. . ....... - r-f I :g,..,..,,,,,l,,,, j - ,lili,,-lta-jeMii.iCTKa 1 1.1 r - C IT . B . S T A IT S Proprietor and PubiUher. $2 IIT'ADTAITCE . Or Three Dollar U not paid f three month. CO.VSECBJITED TO JS'ORTH CAROLINA Y1B.TUE AJS'D JLIBEUTW VOL-1 GltEKNSUO'KOUGU N. CVBDNESD.-i V ilBfiit 7,183 i. . I ' ' ! t FROM THE UMTKD STATES GAZETTE. f7ind ChandUr, The accompanying etory, is from the pen of one of the fair daughters rt New England, who ii now Heightening and adorning the society of the thief city of the weft,for one of whose literary associations it. was written, hut lias never yet, I believe, appeared in prirvt. I may be trespassing perhaps, in giving il to you for publication without, the au ihor's consent. 1 believe it has been in ninny hands in manuscript, end several copies been taken. I have ventured to do go. Its br auty and simplicity, togeth er with its elega-ot and chaste, and I may add tloqiunt style, as will as thej correct sentiment it breathes throughout, would not detract from the credit of a. and stocking. i.nedid ... Saturd ij after- - , , , v . t noon. If I was very ckT 1 had luediciuf nv ant hor. no matter what may be his fame , , ,, , , i , - , , . "J " ' ' ami the d'ct r, Ii I w a hit e sick, I or attainments. C. w,,9 , xh:r!(.d !q paii- nce and if I wat J VJST MARY. !ick at iuMrf, i wa . ti Id pivscrit? if Since ekeU.hu. g character is the mode, mself. Now all (hi .was v. ry vvn;. I too take up my ptt.cil not to m.tke Wh it should a child want rtul ment ;iih! you laugh though perudv'tnture to put drink ani rotn to play, iiul a schuo) i.. ou to sleep. tc u hh n r.-aJmg and writing, a;id -);iu I am a tolerable oM gentteman an oTd'bod) to Uke care f l.i.n wj,ea-.he. w..r bachelor, . :id what is still bettei, an un- sick ? Ci rt,ii;ny nothing. iil the U- I pretending and sober miaded one. Ler, f :;--.vn up c'.nldren eiirt in t!, however, any of you ladies should take. minds ol huh- ones i lu-ncr than is cxpe :-txci-ptions agnit me in the very out-et, ed, and I h.d ev mi at ttnt eir.y ag.-, Ui l will merely remark en prt?int, that a :ne ke;n sfe ol all that tain in d man can sometimes become 'an 'old barh-'hca"'l wrog, tin1 s longing ? so i.r" e!or, because he has too ttluch heart, as thing vh:c;i stio:i!d tou ii it antit, tin Will as too little. sa lie di-.o.i'f.ut with la'.ei.t matter oi "Years ago,beforetany of you Indies were covr.;t ailic'i i:,the ?arn- craving lor ytt. born, I was a eoodfer-naught of boy , p ilhv, wica.iias bycu the upro(j; hj of precisely thai unlucky sort, who are fibinon of t:,r v uld hi all hges. And in always in e?cry body's way and always hum in linng pose-iing buch c-jivstnuou-u, ouChtef. 1 hwd to wfltcfy pver:iny up--als, h4 a .l?tUr'cUu:jce..of.hesing, iiuidc: rearing, a father and moth army of brbthera asd MStriss" I havr iutereiimg, wjug-titiug thifd. Vt? ctji before insinuated, I wasHBOit of a fan. ily alt ydipaihixe to o-.u- t x!:nt w-iLh iia-i scape grace among them, and one en and w.um n, but h w t v m i g. natk t whose head all demestic trespasses were the sympathies oft l.t! ir n, .in m.dn.-t.ii.i; regularly visited, eilhei by real denert or the desolitc insunilic anc of not brin-; by iinputatiun. For thi9 order of things, one of the grown up p -oplc -of In.