mSIBM::iB,aDm(Il)lI' IPgi,IEI(3)5F;: 1 -A- -t?- 'T--W . .' . - O . '-7 . a . . 7.'7r v, tf--- " . t.k f ,. , , ; ,' - - u A. in P." f f . - i li 7 ORAM T AMD DEGRADED F EVER All OJVOR ', CLJME jifVST BEENLlW TEJVED, BEFORE OURJZAR 7Jf VAN HATE 11QNQR M THEVMYRRSES V,, . -I" ME VII. NO. 32 GREENSBORi)U3 if 1 WHOLE NO. 344 7V '" I R ; ' , if1 J J 1 1 THE PATRIOT ated and published weekly by 'El E. f i ANNFK. (MnirtittratorA A ftir fifth etttite of , , tVILfjIAM S H ALU, DECEASED. 3 ullars peraniurti, in advanre;or three dollar will fjjed aftet t)if xpinttoii of thre months. iCnber will e received for n shorter period tha I--, ' ----- mmonth; and orders fo- t .e par:rnust always be r rnpanied wtrh the cash. . 'A fui ofe U order a disrortiminnrr within rh? year, will be ..: . ...... . IV-" crnsiaerea a new eniarment; arc n paper win be :lj continued until all arrearages nrr mid. lli-i;:L... ADV.EHTISEMKNTS, ..3:5 T ,. o i .i s Lf ne dollar ;anfl twenty-five rents for tfAch succcdinK I J y publication :-those of greater length in the same propoi ?.tion.' --f ti letters and rnnm:niratiorRtn 'he elitA-, on bps5nps relative to th" ffr msl;TeTi"f - p A Ift, 7f tlwy w11 rift $ be taken from W r ffice. rich produce of the country, probably prepared by I'sriw 'countrf ji-loo many Ounft,men rush ir.W the hand of a fond mother. It wra a lovely Ihight', W r P,"Wic life' wiUioat aealte prepiiratioitt' uth a one as mak men incline to rneditrttfon,' Theflga abroad becaow their home i Cheerle?. and ai rur tnwt livtd m a retired and fohioiabie JLl'r of tn'Lj;e.wtie not uierruptdJyihe duuarid bu- tie oftht! lower par o of the city. Pacing towards 8Um'u:ta within, -.Unable to tutUin the rivlry of oiir.homv we were soon immersed )p tbtighC The .orrJ'Pil?!eCM retire in dit old inau'i (are was before wt tnd we ttijl Vh w the tear 1 ificatioii,. or what ia -. fajrTwonftTpiSee hovennj before it dropped, it was no h;i d emb1eie, lVM1,on,whichtheTajttMw obtaiu only by f himself. eetnd to be tin the brink of etemitv J artificis They accoidindytk refuse in leaut J and soon, like th tear, quit its abtaWg place . n l;I'n -they rejoice li itratagerna tbev K'1,X tortver. In lancv we traced ttie tcvtxe to. it .fnu'n-. 'I11 coiiriatin weapons, all these, by which iiie- t un hesid. Our ideas were gometh'.og like the tol- ocr'lr''enges itteif on the uncalculatint; manli. lowing: I nest fileenruii-and mines its way topower. Thti i knoj'fjh'e bw -:yimiteot i o,h'4t;0'y distrust the inteUigence6r tncorti" Our hot had left his father' roof when a bfi The parting scene wan, as ail are, affectine. head va plentilully stowed with good advice, his nirik with apparel, tml hi pockets with eatables. mtinitl on ' whose passions a lone, t bey relyi for Jd- vnnct- eritiatid jfKelr otily study is Id watch iIm- shif He arrived in the city, pcrfonr.d his dut v tfcrrent of popular predjudice, and be ready at clerk, and rum rapidly to wealth. His letter ttvhis j w;fpty wwrwng Td(o SELECTED par ins had been rtolar; but as wealth pbured in jupoii hnn, the avenues ol aOiXtion were cloed. i l ret? the pride of money grew apace; his Iftter 'vtre now sent les frequent, and he could write Uiorn wlfh rita ceedmgly atfectioiiate bum hit letters ''wcr'elM prei tily ivr'ten as if he had l..ken tlu-m (ruin thfri'poiile letter wrt'erf" and hie parents iot noticing llut the former bursts of fe lititj, arid warm :x,;ivMn:' of "Anrffii (hr nd cnmfifrint, an! a'mit trie H Atit'er we writs, we hrmer forth nt'imcr wv TO'. N AND COUN ILY. r-Thefc. is; V" o!helhit in the mt of a- l;nrerity that carries with it an exfe?ive nir of Ki'portauce. Th? f "I bowed and elhojyine reprdeTif -of - a nmdern "Babylon Tiecwtoros hinwe.if to peak wiih a patront- ItHMS, air ct t perjorit f when h alludes to a country- msn, whl the Utter seema to. bav; qjuielly sellitd ) down into the station-ai!st;nect nm?. in e country jbe affect m'ch ;tcW !if5 .rcit.