M: ") . 1 ' V 8TATB LEtitaUnTRK. SENATE. Wtdnmday, Mv. 30. On motion of Dr Fi the reflation proponing to the house of common that the Legislator adjourn fine die on Monday, 2d Janua ry!, was taken op and adopted. COMMONS. Wednesday, Aor. 30. James H. Jar man, one ihe member from Duplin county, appeared, was qualified and took his peat. Mr. Clayton presented a bill for thr ' erection of a new ( unty from Buncombe, by the name of Madison. ? Cemmittte of Finance Hill, Rand, Bedford, Hollingwiih, Small wood, Stal lings, Kenan, and Boon, were appointed to compose, in conjunction with such mem ben at might be appointed on the part ot the Senate, the committee of fi nance. On motion of Mr. Guinn of Macon, the committee on the judiciary were in -1 structed to inquire into the expediency f of giving the junior patentee ine ngra oi filing hu petition and suing out a sciie fa cia in his own name to vacate a grant ob tained by fraud and false Bullions of a prior patentee. Mr. Graham introduced a resolu'ion in favor of James C. Turn ntine, referred. Mr. Petty introduced a bill to repeal un set of 1835, to annex part of Wilkes to Ashe, -referred to the committee ot propositions and grievances, together with a petition ou the lame luhject. Mr. Fisher introduced a bill declaring that the shares of stock in joint stock com ptnie shall be deemed as personal es tate,. referred to th. judiciary commute , Mr. Fisher inlroducrd a resolution, di recting the public treasurer to receive cer. tain notes of the banks of Virginia, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Georgia, in payment for Cherokee lands, referred to the committe of finance. Subsequently on motion of Mr. J. VV. Guinn, !he res olution was referred to the committee on Cherokee land. senate: Thursday Dec. ) M Kerr present- ed the p lirictj of George Williamson, .. r 11 sheriff of Caswell praying tor an allow ance of certain insolvent polls, referred. On motion of Mr. Reid, a mes sage was ient to the "seftate-' proposing, to raie a joint Select committee of thiee from ijcIv house, to. take into consideration so much of the amended constitution as require? the general assembly to prescribe by law the manner of determining contested elec tions tor governor. On motion of Mr. Bamett, a select committee was directed to be appointed, to inquire whether the banking capital of the Slate ought not to be - inc reaped .,; and if so, whether the better mode of increas ing it be not by adding to the capital of banks already chartered, or by incorpora ting a new bank or banks. Mr. Moore presented the memorial of the commissioned officers of the North regt. of S okes militia, for a division of Baid regt. into two district legiinents, referred to the military committee. Messrs Taylor, Moiehead, Mebane, Carson, Kelly, and Arrington, wre ap point! ou the part ot the senate, to com pose the joint select committee, to whom is to be referred the report of the com missioners appointed for revising and di gesting the public statu e laws of the stale. The proposition of the b'oihe of com mons, to go into the election of U. S. sen ator on to morrow, was, ua motion of Mr. ByTan of Carteret, laid on the table, by a Tote of ?5 to 24. . Mr Bryan of Carteret;- fronr thr iudr- ciary .committee, to whom was referred the resolution, proposing to stnend the law relative to issuing writs of capias ad t satisfaciendum, made an adverse report ' fh nzmg the secretary of state to issue a on the subject ;which was concurred in, i duplicate land warrant to Capi. William . .. J . . . , .U ..I t. tnnr C . l- ,l and the committee discharged from the further consideration of the matter. The report of the commissioners for di-. gesting the public statute laws was read, and motion of Mr. Mur teller, ordered to be printed Messrs. Edwards, Margrave, snd Hall, were appointed, on the part of the sen- volei ,or Sud&fi Settle, one scattering, ate, to compose a joint select committee ' r Mosely who was