, ......... s . . . ..... ... --- , : -' : . , - - :iJf., u : - ' ,l7TT!Ux.r:r-?i:::z7" f - "i"1 '. - i . - . y . ' . ' . mi' " i .1 "X V-",V r" 7" ,' . ' .s... ., ,. '" .Ui.MyMli.M..,i... 111 '"'"' -'Tyj.l -"yr ' i Srs'iMS jS :-ri:ih!!i! IZisuJL 2 V YrOMING FIWVTIIfi YILLAGK CMUftCll"-. oncaaMu.vh . .t , . fl,i"C.i' I it. ..:n k...L I stltl Oh ! hnne me not, mji lieask But let me pass.bjtu by, r l . v . 1 ' Il lbe3--n1 Jh'oigfht, pefehaieecjlo er' The blush' and tear ofxM - Dut I was coll a heTrould be That is, :l secfiMHtnicold ! .f 1 , For fast Jnd fast m)r heart did fill - -i ' . lrinev ecAiU hold.iMi Mom. ' "T II might hiiVe seen I foved-.hinff ftiil?, . . Had I flt gained tb (fMr. i S I nurrictl to my own dear room, ; 1 knelt ma lo;i . .a ,..,; I nntatill.no. firninss cinilil issuroe ' , J J My tears they; wouhfltave way. I , J ' t)li ! faW;,falsc(ip7j-oo faithless prt . On! base.jinHiaiily aim . ..t' ' 7o seekXit years tb win a hjaU ', . Then make its love j!s hame ! ' Fm ilia X jtkiul ntl lK?,f t. ... J,. The Past and the Future ' !.t? tnnilin? into North AjuefieasMaiuk tin .Eranira i'j8ied;viUjba4pl4b.UuUcdats:fe suiuiions, no iro nauoiuuliiler by teatuess more tnarkedj; .but 4tH'trr,tw(v,DrhrtvalesiaAii tbose ? JrWTT fpotaew (iajvhif b44)Mfq im iui vwhw ui rojiuion.iio waver uio nav5,ne Maay may tiipoeed todoubWatW.fvau,)dyt inja autepuu)t-otU Kia w-)tjtoww. te gu lUe Pfoo "JIH feliffirtaaju Jiuiara qtiUv:ioi eftel--uay? jiwry, uhcy arcquaUjr protected. Their efcarcisa ..niihlin unit uurn!li- .In tba litbeni .jPtwineea talauiiaui ia.-frat-ly profeaaed hjf r those, -ho -ob? v4 Ae a w of alKuwet Uj fre hy,veft.rbi9C(iil to tba Ruawa -doyern menu' . v .ln.Uie preceding flotation we find out the cm'e oi yio utter roWetK-,sa of tire .Turkish, Empire . her opposed to Jiiw'a, and it justifies the anti cipalioaof tha-Ctll of.tbenncrboiJi in Europe wd "U. StrcuyWi and eakuess are, relative, f nj tliemtter auperisduprd by.divUivu gjf-pow Cr aa.is the for'mec b'vn'ioii, .Aaditthji M wi a lih 'hfi'rl .T"hl( ', qobfe spenker . might. Tbtrt ilno bofs' far mti'mr! 1 ScinbWt pttcs1 "' ' Ofmmj ihixiHtnit je(inlhe tluily tcene, . - l'k fLm wd ebb ui eseh rwuf ring m(v 1 ' -, .M . Ths fteilMiifl; t b -wbich iaTar.aa.,.n u-; On tl)ing thai rit Ijr.eatli our pitit, aiij wtiy ' 'uiM&ti - - . -jBrosi&naVfcficeV jSuCli wns.Ue sonuce hut tf uz. .view-frne aud" Title .yf Nations spread VeFora ts by a uiit po.weruh'njp4' r Here yehay the. .jrvlUy, flot ihe atudowN ,,ti tock leal sit(,vr.,lcal t'iG Rise, Progress, and Fall of .Empires nVwnat . dost ih8irierincr?"T varied as one wf; s4f . j jelle varies -f:oni other waves or other pebbles, tfie jrpat plinngrs r - iu tuojaii dciiu, 'lir i-ioVer ijf-flw . downwards, ana ihrir water do not more natur ally miutflcind; become lost ii seas snd oceans, tJian do the, rrvoidtipns fjf. nations Anally, merge, to be followed by , other oods, w. JTf t Vhat ii;o the coinpoteitsr wlrtch.foraihq mass of, clement tot history ! AVhy.'tjie recital f(Btnigglej,.vbicp wear our strength away ; .attempts o tlie strong to oppress the veak. Fojtiiw, ,tle analysisand ! we find the strong losing strength, and Jlho weaJ becoming atrvng, I either taught.fcy thir own experience If .any rjtampleof such . (caching and f pnsislcnt action, therefcont ;aols on record, where did. the, phenoiuejia nfcrf ;; li what age or nation, by . jvjtoreecookd,. and where arc we to .(i'nd and. . jbjmI , recced lciq,,!is ,i)cnv No repo;tsc ncji jiupsinsj n , vAt .Uf njgineai, .. M '? flenl o.tiur'flMjniaJi. vjp. iuu Jcjoud ;tl Auti$ cean, a.p scan thepro.v ptaft:ti we are forced backwards to its introductory chap iter, and, brought jny tlMrcgions whefe.man )rst founded cities, fortued goverjunenW invtivted apd j pcrfecIats.,aBdac4rnes, jtnd'wpcrq.ra.icicidal .haired first stawelUie;ear(h.bj a hroihcf's.blootk Setting outoai-our reuru.roin.lldeu! gate, em pire after empire, ;rise flourish, Uaray, .and.fiiU before ua. , .H.c.tica twc)l fforti rud0 .villages; eoramejrcean4. waj;.9ei,..t.eoivteiu. for' influence over the huma(,he?t,1iin4pAeu .uuil to cow ihcewjtnd enslive the lnany.. r , ' , . , But during . the ifiree thousand hix-- Jutndred i years .which ha ve flown away sinco Iwstory .ptv--acnts- us with the formation of the first