W f . II H I II II II ill U H U II III III hi III IH IIMH III - J II K IN II II III - I II- II- 1 - .-i v-i " - it K. IIANNKR A C. N. II. EVANS, rsoemsrons and publishers. "TO GIVE TO AIKX NOTHING A LOCAL HABITATION AND A NAME. T rWO DOLLARS IX ADYJUSQ&M run BE DOLLARS A Ft Bit THR t B MO ttrnsi . 1 T I j ts:r3is " . V:e A"rTnZlTuu n, i.ti.s ! J i - " - v -- ".- it iiot paiii m thit time, three dol- .uV.sribtx I be received for a Sorter I trv 'I tlun six mouths ; and orders for the t 1 . V ..-., ..,v " , rlt 1 ;i.nst be .icrompaiiitd With the cash v,i t v. ia 0111. uie owe. luiU;rt tc. 1 rder a d:scintiniiarice within the vt,r: wi II be considered a new eneaeement ; - ,r.l .. . paper will be discontinued uoul all:'lw'1.V,s "t t"r "near-M-i. are paid He forgot to brood over fancied dangia iLrtit'rmeut. not rxrepding eiKhteen lines of ;' he almost felt that he could lay h.n. ',rnt.i n.-.iiter. wilt be neativ inserted three I .i .... .!:..:.. .;iinAS. nf ...I.. iMt4 for rfc-iAir ; aiu twenty live rei.ii; " nVl llKS to .helldnorsn'ustbe post p aid, hcrwiseihev will not be becded. mmBmBMtmBtmBMWBMBtMMmmnmBMmBmtm'tmmBMBmBmBMtMmmmtmBmtWBmBamm JwR THE CRi KNSBOKOC&H 1'ATliIOV. the if utters : A iTORY O THE DAYS-.OFJUY G Ji AND FATHER (Conciudtd.) .Bf fore the dawn of day Holmanarous fd his sleeping sons to prepare for their dipartuie homewards. He very evident ly hastened their preparations by fully di Tulgii g his suspicions that hostile Indians were in their neighborhood. He knew ttvt the region where they had hunted belonged to no particular tribe, and that thi n lore, he was committiiig no apres- tioii on ancient right. He aUo knew that j man. 'Lei's hurry behind the rocks uui 'Courage Jalb t," ahjuted Kit, Tvc !;! jf hi? party had been discovered it was by ' tevi!ih lues have hack's ejes.' icd him!' a cuiir.mjg and reckless enemy, for ? m h I 1'hey all moved quickly and silentlv ' ''he stnuig voice and stronger Jc J was the character of the entn y wh. ; along a turn of the path, behind a !ili4of the youth did encouraue- ihe-m, and roaned the 'dark arid bloody land.' I i.i which t-ilectually concealed them lror : they sprang like paiithers on the remaining was rroDaose, lie tnougr.c, inai mey uau accidentally discovered a paity hunting in j this remote region; and being allured by l the prospect of plunder,, together with I C lh number had slyly crept up to reconnoitre 'previous to an attack. But seeing se ver "Sl fires and the quantity of 'plunder,' ho l.icii ugtuiai (iiiiov a vnv 1 perhaps concluded that the party were WeufatTiitVMa1fr,"Wrt that it1 would not 4 be prudent to attack them at that time And that on being discovered, he mock ; id the howl of his lees avage broth er of the desert, the wolf, to prevent sus-picion,- By the time day dawned, the hunter? re. ready to depart. Their very hor u seemed animated 'with the prospect of returning home. And the hearts of the hunters were dad as ibey briskly wound llieir Way up ihe acclivities of the mbun tam, without any assault from the Indians. The darkness of the hour and the thrillicg suspicions ol Holman had prevented them Aom observing ilxtr gay decoiations where with Kie had ornamented himself. As the light advanced and their sense of dan ger subsided, they made the gallant ap pearance of the light hearted lad a subject of merriment, lie had belted himself with a new.. bearskin girdle fixed his hunting-knife in a sheath of the aani ma ttiial r-made new tops lo his moca tons ot a spo'ted fawnskin, . which exten ded halfway up his legs, and his bioad lackoon hat was fiercely cocked. "The old man smiled as he surveyed him. KaityPflaid he, 'if we'd had a ecrum mage with the Indians they could hard lyialold yotii my eon, from gtnerat Brod dor,k. -.- 'Tbey nM me a16pt as J good mettle,' replied Kie. , ..1 . W . 