A HANK Kit . 15. BVAAS, PROPRIETOR S AND PUBLISHERS. J TWO ) TH r f. DOLLARS iV ADVAXUE, Ort, " TO GIVE TO i.IRY NOTHING A LOCAL HABITATION AND A nam'' THREE DOLLARS ATTER THRET. MONTHS. VOL--1- ORKJiNSBOnoUOai, N. V. WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1830. K 0-1,7 UMUWWU i' s: il H s r i,-. Patriot is published wecktv.M two doK i:irs ler annum, only, if P -ut Nvi'hin three . montus ; if not paid in that tune, t.irce doi- ii'.wihpr u .H be received for a shorter ,1Priod than six months ; and orders t' ; and orders for the paper muirbe iccnmpaiued with the cus.i . hfiftnr thp Stale. failure to order a discontinuance within the i year, wi 11 be considered a new eniR Rfment;l and no paper will be discontinued until a11 i -u ii.ni - i t IjiifS of ' rStT Cities for one dollar ; arid twentv five een s ' for each succeeding nubl'.ciii.ui those of. -vve-.tvr lenth in the same proportion. LrVl'TERS to Mie Editors must tc post otherwise they will hot be heeded. paid, AGKlClJIrUrAL Wcare aware that the subject of the follow- ig piece, will be unnoticed by most, even of i cur a lie id tu nil readers. But a ktuiwlec' of ( the component part of a soil is so .important o weil irected aricultur;.! puisuits ; and the u.de of analysis, hire descriuvd s s-m le, tree irora scientific abstiusitiis a: ! tedlmic.l terms t'nat we transfer it to cur columns in th- hope that some one may profit by it. l.Ds I'at. FROM THE-GKXFSSEE FABMFR' j ANALYSIS Ol' liOii.S. ! It ha? fcrrn iven as the iiolilt'n ru!'-'. i , agriculture, 'To ue ucli tti Ujiirrs asi .uit make hefiw land lighter, huht land .t nvier, cold land holier, and 1 1 -1 land; colder;' or in other words to n m iy U f xbting defect, whatever that ma) :i . In order to do this we must know wh it tint i delect is ; we must understand the intuit ct meson we are to opera-e upon, in oi-, .i k . . : tier, to determine whether :his or that kind of ti.anuri ll to bt applitd, or wr,pther :i w large or-'-frrttU om4Uy.44uiulul JLa br.t.g the prcporfiotis ot the soil t-') the standard ot h rtiUiy. It ia th; rf tore of unpoiuiice H at the firn er f-houu! be ac (ju.iinted ai h the r.a'ure and pr'onor'io;;- et ;he ceiiihietits o( 'i;-, ih lv should! kho'. wi:,i' in se pr'tper'nms aieinstu l as are most lertin : aid Wso '.vh.'t tlirv i vh.t tlirv are in ilu soil which tie b o eu'Mvau . ! 4 W ' -i V.ltl' irV VVi I IIHIK.M uu " ii " grce (d'accurac) I ut by analysis. Ai.oihcr cotiSitltiatMn in I'veur of a nalysis of soil, is, ll.at it will fiil.strn!e preftMcn of language (or"" l!er'v e r y i i d li nitc and un.-aiisfaciory mode of ex. n -tion which now prevails. Thus lor in stance, the distinction betwe-n a uxnr!- and a lrtyey loam, often does not d peui to much upon c riain prnptn;ioi:s of 'clay Tl.ri rar.rr-.t' hr A-? it: . t ... ih r riv . t and sand, as upon the qtiahty of tl.c soil ' of the place where the term is used. In a sandy region ol (he country, a soil might be termi A'claney while (became soil in aclawy reejoii would be called sandy. Another instance : a larg crop ol some e,iain or vi gf table is ra:s( ri ; the sure I-" is principally owing tu the nature cf th' toil; but unless the proportions of its m grethen's are given precisely, instead ct Oi-.