not a candidate, of three hum eacl house (ordered to be COMMONS, raised on motion of Mr. Edwards) to ar- Saturday, Dec. 3. Mr. Courts, from range and presi ribe the tin.e and manner the commutee to whom the subject had for assembling the two houses of ij;e le- been r (erred, reported a bill to emanci gi'liiture, to compare the Voles given for pate, Henry, Fanny and John, slaves and governor, and annou'. t the result. uloldren of Mike Howard. COMMONS. , ' Received from Hi Excellency the gov Thursday, Ltc. 1. .W. Graham, from j ernor, a commui'iication in relation to the the judiciary committee, reported against lum.er legipirtiion, mi mis Hiiil, oil me utji t t cf the tax on stage pla)ers and (questrian nerforn.tr ; roncurred in. Ir. Graham, from the same commit !etreM.rttd inlom ally on ihe resolution i.diitive to give a legislative construction on the gill section of the conti utlon of the f I . I . . I . : . . I . L .Ihe Siate,;- the report was. concuned and the) the divunm of .Orange couMy but the ".-on-! m-rttee--dic harped from the further Mnotron i recmitde.r wattjtcted. " v .u-idt raTonof the sotjt rt. J Mr. I)Uon Iwrdwi, from the joint sH .Un liiouon ol Jiir. Uiatiam, liesolvcd,! mi ins x xcciitncy me governor rr- f bill tji,i:Mii; id iKhim tnjs tiouse, upco wn.;t t I---- - .S 1 -. .1 - '. 'Tii.? :- d ttu.7i vsh( rn thf loan of 400,-1 and last session, has been "obtained. c. The bill to incorporate the Milton Man ufacturing company, paesrd its third read ing, and was ordered to be engrossed, On motion of Mr. Hutchison, a mes sage was sent to the senate, proposing rh'at the two bouses do, on to morrow at 12 o'clock, co into the election of U. S. Senator, iir place of Hon. Willie P. Man- gum, resigned, and informing that the name of Robert Strange is in nomination ior the appointment. Messrs, M'Ntill. Koberts and tiran - bury were appointed by the speaker, sto comnose. on the nart of this fiuuse, the joiiil select committee on the library. SENATE. Friday, Dec 2. Mr. Bryan of Carteret, presented a 1 t t s tu amend iho act of 1030, authorizing the government to appoint commissioners to take the acknowledg ment and pn'ofof deeds and instruments under seal and depositions. Ke uved from his excellency Gov. Spaiijht a message communicating the re p rt of VV, . Ilnywood, Jr. Efq. as agefit for the state to procure a loan of ($400,000, read and on motion of Mr, Music), transmuted to the house of corr-J mon. ) On motion of Mr. Reinh.it dt, thr ju diciary comirittee-Wi re instructed to in quire into 'he expediency of sj mending t ite road laws as to make it llw duty of ovt'rrcprs of hw'hwnv to .'iccount lor all . 1 - " .. Ti . t .1 1 . . . ( urns iney nay town in. in ueiinqucu' hands. t OM:M()NS. Friday Det. 2. I ne hill directing the Dub'li: IteaMir er to receive in payment foi Chuokee, Umk. .the bank notes ' , - Virginia, .Tennessee South Carolina and (ieJig.a, was reported by Mr. Sitterth- wiii.e from Ihe committee, passed its 3 J reading nnd was ordered to be engrossed. I ti" em 10 lav t-rt trom uraniie. a new county to be called Jt lieison, was, alter being advocated ry Mr. Graham, and op- J r 7 po-td by Mr- Moore, 1 ejected ou its sec ond rearing, bv a vote ot 48aes to 63 noes. On motion of Mr. Huti hinFon, a message , . . - ..... . ,CT-.Li,. ,'. . l imo an el'-t tton tor a benator 10 the con gre?.- of! the United 5?'.at s, to supply the vaf uncy occisioned by 'he. resignation of the lion. Willi- P. Mangum. The hi! I h lion ing public officer?, or their-d-pties, trt-atJu.in;fter oali in cer tain f.Ht,'- received its final reading, and was ordiuU to e engrored. . fcENA'IE. Saturday, Dn 6 JNir. bryan ol terei pi-fBenikd aOiII to kive Ic-sors of Und a lien upon the crops of their lessees tnr thp naiiiifvnt ..I (h ri.ir " t vi l' n . . i i.iii u., tr M . K-ll j-rcsenttd a h i to lay off a V ,cu lut w " t'-t- 1 h brl to amend the bci ol 1830, rel-, ative to Liking the acknowledgment of dteds was r'd the second and thud tunes and ordf red to be engrocsed. 