r1' 'i.- W ' mm .-W -TTl -r T I . ...-..? " V.- W ' " ' . . .,11 ,r VOLUME X. GREENSBOROTJGiirNdKllI-CAROLINAi FEBRUARY' 1 'nit 'v'!? J w ;f' 0..; ol " 'ii'. -t ' q tr hM 'Mi reriFi.- v'- l v 4lamc within UiMlwwipti(3rff witt b? o4f4 - jnli'eitiya vf hi wiJi to ejntjpuhpp5xj:iyj yTyr ' Ap?Tio 77V GRAra elect. nefl; 'onyroowlyi f'niicr-Theiiior!,wn a'tbc iatf BeNfl,Jirne"l), Knowlrt,lcIieed lhat, Gry - . j "-.' .(! ' ' r i1 '.i-' .; bad noi fiTo to ipe luiijecw m in , nuie cdpugq pi, . fio'iu chiruter lo renjer ti) ciiarm 'cpmpIeU ; htncc b wMt Uicw lq Ml jw. tbeipx in, tboj glff j; Upj rr from tb rotdJaniiif crowd J ijriiilia itrita.'! t - ?''' B'UfJl if --. ..i'..il , , N mint fa j wftltb, no pnlirnf ifter ame ! s t, l .i:.!.!.!: - L. : : i ' And urceu mem onwiiu 10 nuuivr aim. ; , f h ;," bl i k.. i t'i'.'Jgi': from fverjr coltgi with lh Jjrj ro i,n(t,i j u ' Th halwcii vuic of fptril lirealbing prater ; AnJ kiiWtm fithim, kt apeful tloiw', 1 ' Like holy ineenot, cfatnnMl 0o erinjId Tfcooshlneyveach torn or human lore unknown, . v -vTba brilliant frth l acirnoe 1ier Irwd, ,K Jf Jba aacfj Vtjine aiuiftl ibfir Ulrla aUn.'-'t 'iiC- . JTf liny from 'Tft,, 'y'nl;'Awwftw, Tbe pure and glaJJeneJ watera day 'by day 4 , Xearned aiaco uur daya are esil, fVet, and few, To walk in VVjadorn'a bilgU and peaceful way. In yon tone pile, o'er wliich hath ateffily paiacit " ! Tl heavy hand of all.flealin8;'"n. K,! -' thfaa 'Tlirouuh wboae low moulOrio j aiala t now, aigba- lha J And. 'round whoa atlai, graaa and )y cUnib;yf. . - They gladly thronged, .their grateful hyntat to taiae,: ".' Oit a-lhe calm and holy bbaUi, ahone j i iiiinglcd tiViufc of their praveia'and ptaua ' In aweet coimnanion iowi w ';rt the throne.' 1 1 . . . , .... .... -... "i . .. . ,.i'r lar. from thoae honored lipa . Wliaacred Cior . beat I VI Fiam Hw a high ehancery haih touched ncy iXintba wbickt tbvir ceal infUra,'thrir trnpe inapire, : ttUio wjqUf tojaitlt, and check afHtcliual teat, r ' ' AVhen life &iwed hy, and like amngel. Death -: 3 ' , jUaiM to releaoo tbeirvto the worlds h hiub,' .t , . 'Pra'lMtremtiled atill nn each eapiiing Weath, , .. Andholy triunipti bearoed from every tye. , " r- .t vji :' , : 1 '.H-l - Then gentle hand their "dual to dual! conagn ;. , !WHh (juiet, teiifit the aim pie 1 ilea areaaid; ' Jand here they ak-ep. 'Ill, at the ironip Uivinr1, i ' ; durinff Ilia license ol tn cir;l war, 1 Be as;.. tvblf that hai roitmrd oar island had bf h slairi in Scotland i ehert time; before the cloa? of the regin or Uhftrlea the-faeconn. out many breeds now ttinf:( orf are,"Doth 6f quadrp jiedt and t Wa, wer? stUtVpiAinoofriiax: ptititfo'Xittfiiib 'mtaf Countir, ht IJ almost at acred a'a that oft human being:, was cohniJr red as a Vnere' nuIance.'I.'OIi er St. John fold the Lonl Parliamerit that Strnf Tprif not ttt be regarded, bo at a stag or a hare, to whom tome law .was to be given, but'aa a fW, who "watlo b inared by any means, ahd knock rd ' on Ihe held Witboiit' tyif. "l; This' illustrftttori Would be bf hi hieani a'happjroheiraddresacd Id iountry gentle rrteti of our timej but in St; Jonri'a dayt 'there were -noi 'stldom great massacrea of foief. to Which the' peasantry thronged with' all lheldog that could be mustered traps were set; nets Were spread ( no'quarter was given and to shoot a female with cub was considered at a feat which merited the gratitude of the' neighborhood. 1 1 lie Trd tire r were then 11 common 10 Uiouces atershire and Hampshire at they ftow" are among the Grampian 11 ills. On one occasion Queer) An ne, on her way to Portsmouth saw a' herd of no hs than five? hundred. wild buir, with his white mane.'waJ still to by found wandering in n few of the iouthern Arrest.' ,'i'he bad per made his dark and tortuous hole on the side of every hilt where the copsewbod grew thick.'" The w'ilj cats were rreiienilv beard by hlcht wailing round the Iddgea of the rangers of Wrmilebory and Need-,; wood". 1 The fellow breasted marten was still h i-' sued in CjajriGourne Chase for his1 hi, reputed bar lyinferia toibaiof the asUe..., Fen eagles, peas- urinsnore than nine feet between the eitremltiea courtiers'who filleij th 1 butef room had cbmmunf. cated their tUspicion's to rch mher by whispers -j-r. :e'' im . " . ! 1 .1. anu igiiii;cani glances. 1 ne uooy was at ieii;iii tnrowo open, and toe crowd, a&am filled 'Ibe 'I'ha tlwth ami Ucvan render up tbeia dead.' .WXSSBStS&Ei&k, of the wingfl, preyed on fish along the coast of the Nor folk. On alt the downs, from the British Chan- iin to i uiksuire, iiujjc nusiirus sirajri. in iroujis j of buy or wxiy, and wore often hunted with grey hound. 