T i- 1 ? - i f- 1 0 IBQPTEdDIUCEIHl' FAITIEICD)! THE IGAORA.M' A.VD DEGRADED OF EVERY AAllOJYOR CLIME MUST lih f VLG HTEKED, BEFORE OUR EARTH CAM HAVE HOAVR JV THE UXIVERSE." VOLUME VII. SO. U GKKKXSBO -tOUGU. X. C. SA TURDAY, OCTOBKR. 10, 1835. WHOLE N6. 320 it ..i 'it W'm.l" EL o '4 .'. ; -4 1 .4 i A .,.1 cm. s iKrcd 1 new en;.; ie;ement ; rind n') luiper wdl be dis cente.ucd until ; 11 acrea. :e-s : re p;-id. ADVKirriSi-'.MKNTS, N' t -jccred.ni 1. lint, wi'l be nca'dv inserted three tunes tor i in- ij'ill n; and i(,n'v-,'m- rents tor each siuc.eedini; publication: those o.V.vater lev.Rth in the same prfipoi ti.:i. .M' U'Vers an'l r-'ininnn' t-. the editor, on. business. re 1 '" t 11 1 ! n usi '.c ! os r-FAlD. or thev w:ll n 1 j he t.':lcn 'rn'- th-p. j vh' h v; feel w hen ;i! .nii'ni. d add forlorn, from tint j iUf, r.,at, as a wiim ss, I found that by that tune they lud a r;reat respect for the virtue? and talents (' 'he iicv hand with which in'-foriune presses on us when j tnrd fvo huidred and fjftv cases, when Jud"e good bishop. ().,eda M . B. P. T. called uumthc U rsey and the I .wvers had to 40 oil to the conn of bishop, And told hni the reports that were emulating appeals; -o the court was obliged to be adjourned, over the tawn. The bishop heard the whole c ory 1'mI I had to piy my witness somewhere between very quietly, iimtj ai d toriv dollars Mr. Gibson Can tell audi. 'Vei y well," said he. .was very politelv told !y Mr. C.ibson, that I must' "But," asked Mr."', "ar? y-oj imt going to bri'ig iome again next S ptemher. 3 in September I j him to account ?" rvye again, viin ii old fiu-nd Benson. My ct-1 "How can I bring him to de account ?'' asked 'he va now on a more respectable faotirst;; it had grow n bishop, with one of his rn !), benignant Miiiies, that us "M r, and lUond N). l 2(.X) on the docket. The court led to irradiate his whole face. I f pt v. rv l.imlv at work all that fall, and at the end ' "By prireutiui; hi n f i a libel." tf she month of J muary, ihcy adjourned at the re- j 'Prosecute lot do libel ! I cannot do da1 ml the tiol of 'dr. (jitison, who to'd them hat the int r-. bi'.op, "for 1 did cne out of de house of ill fame oil TIIU PATRIOT ' J !pa--i a, we are rescued in some me-i-ure hy tfmse IV ILLIAM SW MM, ' wri'.m ttiat stii! bear the hrenthjiit; impreton of io- At twn dollnrs per ktinnin, itr adva'u-e; "t three dH iri wiU hie rlwo'its nl virtuous aif jctiails. Such Writings So r Sro-eil aPer thf expir i'iou of thre nrmt'i';. -draw f n i t-ars in everv situation d lite; they rai-e suS-rriSer will he feceiv-,1 f,r a shoi-u-r peri tl than (iic mind to t neril mudi!ation, which divert our ;t twclvi' m'nt!is H'-.d order to:-1 .e taprr inu-t ilw iys In- icntun from p rsonal fuilleriu ; liiev create a soci HCt o'upani' (I with tl.e rash. I 1y for u, tnl a commu'iioti both w it t dead and hv- A tailnve 1.) eider .1 disc"i'tinnanre within the year, will he uv, anl'iors and with '.ill th sevvho fouciiP in admi- riou'he works which we inprove. In tl)- desolation of eil aund-t l!ie -loom of dune."