A E.ilAlSKIlAt C N. II. EVANS j ; nV " t "TQ"vE TO AIM,tbTHISOA LOCAL HABlTATIOIt A?D A NAM I j, V V9 GREI SKNSBOROUGII, N. t WEDNESDAY, SEPT E3IBEU 7, 1830, TKKMS rir Patriot published weekly, bt two doU per annum, only, if paid . ni. three fnonis ; it not paid in that time three dol of!ubibcrll be revived for a shorter , ,-riod than tix months ; and oider tor tu Lper must be accompanied with the cadi 'vteu In ond the State. A ailure to order a discontinuance wlthm ,ie vetr will be cmiMdm-du rew engagement ; W no paper will be discontinued until all ,S.StceedinE eighteen lines ol l.rStc.1 uer, w.ill be neatly inserted Arrr ' Imcs for r dsfer ; and twenty live ru Z each ,uccetcl1nS,rubbcailo,:-.hoSe ct ... ,ter 1 ne tl in 'he taiie proportion.. V ri'KKSto ihe Editor must lie po!t aio, 'otherwise they wih nut be heeded. MisKX.l.A Y. ..JIMJV ANL) H0MANb w. mvixo Jt is a common practice with those who 'have outlived the susceptibility of earl - feelmg, or have been brought up in the ray healthiness of dissipated life t.. Jau h at all love stories, and lo treat the tales of romantic passion as mere fictions f novelists and poets. My obsei vation, on human -nature Me nuLced ne u, think otherwise.- They have convinced me that, however the surface of the char acter 'may be ch'llc.d and from by th, cares of the world, or cultivated into mm mules by the arts ot society, shl! tlu:i are dormant fires lurking in the depths nt the coldest bosom, whix.n, when once nkin tiled, become, impetuous, a:;d areoutt- I am'a true believer in the blind diet), .in ro the full extent of his doctrines. SU ! confess it ? I believe m b:oktui, licari.dv and the possibility of jdj;iu .it. dUappoiiit cd iovel "t do nouRowcv it a maladyVten falsi to my own gex, hiii i firmly beueve tiut it wtthtrs down m,ny Jy t;rave. " AJan is the crcalnre ol inttrst and nr;i. bttmn. fiis nature ItfitU ! f'-ih urn the iti-ugjjle and bustle of the orld. Love" is but the unbcliishment of Ins curly !! . v.- a gon pij'fd in the iiittryal oi the aci? I Jc etks tor fame, for Toiim.V l-r smC iu the vor!d,ihoyht,i'i!il domimon over "Ins lltlovv men. Hut a tvomiiii'i whole ir!i i? tfjc-b-sty-f-le tit;cUoua. l.ku. hi-i.ii is her wcrld, it is ihi - her ambition Pt rives for empire; it i tlicre l:r avanct et ks (or hidden treasures; slie tends forili her sjir.puthies on adventure, she em harks her whole soul in the lr..fiic offcfiec ti,)n,and il ship-rei kod, her cate is hipe lca3 for it is a bai kiuptcy ot the heart. To a man, the disappointment of low mav occasion some bttttr pangs; it wounds pome Icehss of tenderness it blasts sotnf irosrtects ol telicity but he is an active heiug; he may dissipate hi thoughts in the whirl of varied occop tiion, or ma) plunge into the tide ol pleasure,- or if ihi scene ol disappointment be too full ol piuful associations, h't canshih his abode at will. But woman's n tOMiparatively h eectuded and mcd tative uie. bhe is more tire companion ol her own UiouUt8 and tpeiin-.-at'd lfihev re turneu to mfnK- ler ot Know, where shall we look for ;"'ccii-olalioii? heart is like some fortress that has been opiuredT lacked an't aba ndoned ami left desoUe. Uith hr the desire of the lieart has failed. The great chrm of px iitence is at an end. She neglects II the cheerful exercises '.which eladden thespir- iteVqnittcn theptilsesabd-Bcnd the ttoV ol itte in healthlui currents inrougu m vein. 