-l9:-:4ti?.-i-n ...Jht? f city he walkn with firu -xtraoHiHry. He has (rj qtreiitlytwxieirwf prihopft5! ; h wie ' he'ls a low r .. ... irj,p--j herity' he takes mbrr latitude and allows hioelf to be led into what may be called peim-vicioU' ha hits, hni he doeth his in- j grace. ; h re is no ease Hi id fdvern Ooings. tie fit'? awkwari'ly in h;gh placrs at theatres, and looks jj puzzled and qui r lw si i ,f. is talked unto him. 4,1 What is the cjii.m fi-is.? hicpers a scftichint: "'"tie monkey withti! tir bratny, ttit oftrn leads ir Jo i-tt wiiided :-p; ' ':litiii)8 and iixei'-cis diyrerMi'ii . 1 tvloirVJrtu ?'th- re in Clt;r'. to if:.ii r llietn worthy of such horr j'e? 1 Is novelty the In lin whic h cause- hi-? Pcih'psit I ts. Novelty U ;.d nu n into strani' . i;' -tirs. Or if ilU the drefd rf v'.cnt? Thi, i r . , ihe cr:at- ' ' fet rauce. R: irnie liHf pr4nMj ir.adc n;'re rr.ei. t t i'Mja. than n)or:il ensavs. rrivei? find brittle?. nade n.en vir'uous. 'I his ridicule i- hi, intes tcr. Mour 'ain? ol re.'ison tun ll:j. hJore if. i- t r it ..i y wno c.oi)ui ace tr.e cdr ncn ' nn-u;n cannot s'.r d be''MV an bMhcIv of ridicule, ST- r ur j :'rt, notwittandnig we have been smokt -di i for la'l a (fMoft, i ( twithstandiiii: we have imed.r let us he cautiiiuy existed all i,ur yeinc ,'ti in ! ' ji Mriy wh poRe,iheir; theory i?,- to haye no princtplea raiid to 'y'P'oions, never to anymin) so marKeo . t0 N ificonsiiteitt vith doiria the-dirct rtvm and fi' loiy liavoved tie wrttlTf heoiinlerfeit ol Wisdom, aud ; deem, them ver to ny any thing not capable of contradi s yla04orik mve, were wanting, showed them in all the piidt of! is v tiinplicny to 'thtir neighbours, as something to be j selve?4ag;aci'U8 i only bciiie lhey are f elfish, t They copu d ana admired. It is true, the question, ;'why j be flf!iat all cenerous sentiments of love ol country does he not yml u?r would frcqueuiiy intrl' it-' u Iself into tkeir besoms, but sflectioii found a thousand are rLi hiiu itiinwciT. rui, o iung b iuc -a uuini-j k-mu; jiea undiminished, doubts can never enter the heart, it ia only when atT'Ctior. abates that thes evil jjuesti arealwcd adi.tisrit.e.i''"tir.r--.-.- ' .... "D ar son We'are al:irn)ti at hot hearing fi on y oii u 50 a ttrne; It is bo w fix months since we hlvh;id a sihyte "tine. Yoiir mother and I have paed many a sleepless night oo your accouut. . Pray heaven you arewelJ rtr. eTc," , r ; - - ' What tlie deuie4--Y they are my. parents, flow ( do detest bad sptlliifei theagb,. I wish they wtre better educated. Bnt Itnasi ease thoir minds.'' r " And ihe son wrofirsonM:lhing-.hke the foHowio: - 'Hon6vked pARENTS-iCircoaifitant:? beyond my v nut rol have preven'ed a dutilui son (ran sooner (owing to the blessing ol God,) i:i a stute that ren ders the (t'ar f It on hi account by hi- p.uMits, as unnn e?sary to them, as pninfut to htn,' etc. etc; 'I hi? was sent, and read and re-read, and prai-td more irnii ever. Lhit business increaseJ; a rich and ai'crnplished vt4 -.