AN . t . 7 J - 'itHT- "..a.j',,,'i,W-'-1-1 r"r; 1,1,- I I a . ( r-r" I ' vV m i VS. X-- , j j-S. . at - T,-- 1:1 villi rill y, j. ' ..ft. 4 i . .;. a :u - 'yJ ; w V..'. .t- 'v- -----' ZOV ; - . ' G. IT. B.. ETA ITS, ,i Proprietor and IhibUahcT. f . i.e.. 4. 1 ---Oa IITADTAITCS.: Or TAv Dollar a if mot paid in three montht. CKSECIUTEI TO JVOItTJU ClItOLW VIRTUE J JU LIB EIlTl 4r '?5 .. 4 V GREENSBOItOUGII, N C; WEDNESDAY XOVEJIBEit 10,1830. 1 'f WO-33 III H ITTWl ),. T 'i . V THE AMERICAtTFARWER Bt NICHOLAS, BIDDLE. and jl half hour?, i They were all fed twices a day, and al the fame lime. The evening feed of the ehoats, fed on mush was generally warm the morning feed, m ri iff 5ocir(y for promoting. Agriculture. j i ne seven pounds, or ten pints of meal, tin ha vp failed to prote that the pur- i when cooked, weighed an avanse of 30 suits of agriculture may be as lucrative as; pound, and measured an average of three other employments, it will be an easier gallons. There wa a difference of nine task to vindicate their pleasure and their pounds in the weight of the latter pair importance. 1 need' not dwell on that the smallest had the least appetite, and refinement, one of4h& purest enjoyments his allowance of 15 pounds of mush, was of this life, and the best preparation tor just as much as he appeared to want, or th future, on those healthly occupa- would eat up clear, the other was gree tions on the calmness of mind, on that dy, asi always sharp set, despatched his hich spirit of manliness arid independence, mesa quickly, and wanted more, which Mtur8lly the experiment had progressed These are attractions-, which must have a fortnight, there was a veiy perceptible deep rooti in the human breast, since they difference in the appearanta'of these pig. fcave in all-times fascinated at once the -Those fed on the mush assumed a more imadntion.4 and won the judgment of thrifty, healthy, fresh appearance, par gneri But I may be allowed to say that ticuUrlj of their hair, and this difference in tbis"batioDi aricultflre it probably des- h?cinm more striking as the experiment tinpd to attain its hisbest honors, and that advanced. , the country life in America ought to pos- O.i the "4Lh of January, while prepara- ana'dre? cd on the hose daily epTiWwlfoAn other liihea and in allowance h id been seven pounds of cam other lands, have lamented or struggled eacn, niu increased to pounds in the 24 against oppression, they have realized iye , me otner wnicn nad nad an equal the fine conception which speculative allowance of corn, had iucreased only five men have imagined, which wise men have - pound. I could not account for the dif planned, or-brave men vainly perished in fereuce by auy thing I could discover, ci ittematiog ta establish. Influence in ther before or, after killing, the appe claiming the lost dignity of mil), and in- titcs of these two were much more alike spiring the loftiest feelings of personal ip- thun of the others, and their health was depeneence, msy be traced in every con- apparently equally good, ditiori f oar cititeti,-tnitWJi1l': objecto. ! Of the pa7r feci on mush, whose dailp are most iistinct by isolation their etlfcts alio wanct? had been three and- bait re pecuiiarljbVioatiff the---cwnlfyrpoinds:if nieareach;Mte-giOTe1lid' The American Farmer is the exclu- gained 23 pounds andtheolher 21 pounds, give absolute uncontroled proprietor of These are all the nlatcrial facts in these of the