0:i Aiotion of Mr. Un an of Carteret it Ie:-ohed, Unanimously, by the seoatelding for me biennial election of comptrol Ol .h G ll'eral Afsemblv of the Slate -Of , North Caiolina, that we have heard with deep itgiet and unfeigned sonow, of the death of the Hon. Jttte Wilson, a Senator elect ot this body from the 1st senatorial district oi this state; and that iu comir ou witn the community at larg,we lament the lost of the talents, the virtues and emin ent worth, which, by his death, we have all sustained. fittolvt That the members of the Senate, will wear the usual badge of mour ning as.. token of the respc-ci thty.,bear to the deceased. M r. Montgomery from th eoinmiUee 0tt the stibjcct, rcperfed a f esolution ao V illiams, .No. I860, for hw revofutiona ry services ? which passed three readings; and was ordered to be( engrossed. According to a previous order, the sen ate went into an electido of 0. S.S.enator, in place ot Ivlr, Mangum, which resulted in L'4 votes for Judtze Slran're. and 5 slate loan of $400,000 referred to the committee ol tinance, on motion of Mr Graham. i'he bill concerning bodies corporate in i ttis state received its nnal rcadini: and was ofdred to be engrossed. Mr. iiHoir oTdan moved to reconsider j vote of yesterday, nicctiiur the bilMor ltctcon:nittee on the eul ject, reported to receive t Ik: portion of; he euruiu ! revenue accruing to iMorth Carolina,-f - T'm 1 at their request, the coiiMnittee wafjj re n - . . ...... ' i ii.i of the subject, the bill was ordered ta unnted. Mr n tnrtan nhfa r.d pare ot ab . . . . t i t I .... . 1 HI- M scence until I nursaaj anu mr. n. King until I uesday next. I.': .:l !' A. .. . f . f . ' ..ir, to go into an election for Comptroller and Publ.c Printer, and informing thai ih. Win. F. Collins is in nomination for the tarst appointment , On motion of Mr. Hoke, ordered that I paid message lie on the table. j lr accordance wnn a previous oiurr ! (he houne went into an election for U. S. Senator in place of Mr. Maogum re- j signed which resulted in Judge Stange'a 'receiving 61 voles and Judge Settle 58 votes. SENATE. Mdnday, Du. 5 The bill to incorpor the Milton manuficturing company, de ceived us third leading and was ordered to be enrolled. Un motion 01 iwr. wryan oi uanerer, was resolved that a committee of two be apoinied to inquire lato the expediencyof defining what Miall be consideied private and public bills, as contemplated by the constitution of lh tate. COMMONS. Monday 5. Mr. Craham from the ju diciary co r.mtttee, reportetl unfavorably on i lie resolution for increasing the com-. penation to witnesses in certain cases, concurred in by the house. Mr. Graham from he pame committee, reported against the expediency of so a mending the law as to affix thj penalty of; whipping to the crime of malicious mis - of:" cenaiote,-repon tuuiuuru Y - p . ' . J Mr. Stockard. on motion obtained leave -to withdraw from tne tiles ot the house, I the petition and documents relating to the 1 - j ing rejected the bill for that purpo?. I he apeaker laid befort- ih tiouse the report ot the 'President of ihe Ral. igh and . anu ' " """" t . 1 i . 0 r ..1 umu pi i a rraA t, fh f 1 win niitf' 1 1 1 f r f 1 ai : tVflC Itltl M U 1W VOIIIUIMiV, V lltWrltlV ! improvement, J III Kill 1W I'll' The bill to amend an act of last ses.non i authorizing the governor to convey to ihe , lustices ot May wood county certain ImuU J - .... . 1 . lilt uni urcifinig UJdi uir jiiairj u stock incorporated companies shall be deemed and taken as personal estate. ai.d the bill increasing the liabilities oCi Bheritis pa?-,eJ. their filial rcadiug. and were ordered to be engrossed. ' j 'Surplus Revenue The bill to tuthorizt 'the receiving ot the portion of ihe surplus J revenue to wl.i.h North Carolina oiay ne L.ar-.)eilNtj.(j WJH passed unanimously, 108 members being present, and ordered to be eii'Tos.