' i- , 4 ' vvS K1 . . th, S! '1! I 1 it :,'i J is ; , ''4- St : ! IS Vora the Lynchburg yirginian W j V rs oi k. Jki j M.ltt1tTn !rhftt TllITort3 ;:ijL.tidl.f . 'vLLjt rits and trfedffes "Ut'the UB DWUU. W. i " 7 ' hit i iarlvi (ito good card toN1cifc out this ; third -de :JVJU?t.WfU Jatniftt a free-still anti- Amencln wpcr of PUtsburg'fcas obtain acm entai08cssloai)f a copy of It, d has bade it prtid I Jith a IrWflof creating va prejadiclaauiat t, XnLicaa iwvcinent With the ahol tionists, .TinnuU aDd .ntatiora of ;thc Northk ' The : 'ClI. Itif ;snm' omnnor , the eootenta f a" lost pockt4k;rwhich the finder placed iu tW l hands of tU editor.: : Withoutjcommenting uporihe pro pnetjof it original pitUcation, undcrsaehbrcum fM&A 'W deiir ta state we. ' hav4rcason for beheTiog that the formula as published by the Iittturg Gazette and given teW, is te j true ; Wdi4uine ritual of the Third Degrci 'Ve fsuhmit it te tbe people of the South, wittj in- jII lvA. Viv Vnnw anv other wirtii that is -r -5 1 ; i i if ' throughout the country, the conscrvaUf , trao L:K;tl nW nntioiifll oblicfttions here prescribed. AJ wo gubm t it to them wueiner any parij, wilimthus to bini itself 10 the sight of (m and man,S)ould not be sustained by all who &stre to ii. u,. . . . IiL: j secure the peace of the country ana luepirpetui tv of theUnioh. Here is the document ;i , ;- ' i.tiiTiT AtjTiTP Tiinr T)TriEE. TT1IRD .PEGREt? COUNCIL. I ; : the president administers to the canddadates 4VV" rv " h ' 1 ' I' Krf,f, 1 i I K rO v 'i ;T r,f vnnr awir free wHl ' ! ;! W lXiSwSod ad and crd? ; inescwiinc8SC?, "7 T A Li' of that iratertial aflection wcn snouiji bi 3 Ihe States of this Union, formin a ring, Li-. m;, ;fU ikt. al far as 1SJ1-'L-:-.,uji 1,;- TTninn Khall have no v? V rr". . ' i - Wf ' An knlnmnlv anu siuccreiy ww. Ay. ;that ydu will not, under any-circumsUiries dis otic by rlnurt in anv manner, nor Buncr ii iu u others "if in your power to prevent it, thd name .:i. Lrd. r other Secrets of this l)cSree, ;,Jj!.lJ..r ,UtAti'!' ' wVinni vent ma? rrrtVfi on trial - . T J. . : .'J i 14 t, lO-OeorotnersoilOO .same, xegicc, J toat you tnaintain, and defend it ; that you ic ill digfouruje re any cm? every attemdxonuvg ry quarter, vrhich you few to and 'discountenance Jrofnaty ,and evr-ry quarter 0e leij"ed or calculated to dent my, or sttcc or to weaken its bond; aiui that you mil your influence, m fitr a iu your poicen in it tt it ..1 ' 8C &fc 4' en deavorina to procure an o mica amekiouUitkaldisconteuU or Mart, 1 ki w;itinn aMramea or, me 1 theAhiu party, taking Jrhat wcajl fb ' ons thuwoccUonkl lotion nmitV- U.B Lllll II mm i - y mm ... rWrurtf Cw the nurnoae ot instruction ; An v,rLa .viindv iifLiro vour devotion to the. tfJit.'f.tA.'tWin'.tho discharge of county, two .or th UUWU V - 1 ; id 1 n .1 ' 1 a oitWonq vnn will Unhold. or the lorenoen . ff, ictri wifftf threaten lis injury or ovtfinrow. -- y, yj 7 V' Yfllrt All farther PrWc .ear (or affif m) that day, on the evening of which day the Jury, after you will no vote fbtaity, me to fill any Mice of absenco from the box of four orfive hour, ten kokor$r profit, ortrut ?, political character, ' dered a verdict of ugudty: 1 whom Lulnotc or lebece A be in favor t. fa dit- , Johnson appears to be quite a young man, pro svtuttty of the union of these- plates, or who is bahly not more than 20 years old. The evidence endeavirina to proucc that remit ; that ' 6a will " said have been very much against hub, ; the vote 'fQi.andsMppori.for all political office! 3d or ! facts chcited during the trial being about i the Union jbegree members of this Order, in prefer- ' 8ime we published wheu the sad occurrence took ence tolal! others : that if t mav bcdorioJcousi- tcntly With, the Constitution; and laws of te land. . - i .:.-. l a. . rr ri you will when elected or appointed to atiyi official station j' which may confer on you the power to do; mo, remoce j mm ojfice orpifirc, au person wtom yon htbtc Or believe to be in favor of a lisstta tioh hfthe Union, or ichnire ctideavoritt to.iyo- ijucc ' Vitii fretult ; a iid Umt in no case you kiU i;- otn sUih perton to any jfuitacul ojju e or place irnuftrfcr. i vw iui vuu iuuiiiiu uuu bw H (or' j,. m 1 1 - y ' - . . ... -i- " v , rt"'Vi.r " ,r ,v-r- v,";j.M , friends of the; 'Aiucrican Union, to sustain and abid witlfriut any hesitation' or meutal fescrva tion wliatever. Vou also promise and bJcat (or affirm) .that thi and all other obligations which' you hajfb previuulv takei in, thi Ordek sluill eyer jbj ikept siicrcd and i ti v iuhte. 