foil. HuJcnuriJs: riot from g small jtriam!ent,Tb rernmer from IttBU Ihere ,iS.acove .mm.imjSTi-i-auu -mere. i unrsuro in iiirm. live hogs allowed 3 j pounds oi eacn, pained less than thre . tourlhs ot a pound . . . . -f . ... . . . . - . lions of personal genius, jMablished daily, and this surely they might have aess .peculiar-attraausn3; i ne puie ana uuus wure maing ior Ktumt; .inHirl in.titutions Of this people have in, they were agin weili .hnAiA the highest dreams of tho;. Iu,f. O ie o" those, tlien, w MISCELLANY. t i - mm Airtira rim power iron win,-juMc.u-i"." notbtng out una ana mr hwj,--au, QuiKrtriiv iimimin? the difcniic v"4 r w " j 7 gained fronr, the meal, bui they gained mora than those fed oi double thtjUaa-r tity of corn. The saving of one half ol fcoil. and the altars are only sup- corn consumed in raising and fattening BUM, auu uv J , .. , WOUItl UC WCIl WORN rAUv iK wftinntarilv offenncs of sin- hogs in Maryland, nietv. His pursuits, which no per- the offer of a premium to hive these ex church spreading is jtlaflt shadows bo tween hisn and hcatj. His fmRnl gov ernment neuhdesiref nor dares to op preb DO! -WR,lMiy.--rt ,ntA totted version can render ujunmi3 mij, pni.puwi.v...v.; ....... Hirectpd to the common benefit of all. In by different persons.-M. A. Report. multinlvioa the bounties of providence. - rr, . i. M . ..juLmpM r.f Preservation of Grapes. In a cask or Sr.onnTca barrel, having its well '1 ,t!n i , hi. cb.r. he will ? of the external air, place find ' txient antl .am- lnfir interest bv its influence JPJUJyCE, We copy the following veiy interesting account pf ihifmajesty ?of Francetatid the present state of matters in that king dom, so far as 'his majesty is toricerncd, from the Paris correspondence of the Al bany Daily Advertiser. Things have now arrived to such a pitch that Louis Philippe is not one inst ant sure of his existence. Independently of his 'discontented, subjects there are in France six or seven thousand foreign po litical refugees all metr of courageand resolution, who are every day teased and tormented by his pohcerand vvlu. may, like Alibeau, wish -to1 drain the soufce of their sufferings by striking their author. The dagger is a familliar weap on to the Spaniard and Italian, and the noble Pole may also be tempted to wield it wheu reduced to despair and madness. appears certain,had no aCcom -plices in Pans, but I would not be as tonished if he was one of thi party whu had sworn the king's death. It is evident he came directly ..trom -Barcelona fur the purpose, and there found himsell in a company of desparadoes of all nations, who, disappointed iu their expectations, may have conceived the most diabolic projects. Ahbeau told the .attorney" gen eral to bear in mind that hia;i.e began by the first in the alphabef. which was oi much as to saypthefs will follow when ne is no more. Th&roval family have of late lived in a stateof constant terror. -' The klhg'ira- raid to go abroad and. remains secluded in his chateau of Neuilly. When - public affairs render his presence in Pans abso- . i i '" "1. "... ulely necessary nis rwe to ana ir is pro- tected by perhaps two hundred . p6rs,ousT between military,' town "sergeants and po.i "- . "' tin a ice men, in coior:0 ciotties. tv nea ne wishes'to'vjsit Foatatnebleau to supcrin-. tend the works of the palace, he sets out m the dead of night and returns at the ame hour, and do one is aware of his journey imii it t over. a