1 I he marshet of Canibridct-thiro end Lincolnshire were covered during some, months of every year by immense clouds of crane. Some of these mcea the progress of cultivation haaxurpateu ui others the numbers are so much diminished ibat men crowd lo gaze at a specimen a at t Ijengal tige-v or PoUr- beari""- - . Macauley gives this vivid acetcb of the scene at Whitehall, on the lust Sunday on earth of the Merry'Monarch : ilia folace had (ddom pretcnled a gayer or a more acamlaloua appearance than , on the evening of Sunday, the first of February, JC83. Some grave, jieraons who had gone, thither, after the fashion o( that age, tojay their duly u their I -It wot now' late in thef ef eftiagV K5g seemed much relieved by what had pavaed.' -His natural children were brought to his bedside, the dukea of Grafton. Southampton, and Northumber land tons of the Duchess of Cleveland, the Duke of Su AlbahaJ" son of Eteaner G wynn, and the Dute of Richmond, ioifof ihepuchess of Ports mouth. f Charles Pleased .them 'all, but' spol;o' with 'petutinr tendernesi to' Richmond;' One face was wantinc which should have been there. The oldest and be-t beloved 'child Vat; an exiltt and wanderer, ( tit'nane Was not price' rcention ed by his;athervf VSM S'vV i. During the ; nlnht 'Charlea earnestly" rtfeorn inended the Duchess of Portsmouth and her boy to the Care of James J "And do hot, he good na tnredly added,let poor Kelly; atarve." ' The queen sent excuses for her "absence by tlalifax; She said, that she was too much difordt r d to re sume ber post by the" couch, and implored pari don' for any ffrnce which she might unwittingly have cien. , She aslt pardon, poor woman f" cried CharlesV atkers wit all my heart' ; "The morning lijh'. began to peep through th windows of Whitehall :' and Charles desired ibe attendanta to iull aside the curtains, that he.niigbn have one more look at the day. L He remarked that it was time to wind up a clock which stood near his bed. " These little, circumstances 'were long remembered, because thejf u.pro?et ,beybol dispute that, when he declared himself a Homan Catholic, be was in full possession ' of bis . facul ties; ' lie apologized to luosewbo bad atood,s round him all night for '.the trouble he had .caused.' He had been he said, a most unconscionable tuiie.l dying ; but he , hoped.'. hey would excuse it. Ibis was the Inst glimpse of that exquisite urban ity, so often potent to charm away the,, resent ment of V juatiy' incensed nation. . Soon after dawn the speech of the dying, man faikd. Be fore ten bis aerfsea were gone. Great numbers Iilracts froiif Itacatilcf s'llislof roT" EBnghnd aHht 'tint of Ihejlccession of Jame II. Few .will read without surprise this account "of Uhenoitbero.dwtricts, -now the great -hives' tPl cBrttisli industry and great marts of British mana ifaeiBre: ,;- - '.JjlL'T "Uefnrs the union of the two British crowns, aao'd long after thut union, there was as great a dif fertnee between Middlesex and Northumberland as there now is between Massachusetts and the aettlements of those squatters who, far to the west of lhe Mississippi, administer a rude justice with tbe rifle and the dagger. In the reign of Charles uhe second, the traces left by agea of elughtt r and piUage weu still distinctly perceptible, many miles .south of the. Tweed,, in the face.tf, the country ao4 iq 'the lawless roanneH "of the people;". There was s;itl a large class of moss-troopers, whose cal llirig was to plunder dwellings and to dri.V,away ewhole herds of cattle. l was found necessaiy, -aooh after'the Resiorntion to eniict laws of great severity for 'the 'prevention of these ou: rages.' Tl'he tcagistrateS of Northumberland and Cumber land were authorited to raise bands of armed lien ffor the" defence orplroperty and order ; and provis ion was made for peeling the expense of. these' defies. by. local. taxation v- . 7, . ;, . j ," , The parishes wt re required to keep blood hoUhds for the purpose of hunting the freebooters. JMany old men who were living in the middle of Abe eighteenth century could. Well remember the nime when those ferocious dogs were common, fifes even with such auxiliaries, it was often found impossible lo track the robbers to their' retreats enong the bills and morasses. For the geography of that wild country was imperfectly known. Even After the accession of George tbu Third, the path Haiti the fells from Bdrrowdaje to Uaveng.'as waa .11 'iix: . . 