r... $2 11T Or Three Dottarn tf not paid in three tuontha C. IT. B. BTiilTS, I'rottrittor and l'ublUlur. CO.VSECRJI TED TO .WRTIi CJitL.V.f VIUTVE .1.YO LIBEUTW - v r . f-ir , , y.-3f -. -:jrV-'rr--, - - ' - . -; - , . . - jr r 3 GREENSBOROUGII.N.C 'WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2,183fi. NO-3I mmxswrmm.imrtmrmmmm E I, li A IV Y . In mi. l-r Nl ts 1 ' tlt- I' c.k.wi'Lk L ui.. .W V W .7 -w ' CHIP T. V,! u ui.tilir-aiTs ! I low that w.,id voultl li'ie stria k to m) nart, many V Ji a-" U'-u w('Lrfl have routtd )mj tt ii'i' th.it yi d to rcune upon (tic t-omcMOK'-s 1" t.'iii'ii th; blood htsiou anil iiat'lmi: lliH'tiii 'i'V vein, till the !ii. 11 1 1 II. V Villi- 'III I'l.l.l . 1. .. .Imwl 111 l.r", ilrnna nnnn n.v ii'W ( J 1 Hat ciwv.v. t!,in, hikI 11 v l"cf'i knocked logfiher I i;Ue 11 now inougn. 11 a L I ... I . . I. t. . filif I; lUi'. rl!i" lilt' 111. ir'idiai cii w mre -itiri v fi "'' wa. t vi r Tin d like Jhe T,jsft,' t4 a .madniail'9 e 't- vvjioet' card aud axe, were ( ver h d! so ure as a nudmiiiiV gupe. Ho ! ho ! It's a lirand thing to ie iond ! to be peeped at like a wild U ju through the nn bars to gnah one's tetth aid howl, through the h n tJtiit nipht, to the merr) ting of a heavy cii .in and to roll and tvine among the str.uv, transported with such brave music. Hur rah hr the mad houst ! Oh, :ts a ran- erence cuch respect such devoted friendship why he worshipped me 1 The old rrwij had a daughter, sd4:'.Q ounf men a sisrer; and all trie nvf were poor. I was rich; and when I mar ritd the girl I saw a smile of triumph plaj upon thelrtres ot her needy relatives, a l!iey tnouht of their well pl inned scherr.c and their line prize, it was tor me to smile, lo snule ! To lauyh outright and tear my hair, and roll upon tk i;roiir.d with shrieks of fnerriine.it. f htv little thought they had married her to a mailman. ,v' iv. If they had known it, wouU; they luve 8av lhtr? A sier' happiiKs annst a huib;if)d gold The lightest uca'.her I blow into the air, against the ;iy chain that ornaments my bod)! 'In one thing I was deceived" ith all my running. If I had not been mad for tor 'though we madmen are eharp wilted jnouh, we get bewildered eometimis. f should have known that the girl won!.' 'rather' have been placed, stiff and cold f 1 1 dull leaden coffin, than borne an envied 'nide to my rich glittering house. I fihon. h-ttte known that her heart was with ttf place I 'i 'remember; when I wns afraid ol be ing mad: wheii I used t stirt tro-n my sleep and fad upon rn) kneee, ano i j dark eyed boy whose n.nne I once heard to be spared Irom the cur-e okmy t .0. when I rushed Irom the sight ol m em inent or happiness,' to hide rn)f-e!f in poire loaely place and sp'Mid the weary hours in watching the progress of the fever that was to consume m oiai.i. I knew that madness was mixed up in my very blood ----- and the marrow .ol ny bones ; tbat ou generation had passed away w.ihout the peetiltiice appeal iug aniong ;.lieip and that I was the first in whom it would re vive. I knew it must :be. ;'fihat eo it always had heen, ana so it ever "would be; and. when I crowded in some obscure com' 1 oi a cowered rooil', and saw men whifptr, and point, and turn their eyes to ward n.e, 1 knew thef were leflmc each oil.ii ot the ticonuii madmanand 1 slunk eway ag.iin to Hiopt 1n iolitude. , I did this for year, long, long years they were-. The - mghts- hre 8i& loig soii.etiriu s U iy long; hut they are no thn g lo'the rtJihssi nights' and dreadful drean.s I had at that time. It maUs me - cold to remember lien. Large duky loi ms wiih si) and j ' ermg laces.crouched in the corntis of the room and bent over my bed at nigla, it mplit.g mt to madness. They told nit in low whispers, thai the floor ot cf the old houe in which