tew dV8 aJU;? raeTallempt, tne iueen aim vuum v ADnonV: the Austrian Amoassaaor, were XX .. .L I fl.,. i a km toetner in me emorasurc ui u- wmdow of the cheteau of Neuilly: The latter as complimenting her majesty bo the beauty of the Bight and taste with which the grounds were laid out, uieir delightful rose groves $rc. Ah' replied n lnti. nl hran whirll hsi hf-pn WPH C11CQ an ever varying interesung em itt0nihed.M-.lRe union i bimpie--- ' r ' .l j .i treneroui hosD Ulitvi ' Hw cnaracier . f r- ? ; . .. " "I alternopn oi a dry aay, oeiore mey are perfectly ripe; proceed then with alternate .VJTUll.1L HISTORY OF MlSSOtRt. '" j BAItTIIQtfAlCK. -7 We mske the following extract from an wterciting; letter, r&ehiy writfen byDn Linn, one of the United States Senators from Missouri, to the Uonr Johir Davis, Chairman of a Committee of the Senate, on the subject of removing obstructions in the St.. Francis. White and Big Black rivers, whichtaking their rise in Missou ri, run nearly parallel with the Misaissip pi.for some hundreds of miles, and finally unite far down in Arkansas with the Fa ther of Waters,-- , The memorable Earthquake of Decern ber; 1814, after shafclritplhe valley of the Mississippi to its centre,vibrated along the courses of the risers and valleys, and, passing the primitive mountain barriers, died awav along the shores of the Atlantic counts, its particularity vests' it witbv'. 1 a thrilling interest, After describing tifi j., - early stages of the march," bethai'pro-i ceed?: y " C"' 'Jy ' ' It was eight o'clock. .Sudden! IJieard ;V 7' a rifle shot in the direction of the advan ced guard, and this was immcdjatel7ol-V t lowed by a musket from that quarter: V i Captain Frasef had rode by me a,, mo- . ) ment before in that direction.-'! neveV i,' t saw him afterwards. I had 'not timrf to ; "' ' think of (he meaning of these shots- before a volley as weie from a thousand n , fles was poured in upon us from the front j and aU almig our left ilanlrito6kedaT4"r' round ime and it seeaed as if I was the only one left standing on the ; right ' wing, Neither could I, until several other voN ' ley! had been fired atuee an enemy -1 aad when I'diaVi, could, only see their o.ean. in tne region now unqer consiu-ik :4.jr --r-i-i; --r-?rL - . 1 u iirnun .-aim ri urn iift'iiniir nrir xinm w r . a m -a. . erlion, during the continuance of so ap. gr - fefd neru from bchiDd . ' .1 palling a phenomenon, which dommenc- jZTreer. The eround kerned ir .V'- cd by distant, rumbling sounds, succeeded ,pen pine barren qo haiamock by d.schargeCaiitjil.lhousandptcces o( r coolil se.rO,. our vith. a earth rocked to afidjffovust chasms open ed, from whcnceisHued columns of wat er, sand .ana coal, accompanied by hiss intjnunda, caused perhaps by the escape oT pent up steam, while ever and anon flashes of electricity gleamed through the troubled clouds of night, rendering dark- nf ss doubly horrible. . I he current of (he Vlisi8Eippi,pending this elementary strife, was driven back upon its source 'with the sreatestrvekicity tor several hours, in con spauerice of an elevation of its bed. But this noble river was not thus to be stayed in its course. -Its -accumulated waters near, that-ft-a little Id our rear, was a large pond of water some "I distance off. All round us were heavy pine "v frees, very open particularly towards ther5'' leir, and abouadtng with long high erase. l he tirst lire ol the Indians was the most destructive, seemingly killing or dis abling one half of our men. r, ?t"' 7 We promptly-threw oarselveibhirid" . trees, and opened ft sharp .jfire.'9.fmiiiieti7 .