1 . . - ' K . V, I' C. IT. B. EViLlTS, Proprietor and publisher. COJVSECR-ITKn TO JVORTtt CAttOLi.X.li WQi AM V AX1 t-.Jlj- i or Three Doilart tfmH paid three iundt,, GlttilltfSBOitOll 1 -j-.-fi - ... " tj WWW 0'A'hV ( - .... f - i i ' 4 t.. , 7 J r 1 , r' MISCELLANY. T MM E TWO J3 M 0 THE MM, - About the time that many people went . ... .-..m... , ... - 1 1 - L over to soutn America who uic no pes oi finding cold and silver, there was Span- lard Whose name was rn&arru wuu uau a ;r.n tn trv tin fortune like the cal iuhih"""" v" - rest. But as he had an elder brother, lor Whom ne naa a very gicai utLuuii us went to him, told him his design, and so- :: i oorv mnrh to crn alfini' with Jlklicu umj . . . v. n o - l . :.In.. him iKjI H fihAlllfi K iVh I thare of ail the nches they fouod. Th brother, whose name was Alonz1, was a man ot contented temper & a i;ood timjs, .iiployed themselves in fi-hni ? tjoderitandiug ; he did not therelore much ai.d th fih they had caught were al,dn epprove of the project, and end avon d to -d and Halted, with salt they had Jound dissuade Pizarro tiorn t, by selling belore upon the seashore; so that by the' time bim the danger to which he exposed him- of Pizarro 's return, they had lid up a selt, and the uncertainly of his succeeding, very considerable quantity of provisions. But Bndiogall thU Re said was vain, he Wlun Pizirro rturned.his brother receiv egreed to go with him, but told him at ed him w th the greatest cordiality, and the same time, that he wanted uo part at asked him what succcfj fie had had. Pt tbe riches he might find, and would ak zrro told him Jhat thpy had found an no no other favor than to have his bage mewe quantity o' gold, but tha several ol and a few servants taken on board the vt- his companions had perished, and that the tel With In n. Pizarro then sold ail that rest were aim st starved from the want of be had, bought a vessel, and emoarked provisions; he then requested his brother with several other adventurers, who hau wju'd immediately give him so oeihmg lo ell great expectations, like himself ot goon ea( ag he assured him he had not tat d becomeing rich, as to aioi zo, ne ion nothiug with mm but a lew pioughs. har- row, and other tools, aad borne con., to- geiner 'liu b ivigc tjuauiiij p""" Inai Wnen InPy SCI qui uiej mu umuc iu and some seeds of ditleicnt vt gt.ialies Hgrpemeut that neither should interfere Pizarro thought this a very odd pit para- j, lne 0ther; that he had never desired lion lor the voyage but as he diu uot t0 have any fhare oi the gold which IV think proper to expooiulate witn Uit zurf) iDitrht acqure, and therelore he kroner, he said nothing. Ailer sailing wondered" th.i Pizrro should expect to lometime with prosperous winds, they be supplied with rtie provisions that he put into the last port where they were U f-l4j procured with so much cra and la flop, before they came to the country Bu dded he if you choose to ex- where they were to search fyrgold Hue change Homn of fheold you have foutiJ P.zarro bought a great- many rmtrre -oI py,. st)a II perhaps be able lo pickaxes, shovels, and vaiiou? other tools acromrn ,(ale y0IJ. Pizirro thought this for digging, melting ant! refilling ih. goid )f niy,our Vrry unkind in his brother he not tied to hud betM'es burnt' ai. ad- k. hon.l hi. mm. .anions were al.uost litioiial quantity u( laborers to assist hnu kin iho ui.nlr Alnnv i mk th rOliirTV. jiM m. ... j j Jwught only a lew sheep, and four sluu. ixt n aiid iheir harness, and tood enough 10 uoi8i mem mi iney 6uouio anie v lant A tt II Ii9iiliuni.il !fl-t. U'llil U anu. .io ..u...-, - favorable voyage and all iai.ded in peiieci TjCdTih lu Aiiitritar '"Aloi-zo then told his r f ' i I'll i, itui i wf O pai.y audseive him, he wou d stay ueai lold him hat ince be had dtpnved him the ehoie with his servants and taita, 0f,.Very mjni, he had gained, and trebled while he weol to search for goto, and h)m if ?0 unfrjcn(jv a manneri he should when he had acquired as much us tit 00 0 wj,h0lt him lor as to himself, he tired, shouU be always read) .0 euitaik1 wouJd Jat,er peh upon that desert shore oi Spam with mm. P.zarro acconhi.gy fhf(n flrr,b;irjj wj,n 60 inhuman a brother, let out, uot without reefing so great a con- Bt 