my lather's fa ther died in, was stained by his own blood shed t) his own hand in raging madness. I drove ny fingers into my ears, but they screamed into my head till the room rang with it ihal in one generation before html the ".madness "JslumOeredVchut" that hie grandlathir had lived lor years with his hands "fettered to the ground, to prevent his tearing himsell to pieces. I kuevv thev told the truth I knew 11 well. I had lound it out years btlore though they had tried to keep it Irom me. IL ! ha ! I was too cunning tot them madman as they thought me. i At last if came upon,rr.e and I wondered how 1 couid ever have leartd it. I couid . go jatp , I ue wor id ;,ijq w,-. and , laugti . and ehoui with tht best amoi g them. I knew 1 was mad, but they did not ytfen suspect it. liow I uWd to hug rnself with de light, w'htii I thought of 1 he fine trick 1 wa? playing (hem altr their old pointing ana itenng, wh(i lwas not mad but only drwgat''M'gtit'd'j.4eciMncs'o'4" Ano how s Uftd to lauh lor joy when I wasaloiX , and thought how well 1 kept my !ct ui, hid ticw quickly my kind trif ntis wouiu h.ive laiitn Irom me, if they fiad known the tiuth, I couid have screamed wuhicstac) when I dim d alone with some tine loaiii g know to dunk how pale he vvoco have turned and how last he would I a . iun, it he had known that the dear linnd who sat close to him, sharpening a blight glittering knite, was a OK' Oman wilii aii 1 tie power, and hall the wi.ll; to pun "ie it in h,s heart. Oh, it was a ineriy' un in my hand; but 1 could not move ! She memory. Coupling togetner many cir- ten this note : made towards the door. As she neared it mmstances which had at first escaped hi? The unhappy man whose raving are she turned and wyhlrew her eyes from observation, he thought I had not treated recorded above, was a melancholy in- my face. The spell was br. ken. I bouti- i her well, lit v ished to know whether stance of the banefiil results of energies ded forward,arfd clutched her by th-arm. was right in interring (hat I meant to misdirected in eany nnr, ana exoeses Uttering phriek upon shriek she sank uf on the griWtid.f'" 'Now I could have killed her without a strugg'e but"the housse was alarmed. I j Ibis explanation. hai,r ihtroari a inoirtrn on (he Ftairs. ! 'This man had a commisMon I replaced the razor in its usual drawer, m. fastened the door, and called loudly lor assistance- Th y carne arid raised her, and placed !er on the bed. bh; lay htieft ot anirna tkm for hfmrtfrandj, when life, look and speech returnerJ", herpenses had dmerted.. her, md she ravedwildly and furiously. F)eclor8 wer -"tailed in great men who roiled up to "my door in carringet. with tine hoi'ses and gaoily gervauis. They were at her -bed-side foi weekb. ( hey had a great nveeting and concuiied '!0gether"in1dw"aiid aolemiV v'wic i 1,1 an other room. Oiie.'the clevere -t and mot celebrated among 4beih, took me aid cast a reproach upon her memory, and prolonged until (heir consequences could a disrespect upon her family. It was never be repaired. The thoughtless not, due to the uniform he wore, to demand dissipation, and deb luchery of his youn ger days produced fever and delirium. in the ar- The first effects of the latter, was tho my a commission, purchased with my s.rangr: d Union, founded upon a well money, and his sister's misery. Tins was known medical theory, strongly contended the man who had been foremost in the fr by some, and as strongly contested by plot to ensnare me, and grasp my wealth, by others, that an hereditary madness ex This was the man who had been Hie main isled in his fanily. This produced a set iMtiment in farcing his sister to wed ine; tld gloom which in lime- developed a well knowing that her heart was eiveii to morbid insanity, and finally