ra west-f-rii. empire if.Aawr nuiid Umj inMuenm. viety of events and. characters, have not a few, prims ry 'elements amlprinciplts, tbaJ&iUl)diU,ion materials mjxing, exciting, r.pd ronl'usiog human reason, made mp the wlwrc' ?rticHoreof hisrorj f I Will this: roiglrtr etirreftt bo ever stayrl b'r dirnried from its ourse ? Tun, render, to your J,t.tori Ljtccrd.?ariil.jead'.iJ ha w wriitu unjer be heads of AsMvm, lJahv Ionia, Persia, .MamtwnTa', Home, tin: "falirtie, and m oVe'm ode ni empires "to the preapn't tktyv aivl point nltt o;n iiwt:uce iere human roMii has s'.aTefUuiraanJi-onques'. Don not erery -page abound with proofa to -thovr that the warrior is ihe man of me human Itcnct., De- riding, therefore, that ail this is.steirw-enlity, docs it not then follow that tltctta is a fundamental law, , as powerful i that of gravity' which regwiAea, directs, andfclhtpea jhoe great revvolutinmi m hu man-nfl'airs which we call the rise '.pong wsa, ajid fall f einpireaj . .;.;;;l, v , -. IV ithout recedmg into tiro hr.pcrfeoteeortta-of cariy hif t ry, aiwi panmg nit ttios mun nxxiera and cei tahi i'l tle comicSiiim'beiween muae and ('. ct, kt U Jirietly Scan die dratui reneatlyand yiw iu aatioH. It V'ould eppear lat, wKtticver miv great change iin pro-res, vil.TaUfiapts to stay aids and hastens too iL'noscmeuW .' Of all exatofdea toauitain tha i.uiiilaw qf tlij; cfliiclii sion, tlto Anglo Saxon repubh'n f Nordt. Ameri ca HiTortls the. moat direct arid concuLsive.J'acts. The thirteen orif mid Colonic "were proceeding calmly, peaeeablyaad dtnatriHjvas mcmbewof the nMinarchy rf which Ihe v eoiwrtUated a part. In the far-seeing tlews of a W4nfivimli;tfwiir final tndpcnde'nce was" aritietpnted,ttr n ohe-aS-signrd an ear.ly date to ihe.vcnt ; nor cotitd that veufriave 'bwxi pVuHpitati'-excep't by' acls.of the parnu' State. Acts of flagrant violation' Of rights pofcsesscd by the colonists, and nets of con summate ignorance of the laws pi 4ilury. W tho part of .the parait)oun,t Suite... i'lioc acts werp jeouimitUnk the euVtf followed, vhe cauc,-ud.the r fnwuluions ol a new and most powerful empire were cxnsolidattl. The edifice is risinjf in sSrtijih, and widening hi dimensions,, fro Wrung defiance tigalnsr externa! force, and, frour three rtdjpai causesjrior'o Retire against in ternal oc ex ternal jcaus.es'wl decadence than has ever iWh f . . i .4 ' bova in rclatimi io Hussia and T'arkev niav be extended lo. similar inherent pijuciplei in .tle,ej Janons .of Jlitssja and j"eu;.rn Uitrisuap. turspe, ;,Fft may, know ihi faet, .tltough-l -whom. it concerjM ought a krvoVvtliatll.w.as the? iarf tern te opptutitioH kftc4ig.ious tenets, between the Latin and Greek churches wuib, enabled the Turks to exjpiy be.'t po wef itUp ujTpv -I lift", aaid tc Qrek., ' to have to seethe, qxand SigjiWr'a lurOarfh tlVr P.o SvpJu ' pjj.'nn. Sunday moruing., 153. the Jink ?;ornVd..ron?taiitinople, au4 turned. the grt.mog-opwHjan temple, S'L. Sophia,, front a Cbriatia.q cjiureh to a' Mahomckm. noaque. , ,v '7 expression oi" the .Greeks, iit -iwfarrinf ' jfi.'ildexf I:JjQniotans tj that of adierga Chris. . . N . rri t $Vr W.k riuj f xpressini. , ,eiouowi of Gerpinpy. Paris, 179, pngo- 432.! Tjio Eu pernr (Mathias) teft llie assembly tliHt jiis' ore- ,MriHM.fCUJiobilrfy. vra hj award the uxtperjal demands; but othera, die .majority, .were opposed. , The Palatio the Proiestanta feared that the EniDeror. under pretext of defending Hungary against )!e Turks, would employ his, troops to establish hit own arbitrary power, and thus destroy ihe jfM-nilegea of the kingdom of Hungary.. Others, going still furthejr, -aaid, jopenly, that 4ht- GemaH wolf was n much to be drtadtd at tfie bfar oj Ilus- -The preceding extract made, part of die pro ccedings in. the lluiurariaa Oit at PWabursh iu 1013, or 2G0 years, after the taking of Coivstaul- Mjpfde.by.lbo .Xvrks.,,- v, , r. . , w. t Those wllO smo tha ,hiaiirv of. nnliima.jirill the mof cj caaeful ajid caudid they euiuktct lbs aoJy-.astaaa.ihK pMPal surfoco, there is, in every great revolution, an onder current which bf r with it the. upper flood, and forces it forward with irrcKisUble power. JS'eue, itow ever, of the actors oh, lh theatre, in atiy givca in stanceiroiess observant of Uie existence, of hu man .t'etideiicy