'i'o ill, t his yoU' pltU'ge Jour lives, your fortunes, atld your sacred .honors, lo help you God and kiicp you toadfaM. Kach one shall answer " d.i'j :Altjj(the candidates have bieu ititrtjctcd in the uijikWries of this third ,itcgre(S of theji drder, fthe '-following chnrgc L given by the lkrej dent : BroItiichs t It is witli great plcafurq' that I eougrataUte you upon your advancement- to the Third Decree of our Order. The, resiKiJibilities you have! iiow assuaed tire niore scruW"and ' I: weigmy.iiian n"e wihcu prcceacu, anu are com- W PUVU Villi WVV11 IIIVISJIIIIU 4UUIIU : worthy". I Our obligations are iukeuded-al folemn avowals of our duty to the land thatgare w birth ; to the memories ot' our lathers ;j and to the happi ness aijidi welfare of our children. Consf :rating to yoUi country a spirit. unselfish, and a fidelity like ibid which distingutohed ttie Mtriota! of the Kovoltftiou, yo!iJ!i vc pledged your aid ii ?etnent- ing th( bonds of amnion which tc trustlwill en dure fsircvcr. . Your doportnieiit since voir Initia- tijti 1 ras-aiicsivu your uevouou io me principles Mire to establish j. and lias iusiiircd la confi- j we uc-nrc. to ostauiisn y ana nas iusju dence in jour patriotism, of which we 1 iio higner proof' thiu youri reception lit? re ri give Liber ilemics j Thcif danger which threaten! America ly ansjs j from focajj witliout, and lroih !with)n j & The VsV Degrfti poibjtl out t andHfne of ournost imminent peril, '' dlcah ihe- first lucaxure- cf safttu. Th . - ! i- , .. '. . ' . Source dial in- crond ' j tea rrt Hfe niica - rue wcjtt means ov w. r a 1 I. it , mf i i mm I I coining rir, sneL ansa wis m'lyor rcnaereanarm i Lv . . . I.. . . .. t i I . rw.f Wi ne J hint J'cgree, wnith yovhac4 jutre teictdl not. only reiterates the fasons of the'' other itrnbMit,rii intended to acdw and pmvMe for a . . i ' inapt- remote ont ao ess terrtoit Hanger ,mlo ftri :, v. f'-i; 'i.rWiVjewi'''p Inrftve-InsttiHtiousl -'j i' t- r i t ; UurJlject is uncny mis: i o pertect an ijraaniza- r ! tion,1 ddvled affer thsd of the Corwtitutiialohhe ! M IJnjtetj rtatcjan4 eoextpusive with the Ufcdc " rac : j jll ebjec ui a iid piiUciples in all f in ititcrs of liatidull cotiecTU, to; be Uiuiomi and identical, w nust .in. au i wai mattcra, ine cotnpopen shall rlmaiu' i'nepcude!iitl:Ji9d isovlereijn parts within , their rrspeciive hunts, i rTbeKrMll'csult.y oe atiainei the puiy.Nme 4bU "The '! I jwhich'an secure a perfect guaranty tibttr fu I " turer tl'trti frmaaeiiVcdariiig,! frktcruat s'f jv1Jnio Ji.:lAtiw.iuc:.ther laj impress j uriujiyour 'i ''' mini lo'l ue:u i-jirics'jhe touching - se'ntiMfnfc4 of 1 v W-Air of h.a! tSuntrt, jahls fircweU. iferMs tlKCTflfnrttant vrhich litates"! l ; l?y- -lJ Wafchiygton ft jut-t 1 r I f .'v:'V!'l i- - : ! -r.!hVi Todsoti dear to yon, for h U the tuaui pITar Id thf edifice of jour realjndepcTKknc the .sappOTt if ryour traorailitj at hooie, of your, peace abroKl, your safety,, jour prosperity, eter th!alliierty you! sso ' .--It of infinat juxraerit that yea $hould properly estimate the immense value of prour .Na tional Union? toyowcollective aod individual hap piness. - You should ebq-isb'-a' 4nrdhl, habitual, ana imnxjvablo attachment tc it ; accustoming Sotrrelvea to tmnk and speak of ri as the pala iunl fof yout political safety, and prosperity j watchirjgjfor its preerration with jealous anxiety; discountenancing vrhaterer may ; su'jscst ' eteu a auspicjon that cau'ia any event be ; aWidbned. an (findimantlr frotf rank upon the " first dawning of every attempt to alienate any ; portiohVour country from the rest !or to enfeeble; thepiaered ties Which tfovr bind togejther the i Varipilpirts.'' i Lot these words of paternal adviceund wafninr. ftvtn the greatest man that eTerJired. sini deep into your hearts I Uhensh them, apd teaen; your Cbiiaren ta reyereuceLtneTiv as you cnensn ana rercTeuee the- ; memorir 'of Washinstou-fbimself. The Union of these'States b the. great conserva tor of liberty .so dear to the 'American heart. Without it our jfreatncssv as a nation would ,iJis- appear, and our boasted self-government prove a sisnal iailurc.i" The very, name "of JJhrelyi and the hopcs of struggling Frcodom throughout the world must perish in the wreck of Jthis Union ! Devote ybureelves then, 1 to its maintenance, las our fathers did to the cause of independence : consecrating p ks suppori, as you nave sworn 10 fr. vnnr firM. vonp fortunes, and vonr sacred hon ; Brothers! Hecalling