-ed - - JL : .".If- U 1 . .... I . . j-. ; ,et(f y Governor, transmitting the re. fjierrorsoi pre-ioem ano vice presiem. ill., r.ull 1 read dl)(j ou ,otion of J. W. Guinn, sen! to the senate. SENATE. Tuesday, 6. On motion of Mr.Bryan of Curteret.the judiciary commutee were in- I structed to prepare nnd report a bill provi- U.r on4 n.ihl.r nnnlpr at.d nrPKrnl.n... iIip manner in wtnen tne saia elections stion take plce. Mr KeJly from the committee on claims reported a resolution allowing George Willi amson, late shffiff of Caswell, 6 ' 39 ' tor msolv, nt polls j f)0, J(lstKe is the high ,t .xp. di. n The resoluuon authrirtz.ng . the gpTrrn; ,am H(ir,. South Caroima is the or to draw on the publ.c treasurer hr', s,al(. jn tfie Union t at wonld know sum sufdcient to ,neet the contingent en-;, ,ni..ta ,ic .,..a .. ,i i penses ot the Cherokee land sales, v as a mended on motion of Mr. Carson, pa.;.ed lU-thuxireadinii and was ordered to be en grossed. Mr. ILJ wards trom the committee on the itubjecf, rportd a resotunon direct ing that the two house shall assemble in ihi-' f'ommnr.6 IIll on 'I'hursda V. l.Sli D.-f 1836 at 12 o'clotk,-o. e member of ihei bwate( i,Wl?two,iWmber.of mons, to beappomted as tellers, svho are ' . i;S l oi. yftr .,n..j....r L to make a list ot votes ic goveiwor the? ehall be declared; (he result to cc handed to the speaker of the senate, ho shall announce to the two houses the pir on elected, which ennunciation shall v sufficient declaration nf the person elec ted, and together with a list of the votes,. shall be entered on the journals of the two . houses-which report wis adopted. I COMMONS, Tuesday, 6. Mr. Graham from the. judiciary cornmittee. to whom ihe ject was referred, made a report relative J lo the act of last se.ion to regulate the mode ol passing private acts by thegtner - al assembly--anu to ascertain what laws ought properly Mo be denominated public,! and what private acts, committee dischar- j tied (rom the further cou-ideration ot the tsuhjct by their own reauent, and, on motion of Mr. Hawkins, report ordered to be printed. ' The hill to emancipate. ilenry fanny and. John, sLves and children of Miles Huwatd, passed its third reading, ayes 6Z no-ei 39 id was ordered to be., en grossed. d A a . jvir. Alore, from the -committee on ihe vised statutes reported No. 1 entitled a bill ascertaining the mode of proving boolf . ...i i 1 . :o (!. rfait DC accounts -wntcii pawn " " 'v tog. . MM ' C A I lArvtHMflQO - . Mr. Moore trom me same luumihicc,;. mine you win, arwi ,k - I ' !..J I. . 1 1 rn,rr,mlf VVrprUt A irpwneu i-ui.ciiib - - - - wreciteu property, ana a "in iuui-ci...uS nrrb. A nmnpr v aiul A nil! Concerning ..ki: .-.,r..,.t,fJ wKirh fn4;rd ihe.ir first reading. . EXTRACT to the From Gov. Mjl)itjjit s Message r .,'J..i.j f S'.ijA ( yn rit tift. jruiuiuii wy ,UJU. While South Carolina is thus indignant- reDe inj? all foreign attempts to violate ly repelling all foreign attempts ine : sanciuary anu e..ud..g. r ,c of her domestic institutions, it become her. in a neculiar ra inner, to anstain trom every sort of interference, with the domes 1 - ' tic controversies of all other States, for eign or confederate. The doctrine of siixt 1 non-interference, is one of the most impor-nf. , ae'e'ice 0f ., . ...ecod. of mterna, bMirr re no comanunitied on earth who should ijn()id it g0 $Cred as the slave-hiding stales of this Union. If by their example, in giving countenance to the unlawful en terprise of their own citizens against a neighboring b neutral power, tliey should weaken tha mtjnence of thai principle amrng nations, they would commit an of fence against their own institutions by im pairing the sanctity of their surest guaran tee against toreign intrunrn. Entertaining. thei.e opinions, I have looked with very deep concern, not un nnngled with regret, upon the ocenrrenct s which have taken place during the pres ent year, in various parts of the Uiuted , g eIafve to the civi, war whkb s ill in