'Her rest is broken the sweet r freshrrient of sleep is poisoned by melan- choly dreams "dry sorrow drinks net bloo('." until hr feeble frame sinks un ft.; iln litlitet external iniurv. Lr.ok for her after a little while, and you fun friendship" weening ovei her untimely erave. and wondeimg that one, who bui lately '.glowed with all the radiance l health and beauty, should so fpecdily be 'brought down to "darknes3 and the worm." You will be told of some wintry rhill, some casual indisposition that laid her low, but lew know of the tatal m l ad) that previously sapped her strength, puJ made her -o easy a prey to the spoiler. HoW many bright eyjs grow dim! how in an) sot etieeks grow palcf how mail) lowly tonus fade away into the tdmb, vic tn k oi blasreu hopes and withered' joys! , Woman w like some' tender tree, the pride And beauty of the gfyve, graceful io iTieht in its fotfatLe. "Rut with t,he v-oxtp jpreyuig at the" heart. We: find-it &uidtow withering vi hen it snouio - oe m oht "l x un nt. : VVa see it drooping its brarlie to the5 .cafth, and; shedding leal hv Tc if Tiir WMsted and perished away, 'it :is we muse over the beautiful ruin, we strive in vain to recollect tle --blast or thunderbolt that could have smittetnTit with decay. f . I have seen many instances of women disappearing gradually from' the earth, and have repeatedly fancied that I could trace their death through the various declen sions of consumption, cold, debility, lan miorand melancholy, until I reached the first (ymplom of disappointed love. '1 he r anker worm of crief preys slowly, but alai! too surely, upon the heart of its do voted victim. IU ravages are unnoticed by the casual observer, but the keen and rti3Ccrn'uigeye of the human nurd lhat most rovstenous emanation trnm me crea tive powers of the Almighty discovers, in the half checked sigh, the oft-starting ,ear, the heavy cloud of sorrow casting its shadows upon the brow, the occasional lapse into melancholy, and soon the forced & unnatural burst of apparently high spir it-, sure tokens of that mei.tal consumption which htds defiance to the life-reviving powers of the medicine, to the utmost eare and skill of the ablest physician. Wo, then, he lo that man who irihVs with the iiuman heart, as il it was a thins of light He says, I have once or twice in' my" alloiraice of air he was f affered to breaflie. life had an opportunity of. answering that, ShiJmi well h)ve3Lepjitrl; touching inquiry of Bums j the misfortunes, none; so much deserved her tenderness. Afterwards; her gon-in-liwldied, shot like a robber;; on a1 desert : 8hore,fc -the tTe sons of thes?, then her. lovtest diugri- Ilk hipping biro, wee hapten thine, That in the merry n.onth's o spring, ijeligbted me to hear thee sing, Where witt thou cower thv chittVing wing," ter, then her sons wives, her children and u. ;t-it' hr erand chiMren, and thy rest of this .In .'.!, .-,n. onnw fimilv hive been scattered over the world, Une COiu iyeee.iiiut.i u, ...... y . , , ,n the air, when I was some ten years old bei -nng an assyhj n from all he earth a s f or so, I was groping for sparrows under the ragm.n s ot . ,Rr L " the eaves in the thatch, where you umu iuj.jjipmij..- iJiLi.aiwMii . ! i LMJLM W z v.' I r ties oflbepeople; whicbTlhey were galled s jj " I Jupon to preserve l-. "." 'm lltU " XTstJotghly ahoulhlnF o'clock Hlyas v rv..- a down uroaaway, wneo a vase- P' i .nnH-hii hivirr sotij!!it till lie con- lined iheinseriiig l.o)' of l(,v'C om woman's eve1 hit undeniable proof of i he return oi Ins v hi me canes m uic j - -- - .:,u k.M'har in. sinou ar deao lation - U;i ftnrmirV ol one' they make holes like those bored by I learned th. U wa.Uhet ' - , ,, , , . nfUr limllMvU wraneJ nroscriutloiUceieoraieu-iiBti!! !!..!!! these ho es 1 cot a nana u oi i-omeiiini , r - i "oS : j it felt feathery and warm, and a became he died himself a cardinal, and smothe.cd chirp toid me it w.s livbg. I was prolpcted by the cjvirch. hrnu.ht iT7 wondfrincr.;to n.av f.lf.er' 7" - cx' house, and took a look at it in :he ligh.i I he ball coi.sisted of four living wien. j ro tied totrethef. the heads, under their ; C7 vo ni JACK. ' ' ' ' ' The followsBg accouri'. i given hy the wings, and their feet pulled