4ionzo inst.ad 0f resenting these re leoipl loi his bioihtr, that he tould uoi prrtf ht,Sf trnbracod his brother with the refrain lro.ntx,resMi)g it to his co.npau- ErPMest tenderness, and spoke to him in ions. I always thougl-i said i.tr thai ny foiiowing manner: Could youthen brother was a mau of stiie, he aoie bpifVe my ,lt,aret P.zarro, that I really that character in fcpam, bui 1 D.id people n,eJnt to deprive you of the fruits of all weie strangti) n iuken in him. I tie vour Hhor whirh yu have acquired with be is gomb to uivert h.mreli wi.h his M mJ(.h ,6l apd dang(ir? R;(,ier may beep and hw oxen, as if ne was living a h(J ,d ir, (he universe perish, than quietly upon in larm at home, .md had houW hP c.,p!,ble rf such behavior to uuihingel8e 10 do ihau to raibe cucumbers w.-HearM, hr-ther I But I saw the rah, anu melons. But we knew betier l.impptuoas df tire you had of riches and to do with our, time scou,e along my wighed ,0 correc this fault in you and lads, audir we Juvev but gAy - shall soon be enriched tor the rest of c ur m prtldence and industry and ima- .Ait werti Wl'Uded giD,d that noihing could be panting to P.zarros speech, auo declared ihemeeives hjm 0(Ce ar ,irpd wealth. Out read) 10 I drow hia wherever he wcm;. MJ h,ve now je!irnPd, that without otiiyoue oid Spai.iard shook his bead abbe forpsjfeht and justry, all the gold you went, and luld him he iOUtHtd wheiher b ht with JOU would not have uruuier iuui uc uau umy iu ,iKuu,uul'u M 1, ' : 6 , . I as he thought. I bev then travelled one ; a day's arch into the couutry, sometimes ob.iged to cross rivers at others to pass iriouiitaius ai d lorests where tbty . ouid find no pa:hs: suinetunes c ore tied by the violent heat ol ilu uu, and then wetted to il.e kln t)) viuieiil showtr? ol rain. Tt.tee difheulties, how vei, did not dis COuruge them so much as to hii der ihun fiom truig in several places lor goid which the) were at length iu. ky enough to hod in a cooMdcrabie quantity. J his Bucces9 animated tht.n Veiy much, and they continued woikmg upon ihaT pot until all .ti ir pi v iciors wtr consu.i.ed; they gallured daiiy large quaiilllles of 01 e hut then they sutitied very tnuth from ..nnuer. bun, lowtver, they per severed in the 1 r labors and sustained B T t I (. U Itl V I I v " w j U nivi iv.tl. kurh raou -iod berriei 1 UIV . " - " . ' ' - ' " " " r , J - as the) could find. At last even. this re- EoiTOREAt. might be struck out, and Mil ource iU-u ihein : and alter several ol iTAar, Legal, Litktarv, FpiC, or any their coaiaii) had died irom want and otf ei species of Fame, substituted in its hardship, l ie rei were just able to crawl place. baik to the ptace were they had fell A : Military Fame has in all ages and pla lonzo, carrying with them the gold to ces, and under all tircumsuuees, been r a. quire, which thejr had suffered o maoy.garded as the highest; but setting. aside tni-erus. ,tbe commodity by which it was boughi, . . bqj whilejhJbfJ tu uaaiifter, inao who foresaw what beings wbo have perUhed, and boea ot would hiypeu, had eeti indutnouli toiling to v rv good purpose. Hi skiii ii hiubantlrv had ea-i v enabled mm to Qua I spot of considerable extent and ver) fer A 1 I .A ' .. L l - ftih.J I twi r4 V .rill ine eon, wuitu ur: mu piuugucu up i the oxen he hud brought with him, an ui" assijiHiice 'ii vervains, iic ii . arnvfrl lh ditT rent need he had broueh - - - " o - and planted the potatoes which prosper cj ucyuuu wiin iic niuii. nac hkiv.' and yieldrd hin a most, abundant harvest His ih,'i h hart turned our in a verv fin - -- ---j mu . A itr riair th ipa omt 0Vrt AHP ii t'em n I hro iht him a couole of Iambi B i l i t ut, he and his servants at levari ,h a?t two days, excepting me r0,u Dark 0 trees. Alouzo then very coiy answered, that he bhould rememDer gfiirvt(j thev were obliged to comply L I J. t. . i . mara an i.rnrKil wim nis (lemanoi, wtmi'i ki o...j.v. .intt (nat ,n very fhort time they parted with all Ihe gold they brought wih them mrelv to purchase lood.- Aionzo inen i . I I. t . C . ... Ii,i n. proposed io e tn oar k ior m uc c- ,e which had brought them hittier, as the lvln(j8 an(j weather seemed to be most ta- vornble hii t izarro, witn an angry iodk prevented you from perishing miserably, W " . ... 