11.. t .l ji ' ; The London JJrilith Banner thus glances at the scenes which have transpired during the pas1 oar. ou court woum wear a ceceni aspect, were ctill a aecret carefully kept by the dalesmen, some 31 waom nau jirooaoiy in tncir youtrj etcapea frd'm the pursuit of '.justice' i b y'tibat road. $ The ataata of the rrt nlrv and the farper farm houses wire, fortified'..'' Oxen were penned el," nigbt '.be- aneaio me ovcTfiangiogf oatutmenjs. oi ,ie f Jence, which Vas koow'a by the, name of the tPeel, s The inmatei slept Wllu BrtI) at their sides. iHuge stones' and boiling water were in readiness lo crush'and ccnld the plunderer who might ven ture to assail the little garrison j No traveller ven tured into that country .without, making his wU. The judges on circuit, with the whole body pi" bar risters, attorneys, clerks,' , nodi serving men, fode on horseback from lewcatle'Ja, Carlisle, armed; , and escorted by, a strong guard under, the com rosnd of thi; sberifTif Ii was liecessary tofarry provisions; for the country wa a! wildetnesi which, afforded no supplies., "The spot where the caval cade halted to dine,, uodyr nn, immense oak, is noi vet fotgotte'n. The irregular vicor with hich . criminal instice was admtnisiered shocked ibaei 1 vers wnose uie nau oeen passeu in more tnnquil district.'.' Juries,;, animated,; by a sense of com mon danger, convicted housebreakers and cattle aiealers wilbj the pcoinpliiude ,f ti cpuri-inurtial in a'mutiny i Vrjd the convicts" wei'V feunied by cores .to', he, fallows. VVV;ihja,,fbe,,,J,clhbry of struck with astonishment and horror. '1'he great gallery at Whitehall, an admirable relic of the hJfguificeDce of the T.udprs, waa crowded with revellersand ga.1nble.1s.' The king sal there chat ting and toying with three women, whose charms were ihe boast, and whose vices were the dis grace of three nations. Barbara Palmer, Duch ess of Cleveland, was there, no longer young, but still retaining some traces of that auperb and vo luptuous loveliness, which twenty years before overcame .the hearts of all men. There loo waa the Duchess of Portsmouth, whoss soft and infan tine feaiuiea were lighted up with the vivacity of France, llorlensia Mancini, Duchesa of Maiar in, and niece of the great Cardinal, completed the group. She had been early, removed from - her native Iwly to the court where her uncle was sa preme. His power and her own attractions hud drawn a trd of illustrious suitors round her.'. Charles himself, during his exile sought her band in vain. No gift of nature or pf fortune seemed to be wanting to her. tier face was beautiful with the rich beonty of the south, her understanding quick, her manners graceful ; but her ungovernable nas s ions had turned all these blessings into curses. She had found the misery of bimII assorted marri age intolerable, had fled from her husband, had a bandoned her vast wealth, and after .having as tonished Rome and Piedmont by her adventures. had fixed her abode in England. Her house was the favorite resort of men of wit and pleasure who, for the sake . pf her smiles and her table, en dured her very frequent fits of insolence and ill humor. . Uocliester and Oodolphin sometimes forgot the cares of slate in her company.. : Bar rillon and Saint Evremond found in her draw ingroom consolation for their , Ions banishment from Paris. . The learning of Vessius, the wit of Waller were, daily. m ployed to flatter and amuse herrrUin herdisea8tfd"mind rTeqotred stronger stimu.ants, ana sought them in gallantry, in bass et, j and to usquebaugh. bile Charles flirted with his three sultanas, Uortensia a I' rencb page, a handsome boy, whose vocal performances were the, delight of Whitehall, and were rewarded by numerous presents of rich clothes, ponies, and guineas, warbk-d some, amorous verses.) A par ty of twenty courtier., were seated at cards round a large table, on which gold was heaped in moun tains. . Even fhen the King had complained '.hat he divl not feel. q 11 na well. , lie had no appeliu? for his supper his rest that, night was , broken 1 but on the following morning he rose, as usual. ;arlyi The introduction of the Roman Catholic priest by the Duke of York, and the last moments of the King, are thus described; , The Dukes ordeis were obeyed; and even the physicians withdrew. The back door was then opened, and Father Huddlestoi entered. A cloak Imd bern thrown tiver his sacred vest ments, and his shaven crown was concealed by n flowing 'wig. : Sir,' said the Duke, 'this good mSince sved your t fc. Me noW conies lo save your aoul.t Charles faintly answered, v. tie is welcome tluddlwon went through his part Lllt I ban tat . J . ,. . ' . some wha are still living., the sportsman who won- bed. listened to the eon vevaaiin. MMMA..rii fejed in pursuiiof gan souna io. neatns rouna rveeiuar vasue jicopieo uy a race scarcely leas savage than the Indians ofCal ifornia, and heard with surprise the half, poked wothe.n chaiinting a wild measure j w bile the ineo, wit brandiahef lirkiaaKfed aw Turn ws next to tboaa counties which are now most riraarkable for their agricohurai Wealth t ' It ia to be remarked, that wild animals of large , siae were then far mere qiiaerous than at present. The seat wild boara, indeed, which had been pe served foribe -royal diversion, and had been al- Jewedtersvsge the tulivaled land with theirtusks. bad bee slugteredyj-hirwpt "A dread uncertninty hangs over the future of the nations of Europe. The form