!, H '''e pi ' irb of di'icr and of d jath, a particular pa-ae of .mi nlfi i tta author my have oftei. reanimated a pi Irate iioul ; even I, who read, who now touch that ji.ip, nie'ht' k-i I discover on t the traek 'f toarV-;aitfi l 11 t!u'.'''K ir- fin i:ar t n.ouM', I enier iutrrtrktnd of iu"rcur-e and fei!uvho with thoe whoP cruel (! ittny I so deeply deplore. Am:d .the calm of ease, the rtiushme of h ippme-, life is 10 f 1 v Itbor, butin tliPe,' ouiuess. t nusfurtune, it is dilfieult' tr conceive h'v HlfO'iv ct rtiaii r-.flecvtoi.s V-ui u lime Ivtweei. that aod M .ii h, wa ii,v'ipe,.- ! d" lhur-dy niorninu' at '2 o'clock . 1 4ibl n-'Cesmry to hiui to make u.1 lu- dockets furl V u did !" said Mr. in i-.irpricO. ..' tju-bejet term. Thw tniio ihev tf-.t -ihroiuh three! "I did tiiuwl," fai.l the bi.-hou; "I was in my tundred Cases, atid Mr. (iibsnn aain tfrty politely study at 12o'clok at night. A knock cumn lode MMfT p . my wnnes.-es, v' call .it.an. .. Marti), j door : a poor woman stepped op '..r (io'lV s.ike If. Mrr. b I8M. it was just the -a an- ilum;, "iily that father, come and see a poor girl dying: he sent me T i-.r v.. S er-ules, -,ood ai No. 750. Well I be- , foi nm, he ssvs she will not die till she oees de 01-I1- 4 m to think ibis no joc. ti .d knows what had be : my coat it was now more thin two year? '..'i 'V the nilornfil i"ir. wi f almost trut . h-rt'i-r wi- "H'riti v brt'ttr inrth nothtnif nm.' .... . ir 1 Ertrart frmn Mtr'ante lie $l:icf. fF M 1 VMM HR, AS IT is CONNKCTKI) WITH HAPPINLSS. I .. 1 : 1 . . k.. o..,.t- .1 .! iff i 1 1 . ! 1 f I .. 1 1 1 . . l. . li .., ..,;.l Uk MHi4 i-tn ia j. 1 m 1: n 1 -f-- ' m- ?-".. HM-- O" Ifiy l atl te - f l twi"T;r, "-fTiy pr' .1. . . --... . . ".. . mark their history or o'tr n:uar) i.r.pres-1 .0-. w. . . WM r j.ned. and would not aiiow me U -give yi op.' "Poor tii g," said I, will go and u e her if it e. m last. J dm are you asleep? John i my servant, a stout Irishman. John walked up, John, do tmi t ike a ba-ket,put a bottle of wine into it, come alone. t . . . 1 l ....... .n . . . - 1 1 1 ... . r. ijwvnii a.iiu will) anomer iee. iu r umsi sec uc y.unw ung uai is oviug. 1 wt'ni, t idmitii-tered to her, i comforted her ni'i. li. She h id I pu-hed 'i ( )i. 1 see I wis not daiicvd. Two hundred ca- UNO- si-ir1, re got rid of t.'utt l-rm, and, to nuke the ibun a young, virtuon. girl, of good education; but Much 't)22, 'hat my case J had been s educed. S.'ie could not survive h r rt. it va- i i - Mr. Tiio.n..- K-.1, the afio'u jur-ice. 5 cot m 1 1 I 1 D I inc OOl a long as . fero.'io'i- 1 'iron1 r pent.i.ic re-i-s- ilvr a;l nnj- I t i.' i saw tier breathe her last about l2 o'clock mi and so you ..fi ai.Ii.- In :issiiaiod !V th'' n.'.' T ol Wee'.UUg ' ViT nil - - ' j I i our destiny, and of taking tint intei '-t 11 w'.at con cerm ourelveo, i as to divide us in so sail n.:i two senar tc beings, the one of whom coi.Miu.'-ser it -llie other. Bat thiJ resource, in mi-lortun-. ca:. "i, ly be enj Vi'd bv .1 virtuous m m. When a lversi'v a-sad- fie vicious aid 'he prof! n'e they ha v. nor: - Kv. r id' of hapyines- his been almost loU ' treat I ft them ih ti.-ir own icfi cttons ,. of onvKt he very tloris that seem -d at first their cn. 111:1 il habits co-isiun their lo h.v h....f ".ade for it iltain-ne.n': a-.d a sordid ness and aridity, mid u..'il a Pti.h.., .s i denriving e ich individual of the sup- ; tabbhei th-m iu a m.u-.l disp eiimu. mri ;1n I r .