terminated in hat puling boy. Due ! Due to his uui- raving madness. There is every re,ion form! The livery of his degrndition! I to believe that the events he deiai!ed,tho 'inied my eyes upon him I could not distorted in the description by his disen heip it but 1 spoke not a word. " imagination, really happend. Jl is only 'I saw the sudden change tiat come mttei of wonder to those Who Were ac. upon him, beneath my gaze. He was a quaintcd with the vice? of his early ca ti. td tnnri, but the co our faded from his, re jr, that his pission, whiir-rr(r longer4 !ac, and tie drew back his chair. 1 drag- coniro.ieu ny reason, oiu 1101 ieau huh iu ;ad mine nearer to him, and as I laughed tte , comriiission ol still more I Kuhes It can e 11 Kit, wealth poured in ujipu, me & I rioted 111 pleasures enhanc ed a thousand loltl to me by ihe conscious nesjot uy well kept etcrt. I inherited and estale. The law, the eajile eyed law itn it had been deceived, and handed o- er jdiipu led Jhoy fcauds lo a madman Y hand?. heje was the wit of the'sbarp igi:tcd rntii ol sound .'mind ? Where the dexterity ot the lawyers, eager to discover a fli;w -'t he madman's cunning-had O Vt. 1 reached thtiii all, . . rjiad inopty. liow I was cduned t.J Bp m it prolustly. How ,I.wbs praisett! tuw those proud ovtil.iaiing hi others tuii.blfd thi'iLSeiven btlore me; The ota 'white "headed " fattier' too such'e her breath in her troubled sleep; and ihat she had been sacrificed to me to relieve the poverty of the-old white headed man the h l'H'htv brothers. 'I dwn't le-.nember forms or faces now, but I know lli.,' gul was beauliiul. I know she was, for in (he bright moonlight nigrits, when Intact (t orn my sleep, and all qn ei aSout me, I see siandmii still and mo tionless in osift comer ft,. cell, a slight and wasted figure, wilh long black hair which streamiiigdovn her hack, stirs with n 0 ea r t h I y ;jw i u d , an d ey esj I h at fi t h e 1 r gaze- on me, nrid tie ver , wink or cto'fc. I !ii-fi f ihwbioBd chiit ri-tjirt"w l write it downttr is verv pale and the eves ar tihesx bright, but I know than w li. That fig ore never moves- it never frowi's ;n d mouths as other do, lhat fill Ihi.- In oinume,-T. but it .1. niuciv inore. drettU Tuf to me, even than ihc "spirits ih it temp led me many yea r ago If "comes' fr -it from the grave; and is so vrrv death like 'For nearly a year I saw that 'ltH.e grow paler; lor nearly a year I saw the tear- steal down the mournful checks and never knew the cause, i lound it out at last, though. They could not keep ii fron me long. She had neverdiked me i had never thought she did she dispis d my. wealth, and hated the splendour in which she lived, I had not expected that. She loved another. This I had never thought of. Si range feelings came over me and thoughts forced upon me by some secret power, whirled round my brain. I did not hate her though I hated the bjy she still wept ior. I piiicd yes, I pitred-the wretched life to which hei cold and selfish relations had doomed her. I knew that she could not live long, but the thought that before her death she might give birth to some ill-fated being destined to hand down madness to its offspring,- determined me. I resolved to kill her. ; X"- ' For many weeks I thought of poison, then of drowning, and .then of fire, A fine sight the grand house, in flames and the madman's wife smouldering away' to cin ders. Think ol the jest of a large reward, too, and of some sane man,.. w inging in the wind, tor a detd lie fleve;4id 4 a thru a madman e cunntng: I thought of thi- but I gave it up at last, '"'on the pleasuie of strapping the razor day after day, frel iug of the sharp edge and thinking of the gash one stroke of its thin, bright point would make ! 