they may ultimately take, and the spirit of which that form will become the body, none 'can tell. Mo infer ence from any existing data, at all approaching probability, can yet be orawn ; but it seems be yond doubt that t'lese kingdoms can never be come what they, were, and that, in the end, the cause of true religion will be the gainer. No year. in huropean hiaiory, has been so signalized by politicul convulsion, and constitutional change. The year 1848 had scarcely dawned, when the wotk of overturning Legal opening with the in surrection of Sicily, on the 12'h of , January, and on the 29th the new Constitution was proclaimed ; on the 20Ui the King of Denmark expired, nnd the "U.h announced the granting of a new Con stuution ; and the 7lt) of February proclaimed a like blesiflg,'or ,Surdinia, Froin-lhe3th, io, the 12th the subject of Reform was fiercely debated in the French Chambers ; on the 22d the people of Paris rose agnmsi the constituted authorities ; on the 24th the Monarchy fell, and a Republican Girt rnment was elup in us placet On the 8th of March the freedom of ther press was pro claimed in Saxony, and therensorship abolished 5 on the 13ih the spirit of Revolution broke out in Vi-mna i the chains of the Empite in a moment were snapped nsuridcr; Metternich, the patri archal high prieatuf ihe temple of Austrian de spotism iled, and the Imperial Deity did homage 10 the throne of constitutional freedom I Five days after, the rhyming king of Bavaria cast a way the crown he bad so unwoithily woin, and fnuJe way for another. O.i the same day the flame of revolution burst forth in Berlin. It were lonft to tecount the series of smaller changee, suttice it to sav, all the minor powers ol the Uon tineiil bsve Lean, more or less, revolutionized I Froni thetlantic been shaken. . J be shores of the lialtic and the mew n tains of Sicily have alike been swejit by the mighty whirlwind 1 , The laws, governments, and the; armies if fifteen Centuries, departed like? a scroll they are gone I Ateventide they ex isted in full power, and, in hisii's esteem, in more than pristine gbry, aod en the morrow they were not 1. The regal master of a million of soldiers in the morning, in the afternoon found himself a bandoned, helpless, alone, on the brink of destruc tion, and iled for his life !,. The question, then, for Christian philosophy is the hearing of these unparalleled events on the, kingdom of God upon earth. Viewed in this relation, the subject ia vast and grand. The '.inhabitants of the chief Conti nent on the globe the home of know ledges and wealth;1 of sv ltd 01 11 and power while buried in deep sleep and in cliuiris, 0 if roused by the Archangel's trump, awoke, lifted up their heads, fejt the burden of their, chains, and. but frownrat on liieir oppressors, who, overwhelmed with fear, either fled or fell before them !'' ..r s, : .. -.jv .j-. -!: fe'-'ii " X ."' .-. td with those emotion! whichf must, under inch circumstances, agit4te the. bosom of every, thinki ing being. For ajong time b's uobtokeo silence indicated the deep absorption of hia .thoughts by the new Subjects which now engrossed his, spirit. At last, rousing himself from his reverie with that firm voice which ever was accustomed to be obey. t Preijare, and bring to me, my winding-iheel, -7 It win immediately, done ,ni cornmandedi and the winding sheet was unfolded before hini. ; The dying suhan gazed upon it long aod silently, a"d then added f t .y foi itw 4iSl : Bring; here , the banner, around which; tny chosen guards hare rallied In so many victories." "llThe" banner was immediately presented at the royal cooch, and all, in silence awaited the further d irections pf the monsreb. ; lie paused fpr mo ment, and, then said. fc . ' yct "-r,? '. .V Remove ttbose silken folds, and attach, to the ataff, jn their, alead, tbisr;winding-ahee."i tifl4p1 t it was done ; with ti e promptitude with which, the directions of the sultan were evet -obeyed.f, The dimmed eye of the dying monarch gazed lippn ih mournful emblem of mortality, aa it bung from the stafl" around which he bad so pftenv ral lied hit legions on fields of blood, and re-added Let the crier, accompanied by the musicians in a funeral dirge, past through all the streets, of Damascus, and at every corner wave this banner, and p.