'I'm glad to hearyotrtalk thus my boy. r e. may " el haye. need of alt your mettle, b( foie we leave these rocks' v hat! exclaimed the boys m atone ot revived apprehension ii'l'm a little suspicions that some cun- : .ning-redskins are still too near inlour ; teighborhood,' replied the old man, glan cing a wary eye over the cliffs and switch- mg his horse into a faster walk. As the sun began to peep above the heighta the hunters were wending their , vay, iti single file, down the southern de clivities t)f the mountain. The horse were each laden with a sack of their well famed meats; over the sacks were spread 'die skins of the deer; and rhe load on each horse was surmounted by some two or three bearskins , which formed secure and easy saddles for the hunters. i The deveiopement of forest and moun tain made by the ruing sun, s sublime and '"r posine. . At "this season of the year he :i( pea,rs suddenly to rear his head in un clouded KrightneVs -t and his glancing rays, ajtainst the wild summits of these evjrdu rwig piles, seem but to show the yastness of the solitude.. The awful solemnity of the scene would engage the heart of the ---ve'juMt-fJawaand.. thize with the feelings of the youthful Kie, this son of nature'sown fashioning, when Ke savs' the still sunshine gleaming on the ' mountain heights, or wooing the calm reaesseiof the.valley. " Behind him, over CREEXMDOKOUC1I, N. t1. WEDNESDAY; the Cum'bfrland vailed, bere spread, in ttrarpfnl wavinL's. nn irnmeasuiable se.i off wh.ie right, anti It ft, and all be- , . . . .i . J :. I I iuic l it ill) ui wcv .ijv - - - 'j r ik;M rnca tkn irmM.ilatisi ritii.1 'beanui the heavens on ineir suouiaeis, - . .1 1 1 i . 7 i , b jJdcd wnh aterw., . r iff-. n(A Hark fpeerv Dine lrit'8 re- cliffs, nti 4lie dark RPeerv pine tries re posing in the lone pndc of their perren. nia! benutv. Younj: Kie' oul waa rapt , ' , ,r i,jriJir,nu hj, epint with t;ie inVu- IbuLlrdLnfthloly place. J I - It Was- ptQbaJbJiawJ4ift- to the xircum I . r"...li.,;m; 1 1- I... . i ijm.ro ni ivif' Iniiv imariiiiiit that icni- tered a coining contest wi'h such manlike j co.otol.anaj.Otrepjdji For jiy this tm.t Holman had stopped, hi? horse and gating intently lhruuti a long defile of tht forest. "It's no witchery,' said he, in n low, steady, indignant voice, 'I see the puinleo tevils at last ! ' ' 41 see nothing,' said one of his sons, who had gazed so Ions in the same direc tion, that although a dusky form guddcn! glided from one tree to another, he thought it an optical illusion. i here s hie in the lumps that cling so closely to those pinetrees,' replied the oh' ue view oi ineir enemies. lj)s,' begun the old man as he check -t - J hig horse, "you remember the little toi- ; rent, just ahead, where we watered as we v. nine utti Yes, father, said Kie, ''where I shot the wildcat, ; . ; J TheBame, continued, he. You' aUu recollect 1 remarked that a choice plac1 foran IiidiAtt ambushWoold he the thick--' i f to the right; andTiHT rndiigh a ""mu'r - derouB gang is hidc' -. we can not tell how many.' We can't go bu' k : we might go to the jutnpiu' oil' ih:ce ai t' not find a civil manj huiisc t)nr luvuu 4s a hundred an' fifty long miita atvi,y. We mu:t either ' here he - made ; pause and '-tenderly surveyed his ht'.l force. 'Shake 'the pnmf)' well int- voi.r I'allbiO' 1,1 J WMLJ7v .--'"-- r the action to the word and rei)mir.y more than liis wonted sternness of cum,- ! icnance. 