aiicjjhc aiwecyahescencq ,ot ,Jju maij grandeur jhao arejtiie'reat Jp tTicdaj; of tri ll mph who would havo6dAIvxande('tIia(a then obscure people of Jtaly. rin alter iime. wouldjiold MaceduHia as one of its provinces f- Who would navr said to Triijah, when he. added T)acta and Panonia to his empire, or to his successor Adrian, when flying .from province to province of an cm ptre cxtcndyig froju the Atlantic 'ocean , to the niountaifw of An'ninii, "till "this power will uway ?" Whf Wpuld have been the reward of such warmns to the Lords of epnquerrd nations in any case ? ' Who 7s the sludcnl of history thai need rrmhiding'of P'rrhus arid Cmea's ?- Perpetuity of human power is a'delusion, and the curious question of the longevity of empire occurs to my mini', ar thought follows thought. A Habnlargfiinsff will realise sach' tiioirght, "con finlrte our view m those the date of whose polit lent btrttur rt kiMvn wih nlTi'irtil- F&ntiirFr wwever, nave yjicnuei ins 1 cppiraais. oy cpiog facts 'hearer nTs own.liiiM ihaja the date of tfje vf-B!fiWHHci ' Franco of 18)9 has,' lia'wiiyy verv ilifle'reut character' and f Ji nstt lo fte SHIan orTurkeyr f a t- i ' . !-. . ""Vtvrtn led the entrance of tfie Sotethern wing (of tke parCefCherighaami theltospho rus)vsrid agaia thrwwmgotTonroTerahoeii,' enter ed a Joltyi and spacious haM, 'ihatted Xbroirghnuf, with two-broad ifllg"ht of stairs amending from Ihsia eatVeme to elevated platform or land ngheaneytiiming'k one; they issrjed rrpon thi ioor above." . -.. -..v' t .-s f . On the right and teftrjftho hall wsw aoora opening into various apartments, aud there were at aataber of officers aad attendants an either aide, and. stationed at intervals airing the stairway, all prastrving a sUeace 4hr most profound. Tb;Socretary, -'wha had gone 'before, arnr ap praachedi and. beckmied to jia to foilu'w, . But hereaa JanavpccBdv difficulty was- preseulwl. Tha Chamberlain in waiting iibjected to my sword, and required that I should lay it aside-I-HPeplied that tba audience uras giveikto me, as an officer -of fh UStates 1 ami tbajithe sword was pa.rt of my uniform, and that I could aot dispense with it, . My rafusal warfmet w. h die siiauranes that-; the. -atKiuetts- f the van rt pcmrnptorily re 1 :. 1 1 .1 - 1 . ' qaurrwtw t a ucatra n nis euetonv nan . wen tarai4utJucfeA.. nmbi ft com 61 iI wirfc,tKt HMiMreo i the-owR 4-- aianrwhettir Mb Carr, our minister, had in 1 Clear tkehrdwa uatlt to meet hiscouker'adeam ! eonlormity, with it, ever attended an audience t Lo, mt he comes behind hie smoking Win, - witbout uis swordrbut evca asl spoke my mind, ; With toil'e briglit dew-dropW oil his sua-burnt drawing rompsrimHis. and mondiaiog i fate. There was the 8ultan.au Easter deepoWtha mW er-of miehtv liazdotnsTind the-arbiterof her Ute ot miliums f ins tellow-ereaiurerr'TirKl, taee-io face, a few feet diatimt, one, ifrraAk and condition. amonir tha hamblcst servants wf -w rar distant public, and Vet little a life Jiaa ta cheer, I would not change positions with tern, unless 1 could ear ry with me aay-JiuthT.y friendships and my as- piratyjns. . 4 .v Xly fdettngs saiteied ( as IJooked upon the monarch, and I thought 01 Montezuma. tvi "denHy like'a Ndrthern eliiiie, bis y ear of lire had known' two seasons 6nlV, 'and he pad frapedfrorjl y6fth to"imbechty.' flis smile was pnu ofth sweetest l ever lookcdop'oti---hts''vofcp wiii (His mbst iheTodions I hM .'ever heard j 'lils hrafiner gentleness itself'aiid everjf hfog about him be spoke a kind and) amiable tlispnsitfoit." lie fs said fo'be very affectionate; to his modify in as pet-faf, ami if'geneKms tb'the extreme ' of prftdi gality. ' But there. is' that Indescribably sad tcx pressioh In his countenance, which is thbnght to indicate an carry death." ;A presentiment of the kind, mingled perhaps with a boding fear of the overthrow af his country seems to pervade and depress his spirit, tn truth, like Damocles, this descendant bf the Caliphs' sits beneath a sirspend ed fate. Through him the souls of the mighty monarch who have gone before,' seems to-brood overfhe impendrrg fate of an empire which once, expended-from the Atlantto to the- Gtnge?, from the CavrasHS to-'the Indian.' Ocean. Th.e.riougiiiiui. $ oasterly otawier.V Hs-ajud ;': - dt-was" on- (hts ar 27Tra rigf--'!tat Parii was roused from slumber by the oand of that dread bell which bore the name or the juoche u urjTCTU. . iuassacnr was oil 1001, bsbiiiv wiih v.:rL. .'