-pclaiin' 7'Ai 1 all that, rtmainf to the mighty JSaladi4l''fifl'Z tl:' ;".' , There was thea see n such a "procession as the imperial city' had nvver witnessed before. , Gath- err4.tH fronte porlaU of ihe, palace, wjere;th? musicians, the crier with the strange banner, and the military escort,' doiog homage to this memorial 'of depth, , Silence pervaded ihe thronged city, as t'be wsilmgs of the dirge floated mournfully, tbro' its lone streets. ...The crowds, in silent awe, gath ered at the Corners..,.. Suddenly the dirge dies at. way, and ell it still., 1 he hearts of the multitude almost cease 10 beat, as the cold white sheet, soon to enshroud their monarch's limbs is waved before ihem. Not n sound disturbs ihe silentcity,as (h clenrf oieeof the crier.f xclaims'i.T'Aia- UmII "'iLtmois. The Legislature of Illinois is in aea- sion at Springfield. The message of the Gover nor (trench) represents the State debt o amount to about 10.fi 1 2.725 dollars about one' half of which is nri account of the Illinois and Alachlcao Canal. ' . The amount of revenue from Canal lolls, last yesr. the first season of its completion was neany oo.uw oonara. ;r .. V 4.11 j PobttatiaS Wednesdsy'the targett tat- go of jieultry ever brought to this mnrkrt, in one conveyance, arnvru irom nannoipq cum. There was a lone coop with two tiers, on warri Wheels, The lower contained 'some fiftf; or i- ty handsome torfceys; and the tipper, about three hundred fine chickens, with e few ducks. mK,rn i ! r .irFayetleville Carolinian. e'l eAfiWi.Kas r. Ia4 a- .'-:- " .& Wjisn the riew President of the French Re public, at the review qb the 24 tb December, pres sed the hand of General Petit, ss the' latter' was filing oil at tbs bead , of the Jnvalides, be , said, "The Emperor embraced you at his last review, arid I am happy to prsss you by the band at my 4'V'"41 4Oesjerietitfio received aha tdieuj of the Emperor Napoleon atFontainbleau. 1 iad repaired tothe ;cnorcbe? trt iniSJioor ormorn thtf reinuiut to tht mighty Suladinl" " Again ing service, u hen tte prayer for the king was the soul-moving, strains of the requiem vibrate irau, iuuu fjruaui anu avui auun cu imw uecpiy his peopre ft-It for him. At noon on Friday, the sixth of February, he parsed away without a Tlic lute Revolutions in Europe. through the air, and, the procession moves along us melancholy, way, ISol a sound PI mirth was heard as that day's tun went dow n, and tears were extorted from many eye ail unused to weep. As the stats came out in the sky, the spirit of the monarch took its flight to ihe throne of judgment, and the winding-sheet enshrouded his limbs, f till in death. Seven hundred years have since that hour' rolled away, nnd what now remains to the great monarch of the East ? Not e ven a handful German Ejjiobatiom to Calior!u. We learn from i private source, that at ihe tast dates from Bremep,' in Grrhaby. severaf vessels, load ed with emigrants, were about ready 10 proceed lo California from that port. ''Thv gidd fever had spread throughout' Germany," and emigrants in great numbers were'preparinglheniaelvca for ex pediiions to, the land of promise. Boston Tfa tiler,1 ' 1 ' ' ' " ' I jSopcaion CotBTs. The Judges 'of the Sune- rior Courts will .tide the ensuing Spring Circuits, in the following order 4" ' ,; - t - :J " 'Judge Manly, ' s Battle,' ' ' at 'rc t.t riea of desertion and solitude 1 adorned with the richest, covered workV 1 Tfierrv are supposed lo be xnore nban' twelve th'oosanol of such habitations iu Bameean,buf the' hatlee' , who are mostly Mohammrdaos, entertain e au.'' ' pe.rstitiooV prejudice . against ffrnhabltm-g'lucb; homes.;: .They bave old traditions which declare4 iheni to have been ibe first habitations of man- ' kind j and, thai strange cy is casually meatioui fd by" some of the'classic authors yet byrwhen" its rocky ebodet wereft excavated who were jt " inhabitants,"' or what their bisipry, all iave passed' f. from the recollection of the wptld, and exist only f in fabulous or uncertain tales ,, - ji ' ' ; , . , j; . Ai AN'irctTO oy ths Disss;sTi:Bs.--it Is current" IV tvtinrlai ikm OCX d l. ' - - . . .... ouuiuero aoq , vvesiersi Uemocrattf who declined 10 afge Mr. . Calho-io 1. 2. -3. 5 4. - 6. 0. ,7. Morganion Eoitorul Changes.' Edenton Circuit. ' Mewbera . Raleigh, -, Hillsboro. ' ' h Wilmington Hi i Salisbury Settle,' Dick, " Caldwell' Ellis. ' Bailey - I .VI r.Jmea Fulton, for some time past Editor of the Mecklenburg' Jeffer son lan in this place, leaves shortly to take charn of . the Wilmington Journal. We-have during our brief acquainiar.ee editorial, had io fight 011 opposite sides of the political battle field, but no thing we are happy to sayV has occurred to mar the friendly feelings that have subsisted between us iiv our private relations. ' t lie carries with htm cur best wishes for JT success in his new slene of operations. Mr. QuentioBusbee, .formerly Editor of theaFlaj at Rvtleighi we .Are you young, are you rich, are you power-1 in. ; We extend the ilgbl band or welcome to fui f iiow soon will you point to your winding sheet, and say, ''Ai's it all that now to ml re- He' asked if the King wished 10 receive the Ird'n Supper.1 Sorefy,' sand Charlea if I am not un worthy.'; 'The host -w.es broeghl in. ' Chnrles feebly stirove to rise and kneel before it. ' The priest bade him be still, and assured "him that God would aol require the