i' win nm 1 r it if i 1 I i: It i is lit IU TT of thb votes of all other secret . iocie ties, and ac-.' lions 7jj If tliii lie so,j thentbtji opponentsof burl Earty. are not opposed w secret pout icai oam oand societies when j founded by , unnaturalited ami1 ipiorkut fufreifniers -Inzifire oppoKfd' to heni jrhea formed by native Americans. Bui we are jc harmed by the same party or combination with ttti!2 intolerant bigot. notwithstanding wc hsive iclured othciwise in our piRtioriu. Tho Aajeriijnh Party 'bold no such 'doctrine. Tbey hare declared, ocr and over again, that the prin ciplo ii by no means to bo encouraged in this freo atil happy country. where nil men have an Mndiputxl right to worship Almighty God in the fcrm aad mauner most congenial to their con-cicnccflH-tbat men should be Opposed for office or relu?ed any political pvivileg, on account of their rejigious faith. -Ifut when the politics and region of any Beirt, seem to be inseparable, we jaay bepotoe slaves to both political and clerical ty tantiy, through a false tenderness in regard to the religious opinions of others. I ; This matter will appear in a plainer liht by the . following extract which ijs taken from the Boston J'Hot of Oct. 19, 1841, one of the leading Catholie Journals of this countrv, fpcakin of the Presidential election, itsavl to its Catholic friends: "We recommend to you no party we , condemn no candidate but Jotie, oiiil he is Theodore Fretlinghnyten. We have nathznyr to say to him aa a, Whig j we have nothing to say to Mr. Clay, nor to any Whig as such; but to the President of the American Hoard of Foreign Missions, the friend and patron of the K r' cfc Cox's, we have much to eay. We hate hi intolerance we dislike his associates, and wet shudder, At the blackness of that school of sectarians to Nrhlch he belongs, and amongst whom Ic ,. is regarded as a leader and chief." Were it necessary,,! could tate;tnarty 'other ex tracts from this paper, all of which would chime in mosti beautifully with the above, and prove most coticlufively,1 that the aforesaid Pilot was vui u iuitia( ui iuo ;Aimu-ii vunwi- Church) ; but also a very zealoui advocate of the doctrines of the Democratic party, as were the Freeman'ff Journal, and all other Catholic papers ithen published in the U. S. What can be more jjcpuitial or insidious than the Pilot's attack on jMr. Freeiinghuysen, and its open expression of aversion to turn on sectarian grounds, whicn, ac cording! the views of our opponents, should never be mentioned in political discussions no, vAA V never, s Mnl sec the Ccthohcs in not hcutatc to O.cps politics . ;;4n Ihcir Church Vrqans, but actually ;wcnt solar as to declare op- IKWitioato Mr. Ireehnghuyscn solely on the ground of his rfhgion, and that he was the President of j the ArtiiScriean Board of I orcigu Missions. And why weje the Catholics opposed, to this Board ?j Simply J because it was engaged .in translating, publishing, and disscminatmp the JJible, the word v uouiiiiio-cYiiy language, aim among an na-; i...vL;t r.u :.! r.i 1 ' 1- ; u,l'"lu'm v ,''a"r tlllAn 111 fi lri t rtiiiilinu in Sim r . FVm X . I- T " t ;. r , ' ' VV . : ,lhn nirtht allir Inn I'mtwldiitigl ulnr-linn nrxl llinrn . .-- ' ... .v.-vi.lc. v.vvwv.., u ...v.v jfruins for the 4 God d d Proficient of the A 'incriria Board-of Foreign Jltssions," wlio was aiding to send the word of God to all people free of charge I And what the Pilot and Catholics did in l4i, they have been doing ever since, and ( tviiuuwu i nu im uo, wiin uus uuiereuce ooiy i i .,:n i z , . i they will become more zealous as their numbers I and strength may -increase, seeing that our eppo- ncnts reward thuu with the bct offices in their' (.im uiliiv.il iviiflVT. 