-.waa- takej.,jfid,jnrtSl!re.ail his struggles, the ou ai lergth becynie .ibhsnird of his pan nt-. It is 'me he was ttill affectionate; he wrote very dutiful it lw is once a year and, as h parents vere now i n advanced in years, he settled "atunt thing hand--oMie"on tiiem lor life. Years had now r-.ilied away since ihe father and j resided two gnllemen of hitfh professional sfandinp; ' but of infidel principles. In babtti of ih closest , intimacy, 'hey encouraged each other, not only in arj ' f oppiwiuoiii t 'bepread of rehgoiVpU iu th mosl proTane . mockery of H tendencies. A third 'individual, jn the towu, like-- mfcfc,.p?ae9 rtinstian chiractftr, was tbe principal obifct f their ,", ywnuTt ney prcienuea 10 poia nts retrgioi in utWr conicmpf, and often made merry in ridtca ling his superstition and fanaticism. How sincere and hearty they were in dusting their own prinfi pita may be learned from the kf uel. In the rourrA of time 6'ie of them wai attacked by a Lti disea 1 . I I. . j . :,i .' . .: ... . wou uijp u:oui any .appy change im t views.7! On opnihg his will, ilas iicVaifu he had cAifrusted ihe settlement ef bis estate to the y pious man", ahd,lhat bis infidel fneod was not men : tioued as an executor! If an action could sptuk ftis spoke loudly iof tndistro and of his secret confidence iu those of chrutianity. ' He could not ri ly Vpori the horiesty loon conn ' panto'nbal be-' lMdo7lea't'!6rib1riteeritv-of.- this4 - man wh6e religion he bad been accustoimd to rid- i acf. nowiai; cjrcuinstances, would not make a similar choiceTi;" "j . zttll 'JH t "htr '' tv - - h they tee! no sttntathy in their own breasts, M pretences n bthersthat public hf .. is a h which . success .depends on dexteiityand that sfl governmeul is a mere strugijlelor place. I heyhu? disarm ambition of its facrnation, the desire of aut on($jn. orderi4otbetiefijt,lh rouqtrv; since Ihey'i oiiot seek places fo" ohialn pbVer, hot power to o'lafftptaces. Such persons may Tise o great of ficialisfauons 4bc high offices, are like u.thejUppJUjbf pyrawds,fwhich reptiles can reach as well as ea giesi.xLB.ui. though ,they ma y 'gHinVplace , they nev er fiif gain hnors-they may be . polhiciaus-lhey ni- J cn hpronip .f:te4min. , ' tFi. ... ....... ........... J, ... . .. ... .. . I iv iii icr ui nicir vntccsn lit: ,111 uir lun'ii ement offjUrTnwn weakrte- jisl as hcre- rJii-tiD f 7 hisaud ie nee - ma kf t half lheditsiei V skilfl Prriron iliy attd singly, objects of indifference, jierted writs are '". devout y adoieq when we X-rTbber incident 1o"w)ich wele7etrenua ly corroborative of the respect which chrisUaniti t-. J torts Jtoni its opposersv .''A-.$ent!eWao.otr ac-, quaihtance had occasion to travel tbrouyfc laeyv Jt I and thinly settled part f the western couotrvi llis- W (ravelling compaiiioit was a gentleman of intelligtnee.i I aniteadyte-begtHletlie way4 m jirnj. argument & gainst .the truth of the chhrtian religionT The sparse population of the eeciioir pf cotoii;rythrough which " they were passij) wvacornpoaed of rorji-h and un- . couth materials, and it had been rumnr th.i fV. eiiers naa .sunerea tatai vioieiiCe from them whei. 1 lhrowrnfthi inna were T uiikiiown tVr irav t4et hiispitrtliiy of those of whoin they cot rd not 4at. enttrUitfa kecrtt feaf; On one occasTTif aslheeTc- ' niiTg closed in,, ...-they, sought. lodging place in Li ,0&.' cabiu f-r removed fmm other habitation. They anticipated, but little cwhoKnwarT, appear.incesinduced them to bfiye, that- it-tvouhj f be a measure of safety for each of them to vvalfih alternately through the tnghl. &3LJChuLjHwtew4. .'?f ?w8n tJ,K- Af lhey were ahouy our virtnef, our laientff areine oany nemes m euio- " : - " ....... .wv -Vu, n.t ir uosi, v'.ttto gv: they assure us that we uro th.- best and ui.-ef o( the hn'nan race .