-uin sen 1 confess, there was a solid and nous to bd to be out ot Hi-.: w.,y in the evenuig, foundation in the cdns'iluiiou oj my utind.'and to schnv)! o h.1 !it (! the vvf,i m th. Whether I jwas born uiidcr some cross- rmrnirg of :tmuiith i-rmlar gnevaao , eyed planet, or wbcthi I was fairy strxk-.which" the child "has n h qurnctr to 0 M T- a sort of 'Murad the unlucky, an out ol tion to co. ceive. time; out of place sort of boy, with whom When I was sevtn years old, I vva liOtlurg prospered. Who always left told one morning with con-id rhh- ti doors open in cold wea;her ? It was mestic acclatH-ation, that sJunl .Mary Henry. Who was sure to overset. Ins coming to make Us a visit ; ,.nt; -u whtn ccfiee cup at breakfast or kneck over thr carriage drove up to the door, 1 pu:i hi? tumbler at dioner, or to piostrote the ed off my dirty apron and iau in iimo;: saltcella, ptppfr-box and ntustard pot, the heap of .brothers and sisters to sti. if he only happened to moe his aim ? what was coming. Why Henry. Who was plate-ha nker I shall not describe her firs', appearance, general to the family ? It was lltnry. . for as 1 tlmik of her I begin to crow t:n- ho tangled marna'a silks and cottons, or liment.d in spite ol my spectacles, and tore op the last newspaper, or threw down might --perharw talk a lulle .uouseoae. old Pi cent' clothes horse with the clean! I'eri.aps every man, vhrluer married ironing thereupon ? Why Henry. jor sitiit t w!io has lived to the age ol . Now all this was no malice prrprnse 1 or tber:abonis, has seen, soaui w in me. I really believe, I was ihe bet na-!n,a" vvn) M;ii',! ' iJvxtman in dis turb child in the woild but somc-thinelt,nc,,0i ,!0i" 'P&t- h-. nay not umi ll.fi malli-r wi:h ll.fl Allrariinn nf i hesion, or the attraction of graviiation with the general dupensa'ion o matter " aroand me that let me lo what 1 would, things would fall down or break, or be and my unluckinpss wem-cd in exrict prc poi ticn to my .CHretuIness in any matter. If any btfdy in life rtti with me had a hetJ-ache, or any kind of nervous irnta-bih-y, which made it particularly necessa - 'Ty-f.q1f-f'atid?lf'; l;Wr?eipect'Sfiy",de,'' sired to be so, I was sure while stepping rdund on tip-toe, to fall headloijg over a chair which wtuld fall upon the thove). which would fall upon the tongs, which would animate the poker, and altogether! would set in action two or thiee sticks o! wood, and down they would all come with a ru kct, that showed they were dis posed to make as much of the op portuni ty as possible. In the same manner,' any thing that came into my hands or was ol all connects td with me, WuB sure to lo e by it. If 1 appeared in a cle-n apron iu the morning, I was sure to make a full length prostra tion thereupon on my way to school, and come home nothing better, but rather . worse. If I was sent on an errand, I was sure to lose rny money in going, or my pur-j strange to say, my Aunt Mary was always chase iq. returning ,and on these occa-l happy. Yet the was so her spirit, nev stonrmj'rffoiherwouldlteo comfort meler .rofieiajjyaucy .and jjeeruiik Jo with (he rtflectioh that it was well my depondeucy; and 1 knovin theseiitimr ears were fastecded to my head, or I ental confession of faith, that sucti a char wottld'lose thea too, Of course Twa's a acter cannot be mieresting. For this im lair mark for the exhortary powers not pression there is somt? ground, 't he pli- -ooly of my parents, but of all my aunts, cidity of a medium common place mind uncles and cousins Jo the third and fourth uninteresti.igV but the placiiliiy o a strong generation, who ceased not to repr9Ye,iRd wtlf 'governed one, borders on the rebuke and exhort wiih ali-iong tutkiing and doctrine. Ail this would have been very well, il nature hid not gtfied me with a very urincccsiMry kikJ uocomlortHble degree of reeling, which, like a refined ear for music, i undesir.ib'e, because in this world its meets with dicord ninety -nine tinr.ea. whei it merts with 11 iimouy once. Much tlvrefore a.' 1 had oCvasir.n to be scolded t, I never btciine used to coldr, so tiiat I ws juntas much led by it the h:rty-urU tirne as the fiiht There w.is no such iIunh m philosophy in me. 1 Ind j n ; t t.iit