1 ll'Illl" HUirfll'H lilt CUIU- tion, ,M io W i. 1S hc 1 read - IfV J . T .1.. cjiiuu ivt a new inai. lor itvo irisn t arnniiR nnni. inals, namc-sukc and relations of the Tricst which , . ' vas not granted. EBENstURG April 4, 1844. ' GEN. MARKLE, Ktq. Dear r ; Permit me 'to intrude Upon you under verv bniercent circutn- i stances'.. I presume you have already noticed the 'case of the' Kbnnauans, now, upon the expiration iof two years confinement ot Kbehburg, charged with isurdcr But, sir, after an industrious , ! course of pierpcveratice during tljb two recent ses- 'sions of the Legislature, we have succeeded in having a new trial, which will take place iiumedi- lately ; length of time with heavy expenses, has Irrdun d my circumstances so much that l am fieremtqttrtl tol mil iiiwn ipv inlitu ol frinnls. Then, ir, I wish to instim t you thaC my politics jhavo been the cause of all. You cau. if you . ". ' ... uuuuv uiv jciuiiT. mi vicu. james irviu, now uiemuer oi congress, also iur. .icnn iiuton, i llouso of Beprcetitativcs, what, my influence is ; it was by my nristrumcntality the above named gentlemen wcre.eleotcd ; if you assist me now' 1 - L L : a- i -. i mi t i t -win warrant our election ; i am a LatUoiic cler-, pyroan.aud it is in my pjwer to btain for you a Biaiority of the Pennsylvania Irish : the Govern-; or would not do anything for me, becauso I dif-! icrcu wun mm m pontics. I will return you j Whatever you will forward me tfyon ore not etc- ; tetf, there is nothing in my power but what I will) i o XJLOUM urn intrusion beme a stranccr to 'TtfU. Very Jlcepcctfully, &c, i ' Kcv. T. FliANNAGAN. P. Si If you write, direct Id Kbcnsburg, for the Key. T jFlannigan. I also pledge myself thai Do perron will know anything about it ; it is of course presumptuous on my twirt to addresa a gentkuoau with whom I lme hot tho pleasuro of ! a pcrf ocal accmaintance ! Please to answer me f upon receipt of this. With tenjimcnts of great I l"cspect for your welfare, X remain your friend. .Truly, Bev. f . FiiANNAGAN. j I repeat, when I read this jitter and many j other articles that were published in the Catholic papers,, l not only became excited but alarmed for tlcf future, and the alarms then created have been incrcasinvcr since. Nevertheless kr ore tht$c in our ccuntry who seem to entertain no fcara cf danger from this source! and. cry out a- giihsi any attack against a man's religion, as il j this wa uot a anvi ry day 'business with the Cath j olics aiid their chuieh. The truth is, miny who iiOTprofifj to be V.vm, go so far with their Kbcnlity a w defend tho I'opcj thereby serving . hi m: (hi 6atncj purpose in this country that the i French troops now do that are stationed around the Vaticau ui Borne. Tha Catholic church in tVir eyjes, on account of it iminutability and in j difpeusaUe son ices to their party, is atway right, ilo what they may. in Churchor State, at the 6 lot bir. in our common schools, with the hisury of our counlrj, or with the sacred word of God. j AVith H such Protestants and politicians I beg to (differ! Icoutcod, that when kitic and religion if fffyxhr mtmxi I harip rih to tuck Ti "1 r"' fe '. ey or price, -all those who imbue- their hands in l"",l-u ,, ' "me, maae as large world with conlun and error, littordmg the , the blood of heretics?'' The conclusion of the dividends, afforded as much accommodation to the Utholit? fai'h UnHequcntly the Catholics work- th Artide rt.ads thug And laK(fj that utir community, and commanded as much of the pub- jed hard:m 1M1 to defeat Chy hud 1' rccln.ghuy- Chunk cur, not err." There, gentlemen, is the lu-.w.ui.di-ii, e s ai.y of its cWuiporaries. Not- rrnaridwhen by the .1 laqdiihine and other rccordno 0nc-need sav it b false, for 1 received itliat.ing the - sound and lury signifying tlana t II11C lui rilltir hrrrlu 4 : nnil till Sixr s Irakis jncy succceucu, we una mat tiiev as- :f c i.,u ,,r, D n.