-r-t hat their highest glory is to be the instruments of our plen -ire, and that they will ?ie t r act, nor think, norspf ik, as we -direct lh'ei. 1; we name them to executive statiori they promise v exRCutc only what, we desire if w e send ihem to deTiib"e"raTr:e 'hndres They engagr-never- to- W ef but be guided mI ly by the light ol our i: t -.tiMre wis dom. 'Startled at first by language which. wh n ad dressed to other sovcrvig'-p, we are Hcc;i--"i;rd to ridicule fr it abject sy ophimcy cchstati' n pe'ttion makes it le-s incredible. ly degrees, allhotivh we son had riitt; and, wh tr.o latter, esu'h yt ar had mav not believe all the-pr-tise, we cannot doubt i,c done It pari in eradicating nid prostrating those -a " praiser, Ini at last we become spoil.-d by adulation, en t! ties which once exist d. ihif love prevented thatfrmh is unwelcome. If it comes from a stnn- the lathi r -horn atn billing this silence and neglec !gcr it ma be piedjudicc it tronrt a native, scarce i-xtenor ha.l excited their uilrnst. nrr.rUno t, a S f .e.i iwi eown an onj nm; umch worn b h e. nA M (. I. .. - .1 tl--.. I . 1 . 1 iuhm . i- .isiiv i- urn ii whs ms cosiom to wor ship God in his family, he read and pray ed in so sim ple and sincere a manner as to secure the esteem of tne travellers. They retired to rest, olept soundly andjroug'if no more of alternate", watching. , In the morning our acquaintance addressing his infidel com- .. .. 1. .. r. ....r. .1 . . I y it.M.ii, I'uiir-u hiiu nf an nonest to L whet'ier vetiing. the religious exercise of i ny, e i n eiln g V in ih'' iiriy of allits, and lanes, pla's where th' 'Jijfan ' ap wh? brautifiiHy varietaud by Ivirheis"1 ff jt'lpoi - vf CM-, pi. iv hills ai d lamp posts, yet we stil 'vjUbeh - :m :J.e supremacy of the court ry, for there. Tfl'l'c :.:' .i! :? uu son ktel and begrimed with hopes -''( Mini " .!'-.e ti i eiv' d" from the guests. A ' 'Vii !.-. -.'lis i.i :rc, ! " c-iii siai;d boldly forward without -4r!yf4tMf yrat? i . .;Vp-:?-y r!7!M,s!ITx.:;'.''hit.bei. g J!ri 'h ujed iiitii jV. ' , r,i u otl'n ly ineai's of )& V-CiVf- '-We'-hnve ciHeit ,-lhoHgi:f, 'thufc if-ihe whole "ur rP,!:!'!i :t"'") '"', :,! i;l,Vr' " lnere weir i,hin cotjiiii H ! f irit oi' l-.'i-y aud truth dweiUfig i" H- )'"' " h-ys, and firid. f-uriu- as . murals, our rpMil 'M ,patnot- to its proper c.;us( ; and it became the strongei-t wi-h of his heart, th:U Def -e death lo- d hi- ryes for ever, he u.ight again behold his b-iy. this ttel ing he lud undertaken a long aul pain.u! j 'iirnf y, ,ii:d had arrive d at the mansion ol In, popular 6in, l..r that son had now arrived at ;i j.nUtical station, oi eminence. K-n C -Imwed li4- all (he hunn iy pn p:r auons 'or the journey, the fr-rvi-nt lenns in which the blessing ol the v a conveyed, and diilt- ipations v hich buoyed up the spirits of the lather "oii his ion roe v; :r.tJi.ir5.0l-rj-catrterl a tlitH- -ytd smuiccs 0 vexstt m which wcre thus opened hdoie lum. Tnat coal those shoes -how could they be assioulafed with (he rich hangings, the cost ly furniture, and th- splendid c-rpetc? And now would that dialect, whn h spowe so of the country, appear to his dehcalely-ed. seated wif. ? But there is a different constitution f the a tier nm.s m woman. 'ism. our r (H vctenee, and our lib rH,y vik! soon gt, Wllh tact Vi hich. belongs to peculiarly to be talked ' f s ;hings that were, as an. j ;e dogmas, J ht. 8eXf had long seen the state of her;h1i'iVam.'- and e-xjj'odeo sysfeio of Ihe past. An i '-'cidtnt ocrui red in our re se r ( ' Sometime a .go, which, though not iu.n ednitely cunntcted with our re;r'' : s. i 'h ci.use of tl.e'n. We had been luiuiriafh'g the table ef a wealthy , fashionable mer chant. We h.