-ci thing its qualities by indtli' ile ex pressions, we arc at a loss to know how lo mutate those proportion':. The conatitu' nts of soils wh'ch m- r : -paiticularly influence their fertility, are there: 1. Stones nndpclblcs. --These general ly haveTittle o;ht r" licet tlTiTn to keep the soil loose tind prrou, t? they ;,re osu allj hard find unci. .inking. S me'imes. however, ihcy al-soib and r'aiii waur and, also disintegrate and n.ix uiih (he li ner parts cf the soil. 2. Siluious matter t Thi is rorrmon!) in the lorni oi fine and coarse sand. ' Soils where this predominates are little injured b) water, iiavir.g little uttjactron toi' it. ai d r, ; i ..,!.(, )t ftel'ly. They iitvt r win ter kill wheat. ' j J. Aluminous matter. This is the'! piedorr.iiialu eoustitutnt of clay soils, j Unlike the prtceding, it has a jowii'ui att i action ler water, and r tan - v strong ly ; hence ciaj will rtn.r.i,n h nj; stirj . i.' dtd in water while sand -it kr i;,,n d:.ee Aiun:i:.ous soils MjiU r fiou eo u t:eh wTt, and. bak( hi'.rd tn a di seii.i'.. 4. Carbonate if l;nie '! l is :-; 't the lui ut oi tirsitstoi t 'ha Ik, and Mit-ir-, It is a priiiCipal consuun t ' t : u.r. oil which have a cue pi. pt rum 1 1 e- .ir' -dimt.are naturally ftiule and dur-u !e u. a hih degreo, o. .'Imnial and xegetalle snf slaret.- -These im prove tlu pciI by i t ivi'ij,. sevtral Aaya. 7ht) Live xunrmth o 'In soil, furnish ' nutt tnr ut dirgc.ly' to Uu plant, absorb niois'ure and i.tniricus siib . stance1 .from, the air,-and rei tier fhe soil .ho-e and preserve it in a state ol p.ulyer ' izationV ' r 6. it a ter. The power soil8 j osses? ol maTmrfK-m . .the itfctU of drought. .. In anaiytts, the JB , -- - - .untitv of water held by soils alter Doing cxpo-ed lo the sun's rays, is tint only .vtm - h n considered as forming a compo- .. , followms method of analj sing soiU, Lr ascertaining the proportions of their comruHU.nt parts, is, if carefully conduct- eiltlicicntly accurate for all practical purposes Specimens of the soil should be taken nbaut three inch" !low the suiUce, and 11011 I IlC aVtrle Ol III!; IICIU, i tuint'- ,0 'l';,''m't ''. aCer aionrs are separated, is about 400 grains. i'oarate bv two sicvbs all Me -tones 'and pebble, with one, tho-u litter than a quarter ol a, inch m dw meter, nud with tii other thoss k'.-s. Toelfei t thu, the soil mut he well driei in tl" S'l!l -i. t Tiler: ascer- gently bruised in a mortar . Wpiidim - lh" rate ner r. nt. r , !. bears to the 'Original mus and u.) o it QWiU i The soil after wei';!im.! i- tin ' jce, , a crucible, an 1 he U d (. i ; ' i mi'mtes to a temp' r ittite ui ,i'- F ilirenheit, constaiitlv 'tirrif. : i , - i a (hci mometcr is led u-ul, p; -( 1- gree of heat may be r.i-m ae.-'-iiiee. u( tiic wiiodeti n w:' i -j stirred, while the c. : ir '.' : remains unehaned it i- not ton i as soon as it bci;i!is to b come f r-. process must bt; stopped, i! i Mf' e vt.;iii yi , 'tu'i ui- .w--. . i. ki 3. It is in-xt refill e i! to ! .. and ex.)'-i.d to a hih r. ! r: ... .. .1. t ,..1 (! ant i acxin"-"'' re ii , t i in i re ring it with ;i iron rod so n new sum CivrjiMWiV o uu ii. i i sir,iin . ,. , ; (ht lesr oci. ('- amount t animal and vegetable :.