in, soJibatv.r,v;-JHh--Rich-mivl-at-hayingbeen nothing was visible outside saw a .coatmc- ro.,?fi by'a minister in a joeetnig OItue of mouled feather;. This I tn.4 to be i3t tts Ji and Foreign Bible Society:,; their mode ofkeepine themselves warm A 'i unkard was one tl iy staggering in during the cold of winter. Il )on a-k il f on the brink of the sea. His little am sure my memory serves me rightly, I bfhi'n, thrne yem of age. being very answer, ) es ;- for having allowed oi.e if h2rv, olirited him for something to e3t, the wren's to escape, it fhw ; direct iy. to ' pj,(i rni-ci-aMf filher conscious ol hi3 pov- whrre my father was leaning at a candle, rry .,j of the rn nmil civile ot it, in a nassing multitiitp nrf.imvirf .thft whnlfl ' hrfladth ; O - ; of the street -and; sidewalk-, stopped wjj;".. progress. All were gazing 4 silently 'upVi' , si ward to the third sjory of a briclf bufld-t j inn oa, the corner of Fulton street 'and!. 'it'K-' Broadway. Il was unoccupied,iandimai,l' The whale edifice, which . was, a hand- yJt V ' e .1 -l . u s -.rt some ior wj ii uvmre, : uyic mi hii - hicbTor the,tV.' last .four wetkihaa iattracted 4iighUr-, crowds. Thn itory is,ihat a baker whQi4 occupUd, the ithii d f tory, tnurderedt bis wle tbece." and thit"hef fibfrit seentof appear every night at nine o'clock at tbe't-r, window, where using itt as a mirror, sne. 4 and' I liad-Ut- misery ot ri ceivieg liem iction cist aside af j his hand one cfthore v. htpj-mgs whieh n alni !(, tfu h art he then Irtro'"? to br Jioy is not likely soon t: foig'!. is owi.!'.' No woid cf reproach fro.n the, 'When eUt. - n y nr? old, or there ned one may assail Ins .ear, r.J lMs!abotits 1 met wrh M'n-cti'.u -i e nce of reproot trom wi'hcmt may lull ' kind ; tnere whs a 14urer.ee-, ir. : t , m kunl of r.iir anr :nvl dt lyni-jnt'i th mtemyer- u i.ee tl if l' . . . i ihe occu-i'i-ions r-ftm inward monitor, utr il red. thai in the etf -t he mav ' ieft' ass murderei ! fUVTm . or on tl.' occa-ion .V.i7fiiVT-'nn birds of suDl'. b . 1 " - - : ' .V v? re it v ! noise.' i I nrc.asione'l. ov Uls pair, burled the little inno gctv an l nude otf with him- rA.!". The poor little sn(l?rerr finding a i.fii.k bv his file in the water, cenm to iL 'I lie Ttind soon wu an 1 ijw pln'nk inlo the sea. ; " 71 A J".7ii,!i mn of vvar. mFsin bV- di stand? andcojr.b3jierJ(ng hair. v Has any j7 thing really bcenleen?'-.. I enquired," 7 , quired. believe iio,r said bhrT"nea"rTme7 aUhoijgh,1 every once in a .whilejhe crowd would 7I lk, shouts it they saw tne gopst..',. At tna -c. f ; moment a hundred .yoices cxcUitned'j: j "i.! ' J here it h lr-I see it .'There f there L' " .V tonguesof; men, boys and '.women, ;ard in 'uprorious confus'ton.l'iiis and th wera heard in 'uprorious confusion was followed by the 'sound of the -watch men staves upon the pavement; and alt at onco, some' half a hundred watch- man i i tln ir heavy leather capa"' Usht f J '1' il.A. tw is rei?irdrd ns a strict tables of j lttice admit not of the pal liations that man will conjure up to clear htm in hi own eyes, and this he wj' feel, when reason,'assertmg licr sway over hi n.ions. convinces him of the cruelty nd itisistice of his conduct.-.. lift.will then . . . . . I i . l?M ?;f k to hide htS n' lr very timmc. .. .'lis remorse i now in vain lor her whom ,'.( l,th has already Fecund n his pn.r . No earihly power can reanimate the he m ,.ow fold "in the grave. And the convi lhat she whm his int'.'Ct 1:11- kiiidntss sent to.ihe.tpmb, u now bejond the reich offll reparation, emoider? re- thction to the last moment ol Ins M-i ence. muns ci.uir.itiN( von warmth. Tbr up,h lofty gn v.-s the ringdove roves, The path ot man 10 shun it , The bazle bush 'erbargs Hie thrush ; The spreading th6rn the Iir.net. Thus every kind their pleasure f.nd, The savage and the tender,; n S0.1 e ioci 1 join, a' d leaugeii conibiue : AV.mc solidary wander. liurr.s. It is curious to witne-s tlu- assistance which some nnimals vill atl'ord to eiich nih:r under circumstances ef danger or; of difficulty. 