1 u J. tt,: 1 uu are iiuw, uupr wioc.i oijm lb fore take back your ru hes which I hope von havr learnpd to rrnke proper use f. Pizarro was fan. II v filled with grati tuHe and atonihment at this generosity of his brother, and he acknowledged from experience that industry was better than gold. They then embarked for spam, where they all safely arrived, during the voyage Pizarro often solicited his brother to accept ot half his rifhes, which Alonzo constantly refused, telling him that he could raise food enough to main taiu bimnelf. and wa in no want of goldt From the Pitttburg Advocate. FAME. - The sensibly writ en article to which ora nr.lii a four rvn.arla nf niir Own. IMP. - 1 1 M w - . u . - , nla K m Aiir rnliirnna. not tiimnlv br4Uie - 1 uiiiMUD, Juiidi'LksTrrTrn Julian II, in ancient times Gu Frederick II. NpdIeon, and eeveV shalls of France., in modem age? unitid, in an eminent degree, the two claims to Fame; but txcept Polybtus and Guicciardini, the names of the. others de pend for preservation on their military exploits. It may be asserted that the highest .n pintio.i tht mau can make, as far as ilie aflairs of the earth is concerned, is Fame; but a painful lesson on this uoj ct i' taught oy every pige of human hi.-i -ry,'--we therefore say to brothtr edit r content, you share a common lot. ft it editor of a public journal is rven mode- rately hlled lor his place, he mutt let I a dignity of mind whs-ch ;h- '-dw iry bustle ot the world cannot a!-ase. In general 1 terms, editors can ueittier hope lor we-iith or fame, there nlut, consequently , be something elevating in a pur-uit v. hich is ardently followed, and yet deprived o two of the most powerful inducements to human action, After the discovery and introduction into common use of the art of Printing, the next grand discovery was th-: (ja Zette. 1 nts new application ot letters carried their 'benefiN lato the great mni of society, and jut in proportion as pub he j'.'urnals arc freely dcinued and i freely read, is the progress of human rea son. Cm (hat man1" mind be otherwise than exilted wiia refli'.'.d that his head and hands assist to dnecl that machine which moves the whole moral and polm world i F'om thf Tenntsstt Journal, EDtTomsL rjtsir.. - Others may vMi-np nc iiney G( d desc ot Fame, but m editor has noihnii; to hop irom her, and, ihere ore, o.ves htr no devoiion. N : . mere editor 01 a newsp per, a? rucii Ims never, 1 : an; age or country, enjoyed anyipjrtiou ol h babbhng world's .ipplauM- called I..111' , properly so speaking, not even i r. Frank lin, the master ot uemus of the d" ... whicti he lived. And, it the whole pow er ol his gigantic mind had oetu p uri vi into the coiusnu of his i.eivspap r, tin result would have been the sin.e tu would have lived and died like other eu itors, and his name been furotten. Editors of hewepapets wree for effect, and noi for fame. I hen tff-rts are di rected to the passing events of the d i. 4s the arguments teem from thi-ir pens, they are caught up and wielded by bu?y politicians, from the giant whose itduence con rols the destinies of a nation, down to a mere demagogue who prates upon an election grou d ; they answer the end for which they were designed, ana mk mm ihe great receptacle of things loit upv: earth ; or they wrre for the gratification and amusement of their patmns. 1 hfii readers laugh alike at their wit and then folly ; are interested for the time, wiir the bursts of jiiiu?" -1 "dvplay o' learn". whu h they OLCHMonaity put lorth, t edified with the detp und wide spre..d?:.i; kuowledge of the affiirs ot.thf worhj which adorn their co'uun.s. They n au thrown down the piper 111 an hour 1 is toru ir.to a thousuid tat'.ers.aud straight way the reader forgets wont manner pi man the editor is. Ii this fiction, or is it fact? Lookback upon the stream of history, upon the Van ished fields ot time and you will hchoh1 its verification. You will see on the ngh hand and on the left (he lading piumes o. fallen warners, and the decaying rnonu ments of ihe founders and destroyers o: empires, every where strewn alonyour path he in splendid rums the time-wof memorials of the genius and talent oi th historian, the poet-and the phtlosopher. But where is to be