iiftreasonauii heart wlnc'i is not c nt ir ned i'ito the na ture of li'nn-ji, neither indeed can e. 1 was timd; shrinking an l pro-id. I w.t rio'hiu fo any one ariu;id mt Uul ".hu awkv.iid uril'irky by, and no'hii! to my piiciita bti! one ol hil! a d Zi.i clnl Jivn, wli-.tse laces wsr to be vv.isIm d V?e bettl a It. b.iC liHV have I e."U a' tt nP. She ma)' .'have simply' sljor.e up k. !;if! ii oni afar. . She nvi n rciurmid ic.d ui the tliatu;jce of y.eais i Ihu : t tar; that Iras set as the: mustc thai la I I iffl US .s. bau ! y - and Jo ehoWs fad e4 lnt-tti tKil M-memnered ene s with n- t'-K s', wi .Ii fe.ivor, with all th:it heart Can fc. I, and iricre than words can tell. To me there h a hctn but one sn h, and ,tha: is she wh-nn I describe. 'Wasbfie b au lilui?' you .ask -iAa Uo ill as k yotfSniie question. If an angel from heaven should dtfdl in any human f rm and animate any hu!)i:iri face, would not that face-& form te low I) ? She was not beautiful except i f tcr this fa.-hi n. How well I remember tier, as she used sometimes to sit thinking " Un her head resting on her hand her face mild and placid, with a quiet October sunshine in her blue eye and an eve.r present smile upon her countenance'""" 1 remember the Hidden sweetness of h-i look when any one spoke to her thr prompt attention, the quiet comprehension of things before you uttered them.the obli ging readiness to leave whatever she war doing for you. To those who mistake occasional pen siveness foi melancholy, it might seem -u d.me.mutablhty i emot.oo character, izes inferior orders of beings ;ut lie who t ombmes all interest all txcitei)ent -,11 perfection is 'the same yesterday, to day and forever.' And if there be any "lung Miblfmtj in lh idea of ao almiglrty mind in perfect peace with itseW, and therefore at leisure to bestow all He ener :ies upon the wants of others, there is at !est a rttl ct on ot ihe same sutlimity in tlie character of ihat human Uein who has ro quieted nnd governed the world within Uut he has nottm;g to absorb gym- palhy or di?(i-jct Htti-ntion from tikose aIIieaVi.n. round, ouch wo;i;an was my Aunt ia-1 ry. I't'r phicidity was not so much the re ult cl teisieerament as of choice. Sim uud f Very Mi i'p itatity of suffering, ii.ti- I- nt to tiie nohltfpt ami mc-st dt hcate cons H'nn.tiut) of inn;.!,- but they had btv:n so directed, .that instead of A concentrating thought on st If, they had prepared her to siddvratairid and let I for others.' .Sh3 w;is ieyond ail tlnns else a evn pilhttic peir mui; at d her citaracti r hke tnegfetd IU a ' ind'-c..i:e, less murL" ue- lor what it '.13 in nsi'il, ih. in ! r it iu atiiildi h irino iV, wdt aii the coloring and shadtlig i. f ...nid It. O.'ncr W(ir;t:i have been t.il'Jli ii.d otliersi L t e beta go id, Inji no wo- n.ih th tt i ever knew posfsed go-jdnt'sn aiid t.di-nt la tii!'in, w;.h sticil a:v inMii liVr pen option k frcei::is and such an in- 4 ainaneouj adaptl ti o iiiewi. The most titu..leitie thing in the world, is to be ctiuut -nitcd to tne socrcti ot a person n hj can nt-tr r understand a tfiiitg unie you s'.y tht; win e of it : mas K.ng y oMi ' t:.'ii.iu5 and p-, 1 1 d as you go anog; and itie inn-t de-ira'iltv iliiog; ts it five wiih a pt imii wit., savtsyc-u all ' e trouble-of talking by knowing jd?t wl ,i ou are g'.in to ray befoie y. ti begin. 5 'Uiething of this kind of talent I beun to feel to 'tny gl earl reli 1 wferif- v a I ii A k I V Came into the flllx . 