-; Ur. 4. M V tiie leinili.der with t! tee or (Kit ill ift rl tlSW..ftUl i4-A,,Vil:v:tor. ou!il for several miuate-, until it i? timafeSy itiluec', and tlwu ull-r it ic The coarse ?aild ill tail to the in t'nm of te.e ve--( I in about a minuie, (Tic tuicr in iwo'er threi: minute". The lupii I i- thvn p. .aired oil' into another ves-vh tne s.uul ( : iw,. ,,iwi . , ,.,., , ,. . 5. Tne iJee.iiKtJ Inpiid is sufT rt J f stand till it eet'les and becomes clear, it : i-i then poured otT, and the gemment dri"d jaf a re d heat, weighed and set down, as ' (ll,llll"ll-ii SUll. d . . nr - 'i.ee of carbonate of line i . .ii.:..ii. .ii t ,mv. is "en ranv in Milan nu in ic d lv .,-certauied bv pourin,' I uu Hi IT 'il i in i,. .nd ddn'fd Hiil, iv.i, r If i. r.uita ii c irho.iu: o hme an i b r- t . ineoedn(elv takes place in a greater or I:- s u"gr e, aecordii " to the m. .ot.fv 1',, .nrrrtnin the nrnnorlion of this infrrcde nt. place a i. w i..r.i. n of the soil in a lass tsel. .nd -.neitain il wtiiiht, iNo h-U rrrnu! ti e w 'g.it of about a-'ll of diluted iimr:a ic an.), and place weight- in one i..e ' t 'he scaks to ba! nice thr ni both; tin n pnr on tl;c nt ii i tu t ir arid. In three In tur, all trie Carbonic aetd from the carbonate el lime will L.ve been driven oll.ai d aliu b!o- it out ot ;'w vcm I -iserrtron i he ol weight. Then a.". -- is to 50. so ia ihis less to tiie amount ( carooii'aie oi h.i ir in the sod. it may be iTip rtnnt to he n!dc (o "do ti ct -ulphate t lim- (p-;"'1) t;: eois. hon.h ii i not i;en r div look 4 npon as a eoinpoiit n part. 'I tn t'.". w:ii: i .Sir II. 1).:V t a tho.l : A t,i' ) werghi of soil niurt ne hea' U red to- h J( - n hour in a cruciide rr.ued vtl ii on (hud of powdered chair bal. ! he i.nxtu e . u -t l e ', Miai it sigut not si iy to be idle, but must n xe was just the tlmig to imitate the bened .T a e,u'Uter ot an rpe.r, m rM a , h .-;n to meet t.'ic riv r, a:,d no wilh that tl mri-h of a trumpet 'with, or, what we pint ol waU-r, nruf the InpnH p.-i .ti ih oicail, o d- the bidtiieg ol the o- hice better, to utter a sneeze, which, like ihrouoit Ii! cf, and ' x,'-.f d .- i -01111 :'. .s jcoan? k'i, an 1 hat if h..i p'eore by Napoleon'.- general-hip, was without par to the r.-;r 11: an ep( n t.--.i. I 1 con- ; f.:c way, 10 r ire-lrng the (rus 'li u -ireh U 1 ill I. .Anthony Van Coilear might beat S'di lanif ii'i tt.ii'v of ;. m i ii- h soil, a white pr c 1 it ,u wik m ..r', ..; H) ' o . In. flaw: r th t bowed down to its Upirmg tone- hiwutr ned the Dutch burgh form 111 the hoim., die wviidit of it vviirfa-e wnh 1 k:-s 01 pntitude? Thou : ers in the hour of hattli:. but the hVxibili- indicate the propoi tion. 1 he most. t rh -:!) - re tbiFe whirti contain a pro; t r proportion of the difh r- mi tugn' hems. i he bdl .nving are the propnrf iosis ;J a rich ''ailuvial soit, given iy bir J ihu' Sinclair as the mo-t (ei tile for , er the Inn: use of its oary fee?, and how er.