-thuia ihi.i we hae so ,ltii hnnnl fii.m ..tr. , me howl canexposo Bishop 7Hulxcspplittc, aiiUtniIiitia ImpWCtaxilfc . J ft wUhpat reference to h rehgioti.l Aretbeinflam- j ,y 1 T Ofiird f! matoranirhodeKvew atSLoht.s-H.ll ta "-iSn?? lhaTeteIisti Amt due -D&V iT" , V tl patholio Irish poHticaI brVeIigioBs serhiots or f -Jtff; if ftocmeBcy iDgtitutionslch; !-,o 0ft . dne' Dtti A 1 fi speeShear -WhaYwas hh, Jontrlwith Mr. Ueuuon atberirection -atul 1 - ?4 BLxaapcnril orrel ? f 27 50 i U write and ipeali for the wme purposev to gain a therefore, instead of elaboraUng tb principle, in- p 28 8a .g JJ benefit zeal bitter believe they like carryini: elections. ' ThenU-Americana know as well as the Americans do, that no one can point to a single spot npon the face of the green earth un der Popish rule, in the last thousand years, where e very temporal priviliges, and every tiling that per tained to politics, were not absolutely subservient to the will of the Pope and Priests, and therefore prostituted to advance the interest of the llonian Catholic Church hose sovereign pontiff claims to hold in his hands the keys ot Heaven and hell and have the riuht eomniitted to him from God to rule tohis Church? He does. Hence the Voire-; in this discuion. Went my8eU,br.i red.br the State i T i, 77 77 "fi A of onr opponents for the fJesuita and their sketching the outhneaof the poUey.jrhich Ie- thb aspect, and appropriating to herself a greater f me WSSwaf I ' X ' Zo X 5? 3 94 f V abuseofthc Americao party not that thej "re to see lnangnrated JNorth Carhna, accom- amount of profitsio be derired from thia aoarce tpeowwfvi J-TT j T " f fl, 87 l) j2i the Catholics are richt no bui because paniedwuhfome oltbe-. ' 87 01 ttS H knowfrom long experience that, they can, system proposes - ' s time applud to the KaJeigh and Uaston, tne vu- uw; V-vViV nf ' n 6162 i 1 T m T'l ' . 1. 1 ; I firm mna nf rnminr over the bodies and souls of men every where upon o" the Wilmington and Weldon and North Caro earthr If it be true that we cannot strike their hua Railroad cuiupanies. The first, with a capi- politics without biting the Church, whose fcu!t is this pray 1 It is certainly legitimate and projr lor tne Americans to snow tne aanger oi me for mer by holding up the horror of the latter. 'lliir " Article of Paith" made at the council of Trent, are still unrepealed. And where is the American who can contend that these articles of faith the n . 1 ' k .1-1 rule of the church are not horrible in their con- ccption, awful in their blapphemy, and boldly in violence ofourConstitutions, and the laws of God t Say, Protestants I Patriots 1 Anierican ! Can you subscribe to such monstrous propositions as these? Can any one who loves his country con- tend, that such principles may prevail among us, and your political (to say nothing of your religi- ous,; privileges, still be secured to you ana your children ? Here is the nolitical freedom uuaran- teed to you by the great favorite and bantling of the anti-American party the church of Rome Article 3d. " We. acknowledge the snj)fenti t of the Holy Father, our Lord Gwl, the JJi j , who is St. Peter's successor in the chair." Am cle Gth. " We arc bound to believe that the late lloly Massacre which happened inr Paris and its VKlDliyt a5Pim?t the Protestants, was lawfully put MmCt M Jonq as Ke can do i( vtih Vt lo okr Itwinbe remembered by u all n-doubt that 00 thia occasion no less than thirt, ;h,,,- irotcstants were murdered in their bids, iu vM blood I Articlc 12th. " We are bound to drive the licritic8 outof the ,and whh fire BWord f t and 10 . it, w . , . , w;.hut .i.n luu " Read it! Ponder over it. and tell me what you think of it- Is . ' Lii.aiiiiai.i 1 ill. n'liiii iiiiuii iii.'i I nil' 1 1j this rei,,,.jiis toIen.t n f ... . . ' on f ere our forefathers nut or wrong in providing a clause in our Consthu tion, prohibiting ajl members of such a faith f rom holding any office of trust or emolument in the State?" Is not a