.....tJ :i.:.. KCIUTS, IUr IIS. II -lllll UIU1I OUSV III BlcIV In? man. That'slaiurhter was called for ftv mln gled passions of 'tha worst description. " ltred bfftll kinds'waS herc. " nrinncr "oii the stiver hatrfd of a religious, apo7iti;iT, a pcroiial char acter : Ana vet, on m anmversarv 01 mat same day of horror, and in thai very city were"b!6od was uow.mg iiko water, nas yoa y quy given a rendeiVous Unto' men of neace. where wilAtu- mut1snsfbrrried' lnto order,; aild animosity Into "lov'ev Tlmmense cherhikl The "Iftain" of oiimu, is uiniieu out,anu in its praco oeams lortti a raroi noiy iigm, Lueiifi-weit eneers.j All distinctions are emoved,anir ; JaiilW' and Hu- guchot meet , togetner in friCirdly cbibm'uriton. Cheers.-wfirch' prerentedihe speaker for 'some time from proceeding.' 'Who thatVunlti of these amaxiiig changes caii doubVof die -progress thit has been rrradef " But Whoever denies dia 'force of progress inust deny Oods1npc" progress Is iho boon oT Providence, and lemTThanes frpiri 'die great Being above. TCheersil I1eet gratitude for die change thai has been effected, and poihting'sof- cmrrty to th past; I sat, 'let 'this da v becTrheld without icgard to precedent,, had come to the al ternative, no sword no awHence. Whetlier the Secretary had, during the discus 1 The lord of earth, the hero of the plough I sioa, referred, the matter'! a .higher-quarter, I i i A i ?- : , na rcuiianinj sun, . could not tell, fay .Mention had been so engrossed naoowwnea trre flay is done J ;; for toiae minuted that I had not noticed" him, I k'f 'nc on ."S. J . .. . . II aow eae forward, however, and- decided 1 1? .Bc.re.?,erf.hU rh.S' that.lahUaia djs aon i.t:thM.IJr .1 lie nninni-rt ir-ri -inrrnw. rtrunsi nnmrx qnn.ur idsa meraorabfe-let the Mth "August; 15 be re membered tidy' fdf tho purnose of beinffco'm oar ed with the 4th August, 1849 ; and when think of (bis Utter, and ponder over'the fTgh pur pose'to Which H hssteert deroted-4-tlie advoci cy -of die-pririciplre -of peaee-Iet-orof bersp wartfinfTrli rcHance ohTrovidence as to dubt for one moment of the eventunl success of otir holy faffsVn1- hundred (h'erorm minSTIiai - hdredytata haltl'spieed- " ndfeu ean 'day wflt drave . inake on rer seaaous. Y-e4fe!ls r:W tt.uuiabefof,yeai iroake ap;a caMtiry: ThViq aHds iarerais tf timeoeeunmhte aad tii irp mat aaigh ty perre -v, ha e h -appea rs to tl fawey is and satmrneasunfasa. The hondred years wfll saaitlva wreck af -whola erleraihm. KteVj- W mg thing ahaf aew nrrm-roo tho fee'atjr.thf'earlri will disappear faun it' The infant that -u'tftlj haags o iu mother's bosont-triir only Hre-Jw tha reraembraaeeofits irrand-elMldrem- The- scene oriifeviMd e inteMigfHce thai ie nvf befbre aM wdl be chajngMl Una. the dark aad Knrthaoiae forpi of eorrnotioa.. The oemila ivrut lw...W bay wit cease to be ajioken t ft tfeirmemftr- will perish iWwi the face of the country ; their flesh will lie dovaared.br worms t the dark and "g liwg iht Ike, in tire- hulesaf tha earth witt fKUuptiii tlieir bodies their coffins wdl have Blderedawav-aaddieir bones -he thrown k u the acut made grave. And is this the eoneaaa- uatioH of all things !a thia the final cad ad jsae of man ! is tkUihe aaMmb'af bia k hiatoty U. Is there nothinr kevtaMl ihne aad-tbst grave to alleviate the gloomy pirterreraa ehaaaT away these dujatjaajos t. alint we aleea for ' vjer in , lha eUist, and hid. adieu . W ihe Kffht of h ea ven wUtu Cu kiu . . . --.;:, , .,j. j -i...-..i.t i.-.v j. . i. , . i . .. onKi,-ir.-9n iiirmw ncm arm ami-wmi1 : wt3rt-.11 uw lima TZZt .ft- v.-i - --;i-lattedattd'd n,. ii,- auh,: . ,k k. 1" Mellow and dark the ridgy cornfield cleaves. r ' aiwl au.- . . - iUp the Weep hillside whore ihe laboring tram i .1 m . -.a 1 . - a . s . . The disortaion at an end, we ascended tho u , g CE v ' 'C.re , pw'.n ; MaUway, which ra covered. with a good and Thjough the moist valley, clogged with oozing comfortable, but not a eostlv Carpet, and passed . , , , . . iato a room more handsomely furnished and more j P PuBl"r7- breaks its dcntined wa v ; afiv. hnt in e.