-t.'S. Silex, (uicleding stones and j to balance its body aright in the deep uid) 71 parts, aiirrrrrfir 7, caFwate of ; water ; ami the chicken obeyed the war lime ,-..McaLat:d vrguabje npitter 9. ; ning to hide under the broad w ing, though 1: d- ' ned one part in ciOf of gyp-' it knew n-d the cruelty of -(lie foe from .... - p: oportian? a'ree. very nearly ; which it fled. And did they not hid thee, w.iu t!i s' even by prolessor Eaton of ; to seek with the same obedience, the les ile b, -t in. 1 niluvioii near Troy,-(N. Y.) sonu of thy mother,, who"every day teach- i'h ?e wi re, Sii x, (including atones and 1" pi bnies) 75, al'iiniae .7, carbonate l olhine 1, cb CiMiip'o-ed ann.al and vegetable ,nai- fr 1 1, sohibte- salts 1. wate.r 3. ;.; A soil tiost' constituents hit. roach ttltse. Can- A be unproductive many cJimaie. The minuteness-of the division of the pari- T -oil reatly .influences its qualities, hear I IparU (inly out of 100 could be separated - - -- by a v. ry tine sieve, i nor cons ils oft. n h ive 300 parts out of 400, of coarse ma- tcrials. 'pne attraction which soils have for ' water, so a to remain suspended-in it when mixed with it, also influences their qualities. According to Eaton, when any , s ill, or any portion of it. will remain sus- p.Mided in w iter ovr fur hours, wheat j owu in it is oftcMi 'whiter killed.' The river ail avion (above given) settled clear III IWJ iiuim, i ,taj ui uu bnvio; c.Mtipitio.i did not s.'Ule (ill 2G fi.)Ui : -isici u -oil -It; .! i;njii"ii 39, car- bo.nte ! me 2, soi'.ia'e saks 2. animal a;i.l veet ibie n i ter ",- i ll!, 't -vaicr "til i: J riiijt b- tn - rraii tiii. tio i- l.ir :i Hi.l. pror-.or- reu.t' ') '!' en lie n ! ii.l' re.it i) .f- h ie liiTer- .. '(: tVf-. 1 t.t i .-ol. !r.Mif:iv :u ) il .an 1) i- ro i !i '' hi i ;)!iV; t)i ; fir -;is ; bui - i 1 to i-'T .'llli: ail- f' T !e,v sm:1 t.i in ! 1 ' i:e v ! i : - i i ; ,nd ii illt- i ) .i M i-1 h . v f v .'I 'Ieni:i!J. r 1 .. i'. ;i i: i; ' I: a, .i.i I ..i :n . l ! 111 it! I I.; i a !' '. i: r!,,-C i i iC Y . t ii s 1 c.Vi 1 1 fin ', I k ic- .'v.' '..jii gr. : '''' x i wi-i! 'u 1 t a 5 v.. ' r. .-.ii : O u . in1 sai I me, I know ,, -'vy.1 ;fii lau'it it t .(! d. An.i h 1 a; is : red, j in Viz IV,! 'l ot n I . An. w i 1 .' 1' r: ; ;r a;id cii?r;au'l iivn teach it !? tjiio ine. But "he i'")lie;l forth it.'o rnc it-ids, am ne fivi (ipi aie.Hearn it for ihveif. j r "r .I f l i i . i went ion.i, i looKc.i WmUv h ..n . i. i . ir i.i ;ui tun wjs inoKi.i aro-'iii'i. i;ui iio voice ?p,ike to inf.- Then I I' lur'ner, t the gr.iy haired nun. And whi n hi p-ked, 'what hast tit u been in list fluids I .lowered : 'I saw the ocook flawing on, nmong sweet flowers. Ii seemed to be Mngtng a merry song. I h -teii.ed.hu i Ihtrt; were no word to tli". music. ...The spai row flow by me with 'down in her benk, wherewith !o line her nest, and the redbreast with a crumb she h id gathered at the deer to feed her hirpteg young. The ducklings swam I l..i. . i i uesi.ie meir niouier anu me n- tv on w fiei ..U. ..a I .1 I u'a"'u,,jn "Vl Vm-N screami o at t'le 50ar'"!i hawk. The spider threw uuimi '"Juy inrcaus iikc nnes oi snvet. anJ 1 c' ' n Minr to Miav,rai l",vl' on ,nc llr,(!' n,ade her ow, bod). rhesniil pti his In. me! heel out . the door of his h.f ll,.u,:l di . i- it S'iddeit'x back. Tee an: ncd a ur.wii rd nni in i hcr pinr-rs, 't:o :.-,d(-d b.-r !.a-!-iu;.l to her i ive, ' ' onr to his cottage. I he d... came tr-tth and gu .r.Jed -tin )ii:i; iri.b-, hiking f,aii.