1 rr-merui-er . lit very fiM evening 'it- -he r at by tlu- i;ta:lii, ;i i Maude d hy ail iht t ncif , Ik r t r- i ..n- .. . I '. .. . . . . . t . I . i on nit -.m ; i ;.ii t . i t-. :an in ii n . n.i know shi: saw mr; ..; h. n the :n'h s'.rncK 'eight, iuy nu.iin r pri cl ii ned it ie in? nt) bed lime, ik.vI my e unit Mint e !t i i- I iii.ive-d sniio v m i v fio.n the ii uei r.cikii! chair, ; nd ill uv;ht ht-vv main 1 4 1 .u.ti-UUl. Mories .A.u.ni. ivj ,,y woi.ij ti Ii hT I vas g ine iu h t! Ik: t i ri il j v ii r v : -1 .ne with mii h a real look ot unJt;tam!ii -.-itch an ei ide-iii lin.-ght inio (he v:. t iat I wt nt n. to iiiinijh i. m with a lightci heart than 1 e ver did otljre. flow very contrary is thd" obstinate ee" Innate ol the heart to ihe ratiDual estim ate of worhhy w isdom, are theie not some who can rea.t:nijer w hen one WArtf, one look, or even the-wKhhuldiuc'i a word,' (lis dr tvvn the heart more to a person that, all the subs'antnrt favor in the world? Ik'iOre A-iiit Mary had hvtd witfi us a noaih 1 ioved her more . ihan any body X ihe vvorld, and a iifiir.uiun wouhi iiave been amazed iu cifihermg nut the a inountof lavor which pr)dt!ccd the re s'iit. It was a word a look a e idle it was that she sterned ph-ased with my new kite that she n joit ed vyi:h me when I learned to spin a tip that she alone ap Iik p.-I to appreciate, my pruticiency in piaymg ball and .iiur.uleb'riUiathe nt vtr looked at aii vexi:d when I ...upset ner work box and rt curved -J4 mv ejt'Lanv and maladroit neipiumess, as jt it had been in the best taste in the world that when she w-ts suk she insisted upon letting me wait on her, though lmade my cus;oma ry havoc among pitchers and tumblers of her rooTr' 'ttud displayed throuliiiy zeal to please, a more than ordinary in-, sufficiency for my station. She also wa- ' the only person '. tver convtrsed with, and 1 used to wonder how any body who could talk ibont matters ond'things with he grown up felks could talk so sensi my about marbles and lops, and hoops and ,nates, and all sorts of little boyish mat j ier. 1 will say, by the by,4hat Ihe same peculation has olten occurred to older people concerning her. She knew the the value of varit d irforinalron in making a oman not a pedant, but a sympathetic . oinpani. nable being and such she was to every class of mind. She had, too, the : cuhy ofd rawing tdhcrs into her level d conversation so that I would often find myself going on in a most profound style and would wonder whether I was a little boy still. When she had enlightened us for miny mouths, ihe: irme came " for her to leave, and she besought my. '.mother to give me I o her for company. All the family woo fdcred:whHHleeoald fifidlu like 10 lieu I ry; but if she.didJike me, it was ho- mat 1 ter. and so I was allowed to go. 5 From that tune 1 lived with her; end there are some pei.ou, wt.o c make ine word I live signity mucn more man k commwnj dots and she wrought upon my char- acter all those miracles wrnch a benevo lent genius C?n work. She quieted my hea rt, dirtied my feelim?, - unloU ed: my mind, and-edaeaied me, not harshly .or by force, but as the sun educates the flower j into full and perfect h.'e, and when all uni was inuriai oi uei atf-a iw me wn, her words and deed of unalierabifi love shed a twilight round her memory wnicn will Ude only iu tle ungamew ui " (C .NC LUDtD Fa: M t'CR LAST ) Ft 0))i Iht FaiftUeville Ohsi rter. THE R A I LKO V D AC. MS. Estimate of thr annual productions of AbllK CO'UNf.Y. H. C. 5CO0 liaircls betf. 5000, do po;k. 1500 do wi.eal flour. 2.'00 (io hues whi at illcur. . 600,000 uusht Is potatoes. 6uu0 do flax Seed. "2jU') pontic Uidu-r, KO.OfJO d. tallow. 5i'0l) do beeswax. 0,0 0 d vvn d. i,0 t Oil do laid. -io in ) i -ij'j is -c i'lnbcrries. 5;).(JJ0 do oai'. 5000 mn h.-y. 100') .do h or and casting -20.000 :!rdi tow br-ggiog. "' '-20,000 hll lieN iipplt s. - 5D0O do. Omen,, nr. iw:s Spifh', ci .h r, ti :;ivp, toharco, "maple sugr, tin.l tr. ( uch as. cherry, volant, 4-r.) fer.