'Do just as ye see me do de pend on my experience and be dirr-ced :.y my commands. Kie. wh tu ii . ; may bcfal keep close to my side. ' - 'Father.' said the youth, in a c.ilm tot;-. I could 6ee but four ; let your judgment , ull ttlion and mv (riiiiv iitc kli.!!! iiniir ! one of them down ' ! The other boys, though .not eo. lojtia- f ciouJ, said as much by their compressed lips and lowering brows. j 'I3e not deceived, bvs,' returned the ; old man, gloomily, 'I shall be glad if the thicket is not alive with 'cm.' When thev had fairly emerged from be- hind the chff they discovered, at a dis-j tance of ninety or a hundred pace?, the j half naked and frightfully painted forms of t some half a doen Indians, standing as motionless as the .trees w hich partially I J . . I .1 - . . conceaiea mem, auu ineii musuvis pri:- sentcd in the direcliton of the hunters path. Several more were stretched, stilt as the earth itself, in the long, black shad ows of the pinelrecs, with the muzzles of their pieces resting on the wreathed roots and pointing in the same direction.: It and pointing seemed, from their position and the aim of their musket, that they had intended to reserve their fire lilllhe hunter entered the brook which ran across their path. But the cunning freebooters "Wore cut gensraled by (he sagacious Holman. The little party moved tlowly a'nd steadily for ward with their faces bet toward home, but their eyes turned askance upon the stilt, dark forms, that mocked stocks and stones 'as lively as still sleep mock? death.' At length old Henry found his exact position, He suddenly stopped bis horse 'Why lie ye there ye murdering dogs!1 cried he in a proud menacing lone. which fired bit sons' hearts with courage." 'My boys !' said he, quickly raising his cun to his face, and the like was done by the boys. .'fire.' , -A sudden blaze darted from the pieces and four of the hideous forms tumbled to the eai tbr Your knives, my boys !' shouted Hoi man as they sprang from their horses and made a rasa towards the toe. IJut a vol ley was poured into their faces by the whole' gang. -':; - . " - .. 'Father, thej ' ve shot me !' exclaimed i.ili Kie, clapping his haiid on hU thigb. The father nanced; a tearstarted in his eye as , hi darliibov sank slowly to the earh.. , IT . 1.4 t. f . . a.. 11 a , l - O lie grarce V (tit Ine Dam Or I 8rthintv no hi mis uwinuu, -uuuam: ue ui- tercd with fierce indignation as the three rushed .with headlong Igry oa the.,une- qual foe . Ere the combatants closrd an Indian i wlm .nnroit in ho h, rhW nf ifw. hnA ' ( ",r ,7 rh- V ,u bounded ava into the thicket, with a tattling and rneanin- whoop, while those ! ri.,.,ai;..vl on., flw mm hnnirn with a v. II that made the mountains ring Noil... co.AS w,;h,and the fur? -..f ilv oiiM-t of the' adWJjilfia-lhe :rrf( ih'cv i-finueatb tteir clitteiini! . N,-iJ i . . . . Uut' now all hm.d dropped "and ali'tFio br,,k. The nn jhushing blnud j . .. . ri... ,...i .i... t i.i. . i- I m i were, ham J by a horribly whoop ioin another quarter, f ne Indian chief w overpowtieffd teuder n;- .iil darted from the thicket, and what lure' As tl,li athor and brulh-r were wHBthe horror ot th little party when living their levered brow- the brook, they Jh.-y saw his bright ax, de-cending with a fle?ml a faiut groan b.-!iind them, and un-fo.-cefu'.. wttp. lull on tht b;tre he,id of tm,,Jl i,cl' siw the pjor youth stretched, ,b.tp fll.-n o :rAih..r vvhrt wis r.,,. lamtMi.' and pallid una i h earth, fue ! ,fclv ret lirnnt: oii i;h ercow. but another !'-tin) was lit j Ui;. avoided t!ie ax by a pick inclination of Ins head it rn!y i .iZed hi shoulder. I !e ftidJeiuy sw rv t up w aid, with the Utr ot d-rp,.ir -.zed the savMge by the throat, and pl'jfti i his keen hi.ide into his bn,, m. u e Out i!!t. Tt!tli ins seeing ;'" eight of "tl.V nuifdter, me iueJmg their - chief, s: retched il'eiess tiprm the olaia.. while onlv six .... remained, began to fight with the wari- ness and rtsolulion ormen" who ihmfe victory doubtful. The bo Holman oys, who were ycng acljve boun- tied to and fro eluding and parrying rhe storm -W htows ; Si lkcir dctennmed and- wily adversaries. But the oid man, who was tiF vith a;e, nas obliged to grapple with two strong .ndnms. A- he parried a puss wliicli one .f- U.en uvmU he knocked the knife cut of :.ishand. !!; attiMnnied lo oYmW a blow n.min,. fh,.rVtf.iriahawk. hiit bn slum. . . 