved, That the said I ws h,ive tended lo weak en the Uiiiou of these States, by impairing; the confi dence of a large portionof tbe Southern people in the justice ol the General Gover itneul, and that the per- J ... i i- i . i : - ;t.l maneiit estanlisnmcni oi moe iao is iih,uiumuuic wi h ihe integrity of Ihe Unit n, Resolved, I hat although wo witness with painful mutely, the opposition made b) the friends ol pio teclio.i to the sbglit relief which the act ol Congress of the 14th of July I83J allords tuihe South, we have not yet lost all confidence in Ihoj-isticc of the (Jene ral (jovernment, and will not thoiefore, yet an tion any measures tending to tbe dismemerbt nnent of the Union. Resolved, That while we sympathise with the peo ple of South Carolina, we do not approve of their doctrine of Nullification, believing itUo be erroneous in theory, and calculated to pui in jeopardy thecivil and political liberty we eij y. Rt solved, That the Governor of the States be re quested lo transmit a copy f of these Resolutions to the President of the United States, an I to the Exe cutive of each of the Statet. On motion of Mr. MoLaur n, Resolved, That the Coinmittce on private Bills be lystructed to enquire into the cxp diency of ves ting the power in the County Courts, a majority of the acting Justices being present, to authorise the e Ttctwvf Ga testae r.s the j ublicwadsiiwiir Cfc nective counties. ' . . - . I C L- l ' . -I A couimunicalion was receiveu nom nis r.xcei- i- . lence Gov. tokes, covering llie onginal.Teturns ol the voles given in the several counlies in thiV stste, at the late Presidential LleCUon, together will) llie names of the Electors chosco, Read and transmit- led to the Senate. Tuesday, Dee. 4. Mr. 0' Brien, from the majority of the ( 'ominittrc on Privileges and Elections, to whom-was referred the pelilion ol HiChard tl. AU'Ttnder conlrtS'ing Ue seat of Burton Craige, thp sitting member fiom ihe Boro. of Salisbury, made a detailed Rep.it, coiv eluding with a Resolution that the silting member be alowed to retain his scat. Mr. Davidson, from the minority of the Committee, made a c a inier r port in favour of lr Alexander. On motitm of Mr. Pomdexter, Mr. Alexander xvas permitted tf be h 'ard i ihe. luir-of the II oust.' In arc ordl . lU M'ixcaked ..i.i i.' ij. e, tt e the House at some lengtn, anu was tej ne.i m uy inr. I t. 1 1 . .' i. lisi.. . Uraigc to yvnorn -nr. a. suauu a; i,rjmuvi 1 Mtmi.m-jAmnmiwi'r. ;..:A'rt,it;,.,.,. ,.,.;... 7 A. ,ilriit