to your .minds the solemn obligations which you .have severally taken in this and the preceding Degrees, 1 now pronounce you entitled to all the privileges of membership, .in this organization j d take pleasure in infprniing vou that you are now members or the Oxaer of kt 1. . v r 1 - V . . ' .X Cumberland Superior Court. The Spring Term of our Suerior Court "is . Ii I ' a ; , i i iDCr Among the cases on the cvtuital docket, .o : : . , - i.f f ,$i.WMo, f Ur , 4V la ui vi ujuicvvt 'villi i. - j woman of ; color, excited consrrderable interest, he was i ihdictcd for the murder ot her husbandllenry ChaTenJj a freQ mn ofcobrf liYi ' Ju tbJ , htirh of-Pavettaville:' IMr. Solicitor Strir i -----y - y - -- - - - conducted he proseeutipn, snd.0. Wngh, Lsq rs, appeared for ' The defence set up Was that the homic a case of misadventure, the orisoner not desiirn . - - . .... , . ' . , , ' v mg to kill or injure the deceased, but only ! using the deadly weapon (a large knife with a blade lour inenes long) playtully. rJoth prose- t cution ana aetence wei-e ab y conuucteu. ; i ne iury, unaer tne cnarge ot ftis Honor, alter an ' hours Absence, returned a Verdict Of "an iWJ . ,w j T-. , ; ; ; " . ' vu .i.mi,uaj ujviuiu-, uacuu uuuuauu Vuy upoutnai ior xiinng jacoD Btewart, , m uarneu ree nmn t ha 1 since The whole ree muuuia mulc. ine.wuwe was occupied m gettin?; av Jury, nearly xwotniraa 01 me special ventre, coneiaung , . . ... .T 1 f alwut seventy-fiyefreeholders, having previous. . expressed an opinion as to the guilt of thejpn; 1 soner. Mr. Solicitor Strang and J.G. Shepherd i.- , i t w M. J. Mciurae, liartholeinew Fuller and Jno. : A- SPears Ksqrs, appeared for the prisoner; The , - . . , mv Coinm in ine auernoon, "2- wrmmu. mm., m . . value ot Farms in -DiUerent States. The late Ce nsus shows the aggregate cash vsluc of all the Farms in ihe several States. Distrrfcut ing this oggregate according to the white Powula- tipn of each Sate, we find the following result: New Jersey is the hhrW. Thn V IT 111" IVJUit ..i..- ..v. r. ' . . .1. x . vnln nf t r:,ro,a I,. w : ewn mi . joo kz -ri ' r ine popniation isu,i i habitant S245.60. The next "J P'W "1CU1U" of all the States ! Ofjual per inhabitant to Connect JCticut she should 7' 404 a dicker " rri w i " have' a value in farms of S197 - l :. coo -rvwk r rm ciDctunr coo, v,wu. ine .iaversffc in Ohio, without fractions of a dollar, is $181 to each inhabitant ; in ATejc York 5179 m j'enngyl. iaiaU7i in nWna8l52: In llftnoinn ! jl ' tlf . o . . I . . , ; . ' lM Wter.n ftcs,, although the aggregate in trinsic value is far greaiter, the cash; value is ifar Icss.T By referring to tho compendium of the census anyone can find the materials for the sainq calculations as toj all the States. ! Very Wide of the Mark. "Modern instances have a stronj: tendebev to tho 1ffnlAlirtn rf Kb "wise saws, of auUqvity, It was an old sayin that; "every bullet." On the truth of the advantage grave doubt has been (thrown by the special cor respondent of the Morning Post iu'the Crimea That gallant officer and writer represents a Bri tjshi battery as firing fat the distance of 1.700 years against a steamer, which had for a loh timq "annoyed tne lnkerman attact with its shot and shell.? He adds: "Sixty rounds were fired by the artillery; but only six struck the vessel. The'illussians returned our fire with two hundred shots from their baitery without doing us the slightest injury." What an awful was of powder and shot! But if every ball had told would tho waste, on the wholej, have been greater or' less? Meanwhile th(e who complain ot the paucity of sujccesttlot. dnuuiitScfpTfc sh.iuld nb4erve how few hits hate, been pwde in the thoatre of war. iTlie (!hoWra oppeiirs to fe rtfcttr th v.yu "niiiv I'l'v' 'iMij)j, ana iifhs. have occurred mt aui.,f. been more or- less on the -baits on our river, and tn t.Anii o.tnt it'll.. iJ .L. r ' is I ermont, ui wbicnthc cash value of thfarms mI' ZVnA ZtZXJi t u ' 8lh Oaobdrf'18$4a:iHl duly regiUert-d in the Reg- uer ana -papers win not oe oeuvereu u ser U eaual to S-'Oi for each inhabitant. Connect and New Jrktand Wo than equal, to the whole iter's Oilice tor navidsou coaniyjN. C., I will eU nts without a special or general wfittcu'order cut i next on the list, ami nearly equal to Ver- route fmnilrelmd toIahrax. ihe last.ncwspa- . ,or cash tthehisheMt. bidder 6.4 the premises iu .f'm theroasters. v: ,4r.f M moot, bciaa $196,41. ' Massachvsett, is far ho P6" rom nRWd. by the Asia,, contain intclli Davidson couaty, on Tuelay lUih June, 1855, the1 IS. O.