1 have observed it in seve;- 1 .n.iuKi Pi. fl!d it f-hows a kii elness ol .'.nn.-ifmn which may well be imi'.aUd. . j ii.: . It is not, howtvel, connneu iu ineir nun siKCies, as the IbllQwmg lact will prove. 1 . 1 ...i 1.1. : 1 farmers hoy nno n;o aim wtuen (j,mhi Care oi a eon. ne in a tieid, and was attacked by a nil'.. fhe bov rm to a ditch, and got into it lut as (lie bull came up to him. 1 he ar J ' . . . L- I I.J imal endeavourea to gore 111m, anu uiu probably have biiccetded, had not the coii come to his assisiaitte. 11c wnj wti ed at ihe null, but made so loud a scream, for it could be called nothing else,, that some labourers, who were working near I went out wiili my hroil.or, now m the ffnered th'i pi ink and child ! and a sailor, navy, one -line moonlight wintfrr.it.ht, to risk of : his own life, plunged into -hoot wood-pigeons in a Tieighboring pisn- ie sea, r.nd brotij'it hrrr' on board. " He iaUorN..' Thu wi.ni.wa? liigh,j:nd we ex- coulj i?)form ticcted to find them iiua sheltered place, his nnmc was-' J--ick. They gavchimthe where the soil was deep, rial the s'prtice nimc of poor Jack. He grew up on bonrd IVf Ind tfFrtvv4 Hrsflv 1 w-&t.cm.ug thnt' mn-of-War wTiaved Wrtr,aon gon . . a l . . . ..... a, ... ,.5rt. lookirtff' ItirooEfii th.iiwracws -Uk ::..&v- f : U ie t hrter' and ieo we , il Hrft vl UllH i;itc.d H X'UUo .myjjrrlher, nnd ieiZ' . co.ij.lJ,,nol,faye,LisJii,-v Th? acd strir.iier w.i dymc, and tnii? watch coats and clubs, ca.ne up the btreet;7 , o a i.iV and made a regular charge upoft thejnut-.?! till itteu mm i . . , . ...... , - iiieuc, wiin.11 wiwjLsiriuts iiuuxursca. (raver wav -on-all -sides, like Mexicans before. VI the charge of Texiansr The atcbmer ' gaining pojscesipn of, the, fields leaned, M upon Jheif 8ave'in groijpsl enquired - of one, of, these guardians of7jhe, nW'fc1 ' fr the lruth cf 9 Ulcj nhtch hd l5ntr'i. il.;. - rA,J.- I.. r. . r ' . ' - . T tor a ioontir:pt. - n::t rTvTT... - .TT. .... WV.,- BlIIU - i,f-. I IIMR lJtE li -'. o--r- ot.ii mi: t 11 pit I en me and li e morn, I saw wha! srein- Ui. h(,rnf51R an olfl :er ,,f the sick and 1 .. ea ynerc. as large as a well-fiileo kraprk, fixed wrMinded-departmeut. During "an action ''"'f ? " ) BateoTtheT . he top of a longr sle, r U-Ue, nf the ..late war, nn need mart- rame ttmier "" h " " Mnerow4 rtoutt .j irh h vl struggled up .a spit, of the tus h car,, nearly in a dying Tate, -lie was ?A I . . 1 ., . 1 ,. . .1 ...r ......,, .. i...t it"-c naviiis ofiMn h (or a lakh, in.i fh j- r ad.lressed this kind, young o flitter, F-ri 1 a t ,v ii . niimi vmi r.'iVi elniwfi me. I ly remnu.cd SP.s,7S(,d 0i (Presenting him w.ih a B.- " . . U,,,.CUH, S IUmQ lcu 1 1 up.cd on the hlc ,,c:innLthe etan.p of ,he Bnti.h and X" f.n-w cS M-Uhd wht,t FUI,n Bible S.c,e!v.) It wa.ven me New tuan in all the .United States 1, .f. ...I t.r . .... .. . 1 Will IW.llM.I . . klj VI t p;i;uc.u it vu. uejoj!.;.' ' . " " ' ..y i!ie shaft of the tree, miooU h vioientiv, when, if one magpie fVII to th ground. there we re rot la's irm v. r t cm t 1: uTPp nt myieet Away-they it in f. 111 all directions. One on - - - e - 01: the spot which they oct rec, and I sled it, and so kind of bird' had been hudd! u; avoid the cold. I looked at lore. I shook them down lor a minute' n,,'. Read it, and it vviil lead you in the -pace or n ore, and could sec neither head V, .)V yOU should go." He went on to co.n nor fett ; it seemed a bundle ol old clouts j,. h wickedness and profligacy of his .ir feathers.' Jesse. !hi, before the reception of his Bible", and unonu other enormities, how he once J .i he Scotch calLtlicm cu'tic .