-oeniion of oi-r-, ha considerably di- mul by poignant and excrte 1 tte o'lk e.s- .,: Frank liad ielt no ttbets behmd bim.'and died idy I -hou!d like lo know how he navy me at to I .... t 1 1 . . . .' I .. .. . .. .. . . I ..V.I ... . . - 1 . .!. II- tnini- d 'hat portion of public happiness which the ot -ucn minus can ne -r auun- v .1 1 ,,,-,,y m-olvi nt ;uid good tor noMimg, w hicn was ; o t uhk . varevas lie 10 ste me ai aat Hour : .'.iiiion f the s-rial. ord-r had o fiirly iro-n-, solalion. ! he. mJoitimate m .0, w . u 1.0 1. m-,- , ., v, ry- , ,r,j I u .s r' l to say any thing :;- vas tie : dat 6 all I 1 h k. -I. I 'bat his unfortunate client hid. a J de morning. Join an I den bft de houvi ; : .i,'o 1 suddenly of an apoph X- Nee 1 can't pio-ecute for de libel." M- K ' c liied. I think, surgtsting death. ! 'Ofi,1 iaid the gentleman, "that very rruch alters 1.1.1 ... Krink w .is buried in my coat. So (he case." u.a .. r I .. .... -IMi 1 .1 i-l . 1 r 1 ... 1 wail iiomi itie next term lor a new par-i ji i an, saiu tne nisnop. "11 mv cn oacier Mi. K !l stated, moreover, that 1 cannot j.rotect i lie against sbnder, it is worth 1.0! b tig. ire j-ed . o vain might bear's of sens!'. ility emleavmr (o : naut ini-n'pnve.nt i!io,is,ui,I asper -ions o ,.r,nti ce dilT-se around them thnr epanivp benevolence; tn- bimny, finds himseU' siiddrnly r.mher: ot bv- r puU 9111 .l ountahle obstacles would obstruct and frustrate Hon, and exposed to g.-m ral cc-nr and eoi tj mpt, .k. i.nr.,hr.iVc- ilwv'-wniiirl ho r.inrt-d . would like wise fink into the lt!):ilOil Ol ; .11 real gull- lllt'il K-V' . ..Tii , J .... ..... . I ont the bH, let a-sfls 111 11 1 v M ty, were lie not able to (Jeive some comfori and en i ourage-jjient frMn ifctjewfifiijcb mihi ena bie him to beludd li n elf ni hif true color.s-o con- rtilt: in those wh .res.-mtile Ivnnnd harbor the cm). ? world mere ex;si gyni by public 6pinion, which is read enough to frtHiffi thosu who would (sir .fb vi,i.ftOin that pber of dflnve, which every one st ems anxiou o,'t-rlire''r'an "invmltiHIe btm.. A mau wHst, .rr.. V. Ki.x&'f ..b.nu- -ninn rrinrn. i v 1 ICtllKK 'oat ,11 nme ( l?ritefS '-OlCT rrnuir, . im .... n ' ' .' ! ' . .. . .'... ... I..-. I,;, A..,. iflecli n ts no bere lo be found, and sinct it is i persons wu w.ui I y . ezi- wu.i no.. ... ....u,.....- ttll, and atlei Iioi.a e y weep wmn nun. comu ok nui su eiiit his ca?e to their cnti idcr ation and coaipas.- sion. en forbidden lo assuage sorrow or alleviate distress, . r i if l . ..... j'. . must (X'l tor iv-rixeii aione, m on.erio nrcfii- f i Jiin i.nagoiation the mod-I of" fieri thing lhat is Wime Or bextiiilu'; r to keep ahve the a red lire iiuiA nthi.ias n. niid reJiiu the itru.ut: jjf i'jrlJiej!lL'rs ;, ai inbplr a-b' o ..'f m '! tation i-be al.triys a,-hcc bcarf, nd stth no she tMs't.e. n portrayed bv tnoe exalted mti'dii' have been llic ouiauioit. of evtry I'ubhc opinion now took a new directum, and the was i -I mdi rcr was driven from all respectable socie 'v. If Kell llOu!d WlZ'" i H vis a-seis in my iiiii.i-. as r taiiK s esine vherefore a matter of moonshine, that very worthy . good bishop Lbeverus had still resided in Ho-ion, chael Hedtnger, was I ti Charlestown convent would never have