-GKAHAM.. 1 .M. low either Vermont or Connecticut. Her nopula- , W,T . T w ine wires atKj miu mow anaopper juipe, together with 4 0; rRliWAUO.-Ranaway rom the tion is 094,514; the aggregate value of herfarms aK'rava aouro cioem me monnug,aua receiv- ,uli I M- scriber,! on the -I2th -of- Sepiember, Ls 51OO,O70,:il7, winch is etiual to onlv 8109.77 ??- Ul 1uuua.on.ia? fIlcr,,OOD Re sa,uc ,ay- """J" k7. "VI " Tr Utiro boy-- uauied Elm. Said boy is a br to each norson. Tn 1-i uXL..'W c may thus ealcutatt; on ; receiving news Irom r .r --f- yuuuuij muauo. a little undet 0 leet Ineb, round full thetio'ofrm M- . ubmarin- ,n nWifl v.Uff,,,, loo ooVei?! -rWe is laid dowb HnneUOO miles at tho bottom of , i , Z" t: "'. ngiueur leei not lat i.e most negroes, lie :V:r;f.;ortn nAayn!r. the Black SeaJ It remains to be secti how ftr it r r," , )Z iX'i " 1 lurkin wmqwlwre in iiandolpu or Guillord afcl u i l w'yeviiof iyi papers out only one correct way and that is toVrZr'- , r' - ,v - -' -V - " ' January, iSM , vrf-"-'. VTT'7rrrhhVbefl Mi: andSt. I'auL Its early appearahce at other roiuts certain - either h'v 'rllinx'nn ilf KM wl lTO'1 RecIeVBd aml for sale low, a large stock -Jl : ' - - - t USt eclefc .( of Black -smita v further East, would not bVatyaU strange1 The ptrsotS of pelsbrass andilve7 baWs, j TJ AM DWARE. .Faust, TTlnebrrMTna'audI cnNKI Glasgow (Mo.) Times of Mat 3d has the "follow imntvS 1 fy dWheS, patent leather, enamefeti li CoNo.45, Nortl, 3ru Street abovaMarh May.1855. : THIj iniv--' f 7 .'?f , ?w: amount you are in arrears, and then pa', up. . leather,. -with many, othef article; Idr coachTmakers. ,k;.oew.'Hfowii Stone Stem erected on thobMCity r" '.r ' ' . i7iUnt and Sl r r qww w i- w s - LUfTH iiiv m iiar rrt iitti-A t ra riVvnt -k .. i a . t i . v.-i .vv diluiluuu :iiiU4UUs.u&in xi vow nww . a- - a is ciaitsx litTftru u ie- iriii... - i - i . i . i ma i i i i.i i urkit r ii h iiij iiv - . ti -: u;. ?,s .TH0C03t Of Government. - -besp paiJ Las exrired;and then the, Postmaster, .ttASOr: clpnnr .P', by the'i-X.The u Z W6 issue jRway, in a supplemental; sheet iie-1 WUUI unanas you tue paper, tuai yon Jo not , ff -yv-r lj'ZrZr Je nad, I now under-go. h .lr ulr. --yffi!--a - I rfT IW ntwi tviw rU. f!:. 1 i tiktwenbeK fcf terra ot years, " 4 -r .ieftef teturniQl v-uuipujiuMiM uvi , nu uiuas-'BOine iweiliT-1 "P'Ww .-- rinairs wi'l be Opened. loMUe TWytyu.y '"' favors ;wfiBautue utujoufuu oi i congress. aBai."o"(J JC 4a uumauiy fiu, iupires us.hu4 - 4TbeSprns9 are iocaiew ki wom r acce9s Vrhich he iirepre bbq puiuisueu jiiirccaHij- u jaw u ' j.Jua--.,?y"sr yrcusea.Mpua .us. -f -r r. I on tne v e w ulHo i-P7 ...nj -, iM at!acUon ta nis . customers. i document oright to rsess mte KWygQffi of his dispbsitioKandabUity todoVa I tierand ouht to examined brererjoWw m StaMes.UWni? rnidst of scenery o a Wr ny; ionableand durable work ; Ha hw; StW I eihibianiSlheaintheobjeeU; f thclassie i ConiticVahi inaian uqpa niuent, na vai reTWUWon- t; r , 1 , h i ary, and other' pehsioos - 4:453,530" Na!valr.f!eeKt-t- Post Office department, 10)46,844 Oc'eah 8teani mait service: v" li 3,574,458 Texas debtj 67i;5t4,345 ' This! vast sum of $7 1,574,354 is only thea-i mount of Ttmcifieil appropriations. The great mass b of contingent objects of expenditure, of which the sums were unascerxainea ana coaiu noi. ue ppecm- j; cd, may sWell the grand totaU)f the expenses of :t A Khnnnh t Via I innrnmot rtYtvnoa rrtnof nAAovon i rily increase witn tne growtn 01 tno country jrad the 1 corresponding necessities ot the public service, I e can hardly - imagine the necessity of so 'vast augmentation of the necessary OX penssel oflhe assailed those Ad and almost to search out the corruption- cf so lavish a dis bursement of the DubKo nV&hey ; and all sort3 of ! reform and economy and "good times" were promised the dear people if they, would Only turn out the extravagant, aristocratic Puritan and put . . ? p .. , AJ , r tha If ofl-irtriftra in. Wall fhpr rliH t m .r.,l : . '"V . A . ; rv , I , Si . L '- ' . 1 y 11 1 ;rX;.Vvr JJ expepdi ure ; oeVC millions, tells he rest of the . sry Ihis companson j nowever, averiea 10 tor me purpose pi proving American Party in New York The Convention Of the A mcrican party of Is cw : York, which recently! assembled at Syracuse, is ; said to have; iecn characterized by the national ni nA.4f- - nf if. mpmW, nirl t U . s 1 rru a narraony oi acuwi. tut? icpuri. ui me pro- r PPftj;nr- ianhG New York Herald, shows that theJ noftVtW adooted cnthuiasticallv the Third De lli-i i r, x: . ; ? n-roo tolnr-h nlrtitr lh nnrrv to sustain the Con- .P2,rt.'l nfuv tlA iTn T . follow no- s, ;vn . v r- . flS th tfm of the Xcw York Know Nothing : 1. Americans shall rule America. r 2. The Union of tliese States. 