progress, between the republic of Mtxtco;' and one of her- revolted pro vm ces. It is "true that no country can be responsible .for the sympathies of its citi zens ; but I am nevertheless utterly at a loss to 'perceive what title either of the parties to iln controversy can have, to the sympathies of the American people. If it be allege d tht the insurgents of Tr-x-as are emigrant from the United .Stute", it is obvious to replv thil by their volun 'ary expatriation under whatever cir cumstances ot adventure, of speculation, of honor or of infamy -hey have for felted all claim to our fraternal regard. It it hrt fjven frue; that they have left o.d of freedom for a land of dc-ipolis.-n. they have done it with their ey..u open nd deserve their destiny. Thre is but too ' much reason to behave that uany of them have gone as m i adven turtrf, speculating upon the chances ot I lina Mr. Van Vle..lt 'viil carry with establishing an '"iudependriit government j him the sincere wishes of manr in this 111 Texas, and of seizing that immense ( city for his prospericy in tho new and irp and feinl" dom-iin by the title of 'he , port in ( barge to which he has been call- sword, but be this as it may. wren lht bee ttiir ciJizenj ot M xiro, 'hey Oe- Ao;e s.UHi"Cl to tne coiititi:Uou ainl : n untry ; and wh.t.ver cha,.,r, Mexican people m.y have since mite itHh . f Ci,n,trt1TtiorT and those t.W- ihrv ... J ;ne matters witn winch toreiu u cn hive no cMic:rn, and ot which the) h.ive no right to take cognizance. I trnt, therefore, tfiat the State of S :th Caroli na will give no 'countenance, direct or in direct, open or concealed, to any ait which may comprornit th h'-.ufralit) ot the United Stales, or bring into question their plighted f-itu. Justice stern and unbending ju?ticc in our intercourse" with other States, should be prm( Mf i to all the cornsideratien of mere expedi - expec.i- h; fl(JI:BM,Pfl. M(lt fhpw rjr, J l"t soiicu cuiikii puiiiKal morality. " U anv consideration c(Mild add to the inlrtrrtic wWghi-i4 -4hoe hih-inducemeiiU to ab-taih from evi r pi cies of interte-- j. ... ... V. V.. .l.l.lIJ i . rinti and frfCTuffy State, it would bi the ' tieiic udous reirthiitioii to which we are p-ruh-rly ex,,.,ed on our Mlu'-h-west. retaliation. J''V '" ,e U 'ld fttaus, and aided by some treat E:ii!M)ean power, hoidt the standaid ot - i mi vile in-'ii ruction u LjOdgiaita and ihe ii iihbcru.g States, how deep would be . out -"il-reproach. in r tlrrting that tiiete j atrou-'H proceedings, ncived even a 5lor?jbie ajrolagy from our own t'xVmple, . ' .1 I. I , I. - l' ........ J r ; s' j There . one qufst.on connected with I this c:itrovt ny, vl a dth.n.e character, ; sub-!upn which it may be pn per thtt you , should ftxpress opinion, r ou are 'j doubtless h ware tliat the people ot l exas, ) lby ut ahrirtit unanimous vote, have ex-j pressed their desire to he admitted into our coifi deraty, nd application will pro- bab'y be made loConnss for -that pur- nose. ! l.i My opinion ootigress ougn' ior even to entertain such a proposition in the ' nrnt slate of the controversy. If we admit Texas into our Union while Mexico ia still wagmt war against that Provi ice, with a view to reestablish her supremacy over it, we half by the very act Ustlf, make ourselves a pny to the war. Nor can we take this 6hpwithout incurring thtc heavy responsibility until Mexico het self ehall recognize tho iDdependence ot rber reVoiUii.Provittce, . i Tiafirip a .,..... -1 . , mr. van n " J V m uie i, t I t It m lift " lOHf lr8 nOW lh.lt fho r. , 1 . . "H- - j - i""m;8in tfj,. ..,. . c...7 umncca. i0j "rumn mk- ITMIV Olianrprl Ti: 0. Ot DUDliC sentiment wi Imi-K k: ation and forbearance in the exercise f P.ower 8ho,,,J tlK be 80 "-rtu.ii.te aj t0:Wl the prize (or which he fctrni . ..fl prize for which he strutm!u. v!0 friends are evidently disappointed ih'i h cannot gather to himself that large h ( UCSlOVVprl ........ w.cr JC : .jjie Desl(, e- , u ,Ucc fu, . f V reSard hu triumph as a partial defeat of the his be f(j consiu?1nated h , fi What-ever , k Prtj l( ... , .... J "c '"e r. a 111 fu in 1 1 fi 1 1 1 r 1 v k , r . - "Z Z.. "T nion will II have, the proud satisfaction 0f : that, if 'hey fail, they l.ave Dr knowin ' s 1 . 1 .- j Li ' P'C , - . 4. , " c m;in- idiutu iu imii bu j " ' iiirt; nv ire people Wurctster Palladia Plain Language. The Nnv Herald state- ihai tt e Rev. Mi. Ware jn this citv in his ireent faie'Aeil , rm'0n gave In, congregation rathnr severe lee! IntnnJ i v. tlu ... I .1 'tore. I have' said he labored h r... several years to i.tve souls but my hesrj. ers aie so negligent and inattentive, find "it is no me. The-fashions and vini ties of this world overpowered the word I have been offered an increase of 8far. but increase of salary is not my object. If is increase of grace ncrejie of 4V4. ion. I Hui going wlire my salary will he less, but where I h jpe there will more piety and mou r. ligion.' ' THE VI' E PKKSIDENCY. It is ascertained iht neither of Ihe canilidatts for this offi e will be elecied bv he people; th- c hoire, therefore will devolve on the Senate of the United States, who will have to choose from the two hi;hc-t Candid if os in the Electo ral Co'!eT. Fi';n every indention re ceived. w. are jutted in the aieriiof) that R M. Johnsi V hoprs for this sta' tion are bla.ted. Waxhingtim Sun. Bishop Kan Vtcck.TUe Rev, Will iam fl. Van Vitck, who for several years fnd the pastoiai charge of tha Moravian Church in this city, has recently betn ircieo 10 tne otnee ol a biboprand will Ihearafler reide at Slei, North Caro- ! ed. JV Y Com. Jdv. IOR IHE OMr.tNMioKOi.erl 1'ATRIOT Ms. Eort'iR":'"- '"" " '"' " Jn your lat pi per appeared a Love letter sig;nd O. 1'. wbirh it was said lind betti rei !ve'i y a younj lady near your (own. I m i!ui young lady. 1 h.vt i-'scertaieed, by some of those ans in wbicb iIkih.; oi our at.x are deemed expert, that i '',e v;y ireniltma i w.jo sent you the leticr 1 ,0' publication ws hr who had previously ' 'i,!en " u "" Now, oi jiiHtice 10 me, I h"l,e " H" Plinl ,ne following answer, ot" ! 1l!ch 1 'ned a copy, I NACi. I 1 I cotdes I wns not at all 'surprised at re ceiving a uiiiet-doux from you on the subject of love, courtship, and matrimony. 1 bee you to accept my gratetul acknow- ledireinenis for Tour coirinfuuent to what you are pleased to call my 'intrinsic worth. 1 was delighted, nay, 1 laughed outright, at the ill success of your 'imagination bdrna on the pillion of tancy' in search of .-nine object ioiiWi'S'"' : lien. .must, have had I rather a disagreeable n ie on tl;e back cf your. afyj for this fancy of your., if Tinay judge by the ca pers it cuts in your epistle, la a very rude and unmanageable hack. 1 1 seem., however, you searched in viia to find some tertettiral bject to which you. might compart ine.' Now, my dear sir, I I have been more fortunate in search of rninnnrmonn fnr vnur .invaluable self f mijht Jnention a hundred but for the pre sent 1 must be excu?ed for going no further than the calf-ta to find a very apt resero- i blanoe. Audi must n candor say, that it ',,... (hr.il ll. ul.,n,i.nfH nf llpinimtllOneS. (h(J s Bll0n o(H a Ml,on and the genius o( fi . ulli(C(J to your pretcnt tlock of VOu woul(J w bec0(ne . ve t Ca!fi take occasion to present you my hearty jhankh for aM the compiunenta you are piea- se( to bestow on my 'persons J and mamai endowments. And considering the very sincere regard 1 leel lor you, ana me acy likely to exist between 1 feel that it will be no breach of propriety not only to 'amilo on you. but to lauirh in your face. I trust vnii will not construe any thing-1 have written into flattery that I always wish to avoid what i eay it honestly prompted uy the sentuuents, 1 am constrained to feel b: wards you. As I have th strainer to wash, the mush water to put on, and the sausages to fry, must conclude by subscribing myself Your affectionate . - NANv- . -1 -.-.J -