'...... j 't . , . t ' I 'I -, ' f i-. . ..rs.'.P.'S. ' ' "' v ; V ---V f r-4" ..;..! 'r"-.- ," -.. ... At 4i 4 V "T J: V 4 J. f 7 ! fti 1 -il" -' ii' if r.- r ""-"v:1; ': TTI A .T77 77 X 'V-"I- t -rwoa'Hjr.and , poliliSily, IJE jou? to.'i; il -admire youlas a inanLadinih -tj'our .tdti-4tfk jr: TOtriutiaru .aoci ypur on (bi.it t'ii I-r -nintik ilHoJ & r I fa lboBimr: ;l4 i not 1-. J Hi. l. : -if' 4. fci , -f (ft. cevTitfe, in tttiieli; if tou Jid hot denounce i you liwrr Vcry:ifl(rrjit;rc6jui.tdii: iid not toip SO iionest in your coDTiction rteadilytcnecdeNo man' who knows John Kerr trill .dispute x&t For uivselfi 8ir.fI honor you for, tVw .honest, candii inaply and; independent expression of. your, benti mcnts.j I expected nothing; lefis frola "yitfj jas't am iware ,of your de testa tkm nd roibu nd eon? tempt for political trickstdra and hypocritical detu iro2uos who cautiously conceal their ientiments 'notil tbey barouie'tertfie popular breezei' fl re pret tint We difleV lnpomeof.our viewaiu regard Lfthe Wasurds ot this Dartr CNeverthelesa.' I shall not dnouice you-nor ioreake yon on this ae- wl eouhLl 'lrWuld rather thdt Watrreedbut as we t UJ uoi. we will ajree. iu4ucr , uvucbmj u ,uiia iThe Czar, had wade n eteral speehea, xhicU to) al of the State id the Treasurer in regard to the the diplomatic by wer Revenue act, will be found lutereting t J ironp.-r-vr.n.uc -Jf- .r.;. : .leijinAjarcu iilf, pocinePei-W?p74v4f: 4V. Cot L i iSMo ttliXKtt -1 1 J?U Uiay nvi tnukc t inyf li ii firV'widY'il ! 'iw u.Jou ar6 0pDe4 byacanairtate wnose fiewi ?'?5 Kn tlfJ that tvuiiis ue psu.w.uicii iuii yauit' tuy own better than iyouro, l-tail, vote fior. r-j The crat or aue- iourpoinia; wnicn.'aau oeen- . b&l44ay W :W-' -V " -U T! unanimously fMrreed: t tnmm'm Kfy.pr;eh.aU.iI j fprget , j (,aplor your pardonair when I aisuns jou reads as fofioVhe MUm m&i Mr;c$-nf jto: eud tfid yhi tnat in that speech of yoursjrJu (umnteDtionallj; iotwtmIliib (ir frop Ui asau ;,C'e jp?i9?f as I believe,) did the Native Atnericau partyiini aud the privilege aecpr4e4;theprormcea by,Ua 'krK-" CuoVNdelfeb HicrTwi"' linprewioaipoii theMndf the Sultan belnplacep under the guarantee J of j Cc coi-ive ixwer otN "n I 2f ever f j nimber of 'Ithat vast asaemblase, , that the thVFpurTowers; ;j aai TWll IJ jtMal' ; to ckiiuwWt 'these efi'rta and! j;atJVe American awAlwlitiotttstsiMi. thiiyo pSAhe latent despatcKtroiu .'V'lenpa a4ated FrV sl W tliaiilt JC'U Ji'r.theraI4 But f0ungehf 'Srf wllch once o prouBy bre and Vllt Satire Atnericans oppx'vforeersiHmio: prfsinffavotablyi aKei WJtJy jief IVdedin'p'ra'iU ti te dathejpui n 'I'ti JcnSjhave riubphed-- jth a j mthV hanm Mpressiop that this party ia 'ive' tocatho- j tied 'to-morrow. 1 1 cfwt brrepeated tliat iM 't they bjyeWrtf ti fmm tlip flk' staff, a d l4a1fpgrGaKl according to the ltatest-oi f question of Peaccpr Virr,wi9 not lj4icidediiiiUi: 4 W itlrnilW' principle atakped j'nuceirtrAa iLao You" JeftW ijnpre.;.Uhe tjiird 'potnt'is settled, -;t-4k yM1 pf IVin iftsilkirifoiaa'-m of be fedou Tlmfea gt iiZ-i wfv'Krni in Notional t4int of vie,w,M;?wd-t tlife whJjek of abolitionwta LOnlv fin their t teleirraphs underdate i?f Friday eTeninj;,that;the " : Ax jl val of th3 I3ar.I2-'-w--,ctit,ira3 cxl.cmtV creditable t'Oth to hU head ai 11 1 ' - , hcrt. ' lie cljljcntlv and sptly ccmpareJ, " SVEN DAYS LATpU FROM rUROF:. iather'coni -tcJf tU prfeat American triumvira. s Ai4 . "--witb.tbe luaeand bloody; onfe thleh scourged ar.1 y -;rA mjW' Yurie; 4 Apnl ' C.-The 1 stcapier "Caltio dispraced 1 the French r nation Danton, RobrfJ reached !ier- dot V, here v this day.' "i .Sbe sailed Cti pierre," and Maral The close 'ot Mr. , "Dictinson the,24th-ult.7an4 harnaji a! bulerotis passage I lecture :was beautiful anl ; touchinpr,. andr.tk of nearly .fourteebTaySvShe production was - admirably jcomlfciredi ank hew steanier;ahe Cityof t Baltimore,, of. the. ; Writtea." ' , i.ii vrV'' VhtfeaelpUia! and tfverpool mk baa befentaJceit S J J. ! 1 ' t 1.', . " -t by' the Frencbvgpvernmeni aix jmooti9.;She j , C ; From the C tandaroV 1 " . f - 5 - 'Attorney Ueneral's Upinipn. the American shipiTiconderbpi which had also j: . . . .J .. v.r. , . r . i .2 - w .n.a ht iy niuSnL'' , The following letter from the 'Attorney Gener RaleiuhMarcli 3h )8$5., mrts," PubHcrreashrer. .'i v The cret 01 tno. lour points wnieu aau occn'p Sir :,l liav the honor, in reply to your note on unanimously fMrree the RevenUe Lawkto Submit the reads as followa - ' q , j Jotectoratof Enwia tri Mol tax ot five per cent. torbe levleln'capital aiid the privnegeiacc6ij'de4o tnoje provincea byP employed by ; persons selling 1 J .iqiiors, fVincsr0r the Sultan beln placep under egttaraotedj.ofj Cordiafa; is cfdandable by the Sheriff 'in; tbe tfo-1?fmtVowe&-h& l (same manner ASt- tax-on i lerahants1 ti-'to be lftia.tr T. :rVa CarcXlna-GUlLFORD O5L0lTViy. Court of -Vleuie t-ud Quarter Jes ou. February lerrn,-1855. y rf . - i' . 'residentand Directors of thcTUank of Cape, Fear . '3 !The Undar Miuiug Company.