3. No NorthMNo South Xo East No West. 4. The United States of America as they are, 5. No sectarian interference in our legislation or in the aduuuistration of American laws. Govcrnme a sere mi and the immensity of th- sum,mu3f arre.ft the at- 4Jf ' coa.' : The fWcoiaain:450 acre, iuo iu a tine:' am now prepared to thini sk at bhort noU, 1fl tention -f everr Intciiigent person. r Y'1 the growth of , ordMilistone Jpf .auy sixe and of the,be&( r -r.r'- TAi-7v..j a JUZ. ' 2 l-?.,"VP ?. -i 1 ' !-',-.- i i TrtKnn an,! nti?ihfrrain v: , 1 tv; on as reasonable terms aa hev can U nn,li Hi byhis ncntsand defauiors f WU mo ore extravnee because his pordigal; angugenuy her pupi.sjv, have meoppor- . e" ;'.v; - T " "Tf Jtt aecowrt of their unmistakeable ri. ministration required twelve millions a::yeary, tuu yo uearmS auu iwg. creci piuuuu-1 f'rImiru. (VaC Uidja'ilforiT' ' coohtytt ' 1 will detiteiOuw at any roint othe F'T RH committees of inquiry ami retrerwhweist,-eSd , ciaiion.-. . ,: ; t . . , N;li.'A - - c A J. 11 LEAK; 1 Plank Roadt thai rilay be lwd. ; Addwiil J I'm of impeachmcpt, were raised m Congress : Terms M"l mUiit-:pct- of Jive Mantlis. May i-Uli?lS35; "1 - V ' 632.3vv ;r -.. :,5v3, . i'EVOTlON DAVIS;, j ,1 1 Gh and tTm extravagance in one party more than anotner, bj:t j -.-t-rtn!." .only to revi've a signal instance of the unsparing-! wa .injustice ot panv. -rut. f. ... -, j ... !; i I ! G. Hostility to the assumptions of the Pope, a!Ki rtaX Cuaw ; nnts of rao;i every ilcMriptiou ; through the bishops, priests, and prelates of the: white and figured Marsailes. bulf, linen, fancy aiid lloman Catholic church, here, in a republic sanc-J black silk and satin vest?; a good assortment of tified by Protestant blood. ' y" j hats, cups, boots, shoes, guitori, shirts, drawers, 7. Thorough reforni in the naturalization laws. ..stocks, ciavats, pocket handkerclueves, collars, 8. Free and liberal educational institutions Ibr ; socks suspenders, trupks, jraveng bag, values, all socts and classes, With the libh, God's holy word, as a universal tfxt book. It is estimated that1200 councils-were repre sented in this Convention, and all concur in the statement that it was the most intelligent, dignifi ed and harmonious body of the order that ever as sembled in .the, State.: frrt(r'ers of the Teltgmph. The electric tclo-: 1 I . , ! Ii 1 t , . t i ' pnP n,J esiaowsnpa, uiarjsi without break, ithout fjre.ik, the blackSea, f some "cfcht i froni Jjondoii. across fcuroue. uu i iron! Jnuou, across jurope, umicr (and into thejCriu:ea-4i distance of hnndrodlMfYis wlii'h !.- nlwmfc nan ,1 f. ..r riTT i ' r . " "T" . y affect "ndcr unnt wd o Ur11010 oCicuUnss . men in Europe ha fear on that score." The principle once e other ob- ve little prinorple-once establish, ed as successful, we may speedily expect to havef a submarine telegraphic lino between the Old j Work! and the ?w,.ahd there is no reason, that once accomplished, why the daily news of London t kand Paris shwjd'not be published jvitlim a few hours of its occurrence. She Revenue iflttr.-f We un impression prevails' to some extent WeblM,of between tb eral and the pubic Treasurer as to the-tax onmer- - chants, imposed bv th0 new llevcnue are authorized by the Treasurer tosav is no amerence. join concur in tne opinion the merchant, mercJianMailor and jetccllcr tax or one-Fourth oi one per cent upon chases made tor twelve months preceui xpni last It was the opinion of the Attorney General tliat the tax on sellers of liquor and drugs.- whether il,Mlu.n,a.a. v. - . .i they be merchants or uot, was to te estimated from the 19th Of !March last, that w upon the capital employed in liquors after that time, and upon the safes of drugs after that time ; and the Treasurer caused the letter of the Attorney Gene ral to be printed and -jcirculated; expecting tic public officers to conform to ' this constrict inn; beinir the law officer nf th Rtif. n.l ' l.:.. i i.:ut : i . t i i n . . w i niitiy nuporuini luai tnere snouiaH) unitoniuty j iu collecting the taxos-Ralciyh Standard. . The Right .'ay ta Piscontinue a Xetcepaper, cr -rto let the paprirua -on '.Wycraf- weeks; W prowtiy woutli5, a Iter, the (nne fox hkl h l,aa ; Has been