huitiifiation of the bo dyTbe King found 60 much diJiculty in swaU lowing the breud that tt , was necessary to open the dcor and lo procure a glas-s of water. This rite enaed, the monk held op a crucifix before the penitent, charged him to fix his last thoughts up on the sufferings o.'tbe Uedeemer', nod withdrew. The; whole ceremony "had occupied about jhrecla qiiarters of an hour f and during tbal - time, the jlic JJcath of Saladfc, In the middle.of lhe eleventh century there a? fose a iliilisnimedan prmce in luayui, by the name of Saladin.' Ascending the throiie' of the ancient I'hareahCf'ahd guiding tbeMoslem ar' mies, h e-rolhrd bee k th e tnlefEn'ropean iifl v aj e ion with whichTOe Lrusndet were inundating the tloly Land. ' His legislative geniusT constituted fcim the glory of his own countrj while his .mili tary exploits inspired Chri&iendoiii w'ith,' the 'terror of his name. The wealth of the Orient waa In his lap, the fate of millions hung on his lips, and one half of the world waVat his disposal. 4 . : i ; At last death, 'the common conqueror of "us W, came lo smite the trown froift ; the" brow, and to dash the sceptre from the hand oCribia 'mighty monarch.. As he lay upon bis dvinirbed looking s a j as a t mains: Are you oereaveo, woriu-tveary, oroKen hearied ? I low soon May you be able to say, " This winding-sheet is alt thairerrJajas to me of every conflict and of every torro.v.V Rev. J. S. C.Abbott. t (Stncrdl 3nteIlincncCo Benjamin Welkin Leigh, a name familiar in the political history of our coudtry, died at Rich mond a few days ago. ; , - i The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad, u to be relaid with T rail, and a part of ihe iron has ar rived at Portsmouth, Va. " " " "". ' , Kentucky has tent this year, to the tingle mar ket of Cincinnati, over 120.000 hogs, which rc alized to the owners nearly ((600,000. Mr. Benton, it1 is snid, will accompany bis daughter (Mrs.- Fremont) and Mrs. Benton to the other tide of the Isthmus, on their .way to Cali forma, soon after the adjournme ... ' , ., y The English papers, specotating upon the new infljx of gold into the veins' of commerce, assert that creditor will suflerand debtors gain, annui tants and p rsonsofixed incomes will be ruined I Codden, the great Engish reformer, announ ces his intention to propose in Parliament, and odvocateyith all hia energy, the settlement of inlernatfonal dispute! hereafter by arbitration in stead ol war. . - i v An address bas' been iasued by Chancellor Nicholas, and olhervJo the. people, of Kentucky, urging that ihe iconsiuution proposed to be form ed, should provide for the gradual abolition of slavery in the State. '.- ' - iM " ' The Legislature of Iowa adjourned on the 5ih of January. Among the bills which pasted was one exempting a homestead, worth five hundred dollars, from execution on ail debts contracted af ter ihe fourth of July next. s 'S' - - Mrs. Howard, of Cincinnati, of whose murder we have received an account by .telegraph, was slabbed by a former wife of her husband, from whom lie hud been divorced. T he murderess ba since been arrested, aud proves to be a con firmed mnniac. - ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' ; ' ,The committ-t of both Houses of the Legisla ture of D la ware, to which the long pelitioNS on Slavery were referred, reported , ununimoudy that il was inexpedient jo legislate upon the subject at this time," which report watt sanction ed by both Houses.' ' ' '., ' ,-v-r-s. The London Jilhtnseum slates that Faraday, in pursuing his researches into the operations of mag netism, ias obtiined evidentjiroofs1 of the, exist tence of a mechaiiicaf powtr altogether new, to our knowledge," and connected iu ,a remarkable maoner with magnetUm. n,..i ..-. J' " 'The line for the railroad projected from' Cha- gres to Panama byMessTsTAspinwalteptens, CrjaVncVy,-' kpi llietf assocTafesT ITT 0 be su 1 re j-ed and, laid out immediately;, A ctxupaoy of , engi neers, beaded by Maj. U. JW. llughfsof the S. .TopographicatJiigiaeers, arid accompanied by Mr. Norris of Philadelphia, sailed a lew days ago for Chagrea to Commence; procetdingt.""