- ll, lor one never tired without seeing my . man, that is hta head and houldersr:-The -L: Indians chiefly tired lying or "rf'quitUne in "x the grass. Lieut, Bisiinger fired:. five or', six rounds-of2ca Tnis FerJrom. the canhon i , . Thia annf-arrH irt fri.thtpn h Indian. .nJ came booming on, and overtopping the tbe? retreated over, a little hill to cur left, now, amid roaring billows and tne wild- WOik. Some ofus went fp eather thecar-. f4t commotion: A few day V action of tridge boxes fromlhe deSo and to assist this powerful current sufficed to wear away every vestipe of the barrier thus 6 1 r h n Qk t cno4'd -,d its wa 1 5 lt:A aK eo on in uieir wonieu luauuri iu iic cean. Hie 'day that succeeded this night of terron brouchf ho solace in its dawn anocit louowea wior- J fallen and evidently, dying. I epoke - to cloudpwwcttndtfweWf bitn but he did not answer, the inter mrougn wru4 no.Mnneaai eyei iui u aa pffeu;r Loui?f jt ,5 Bad fe ; b- , way to cheer atfm the desponding heart f,r.f (v have inrR lmA .'th.f . - . -,-&.- V . J. !,t -. - 1-.J. -.-mm. .. ... , of man, who, in silent communion who lW felow ghajpmed dead. that his life -ICi' fall to the ground in the first volley, and emy . Whilst fiathennc- rue rriaSea ? saw Lieutenant JMudg, Uting with his, K til J to UTC. 4 a ta a w - - - i . 1 w'"wv mw -t-t-t the Queen with a deep .,gh, nature fna :: ait his certa n v done a mat deal to ' 7tuu,'"vv " , r . a' ,.S,u:C. rj.,trfr.,. fitill there is erlasting God. The appearances which han,,ineSS to be met with where an presenteai "!rr:" - -v : -i r i. a . mVai. AMM.tirt - ivnrn Burn V VI w no aseassin ma dead, to the victors.) v lie concealed behind tn J ,)' i ( hn slrono v snnnorted an ODlOlon D Hills Ll illwILUILl 13 null , I .... . . . . J . , i ..... "T O . . . ... LhJ lokoi mora f..rwl In fitpHtl 1 fthfl I i ' -fL L : . .. . wretchedness, and I cannot .better . - V ' .V;, - X:, rc" DumDei rine the following para "UU"5,WB l9K9 tt" ,r:r." I JCiUL ipoutJCU-ejajQe. n stronHv Kimnnr'rr1 an ODIDIon hereto-I IV. k.J k.r.f. 'k.ii-I.t.N. rose i ices. . , j tj-.u. t4 h .gnnH 1 . . . . . r- . v. ( Tu :,. rh0HnfT .trniv one gi ".s auvauueu, nius uu ""i r" j tnee limn wnen weaeain saw tne Indiana.-' .. They- came ion boldly' over (tbt. i CUa. over inepuoiiciiue.i;. of bran and crapes till the barrel is in mam i ha innnm in wiihl uaiicrio . iii man nv nnrrunu l 111 iuhvh wt, . . ... . T-- -11UIII UVIUl ,w.w f It ik.l J - -J O .- -rt mxjni t " . f kiikdfUI fU9TH M 1 '11 ..I . I - . -i j-..:- h.n itB rpI mif luii, issdr core um j Krpe.uw ""Mn-vfrnmilmirnalvLfl TemDS. - one-oil- --iti:c r .v. till witmn a loog.musgei snor, wnen we . v mAA tprrttorv. tsdai- . iouv.w eawi uiuei, m .c. u,c h . so that ,nrr it dai- toucn eacn otner, ana 10 iei uie 1 ! ffljlte b of , .hen c.,e the barrel ihei the nir will not be able to penetrate. M ;n.nfOlirin8t tUtl0n8. UUt vuinerao.CFw.m.w.- " - r;- ;,fl I tweve months. To restore their fresh whenever inese penm v--. - npM r,lt thp Plwla nflTrh hnnrh ami nut nrm re- ."'-w. . : -: -- --- .