been ofd n'rvant of the court, Mr. .Michael (wit in Frank' shoea, as hi .Jdminiiitrdlor, on the d-tuckefand-with great conr4eiy 4 itf .plwhe'r 1 822,4 cjnfeien jnitgmeni hi mv lavor. ieu uoi utt 4g a vvrfr rny-right that Frank hud b this property i Aber ?hi I asliel what I was to do, Jind my. frieiid 7w untold me thH'rat w9 made into brown pa per bv this timp and .that my only course was to sij. Tom Straw. AWli, sliJaid I, Mr. Gwynu, any thing vou please in we Li penny in lor a pouna. burnt lo the ground. ,Trnr?ivith boohs, and firin'cifilrs vritt times, - -M nnrrsioith 'min's, humours turn v?a' clinwa. "Mow preciou-, therefore, are tnese eyer mnn j j . off M n?enjfay fevin suit, which , which ifpl to us trejJace w.1"itIf n.aUdl think Om.iakio3 Jt ali tor stc-m, r..utry! In M age like the present, : L abot tisXyw fcfetty dblla'rs- and. i .. i. I ........... i. ..i ki.lo ,..ii.rl tht 1 -" ' ' ... ' . ' ik ... ... WIK'll SUCH dH.Ulliilli.lCil Laiduiiut-a i.i.v .. .k.v , ,,,. ir fi, noa..rc tol .7flll.ll into il ''What trm of clnricter would mankind asftime, . . . i .i.i c i .? . ..a if thev "ere i.ev. r to ,.. ,r u,e , u, .ge o. uu , jn i(.ir mi.erib, grntrn wnlim. t.'s;-if tn arts ot . m numbly were , wotIJ an Jlfjn,ill,l I. I .1........ ... Cixldcmnefl to IIV" among mn; i l;"i-'-, m .iiii-iis- , eed reaon was to he waging an im ff't 'il sroggle i . . ... . I - Dll H I human rate, ho v desirable is it thai luere ouia ex- - ftt ,w. -Accordintdv. in Mrch term. ist h writer, who, with a tb; turned to pucIi pursuits , ' f . . ( WQrd j(i cftHc.i-r of a woil d select mid treasure up all hos.. eflort- ex-erted . .,hemrls vs. Thomas Slraw. .... c niao.uii, vi'i"'u i by reaso.i, Ihat have contr.buU l to sotace trie iimor-, advanced with great vigor, con.ider.iK; The voyager, whom a cuvti! Su h a work at source ot tears. tor it has c.i-i on an uti- Bgiiti't the sophistries ol vn e; ai;d ii tl e tender sin lici'nies ot pi'ywi re in ss.mtlv xk -' d to the gcrns and u( kernjs of uiifeiiug frivob;? Ii the tnd, perhan-, we wou'd ainve ..! llie tmal t i .( lion jven ol sf-lf-cwu, M in im-!- him-elf n? c. '.Hated to rt 'v on the opinion of fits t.-llo-.v-jn m: he dreads b st li'is elf-love should be t i';eii i. r his conceit nc : peopled shore, engraves upon the surrounding rocks the ulillieills he has discovered and points out to iho-e wiiu niiy in! involved in a -miliar late, the resources winch he rtn:doved a gainst dinger and dea h. We, wboin the ch ii. "i oi that it is a contested case,ui which biraw whoHt 1 don't think much of in put in a great many ideas, and has. also brought a cross acMoo against me for the amount of the bet, in the name of the administrator. The-e two cases stand like twins upon the docket, and we expect to have them both tried at "he same ti i.e. Mr (Jibson tells me now, that 1 miv confi dently calculate upon terminating the conirov. r-) about the coat, some time III the pre-ent year, pro- i s i.ot! Ill ilsi i' lug around j : Hnd Mich ! urn ii It aceu!S h mself el . , if in him that b- in any rrsemi. at -ce is the imbecility f 'm i "i .i. ..r. i.non society . tii -.a ;. wo.i I I. m some -ii-a Uiv. repent r f - i-ood ( iaiii!ie-, as o o v.iiin.lai dt led if general lomon (oin iuvd in i.