religious political organization, like this church, dangerous to our lives, our liber ty and the pursuit ot happiness f If so, then uwav nuu iuc wu.uuig euarge, mat we, as a iar . JV b ' , ' 4L u- . . . JZ inZZm u' V "PP jS r"00 f16" a"d 1 vaiuunu cuuicii ju our couutry. jl is not 1'tlt- L a . i .j- r , . r'" b" "" "f d!T I' UUHUIV.U uiunvu iu n uitll t; Pllll.e 1 ;r '7 n V. n-u F t V " , P, , 1 V ,,,u t hnno 4 it,. nn . .41 I. 1 I : 1 .1 . r? . v.vjr.ui vufts. juougii ue ens in iiaiy ne is on our shores, and may yet have his feet upon our Decks rfor his power his arm reaches aens every sea. His will is law throughout th" w..nd w he has a blind and bigoted tool ready io be m i i ork to do his bidding even to subvert ti,.. i.i, .w. u cuKjtui. ilia VI1U1UIL IS i'UTiil li t erties of our country, destroy the c..iiMiiui'u.ii 011 our free institutions, to deface the hiti u in our free schoolsj burn all our Bibles and Mine to drive us out of this land of freedom with l.u-, fagct-and confusion " if the Holy 1'ather our lxid Ood the ope but give us the command." Such, gentlemen, is the creed of i'opeiy such are the allies of the anti-Americans and ur h is . 1 n .. .. the character of our enemies aud detainers. Al that is necessary to invigorate our faith and caus. .11 e uo j icuuuuic uur uiiicijce as imencans in m.a11 .1 ) J . y . . . ti. oiuuy c iue couuuei, nistory, and character ot our unprincipled opponents, and then if we be true patriots and lovers of our country. ' we will go forth and in the fear of God determine to stiu - g udui we snau rout tnem borsc, loot and dia goon- determined that the cause ol 1 rtttstai.t civilization shall go forward and : the Bible, the great civilizer, chart and compass for mau wliiie upon eann, snau remain tree and open 'in our i Churches, houses, and above all in our schools t and America a Protestant landrand Americans w iuiu xiucrieu. juu, in conclusion, let u.e ha. j. jjuj, tuab menu uuucipaiions win nere a men and as a party to go lbrward against the combined forces of the FusionUts with more spirit and determination than we I have ever yet done. If we will but do this, victory will mjou perch upon the banner of the native America T 1. 4V : -r . -in host. Be kiud enough to accept my best reguiu and believe me tu be vour ftW in .h, 7. of onr lipnnf... ,n ' " - i .-v.. D. F. CALDW ELL Messrs. N;.W. AVoodfin, J. l. in vo and others, Ashcville, N. C. 1855. AUTUMN SALES. IcOo STEVENSON & WEDDELL IMPOKTUlS Al WIIOLISILE SCALKUSIK Forclajn ami jJumcatic Day Coodh. o 7h oa ti, Svcamo. siKktr Jitettburir. Jd. WELre n(W PrePared to exhibit io the Me--f T chant ot Virginia and North Carolina Jargt ?nd commanding stock ol l oi clzu ui, lioiwefctfcDry t,ood. Haviii urctiaHed He,. " ' wariy in June, we can olier to competeuccefully wih thoe who purc W Ul lilt" hnrthvm mUrb. bltVr'fON &WEDLELL Sept. 13U ua uuc a v.uiiiuju. on ihl-i. - . - -" S,r f!,ffi M4'1 con,ma"1 "Uei.iiN, "uvesied mliank Stuck, vieldinir 8 ne. .it r Gospels; and as these are the only -pnc, to receive a , hare ol the patron- One f our firm will remain in New York durmj Willi neet.be aceruii-iiuereM L l JM fo o which persons (excent th,.?! 0t lh? ubuc- r ers areed to Asheboro' theaWnt in attendance of Auction feal-,a,,d 1 p. inciid in 5 v. ol" ' discharge the &c.) can be sworn in rth pJnS i ' eXick, wiu receive prompt attention, iu warding anything, new and novel a " H""cip.i in d tais J hi poauiou was admitted thnt K 7 5. xxortu Carolina it follows, K tV, uruivi.' w MetcU,,!. ,re Jom,lled bv comimi T0 "'.-u.ut-ii.i. in the u,le. ow ,t the head of Ti? j r In, hu caso 'refore h. court Kov. 2CH,, 1855. 848 6m mm our Mvio and prices such a. will .