-d been saying some i f our best things, far his v"; uncmnmonly xcellent. A se tai. ute ri ip'f d a suUerb joke by ii,f.rririg ! ho-t that his f.itht-r had thit moment arrived from i the country. There wns i singulxr start- we n tic- you will t n y father, and I tbiiil' you will like ed it well.' Tht rtiannt r ol -ur host ch;.nued to that j thtj (jLar 0j gentleroan exceedingly. Such a beuev- txDression win. h may belrai.sUte d 4 -good-hy, gen- j oj lt heart, ao full of kindness and love, ar.d so i i i . ,k.. . ..f . . r . t-. ...,,i tlertun. ir-oK ne nun, i on imuir i-i uui jUill0rous withal, uul excuse my ioiiu pie-c, ouu mind, audit was not long belore the curr ntu o. affection, vhich wealth had turned , aside, but not dried up, were returned, thron?h her m inagemtnt. lo their proper channel. Thus was the father spared, a knowledge, which, if acquired, would have lioktn ins heart. We have men ly to add, that a few days ago we received a bote from our host, it ran thus. ('ome and dine with me to-morrow, without fail. come air.; ji dge for yourself. Yours, elc. Our sketch is finished; let ilios lo wliom it ap plus :f such theie 'be make the appheativii and de duce ihe moral. .1 .1 ' L .- - ..... . i ll.. t . acouairltat'te urn me run i ooo ui mi- ?in.,i", i . I... i i . ,U.. . 'A and we Uu rtlore always k ku, hi iwwhvi v rrnner, iiid on the shghlert miimatioh. On retiring V we caught a sight of the old geutleman, he wh? ' lad in the rough h'.mesp in g .ib, which hi son had ' once thought the bent, ihs "hair was whitened by ? peihaps seventy fimmers. He held the hand of his ;.t son in a firm grp. andateartieo.bled.n h.seye- it Imrere'd a moment, jnd then lell on the handed 4 hi trtl'pring. 7 ' , t rep,','by-ime-cr(retit,---lMive apprcwat-id.U.i.olb.cbicf ' We p issed'into the street, the servants were bu apd lllpm!,eve9. 'Noon Se presume, mil dispute their unbatnenga horse from " bt goiu rhe w hi- . ifldebul for lhe picluie to AtcAoZei. rt. fthn.iher was not in keeping with the mansion . ,,,,r ca r . .... ,.v of thefath,r wa i iae t 1 Kiddle E,q. and is to be found in his addres deliver- C ottheSon. i ii(?ri!i ric ii; me m.'f 'vv.- s" . . , hampers; and our iicy revelled in the idea of h.t ; ed at Prmtjtiton in oeptember last, 'The following picture of Dtmagogveitm, is so true H'iTrv.. and finds so nerfect a resembtanee to the ..o- .r ilia nrc,eiit dav. that the adhtrains of Van iaiirvo " -- - j w f l!u- kss shin ' le.ason, and when nom-:. niduppv travel ;er .ventures to sjnile at follies which we will not see or dan- nor acknow ledge, instead of disregarding it, or being amu--d by it, or pr; filing by it, we resent it as n iiidign'ty to our sovereign perfec tions. This childish sensitive neas would be only ludicrous if it did not expose us to the seduction ol thor.e who flitter us only till they are able to betmy u---;is men praise what they mean to sell treating u like pagan idol-, caressed till we have granted away. -our. power and ..then scourged for our impotence. Tht ir. pursuit of place has alienated them from the walks of honest industry their anx ii;:y for the public fortunes has diminished their axv e: Wth nothing' left either in their minds or mean? to re'reat upon, having no self' esteem and losiiig that of others, when they cease to possess au!lritv the) acquire a. servile hve of sunshine a dfead of being what is called unpopular, that itiiikes i thc-ni the ready instrument of any chief who promise? to be: the strongest. They degentrate at last into u-ere demagogues, wandering about the