1 ry Med and tell to the -ground-.- Qoiok as . . . i-htnii!!' tiie savae phnted I.i knee on ' tir i t..tiT"i rrr 17 iir- iui"ni n uu lui . d the f'.Jal bhiJe hiLi ii sure , hnift lo hi ItHf.t hut ihe kpen-rrark hut the keen'crark d a rifle was, h' aid the lavage sank on 1 e l.K a.t of his inteudtd viuhni :toaii- d uid exj iv. :tl ' ll' lman luiut d his ecs anil saw Kie utii.g on the body of l is yicti.u chu f re- foadntg hi- rifle, it wa Kie who did Ihe ,)r V-! f 1 I nw cin ' Ti v cm M v 4- Ii miA iho father, a wild exurcsn ol deln ht ulumins;.. on his tveatherbeatrn visage, a a shook himself from the dead man. He tUtkcd up to the othi r h.dian, who had just recovered his knife. The savage stood motionless an aghast hat thc ex- ppfssion of unearthhke dignity on the old man s countenance. 'Iiot tarn you ! cried Holman as he plunged hi knile hilt j deep into the body ol the terrified man. The four Indians who were left, each having lost blood, fought with the soul stirring energy of despair. One of them seeing Kie so tauntingly perched on the carcass of his vlain chief, conceived a de sign of fell revenge. He svvept his armed hand around him, and darted tow ards the youth like an eagle pouncing on his prey. . - Ye'r rifle, again, Kie, or yeY , lost I cried the father, with horror in his look. Poor Kie, heliad not yet primed, and the foe came like lightning. But the horn ii ready to practiced hand. One bound, more and the fierce Indian would . light upon his victim; but the evanescent flash f was seen the short, shrill report heard, and the ravage leit tne deatn pang in bis bosdm. But his knife was up he plun ged forwarduttered a hideous yell of deaih, and sheathed his blade in the bo som of his own fallehXihief, The body of the Indianprawled over that of the "gallant lad, and a deep pA .' of anguish burst from the fond relatives for they thought his fate had been sealed. But the youth rolled the carcass from him and called out, in an animating voice, that he was unhurt. ' Three active Indians yet remained on the field. An evil genius seemed to bes set them. They "probably thought some Kuperbuman influence had encouraged tne nearts ct tne hunters and endued their limbs with irnoreija srib'rlmltrengtfet t hey paused a moment on the fall oft their last com panipni uttered a long yell and sped away thnoughtbe foreit iik tbe winoV AUGUST 10,1830. ' . 44They miisr not go, bovs, cried HoU an4orwe mayrnever lee eur home. He bethought him of the muskets of the indfHn who hrat fIl.vtvhich nil hannn had . " " - .uvenwueu in me nurry 01 lue siriie. yvi,...iAAr..j l. l. r a. 1 . r . lu an instant the guns Were to their faces, .and with theicqnick report thehwt olthis unfortunate" ambush suuk lifeless to the earth. . Ou the iuCtessful termination of the 1 1 Ie "uccwbiui .itrmmanon or me desperate fiht, the huntew found them- selve, to use their OWll expressioil hack- u(i " lo PIt;Ce9- Blood flowed from ma- j "X a wound ; but oor Kie had ' w 7 "l,tbl br',wn ui b,s rountied ! thfl wa3 dr&ndfiiilj torn by a musket ; Ku It 'IIiOV" ffiritlv K. irii it m Ia irin K.. I-I una Aik. i ci:i i uijii- in ii in iiit- iiiiiii. r "icu-inuiv riuityiicm m.uie reteiuj o Id ni in fiiiii.ed him witu his n it ch.ifed lua luie!. eaj i-ici tcu ple with water. A tear a iuUer, ' ;-i M)oliiir:g t'ar stole down hi-; c iceK a.- '. o'.i thf pale inov. u; i, is ii y a no iriouuiit on hi? nnxi t; cot.u; on lh..; huni !;t Hanguiiie as. cu i;),ti(!j ofthf idciMir.;- v . f " t f ; : eiiase, a:,d t!ie succcrvhil tut ailectiri.; issue Jt'i s - contoft,- in wh'.fii he hut borne ii1 ii,-,. ;t" ?o . br.-ivciv. '! L- 'it- t in!ir:i- tio.i- of rclfjruiu- M.-n-i'.;hty wni the j in inulju and c! u oldie proii-inci iii xi of uin Polly- -mo 1 her ." 