-m- .1. wituin our imrt -J- .w... :.i..f , 7W" - cuons appealed to in K. r. c. x- I tur wi.n. : ciaie locouiriuuie 10 iue comurucuon 01 llselul publie works has already been pointed out, to-wit i demanding an equivalent for all Bank charters. But in lieu of this; 1 would prefer in all such en actments a discrimination in-favor of the holders ot Railroad stock. As a substitute for, the old Banks, so frequently referred to, whose stockhol ders for more than tifty yoars have been accumu laiing fortunes from the productive capital, with out adding a penny to the aggregate' wealth of the State, 1 Would have Banking privileces conferred al of 82,bbUf0lU, and with its principal business ihuuijiton, could have supplied the increasing warn? ol that eiHei iriinr citv : and the latter. with a cH4ralot $4,UOU,000, occupying the line ol the Nurth Carolina Kail Road, would be equal, for u while, at least, to the demands for Bank ac coiuuialations fruui Beaufort to Charlotte. With proper guards to prevent too great and sudden an luerease ot lsank paper,' these could have, been gradually made to supplant the old Banks ; as the latter withdrew their notes from circulation, the former could have filled the vacuum and supplied the growing demands of trade, and with judicious management and hunetst purposes the two could have been worked in beautiful harmony, avoiding me eu preuicuonii auu aissipating tne iears of those who apprehended a-general pressure from a i-udaen diminished circulation. And though con- uccled with the railroad companies, they should form btparaie und distinct corporations, and be un-dt-r the manage men t of separate and distinct Boards ol JLfireetors. In other words, the princi ples upon which " The South-Western Rail Road Bhiik " wks eretited an agent called into exis tence to aid one of rho nt gigantic eiuerprizes that evcrx-htiracterizcd the clforts of any age h.ailU prescribe the bnuiiuary separating and reg v3l;"c iiu- ciiincctiji between them. And here I : t m,j t imI'i.H further remarks, and throw my L.j '.u tiic iif:i:i-i i.i ucccss ol this institution I petii.u oi'eigtitet u years, as plenary proof of Kite prai tivjab.liiy ol the system. iunng thi pe rtttd, plenty haig to test tlie usefulness and prac ticability ot anv tinancial agent, it has been an im portant adjunct to the Railroad with which it is csliiig- fcouiocs about the. danger of connecting i i.iint.. i:il rctds. and'baukinz on rail road .&l'incncc ii this mid other instances has ct'ia.iti cu .lit pievtouclV expressed opinions, that j 1- . t MM; .i.-iKtUions are us sale and as useful to the ..),: irmly ;j ;;uy others tliat the wit of man has ce. .itvi.-ed and put in operation. In fact &C j i "j't,-iiii n t sell ewdent. the Banks herein re- cf.muel.Jed are to be based On tsnecie the onlv ' busi ul uccesslul bankiu ooeratioris with nil the gu. id i.ir i ubiic protection thrown around 1 ----- the i.t iianK and in addition (thereto rail , o etjual amount is pledged as collate- j ity lor the solvency of the Banks. And ruid stic ralseeuntv for the soiven.v t fk. IMnL-o Il It lP jili.lir.Ml If ii Kv . !!. .. J mf M Kt UO ... . VJ ltJC F.corill, JJailK au. vocals. iht iluse institutions are safe, 1 am at a as is me imid ! rr. . -i, , , us udiua iue urfcL .uoucauou ol tne Oampsoii I he hist point g.uncd by the adoption of such resolutions above alluded to. i hev were ori-m a nicy i.s theuispirmg the friends of public im- ally published in the 'Jaiboro ' Southern,-.- ,'ru pioeiueuts witn conLaei.ee, by the assurance which paper wc copied them. 117 llnnli given, that tl ey possess the good will iand sympa- i n rl, ..; i..- i.eiMit,lie. and that if Uaiiks are ne- llUTUKRFORO, Dec lt, l:. . i .e.