-wrens, n c., a little son, three -year old into the ;reosmt ef tl.err .iirt tans. r;1. because he cried to him lor needed 1 Maepies are eidlcd I the 1 1 1 1 1 . - : 1 1 -. rs, -Pl.tel; and Tlue Purd.-,' on uccoum of t heir co'our. rest joined ii),a. ihe-' mob-Iwrvr-rti Why srr, co.iTd coTrec"f a lfiouiaudTmen, i children, wo.xien, mad dogs, and little ha- 177 oies, ia turce Riuiute3, Aaynwhere in fevr it't v...i. 1... 1 . t.. . -.. . t - ' - 1-'tr' I ? 1 1 . 1 iv it tl ' L. 1 ! 1 ' F u n ia.a.r nh. verfion; and has been a j;reat comfort to 00. j The young efficer inqtirejd-of him the j tirpc and place, and fouiftif Irere was his t,ip Mm mii nt7! f)l !'f) own. history. , Jludfiaw"U:-Jimca,'r J HE nlOlIlLK Oi-A 0..1.U?. tof.3 t0imoin the f-ying ) c are indebted lor the sul-mtd vrry ci(, mal(( t.MU, dl a penitent un eloquent and inteieslme article, to the L .j (,pf ,ns cari, Al)rf t)f t)P tcelings of blates u i.o'.-.e "o,., ..... , . .u.;..., ,)f.n,.ent. to hnd tint the same J . " - ; .... . . 1 I..-J n I..ri3 IiMlTHiil. - ' I . - m t .1 -ieu 11 uhi .1 "-" -' j oun.i k iiiri;'er,WArDja t)wn son. rue ver No - other ' woman's deitTny hs bwn n -. nm ,if ,; s - j - . , "the .;. such as Madame Letttia bonaparie s, no j and ha(J- )Q ldoa btIt ,lat he had immcdi queen, had nature even W&d .ame fecundity, cv4M have darl to hope j wifD0, atteniplpd. "The for such a tale. Ui in r eignt cnuuren t:- , , , ,,nlrpd m the arms of his 1 i veu have worn crowns. and the only one who was not a king, n fused to be so. Lu- the place, came to see what was the .-maU-icien was only the iricwiot, ivao iii .r .,d ..itncated the bov from the dan- misfortune. His sc.ul was m son-e degree ger he was in. I have seen cattle, when flics have been troublesome, stand side by side, and close together, the head of one at the tail of the other. By this mu tual arrangement fires were brushed oil from the head ol each animal is well as iluir sides, and only two sides were ex posed to the attacks of the insects. Sheep have, been known to lake care of a lamb when the dam has been rendered incapa ble of assisting it, and birds will feed the helpless young of others. Birds wilLaUo cluster togetner ior toe purpose of keeping each other warm. 1 have observed swallows clustering like bec6 when '.hey have swarmed in cold au tumnal weather, hanging one upon anoth er with their wings extended, under the eaves of a bouse.. 1 have also heard more ihau one instance of wrens .being found huddled together in sOroe snug retreat for the purpose of reciprocating warmth and comfort- The following interesting com-. alunicalic&'On''-th mp bv MK Allen, .Cunningham; an autnor of whom his couutrymen gre justry prbodi . '.- w . .- 11.7 1 j' . '1 and Who, I -trust win longumiuue i delight hit admirers tWith the productions I like his mother's, who replied to the great emperor on one occasion, when he re proached her with preferring Lucicn to her other children. The one who suffers is always the child that I most ardently love.' She, too, like Lucien, hid a melan choly foresight ol the misfortunes which awaited her, the unexampled fortune of her family hadnot blinded her, and even in her palace, with the title of empress, surrounded by a court and rich wiih im mense treasures, she wisely armed herseil against the future. She economised the wealth which her son lavished upon her, and when the courtiers, to whom every virtue is a novelty, expressed their sur prise at this she dared to reply to them 'i-i 1 1. i ..! : 1 k f on. i pe laticr leu uw jservice auu nc came a pious preacher jf the Gospel. On closing this sfory Wmirii3ter tn the meet ing of the Bihle',Sot;iety. bowed to the Chairman and said, ' am poor Jack" 1 k CITY OF NEW YORK. Coirespondenct'oJ the Portland Advertiser New York, June, 1C36. This city is daily approximating to the state of anarchy