'W' 're here. lvy OTxlrnr-oH tna:!, soothingly- 4ye'i f J iiUf.--ti JjWHi-rtaiHif-hc.!, the wound fri 1 ilk. . washed and bound dj), Kie began to be efreshedi and !to recover the "nawrai oyancy of his spirits, The imnter? were alone in 'thenar wiI3erftgr'i emplatically the the silence 4 ,ie,j their enemies lay scatter- e t a festering on the hill, and the vnl- tl,res mountains began to perch "Pon thc ireetops."" They shuddered at desperation of the recent struggle. i hey felt lonely in this Golgotha, and . r b('tter concealed gang. Their frightened : - .11..... . .1 ..!..: ! 1 . "eirum-cicu, an auuiuonai uear- .. . v . ki.w nwji b.iuu a.vu 1 etmA limn ... .....A - - - J rl, ... l - fcKiu snrtad on the most vent e naced ! o . dvtt" o'uoieu iij'jifoi, auu iuey Tn - iiy pursued tneir way Home. 1 l,i"y puuucu meir way nome. L C. S. 'JKMMi l IS LUl. JSl I TULIVI ' farmer called on Enl Fitzwillinn to say that his crop of wheat had scrioiis- ly been injured in a field adjoining a wood, uhrre hia hrvunrls ha.t rlntinrr I.A urlnini I . frrauentlv met to hunt, lie staled .i-.J young-;; wheat hfid ' becn eo cnt-op and de'.royed in 6ome parts he could not hope for any produce. Well, my friend,' said his lordship' 'I am aware that we h ive frequently met in that field, and that we have done considerable injury, and if you Can procure hu estmrate of the loss you wcru 1)01 certain ot security iro.n aon;ei"ie uouuieous retuln for the labor nfih have sustained I will repay you. The red-.farmer replied that anticipating his lord- v'hips consideration of kindness, he had rc quested a friend to assist him in estimating the damage, and they thought that as the crop was qutle destroyed, -50. would not more than repay him. The earl immedi ately gave him lho";tnoney.'; ;;;;';';;.;;;';'" !';' ""' As harvest, however, approached, tht wheat grew and in those parts of the Held that were most trampled, the corn Was the. strongest and most luxuriant,: kTke farmer went aain to his lordship, and being introduced, said, 'I am come, my lord, to 6ee you respecting the fieJd of wheat adjoinding such a wood.' His lord ship instantly recollected the circumstance 'Well, my friend, did 1 not allow yon uflicient to remunerate you for your loss." Yes my lord, I have found ihat I have sustained no loss at all, for where the hor ses had most cut up the land, the crop is most promising. I have therefore brought the 30. back again. 'Ah!' exclaimed the venerable earl, 'that is what I like, this is what it ought to be between man and man.' he then entered into conver sation wiih the farmer, asking him some questions about his family how many children he had,&c. His lordship then went into another room, and jQturning presented the farmer a check for 100. j 'Take care of this, arid when your eldest! son is of age, present it to him, anjl tell him the occasion' that produced it?' We know riot' which most to admire, the be- i nevoTence or the wisdom " displayed by the illustrious man: for while doincr a no i ble act of generoBity, he . was handing 'down a lesson of integrity to CpUier Ren- 'ealrpn. . Pawrr, A young lady dressed mmale apparel fate- Iy started on foot from e'rmoot in-order to see ber uncle in Pittsburg Pen a ."for the bur pose of asking hisasswtance forhcr; fa ther, who had formerly been iriafBariitlcir- cutnstances, ; but who having metwnh, irnis v forturieis at tbi time lying rVeroiSnw jail for. another person's debt. lining ar rived at Newcastle, Pa. she e informed thai her uncle v was as poor, as herifBtber; and, could refider4KfloMiaunce. Disappoin" ted and discouraged she,inrned ihtt :. steos homeward, and bar' purge becoming th'auf-' ted, a brute of a landlord on the ;road sebrd-- ted, a brute of a landlord on the;road aerd- ; her dothb ofJgh ' T fftw wards 8toppe4 at'ap'jbw.?v "c ";,lso n Wcadville, apd, her sex baeooW n(j known, she