! Tti SiBBAtfl iJf iBtt Nxvt. The Hon,' J. bim. Charlotte Journal. YMason states, in a recenl letter to a' friend '(ri this city, that" it aflbrd bim pleasure to say , that chaplSiha have been, appointed for the navy, vy ho regularly officiate at their several porta, isnd that batk upon ihel visions of earthly glory; Test fliiiing fifhas bee Wng I custom in ihe' naval ' seyyiCi; away; and looking forward into ihe impenetrablq Uo require 00 fabyr,o Sunday 'cakult!e4 n"ny obsctttiiv ofjhe" fuiure,,his s!iul w as 'overwhelm- way to desecraie u aacredness.." " rj- UOMMKRCIAL UAMt OF.tV ILMINOTON. tills in Btitufion appears to be in a highly pruspenusc anion. - it nas just declared a dividend out per cent., (see advertisement in another column.) which, with the dividend of 5 per cepfT made in August las', is equal toO per cent; per "annum on the whole capital fiom the co-njneneemer.l of its operations, with the 3d and 4tn irrstiilrnents on stock not yet called in.": WeIeam.lbat thefex. penses of Plates, Printing; Stationery, &c,f incid ental to the organization of thn Bank, - were paid out of the first jeaps profits, and that after mak ing the two dinrfenos, amounting- to 0 per cent, for the 18 inenths, there is left a surplus of over 1 j percent, to form a Contingent fund. Chron, TjW A BOtlTIOKISTS AND M R. C ALnOt N. The trison and Wendell Philips Abolitionists late- a a . t Bflll er. y had a meeting at r aneuu nan. Alter passing a resolution, that Ihe Union ought to be dissolved, they x passed another , highly , complimentary to Mr. Calhoun, v They certainly agree wiih bim about the dissolution of the (Juion. The retolu lion is in these words V r ' ' : " Resolved, That in openly and, unequivocal ly advocating ahtvery as a just, beneficent, and democratic institution, John C. Calhoun, of South Carolina is to be commended for his frsnkness and directness ; that for his earnestness, consis tency, intrepidity and self-sacrifice, in defending and seeking to extend and perpetuate what he (bus professes to regard a superlatively excel lent, he is equally to be commended.: -sM y,- i , '. ' ..!" s-v.ft. , The Exilgo Pope We'see It silted In a se cular paper, that some leading Roman Catholics in this country have proposed to invite-the Pope to la'kf ap'hla'resideue'rkrthe' UhHed' 'States 1 77 It woud be truly a novelty lo see a Pope under the light of republican liberty ; to hear iu bulla roar ing Bgaintt Bible societies and other means Pf pub lic instruction, from , hit Vatican in iew 1 ork nnd lo te him sealed orl Ins throne, with extended toe 10 be kissed Should he come, he will find many admirers, and a few in watch him closely, and to comment on hit acts boldly, i In truth, the Pope would find bunwlf cramped and uneasy un der the institutions of our country,, and especially euroQh'ded by thousands , who would not insult pim as n man, hut would pay no respect to his pretensions as the spiritual uea 01 the Unvrch universal. I'rtibytcriaft. . ' I . . ;Free Bankixo. Tnere are in the Stole of N. York, according to lite Comptroller's Report. 104 Free Banking concerns ; C3 of . which are - Free Banking associations, and bul ince individual Free Bankeis, They circulate nearly ten million of dollars,. Their securities, lodged with the Comp troller.of the State amount ib over ten . millions. Individual Free'lianters are required to deposit securities to the amount of 850 000, and associa tion I IO0.OOO..: ' 'I'hen the 'Comptroller furnishes them witb' notes for circulation. "The coinntroll. er says that from the Wojking of the; nyq system's of Banking in 'that State, no one can recommend Ihe continuance pi toih : and lie nrguea. strongly I iB ih . flvcn ofho dnWii; 1 1' . -tTt-t." -1 ' r -T . I x- . ;t Tng; and the, adoption 6T ths t r.ow' constitution of the State, has settled that matter by depriving the Li'gistature of the power to grant charters coufk ringpecial Oanking privileges. s , , J ti "An ANctEN'r CiTf. Trie famoos city ofPel ra.'io Arabia,' has been 5 theme of admiration and aslbnishment to all the tourists of recent times 4 but another town, apparently far more' aincVnt, and of greater extent still, exitta jn ttw north pf Aflghanistan, and is knoWn throughout the East by tUt nj(e of Baineean. The1 city consists of a great number qfapartwenla" cut but of 4be solid rock. : It is said in theo the walls Were adorned Wiih painlinga which look still fresh, after cento- Address, are absot to present their 9wa yit id j a fewdays.''l'riey do litit mean, it issaid, ,te, ' -ifcftflit themselves, to be Charged witli disloyalty . to the Sooth, on the one hand, or want of dtvotioof to the Union omhe other.". Jndewnrfeiit.aaeas . iifi- - . -r-tfr za J -;. -. A movement is conte in elated be", that; a-o-f ' merit of ifie Democracy, which refused to .en Hat.-. under the disunion 'standard, wild a lifw. of justK'..?!1 fying theinsef vt before their constilufota Suclat a proceeding' riiU8t necessarily , proyuke.crimina- tlon; and may end in another war between the rwj - Vhl roses.' In'separating froni Mr. Calhoun tkev. obeyed n long thtrisfw d opposition tc hia ambitiour. designs, and; ip declaring ibe jeasona tpai Indue-', .' et,' the separation they will embrac,ihe opportli-i .1." : . .1 J :,' ' It . . Ill . ,. ' nuy 10 give anqtuer anu a more.tuectuai uiow ,0j UlflEtBAClf ATTACKED BV A l,mAI iha ISf-' lional Theatre?Bo ilon. an 'I'u-9Iji v. Ilsrr rtrus bach placed a iie'wlyjmparted ligefw cage? with eliont Iwhess aod'.iiger, but loe.lioo.il. ap-i"-' rv..a, , jjui jiuu u ugni wun. me .new comervv ai.u ui 11 mey went- tuoio and toe-oail. Jibe 4eil tayt . ' Dr iesbacb ran to nuelf llieifit-ht. Wiih Ineir. and pieces of joist, and at iasV entered the caflreV But hia power, over the- beast was at en end.