- c -lohn WiTnomaa & son vV V the same w ' 1 ohn A- tiitmer - -.." V..J.McConnell-. - - Jufteph Leoiiartl XiHiani HeoJerson O .VilUam Turner 1'omlinsonj Eoijlu 6: yo. L J 'l lumuA ThumaJ 1 nomas y HeurV JJerrymau ? r Amos nesm Shelly & I?ieldi v fcsarte '" ;J. ISuce ' Mason fc. Armfield Uliriam H. Reece Same ;5! : ? -'.'Barney t va i: t!j ame . v . theCMin; y . th e Vain e , 1 V4 (the Vacuo.' " a I . va, ,uie same, , va -tne saHi -' i-5. va v . jne-ain . n v t '..Ihe'eanie t . tneamer.. ts r " 'the same TS X i r-irt!.? TJ Manufacturer 7 XVI iV. LUe Giant Corn uJr I M 1 Mill,;afeo, M$jf tfcieniAULiiiwIJ- 1 . t a. fir sr "k V 'v 4 1 the same -A r -("the amj" -- ts -j Hie jaine ..- - tst . ane same 4 vs ,':" ihe'hame Vs y.th um ' ya ' . t the sained; 1 ihe same USD P4UJD - n ack oat Agrkc tTtra l U rt ta, for VVod WawciiocsK. 3v !laTn2 ecurel u fact ore and e!I the f;U!le Gianv we are now promptly, tr a thorough workraaiilike mariner ! t? orJers, wh ble'safer ahtt iletaiir of aid Mills ft1 VI renntation .'woniby.'ihes;niUIs. fo? . the?hai-.:-;l thrononl thcUiited States. f. a kuflicient guianl I- tee of 5 ujtluyflnratalithed iharactet, n hM 11 Uietiiill ofTertnl, to the right from Umen Scott SxiS I. the Corn and Cob Mill; krto S i nze amount of money aijd labor lo brinvPu to i! jntut Vtateol perfeetioniirid Iknol fl lev Pliiiile rsv &ocfcv Feetlejrs and oibejg W l'I'j t'jirt!tti""nf mfiianii.m cimnl....!.' 1 iitm V Iai, v ........ ... j i I1U lnftf.ft. : rr in ti Mint jtnrMrJfft iri" ii"vf riir nn li 'II : i Isk -. I nouueVd byeveitl04iyiobo 4he .most irnrto,?.! )w ; $ atUHe of ihe kind now Tn ue udt onlv well ' k? i? 1 j Jjorniny for the taWe.etc etc.rhe J&Ue-tf iaju ? j JFaita "of ""MifourL Kentucky Marrland at .1 4? ptatec, aoJ that in tlie:rnotcoRiplinietitary na !--'iJ..it 1 Jir.l tint ".rbll vo tlis-5-von know n r-Ttv j.. 1 : ti -wit - . -i n If 1 . yvldi iu Lreath Dh th toul oslnl Si'U-wavJ a' twrtv Ubheld and ju-iiaiiiod p I Tt& Ur;iMLriflnf eatholics. Yu knowl f..l v.!::. U.m. niifv. in iTa senfilo and ran riinVfJlcs ittivctii wMMzxiwt to the -p ucilii'ls nerving just to mncHot Win V'loritidntthc'Know avt its ; yDa leiuj inipiion tbatis party estimated frym 19th March,;1 1H55, ahd 1 U -the I oniy tax iranoseaon suca csoitai. except xuax ion ,3sine -? -v ts - tnewun8 tense to retail: i And so with w-ardlto tbetaxj ,fW -.W' f vs the same Ri,a0 2 llarVan nf twentv-five tier cent to be raid ; inn. tha value of i Enoch Stephen A - , r T t the eani , , i-i- -j-j rf - v " cenain,Dru?s and Medicines. 1 tr- 4 -jaV- ;.ame -4 vs he satno ; JlbvvVWof UaU conleteady lor aach & 1 :.The,taVfifaKundrei :dolhr;4m afa anciea 1 . ' - - V' SlobrN pf RanVs,bayinSuc, ' 'ielSjn State, is not affected bv a subsenuent nrovision in i ..w. , . ihj.b .' ew per. uont vvjut iwo tiorte4 .v, K ;,. . c, 1 , ,. Vit2 hvw rsvwviiii ucviaiiiiK ft.i.iu t - j a. Ill II CI At VU. 1 si . . ,w i, iqh (mintt i j - v - PT' y - ceaw IH principles auu oojecis,1. tcfium m mo w. . iuv .wuwicuwa mi .wiawuw tvj, H4?M.iwrUbjVctwnt ,74 ' :J S,: -J indipalijr hereafter be consideed.Ias the foregoinjr remarks , Count Nesseroderwip proceed to V tenna, f the tOPr thaV-.-w-. mdfr nrerwraknnrf an anilization of that, nart nesttitiationshould prove criticali s H-v w. aF vnnr fcnAfrh in TT" V party irr favor of . Iftaruioiii j;.:ik:a t .Knii which you take iasne'-wilh the il . i ! t. ft U.JIV! Ufnht ui aia Ulviuca-rmeraJJV rrtv n faror nt. AniertCiins rulius? lAnjenca. Jn ly. plana tracea .Xi.VnJwf,i.l caii never atain u.ect ' ldnnoi.i 'n.jinthw I shall rccimowde the ciiurtcW you ex-, would Uiate jm i:' k " wisiy'i it.n"a:Xatioal vr ajiy other V'rJwfdrifl tended Inai purty in cbmnoO parlance aubedRutuora.afe ; 1 Mr.llM.1. ft' l ,"' " T i.l" - niin mv rwiilv v, . w.-.... ... -. r; liitt T.jf ViiakiweAMrtKijuestoii "'"wv. -v not uiv Abieci to ton. you 01 aiSincie ..yoie,; wucu ihj vpvviuik u (i :,..t.L nf ilirf wtniU have beeUf denied ta ti. dofeHtvcur lection. You claimVtovbe a", forts, etc. , ,: . I.-.o. .a rtt itiiT I "!.-rii..J I hti) wre ol tlm struggle tsuts UIli T t- W bi. and Ytiisery;S . very pooo; lAmericanism, i. n abw, auvices iyiM..vomaMmipie iiui I I i r I L i loim tue tile 01 ocin IwrMTT?:-M. f """il" re l r Dttt 11 ?s r ! :is mn nktruW flavor !- HIibaii fwnkM wiihsuiir. Rut tlW -die- W 1, ly Si'i! 'iirafttlheyare tone Vat let they ; are stiing 0j)W to i n ! . i:.wLiL.K' h.md of iX'seurrectiott' cannot M1,ni 4i4-r!ie'ttd tlieiii 'fivui ine uraver; StarUo notJ$i- tw a(c even w ft ;ilo the fact. iThcpid ''.lheilfrand:Uewlw runs bay 1 r' thblcout (nocoliar b' foUw,)-. .JW know ft, ami in vain are ail Horta bbuorable mana V . ThcfhandwritinglfiJ upon ( Very respectfully, ..i ii Lt.!.'ii r. ' i i J.' r - ! - - i..--;' -i stto;dii pecuhar. ,ta epicurm giuitons. , j; .t. C-.,! mtV. haa coiue , lato existeucf 4 -i;i, ir w ,rr.rr r -.rrrr. ."Trrr.r.rj"r ie American' Party. on the nisht of the lOtb, as follows t; " We liave that laCi2iers ana i cuuoikus ircuj ,J liis ueciurea ex rrwwefiro:, tnat tucueipruunai ion erecteu a utsw ruuouot iiuout micv nuuun,u im . :rjalance Ol liiwer in-our r:tru.iu cicvuyiw "" oi.nie new anniiuzuiiuu ,. to preserve our holhi- irvm oi uuiuuyn, uuu m unanuu-vici w I 7- 1 3 t : ' i i! jie -iiewpffitif -giveaj strong evidence of abiding - out ; oy , m? latner, auu iua jic cuncesiBion. .,, --4 f.