cifaMuJied. in the; tow A of Gtrmanlon: V Titt of the University of Va.. aud Atkew, oi Hal-;; r Mnnn!VT t- V 1 :fWslV,Oi 1 Jlfrnn. Uioxef-; lW W jyjL JiKUUtKJCJ, would repeetfatl mnXTLil' M Tf?M-US.GEUTIlUDEr"CALDiVtttfi Prin.il Af W?!fB. " hVttl" r"'"T'r rV--;riJ?; ence,'Ma,-jroaMiae .amount 101 DnaineM...t3 Harp and Modern Langaages.' f Assistant in the Masic cal department, etc. - r-' . ' -7 and Moral Sfieucej r7....? . prinw Department. IThH Seminary presents advantages in Music and Modem Languages rirely. olfoiraJ. Mrs- raUwfill i wno nas oeea eugaseu in iea.cn in . , . i Primary. boatd'and ' Tuition, . , S50.00 AcjuteiKic. Collegiate . . . . . . V. Extras. Langnases (each;) . . J . i.. . ... ..SlP.flO iiu;ic oti liio tlarp,. ;vv. . . . j ,35 00 it . Piauo, .... .'. . i ....... . .20 uo .Guitar .... .... .... 2Q.00 I Oil Painting,. vv.lv. ....20.00 Pcriraii,,......i.i. ....... ..20.00 ' Crayon, . .v."... ,.. . . . . . j . . .. ... . . 10.00 . ' Embrbideiyrof ev'ery kiud, . . . i . .. ... .1Q 00: Vecal Ma9tiljVUi.6de7 .Meioil, will be par iicntarlv attended to, frae of charge. - - louii.LauieA tvho,,iii?e liuixticu tne regular , College optee, olttin " vish to cuatinne Mumc and other ornamenUl bnvtches. ! Preparations have been made fy receive ix tudij aiudenU- These ladies Will not be subject 'to schojol -discipline.rwiil retjuire coilstaui xiso of a'parlur,ifree use ol Music al mstrumetus, etcM and will, lb fire lore, bo charged ten dollar Der month lor boaed. . Boarders will furnish :hpirnwnlih- tnvpliritc. Nn d!nctinii -or-"- - . 1Ui ,wt .". "v t"l7.. ?"fi"' " i"" lcc'i il" ,"10 "CUI" oer oi m oemmaryetiuerja? panor uoaruers or ...i ...'- '. '-i .fl : .f...: ... .1.- 5.. i tk ? t... uiicituuu iu inn 1 iiiiviuai. i ui; csiiuu v.u.uuicu ce the firrt daV ot Julv ueit. May, 1855. H 831-2imo." AitnivAi of ri:ir asu ciikai EflPOUIUII-We iespectlully announce to hu'r triends and the piiWic ' generally that we have received our Sprite uud Summer stock of gootls, embracing the following articles, to wit : i lirrviil rfnlll ItAllll rlolh. rilvSimpr alnica tri(L umureuiju, unu at j;reat uiaii oiuer arucies iu ui merous to mention.. ' M Our clothing,is made np iu the JntesLfashion and best style, expressly for ihis market, aud we will continue to- receive new goods Irqra ourown manu factory, through the Summer season. Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere," anil we feel satisfied that the prices and goods will please, as we iuteued to scU ouusually cheap for cash, j -: ; ,; EINSTEIN & Co, y i East Street, Greeubboro', N. C . j M"" f! .r ' TiOXRA W 1111. - V iMI.M.4-Uyi ... . i 1 1 . . April, 1S55; GO L.l AM I COPPIitt irluc oi a iiiiHtl in trust prm-ai: ed lO the undersiitied by thi. IVtideiit and Diree- North Carolina: MininisC j- Mining materials, mills, &c, the ptla to commence ttt l' elocK, Mn and co:iiiuue ; if necessary from i Hav to day.tuiiUfcall is sold., , 1- - r, . t U:r V i ;U?e0 GreeusboroUyJ, lai 830-7w. TDST REEIVEO AXD FOR SAI.X3 by ; rOoltIacT Clctlis of the genuine, old Anker j BrauV, iTOt??-' ! to Nf- 111 . ' , trench Uurr Alillstone of any? sire wanted, to order arid of the moat apnroved make - j Januaryr1855.;j4n; R. . LINDSAV. T Atlilp.il Ifi in v n? Vrnri!i a rprv tiira X aiottment of Jewelry, tohsi&tiug of gold and fjiver watches brCast-pinearirihgs, finger-ring, with many othet, articles in the jevfelry hue, which Bi-li-Jrt jesii-! Irtwl e1 "t rn I ! I J ,1 i. t . 1 ; - w f iiivv Dec. 1, 1851.,! WjJfilc CONNER' Tlack-SiiillU Sliop at Itusli iltll. f a-e now nreoared lo duli knniH nf htaot.jt'nith tin ' "a . . . . with durability. neatne.s and dispaclh. -. !, :; s. J. swaiji & Co. April, 1$55. M . 829lf; id svt rt-f " .rnL.:i . 4-L j nt Hiiur nver aim on ma oirci -roau iroin waaYiiit- iuo ittuivu waicn iiKi .s l 1. HUUiujuuM, a larje lot ) Ot Cand es, : , in this countrv Kaiaone, Fig, Dates Prunes, Dried Currant, CU-, Lo,ly. f1 XT 0 c vyLlKAIM roa, i icKie, wapie rugar, nocoinie, irieu lieei, j -ry-, ' ' f - vi ,1 V 1 . . I j, Kt. . I t . lirt iPirn f a iii larl nml i tiarlntta Ivhur r.nnr I ' . 'j tnonds, FilbertoJ-WaliiutSf Peecouj, 300 Cocoanuts, u torbid, and send accounts to this Uifice. derstaud that in 1 0a..gea, nsdoircani Mn Peaches. All , , 54.:spmvG GliElTlTe u.!.rsi.t r - ' ti wnicn wui oe boiu iow jorcaeu. van cne uoot I - , A , , P 1 that there is a . . rXtn i.jac,,.. - X are now receiving, and expect to have their en-; e Attornev Geni VT, . ' ?;v ' .Sire Stock, in,5iore bv the l3Urinat, of anna! ... .. j !