'At last the old spirits who had been with me so olteu before whispered in n) ear that the time was come, and thurs; the open razor into mv hand. I grasped it firmly, rose softly from the Red, and leaned over my sleeping wife. Her face was buried in her hands, I withdrew them softly, and they fe listlessly on her bosom. She had been weeping: for tic traces of 'he t-ars were still wet upon her cheek, tier t ce was calm and placid; and even as I looked upon it a tranquil frightful . . 1 i . nd bidding me prepare lor the worst u ld I was very ' merry then I saw him uerus. me mr the madman - that my wslV jhuuder. I I.-K the madness rising with- was r. ad. Hi stood close iieside mo ai,iui!.' . He vva afraid of mc. an open window, his eyes, looking 10 n ! 'Vo; wi re v ry fond of your sister M V I'KUS OF INTEREST TO ALL. face and his hand laid ui n my anil, j wh. i .-hf- was alive' - I said Verv."1 We venture to lay down the following' - I..,., . ... . . lie h i k.d unoailv round him. and propitious, as adapted to our aay anu A (i O.IVV LT VR A h . With one effort. I rouiu have him into the street bcncalh. I have been rare snort lo have d ' ut Hi) secret was at sliikc, go. A tew days a(;tr, il hur! d W (Mild ,e d'f.-" i, ind I t ln! V t :d uv I .l t 1 1 . - iw 1.1- nan.l tira p llie bark ol his chaw: counuy ; m he said noibii;r. 1. Eyery business in life is mainly de " Yirtt v.iiam.' s;i! I I must piee her under o me idatii : mist provide a keeper for h. r, I ! I went into the open, fields wiiere noii" r'ould hear ine, and laughed tiil the air re" sounded wth my shouts! r'Shg difd next :d ay 2 'Tyi vkUiie-hrid-ed old man follovv't d her to, the igj-averai:d vheHd'h f h! r, v, .(. -' iTt r'i";"":"f' V had regarded in. her hh'Mr.' wttn I, 'I: found vou out; pendent, for its prosperity, upon the la- I di f ovi.r e(i vour hettish plots against me; tiors of agriculture. ,it I ki.ow livi bum t m ;!. lixed on orne one -Agriculture i4lie body, while. the oth-v XI f c-e otnueyoii romp: i;eu ller 10 marry ci inunojiuiw mrtmc uiciuucia, auu t" vw, . t know it I know il. A: mile huhfed up her pale features. I Uiu my hand softly on her shoulder. She started it was only a passing dream. I leant forward again. She screamed, and woke. ;' . 'One motion of my hand, and she w6uld never again have uttered cry or sound, fut I was startled and drew back. Her eyes were fixed on mine. I know not how it was, but they cowed and Inghtend me and L quailed bteeath. them, she rose Irom the bed, still gazing fixedly a id stea dily on me. ' I trembled lbe razor was in-ieUHiDie f 01 ;c c :h. muscles of iron. A I this- Wa-1 fe. I i u secret mirth, atid 1' laughed ' i lml the white hai;J,kf:r h et w ;fl( ? h.eld up lo 1..', icerhs wt- iydx r, aw , ii!l ihe t. C'ui.r into n;y eyes. I!uf "tl,'o':i-!) T ii d 1 r: ; .1 'n': ;";r";' and kilieo he;, I r rtiess a 11 i h 'urb ed and ft h -ih-rt -be inrr l-o.-Tg- n- -err' f must be known. I couid o' t lr 1 1 ie wild mirth and jov which hoi d v. I'hin me, and made me when I wrs n'oue at home jump up and beat my hands ' poth er, and lance round and round, a u! roai aloud. When I went out. aiwl sa the busy crowd? hurrying about the fleets: or to the theatre, and heard 1 he sound of music, and beheld the people dancing, I lelt such glee, lhat I coukl have rushed among them, and torn them to pieces linb irom Iniiti, and howled in iransport. Iut I ground my teeth, and struck my feet up on the floor, and drove my sharp nails in to my hands. I kept it down ; and no one knew 1 was a madman yet. '1 remember though it's cne of the last ihmgi I can remember : for now I mix re alities with my dreams, having so tt.uch to do, and Deing always hurried here, have no time to separate the two, trom pome strange cofifusioii ifi 1 which tliciy jget invoK ved I n memfeer bow I