-iirtiig; them- hip in lb' se mo.oehts oi ih-ij u-tude, h has recourse to liiHif-ok-, and il e hoi, I u, to him the mmsfKHre nioiimioi.Js ,," iio.t rtjined and noble fonlin.enti i.haf . have Hed t: v ery Age. If liberty be, (bar to l.-n if th' n. me of upuhlic, so power ful ovet ibe fedi-'ig of proud unbending .minds, asso cia'es in I'is eft i tioii.s w ith he image of all the virtues-, soiti. 4 PlutarcJi's L ves; a .ieiter from DrutUs to Ctc r' ; few'senleiH i s d CatO, in the language ol J Ail b-on: mih-c of tln-er-ff ctious with whi. h -hat j hatred of tyranv inspired Tat ttus or, those eeuli- tneiits, real or supposed, which historian arid' poets ! put into the nmn'bs of their heroes, are sufficient to raise anew tliesoul atter it has stnunK and Bickcneu An exalted ij'pronation, il ic lings his soul in union with tin se noble stmlirnctit, arid with those lofty viitues hicli i-oagination selects and embodies when she aspires to. delineate a mod. I for the imitation of everv age. ll w abmidant aie the consolations which we.mnve ir.un willing ot a certain . a-t! If 'he great men of eiil antupiity were exposed, 'hiring their hve, to the slults ot ca Itrnny, their only retreat and asyluui lav whm.i their own bresN; buf in our da s, we may Inveitaoorse to the Pbae I of S crab, to ih a.innatiog m.isiiT- r i .. . . v .1... ...... I .. it... i.tl loil.ience a II 5"-' '-'I ar: .inn . ii.un i uiv. tins mortal life htve reserved lor a period of Ilev .iutioi., should aU make it our hosiuess to transmit to lu'me generatioos ill loll- . . !mneal. If the-e should mate knowledge of thaso secrets of the soul, of those , w(mJ u,r1( tijU(. ,0 ua.Ap.eie,, ,om-,m,..ous i' ' ' ' , sa v (or the next len years upl'Ji il " s.nooiii our way i.nouu uic ,r.t For ?0'a SSSB0K9UGH Virxtor. - AN' ADDRESS. i -. d pen- j ,, r i.r ' o.iths of li line suit, and bus liouri-rieu u.iuera gieai min juog es. Under Doisey, and Bland, and rl insoi , and 1 -I . , 1... a-i... i.tf.k (lka Illf.tf'S 111 .111. I. a' vM 111 t) STOrtV ' .MC.ier, anu n, . -r.- '7 il i ' . to' Kcll, who, beiiiK well acquainted with the case be (lav - ol Judge I) )' -I think 111 1.B; . ,4i ,ilu, .b.ll he tbusbed this vear. llJM j II tit, (I I HMUV U lilv . s....-. -- J W .at the aspect of ccpteo por irv even's. Ar character is icstored lo svit-approbation, II lie raoe-i, iiii'i hi Mfi.ni. ...ii a- . - - ue. of a coat, that he won id tike the one winch wore from my back, by the he 'v of th'mw., and piece I ;-pnre of j..!ver-ity. 'J'iie philosopher- ol ever) j ((. A S!'l It Was th (he riock-t wit' show- I first got acquainted! with lint mad-can, Frank Taylor, lie was a mer-1 ry, broken down g odnmau, who wore a black silk j Handkerchief- round bi neck atu! had a smaileni of law, vlnch onet.nes made hi at very eloquent. Onc diy- Fr.ink, in his u?nal way, fell to abling the ctimts, and judges, and the l-;isialire, and the whole pa. k of them, P.-UCh st that I was q nte shock ed to hear hi.r, the more 1 rebuked liiui. Hu more he railed, -and at lasi tie oih ia 1 me a bet, ol Up- vil- 1 I I sho .Id never . have any tbnig to do with it again as long as I lived. Well, 1 didn't think much aoout t.a.,r.X4A him up, apd we parted. I he next day r ranK gjws; lo old Mr. Gibson, and Rets out a replevin lor my coat, and comes along with the sherill', and takes it ( ir n.v back, and .immediately put it on his own, and lo k d a good deal better lor t'm; change. I go (., Mr. (Jio-ou's vilicc, to ennmic how this wa-; and mere I li id myself veiy decently dock-led on a h.