--:y by the . i . i .i ... . ......i. i . i i mi: u ft nous iiiuiiier, i)i cropped iie i nurr t;ra-. u seeun u Mil oj r ap 1 4 . . I . . 4 : k i .' ii r pinecs. 1 a;.Ki:J tl-in hw I Wo should b. tt'ppy. tint th- y ira Je in; no r t : Af-aiM . I'd .liiuui I asftt.i,,.'H.ba..vvjU. U;ath',.f .he verteb'. of his rrck which' were me to tie h.ppy C ,.t rothmg auswereb j , , -.c4tm;v !t v0 pninls h3 ,n0llt towards T lM" rVli: .S iliesn.., and breaks iorth into an utter- "777 ""y. C-.n-.e SO. nri'tnn ..- ,,i .... I.. .. l ' lo t tl ''tji o " i"" ..w :f M;. wi II T f I . . ' !ie,; linked tipon all these,1 e;d oi. in, yel received n m- ? Dni pot the brook tcM thee J l!a,: '!:C ay. 'I i.'Cll JI in .r .-"i lo iriee' it. and 11 'iv lie- di ink , u irt r!v. -;u!s b id hnj tiieir nests, 0 ir..ii.; wmi. i-od to ilv 11 t.i'.ie ones ai.t; ( c-uld t thou not nerceivc that to make j others happy is happiness 1 The young i duck gave diligence to learn of its moth- j , eth tnee, and every night hftcth up . her .prayervthat !hy soul may avaid the de- stroyer, and live forever? 'When the spi- ders siIkcT. power was swept away, and She befall anbther withonf ill temner nr complamt.and tiienailwlllihgly put forth all lief strmtilh to cai rv her house nnnn her neck, and lire ant toiled with her load bee wasted not the smallest drop of wee't - ness that could be found in the honey cup? came there no voice to thee from then example of patience, and prudence, and wisdom ? Thou did'st admire the shep herd' dog, minding bo readily the word of his master, hut fail to understand, that faithful continu.v cc in "duty is happiness. l- ram all these tvachers of the held, came there no precept unto thee When tin all spike with dilf-rcnt, voices wcrl thou deaf to (heir instruction. ? Each in l.is ii.-jijiUi i.uii;'!.!, tuui inn; iii,iui)mi-ii w ji? luppine-s, and that idleness wasollei.ce, . ho'h to nature and to (J id. Then I bowed d-uvn m head atnl my rlieek vva criui-t.'.i wtb -limine, bt.cau?e I teul not uiideitood t!ic Ic-oi of the ii-dd, and was nniorant of what ( vt (1 : and iurls k:.ew. Hut the mar i '"d heavens. I le inu-t w on, tintit he has ! vith the Ijoarv hair- smile on in,t and "' behind him Uie brightest of the starsj ! c 'pf i te-l me. "so I thanked him for th nd tliosi; too tiat are iouneiifley more 1 2'.t;d le ichmg of hi. wisdom. And I took ri,roJQ l iU'.htcr. Fancy l(im, : !iu pr. e.-pt into rriy heart, (hat I nn:l.; Guiding, with his task still uhat -v-i..b it. :,t)( c it it were true. And'1 ,f'''?ed, at the xtr me orbit of the ma I .i...i-;!i I wi- tl;en you!!!'. !'"d no v un eld, 1 tf n;4' system, lie Ij.is to measure its cir .: 1 ;iv n v,r hid leaon, to !. nbt (hit m n 'uilireiiee: the luiman foot has to tread L. H. S. j j 7 J ,! Y.V.A : w rt!.r. i."l I : hr'.-l pre e( -in 'in'' w. : iii h'1- ii in ii:r: uei'i.-r ( iiioicmi iii . i i - - :ir-. A a :ri i . i A "ir t.i-ile, we ii ite nr. -(' . ir -,nn eli::i 'llV, I: t f f( I ;';'( tie !-IO. i'i:,t!l Mlrt t -ii fir one '.f ynnr In!!, e!.:,,r, s.-nor-!' ,ls ,io:on itu-.t :-evera!-.T.tii:ji . -drv n I -.me of In; -e t r ;;:! - t SI I til. II r !ac r s on the s:de-bead a jir,;iin-, an I we s;iv for otui of' th'w wake pu-'sy arih: i.ike sn.ef zs wu.liavc a Lc inferi -HT Oiil to that which we lumr Ar woman &: oar fvorife tiof.'