-:: - i"v -j j. current ol a new basis arrango the freedom of I the Black Sea, the Janube, erection of -Turkish hi 1 ' ' ."":. . 1 il ftk. - fto U.tflil Una JfttonnihAil a innin'ftin li lil l ! n lli. uoes not coiar eiiouiiu- i T'tcoicues' iiw mv ; m; uu mv uumvu iuiiii just now, yiuowever, t the eu nia sovereignty -over i ne iaruaoeiso3,.uu pro- out. aoiU:ui it i tthe Christians bfthp tluipire boinp jr any forejrn protection; The 1'Orte not even , scotched. wish is not ? tests against scotch the - seroent but kill j it. : If vou placed unde with iiipj nor mt nou Vowr .fMiia if. lso, desivcs . tue : participation or; Trussia in. the me you. wtU Fairi yours, fur you are ; an Vienna .tonterencea. paid in advance, the sauiejshaU he twb hundred . ? f dollars. JThat provision appliea-'to- jlusarance laac provision a pph Companies; and their agencies. 4i 4 Uairy Potter II.: B. Grants lax1oVten'iaroe Aclams it V- AU racha, the Jinisterotrroreign Anuirs, has ; been summoned to. Vienna - v . j j . . OlBciul reports of tue storming of MalekoiT,nnd '. roixioving a redoubt, on: th night of the 2id of February, by. the, French,- as puhiished, exhibits ,-onclof the most gallant achiovemeuts of the caui- avowed Know! North- ladsn. ' ' s 4 -1 V I tforui which jcoinprises - Gen. Ostensacken telegraphed to St-Pcteiiburg 1. I' I lift C 1' 11 -A t ' i "SAH." !kiucii who have seen the whig and dm rj mrtioij Wolimi the foreign nnd' catKolicl V)tci as keep them.;Uiia 1 U&MJm hiiiths woo the" flickering candle rr,.f.- t, ftt.i. -::.-.; t- . iTiUtr, ' i ' . 1 . rr. ratliC 4iil iiMtitnrioti In tliAir nrrtfJiisti nnrTtViinil viimr. i-trnrlfff w iirrwf ah xitt br kit'p!. f i - i Ati iw i "t.i.: ' Ail'.'.'. " LUX' ift-lvi il .;-.:li.:jf t.a jj i... ..Y...V.A lu.,M.a V.m. !ll need lVv fiS-i?rf influence. A either civil l or treliirious. toria. . t ! v v1 " ! centa oi every : hundred .dollar employed In any Smtt, . V , ,, species of .jtrade not specially taxed, ahd applies, Nathan Biindy , without 4istictiou, tin all capital Oni ployed intradei ,'R. B,4ewnian' ' whether; the tsame be in articles! of the growth or Henry. S. iSiaJTonl uwuufacture of the jState or otherwise : andpras JJSamuel t'othu - -intendetl as a tax on all capita! that had escaped . Jee F. Smith the notice of the; acC v:-" I y ? j .h. r . m-i . -) l A-The wood-work of - vehicles tmuit be entirely -v;;!.;iw t nianafactured in this btate, to entitle the persons TVf?- t. Worth dealing iu tliem lo the d be rimi nation in fi,vor of : Jonaihan Hodon State raanufactureslN a. '" j I4h Witsou . ? Permit live, ft conciisioUft'tO ;saly, that the ch iS. J'Cjoitiii j, , ular you issued was ' very ''necessary ti secure a , , Smo t 1 uuuurw auiuiuifciraiioii oi lueiaw?. auu it nves : y me pleasure to express my coucurreujee in the generuluireetwns which it contains. . j Of 'conrse no general rule could T)e expected io atply to the various letails'of the act, witlwut 'some modiiica tiou. -F trust that1 the" supgetiioni whchjFhavQ made will tend to anticipate wiie of khe diflv culte4'f f .liaVe not ;becn without jgreat dfiinbt in construing the" questions aubiiiitted for toy con- siueralion for the. law many points w coiiius t ed ; and i have thught it right to adopt a rule IilkAml rtril'fin.th i,.iri7'ii ' ' "l! - ff i 1 iam ai.Fi ,.A,V-Liftftt:L ' ru t.ccesive -weeks, tor oai ,:.w'r : M. W RANDOM. )".'. Attorney General f N. C. ftNiilttf Thooui Spach JohirM, Ueece Eimlii-h Hay worth i. (V. Kieid - r ' fcauWv'- ; 4 Same. , " .V : tSftt-iue. .!. , ...... y -vs4 vs VI . Tit vs vs va -T8 vs vs ?s va vs v T VS . VS vs T ys vs vs .s vs va Mho same r the hme I tli hame v j llie tame -i th mt'tu'e tha Mime . the ame 1 ! theiwitne.' " I tbe 8mj" r , the same -i the aiue 1 - the Kiuiev the same ; die same . ' ' the Mine ; thesiuue ! the arur ' i the tame t ptlkcsume i the.jaue . t llie, fune . theaiie tlie Vame the same - the same tle mt the' bailie l4A " Tiij: LiTTi.iitGiKT.,'-Bv iaritatioti re liiii : '3- at the elablisnmenl of ttan'ifXi!eoigeii,jyier-',. uay, to -wunRinj3 jeratipus o! What iie.iiveitor - has tleiiotrnfiHted he Little Giiliit' torn! aiid ' thrt-e iiUiMtreif poupuV, ahd with a iti'SlehutrVe iiiM facheil to a teufotH: shaft.- iteats op :eikrii- juiid t proveiueut on the best patent of this aino efer iuW ',uclli Ki, au iiinp.e hi - lis cpiiPirucuon tlial '& i can be put toj:e;bt-rr aidtr in knot ion ilMweiali niiuutea, and cau.fterwards be adjusted 'and jaiedvi .vritU.eae byunjboity.r li willf jgriud: Wiih easell froin 12 lo 14 hufhe1per hour T-?- Kt) Ki 'J the tanner, lliis mill, k simple in i ltsoQsidcitMi iiuii,wiU,h;.su muc space, 4ropeueu ny Hwer? always on - huil, aud i;.furiiuhed' at the eiccediii ow price of 44, aliorils biie l the iireatWt cdnti i VHiiienre? tiiat we hare ever ienL Uerever xHft M havo lfer inlrcHfuctnl,:they have'niiiteVal fa vori M w ver one mteresied in aricnlturHl pursulucalp ot s.v;l i ;tlo.l...ft. o ! 