politick common, without a principle or a dollar, and anxious to dispose to the highest biddtr o( thesr only remaining possesion, their popularity. If successful, the?y grow giddy with the frequent turns by which they rose, and wither into obscu rity If they miscalculate if they fall into that f.ittl error a minority retirement, which is sy nonymous with disgiace Bwaits them, while their more fortunate rivals after flourishing for a sea son in a gaudy and feverh notoriety, are eclips ed bv some frether demagogues, some moie pop ular man of the people. Such is the melancholy hi-tory of many persons, victims of an abortive ambition, whom mure cuilivation m'ghl have ren dered useluj and honorable citizens, i o-3e33GSs-o EX'l OIUED TESTIMONY. For the purpose of illustrating lhe secret respect which is entertained by infidels tor a p re utd con sistent Christianity."" relate the fohWing inci dents, which have never appeared in print.. They I may serve to show that testimony whrh undu ordinary circumstances would De studiously wnh- !h4ld, may by the force of circumstance be extorted, t lojotie of the flt'unshing towns of-a distant state, had not ehspehed every niiftirif .f dm. tni'i of their host's chamfer, ai d had not cabled him to close his eys in the most confident security ? 11; -v is evidently embarrassed by ihe question, but T ..I length candidly acknowlcdge-'d, that the sight of jt the Bible had secured him a sound night's rest, ft i i. re was a te-sfimoMy extorted to the excellent mor- ' al iidl-ience of the religion which he sceptically as sailed. He could not for a moment harbor a fear of violence from one who was in the habit of daily bending the knee -before God the very erection of the family altar, rendered tho house a secure a- yiuui. iie rresoyitrwn. JviYSTEMOUs AFFAIR IN HUDSON'!. wforrymoMjXor. The N. Y. Herald of Wedher-i uij, ;.-- tijr Hiinuuie o. oeautilul young Jadf belonging to one of the most mpechible families jji she city ef Hudson, had been engaged for some time lose maTieu lo a respectable ' giiileman of me. samecny. in irie spring ol (jy fi8t be came acquainted with each other, and iiltcr their ac- quaiinauce uau npeneo unutr ihe genial breezet-,. of last summer they became affruiced iu each other and the happy tonsumation wasgeidou:, ,,r ,i0fne day in December oi Jan-.ary i x. lnty ,ember of ooth families appro?, d tin niatcn. I he young; lady blushed and looked happy ,e gentleman breathed in his speech of silm.t ecstacy . They went on in the smothest manner imaginable til! a b Jut' four or live wee ks ago a letter a, handed to the voung Udy which caused a great deal of a;arm. ir ,vad nearly as follows, M iss , I have often of h?e seen you at church and elsewhere. I love you to oadnefg, ail(J u0 other n an of woman born shall marry you but me. Last week you met me going down ;o the rjVer. I h.. ve also Ire quent y met you at cert at , bouses in the city which you visit. I cannot longer 'ie-' jist the maddening feelings which, beset m hrt I miit and will rnairy y.u. HoWLdare you thu oi giving your nana 10 suc.n a leliow as- l.ilv nlniv n. ft..-, inni'i nl In. o .ria ...1 . . I.1 e j -, v n" " vi " "netewniiW k i make you happy but itKou you I 0ij S ivJt care n uiey ai me oo4;om oi the river uui be ;aarn.ed at the stile I, talk tc you- when you know me better you will feci uohe. lint that v man that silly bearoh.t youth, who dares ... 1 . . ... Ll . i .l. - f ... . A ir - Ji - to su p veiv;cu inc-iier luii me, i win et aside- i tell hicnto be wire fori am not to be trifled -wiU-1 l . ... " ' -. :.--."- - ' V: " '- . - W.. X