. A -netze to be in clear morning. A rceeipi; !'r a stieezc ... this eniis . is as follows. : When vou f 1 1 ' n !i,n,, M tiM, ront d ymr -probosci-. ,.-t I'l.i.p n, it you be seatrd, run 5i t;Vr ' A'inij iw, through which the sun shine-, j ' irnw VOIir Iio id hnrk until llin hiin il' 1 philoprogeiiitivt'iit ss pnsses on your c, a :. !lir, open v ur trotrh, fliul snail like a half st;.i v'd 'Iy rna at a puce "( fre !: meat, iijfi lt i i-h-tp dn aUi und tlu n blszt aw-ii) ! l b-- i IhVt wid be ppwh gious .an echo will.salute you fmm ifie .louse top ov;-r the wav tii.- cnod hon-i : . v- I 1 1 wive will order ti.e i !le - to ! t-.!; in your pmc cock v.ni eo'-k up lie-red ot hi" eye at Iii- s u r. n ti-i voi: will l.ii die be.-t au:aiuc that you hive ne ,'J in V:nn. WecomuKirJ you lo a pit:,h of r:u- drains, ami away with your in.,c!uboy. .fvou would have your siiefz.-.' 'abote the v: !g.r. Snuiris not tiie thina ndur::i . in i. ii. I..., I k.. i r.rr.u . .... i,. ..... :j ' III 111.. I, KJU itj II II 'I 1.11 'l Mill OL .. 111.-., :'vi' a report wormy the nose id a r: -it ilid free iii o'ilt' Aw:iv uilli vnur Uvhich hiss a'nd your sne zes "ivhii b tl .h J ,,, jlt, p:in 3lu onIv )lin, ?Tmun and I ;.ve ns a dilute wh-ch shakes Jhe In ad to I jt8 foundation. Whv. our dou has beer. i umht to do a em ize up in a. more manU ! ! lnI.V I" UU .1 Till ' .I, Ull III H!l"llj Ullllll I way than that. He does not like othcY l.-vja, grin an.i. jerk his head like a- whip :i, a:nl sri"-a it i: weic only somi I t . .ii i .;.Tcf: which i omv5naea bv inc mei- n!y of his own unrivalled b.nk, or the 'iiiunder o( In- un-urp tssable groul. V- knew an old gentleman once who was a most famous sneerin fact .-hi i him at a nula- maitial tune. uboe 111. ty n Anthony's wen d never have admit ted ( the -upi.rl.i'ive ruh of thunder ter which our friend's nose was rem irkable. One such report as we have heard linn u ter, would scatter a common r.oe lacerated fragment over an acre of grotina, His nne when viewed in fron' reM-nibl -d ) a Macedonian phalanx, bold ind.utterh impregnable, and hi-i snri'e, a counsel lor Phihpssaid f llonap irl',w as'w ilhout a shadow.' 1 li our friend was -an early riser, and every morning just as the roost ers were crowing away their bragging or sons, he would open the baek door and inhale a little fresh air. Planted htiidy ii the door way, he would grap hold of etc? - . side, rie bis nose to tlte' zenith .and'hr. in ch away. It was the morning gunr for the neighborhood ; and its deep echoes,. used to so'incl merrily through the streets, (ah ific on the ear. ksA,di&iiikt uutil the. 1 wai the 'signal for the good folks found -a bout to get up by, and when they heard x it they w ould scratch open their eyes and Mart from their recumbent posture? to be tln I lie -business of the tiny.-' When our old friend died, the neighborhood got into " the bad habit of oversleeping itself, and 1 fr,,m (he biiskesf, it became the laziest in I town alas! the suet zcr and his sneeze . were hushed! Cnicitmntti Mirror. V. KKLASTINti LIFK. Iet it he iiiiained, that the task were p.s-ined to any man, to 6et out, at his or dinary rate of movements, on u ciieuit of that space winch is filled by the vi-ible creation. Let htm fust .make his wav'- rep a"ller step, from his Central startine1 point to lh utnnst bounds of lite inhabit- I. it-.zodi aek of the niiiveritf. l.laa it, at ! 