- -The lion seized end bit him badly on his righl arro'l which bled profusely."' lie made hit. escape from, the cage, Aviih his clothes completely' toru . from hia bark. Medical aid was called and from; the lasi;cc wounds, though ex- .! tremely painful, are ncjserioutX lt.wse more than three hour afterwards btfure ibe lion' was subdued and rVnaVfed bbedieul to the keepv; erfj,::Jri-''-y,..',-fV - r " , , ' Indian's at the Capitol Ax Imterkstimo Isiv ciDaiNT. ThtKNational Inielligeoccr describes e. vrait to the C'a pitbl.-bf the odeivgatton of Uhipo war t der anU admiration at the extent and grandeur of "'. iheKVuilding, and the splendid paintings strobcly, hfftracted their attention. ; . From the Capitol'tbejrr proceeded 10 the siutue of Washington, lulUiweoV by a crowd of lad'ie'a. sod, geotlemei.yTiveafc up to the front of the. statue and gazed at .it foe; some minute, with looks ol Jeep interest CepiCt' at A I, ru n n. tnll fcft. K. ft . if I i fi ,V tjm f at. ing ihesa ue, one oft he chiefs, p-aka-bftt,-lls. led bis splendid pipe of Peace, aod held it vuttcM wards the aiaiue, saying : -My G real Father we all snave lianas with, yon s, ws havejreve.Jed' a long way thraugh. the great country that yoai . j 3 1 . 1 . f g ' i . ,,,- acquirea tor your peopte oy stue..aiu pi, toe vremt. Spirit." Your people have become very great t our"peoplo,,have becdiot" Jeery small;, .may the-. Great Spirit, who gaveyou success, now protect. . us, and grant us the favour we ask of our Greas Father who no fills the high place first occupied, ; by you." This i simple supplicatory address we f faithfully iBterpreted tolhe ijyatanders.by Maot' ? M artejl.' " ' ' . " ''.?. ' "' ' ': ' " , Colokizatios.j The Philadelphia Penhsyfr' vanian has been favored with the' following ex' " tract of a letter received by. Elliott Cresson, Esq.," . of that city, under date of Janoary IGtb. It learoa 1 1,o from a gentleman who has paid much attetW tion to Ihe subject that, if the means of transpor-, - -taiion could be obtained, 10,000 slaves would ba- ' imniediaii fy manu milted in various porta of the . " Union, with the object of sending Ihetn - to Libe ria '.Baltimore Sum ; Sf ; '"H !" I have now a very interesting company un der my-charge, waning'' with great impatience for the railing of the veist' I which will convey ' them to their new homes.' A purl of these have ' been given by their musters, lor the purpose of , V settling them in Liberia. -j'-js " i ... : n-:. .1 have no dilliculty ui prttiiigTiftigranlsrbat morrvy is iHt to be had." When a man's entire ' possessions consists in slaves, and he' gives ibem' . all, I -tuppoae. be has done well. J- If New Eng-. ' 4 J land and the Free States could only be con vine- ' " ed of '.hetrue state of things in this par: of the Union, I ain pursuaded all ibeiri citizens would br Colon izationists t. when by an outlay of Only. 1 ' .rli lima uflereii Ilia oraluiiuua rmiK-i' -' v w. . o - . , uiucrian ue;-i ' A ttTTLK MORE GRArE, CaPT. BRaoo.M-A . dinner s lutely gien to thia distinguished offi-.. cer in Mobile, One of the set toasts was, in tbtf ' words above quoted. Capt Bragg, ip the course' of hia remarks in reply to the toast, took occasion , to say, thai these words Were -merely timagiuary. The Tribune of ihat city has a tkeich of his re- mark from which we lake the following t, h.h ;."TbCapw Thomas, oC Yircmia, he sccoro'e'd'i ihe highest praise, for bis heroism 00 that fatal field , 2 This gallant officer, .who bad been Uiwerv from Lis. po,-i;oo by the chargii of, the enemv.- came up rapidly amidst she smoke and caroace- ' 01 me I'gu", to tne aia 01 yoi.; uragg, nnu- by hia cPuiage and skill helpvd.lo.rou; su dead I v a, fi upon' the Mexicans that lbeirJbea.dong ehargea,, were broken. v It was" at this, juncture that Genu , lay lor sat on old, wbity,'i rt ai, band wicbv cipation, may be converted iolo a Libt man and J rev holder," CI ! ; ;"- ijip rigidly with intense axiety. Whenihav- ..:ii: l : 11 .1 - . .... . aiiuir ry ue ga to ten on,uie toe, ois irtcial inuscler; relaxed, and then it was thai he exclaimed, gire", theiji-jajit. Bragg.' ' IlMtory. will -t erryr this olariTpiTsterity filled withgrspe, NP; otighl to beVa, atronger though hardly so polite eA , Soolotxo. A strriTrfi f of scolding, as" lopg . tjg1! ffoin sun 10 sun, r.rer haJ any oihtr .etTlt on -Children than to Knder them wholly regardless of what is stid idfthem.'f If you wiali lo ntake ypur.' children troublesyihe, scold tberh occasionally If Jroti wish iVrulii ihern, arid relinqhisb: all bop ' bf conaueiing lhemscold continually, and t- ' wilt be sure to'a'in your. .. pljK": 'yr-' . r