7.. tr.. . . ri - , i- aiKl see it iu -toermtou. March, lb05. V - i .iiiiiio. rent iNiaioiior- jiuie.T uwruo( oi 1U Will Of Kirt' Bli Claorf 'tUt. sea, me tmiersi-rnvu wiuonklbe t i tot Jnhs ii . . - . i "i : . . ' i . i !. i - i , . ' i . ' . i Altiicfirnenta levied on land. cea StreetKxamiu ef '. :l;;.J;,n?to'-' V.. :I.-,t4tJ iCwiitry as well as by h'otne faction and tine dciiwaini- Gen. Durgoyne rcmaius in tho Crimea at the WniCnUCCCeO ill WliMlMiK iiiu -nnwiii'u ; - ism. ; , . si' i , rw uwi ui iaiiu imshiii. . . - , ! 1 a - . f . 1 1 . ..i:iift.i fai. rrt . -... " i; .? . . . rii.- r Til mi. . i i . i c .1. . .-11:.1 , tt ..r .it. i. iwuyf ." , a ; J ircre are tnirreen uisunct amcies oi laun.pro- . J.ie neaiiu oi - me piueu-troops; tsj.Kiiisiavivrjr, i.i. a ft-- ii , i - - . - i ft. .1 - . ii . i' . ft-' i i .1.1 i- i : . : ii . li i . ana me rftiiiifu pismou wen loruucu. - The Uussians had; received fresh rcinforce- - I i ' ; - , ments. . - - - - a - - - At an allied Cquncil of War held Ort lho 4th,it was resolved to reowJuience active operations "kt tbe iy efcyatod .h$; and -.the'' pf elates of fabehise'.by '-.Toreiinier. he shOulb! hare' resided an' early day.'V : : ii ? v i ' 1 the Catholic Church Xjiedroot tell $rod that W enough in the United States ltd become ac- i Jiagkn's latest dispatch is dated the lBth bf thn MTVruiintnicnt of Soule Uts Minister toFpain, asni nntBd with -the rtrint'inliMi nnd imbued with the March, and mts ;th weather, is fin. tilav. and ' well altH aw the appointiu'eflt of a wxre Sot other ..fpiriti-of our institutions, and - to have become ciuite'drv The sick are deriving much benefit 'I ' L ' TlC . .- ft-' L. ?. J1. M.aA.infiil.rA fftii.t . I '...l 1 .' A-.J I 1. t . i ' 1. .i . t A . I 1 'ft : 11 - 1 ft . I 1 a roitigners to ubicb i sugu a ic?"juiiaiiv was m Jesuit of a luryttm for foreign F ";s M - . ', A. 1 I J : eijCrt and. catnoK!f sacevcus in ; '-,;.. ; f. muigeu m vnis; ptatiorm, tne suosiance.oi wnicn r F'athoflc! Vlne,ffl OttJbell,ajI a; hobt ii .a'svllofr.s :i-JCy ri f ' 1 i r iolAij' catholic -received theirapriitments Native born. citizens alone should' be elected to iVv i t Ifrom'tjU preseiit I'h j - ;4 "i 'ivl -lirt-follii ruertt'of it ortivafa between the trt'ot As an essential to 7 the exercise of the elective !. I ! ' i 1 ii appearing :t ine aii:ariioii oi uie Uoortf That puuuc.mue, io ine. nigueHt i tuUtler,; ; the liet iideiiisjn iniscas are.i.ol mhatiiai i of 1'ieeeor I'areel of bind lying JjoitVVolt Creek 'M ! tnw Mate, -li .is. theretore ordered by the Court, county,, about twa mile ;onth?weKtb'j Ab.ng4'''i tliat puolicat ou btr made in the lirt eurbofdiiiiti 'on, coiaaiiMn about forty iaoresr- and khriwii r t !,- and i khnwti id lv ihe" Lower iacior).'! heje i upourhisijmper S tendfttn',lo be ar.d aotear at oa.r next court -of hh1( Ml. Iloue, SO by 25 feetjatmchetltow hlch Pit an riiiI Oaurter Si?.Hisiiitt. in im Ki-l.t ifii iliu i a iioHl run Ot 5loin. "k' ' Knl.inlr -: JtltUL ' L-?iU' t.A& ft"-.... ... l - .1 i -... L"....J.J f .'. .. I II . ' . .'' I . - vouiuy ot viuiuoru. at ine court noue in urtjetn- j1. Kruiwj.nnti aui imurei Complete, a i i. .r .i-.i u'. . . -ftfiir :ii :.t: ... .ft. ? . y& ... ..f r Por.the Patriot. I" boroui-ti, on the third Monday tl May,1 l85o, theii d iViU, with a tour inchrew Aecordiag to.notice. a meeting of the Whigs Of k'otes. least the fcfreiident lppo On motion of John WT . Thomas, ' Adams waappointed, Secretary; ? ! The following5 resolutions were unanimously a- !dopt':rf:;--; - r' j- : Reolvetf'tiat.wG annrovo of a District Convcn- trust, thoroughly idectihed with the great interests of . from the chansre. A new British Battery of three :a n hM ni YstfTmv'iHn r,n fh (lih iiwunf a' our. country, ; v'r - - r- . :jmns naa causea. two small iin.naniMeauiera o 1 Davidson county - was held in Ihe court hiiUje in sLexingtonf ort laeday of Superior ( onrt. ?p-. ; : - 'I. Vi UOiS i u A Llr c: ClC. rpotnt delegates to'a -District CoiivcnUon at lad-, Aiareh, 1855. - :. .... .. . 825-6 vr. kinvUIe' on the Cth Instant. '1 L I I 1 : - L .- . Is On indiion'ofilnjamittSiuiMns, Etq.i Ilenry- orlli Carolina- GUILFORD COUN ry.- mted Cbainmim - ' V. X- w" wo, ceorua- rr ; j - ry term, loa. . r - ftlVIIUI. I9VH and ; Press, aiui ami there to piead, an-. er or reolevv -otnerwW two tivvelhug HouesSA-fartheldewirintiWi of th judgiuiiiit WMi te y ran tev according tiriaw. proHirty is tleemetlrunneceiaryJ as &uy on ih J$ Vv iiuef, Lynaon bwaim. Clerk oi mud l ourt. at ug to purchase can obtain the necessary inform ''M wvit vj ttipijiiig iu rimer ui toe uiuierriyiieci, or bf an exiimiiiaiioii the property ' ' ' y .1 t erms o sde -Five Hmrdred! jtVllars in'han and ihe tudauce in four equal in cnal payiniifn if K'tndiii I- ttown Thd immigration of honest and industrious for- leave their moorings. You kjiow this to bo so at least the ;fcr ibies-i TheseNative Aiiierican boys, (U ; 'otlihy. if vou clioo3c,) therefore tcgird i-aiarni inw ctuiruug anu cairessing -una kuiuhm me immigration ot tue vicious ana wortniess, tue i-l iv . x..U. 'i ' 'J l'-.i Itf .J l . a ...J ft ! 1 .. 