-rv' other mrwo. ,h j;. At every turn the loosening chains resound, . menaionsoa the one immetliateiv aelowit A The a winging ploughshare circles glistening Ixichcarjuit waa on die floor; a magnificent chan Iteman, -Haraain, 1.MSSMIV,.. Dritis h," French,- ' .Gqruau-' HUeman, ' r " ' " thirurt b i ! vra. B. C. 753 to A. D. ! na.r 1230 A.- 0. Gtt to A. I). 1 238. 3S A. IK 4V4 lo,A. D. 1850,. 1380 A. I). 459 to A. D. 18S0- :-!401 A. I)-487 (o A. li. 1650. 13G3 '"Vic . with utn -tithcr- ot the rmrtirrs of the . A, I). .800 to-A D185(k ,. 4Q50 A. L. 1030 to A, D..18d0. , WO v Of h?preceKng, fhe'Komsrl ibH SirWlriitre eiti'rhet. ' Of iho!fittltm.iM- riot one date its ovigf "wimin',foflrVr-fi(urie if the christian-' era 5 and of tfie five rttcxistittg and hearing the frames, hot 'varrietl indeed have becft' their mutations. No two of iherp -now difler tit aineh from men othcrs any pne luordone from itself at distant epoelia its progress. - AH histrfry -wllV sustain me- assettion that no potitrcal system hars cT.-if been maintained through two ccnturif s amongst the Caucasian nations withmit most'fadfeal changes in fonfi lind Substartce, 'wh!)st yet known under: the samn nhme; f Take'ihe ''three"- niost mnr'kcd those of Europe the Ehgltsli frbrh the landing of the Saxons, A; D. 410; the Russian froin-Huvie, A. U, 4Qi rmd tho -.French from CloviaCrA.4e487TTnd, fvdlowiifg! the A dowit lo the present time, what lessons on the mutations of lionrftn fortune wiH pass in review t, - If the whole surfaee of -the earth, is taken into view, awl the future advance of political ppwsrestinta- ted, those named are, ot fcurojiciin-rvatious the most probable future aruiters ; but, as 1 have al ready; noticed in this paper,-, the ' advantages , of langu-Jgu .and poai(iou, ui.ppopoLMM. to iiuuibor, wheu'vliii -wlMilo.cardi ibrouglit in view, tynat give oiwl secure jo lire United States, ef Nordi A iiuiiea a ptttuonderrHict of influence in the a (fairs round. fti'ft .1 a s t . -' - 1 - . .... " 1 ill llin U I 1 ltxl, atrtA rv 1 1 1 m i . umet . r-.-. 3 deuer.aii crystal android, was ausiKinded from : , , " '--.-. Tt"-! tbexwiling, apd coatly divaivs and tables, with j A,,d w""1 hands unbind the panting steers, other artich's'of furnilure wore interspersed a- ' Xliese are. the hands whose sturdy ( labor, brings bout tlie room ;. "but I had not timo to note them, j The peasant's food, the goUeu poaip of kings fbroalbe left hung a. gorgeous crimsoo- velvet This. is. the page whose letters shall he seen . curtaia embroidered and frhigcd with gold, and Changed by the sun to words of living green j wiu w Miutjri ituijtm ,110 ny- siracoun- t ins 010 Bcimiar wnose wn mortal pen - - . . tenance and his manner exhibited mure awe than Spells the first lesson hunger taught to mei t I had ever, sec a uVpiated ia tlie human dounte- Theso are the lines, Olleavcn-coauaanded Toil, aance. . 1 is seemed o hold -ia:BredWt:''hia'l bat fill y dfwdth step waa so soft and stealthy, that once or 'iwice ! O gracious' Mother,, whose, benignant breast. . I stopped, uador It impressioa : ihat I had lertj Wakes us to life and lulls us all to rest, z -him .behind, bpt found bim-jlKer beaidexmc. Iliw thy, sweet features kind M every .cjimc, Tbercl were Jliree of us in close proximity, aid the Mock .with their smile the- wrinkled trout, of stairway waa' lined with officers ar.d atteudaulsjX; . Tiniet f , . v . deadt buludi was tire doath-liko aiUlnf ti that I could j We sum thy flows v-fhej.. blossom .o'er the disliuetlv hear ny footfall, which unaccous. We Md thy bosstitu, aud it gives us bread ; tomed to palace-regulaiiuos fell with untuioretl : Ai'i f th red field that urampJiiig atfifc has ,rtQrn republican,firna'sa uprm the royal floor.- IV it i Waves the green, plumage pftjiy "tas'scllcd corn; had been a wild boast eiojnirertns; iu las lair that ! .(Jup maddening, coiiflicts.soar thy furest nfaii'u , we were about to visit, there could not have been 1 .Still thy , soft, atiswW isthe gro'wjngratn. ' 1 Icac Biore- deeply huiheiU j Yctj P 'mother, while tiacounted'chahns Fretted at sueh abject servility, I quickened my Roinul tltc fresh clasp of 'thine embracing arms, pace towards ibe curtain, when She tlie Hey, rath- jLet not-our virtues in thy love-jdecay, er gliding than ..stepping before me, cautiously And thy fond weakuess waste pur strength away, and slowly raised a corner for me to pass. Woii- !- t i....r . i n l" t . .-.'-', deringai iL sdducd and terror sticken attitude, 0.!, )lfi'90 hnn' "fcT; I stepVd acVs ththrcshold, aud felt, wuhout 'rLZL vet oerce vnur L that I was in He ureec of : - o.r.,..s r.t.. V. :.i... ' a - - 7 r ' " i .asl-to .dji isaolv e aud-ti mttw- reappear - .vllrs last hours were-,each aa rpisoda, and his acts and words have bee a I carefully ronorded. On V .' woroing, . of h is . exeeutioa hi . keeper brought a cpp'of sack to him,- mquirtsl how ti was pleased with it. - As well as ha who di-anl of Su Giles's bowl as he rede to Tvlturu,' ans Wit taxrV-- li ' ttf '' Prttheer nt fear BeestonJ cried be to hispid friend, Sis H agin woo was repulsed I rom the scaffold by die a he rill, 'I shall have a place !' A man bakl frow ex treme age. pressed forward te see jiiui , he said, and pray. God for him.' Kalcigh took rich ly embroidered cap from hisewn licad. and plae iug it on hal of the old man, said, ' Take this, good friffnd, to remember irte, foryou have more aaed of it than I.' Farewell, toy lords.' waa his cheerful parting to a courtly group who arleo tiouately took -their sad leave., of him, I have a long journey before- me,, and I -must e'en say good-bye.' No w I am going to God,: aaid thai heruie spirit.' as ha trod -the scaffold, and gently touching tba axe, added,. '-This is a sharp medi cine, but it will ; cure, ill diseases.' .Thfi,. vary headsman shrank- from beheading nno ao brave, untd- the unquajllng soldier addressed ..hiui, WAal doat tjitu .fls-ar .:f.,;.;$triket. man JV . Ja Bu other inomeut. the mighty oul had fled from -its manacled tenement. Gay ley after describing tir Waller's execution, adds, ' The head, after hav iug beep altowa pti .ftitho aide of the ccaffukl;waa put lrito a read leather bag, over uhieh Sir WaU ler's gown was (hruwn, and the whole eovcyed away in 4 rhonming'eoaeh by Lady Raleigh. It was preserved by her in a casr-during. lhe.4Wen-ty-nine years which she survived her Juiak.uid, and afterwards with no less piety by tha'r aTi-c tjonate' sojj (Tarew- Villi wjioni it js supposed" tb nav been buried 5t VVestUcnsley,"ir( Surrey. The body was interred in -the chancel, near the aU'arof St. Margaret, We'stininster...Vi04V of thi CTry pf Veijninicr.' ' ' 1 " ' Wivee shouU kuow that no beaut r baa an-' charms bat the inward one of them awl, aad that gracefulness in thif -naruiers is uter cstgrtuf hau dial of their person; tha4 uiotlevt aad assek aess are die true aud lastb&orDatsrfr-ahe ab.a4hMHa for jhe wauagemeut of a 4hhhIjv, fi,r die - educa tion, of children, or tti afftrntiun 4"her haaband, and aubmiuiitgto a prudent way of li.ing. - These only, are charm that rendirr wives ft-kwUa.and : givetheat, tba bea title to our. resetsuV j-- The Rational Era, taking up th at'ovcquW tatiort,1taji theifoHdwin"senHfr;,' kflightlvand christiaa remarks 'Wivs'shmiltl knoW' that the inward beauty -of the mhid Ao'ghY'to" rerlM't .Mt irr dic'tmrward fiwnv ' Where thrtr isiffl ' fetterrtiort to the bodr,-tf usp"ecr omr mTirlerf ana i . - . - . - . .- . . . - . . . . , , orSS"',,,,nwrJw i - I i . - . . . . . inwnru praury. como reconcile us io a Blattcrnly ornacleart ' perfon: There .are jrtlertfiofts ft m'a botly which cannot 1e negtw-tf-d wlthonf ripf lf' irlg love. v While woman- is iTca'ut'eWi)a)dfr4; She should see 'to it, that fhe mediuhi through which the Inward race shines be keptelu"krrl tranraufc' ' AVhhI wife wd! Wloct 'ufl 'ttmim onesided maxims which overlook the rlrtirtmili' and iirculcae exchisir atiin to the sirrtasf, HTiaf God has' joined togeihef,! let ito marjr put asunder. , Body aittl Spirit in thrsltfe'are iifsep arabV, and a wise wwiisa will Wk ftrWatimV both. Gorl, heperrtdinfr;!neB Hnt Ihe'trufward: this visible world ii asroeaufiftriX -BehaW dio lilies eftho Aeid -t-JtUey tail hi.e .afit'l . a s attract: . awn'; o r I he" sword has rescued -Won ! 1 , ' . t T mmm vvhat the p!ourhsnnre ' O. WiHoLHtS. .1 C : Th kivv fi.i.r ,i.n .;.wi.-...-.i. i.. : "y ,-,r rM n,w "e "w"KMn nctfiJ La ,u i' i 7 .u7 - , "I And feeds in s ence from its dark ravhies: scured tha light, that it seeincdasif the day were i-r,n , . , . - J ue T u . . drawing to a lose, instead of being at its high, ! " lh fa,lhfu, arm.s ?h? A meridian locrOwn with peace their own untainted sod j AAs with ih exp'pudiog "pupil the eve touk in Tl Sf 1 Fr; toKM,f , " surrounding objects the Vpnrtmciit, iu furniture ! ?fr"ned bandog, taction shall unbind, a(nd its royal tenant.; prcid a diflcrent scene i "T? T' WT T 'T' u from what, if lelt to iiself, the imagination would j BW1 ' th"f SlronS "bood to the humble havedrawn" ' -f - - ., - j plough, ' The worn Icaa-a-pions- but a, lofty as the ad-'j ?,,e 6?fof the land, . . . . . . - 1 . 7 . ' . I hu atsvaaiaw atlaatMi itn m ilia am (Vs A t. l. t,Kt.rl !, i m.ge;wM.ern,W,n ,ho moderuEuro- ,r ZZZT' v , pran sij iB. snu nxca laniiiiiir ininc, a ttovft -m.. . . . r. . .- stood nearly in the centre. . " On a sofa by a WMi dow, through which he might'haye looked upon us as we crossed theVconr , W ith" a criftisAq tar bouch, its gold huHort and blue silk lass jj on his his head, ar black silk kerchief "arOund hi q.-ck,, attired in a blue" military frock and nantaloons. and polished French boots upon his feet," Sat the monarch, without sat of the' attributes of lover eighty about Wm.' ' " 1 X -man,' young ia . years, but evidently f dpi;, care and impaired coiisiitutiun, his wearied and spiritless air was. unrelieved by any- indication ofihtellertanl energy... He'eyed hie fixedly as I advanced, and on ntid my attention as noVcss riveted. As he smiled I itopped; cxjpcdiTg thilt he waa about" ro speak, but hti motioned geiifl Whh his hand foj me to Approach -yet nearer Through the'ihterprcter he -then bade me wel come, for' which I expressed m v acknowledg ments i .. .o: . v-. - ,i ' The interview was not a protraetcd one.' In llw course of it, as req'ii73Ted by Mr. Carr, I pre seated hun, ia the namc'of.the President ofthe Untied Stales, with, some biographies and priiris Ulustratife of the character and babttaofiMir North American Indians fhe work of American artists. He looked t aorue of them, which were placed before him by an Wlteudant, and said ho consider ed tboaaaa .arideiices of tlte sdvanceuiciil vf the L nited States in civilization, nml would treasnre of tha, wuili uo-KT-l4'rl)fO possessed by any. na tion whatever. Mav wisdom, foivsigut.aad just ice guide s!irh..power and, witln less fluctuauona ' them as a oi t ri if the good frr lingtif i wfr-- In lMMi.Mf V ' ' . During the- trial f.QogsaIjifV'--p'pftigii wiitcntook pJace a(Ii!w days since m llulsborough an incident uccunyd which created considerable fun atrtlie expeusp of big wigs aud counsel. .' A .Vliss Sloan wastetifying and was requeued to i state all aae kuew aiMiut a certjun transaction. . If linens--I wos in the aiuiug tToouj w lieu jVlary came from the kitchen hurriedly, and Cog, sell after her, , Hp raught hold of her at the sit ting room door, and said, .Mary, you have Iwen here long PudugliTouiq aud go home now. -, , Attorney for drftnilant W(iatdid Mary sayl .1Uonitffir.lUi $lalo-Si6p tliwe I "object t the qiustiouj . , . ' Here a clifescusjoa oj nearly' two hours took place, in which four or five lawyers participated. Alier. which the three judges held a long, serious and excited discission on the sultjecVaud fiually, in a", very, formal and pompous pi i, tier, staled thai it was tbc.opinioit of a majority of the court diat the question must beanswered. The court roan a. as-crowded almoat -'vttTvilitHi, and ihe most intense interest was mnni tested at tliis tagc, of the proceedings. , Ilia questn w'ai repeated rr-. nit oio inryfi' i and -Wm iineta an.W Mt Jiiln't ay a rpord 5J" ' The tff moiT ofChlldrea. It is uote-worthy '.thai, cldldrrijjHQii 30 Jakea away; byfdeatliaryaj the mcojory of the parent 'aachildreu. .- Other children grow old, but the uue we lost cpqUnuesin youth. . It looks as we last saw ft in .health. . The iinagiaaiioij hears its sweet voice and ljglit slop, and sees its silkr-ji hair aud clear bright eyes -all just as.tlicy werr. Ten or twenty years may .go by : .the child remains it) the memory as atin t, a. briglit happy child,, 'itsyouitgaibcautifpli'vriaiaovts before .us ;. and what is such a memory but an ang'el-prcacnce i Certainly, nexiicvsucing an an gel, is accing, with a parent's heart such a ehci--ished form. .AmidsUhis world of amlutLoif and shew, wboalxalt say .that (1ms is not it my itis pu ller Provideucc of subduing and spirituifizir.g the trjiucl f ..Thus, in order to chciish such a resarin- I . . nor do they spin; y Solomon in alt hie gWy was not arrayed hke'oneof lhese',',trerfi',th4 outward 01V which Ho bestow. w wttrcH mttctt lion cannot b aitwerthr-ofmr.' ' '; fruufWar. 