fodnd a single memen to of the achievements, the talents, or use, fulness of aoditor ? Now here, unless it t.e id the edict of some d spot, who muz zled the press to protect the crown that oedecked his silk ambitious head, . lei j o u wilt 6 nd e y c r $ ince the art of pri n t ibgbu beta kaownj the. prvii deuoaai- pinion h which t with- useless as was tamed o bar with id the din of fields of blood s both of Alex 'horse are known t ' lever of public but who wete its hat arc past f Au ! .VTl H O US DO 1. flee' by at anchor, one of the tfffft thrilhi g scenes occurred 011 mmtn the Commodore's vessel, that my eyes ever witnessed. In addition to the urual appendalion of a ship of war, there was a large and mischievous monkey on hoard, named Jaco, retamed for the nusement and diversion of the ship's coin . ;iy. 1 being my watch on deck, and .ving retirel on one side of the verel, 1 uas musing on the beautiful appear- 1: of the fleet, when a loud and mery '.u--h burst upon my er. O" luiuiug to ascertain the cau?.- of mil an unusual sound n the Inmate's .Kck. I itcrcuved the Commodore's lit ii -on, whom the crew nicknamed 'Little U ; biay,' slaiuluii; half way ui the main , aich ladder, clapping his hands and took iloh upon seine ntject that inspired I'iii with a deal of uh e. A single glance xj lained t!i ; oci Hcion of the mei imei.t . liob Wc con. 11, g np from the gun de k, J.;' ko, the monkey, perceiving him on the t .d ;ei , and dropping suddenly from his ' Sfog, "leapetl "trp-on his strouldi-rs, sf .zd nicap, and tunning up the main top fail .heel, seated himself on the main yard.. Here he sat picking the tassel of bis prize to pieces, occasionally u raichuif! i.i sides and chatunu as if in exultation mr the success of hi mischief. Lh-b be ing uprightly, active fello'v, did not like . oh his cap without an effort to rrgnin i . IVriiaps he was the more strongly in rl n d t make tht; ch.ise ofser it, from ob Mv ingm'. su. ile lit his plight, and hear- 114 ihe loud laugh of Crtn, a bhek mar wfio fccmed to ie inexpieanbly delight ed if the occurrence. : ii, you rascul, J icho,' fsid the black j . hab you 110 rtsect' h-r the young - fiji r, ;o steal hi C3p Mo bring you i de uaf.gwxy, y-'U Mack ni.-eer, and gi! you a dozen on d" bare back lor a tief. 1 he rronkey looked down horn the perch if he underalo.'d the threat of the ne n, and chattered a sort of dehance in .nwer. Ifa ! ha! mas?a Iob, he say you iiiust ketch him, and its 110 eay mat ter -r a n iii-hipnian in boots to ketch a m ' key barefoot.' 1 In i. 1. of little Bob looked red, as i,i ca;i J ; e of nfTi:nded pride at Ca :.. ami i r 1 n tig across the deck, in a mnn.e... - as hilfway up the ringing. ' he k y quietly watched his motions () wln neatly up, suddenly put the on tin own head, and ascended to the v.j. eio- tree, and fealing himself, reum- 'sfrht. W.k'.pf :tlckt;igihe.iMei. '" I hisVnanner ;be mischievous animal -net - At d ia enlicing Bob as high as th royal mast head, wheii sudden y spfingitig on th rtggm he again descended to ih .(re-top. and running out on the fore yard h':ntr K on the end of the studding tail r.'-.ti n, where, taking his reat, he raised a ' " d oi. exulting; chattering. ' By this i ne, B b was "compl' iely exhausted 4' d :o: 'ikingto return to the deck to be o n ted ai, he sat down on one of the The !. .tors, presuminj that the boy -vould 1 folh.A' the monkey, but de- ceod r" i' e d ck, j .ud no attention to i"ii, I .ls( tuMiedaway, and hud been iaji' ( soa.e minutes, when I was sud- ,! M.irted by a cry from Cato, exi laim tut'massa Boh was on the main uu k !' A cold shuddering ran through ;nv vein, as the word reached my ears. I 1st my eyes up it was too true ! The adventurous, boy, after having rest- d a little, had chbmed tht sky sail pole, and at the moment of my looking up, was actually standing on that circular niece of wood, 00 the very su ximil of the loftiest mast, at a height so great that my hrin turned dizzy as I looked up at him; there was nothing above him but an emp ty space, and beneath him nothing but a malt unstable wheel. Dreadful serenity ! If he had attempt ed to stoop, what could he lake holdof to steady his motion ! His feet covered up the small and fearful platform, Ton which be stood; oi bsoiaU that a long ioaoeth poie hat .eemed to bend beneath hii weight, wa, . I, that neld hjtn fromnd . truction. In end eavorin? to get dow woum inevitably lose his bal, and bo precipitated fo the derJkva crashed tnd shapeless mass. ' ,v , , In (his eVn7 what was (o be done f To hau and inform him of his danger, it whs thought would ensure his rum6 KV. 1 j ... ery moment I expected to see the dread ful catastrophe. I could not bear to look at htm : and yet coiitd'not withdraw mi gaz.