let it nut at last. Ha! ha! I think I see ttieiv iiighfi-ned looks now;, and feel the ease with which I flung iliem Irom n,e, and d i- i (i m clenched list into their white jaci, and then flew like the wiod and let I;.m-- ecreaming and hcut ing tar, in lnud.; I HteN.nth --of a gii a n't comes upon me hT" I (Innk of it. Iherii see j.w this no; .1 . neain my luiums wreictt. t like a twig, onh tin re m nere v ith many d f - - ! could fi;;d my way .11 X: it I cod Id I know !h:i " -.n low which they k t Iv ik-d und barred. They know what a clr e r madman I have been, aud they are proud :o have me here --io show. 'Let me see; yes, I had been out. It was late at" night whn I reached home, and found the proudest of the three broth ers, waiting to aeb rrle urgent business he said: I recollect it well. I hated triM man W'th all a madman's hate. Many and many a time had m v fingers longed to tear him. They told me he was there. I ran swiftly dp stairs. He had a word to say to me. I dismissed the servants. I' w as I.7Vr , ahd" we .w for the Jirst tinie. ' -r M kept my eye carefully irom nim at though ttie bodvtand members are mutu 'He jumped suddenly from his chair, ally dependant and reciprocally useful to f ;,; hraiHii-hed it alofr, and bid me stand back each other, trie body can exist witnout" -- lor t Toblr; care to be getfihg cfcer: to the members much better than, the mem-. fc him, ait the time I spote, ' bers can exist without the body., The far- - v I serppra-d rather tlian talked, for I. mcr c.tn supply hts. necessities, and.most:r: fett " t umTfttimtis " passions' eddying through ofhis reasonable wants, within the circle . 7-J2 iv vti,, and the old spirits whisering olins lamiiy ; ne can teed and ciotne mm- -. .!.! t Minting me !p tear his heart or)!. self; but his wants are enlarged, and his lI),,n,n vou,' said I, starting up, and ability to gratify them increased, in pro- ' . . ...... 57 L ... .1 . Ci. f l- l-l It img upon him, 'I killed her. I am a poiuon io ine pi wuu 01 ma latuo.. 11 v .dman. Down wiih you. tlopd. blod, through uorance on sloth he produces I will have it, " only'whit t necesaryrfor4f - l turned aside with one blow, the chair of his household, h? can buy neither of tie hurled id me in his terror, and with a the merchant, the manufacturer or the heavy t r'iish.-we roiled upon the floor to- mechanic, nnr contribute to the support -pciher. .of the learned professions, or if he buys. 'It wns a fine struggle that, for he was a he connot pay. Uut if his produce u tall ttnr,g man, lighting icr Lis life and double what is required for the con- I, a poweinil madman, llnrsting to des- sumptio-i of his family , the surplus tioy him. I knew no Mrei.gth could e- b;lf may he employed for the. benefit of qual mine, and I was right. Right, again, he other classes in' purchasing from hough a umdman ! I lis stiuglrs gn w them the comforts and ehgances of life, lainter. I knelt upon his chest and grasp- The other classes, on the contrarywise, ed his brawn throat firmly with both cannot thrive, as such, without the aid hand. Mm face grew purple his eves of the farmer: he furnishes the raw ma . we're ftai :' from his Ik ;d, and wiih pro- terials for the manufacturer,feeds the me: -iiudt d to..gue, he seemed to incck n.e. I chanic ffin;1if a bark of the co Mnerce ; que zed the tighter. and is besides the principal customer to kihe door was suddenly burst open them all. It loiiows, as a corrotiary, mat, with a lut.d noise, and a crowd of people 2. The prosperity of a Slate is deter rushed lorward, crying aloud to each otln mined by the goad or bad state of its busy er. 