- -- - Jw. We .i'.'l)anu S!ocl.b,doks lor sobwnptioa to the , ana Mouiestic im j uooun, uats,vapi, uonets,n ( p ! U i ! j JlL I thati-ther ' JJanial Stock of the Uank ot Wilmingtoii, ill i umbreta5.. Varais, Koots and Shoes, Foolscap i "T"' J,-w 1 . '.. .'! -! ', . . - - , t,. Al,ltt.t iK iil u iki rand Loiter Faner. Blank ko . Hr.Irm.r if int h x-o. f va.rruuiUH' receaveu Tir fi 5.. tci-.ir- rom,.rn'rn... f iU.r rw fcc-.. With ? an: extensive awinmni it isofiitv.i mciuuing roa iron, oval iron,'quarc Pay th .liwiiftn of . AVT J. Mf!ft T if. i .r.f Made fJtotliia?. and Foreign and be met,tIL,rJi band iroiiiropkrOii. rottud iroo, tyre iron asw -I nil pur- i V: V J). P. VE1R.I - t Comr- wart. JlIi of which they offer to the trade at low aud wede iron,jWhich will be sold low X55wli nTllifi fir! U Ar.;i .woi.f i ! rlrrrireanrttLimnsirsnm,Hrtl,!iin(r-irr . - -! . - i li;'.: . - W. J. IcLUVI,n .... j d " - illIll. . ..." .4 k, w II. ! ; ro Vf ; Ait ana vfeis is aUbtometf," maoe oy. ruic"v -r-rr- ' ' ' - iP-HUJr M ' iW'hbeenttw to do the past year;, wp are encoo Acid Gases, i v -"I 'to, locate" perrnaflentlti 'hoping to merit the from hislongexpenencein pib-, of wko ftocimb We'llSi d roserii "Carbonic Acid Gases.-v."-- the snbscnoer, lie business, promises V - '. . 1 . . ik. s J tuDsenoer, remg ae&irous o rerouvnig w wo Wot nffcra 'feu- hin Farm. Ivin? oa the .waters. u 1 rum famine, Otalff or 7ot tli Carolina; Goilfop Lati- O f r,. Spring Term, 1855. i shall ou Turbday the 31st day ot May, sell on the premises the lands oeiongisg to me lie i rs, at jaw oi josbihi ufcu( dee'd. lying ou Meares' 1-ork, adjoining the Iatnl Ctus Stanly,' Cyru'Brittou, Jonathan Gardner a other, coutaLrvMiu 93 acre. Credit 12 mouths' On Swluniav the 2nd day of June next, 1 saalli sell at tha Court House iu Greensborough 565 acres oi land, knoys as the Win. Han tier place, adjoin ing tho lands of Tihjothy Coode, FisUer B. Taylor, rhomati Kirk man and oi!iar4,.iiU iV tha property Oi the heirs at law of Isaac Gussum, Uec'd Credit of l- mouttiS At the aame time and place.! by" the Administra tor, James Sloan, Esq , uve likely negro slaves, be longing to same estate Credit of siv months. H Test J. A.iiEBANK. cme... April 30, 1855. . - , 830-till saJe. ' . ,, l . . ; i IUESII ASDKEWCaN'. McADOO would . respecUully inform bis friends and customers that he is now receiving and opening the largest and most extensi ve assortment of good, that he has ev er received, consisting of a gencrnl asorlinent of Ladies DressGoc.lsr a heavy stock of Silk goods a good assortment ot Ready-Made Clothiujr; & gener al assortment flf jewelry, such as Gold und Silver Watches, etc etc.- Hardware, Coach Materials, the heaviest stock of Boots and Shoes in iWplace, a grenemt assoitmetitof Growi's Paints, Dye-Slafli, eW-., etc.. the pri::cip;d portion ol which lias Lee'i purchased for cash in the Cities of Philadelphia and New 5Trfc under the presetireof money mat tersj and he feels no backwardness in s,iyiug thai he will sell his goods as cheap as can be bought elsewhere. Give him a call before purchasing else where and you will iiol regret cailiug. September J834. Post COlce Regulations, Greensboro', N, V. The mail lor the East will be closed on each day at 82 o'clock, M. The Salisbury mail, (daily) closes at 9 o'clock, P. AL '..'.-'.' - lue I'anjriiie mail, itri-weeKiyi cioe at; o I clock, l M., Monday VV'ehiettay and Friday. The Milton mail, (tri-weekly) closes at St o'clock, P. M., TuesdayrThnrsday and Sunday. The Asheboro', Madixjnr and Pit'tebord', (week ly) closes at 9 o'clock, P. M., on Friday. Letters deposited. after the hours above specified will lie over till the succeeding mail.' The Po6toflieo door will be opened every morn ing at 8 a clock, and continue open till 9 o'clock, P. Al. except on' Sundays, when the door, will be opened as usual at 8 o'clock, A. M , continue open for Oue hour, and then closed uutu Moiiday morning sub 1854, a ight face a dip- may , or may oe endeavoring to make hi way to the North-U'et. 1 will give a reward of S40 for his aptrehension and contiuement, if taken out of the State, and S25 if taken within the State, so that 1 get hira. ' Any information concerning said boy will be thauktully received. It may be that said boy has procured-tree papers. ) but remember his My posiothee id bandy Creek, Kandolph Ue Gooden,iac",J3 a gieat variety of f oroei- prices and upon 4ucommodatuisr f Pucha?ers will find a to t:ieir interest to give the i above stock au examiiiaUou before making their Re I leeiions. - J J O - UALL & SAC RETT, rayetteville. March 8. 