-. A tilm came over my eyci, and a fauirnesa over mv heart. By this timt the deck was covered with officers and crew, to witness this appalling, this heart rendi .g spectacle. All seemed mute Eevery feeling, every facultv.am (orbed in one deeD itni mAr;An agony. - - s:,y At thin moment a itir wat mud amAn the crt'w about the eanf wT- whn lhii" appearance. He bad come on board without be'ng noticed bj a tingle eye. Hie Commodore asked riot a auestion. uf. tered not a syllable. He waa an ausfertf mu -"-d it wat fhought by some that be f had not a very strong affection for hiatus ' All eyt were fixed on btm. endeafonna- to read his emotion in bis countenance, ; The scrutiny however was vain hii eye relaioed their severe expression , bir nrow me .tight rrown if usually wore, and rm up 11s naughty curl. In short, no outward lign indicated what was naa. -ing within. Imuiediately on reaching the oet k, ne otaertd a marine to hand bun a musket, wlien stepping aft and leaoiw? no on the lookout block, he raised it to hit shoulder, and took a deliberate, aim at I S hrs ion, at the lame lime bailing him with 'T- his trumpet, in a voica nf ihnr.;. Robert' cried he 'iumo I iumn m- - board or I'll fire at you V The bay seem ed to hesifate. nd it was olaitt that ha vas tottering : for his rms were throw about hke one endeavoring to balance 'uu,s?df. The Commodore raised his voice gmn, and in a more energetic tone cried. 'jump! ha your only chance for lifeP The woids were scarcely out of hii mou'h be fore he left ihe truck, and sprung into the nr! A eound between a shriek and a groan burst from many lips.- I - T'ha fal her spoke not deed he seemed not to breathe. For a moment of intense agonj, a pin might have T been heard to have dropt on tbe deckr With a tush like that of a cannon ball the ody descended to the water, and before 'he waves closed over it twenty stout fel lows, among them several officers, had di-v.-d from the bulwark. Another short pe nod of suspense ensued. .Trie body rose, he was alive 1 his arms were seen to move he struck toward the ship. In spite of the discipline of a marj-of, war, three huzzas, the outburst of onfetg ned joy, from the hearts of five hundred, men, pealed through the air and made the welkin ring. Till this moment the old Commodore had stood unmoved. His face was now ashy pale, tie attempted ' to descend from the block, but his knees bent under htm ; he seemed to gasp for breath, aad attempted: to tear open his 1 vest, bui in the attempt he staggered, and would have fallen had he not have beta caught by the bystanders. He was borne to his cabin, where thjjJ surgeon attended him, and his utmost skiif vas required to restore his mind lo its 0- suml equilibrium and self command, ia wuicu nn ai rasi nappny it)ce eded. To Young MechanicM. When you are obliged to obtain credit for your stock, be very direful to whom you "apply aa a credit or who e himself in the scews, may ruio you. Never get credit for amall sums, nor, any suras in different places, better owe what you are obliged to in one place and to one rnao. Every man to whom you owe fiv&V doll rs will trouble you as much, if not more 4 man the ono to whom you owe an hundred, It ia easier to satisfy one mao than twenty. Give to your best customers a short ere? dit; and when it has expired, collect prompt ly. Be diligent in your business faithful to your word modei at? in your expenditures tercperate in your babits just in your deal ings moral in your priniples -get married to a good girl and you may dtfy lawyers sherifTsi duna, prisons, and almost the bluw devi,l8. 7 - W ANDUlLLfc, .PAMFULETS, I'akdb and plain and ornamenial Jo Print ing of eve,rv description neatly, cAapy, anr acearittly xciibtid it tbU. efite. ' ' I 3