'i, . ... ';, i . .j , ir- i' ; s'- ol polilioal parties, to tne caiiamc auu toruigir voic. crtnanaland pauper.P iXThf'y 'Mieve- it dairouw-fhd' wlum' they see , . Tv g?v the rfoarth article - entire, i The UussiaW were receiv- and nm- inow eirucrs slumld not bet discourared. but all lcsra in" lare reinforce-iients. and nrovisious I - ' ci . r- . . , - - (l , T O . - aT' j j T W"" uans should be adopted to obstruct and; prevent nitions of .war. A -y i i ' rorthless, tue - Omar Pasha s force on the 8d tor March was i' y ! 35,0U0, and it was continually being reinforce), ird. as: it in- 1' Tlie death of Nicholas wa announced at Se- .:'-..'.!-!'. ' r. '! i ! . - . ' .- i ..... ' have ol ten .seen, loreigucrs and pathohes :ji yojve a principle which haa elicited niueh di;- f bastbpol on th ' ithemselvc$;tigetljr'at the poll310 jjnock Jcusiun, and, occasioned great acerbity1 of feci- j The Angh kill and dragout uative Urn 1 Americans so; ng. -i W .' Tivn V . ; i ; ' I ' was on its w; ! . , . r . ... .i i. ! i r r. .. . 1 - . r ' -' ' ' - -. : - 3 . t atto Wcnttuemarom oting , uiey p u.k , r 4 jXhat menn doctrine of religidus tol--trotH. : , I ; ifock Penkatori; Den . Sitmnons ' GeoKonny, Z.i PrrlVi?",u Vrfn proscription for Advices from Odessa on the 14th tate that v?rhomas Daniel; Klias P. May, Dr.! Rooert Thorn- iucsidve weeis in tbO'Green .wvij....ftv..v v .v.'"-'" "Hr;,,r'""v- vjniiwiTs aac, biuuiu oe cucnncu.as micjoi tue ; i nuce ftienscmuon nau aiea oi icyer ui oiuiperu- 1 8S Dayia Jx)! tin and Uentnn ', PduthiL kv .imviMHiiii vftn,f.ii Hum v.iv tftj-j Vyry luiiuauieutai principles oi our civil jrteuom, poi. the Cth of March. 1 : French squadron of 25 steamers way to Atenost to einpars curamun for the purpose of JKUiiinatiug raj candidate for Congress, h;-.; y- !";.! " ! Rcsolvedthat'twenty v!c!(gr.tcs ' be- appointed to attend said convention. j j J ' Under the second resolution 'th!e!foliriiig gen tleman were appointed : Andrew Uuut,' Dr. t J -Payne, Hiraiu'Brommeil, Dr. J. M Bothrock, Job J. R & JMoan VV. JiMcConnel .Vi. M. Gardner 61 Co. John I t-olbyt : John Hiati J. kF Garrelt ; J. W. Merntt Alexander Gray J. VY Thomas & Son J; VV. Field ' Henry V riyht S G Coihit r ; . Wilikiii'is & Co i, vs vs vs vs vs vs V8 vs vs ' vs " vs vs vs John Kudy V rame same ? sane i initio -j, ' same ante tame same am mine same wu tuiereMS inm tne time 01 sai In. purchawej givmjr bond With good security janJJ t liti fetaiaeil-' until the purchase monyl paid. -.'f f J At ihe Mtme time, w wiH 'nell a iset of Cotti.a' it Jachittery tot $pintnnsimnsiilns "of thVee hunl - . . . -".' . . . I:.. . T 7 1 T . i-W- tired puidles AlJitke and l ajHi im all necesr ; sury prepar.it iotij The teroi s ol jwalo ot wJikU wt,lf: ' be mailt; known on the day ' I " ' ' ' -. ll ' ' ' THKOPH I i.US P. Cl'A ri 1 f erutors o' Earl B. Clapp.'deceawitir IT r I 5 Wasbmstott'Co.v Va.,AMarcH' I855 825-4fsJ E same 111 IV I hnttms- lifMiriro- v Kail If A Kincr lift IT 4 -ft. HVlUUai VIVWIi.V 1 ft IIVVlll i i JIIHil , .).-. w V. "' w w H.jaMr,n Viihin : " appearmg the sausfaction of the Court, that the ' w0 - ' . tf 1 Iftalaiiifilill k Vnft mm t 1 1 tT - - a I rf"S 111 ' ; t - 9 liiui an 111, vi owatm. uoun. xiussey, inurew ,aiaeieus;u, ..ue in. moot a to pur 'Tiroteci sau Us bf t.l.'Bi IJatliotM P.-. r . drive . -n -; . - v- ' .... . , : ;,.i . 1 Vli: f(foreignerM when fie goes to the balMbox i and that rany' sect or psii ra freeman's privilege. T-het; toy to iuaintains that any fieign ji worship your God as yiu plojise! ; but j litical, has a right to contr ( rut . r e . . a 1 ii til. . 111 iir. . . . ami. 11 L.11. 1 . v-. . -r . .. . Lcidiuftuii. iii nit- iiiHiin niaicii trttier i not an habitant of this State.lt is the re lore ordered by e matle tin ring MX boronjfh PatrMH, tor said Defemlent to be anb it!Mr :ii nnr nvt f'nnrt principles of onr civil fVfedom, pol. it was conslrcd doubtful.; f :-( A-.;: On:hiotfoo the.:bhairman 4oard? -seerbtalr were ot Pleas & Quarter Sesr'imis, to t held Jor uiecoun- rty which believes "and ,. ' 1 be "llnssians havisfsnnk fobr tiiov'e large ships added td the list of delegates' ' ! r ty f Guulord; at' the court bouse; in Greenetoroiigh,' power, religiott$ to po- .a the haibor of-Sebastopol.- !',-' M j -.-On tniwinn'-it-wnnWd'thU fhplnvU.diii M the third'Montlay of May, '1855 then; amPthere' tni th cfiOaeM-ntie or di- ! Th Fr-nid h.sr..tl at r.nsttantihonlrt had 1 1 ui;.iiJj-:MLi .i..L.-i:iL-:ft.''.i..i tL - to. -plead, anwef or replevy -herwi nldaem'eiit i . .. -t -.. . i i '. : . , ----- --j - , t im iiud;isui'u iu iub urcciiAUuru j uinui auu icw : .n... i - ... - " , Jt J 1 . . . a I 1. .... .... I. let It It. . ..ftt S.l M . . Ik ft.M.. .. ..l. -.l :.- a. 1 . I " ' . - ft ' .. .. .ft-. . . ft . . I.' Ill- ftftM ftf I IM II lft.. ft lftft.ft.fftn llllfr ftl-ft lUlft'l - . I . - t. ' tuu iii nut ii i ii jit ua i-iii.i iiutji it niicii: vuu 11 1 1 c Tnr i n nrinnnrr tr rrnrt'i.a n ivoitnttii TikXTinn rmnn hiirntui ti . i.mrr. m nri n ni mn.irjii n- i r , . -. t.. s . . . :.w ; - : - . . . -- - ........ .w ,M . ' I.. i-ft" 1 a ...-. . -j: .. ..