vvaskindlv fiirnisliml intf tier lournoy bone. Surh n n Vh m,Ja - S, . --j ' uiixuiiuu . n ikii journoy home. Such an eicamD- of filial uIFc-cmoji Tn a young and delicate fej ! ' maley tHfcd to all th&'nfmiHWMtom I'tHilt lift kVtltt n.JjiPtaA'J IT- J! ' carmot tic kh much admired. I. liar disguise was assiimeu lor uie purpose of securing .personal safety during her journey a jour' ney of something hke COO milm undertaken solely for the purpose ofliberatioga father irom prison. Xew Yurie Courier and Enquirer? Keep a Watch over lU Heart. A wo mail's hie is am oi' affociion; and that afl'eo-' Hon, when onco fivtl upon an object, wheth er theobjent be worthy or not, is generally" unchangeable. Huw very necessary is it, then, (hat a right estimation of the wnrll rf,'ou!(1 be early implanted in Jicrmiad, and.'. 60 Uwjht to question first impressions and lo tuihe of nidiviJiwIs from - u a iufaihbie signs .which . the. j)lder, and experienced in the world know to be true tests .of character. A" woman should never enoouratje-a preference for a man who bet irays any want 01 correct fee inir. oiCmam. tests traits of disposition, which, in moments' " of sober reflection she would pronounce such a-;wWw easily: best with, werelBey continually showing themselves in our . daily -tnter-eeurse: and whorashe :yatA'MfSmA by nil hwsj human and divine, to love honor, and eileem. Crops. We are now in the midst of harvest, and seldom has nature yielded a. .. L . - - . -rf hu-bandftai.in this part of the eountry- i .... 1 1 . - -V . c lumoiers in tMe cnostiruit. " seas r w w :tubjr vil- -iTciieraily De fnrrtA" - n rrrnwt,U .-p.-..-Jr--,' ' mi flint, .'. . uhjuh iuwie who taKe tiie least 1 i'"3 lo PFre meir grpund for crops, or- - who allow nature to Jake the butt mint the work after they are committed to the earth. Richmond (h ) Palladium. Love of married " life. .Tht ' sfforfiAn ' that links together mail and wife, is a fir- nol er and more during pa8g,onhan the enthusiasm of young love. It may want its -KwgcouonesB ir ri)ay. Want its mim? tive character, but it is richer in holv testing attributes. Talk not to as of the r absence of love in wedlock! What! be cause a man has ceased to 'sigh like a fur?V;' - nace,' we are lo believe that the firli- W . extmct! No, it burns with a steadyland V'r 14 " bnliuut flame ; shedding al benign infltf"r t" ence Upou exsitence, a million times" more precious and delightful thaa iheCoJd Mr Van Burea'a prospects in PennsyC vania a ro f becprniirg f morei desperate4. a uc iaic vuiivcimuu - oi ins frienus, was Cf ,iT,,k2lAI I... Kn I'll.. t a. uiaiuisucu vj me uiosi vioiuui oicuer- ' ti uig amuiijg meoTseives, ana nnaiiy broke r rf . M.wiucutu.iUit,inern y that their proceedings were most disgrace-- t ful that it would have been better thev f " uau uever met. die. xiir. van linrpn novo. - lad any popularity in that State, indepen.' V1, dently of the nama of Jackson, and, 'even S that was not proof against his denuiiciat tion of the State for passing the Bank bill..-.') ? The peopleJeeUhat they have a nghf Wfl- manageaheir own affairs-, without the dicf- f tation ot van tfiiren, aud they; willnot submit to have Ihtir most important me- sures subject to his approval or' condcui nation. -.-v.-'.V Another cause, too, operates strongly against him there; the open declaration . of his supporters, thai, if strong enough they will repeal th.e charter of the Bank. This is too muich like violating a contract to be palatable to honest men. Tha key stone State is decidedly, therefore, .t Van Bi&en.y-FayttlexilU OSesnir. , i 1 COME AND TRY ITU ? WU liave i just received an sdoTtionat ;:aupp.iy of 0 JpH-TYpJEl' and are-now prepared toesieelute Job'Prinb tn witk neatness, accuracy ajdle'spatcg Give us a trial !' . . -'- - " v.- - -4 "' 1 4 mt -mfrp- Jit SJ.iiiiutoS!lf. Zi.X"" WJmimVWnmMm&Z -aft- . :