1854. "VJ OTICE. The subscribers would remind their JL 1 customers luat ih seadou lor ettlimr account t,. i .i- i" . ha nnma Anml htqiu awI a W... k,MM HA .... x. wui w vr u iu aiii aim a.a iitr iidin mi'I'miitu anu ueou io pay, uiey expect their ! customers i-niflR l,irwrl un, mulro ri i i-rn auto fir cBt ' All thai fail tn 'old, ihir aonm. i,. , ...... .-:n t'e charged with iuterest. We would say to Utoae tnu-hnm it wilt annlti (till l .n... ir...f- I coauls aud uotes, mut raise u a little) cash. f i . , j 7 ' - v v v ' . i t . I i 1(111 in i ni.MMf pm. in i im uniu ia t oriT uk in fiiinrev Our stock ii-as rood a iunhal. t., season &f the year. . ' - I - fiiallorin? Sprlns? Fashions fJ.i ; ndersujoedrwouid prsseat his i 5 his grateful acknowUJ?8ri4 ,;ould.4isk for a cpntinoaacoMS,! 3 heretofore bestowed odd koj-' has heretofore- met' wislti ms customers, is ihe m I 111 Kf nna J-M4kln- .t.l, w Ii j r"v! f &, , v - vutm AXJL. ,me iuo w 'Jam 15th, Jl855wj AI-V TRADEr, September, lS., Balu'e , v. VV are also JO recetnt ti sL Laree and Comni, Stock DOMESTIC .FABRICS purchased froi M first hands, and jit the recent Lai-gc Auctloa '?r AVe resnectfulliT solicit a call from tha N, Carolina aud Yir-'iaia merchants, feeling cnnfiJea 'I ... aim. s IT e m iKaim ivAnila' nr a a 1 V we can offer them goods at as low prices acaai m KTKYENSOX& WEDDEIJL. letersburg:!Ta. CAPE FEAR D A!I STaCM-Bdolafw t subscription! to the iucreaswd capital tdkof I the llank of Cape Jfeari'w'uVl te opened onlheJliV l day of April, 1855, at the Banking house olWI Uank, in Greensboro', ; and remain opeu lor iitjjfi days, under the direction of the undersigned Cgjd i mi.sioiiers.' '!!.rt' . I :-' V ' " -i .I'l ' On appiicattorj toj ihes Cashier, the! rules sndW Hi ulatioui- under ' which Jtaid subscriptions arefoU !h tnale ami paid, will ue made Known and expujuej to an wno ueeue ic suoscnue. JAMKS SU)AN; JOHM A." GILMER, JES5K. R tINDSAV. April 10, 1855. : Comnusskeeu 8372ie Ke?a Pure Wo. t White' Lead 1 ior sal a Also a lotoi tiuc paint, in oil, jor i u ii.rm'VL'i ' i May 1st, 1855 ; , ',t n roccrIC.ugan--B,rown, Loaf, Ckibheak l VjT Powdered. ! Coffee RioT Laguira and ou Gov. Java. Imperial and Black Teas, &e. ' , : IL G.LIAU3.1Y: ApriT, 1856V : r ii d a jtiiv vwtoai arid juuia coruatj.-. j gr O J nte and Alhcante Mats for bupz'e. ; JJsruVI if ware ium LiOcks, etc. , u. u. Li.iyoAi:. a . April,1855. . j '' -M4 r il n n I iu i-o !- 5 t V 4 QuaDf Iljr orqulcl44ilvcrr u?t received JX aud tor sale low. W. J. McCONNEt May, 1855. - . '; VJJ X A IJarrelaoi White &RrownS?ra f Jl of superior! ouaJitv. iust received. Uff. May, J855. WiJ.McCONNR 250 ZiCgTS IVallS, assorted fizes, which r)B be old low V. J. alcCOXNfi, 1855. .3 1 11 T USIC A SerapTMBuaf 'sale by the lobri jj hers J.R. &.J. SLOAN. Common Scliool Itoolis Recommenteil by the Committee of Examiiialini,fortMlrlj April, 1852. . ; Rv G. LINDSA. ; A LARGE lot oMJoots and FhoeM hanna hl J. ior bale cheap. EINSTEIN ii Wt T LIHI'S 11.51 AX ACS. The FarraerVM JL Planter's Almanac, by Blum and Son, aasw received. . Call at Sloau:s Store and get a copy'j the year 1855. . : , , 6ptepber, 4" J C. IOC, Dealer in Staple and 1 Goods, Hay Street, Fayeitevilfe, N Fancy W c. July 23U, lt53. ; . : j-l-u 'Li - 7.31941 nOOGllnriH TinP HOil inl rpreited and f Of aC very low. i'l. . - V. J. McCO.NNttt 1 A A T- ADS1 Hf .nOTTX. . Yn dk I n vllle April, 1855 $28::tf. Bee be &. Co. Srmtt" Style of Hats by J; .Apnl,855a! ! r- ':''iv- - . ' Til Mot- .1t 1 IfiHK :.,k- i J 3UST received alarge assortment of antlnaip.fUittt. SalHI.Uafr. and Crpt L which will be sold fowi- V. J. Mccutl.t;. ..... ; , April, 1854. ! -4tt- t Tust Received ana for Sale an 1 v. i m tJ al to C T,:,r"el '"l"a' y;- , u 1U. U IU II. gen lUfi - -j ' bought and warrated to cum oione wuaniea.jormerlv nwir s ?2i ' sua : - . . ! .v i iii 1 :. 1 - St do good c om ,.rj m f 1- May lst, l-55:vJ IVeS uuuii;i j uuu tiaruvss bmwi' - iff liiil. We have On haud antt are co-m -.m t makinir xaildles.' bridleiSj, wagon and ' Til II. iUWW W ? - ' - r - ' " j " n . 4th mo, J' i plication (o Ihe subcrib or..;ife5t art ijntirely-iiobe.rjnart f Rillc.otopete.tt.-; fTorshparhhi'd,!;.- .-r f ; ' din. Revolver. !4 ai & inch barrclt, 1 ; , 1 - -ir-iM: -!H; " ' ft- ." V.n-: V - " I ' ,. ; V' ', "., rp v- - -T'i'. ' T ! .-!. ; .. 1 ' - N;- !- ; ' ' r ' -.4;v N ' ' -''Ikfl : t'-.V, i- i -v if i . ! .1. ii!- 'I' I. -1 V. 1