-,. .' .. . LMV 17 A . V. . , ; ; t Ol i- ff 1 ft litrftlltit -t1iA-nifttftit nr. nS ii-ii-i t"4-t.l - ! ft. ftftftUtftWlft, . Vftft w iiiv.t.it. tin u 1 11.1. io uideers, oioiers, seamen, ucc of all Wan .r their Widows and JUindr ChUdrcn. r if S. M. KNIGHT, Attoriiefbr 'aeinmi(4iman4; m ion i liVift'EftC io give; prompt i no personal auein lion to ih proset-riiibn'OfC aims of every Jtpf criptton against the General Go' ergmeidj, aid bafr ticul;riy to those'-before 'the' TfeBfury I)pparinirii(Bf the jiwcr to prevent it, aiid inasmuch as you sworn! to disregard all nllcgianee -to'your 'at -thej Pope's coniniaud, pardon us for i our.vl' not to vote ftr lyou to rule oS er us." That i wliat they say and' all rhut thy say to tathol csl Do yo4 sec " proscription" hi 'il l! To iho tojigner they' ! Vou have nojricht to assemble -at the baJIot'lio'.l' and with .pludceons are ; wuicri is totady at war with tne principle ot tree- tients perished -in the tJatnes. Ihe- Palace; Country dom of opinion, and which is mischievous in its ( Bejrlcberg had been1 prerxired for the sick at the pledgiuxf tendency.' and which'5 nrininle. if! carried into 1 order of'X.int.leon -Th 1'i.nliMs sent an embassy praceice, would- prove! Wholtv destructive iff our of cvmtfolence and friendship I i . ! - attfsy American citixens. Most olyoti who practice, would prove; whoiTy civil aud religious liberty. UheK tnperor 'Alcjxiinder it is reported had or- IIexdersox Apams, Sec. Jetsc F.;; Siiiiih , vs ' . ' . 1 ' I 1 . . I l.r ... 1 - iit t.rrc Know as ! in tie snout tun ,ireniuF,r ot our k.lfewtblii a a sitakin child, and hence ypu Should In) rcfiuireu io live norc -1 years Dei ore i you are nafloweu to vote:1 nine torrtu ot you cuie here ?4flt 'bqcaut ytn love liberty, but to'tuaijrj bottcy unit?) back to hnrope attd abuso us. If,Lbow- tfvrt you .menu, looming nerc lor nie, taice your "feat 111 aiid wo will shed our blood in Hefenceof iur person and property, as well as yojr risht to 'i ' worship God accord mg to the dictates cirourcon ; :.;";"!' Pecienoe. ! If we prefer tj let aji; A tue ican rule j ' 'ovcr insl of you, do!(not complai r Wash. I H iiigtoa, a great and good man, warned is to be r j wareof trusting yjju with wcrand those pau i ' ! i 4 Wrs---conitoscd of criminals of ovprv ir.4id. ennt ; ;; hew by Eui-ope to avoid the expense ofjtheir siip 1 1 i y ; 1 !f i ,?port these wc wiH return back air fast1 as wind '. ,f"aml ttdecaii carry thenr.? This. sir. il subs'ian. s tially aff that thce M Kiw Nothings' J say or do ; 'to I orcigners ar.d Catholics Can the catholic condemned. i The same rules and - restrictions should be ob served iu exercising the removing power from of fice its are observed-iu the appointing power. The sovereignty of the' States is declared su premo in the exercise of all powers not expressly delegated to the Federal Government. : All seetannnism, intermeddling with .'pofitics or political inslitutiorm, comingv from ', whatever source it may, should be resisted by .all necessary and proper means. ' f-1 ? Non-intervention, both on the part of the Federal Government and of the several States T". . :...r.. -M::.r.. . -ft.l7 HIiS.lV ' Company," - tiie f;mio the Kiiuc -'. the, farjie the ta:m? '.: The next airtila .dlnr, rlWXilnMo irlr, th ' A i1ortnKnt-ft- rWiiln .nv nn IV OKMAa:fvOLi-I-fc.C U-Ihe iibfcjber ot- Court (rt l'i iLZ ly" - V n - rl V. ' i 7,- vv.-vi- p -r"-wn " " X r i'-Ll ters for -sale kCofrna Lo h?ge, tiandolph Co. . irm, 1855. r " : r Y T ! j fiiivuftwiiyvj. j jiM. a valuable with tue iropnivemeKis As the intelhgenco of tho people is; necessary ; . : t '.. . - 1 ryxlwelllingja kitchen;i tables Ate yaii di ihem eir." AV Everhart V " VV to the right useand continuance of eiviliand re- j J' rpry,, .March Jlth.- Milhgans Circular ; ThewbvaJ0 on4he premi:e.H a-AVfell, itforciag Hti aiiauKi rubble v Mgious !ibert,-there;ihoillTj be adequate slid per. qavH8-1-'01100 aSrirtn,t ad va need; price of from xcel lent upplyit water,. . ? ii h j - Wfit.' 4 Khu Welch vs mam-int provision. made for general education. x teen tliaO eighth-. . Fair qualities have.im- .Those wishiiif.tot purchase. wil)ple;e apply to j. WV Field ' vs Tlieiloctrinoof availability alone in 'the horn- ' P1 mmL The sales of- the eek, hcln(ing Ur II. Werth. the. iwse:d tHi.paut or, to the tne ; vs Inntion nf i?,!M;,;.tW iiflfi la .,Uv,Hv " purchases ot Spin , Same,; V v.- ,.vs ttiO wnne ntl,ulkn(1 f t ' : , f j v ieiporters took 13,i)0U- Orleans fair is Quoted tl J "f; , L). G. InLKLLKV. i -, -. ".ltuticeJiulgtnt levied on lamt . I at 5J ; middling s 3-16 ; uplands fair 5 J : mid dling 5. Closed steady.; -: y -11 , y. 1 ; Breadstuffs generally , utiehapced. Western Canal42 .42i; Oliio 45 ; white Jhcsi J2. 6d ; white Cbm44s i yellow 43s : I mixed sis' 6d. r t .-: f" a ' T ' i i rrovisions uncuangca. American stock uncDang- Hua-iGlILF(nnCOPiNTV who mXvbecon uci,j k iieat pamphlet aatifri&' y-aiitl Quanei essioiis, -4 ebruarv " ' fynopVs of? the ei-f,b'jr Penwofl, ffoiMM i v V 'i i r, y-y - - ' Land. IHti-iit; arid lblic iiidlrfiw i end oti the-late Congress- i: cluamg the ..T I i j Bocnty-Land Aciof i March, """ender which ail vh0ave4iWetlfore icceivee k"5? "4. ll'iirt It' (7" acres are4ipw n filled the- Feb- Pvh ed and steady. ' Consols O-J. ; il; aid Art-irjtj alsii-160 acres td all Otficer t . . . A. J in- ' . i i ! i i: .. . II'. ...I -TT , coinnuiiieu jtjmcrrn. c napiains,-joioiers pst s&l t li!s:ys,4'eaintcar"aiid of 11! Army, jurltnunj Mate-4oopS, Vohu:teerrf, u Af:i..; ......ii i if.i..;-.: v.,...;;u.