-peltr), ' 'giHitn;, , sencca spukeroot.irc. (S'C. r: j.'. The cf'Unty of Ashe is ivt-r 100 miles in fengJiVfiom ,.- I : -ii - -4 40 iiIi.i .io "ii;ea ;md in. many places meantaii cxisJ)UL JLe i nerdly fertile. H'ut- urass, timothy ,, i .M.iie clover are among the natural i-nitKu lions of the c oil. I he retitaiuder of this document con tains list of the Prod ic'i.'its of certain oiinties in Virginia and Tennessee, which In m is no doubt, would reach tht; town e1 . . ....i- n,.t .i.M ..... .. u. i du ui iii.1; . mi a. uicii iui cu i ... . . ... V iigiiii.i and . Tennessee in Faytttevilie, -i -lii'i j n.tiuci nnd procuring supplies. Estimate fcr Juhfision cvwily 'Jjcnru 1000 ioi"lroii mid (J. stingf, (present actual nioJuct fjOO Inns.) " 500 ton Lt;nc. l'ork, floui arid t;r;iin,about thesame as Ashv ciiue.ty The wh 'e to in.y may be said. to. a' hound in T'-n Oru ol excellent quality. This e.i .nty was r.xt n iy taken oil dr ier ha a pn-yenf I lituiace aue 7 t itai. aieiicf in o.t:i,:'toit, wnh a prt)tpecl ol se veral oihcr htniao s onn M-.r n.i'. CAKTKK t OUN 1 Y. Also ah.iunds in iron Oit and L'rne, (I believe)- has 4 or 5 Finn ires, and ptr haps double the nun be;r of lilooim ries in opera woo, and pi odnct s (iia.a aud Bacon i t-t- eon s i de rable q u a r.tt le s vll va$ & giya:s counties, Neariv tin- irte .Irhnon atid Car ter. G RAYsON C OUN'l Y, Va. -- A-honncUim iwt.Ore.raaiieadltaa, is e xtMisively rhantilaclufcd at' scVefaT Forges, snd the county produces as much Live Stock and Gram us As; e. The an nual and vegetable productions of Gray son and Ashe are much Ihe same ru quun-titj-tt'fidiiaWy''- WYTHE COUNTY, VA. Affords excellent Iron arid Lend Ores, both of which are extensively manufac tured. The former into liar Lead and Shot. Animal arid vegetable productions same in quality as Grayson and A .-he, but , q,!inti'v equal perlnos in both. 5 j yTHE COUNTY o WASHING TON COUNTY, VA. Abound in many valuable minerals, a mong which Salt and 1'laistcr should per haps be placed foremost-- Of the-. former vast qanimts are mauuh.ctuied at Kieg's Works,, and of the latter many wagon loads are annually conveyed to a distance of .100 miles, (and all intermediate dis tances) either to enrich the fields of the husbandman, or to be Ured in building. Aniaial and vegetable productions of these two cbuuties, about the same as those of Wythe. t Iamnot awarethat finyjcrmtdernble qn-ioUUfi of CoaTFiave been discovered 111 the above mentioned region of coun- trr,lhdugh. if :alloed to icason frm analogy, may Ave not suppose that .Nature tha- been aa bon:tiful to hf ai to other re- Hfi lurnuce yet in fjei4Hu. gton 6f a nnilar appera.jce. ? ' K. MURC11180N. ouu country; Who can read the foiiowmtj details" of ' the growth of the country in the elements '?',,'"'-' i of wealth, to prescribe-a hmit to her pro - - A- - s gress ? In 1791 the imports of tbesUni- j 2 ,i t. d S atea were valued at nineteen xflJr. million?, when be it remembered, we . j had no factories of our own, anditwhea '.: even the Mini ter of the United States at '' f ill.. .,rl nt sr limti Irnoau. tii Ih.'l vl. - 1 ' ' 1 - lo.i tFii i rnulh of hu rminfrv. Ruf?' '"' . at the present time wheu so much capital . ii invested in manufactures', when too, 60 ? ma iy tiiousand persona produce at home 4 nuny ot those articles they were wont to- y. ri-ceive frim abroad yet the amount o7,-- iv. i'r.-ign importations now reach to. the f en nrnus sum of one hundred and fifty z.r , millions are likely to increase in a. similar ' ratio. t-No wonder; thai the attention of jl' the liadc vC .Euglaud jiiaJifien dire;te4io ,v r ' " the fubj.ct of A nciican trade and it'hai put forth its power on the occasion. It is dear hawt ver, that we will outgrow 4V; iU iufljence, and may in ,tiw e. to comeH and that time not distant return the" ........ Tk. k-. nli.. l I.aiI C,. . i v-uiiiii.. i lie ucri ((tilivj ui uuill uiljj land and America is a contest of kiodness .... J i I. i .. : - ... K ..If- fc. -t too nor iiofiiiiiy, aim bimi wu uc nw. . .1 e .. . dubtthe future policy of both countries." 7- 4 I'int sucn a course would be wise aui , profitable to each the following articltf rt-J will elearly demonstrate. vVor. B(&. Gypsies .--1 h chiracf er of-ih? GypTT sies, as found in England aodlbroughout the continent of hurope, and the peculiar . itc attoched to their habits of living; gre such as to induce a very general-curios ity as to their hrstory and ongrnv 'Vhcy ate generally represented as fund of wandering life , cunning, addicted to theft,' B --r---. ..' "' - V . . ' aaa a4orn aacieiyy oi tne ordinar y -if artts , mels of which tney are extremely impa- -tient. A w titer from Russia, however who had visited that country chiefly with the view of having intercourse and coil- . Ver6ing wi' h the Oyps;C3,says that at Mop cow he found many of them living in targe houses and surrounded by the luxuries and associations of. high life. He de scribes their perfection u vocal musical ; choirs surpass any other for the rich test of their voices and thorough knowledge of musical science.' The eame writef fe lates an anecdote of the celebrated dame Catalani, who was to much delight ed with a Gypey female singer vho had ,'uliowed that wbudcrful" vocalist in a performance before a brilliant audience, that she took fro n her own shoulders a sha wl which had been presented to her' by one of the sovereigns of Europe, and gsve ii to her rival. The Russian Gy p8teOr Homatteera as they -catl..themseives re, semole the members of the. race in Eng land brown and for the moat part be'aU" liful, their eyes fiery and wildly lotelligeiit, (heir hair, coal brack' and somewhat e oars'. They si.id that their fathers came from Ilomali37aV' but where that land , was they knew not.. ., ... A ftuiting farm yard. The 11 lowing skeicii oi a iuraiiv.Joaii4 djvu the Ojilft.o.u,..w To day we have passed two lare ral's, lashed togther,by whth simple convey inco several families from New England, were transporting ihemselves and tlieir property to tbeJarMLof nrpiotse: in (he western woo is. Each rati won 80 or 90' Feei longf t witli .(a, small Louse elected on ft, an J on each was a stack tt h i v round ubicli several hoi sea and cows were feeding, while the paraplieru altaofafarni yardibe: plougbsf waou.-, pigs, children and poultry, carelessly distri buted, gave to the whole more ihe appear" mice of a permanent residence, tliiiu ot a caravan of ailvnlurer?, seeliihg a home. A respectable iooking old lady, with spdctaciw on her nose, was seated 011 a chau at Uu door, of ihe cabins, employed in knitung; an other female was! tiia w:U tub, the men : were chewing their tobacco with aa rnucli easo as if tin y had been 1:1 the land of steady habits and the various avocations seemed to go on with the steadiness of clock work. In this manner our western emigrant travel at alig hi expense. They cany.wijlli them their own provjsioiisjjheir raft floats with the cux- tent, and' honest Jonathan, xsurfoundedwnh h;s scolding, squHlhng, grunting lowing and neighing' dtfpenariTs7 "float's Toihe iGtjfto-'' poaetnvnhoutl hia jBtriyal there, may go 011 shore yvithjrid houicholdr cointneuce business.wuh as iitile ceremony as a grave personage, who on his -ilia triage with, a nch"widow, and he hid ntiitiiiig to do bui wlk in and hau I'm haU ".' j ' ' - til - f -V : rt It T -"" U 7't ,.i.J; 1 -1 , 1. :'1 t : i V i ... fW"! 1 1 XtOii mtr rrrir'''

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