- r-- mna tpidfast security, its most t a a w w . w- r,-..7- I be- -nitoni thff lite ineir. own iore8,- r-- tltwrthefactifhl heal, to defend, pnd to save.' i t--1; - and as them jFJTBMW'VW' BOGS, OnBtTdayf'WmcfTfour hoats of a size, and 83 mui h alike in eve ry respect as could be selected from a 1 herd of ninetv-odd bogs 'were made rhnirX nC Lea'ch carefully weighed and i.r.A;n a. naratA fit ve,a where their fond could be exactly rei-ulated. They MA;rrKi kotvrpn 81 nounds and 100 ThA tw- wHoserTrVtiohts together made 1 85 pounds, were fed on one ' gallon of shelled , Indianv corn, weighing' seven pounds to each, for every twenty-four hours, and as much waters theywant. d. ThiTquahlity of food was a plenty ap thpm -renerallv tbev about consum- ed it. Some five , or six diflirenUdays r between the first of December, and iourtn ' of January, the time the experiment was going on, they did not eai weir wjjuc )owances.' -T-,- ..i: 'y- ' " tU tiA clint. whoie wemuts to- sand were scattered in every oirection,,aj themiaires from-tree Wirei. t 1 i . .i - i ik r..-.:i. I i . ... i ... s . . . .. . -i surround us. Ye immediately .extended : . k ine of Light Infsntry.coveringourselve y'. tne trees ana opening a onsic nre ironi .iLf ,BM.frf ..nnear in Dublic without 1 ed with water, leaving an impression in cannon and muikelrv. The former X ninninp the risit of his life? a family who j miniature of a catastrophe much more don't think could have done much mil- beheld assassMiation,multipIyingUettLa- imporiant,w fJmwi- j i - mst hirUnm . inm i nan' Dreceoeu i Biics -ucMJitr. . i iv.iru. ijaraoer Lii ua.8iaier -ana ir rou IiT is customa rf2! in Franeetoi33ck-Erapesfbijtbe- London markets in 6aw dust. If the precaution of dr ying the sa w dust - by a gentle heat, before us. be had recourse to, ibis cxpe- dtenrroaT answer very wenj uui ii -.uis is not done.and the wood has been cut fresh the tupentine,T and other odors , of 7lhe wood, cannot fail to injure the fruit. Oak saw dust will answer the best. , . 1 . , it"; Laior.--The New England Far mer proposes to substitute cow labor for I horse labor on farms, and says the man who shall succeed in this will deserve the title of benefactor to the poor. In the Duchy of Nassau the cow teams are driv en by the women, " y Xriehful forms, childrenAwjlei-atstert pefher made 173 pounds, seven of good Indian corn meal, by measure ten nint mah into Taod mush, or has fr, ItviHpd - betwetn them fnr nc.rr lunl(.rnur hOUrS.T UAl v iin hai ollrtwpd them exactly nal the weight of meal which the othen bad r.r rm ' Thd seven pounds of meal were daily mixed with scalding waler4 and then welt-boiled i'inrwhor:prWCsi t . u Aium -n;m-4 ortrt frnm thrPr in IWPMV mile? in Drcaakii. l i t JiAndf-nfvr, iiini tim irft arm brntPtw blrlomelnferoaL It J8 1IV fl0e . pUcvery shallow in ibut he continned to Joad to musket and , , - ' ! .... l: frAm hriv In I rmiinrfd leel I - it ..srinrt An lh. ilmnn nnhl ha nil ?..' .vttFnrf evLrvA where fov share in hii deep which is much more than: the finally shot down" towards- the close of r .1 . 11.. -JJnil AfK Aiii9inni river in that OUar-t ih . Anrt attaf-i nA Anrtntr ihm Amr t nMruarmndXDOSe . ...w ....-.'rr- . . ...-v..,.. L ..-r.-and comnelled io cod- er. In sailing over its. surtace in tne kept his spirits aod cheered the men. Lt -.1 !!n.Mn(itiMiMi hmw. thfi Hsrtit canoe, the vovaeer is struck with as-1 Kevca had both his arms broken in the ceai uuuer bii "y.iw -3. ,., 4 - , - -., .... - . . anzuish of their disconsolate hearts, there tonishment at beholding me giani trees fir atUck ; they were boond op ana certainlv would uot be too much'sympa- of the foresrstanding partially expos- slung in a handkerchief, and he sat for the .1 t nr a mislnrtltn. Well. EQ ttmi'J U Ul naici-.uiauvuina I remaillUCI Ul IIIC UdTt MUlll ire n .