- n,oi;.i..'iiiifS'flPr ''---- --'7rX7' V- ' P fMiaritiM Uu, ras, e i.ot inhabdauts ot , .tOr-'- p:tvblI fori Who-harV served -afffr. I v .;.lO;DOZ.uV Eirs Cherry J'ec. ihwie .-Aix t-rd .y.hf corm, yiat oi.bl.ca. rlliMn. fonr,,rHa r(bni irf bntt?e) at any VWf VINlM1?1' : I Lif v : . VH'e mddur.h wbi the neft ir4i; andwihidows'ld mi,ir.re;;- k 20 Xexieae.Mustani Ij.ii. aprat the xl Uurio! Ueas and .Q.iarttfr es. Ti ;ranflWl t.,H,lltW -KoLs ot Ap.dicatil! Piivw.ii untl U.mi1 v. I a tirf Hproniid . 1J tn nrin General Und Offices, mid Boartf of ClairfiS. ; f li-m " An vxh Hence "Of yars. andJjsf tauiiUrity,'!' tltAD riiiiir-fti nf HiniiitVirta Atviiftf n.l mAal 4iitiAi,5iL sat. - m vviniuiii luy cuiuiMaiisi T tr4. Jf!. filu atfflift mi (Mairtia xifK a. fk tiviaaa fri 'f fisi fiL 4 patch of bus'nKsV iusiify hiin m asVnrinai bis tW reoiulent Claiiiwtms. and the Public L't-iictiiill.i' f liuf mlAtult. lnl.ii.1Atl l.ft tt m r mL.V. t i t( 11 . lijk n' 5 t tv-1. . ... , - . , - llil lilirirrii. niiturtru IW Ull v Cl'lllll w II UVI'i V Huestf. Lvndoii Swaim, Clerk of said ennrt; at neslected" T N" v t" M H' t in Gre'isbpro the third Monday of Fetoua- .. J- - ' " rl illi ni trri rviM ; rt 1855. - LYNDON SWALM. C. C. C. -1 frvr9 f"'? Jff-W '.fw,H' f "u T?"2,:. : . . . z ' ' ii . i r- -..-.; i- . L " 5larcn, I;55, - 25-(iu'. . 4ie uas neany reayy Jtr crawntous .tiisiruiuu .. - . . : :. BfliOl IMS LillSIIIfS.-v.OrreSIKMUtellS, XHBU lilUVjJft, Wi'JoWitioifal fallal rnent. .Jiist received at th t-'mi; Store of 1 T. J.'PA IRU h r C ; v West Sl.i Greensbtiro. Feb. 1st-1855. ; The Hon. Daniel Dickinson-recently deliver-' ed a Lecture at Binhamtou fNem YorkV on - . i'M. .-'' . M IVlltr... PI ' kftvll tV.U-.-V i.i' t? 1.' W.t i VJ.V f"1 viusitsr, s; oi. wtiicu we . AtF.flCl ANTS. Wilrainirioii it.- ...... :"kJ.. i. ...... -t.- .i - i-fti..., i i " .V;u ,-:r .T u'T.r u" M"?M-.,M- Unn, ;adadletttiite wuder f he 'Art. with copi .loitiiiiii.i iiiiMTaiitn - viinf A'l .- i . -i - . - - - 1 ' -i . ' ; more IniVHinf cornolrtn! ihati ar v elieuLere Wyx ' ' f . . y.. May. I85 J; ihcaud thftre topled(! answer or re- wantievrry clifs of Claunanp i - .i . , , , I'lmri iiirr -ti t. w iiii. vviiH iu' ir-v5iftinin omi " "rir-i' P 7f - :J-S wiiioearanieoaccora- oi .fWC)earmMd.vid jrafrlical susu lnif tO la W. t;. . '".-'..-!- . :) tn th.. naitr hi iiuriftil.( Jiiar.ftfttwlii nr rt-ie 4 of the Union, in the municipal affairs of each I publican : ii i i . - m v f i i u r r iia Ton vn i n."a n whvawi ;. , .-. . - . . it , . , . " I wvum.w tuy iyvw auu ui trj I c 1 1 1 V Ail I . ftAmnli n 11 I n ika In ln f km m.1.L. ; . ... . r J. I ..v.ft-... .v.tw vw . utftu, wM.u uutciisj our country, -and to the well being and per jine that I may worship my God accordmg to tle nianeuce of! ottinatitutions, and at the same r,wM.,v. ,oK.t i' c c, cannot how time the onlr reliable bond of brotherhood and I ff : i !ft . JL..ft il . . I .' ' J mi;iciinr i ia wrf CM rie JJOIcer, UCiOQ. ac;h miiwt wsf i vctttwtc or bleach mu 6oneS , -fttld !l?v;nKR-,T?i Vftftt 1;.:.,... .fc;it -ftjE. i xr... i . " . j .- . '-"Tr-r-r""" r "" iuuiuci i 'j fvi im jm v i pu. sio mnv truist i n t h imi'.a :..:t-.KkM:. l. r..i . i i . 1 r - , . . ' im . kiiivjiiiviii ui vu ti jjwtHcs are w w iciircu Ut P. OT M f au,0 if andideprecaieL-i , t & i , , f fun Ucdmo tha fr-j.pltmciiL Can fhoj . All other qucsfionsrising from party or-anf- fom&er comphtn it Ifoquire him to jtand with :,tion, or from any other -source are Snbordinate J i V it , ' 'Vr ' X?J dar to the great painciples; above prt- 'VP'VTot? forona a-native UmubatedV - t , V v : s " ' PrressTOoghtltoW ucnouncca as ; a vagabond rr, la itia cursing t AriZovfAY : ' VV" : 77! ",Huf BS ertnitwasm and a burning shame fut a naUte cW ,v"rPi n wV-Tt .?T(WJ? ne un find the following notice iii the Biutrliamton i Be- :-,h. nartninrnitoiiAn'iri th. .ial nf; Fint-tf. i.l (9 ft! 1 1 1 1 1 oil uiuia iui n. mu.j. 22-ly. )' ; N. wih give ofhee, the thud Mond Witness Lyndon .waim, clerk of said conrt at . -I .1 ft . I I - ' . r ' - lay or reurwary j ;.. LYNDON WA1 M.c c. c. 825ws- March, 1853. as to the course be pursued in suspended ot rt Parties not wishing fa avail themselves ol 'JW 4. tt; WAtnerian-citixen to prefer an American to a 1 W1?". ,roJiable ource, thatlrf, Marcy utr .u:i- at "iv i r tnas.wnttett to the actmsr United States" nnnnl in i ' Ihe lecture, was delivered to a full housed and oi ottutGrqetrietl .. 1 occupied over an hour and a half in its deli very, i ; March 3; l8b.Vy'( ; , ?f f-l. 1 .J- . v ... .