'o secure the madman. bandry. My secret was out; andmy only ?trug- We see every where, in districts as well glri now vvas for liberty and freedom. I 3 in entire States, the strongest proofs of trained my feet before a hand was on me,; the correctness of this proposition. Con Threw iryseli atnojig ny assailant?, andjtrast 'Juches?, Orange and t ohm biar ijetifrd.jrny way wijh fry 8'ro'g.arm as if j with any three counties, where agiicuhure l b. .re a haft hot m mv hand and hewed ,s . regectedr.pr managed .i.n..:tae...pld..,.,loy- bar bends be I, c uld nap . 1 !.' galleritf e1 : think I I . te : and even e iiiin g-itos be- them down before ire. I gained the door, i dropped ovei tlte iSanisters, and iu an in stant was in the street. Siraight and swifi I ran and no one da red to slop me. I heard the noise behind and redoiifekdmy peed fe It grew fainK ef ar.d fainter in the distance, and at length died away altogether but on I bounded, through marsh and rivulet, over fence, and wall, with a wild shout which vas taken lip by the strange beings that flocked around, me on every . side,, and swelled the sound tiil it pierced the air. I waa borne upon the arms of demons who swept along upon the wind, and bore down bank and hedge before them, and spun me round and round with a rustle and a speed that madp my head sjn-i'm, until a last they threw me from them with a violent shock, and I fell heavily up- n the earth. When I woke I found m self he re here in this gay cell w here the sun-light seldom comes, STVd the moon steals in, in rays whicFonly serve to show enly manner. In Ihe first, all classes thri ve and prosper, if they a re i hdiistrrou 9 and prudent ; because there the body, is in healthful vigor, l.i the latter, yoi will find the body lethargic, diseased, and cov- fV ? eTfid vvith putrifyirtg ores And 4he mem-ir -v bers partaking of all its infirmities. , The last winter's experience, !!! our cities and towns, shows their extreme sensitiveness , to the fluctuations in the supply of agri- cultural products. Some of the farmers' -t ' J crops were lastyear. deficient in their ac- -J customed yield, and the consequence w is . ttie bujer had to pay 25 and 50 per ceii, above the ordinary prices for many arti clesof (he first necessity, Had W pr-t ' ducts of the soil(been double what theV. ' 4 were, prices would have been low,- and the buying classes would have siibljsed ' chesper and better, and fhe farmer w'ould 1 have p'irchasedof them m rtlurn -more -j liberally. - ,-'v . -3 -' . . .3. The , iropfovements Miid prii(3 of i agriculture, and the; consequent properi-' the dark thadows about me. and that si-it? of a state, are in the ratio of ihe' meas tleiit figure in its old, corner. When';'l'ire5.Ml'lcnce wbJcb'guidesifftUbdM; than lie awake! I can sometirops hear strariee Ihe head -can do more shnelS'lnSTnis'llrom dTstaintpa'rts of ihisjandsi - The armrial strength cfiLc oi large place. What thej are, I know not 'and the horse ;woold effect no i;sc-ful piir- but ifcey neither f6ine"T?om that na'le'Pe-wVut- the connivance and direc ' first, fb-r I knew what he little thought form, nordoe,it .regard ithcnt-.-r. For.. irom ! tlP.n .fjjpi ' .Jfl..ma,nj-j:out ri.es..-ut the and I gloried in the knowledge that the , the first shades bf dusk till the earliest 01a comment, wntre inc cultivator m de light of madness gleamed from them like fHftA.ii We satin 'lileuce for.a fewjniuutes. light of morning, it still slajyif motionless baBfd,hy ignorance and dfrpjuFc, the in the same place, lisfenms to Ihe music 'awlrvardillconiri ved i . piemen's of tho- Me spoke at last. Wy recent dissipation, of my on chain, and vvatching tny gam-F,m,ve arc et'il in ut,1 & 111 &0fne and strange remarks, .made so soon after his sister! death, were in insult to' her bolson my straw bed, V " parts Ot our own land, the hoe, or Uw ru- At the cad cf the tnauuscript was-writc---r i Sre 'fourth pistt 1 , . T k .. . j.