and municipal disorgani zation. The mob, and that a foreign one, rule' here, in glorious despotism. Ihe street? t,1e theatres, the courts of justice, the pabbwth and it institutions, all -feel their influence. Judges are to be intimi dated and bullied by thousands of raga muffins collected abou.t the courts,, their lives threatened, .and their ptrspns burnt or hung in .effigy, if they have spirit and honesty to give upright judgments.' Sp- Witt) the fortunes of Napoleon before her: , ber citizens are disturbed in their occupa Who Vnows bill it may be one day ne- -tions," because tbey refuse to price their ceesarv lor me to give bread to all these 'labor beyond its value. This morning kings.' - .some thousands, ihe majority of whose! - That day lias arrived but more fatal, visages, as I mingled With them, were tor more terrible than she foresaw. There cign, assembled .in ; the ' park. .The nb- was one of those children to whom she licefnade a charge, seized some of the aivA no bread.-. He-died far from rincleaders. and the; rest rttircd.-T-t tie fwr.ffuarded' bv Erielishmen. who narrow- placard calling this mqbwafl surrouDrfed : . w. .. - - : - . i .1 1 -r iy measured out to the pnsonor tnc mea- Dy a proaa.oiaeK uuruer hi uic euupc vi ... . . -- . . -m 1 - : ti r .1 l.t :.i i.l., I'hc facility with which mobs are rais-T V: ed here exceeds hehef. 7:An'omnibu?.is'7;?r locked for a moment in the wheels of an- f-, other and five or sixjiundred' persons are gathered around it at once."' A man slips and falls into the gutter. One' of ' A-3 two pick him out four or fiv rim -- --'l if he'ii hurt twenty more collect to see ' ' what h the matter, and a hundred crowd round lo sec what the others are doing; and the side walk and street is at once blockaded. - - w -V A JTv or two Rinri n lif t(o Airiv brat of a" boy dropped a penny (cents are7 47 2 caih-d pennies here) into the gutter, where,'': ' Jj the water was a fow inches deep. Heif 4 1 began Jo paddle jt with his sleeve 3 drawn to l-.i shoulder. ' Two orthree--"'-- - Kriva -nPrr-fort nrnnnl -dim '. 1 ww..v.w.v.. ..VU.IU iiiwi, auu aiaw uc r .. - . gaixlo search. . A ragged beggar- lea rning the loss,' also poked hit long arm into the ;""7 puddle, whether in charity to the boy or -W7 ntmseii, we leave tne oenevotent reader w to determine. Passers by attracted, stop- " ped toenquire others stopped to tee a -H ; what the last were interested in and nfJ -less than two minutes after the losVof the 'J1-'; penny, the sidevvalk Was completely ob-; ',v' structed by a curious multitude, all strtch- -7' : ing their necks, a tiptoe and eagerly in quiring whit was the matter. ? Indeed there seems to be an immense population here, who have nothing under ine sun to uo, out to tun nere and there to see what is going on. Thousands are '. 7 always wandering idly the streets, throng-'- 7 ing the public walks, and on the quv xive -j ' tor every excitement." this clas? ot the y: , population is more evident to the 6lran ; 7 ger when the bell rings for fire. 4Thea v ,7 there is a general rush from everyjane, . t aIlcy, groggery, and vile Vmk of filth and' infamy, and thepavements are thronged -with crowds of ill dreed mch,-boy8 and". females hastening to the conflagration,-and forYio earthly object." tThers are regular - -firemen, who are alone the allowed com-- batartts with ihe daily fires, here.- From f. one fire the mob rushes to another alwayi . W oa the. move a restless mtscnievous ana iiHii"Friina miiiiiiiiue. iiiu una t.iiss vi TV- populattoivf is still increasiog. - Within tew days Uttcen nunareo nomeiess scaoi - vr ion7 rlilrnvrIss flmirnnta. wcr 'landed in ,: in a-Vf if. '' A jfe pittabce of.a.ch..repaitf-aiid.---ecn-Hl s 7 ' !: r:7:T 7-- ; -;. a.;.:, -'- -.. :' ' ' ' ''";''":",,7-'7'1''v'-"'-5 'a U tvp V$hi siilliiCisl pfhefoTesfv;aTjti