- T:-. r - i i ' 1 -? j. jinuuot iiiituiaie reuiiH.ns wnicn .ur. jick- -m ;r nr SI oiicji-Having lately purchased all insonnaa ueia witn.his great subjects peculiarly the Mdl ;Stone Quarries forinery owned byi . .w. ouvftft w ivvi.ui5f.ftuu ire uwiji ac- tlje late, i ra. "Aanny. rq , among iikii is ;ue vut? quitted himself of his 'Toldntar? task.ri lli4 lee- known arid 'distingiiisLenl as tfienHBiue Giil I ture was one or STCut interest--and i bcantvJ and am now prepareo to lunusu ai snort jioucc, auu m Wshly instructed and eutertained his nuuiierous order. Mjihuones of any sweairdbf the best iqual;. and attentive auditory, llogave a political and l ,n 'otl terms is tliHey can be pnrchas--r,i,! a-!i ft.r-.ii..,"f-.iJ: 1 ed elsewhere Stones have been songjt i at . th yjrr:u"7 i r I.,f4y.in luV FY quarry Antlst-nt to various part oi the uited-Mate der of their departure from among ns, in which 2.1 account of thttirunmisiaaeabioUuriority. . he entertained .us; wjth .t; ; variety oP4ntere5tiirg wilPdelive Stones at ai.y pond ort ihe F, Si W anecdotes itlustrative .Ot their soccd ., and 'ixailical nank-Koad. that may be ttestred AtUlress characters, and witlrextracl from some of I their - . -iij. DE,VOTlpN 'CjAVIS. I 'feaaing ciuiractertsuo speeches.' "Ca!houo,-as - the - - , Vf f4H"f v-t ftr iris am rtwclgnerviruleuverbiin; whilo the wholesome V? '"i m tfarninpt of Oeorg- Washington; Thoej Jeflerson, fff? P-W 10 Vtan -Vj?flof,(JuDa, Q i:llmin&Mm and Andrew j.ckspnl admonbi Jf" Movtl ih filled ,-i'- MttiMin i Kn.:,. rtrr,.:- :-i- t . r i mt present cruts. the trovemmfnt bfthk TTmIiJ L Mlm vyiftl VI IVIVIlMUUUCVvV if ' ,Vi f . - ,y1 . " j -y." T' v""". t tt Hirartt wtthont'Hwct and n vicp ptinciMVJs tmi ur 1 fnllwt pnl?Uo scrutfnyii ! clearly daSnod and pu U I f MV '.f Conn try erected for' ths pttrnose. i Tn'And'K" who ruos may:rcadt -it- i;. v-'MKickinWSlCalfiir:; j - "l AvtvnsvAuv. ftl.n -ftzinw llllll-r n.r iiinrairinii rnmntf v P. - F . i i -1 i',h r. !-iAiii1iAa tif LkP.iiiti ho thi I lffiAA I .ik v.oin r i vi T and vencal. hrtpenrtieiutevee bf 4ieir. claims at.,u& . " - .-?-' 1 .. I. i.. .. . t . " ' J t . i i j. n4nti.r.sl Correspondents who I prepare 'rand- fowawfCW Court of Pleas attd Onaner l5esx-ioi8 lerni. l8o.. . r Isabella McLean . . 4 ' . 1 -.,-'. ' r: :v . Peiitioufor Dower.- JohnIf4n .Voiiir ' f . . . . .-.t . -. . : ,f. --IS. - - - . ... T ifor inauawement by Tfiii Agency willberdrtlt TS.f iitKjmifvr sunn lieu wun aiinece&sarv oiai ivxyi 1 . ..- ' ft ' ft I ..'.! .'.. . . 1 . ".I T' .. . 1 i r . - f - , 1 1 . . ' . ' 1 ' . r , ; .-1, - 'I. '--. '- t.l I... A t "ftl.Jj .lft.:l; .V l....rrn4 113 11 appearing 10 trie satisfaction of ine court, that '" rpy-. ?o!upiiMi.iy:o x i.-cu, 011 uw l,,r:jyu Joseiiii McLean, Addison JcIan. William 'K from lime to time occur in- hi ?-exeCution ol W Lean, Alvin AlcLeau, Joseph McBride and his wife law. c ; ; ' ,j " ; V fJ i "1. -J&M ilarsha; and John Aiken and v is; wile Mary Ann. -fJtia within the subscriber's power to vTti iy pure-and-'teebrrup'tilel patnot,'-riibhicallT l5lni,8S3:- j piaccw wrore usft-f vwy;antt; H cbster thongh re- XJletlmont Springs, Stokes CounfjV.C. spccttvely great m 'Station, wereryet: greater as :X Arrangements liave been mule, by wiijchthir. Ilenry Clay and t Daniel Webster. Theyf were - celebrated "watering place Iwill fn;tntur befunder each great nien, but they could not well bq com. the management ol lucnara aounnon ona pared as to any i superiority bf satness t Mr; aaIJ-- The premises wijl be put iuicomoieifl ur- -v., ftftft.v-T . ine liUHi- cucvuuea oi-"?- ri n , Vt - VP "majTill copy ,h above t(areekly) tor five Week; higWylogisticror aHtiaX1' "charge to aclof Richard Johntott aikiCw an4nu (rofl r rn Hirta m iitfiSft.ti w . . i a. r a j . 1 . -w .... . - F'-.-'i.v,;.r;r4-' m - - : . . . . - - i c a " - a.UAJ au 1 ua ikiutioiu auiuifvit i ;- it .-4'!- --'-!'-;; :' ','; -i ' i'if-. ' T .'' ? i..: y '- i dered by the! coart' tt!tat publication bet made for ix successive weeks in the Greensooro"' Patriot, -:.iv.i.. .i '. --.i - - ' .( .wr.Miuueieuuouiv io uo mu appear at our nest Court of Pleas and Quarter .Sessions, to be 'hehLfor ihe Counly OfGuilfordat thecoilrthoase irrGreeni boro'ft on the third Monday of May:455, thert iand there to show cause, if- any they shave, why the prayer of the petitioner be not granted ptherwise. the same will, be taken pro coniessc. herrtf exparu? r ,uf "f- arw i'owergrantet 1q the pcli turner in . at 1 . t: ft S UI I. sons entuled having ubtauietL several inuv--. t-f Land Warrants under former lairs, he is in fT& sion oi oaia utai wmjmaieranjiwft3t auMuioiiat iiouuij. 5 - .. . i . j; ' v Fees, below ihe usVal rafes-fand contiiig Oil lilt? ittriiiiPBiuii ut vtiiJ. ihe lands bf vher dece.ised huibaiid Wia.AMcIai. Fi sen, V-""'; - " " " -J .1- .. Ps t .Witness Lyndon Swaim,! clerk1 of oar said court, at office, Uie tliird Monday of FebrnatyJ 85. v' r aV vv ; ;V ; " LYaN 00:4 swAiM,c.c. vl March,! 8M. ,;Pr. adv. $oi- . .82iWJwa.V - 1 j' , ilc , .The highest cash prices given lor """'f'i'g Ke,vo utionary, antl f Umoi. w ra lejjif g JlVtAr Address x larcb.' 825-4w; TYoltlnr Cloths, of 4-ertentane otu JL Brand from No.4, 'o NT. ill, f I -J French Burr Millstones ol .any. wa 1 - V .. , 11 . - a.v.-v ft--.. order audo! trurmost appro veu ,(.., j-k - -January, iiiM XI cash. Dec H 195 '- i ... aWioVorli ;0NN4bytheCiwnininef of aJiJt51a1 3 ,5 U ed; 5 'Si j-.-. - i -I.'-.. ; . . t ' -. r , r ty. 11-. 1 V