-t of suit k, for Mair.li term. 1S13--Fiink I'aylor vs. S-.fioo S .'.Tsid..--. No. I7D0 lad there was a bond n. n'by Fnnk and one Mr. Tom S raw, to restore my coat if Frank cuid mil show a title tn it upon a in. I i.. il.ee.mrt h-.u-e. I i-ki d Ml. (il "Son when s-ith d lor I ud it in soite of the ll any man doubt Ibis history of my case, let him i;o and ask Mr. dibjon. SIMON SOUERS1DES. January, "1 8:28. BrS;K)P CI1EVEUCS. -Armed To Miff. r with quietness of spirit. Shakcsfirarc . doptiun or rejection of the new constitution,. Fellow citiz nisi The present is one of the noijt interesting periods in the history of our beloved staW me onr-tndepeitdwice as:-a mrrmhrof-" tire pr neral confederacy has been acknowledged. And although, -nice that tune, we have been caded upan to draw tht sword in defence of those liberties for wbicb our fathers fought, bled and rlied, yet, in the history of our own sbre, tht re has not occurred, since the days of the revolution, a pe riod of more intense and l.hril iit.g interest than the present. Already a deadly thrust ha been made at the vi tals of our liberty; and oon you will be called up n lo say whether or not the wound rhall prove fatal! You ate in possession ot the power to restore to healthful pla) the disordered f Dictions of the princw p es, .f our state government. It is f r us to say whether or not that ancient monuir. ii! . f republn an principles ( or -wu hippy t t ) 'hall "eihefirst tu bow at the shrine of catholic idolatry, and cat at the feet of the so! righteous Fope that sacicd pledge ot nneiay won n rue lortunes ami live ot our n cestors! Sirs, their very blood w ill try out lo vou from the earth, if you, by ratifying the tti'eia ion made in the .Igud article id out constitntjoo by the late cenvention, permit men to par'icipate in the ad ministratiod of the affairs 'of our slate government, wnose views are purely tyr itinicai. V a such, oia metiically opposed to the liberal and ri pub!t. n prin ciples on which our free and happy government is lOkiuucu,. and w ho, oy ttieir article- t agreement. jc'clare themselves under no oMi.iion to ko p f..ith Bi-hop Cheverus, formerly catholick bishop of Bos- here;iCi; that is, persons. opposed to CHtholicism t. n, now of M oiitaubau, in the somh of hr o.ee, (if ;ur i.ttaimy. cotinlry exhort and encour.ge u-;.ind the p. r-uasiv 1iK'inee of mor,litv drawn bO'n an intnna;e uuowt f i of the human bear', ms t-.- he addrt SBt'd lii lividually to all rho-e w!i..in it consoles. "How useful, t o'-." cong-ni il is it to human i.nfure, matter was hkei) to i-u to "at.arh-an hih importaiift lo the u.ll unce oi Uea-J son iwi l,tt"rat'ire ! .. The type an t lo'rm of wh .t is virtnousTnid Jii-(, '' " !oi'g r tie destroy d. i he man wham nature detm for v.i 'ue, ait no long-i ....... A i- an l.-tiiiillv. f tia;. is ol i,di:iite cause ' ... 4 . - I like th:- looks of it md he ,t ld me veiy p.uii. ty lli.t it wou d be' fof trial in Slin h 1319. Fiank w-is alwa ade.