'neih, accouipliM'.ed the round ol all fi -hu the course -of 'the traveller j in l ie !fi? Then prnd him forth anew ; :. (!v .he lane, and, when he has repeted ' h.' i a.- ol'.en as there have been smlo iu pti in hii way, he will htiil be young in -I'lun.itahty. J'ii live for ever, is a far ' iTinre -tupondTis matter than to make, tire ircu't i ( creation a myriad of thnes. In a city 'veil known to every bod)", if hey cin tmd out the name a poetical - ni"s was handed up before a police mag- is' rate -for kt-sin a girl and kicking up a 'iul, and tlte following interesting poeltc- ' t dvatogfie erisucd, Pns. Ye, your honor, eo the people .yj'2 M;Z Was it you that kissed the girl d raised the alarm' I'ri.- Yes. your honor, Lul I thought U V is no teirm. .M .v!. Y u rascal ! did vou come herft io n dee i by met? Pns. No, your honor, but it w ill hap- f r Ii7lii nil'.! 3 j M;hs lie elf. you Ecamp get out of i !) cuht. j -Pris ThankV, your honor, ( then I'll 'id you good night.- Union. JAY.ES MADUOX, Tiic following extract from 'the corrca- j ;;n!"ce " Mr. Jeircrson, will prove ' t!"- j"1')' '"gh estimation ' in which the J character and abilities of Mr. Madison j ,vro held by the sage of Monticello. J ,y ir. .-.auisnn came into the Ilmi.-p in 1 776, n new member and young; which (.iieun!6l.i:..ea, concurring with his ex :reine r,nde!y, prevented his venturing hmiM'Tf in de'ir.fe before his' removal to i he. council ol State, in November, ''77., From thence he wenf to concress then I -. f f . w --. - j f a frW Tramed A in these .successive schools, he acquned a habit of self lossession, which rjlaced at ready command the rich resources of his luminous and discriminating mind, and of his extensive information, and rendered him the first ol every assembly afterwards, of which he became a nv mber. Never wandering 'from his su'.ji ,'t irfo vain de clamation, but pursuing it tlcsely, in Ian 5'nbc Fure cliis-ical and copious, eoplhing always the feelings of his adversaries by civilities and softness of expression, he rose to the eminent station which he held n the great national convention of 17.'?; and in that of Virginia which followed, he sustained the new ccnshhition in all its parts, bearing off the palm atainsf the logic of f Ji-ortf .Mason add the fervid de clamation of M . Henry. W ith lhe-e ion sumrr ile powers, were united a pure and j potle" virtue, which no calumny ha. j ever attempted to sully. Of th power ana ! nn'i.li nf his iif.o nod if I In. wisdrim . .' P I 1 . - 1 'n-i administration itrthe ! iglu st odjee ... '.he naiiort, I need say nothing. Tiie have spoken, and will foieVcr sak n i, themselves. Honor, accordiii; to worldlv arg imf f. is lound only among those who arerrli and powerful. It is not so, no man on be- strici-fy honorable, unless he is :-n nndpyiaMng friefid to virtue ". JOURNEYMEN: : TAILORS. YMTII) at muborough. X. i T T Wanled immediately, iro pi..,i work men, of temperate and industrious I - .bi.taQav,dge.id.4? ' COOLMY 1'fiKASA.NT IIillhorQVk, JuriCj ;; - : A V .fj.:r.: