' c -v. , , .... ' lN I, 1 ri 4 I . ' . - L i i -.; ti --Ho 1 r- r. ,,u K?MtW rrri - a i4 :r . jii JxlJi t; r. i . u .r.v;,; .3 4 1 i . 1 1 i 11 k- . -1 11 ivi 11 111 m . 1 1 r' hi i i iNi . . . 1 4 r 1 j 11 1 ii' i 1 1 1.1 I 1 11 1 ; . 1 . .if i 1 l.i i 1 v 1 1 1 4 1 1 r - ' i r v-xj i . i i z r-i ' . - . a t j : . : t AlY Af S f SHERWOOD transported without aetiimenl . throu-h, climates,; V ; axjiittoU.4f fT11 f hwie4,liUi. fiaf f ttt J.finisht:iame- 'UfsiiiU:d jp thtf i-itwr Jude OasW Veiutic'5 oolKiliV W ' ' ' j I , - - i: ) r ' I1;nr whero the plants themselves Iwonld insfaintly CWJmI.' W.i?7Fin'W i - :; ZX.lJittM ti tet;nd SirJoho-Hctsbel to staged, hat M hlsutifls W.tej, onaUBtly on hand tl leastt ulhorit 1 will hefe read a fewfoSnSfli : ;i , If4n,rnlf sauare (firtecniimesftrt'tliii iWtfcuatT,inp.taJl btilebrated-lotrrttitM? f n Week, ita, twenty five cents for wry Week; CMi asTollowsi -,1; '11 ' redaction. maue m iavor oa sumujug, v.A aii ti tiro. three " (icol.). 10J)0.. 15.00, HaTl calurnn. , ..M-OP... Korthe'ratrioV-l On i the Dissemination of the Seedof fiants- ! , A n.ttir mrin W which the i seeds of Uahl rc uissehiiriated H ttrugb theJ influence of e L Wiitrrs. 1JV llicse U1CY are ir?Mueini uwiirvjvu e th to a dtance ifoitt.ineirjauve regious uufuiy- nlnrt m' s foreitrn soil. I 1 le mountain m loreicn sou. i ie 1 i" streams or torrentn, bear dowit W the TllttJsJthe ! TfWU8 seeds wliica iua lxuv iaccidentalJbeen ; trovrn urntbelr .suriacesj.or iwhicLTtliej taay happen to haire swept away from their bankl(iwhjn suddenly they overflow them in their progrju'SM to the plauis: and the broad and majestic m?crs, I i ' i I. ii.. Uliiri i TI' ?;"??rawiu J " ; ; i and :traveing the vajaUipetife.uthe world, niat thus convey to the dutauce of many hunidreds of miles, the seeds that once had an origin at their i I I ' - . i . i fc 1 1- ! i - IS .' source. Ihesc, have wner Dcen mn their mouths, or quietly deposited in thei waters of a neighboring sea. s And pit, is, vheu tjong,,-,,- undergo 'the' slightest1 h?ui In her ap ipilcS.of wind, after blowing violently from the 'peara'beetlnie 'eiercisinjg 'butlitile'fpower over land fof a tihie, die of plants that grow on upon its waves, where the tide and currents, oon become active instrunients in, assisting the $ dis semination; of almost all classes of the vdjeuble tiiim. ' The Patidanus and numerous other pklntVhavc,! doubtless in this way, been profuse ly distributed over ma. ny of the islands in thai Pa cific ocean. j -i i .- . t. 1 It !apiears from the observations of Llrinpus, hnt alniner slants were found trrowmg Ort the . - i ; i r .i 4. 1 rfnii-da of Gfermanv have not "unfreouently hceu j r I i . ;.iLi.u4k. .fa.u . i..a. fkuxr' nmiro.aroug m w o.. , "r;""' i xngbcen carried by the rivers into the Iwltift sea, ahd:. when thrown f u n the snore wcrc leu , away, thst'uiany of the seeds ; her. , lhe nrsrsigu ot decay was that ot sggt, the oceaii's bank areUlown. vrhieti;took place about ntiree ycarsbcto' her shores of Lapland, which had been bornp.bf the In ZLxZ I ZiLl Gouge. so . rivers to a distance of thrrtjix" nwles froiA the pld akttaihtancesr but eould not fiud her way to , rthat kLkJi..:;. .tut iv.:.....' .... :, -i ; . .. I I r I. t circulate an yUlCeS OI VUeir lutliurai uauuaiiuu . auu ..-. v.. mcii;iuijue. 1 by the rccccding tides, fceveral Species Ot icgu- j up sd straight tlwt, when walking frmn me, 1 ol minous and other piants, peculiar to America, i teii'k' herf&rjsonie the "younger "scrvihts and the' west Jndht islands; iare also mentioned, nHmjsesr The next, and, tp me ... i.. , . 1 1 . J; . .t mostlsingular sign of delnie , was,i that - she lost M having been conveyed by;nvers into thasca, the aH of Waiklr.u that she h& bot strength and then drifted by the Gulf-atrcam to othef and j for distant chores, and among these the Ji'.i Ilm.Mliir- la tvrtrf Imilni-lv niiti(.r.l na bee . . " . ! .. . . i .' . iecn raised rrom a seed tound on tnc insii coast. . I '1ms proving, that the western shores ohdrppe T are ' otnetuaes vnitod by seeds, that have pcen germinated in the interior pf our cohtiiicnj Uud j trJnlsomc of its troeai wlanils. '' 1 V .. .. , . 11 : ? ' ' JJesnles these, instances are by no means: pn-1 common, of many! of the fruiits indigiuous t tho 1 been eougcnial to their habits, they, in all proba ittlUy woufd have thriven niost profusely. ! juch i t. dritl a a wb.v. . a V jjjm .a V. V. -. a, paaav ' " ' ' " " - f f , . . . ? . Vurmtv f ii.l-.K-r pU of n khtiilr na turd vrhoe . ii' jt. , j "capsules are as firmly unittMl'. The large dpybl 10 cocou-uut oftho SeycheQe iaOands, is also reported ) by travelers to have been carried by the regular Currents ofthe Indian seas, and thrown apoi the i: 3hvlab;ui:m , coast, a distance of four htiiitlred leagues fruui whence' they were originally ; plodur ed. Instances such as these, have sdiheUmcs led voyagers to the knowledge of unuiscoVcred ndjs in a windward iiroctiiini froni theiijjjottion oa thc seas ; aud it appears, "that it was 'j(rpuijcir cunistances of a similar uatute, that the itelli pence a Columbus was influenced, in guiding his Vrspcls through an unknown iea to thoscf Istahd., -from whcii'cei succeeding taVisators pivceedtd to the uVtucricaii shores. . M , ft . It has been supposed byt spme physioiogls andj erroneously toothat water, and the jmtrcase i nddiudnwhhient. of tefnrare''dcstro9. t' vi tality of seedsi : but instances' are by no mpa rts! un- ; common, where fields have been inundated during j the entire winter, and oA tbtej approach !p1rng, the land became drained and the sun's fays penetrated the sofythat these seeds bcg4p imme diately to germinate, spring up, an4 tlmVcjfnost Juxoriaiitly. Ink collectionibf six hundred Pahts obtained along the rAfricati coast; a fbtir lyjears ince, irwas ascertained upph 'examiiwtiphj that Jurteen of the species were' likewise to, met f with mi ii,., Ut' .k - ' . "v i'wii, uuiija oi mv; -aiuetnui xvii nt, at Guhina add lJraxii,;and that these ptntirj were chiefly of such a nature as to prodticolseed )n every way prepared to retain' their vitalSv for- y great length of! time,' WWliey i uojectcd to tho influences of the sea, . 5 J . ,o ' The small amount of liquid material contained n tho composUion of the seeds of molt" plants) renders them couipletely iuscnsiblc to tfi'lSrlcd occiiiic currents, and quietly deposited pit$cfar but just as sophas? 'you would let jher gt,'she te ' v . . : :LJt m nt-L,-, 1 wOu fcl stop, and if no further aid was e allcrded oil fhores of Norway, in a pertect state to .germi-. . ,.. .? . , -, i - -v ti vi-i " , . , . 1 , 1 i t her, mud would get dowi and crawl like a child : rjrtwelrehoura neater; 1 Vftift ' ! j ,1 r ' !' .' 'tuw. nere, in iuo uwue wi wie, ui,n auu iuo witu ..1 a; ' ; . .m : . r I uii i j 1 - 1. -r.viv ..v. iwjuct. nnu puc iyo jnaDV Dotes rr . 1 IAi. . ' ... fill ,i .l ' i t.iVi-n.Ir .4 , i. ' -f vi ... i f'L ana tae freat actlvitv . arA umria wWk ! Kail Kmd ntni'k j i 2-! i i..;iJ t n'..r.? . ; . L 'fj ' v-cb As.-, r J M0 Ttliat were nb6Ueif he aJso addsthat jamtn 1 20.00 hntAniSrit iliaV t&cW J'STtkldrt6ieilh Weds bf ! Ie nnlettcrod ' ana free, so that alirtnay'spealc i.i- y.;.;-.-riTi v?nt """"XMHe-procw; whij mpwvwnrrcori.is to tlicDyrihi cLeckf- 1 3S.0O Pr??f,lP thefr oVn 'sentii&ntl iu' th to-; 9?y r.coim to6mVtoolveSii ' HI) l v Tto BIU?6mtinueI);1 i 1, ; I th6 most1 deirraded and ibandonedlwretc that tPvWWl an aetiud . , v - -vt- L , , r, Ureens or crawls1 on' OodVtstooL'" where nob , s 2 ; woawkoi.tt .oiiivp oar .yxu- Vuigh't assassin the - cold -blooded ttrdererrHi n'Sl-'Zr-T---i ; ivhwc. ' 7. ."vrr .lHJ K'ayanwge r1 IOr 4ifceoyntiRg and ctrtnlationr - wfl !1 ! " I I Thclltev. A. ikCrfeen, D.l.ofashTilleJ JuIs The! 1-f A : A ' - V fl J fJkJMTl 11.11 .4 -.V moV V 1 A Tetfn ville, Medical' Joarcal the following incidents at- tending whit he'tcrma. the j " natural; death one oflhis servants at the advanced mge! yeara.' "Dr. Orcch is tnbwn" to manjl as one 6 ceiniumioiicrs. dt the Church South, in the settlement of the ktc diffi- dlfll- tulty hctweco the Church North and. South : " I' promised you that; M would furnish you with aie of the" fact, ?bnheeted with the lust ;'days qt Aunt PhJH?, . an old rte'gro 'woman of iuiue,2wuu. uicu ku. r.tu auih, rnins was, at me time d her death,' at the ; lowest estimate, 11 1 yen bid, and the probability is that sh wjars'-'olden"'1 ' ''1' ' :H -'"r r ' ii jftf 'fifty years; she 'has enjbyedttninterrupted health:, and, as 1 have been able to l&iirn, she wa i . nrf.n4ttlt. ... Via Ii4. nriJnnl n k.w k l.w - . . t-; ',.7 . .ffi2T.. . , ... i - . .. .? e ii j a ' -x i - .ini' J ' V. mentof all her senses, and at 1U4 yfears would i i i.. in . . l. c t have inarned an old negm muu of scvetrty-five if t ki -m.mi ; ' - i i jects t a distance? Soon alter thisr hef hearing ouv upvalue uvai ei"un;u, nvi living uuic lu sec uu i! i I?1 '") -fl ' - is i . "i dec!iped,butup;tothe U,e .htf . to . could hear better thari bid person's generally do The" $rst indication of mental failure was that of locality; she not being able to hnd heir way to a tf T oi- fiatwi. ',- kT J' - i I at farstSttpposed that this was dwirtg to de- 1. . ... , . .. I fectiye sight, but ou exaunuation found it was lh k. .L:jT c:n k-i.,..,. ' .i v. 1.- , , - 1. IfLftLIVIa w'L.ftlft Tft liiVi'lllUllUII If 4. Of ZJLKAJA a .D I1C of.herHelff ami old i walk strong and Auick like a young person, and hold herse hold herself which seemed to delight her verv tnur:h. nn.l shn . Ul ti,.:! i ii- . i' ' m would walk about the; yard aud porches uutd -pVouU'iell her" she Kadi walked' eii- ough but she would no sooner take her seat, and sit fijir fi'y.Wttijlutij'ore alf id'e of walking be;:M have ;jtd bo fciuh ovcragain. . - i ,lenrtii iTmh tinu-m,' tW t wunieSs she had holtl of sometluug; fcifce her jt length to wlk altogether, andcohtinued to sit up during the ajj but had to be pTit to bed':aj hke U child-. AlltT k while' she bei ana taiccn up canie Uuwill- - . ' . . i - al . 4 , - . . .wit .1.. tK.,. .1 ;..,i.t.,.,.,.i i... r -r . v1."!1'1.-?:" u-. wf w lu vw uu'tij' she died. 1 '; ' i took bowels examined her thi in fine spirits not poufpiwn- snyAuipg , .uu a.i , . . ... 1 41 1 I ' greW shorter and shorter till the ceased to Dpath l osed in iirmn her Iikoi going, into a r soft! sWeet - i i i i weet sleep, and tor tj?o minutes it was difh-1. cult to tell whether' iie was breathing or noti wil ftibiho fjZcQtm K . .. , . ' ! ' - ' t t' nil ' Vl..k. i: JIi .'ti. L-i. -r;ryf JI ,v.U4U4i UUUt reCUlVini? ami UA I uivi-to ujc iiuuiin lur UlAII tlinAnufnmnf.tn niftiii afnrv At lh 1. I w.wl.1' ' .f I J communicates to (he 'cdit5r of the Nash- 01 f"?. l -TV? ' liverin-it. wonhl snnn mt 171 of all r3Z7i .n rA,rr"u.rTi L r-xT.,- vf ,v v . 1 u f.-: vH-'U fr: j opened an eye-ias tne mndupute3 tignt, unuer v; -V nTu I7 j r - r . t! I s . -.rrTTrrr.rr- L-" yuuau vr inunr, uu.-niciiop.v-.uu4 apm ;.j r.-valbti'i J'p-t.:-'. ' ' UVUVIA UL VJ V AAtA illUC O AIV V CV A I A kUU AUAi tllM'Y- .. r. y , . Z 1 L 1 I . , : J 1 enough to walk; but forgot how to walk, ' ; jfuian- I ; jLhc children would lead her forth an J intcf i hitviiio- est her for a while' and she woufd get the Idea. becaiuecSo fearful that .she refused l.lAlv1. .: ;i,A,?n.vJ (L !,i K:;.,1f, ouuu wu uw4ai.-uuit iu "uiuwixo iv w bus- w. tC -r-"i- . ..rtlit iniltiRAit hu tlm sol Litioria of unfortuilate ' her rekuhiriaeals, and her stomach and r they should nut haye were uiiifbnuly in condit on. 1 often if-' V1 ine-epuiury require .. . -uur. ww- uow.uauj, u .u, j..jea their loai beyond all yWce .host ! 1 could: audi slip- had no .Y . - IZV::: .C. I" IT r'rZi: -iZ. bounds." ,lle, then eontinues.as, lollows ; . 1 Tiiik T.'h i(ki.Ma' t.n rhn of iii v kind -'and from i ure w..-v...y Vv .. --- r 7- - , , 7 . . . ? will only remark whether you determine to renew tortnLltf W&SI WMfe i rtY" spceil for de cM,,,tl bt the bank." scarcely : t ,11 to pred-dalc tl.r wuUUoo. ;.vipo., ; v d Wo e&cmal, provisions:!, bo rcqui- learn, snc was lir goou nedtn, auu an tne wime . ti'fl,,..-,.i)ilA,l4Utai .:'.v..uM.f.A t.hii ihi.f:iit.h am rAdit nf thermrarnments v . , f . , l . v . . ' ' -9 i . r . i3 tMirivifiaru iiiiii a in arruw. i a. au-i.jiir 1 1 1 u i.iijii. iH-iaaMa:aa ijii u 11 a niiuiiu a mi a E.iiujjiti iii i jm- m . a i. Theintelltand theioind scorned "- v . - - , TtTTSrX ITZZL t'""- C:'"- - red to prevent the tvU to which bants are so - TtP i u 3 i"i i - i .k .k 1 volifoud rAfrmrrmeahtng ject, and you. w.ilUi?d that Mr. Mann,. ot-tNaw f ,h Mlno8 ' :on 0f th0 Ixsmlatu're XwJ& nt- iiby. otu.i, .brUnt , Gife.iij.drbof SS'.; ivuut rnus was getting com anqon exuminu ;e, , tbis bUl-with several- iP:Klihcatiora . wVirginia, aud; ruianyj others, .predicted ,tltat the " y . iwdent resented her I. found it .even so; Uie extremities were Madfeoii f0tued thc bill,: becad it re- , bank proposed, tyjlul .Madisonb wpuld prove V of ktluS cold: , still she took her regular meals-;- and did ; . . . , . , fi.. Bn(, h tA ' Mmlt . dwf&hiiitt'leaa than dree inontlis after Ascrl ?J rpsoIuUous oi WhitU tup joiiuwin were that I rccoUect 1.S thouglit unconstitutkmnh m is fVe- tliai uua . pecoiauess u.creasefi-ivr usp, d ns9erted. ;?kt tho opening of the hext Jm- wheji: sho pocame as ,cow a unosv.as . orna person Congress the samer measure was rocom- fesaltft? i. He breathing begau at longtn townoinea, -auu ,- , , ,kW4atwrt tnrutu infiliV-ii'Va. utarteil there, was no. contortion, -iru, u v.. lisheJ a pb u hev.rt;commead4?d a oftjio muIw; p stillbeen takenn a. slight examinatkinto bavo '- ru4ble ill, fcxiTEft . STATBSii ,Ptt beeO in a4eepsleep.:1i.Boipa8sed; awayM bills I T STtKS auxj the notes of tho tato banks the poly nathral deathAever witjioaped.f? - .j e te . tiuiLUniteii JStatea.yWk., Xr. .; nli.:.;.'.'!-;. Iij-i'..:;;. ' ' i: ' f :' Carey.' ppcipceil. tjhfc iplan Aijaijkent' wiey '.VZitin M,d :lXL!cbig: tbe .! aid said H'adoiMI it wVmld provo sovereign s . .i i ,4jl 'ia. .... i..;i n i ".--, ir, ""w- - ii : German chemist, haviug made manyex)etiuepts, remeuuitlie,'MaiSf;f'of wheat' uildrye bread, byVtoupiutWimeiiter to fireIb of flour, lletew 'the5 ibUhdpttlSthV tlsbMejatuS: th theiaShigfl'dJad pa bTeasV-hbd Ii&e;Wathr.j tartar and carbonate-of soda" are1; farjnferior to corainba yeast ibrlmakiug , hjalthyfkea-stiys -f 4 '''.'-.-"' V' ! 4,. ttS' :.J.:...i a..v,il'4.ii .feTJnm in r-old wnten ffibranbin;tHiuue iiiFed 'aWtWiiW r-iS.,vSiIi1f ia RmiWiea;tned of 111 1 verdict of ajuty ofhis ownchoiee.tO be trdih '"i ff awi pow wnicb, Jtd.ffire'ut pcri-f 7 lie J vi I . .1 v .. J.. J ,. , ... ...r. w :propmteIvreanaTkedbv Mr. ndtnii. wa. ! collected or a'v mt uf it tAwk-fit. . :t,. w 1 ' s r : rt AnoQoourt fftcia nauesire to speas oerore ine :w. : -li1 - '-" 7V " -7 -.v iu -.r., M.v wMueLHiuoiiioitcnirir'4'sii - it. 1 -r-u . . . T ... . T; kz i.. . ...ti. . t. that a hnnLmnnpv inmnr h.a c-A . k; &n liMQnnra mnin nnl.v, 1 i. J; .!: f .-7' -J J!5a?. 1 sentence tii..fW AfifvJ I ho t.: ..jwup iw" ir,i.."i; ";f .UvJf' ,i. v..;t- .1:- 1 u w.v- Mf" . f u f r v " r-Cr ot its membeis as Representatives ofl a free lpc6- uur reaunij re, orinvesiijiiin us inenjs, 1 so Dl6odflirstjr;'as;tw desire lits ekecutiou Tit4.li the1 dixit of others whdro Tare nut merelv ttlwiti the' M mtMfii m decnlv interested !h haviuc' the sbflfehce of deaU - speed'ily pixinounced upoif it, withiiut 'givirig'-tao a-chaucc to say a' word ot two in its behalf ; Uh- dcr this view f the case, though l' be a bank re- former, 1 appeal sto 'that vehse ' ofijustite and hon. or which V know ehuractefizcs ever V t membcf 61 this honorable bodVi to- near me puticutiy wnnek . ""'..- r, ; , L .t u . 1 assiirn a tew Of the many teasons that have in- (, V '- " . 'iw - wn 'L- i -i dueed mO to believe that the bill how claiming f this honorable bodvi td'heaf me 'putSently whileu i . .. .' Mr. unamnatr, yon are wen aware; no aoupr,- W , r v - ' S and currency. "The . 1 -- '. ....... . " it i . .11 . i . bigoted of the' two old at 'their there should be nothing tolerated to .4. . :, . . j . , . v. . V . -. ' ' " . I . - iiong ine iHjopie, uiraerany circumstan- ces1,' out goiu ana silver. - xne seconu. ana i may , ' . . 7, ... . . j. v.. . ces1,' but gold silver. - 1 he teconu.'and r niay -aUU. lUUeil IIIO ItinrciM aim IllVSt TGruUVWUlV VI XIUJ TUT . , ; . .,. fT.... ... v two Auani eb the this Htron ackjiowled ed as a scbol; party, tayor freeb&nking Pn 'HKitei sei-urities.- of dcuttus pronounced upotjiiitu. This '1- . r: uw- povcrnments o iurotr ; .3 , the same 'doire of courtesy and respect on' this 1 hnfi-- occasion, thaf is WarMttyfe rfeT malefcctU, tluit have yesUdbnficted at the . - , . - ' - -. . . ! convenient. but,uirhiv advantareoii.s. itnntm lui. oar ot our country, v.omnion courteny aemnnas 01a parties, sua aanere to ine' views or ,ir. -ww!uu w;r'prouer6y inan mai jusi men- jr i , n m O r.l" i. 1!CJ .1.1. A V . 1 if iVJ ..I mn.-l - mmnf. A I, - 4Vi . . i ij 4L. r Jai. . r - - xtoil K...1ii.n Ann oiilfi lnIii tit J PalT-iitidnl- Jr. rvfill(l(lll 'RltlHI tftf 2 fflAUtHJ -li A tintl jiroil I. . . oiimii. 1 h luouiueu uv iiiu reimri, ui tuirvei- ""i aunmuw-u, ii nw eauitj mwc, iu me tm- t -r ";Lk ti LVVS MUlllUII VUililli VIV( UlUVV. W . 4 UKBU ! .14 ' ' - ' . . . ......... . a ' ...... - v. .V f III i .f 1 llltfl vpj.r t8H fiM iiiwtAkft.i.ot. JAt-t.h hHail nf Mrtuimio4 .6lr.-makiriir in' all. if rcor-1 , . 7 J iT , , - v , -- - IC l' " g and influential party, wtaods as 'their 'rect; the pmdigioujusum of tUUhowdnd, hco geddeader,'Mr.' KicardoVw6rld-reiiuwn- hamlrtd t.ndtJnrfp4w& miUihiof ihuarn. Large ariind irianeier. The ' third, oi" new -and startling as thLs sum-13, let 18 inever- bc'lfor- This party is riiotijuite so numerous '-as the p:ity compared with! thegrand sum total that has been -hist mentioned' j- - though,' for talent and numbers, lost by .banks orga&ized;iip0n thejs present1 'joose it i? -quite respectable,- and untif tery recently, and defective pUn. Andthe friends of the pres was, if not now, rapidly increasing irt numbers and ent system,', who are availing themselves -of the inflvieucev At the head of this nourishing p.i, run that is how being" thadoon thefrde1 alnd in I place Uie illustrious dames Madison, with sev- dependent banks of the West, piost of which eral able financiers 1 of his day; for tho i following were iiiproperly! peroiitted to hypPthecale, as a reasons : V'1 ; -ril. i'f ; k 7 basis of their circulation, .five jier cent, stockfn- It will-be remeiiibered by all, T presume, that stead, of fixvtaVy J Usually) required, Would do in 1814, when theountfy was engaged in ia War wcll torememberithat'imrrfect ;Hfiis !&stem with tjreat Uritaiuthe Ifcinks " were Universally may be, thoTpablic liafc not yet aud phbaWy forced to suspend specie paymeot, ami the cur- never wilt'lose'lsilf as;thuelrby it; fas they iha?e teney soon thereby became so much deranged that and will by lhqsysteurifow infnse1 in Koiih tho lvsident lrebommended to Congress, on the arclina. J 'am Well aware, Mr :Uhairnkah,f that 16th of Decembch 18 to: that a National Bank be chartered to restore uniformity to the currency, and give refief to the government and the neoDle. iUl. . v a. J . a. v. b . riauv .:lfmnt nfmivernmt stocks, as ia basis, and not " o- ' . - . ' . '. tional I-egUIatUre, iftd after the message rfrfd; re- -vnaT v tin ..in rant vu . 111 i i a nuiiii rv ' wm a ai i a i .. .,! ...j. . h JJollaiuao, a decided frioiSl of the ad- ! .of the Treasury were pub-j remdj- to? all the Iiiaucial dilhTcul tips pfheqoun- try, Mr. aUhisp Ytrtually vappfove5d. of, the pUn jn a serofaysf jubii io; th ia tiopal rjtlignccr3, This, b;n, ,Mr.a . Cd.wirf nan, i$ tl;fire in'e record,. in ,,favpr. .baaking upon , thp Jcf edit pf the? Ignited. States; . and JoutlV Carolina.Tia bauk iuth? i jeaf l81'i, ppoa this basisto? wit: Tlipd Jankpf the. Stfrto of lSout.Gmi.ti;, iAtiii the Ueji."'Jam hax thelaghj qhuuttofjbf-tm. ma.jthe ijfiist moetow!ar;c,rtepg1 institution. 4vf tf . ;r 'j ; It !. tsnopijr, pufppS( 1 r. Chainuan, . this time; to giycevcn tup faintest outline of tlic vo!u The bank he recommended was; to have a capital fim, ncbring lby : making this conjecture. : But j ... the it vet tlU(jr be neitheruninteting of .fifty mil W-oP dolbrs,ehiefly1of Treasury while thet of4lieir; great .tj, j. -v wce pryt diihciiluc notes and Uniled,Ses sixlr imiv stocks;-was beauty a,l safety f their fatonte system, they -to loan the Government,' on demand thirty tnil- 'cannoV if thcy.be. honest menbut- bow their a ; th wery Hear liim : -I'art- lior.H of dollars and the ltwidm;itf tho L-mted heads and blush iu lia.ne.whert.thpy remember, Jy - , .rff divii -Id .1 IA1V I 1-J feV M w va Mvtv v.'u'v" fcrvva v v . V" , I . T T. tvtiH. Lmm a.l.l.hriMnlAi r laA fintiiS r.nr it i ii ii m i -7a nil it iiiiaiH iiTi aia biin i unri iiu F"" .5rif majromfmifmtit? n s tnen Highly. important an. urea Uritaiu, tcAi( cA u; V fpeifr-:!'? f;' ', . Fixim Aes ImmarkjiT' to all jeonccrhed that It should hav t.nMtivAThttintivstJiWiMtri i? pv t.wiAwwyisa, -ever, opposed to th present ankinr; CIluse 1 behevetit.ti be,sadiy,defi 1 :. ,p , . , . : iuo uurf wr, vuainwm, niai we now neartne FreiBankin system freely denounced,4 but who i look ti tWfaas.hlstbrt of bantr and "say the bahkingisystkh. iiHhis Sfo who has any regard for? the trutli orrespett for his e'haraoterllitenture soch an'assrtiiiti f I ; MrtheVery faet'that all hanks that have been oTpantiiionstlipsettt 'pan- ha(ve: suspended twow tnaii oncV and overf two hundred of their number ha vofuiied proves that itlsinot only lui nuuer aavo-TuutM proves mat it as not on y tui- Ki' - .AW&r . i uiL pertect but sadly defective. -1 1 hivo nd- means tul,.fli;!i.-4-T.. J -4if " ot ascertaining the rexaet auwunt that has been . - B :l - i me vrtuyusuuiiis uiy.umr on' our oresent t 8H5,rau 11 wouia asspon I I 1 . ..... j .v v. " !-' .'.. "l' -4 . . i ..i.irt.. . . ... ......... ' a a. . 1 . . - , 1. eolation, deposities, &e. amounted no less than 4.- ..ia.f.:; Lwj-i -.il fj- .-: w cc nro- muutnv nr , uoan r r. . n . ' . ". ' . ! . ' f 'I L0is,iir, pi "itself seems a harge iuia;fttr, uiii4 jjo.h a rarge i1..imJ...,jLi.itr:. fu. wu oniuv auiuumj (ui oa Villi; mil 1 i-ki-- i tC.- C.: .1.. -gotten! tbit iiis bjUjt a drop in the bucket when j Aauojecfcuiyaeu W vuo auu. cou- 1 subject myselt to the ridicule, Sneers and con tempt of Some Who would" haver the f public bc-t ' Hove that41ieyare Solomons liti the way; of 71 4T A h vr.M said ofjhe Jipiklot the tate of ivouth Uro- .But wliat Mr. Chainnari.-have bbent, the The-Baukofth with but ten. per tni specie; anct theiJankof ,ao .qtatp Caruliua, with pot hal that , amount,. a -iiiiNiii.i. w ft. i ii.iii a axa.a liuim -' " - r uu v w & u - pended o? yet faded to. meet , their;-promUef to never sus- pay. when presented at theurpoanters.j jo, pr,:-rAs.T "".f;7 Sever. . But jwhcfl. other banks with larger . eapi- that a general readiness in thp community to bor-Ai-' k,kV?T4"il4i rit. k KnfK.anilin roMT-.ipined withilw desirp of prtiiit on ,thetpart WH. Iplilill iiwrvil il,,viir)wtt'.-",'l X- W i-.ii. i J..: i uorganuea pa tne present system uwitjf" c'rfTit- t:iti "diZ Ha twetoT specie -lam desTMrClife tly aiid brlytorcdoemd that the, coi4i cpluvytWiep prJiltor.Btv ; ; ffr charlwrtvfits public Jtetfdmd lVHlwa f44 WWSMup fWO-Mbi : StnTreliKuSo ltJtthX Maiu:iwiSiaa expedients ih,! QWianJiitin 6ucokl oplratioho b-Jks Jietupes varlmvel fprliyoMuw t??-?!.?. infhwmSm VpiSsUi irithhif, Mr, hairuaii, U strong,, jAnptj harsHn- nugut th1Senhavo3 ipJally whej:we remember.iprpas ta pitor 1 ban.re SwSuswlw fo! dvp- me aeyer SlMyStKrfc ' tithe ankshid atthat time in the LegjsUture f tpudju iWuncs ; vm tm $&&&&m WiSyT ZWieW'l inr tir.M.t than these. 1 to sell, bvciuse, the.banLU feCi:g,tp withdraw: ii: 1 : t lOO" r llllt.. 1 .1... . ..i r. tJbaiB.flf IHrUeT UU1 Ul Ul VMVHfcM ,!..'n ! ,1 fcopd, that. I am t-powers. .t.. ,..,., .,; j ,- 4 k., 4 (Xihute -coktsol cdiai eari :. A! -J r:1tV , I i i?ther, great .advantage, of L thus requiring rem over Oi officers of the bank, they , are.; not likely to bemejcklessAn? profligate, :wheii,:ai ? w rpiurcu teiuiu iuai we ounK.wiU have to pay r for their folly or negligence, . ,.,. ; . ;. " i That a mixed basis, such a&'I have attempted V rir! t preierawe w a goia and crtli her that tbey,are infinitely better than nothing or' U. i i r -T i highly important tc u - u is the only one by i ;., J - J- iuu yiv-uit, vi wiu oiny mh..,- Again, ins highly important to. kuow that, the plau I propose !which any.bapk,-oan ahrd,to for the whole amount of its u- There being, but six hunkred thousand n? -r -, . . .. ... i Q - ' ' . ' - ... w. ntuiv fi,n4ail Aina',i Lv i ii,; , nA , n ,,, I., Ma if Ia mn,U itlao no A run k.... 1 that cold and silver never.have or can bo corrni'lt- 1 i",r ""V inhere there s a-paper dollar of some, kiud or (JLIltl llJilUG Itil ilUltl 111 Lllttnf. ' KUII IHn L 1 III' - a :kkV mi ; te is. intinlk. ! .pledged, inadditloa to the ninat!anMiA kfi; U if dehdv twL fi Nta wpH f J (felli t j I am, jiQW- i "Wt it cohtrbutes much to , insure the prudent Rive another; and a still 'stronjretf hfobf of ti ;nl LS-WJ- " system, ,.be- and safe mapagemept of the, institution. With ccssitj ahd pwicryW'Wyiea.Stat ioffi:iii li&l : J ire. . j -Sttfeties heU.as it were coiistaiitly in,Hrrf- prepare, I coiUerei oasisia too plain jo argue to a moment, and all f the otate. ;'hl wilt ihev seen by.4ghnce a that tWlv of thou who are raOiug, put;, against the stocks f doeuinent, that the'' nett' prottiJrf thfl bkof and notes pledged and deposited in favor of the Cape.Fcar have regubrly; and fcradoallr increased vitf V oanks under this nbn. would da well t rMinm. ! frouithe cLiv-ii wu kit -mtjkMA iki ' .';3'i . in commerce as a halt buslwhltneir customers, and rcajuing handsome dividends ' ' i foot rule, and lutrinsically but much, Mr. Chairman, tor a , ; ' .... . 1 ' - ' 1 i general viewot tnc suoject. v ith you iermis- siou,.sir, 1 wiu now consider some 01 tnc- promi nent objections usually urged against the preseut system. ' . ; The besetting sin of allbauks, organized as ours are, always has been aud always will be to extend their louus aud consequently their issues to the farthest possible extent allowed by their charters, if 'unluckily they , do not often go bey oud that ,puiut. This is no slander on the banks, as 1 .-b 11 now proceed to , proye Dy such authority ,apd witnesses as the most jealous advocate ot the pres . " ent system cannot, tail to acknowledge; and re spect Nor shall I go far from, home for my proof . and authority to establish these charges. Gov. Iredell, speaking of the miwralde condi tio! vf our li nix, ii his message to the.JLcgiai ture of 183H, has the candor to say : " Vhije 1 cannot suggest , any mope 01 .legislative intcner - .1 - f - 1 -1 - i - A.,- rti.V-jt. whwih would .iinnmve tlu.ir M ..1 1 (n.i;.irM!(ftW1Il,i,; .. ,.;.' .-,,. . n.:.M AtLfL 'W, That a powetio issue paper money, .t; i;piJw.t:a,ul foV tC nn of V rrT"-:T T .1 Reeved further. That in thctpharters.of the banks of thjs fetatc t! Uwut unpod o hcA u- .- . i w ' ' .' . '. ! IJ .4l. . 4.P the. -ttliolrlAria. mmld not tail to- oradoce an - ' 71 " r T V ZZ ' v wluh Tdiire confined the oSeeni of the proposeu, IreaihJl Could I aakifor ',strvnf cotamcBVtlim: ft for; general fiireulatiom of'all 'banks -TfcS proof shall be of a practical nature; and bo draWii froni -Ml me tran3ncxuns rot our baulcs, as exhibited by " the tabular Itatements famished 30 obediecW to? if jnt resoluiioni passed by the rrescht I!rUla. turc, Dy iQcr paaK or uapo lcar and th$ bank of K a . . a . t . a- :il , . . - : - . .j vi a ent time II,. l... !.'.... (i ii . . mc iiuntinuuie uiu jji iwouaiiurcu auu tiiirtysix. ; thousand three hundred and thirty-one dollars and sixtyight cents. NowMr. Chairman -aftcrn n.aking all dueahd rfjasonablel ftliowahccs Ifbr ? ine increase oi ine capital of the ban If,- 1 would I 1 I I 1IHro!IUA tlAP nMtfifj' tn ulriina ImM a U 1.. 8"4 to what thev wem in 1838. vriiliniit m-mHInt ly coutinuuig to swell hcrcircnlatioitintil now. 10 say the least, thhas out th: last dollar (ihtcldcenjil Jfd Ink TTZ u T T W'W tf bank,! tot. a groat-. fault.aiiatt'au4iraiUT:- of. iff'; .i 4 ; ... hi . - . i ? . iin 1834, they ainounted i tbcichtv.1 !l i ... 1 . L -I '-.... f i. lvi i T ?-;Jt: dollars arid seventv v6 f?nt.i?.ftnd in" ixm I'lvlliU. 11. IS U till I HJI IxlUL JiJl'I..' IIII . r WOTT ITtT I fit i II : V. i ' ' u.nt r:.. A.i.-j-- l.h fj.-:.;. i 1 present plap do, for the purpose ofucvouiniodatitt? tor the stoeklaor8;'tiSaaiy go -oivfrofathey they eommecee bustness,i j j. rad ually td 5 increase their circulation, until they ure.actuallyj forced 4tJ contract it bv a run bcin?h nmdei minrr - .ih'nm' fnr lW specie, i Uence we have iouad it invatiably -tho 'ifff'i case,riu this gtatetliat when' the banks ' tluak tt Q prudent to japply. to the Ijegislaturo to .hav 'thcT ijf '-- j. charters rAiewetl. there is by. some striiiue mSi : 1 hap or.ther :& p;iuie on ..the country and they - . are tnun fir,'pnxdeuce-or sorao hss MdaUo'ixitK-il ' --"ii . f , tives, fouijdjgtdually toibo engaged ; jn dimiiiwh m 'I H-y their cii culatfou and -discounting: ?. if it bo true. Ill that. the banks contribute nothiiir h brig-about these results, then they.. ore very lacky. oruh i i. .1 . .. ... i ' t . :!' .i ' U 9 at least, always avail thcinseltcs jof tliese wouyl 9? panics to apply Jor a renewal of .their cltirtcrs. !p i "-Mr, Chairman,!! know that thiV fhfct 131 4? eiitlered; by I'oioc hi of Jittlopr imk ifipo4ftiapl ' I ly however; do tiot toohruf ia ' this oiniattJ:;f If :p ! what . I hayo stated bo true; it b a fact pf tlidireihr 1 ! c first importance and deepest fcSgntflcat ion'imiii uw uui uvoire Buvu resu.iiinj.inev in norm a uroiinn. m ;... i f .1.. i. ..I. . .I ;.: . -s. :' sting j-why Gov llredell and Judge G.-$toiv fe1t called 4n d ;f ?4 o j to use tlic ktrong laugnage i Uv J;jiid, .laildlfei I4 1 1 1 great nlise the tiemetHlou- power ' this - rmilS ttio fiivft; pjiv. iui w prwetxjy ii any oiu? .TTisneu lO Know jjgjjj tnks liaVe ofhi"s3t exhafidiAf n.d ll:ciriouttsttidg tleir bjsneJordire1Ll te'r ill IMf men a ud comnmiiitieM and ejeii.sfcU- ti i-ilrjI'TOem 1" I beef "leave toreferUo ilhe -various 'ret Lirt!uiauo'jA'- investi irate tlie! icoiiumt ofitheTariouH!' UtnlV in i . this .State in.l$2&? In tlneso rejiortrf he will pi'il'f . fiiinjly shMuowedjllbTth ! soiiiccf f"the :.-roancj.la i lf ':t'-1't; banks, organized: a.s pur are have th powcr to ?M ', inflict on the phMic to lnaye TJ-oiyfiofthcm-;.3 ':':iit'i , if thiTif offlcers ai-eorrupt or dkhoncRil "Itf sdve system again pver issues, f Vaods- arid rtiin,w; none,oiaparativcly,:'but tfic liwioivi'fSdeUty Jm? of our lUnkXJlhceis and JtUivctprs; titi4 1 iMitatcf rl il iiot to sayiitiui tithe perple;of North 'lrolihl ;Wei 1)1 !f them a debt of gratitudo for tho horicstv and iM'' delity 1 With which theyiluvej dicliargcd tho weighty obligations imposed 'Upon tbctiiythat they will never? hartj an :oppdrtunity.:to pay ?lisijir, we oweimoro.to. the honesty ami , fidelity of our bank Muansgcmfor. tho oudftet-s . of j on t Imttkd anu furreny. uian. w any jecuuui c reUTCiiou that have been laid uratothcin. iloe ilLcMouLlo showiiig.-aa fsii an t)stiiblelf what lis. to IW.iriiferrcd ny iMjjjra uiuiii.ii t mmiim;-4,io.si40 uie, iu A 4 , , 1-1 ! .-i 4 . 'I a .mw'KMita'lrliW? men. air, jl. Knowj t am tioTgviiiz loo iar; miam-M. L assert,:that the t pepjiJo iof lltU 7 hstft l-p p other choekj-or barrier tin otlprc-scii' r' liikipgi-fe mm t tf Si-Mi.; - 1 1..- J -i. i km " ':'4'il ii s.t I.H;: f J !'!-r'. . :' i -i i . :: I 4 - . " i 4 !!

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