(iiv.u. .ii.' ... -v.-..-f - r.m;ii. Aitit (on" thp leafless. But the wonder is still further rec!inin2 against the breaslwoik hit throne of F ranee. Fifty years of revolt increased on casting the eye through the head often reposinj against itregardless tion have destroyed the prestige of royalty, dark-blue profound 10 ooserve cane Party spirit makes the human heart callous brakes covering its bottom, over which to royal calamities. It was said of a states- a mammoth species of lestudo h occasi- u:- K-r m.,t havi. hPi in his onallv seen draceinc his slow length a- IU1I UI3 UMllW"" , 1 . .1 i 1 JViintioiw Jlaier tn Foot. From an analysis by experienced chemists, -it is found that the proportion oi nuinuoui matters in some of the more common hu man aliments, is as follows : , 100 lbs. Wheat contains 85 lbs. nutMnar. "Rice 80y Barlev 83 Beans 89 to 90 peasy.y3r . :. Lentils - ?0 . Meat (average) 35 y'.-, Potatoes v 25 ;! KBeete-SSH. "CarrotsyyI: ,. Cabbage -7 :.GreensV-";6". -!ritirnios:;-;ry 1 i head; political enmity partakersb much lonwtwie countless m,r.8o of statesmanship, that it evidently cannot sporting through the aquatic thickets, But ;f. ,Ko niar-. - if God Tn his wrath has passed through Who, after reading this, can help ex claiming, ' v . 1 hen happy loviy cumin. Uneasy lies thejte&d that wears a crown. Debts of honor. Here is an olcTanecdote worth the room it occupies: Charles James Fox. in bis frolicsome days, was called up on for "payment by bis bill for two. . I . . ...U . 1. . 1 .4 hundred pounds. 1 Charles The ,of e ye ry thing that was passing , around j.? himj : -v-y-v.. ' 3'" Our men were by degrees all cut down, -JV We had maintained a steady fight from 8 y until 2 F, M. or thereabouU, and auow--- ing three quarters of ari hour interval be- v"Vj tin first tnrt mtfnTA otlnrlf. had " , Tj this . deyoted lalr ilf lie toucjietr r ne b mt boj,i. engaged for mdre thaiTV ' ' mountains and they, disappeared in. the 5 hou8 t,ieul. n. waa the only ofacer ? abyss, his benificent influence is still felt eft gie, and he Severely wounded. He in the soft climate, the unexampled fer-. me aa lhe n(jians approached to lay 1 tilify of soil, the deep verdure or its for down 'an(j (eig my8elf dead. 1 looked , ests.and tne cnoice oiierinp f iw. through the logs and saw the savages ap proaching in great numbers Aneavy made" Indian ol middle stature, painted A TALE OF nOttROR i in da- Boondm -a . ; said be coutd not then pay him. 'How tor sacre ol uoi.-uaoe-antrnir u,awvut Cr,pl,on to Micanopy) seemea io re iac said the creditor, 'you have lying before yoa were taken down by an officer at Tampa chief. He made them a speech, frequent KanW nntM to lanre amount.' These, re- s rirtiy i: . r t;-.'r!irlr" I lv Doir.tins to the breastwork. At length t - . . - . .1 nar irnrriiiiK lius ui iiartiuu v"im i vt. . - - ' nie io oat oeuia u uuuuii 1 . - . -, . .... t , : .j .u I tnev Cnarzeo in;u me ei ine inree sutui ""--. nff.Ui,nriJ ami ihiv did not . n ted Air. roj r. - '. . i . i..- it. .l . i.:n1 intti the fireT-iNow, air said be, 'mine m borrid liuteiy y It first : appeared h? 6eem fo suspect the woucidei bring Vrt J?EHiSi i?r -" ""f "" r t4'ortland Upuriertitnougu n un i -ouenpg .nu.ujuigunj , uui awuc tq pay . vnsnes imiucuac,, !d, published ac &t&&WWWi?& oar ac"'J' o coktjffai d of one MIMl