'vsvi ::' : (isiusi nail .v ft, .i , ' Wa notieed lately the session of a Peace Cori gTess ia Purisi- ' Weee by a letter-of oneofoVe1 America delegates- that Em ilk or '0 Aaorv Editor of Lm Jrese, a paer which is'' said have the largest circulation tit any journal In Ea ropc, lias rommcneed the discussion of the sub ject, and harts with his best wishes the cause of universal peace, ; 1 fie following tacts from' rho culumns of Lfr Prts, 4tvt appullinf r.' ! ' ' . ; The army of 1-813 Was" composed uf rcciujW from "eighteeif to twerrtr vars of ai'c 1 lllnni fatigue and tnitcry decimated them. Of the I,?0OOW raised in 1813, there retjiauipd in 1814, to sefcnd the- soil of France, but t- hundred thoumid men above the ground. . "As the result iiikjlim iiiii.vjMim 1 tjiiiwiii). .i;i.4B,ii:trauc..je-" twern the Tears 171 and 1813, we dud nf four millions five hundred thtmntntf French-. mm were Mown to piece by cannon,- hroughl dowft bymusketn-, impided upon bayo'iiets' of eat diAvnlVy broailswords" snd sabres; and by all this sicrifpie France obtained literallv' nqthf inp-4 not so much as one square inch of"grou'nd added lo Us terriioriallimitsin he? wars. " The Ltmdon Times follows ey. iLV aTiorer'caft' dilation, nrut computes the (94 KustilniiJ by the alliea at ten .aitAioxa of. i: cut' ti: piacea, U die' prime oflife ! The ii.iiid can s-cjrcel v realiaa such a diAlnaljuiK, horrible picjure. ( And' yet ' this enormous sacrifica of human life produced no advaptagi;a for which tho cost ofa'aingftt Has. would not huve been loo dear.. a look itb mnrn. u I ara nt Eiinfa u'liiiiia m ih.ii ., i...,v, , . I I . I . i . . . '--' ... wimu luniniiig ami naircu upon inoae savage trrirca the Charmsf, tha; bvtugv be sigh .becpq.es which nerimlically oUT-r liu:'na.. 'sacrifices 'toihei, sweeter th?n the song.. Sorrow sduqd.bunune gfo" nJiTtheTr blmra'FjnTslTSaTC a fnend.and sacred jpy-ts uimglcd with tears of aide, and their deru.:tion or liie but li,ilej holy recollection. - 1 bus as crnef ascends, the 1 ...:.u ......... :.i ,.rn 1 . n . . ' 1 , l'.ii 1, ti.i ..it. r iiitiwi ... iii.fmiw OI9faU4fla . ... (9 , , " 7r' w mount of Time, she sceuia. to, iiass throtisb a sort ofirauaforipaliouv.Thccoiivulsiic agony- chyigps io passive si)nor-. aini querulous inisnvtugs to' quiet mcdMalipn.. Tbcre jnustbt; . disiress 1 Ut. then, the gushing. tears, flow, for jl is die course id nature ;.lut cvn.Viitli tls, let there bo. the victory uf Christian faith, the glorietia hApV "f our holy rvligioii. . Fof - V. . ; , " 8udh )top, like lbs Mioaio. be'm ( . aUv be iM.rs, kke ti4 ratohow, in uu." whieh civilized merr oflir ar thw rhrinc ot" itino" nl ambition, a vanV-, "mid rovengo.leAo(hl, IttpitbTicdir. - ' " ' ' . ' "'-' ; :A: How to DiE--Dryant has nothing more beau. tiful that) this r .''..' .' So. live, that whcrr.Ae summons ipsa jnT The innumerable enravao, that mm car : w To tbat mysterious realm, where each shall take His -chamber in the silent hall of death Thou -go not, like the galley alave at night, . Somfjetltd hisduugOon;bnt s istuin'd andsooth'd. Hw aa upfatfariiig trusU-approaeh tne grave one whoJr,aCn jhe drapery WjrM neci ' .z - 1 Apuiiut him," ami lies down to pleasant dr;ani- CMFonMA. Jioutliey, in his Comrno:)-' Place Hook," quotes froiif W itheiJS'iigii.hr poet, who vroto in tlie sixleentr"eenti')v tlie' following liner. :f fhere-Is ntUirich poetry iu them, iLere is a great deal ol truth i ' : I've heard those say tlral travel to tha West, '; Whence fiiis beloved tnHal. i enrweaat '. -';-Tliat In the places were ijuetrmihTals be, " , Is neither grass nor herb, nor plant,' nor trc?" AnrJ like enough for this at homr I find, C" : . Those who toonriicdy employ tltqmiml , , : About thit trasli, hat e hearts, I dare npholif,-, 1 As barren as the place where men dig gold. J ' As m.l.i u Lich !t? man nfli, so KnowltHlgo vvjucli he cannot canuot spend will make no pply . w ill nntkc no maii vvis.-. . . "