-per.ie h.tid fellow on a coat, and 1 began t run over m mv minu, wna a p.cujr mg concern tms coat . t i il I. t mi;-c vv-iuKi i in mucii . i r . t a. " IRI9. Howtver, I waited patiently ior uie umc. and 'as the court was opened, there was i, in person, ..ud Mr, C.w.vnii, m atlonu v, ..to make a d .ah for my coat. There werry eioteen hundred cas. an the docket to be -tried dtat eim; and mine n r 11 . ...r. hi.. 1 nrriiik.ktad t.l V 4 . il . 1 I rt t 1 II I q.v .i n t. i mi) e , . . , .... . '..,.. h,!of ichn.m th" "nr, of several L'entlemen, protiiel-ant". who . et r rom uiai a.nu sauue-s uu auuo, w mi ivi.. i'u"u"i MV- - , , Ux .) was highly esteemed by all thev protestant of thai i roic.d;. -at city, for his learning, his talent, his JtTeraTiryTKiT t(T. I li- congreganoi. cnnsrstTd principally of the uneducated Irish, but his courage, firmness, and great ttct in pi serving their morals, and giving useful in formation, w-. re wouderhiby successful. On one occasion, the Iriifi in Boston exhibited a riotous disposition, and were fast getting into a Don i, brume row. The bi-hop heard of it : threw him sell into ihe midst of the rioters "Vat is dis you are . doing!" said he, for he spoke in a kind of br -ken Fngli-h, being a Frenchman t birth "vat is jou a doing ! bete is my bosom," said he, tearing open v vest "put do dagger into it, and let me die now , don't kbl me bv your bjd conduct, doii'l let me biu-h for it before I die." They immediately returned to peace and order. On another occasion, one of his own parishioners, nd a countrj man loo, who got. offended-with him. You will be acting in concert wdh the autocrat r.f Austria, wh' haslongbten ayi'.g pun- far hei r- 'tW-w.0t.u.y(VMn t;a(es for the introduction ol thousands of unpt n cipled ca(holics,some ol whom will sooii be i.ioiiir,-, then larewell to the proud standard ot liberty ! i. fall vvill'be inevitable! aid beneath its rums will bo t rushed the dc-cei.iiants trt fathers who..-only de-ire was tha' we. positively -hould btxlree! And then t .., will all f atholic countries, gallant' a.ul i luv alnck, Fiance excepted, rejoice at the doWpfail ul a. en can bb(it)!! N lint, say you, shall we rejict all the ametidTit nls -imply because tln re is one of which we do int ap pruvt? I ..nswer, most unquestionably, if a n.a.i ,'iestiii to me a cup conlaininir many pleasant and il wliolsome ingie.die.d-, Willi tht except) Mi o harr iv one which i ktu.vv to be d adly poi-onou-, al' I drink the wlude, hi d thu- occasion instant (! aii ? Would not such a course b- extremely unwise? Then went about Boston, reporting "I saw bi-bop Lhever- sirs, we admit Uia' the an. eminent-10 our cmsti u- iis come out of a' house of ill lame, at 2 o'clock, on yon ma de by our lale Cttnveiiiion an- good aid whol Tn i's.lay morning last," some, with the txctption of lite one under co.i- "Voudid'" sideration. Shall Vt: th ii "ratify1 the whd.e? "'Y- I did" ' t drrr.k-the uraughi ? -No," sirs., but 'e Will crush l,i flandcr circulated a few days. It came to. s) mpathy and omd jlencc- .he "moiiicr of haiU'-i-" u. embryo, h ht?r infan cy, and will "to the polls! to,the polls!" and maintain A 'V :;tSWj.:n'.iAXitt..i.ii(if-fe- v '(

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