-,.H. conferring peculiar social,! Mr. Editor: The Resolution. of the Samp ' . , ; i ;.i iniluence anji wer on ?on t'onvention having appeared tor the first time ii - .... i la l'avur, when j.tiei wiih in tbe Wilmington Herald, as I am informed, 1 ai : ! w ,: ' o!eu to a class wh.i have soul ! hope you, will do me the favor to publish also in iu.o i mi n,ugli to :nd in the improvement u; ,iut c iau . i.nu Mruggle for the ueijufsiiion of lacilnk ut..:.;.nded by (he necessities, ofi the age an.l ol,..,rHt.,tf ,.w ut.ai to the rtj,, t,,Lii 'it y 'of ut ;h ( o ,,,,,,. uc.i, a discrimination-strikes eicr) hu n inded innn us jutt. It important pow ers over the currency of the State are td; be im 1 ailed to a purtiuti of her citizens, in the name of an nlighu ned iM.liry let it pass to a class of -en-largtdai... iibeiai views, rather than to thce who hue cor.iiibutcd nothing for the advancement of r , ,he er aet which entitles the for n.o: i.. ;: H,iiAt the 1,, js a guaiantee oi go .i .aiiij, ;uid an impartial, lenient exercise ui - he p.-ttCi with which 1 propose to invest them, ihi ft oiid iioint :n lii.-v..il r tUa .. : 1,1 c,'",M!l'u,,u wi,b Bail Boad companies, of a con- ." l i j i i . . u,iU nnanciai ag;eut, ldentihed in in lertf,t' 11 om winch mutual ad vautaires will arUo mm in u.e inird place, the State, which is a large stock holder in these railroad companies, would have an opportunity of embarking more ex tensively in Blinking; and, a consequence, se cum.g io her.M if the profits which by the present sjMem te pin , tpallx to individuals. The stock owi.ca bv uu .u iein the existing Bauks mi2ht U t -aiiei .eu. 'ibt ui diMurbiug the current of t'-w-M. to il.e ones, and th i.,;, e '. 1 .1-. . . : ' v ' twk to which she ouid beentitled. riMi.tHHw ! - kM lt III eou'd be raWd wi,lMint. .!,....!,- iVZZ , - - -j , o, ur wv ' t.Mh un.e, ai an interest of u w fit : hrr :i iiuh m . . i r . . i , .. ,.u,llv, , , fj, ls r;nrii.in .... ... .... bless- inxtance, the object , in coutmefi v a cKhr y, rH, i ao millions., live hundred th,,,isfl..rl . Mo anv ..,1, i i . w ...w. U IU MHIM'WIU tion, stated, that if he had the credit to borr ruuj oi money, aa the State iiae, on year's tiu.e, or more o per cent, and tkepriTilege .. ... - .'.x. u iiiuii I li I iih : I 1 1 ruiii'iirinu . . . . i . I It u,uLu,h . ,, . i : !" t n hy U refercnce Ut thv he tmth which it ! tuVhc uebus, ana Z ZZS T 0 to him, u will at once j ntencos the evil of such u l cv T Tlht U - CWU,d ot of oath. ' declaration, worthy of cau Jter itL when r r, l. r V" h" I PIeal to God Jly applied, deter the reader uJHnT ' Motion. It dc,,dK entirely upon the ob eca n TT 7 8a,VansT7fcr the sa:ue hc great day !v,..-,i, I i. , fun -e ypJt in i,J judoment when tho r.u, n i . Ti ...... u!v iu oe inane, i.i i no vooiis a im.iu at an interact .1 .. ' "" vvuueu taKiny ih ...u.i-i.i. - me terv uesi arucie ai i " w liicm. tw i iirtriT r vai a. . i . - m voiu uiuu At irirr ait m w uiiv KJt.au , i int. miai raiiii . UUUUlUUi VlliOllUUVIUU ltUlUCIIUllUWIU IU JWT tern and. Western Kxtensiona. as the , business ereated by thenK 4nd fbe expiration : of fotneleltoatelyM l ftanks, inake it necessaryl an impulse wffl U im- U--V -Jtjti iJLLA i.ii,.A tendency civen to railroad .locks, that will enable the State to make available, at oar value, her pres ent stocks, transfer them to new companies, and thus coupled with individual enterprise and liber n ;i ti,- rripr of the Alleghanies shall be broken up, every sec tion of the btate subdued by the power oi steam, andeverr neighborhood accommodated and brought into close proximity with every other portion of me jonn &iaie aissipating seciiomu preju dices and unitiug in all the elements of prosperi ty, social ectercouree and political and commerci al success, every interest in the State. The vantage ground from which 'to command all there results, and put fully into operation this scheme in all its parts, was partially lost by the legislation of last winter. But an inviting field still spreads out before us, and if the people will but seize the opportunity and force to their aid an engine that has often enlarged the commerce of cities, energised communities to renewed ef forts in public enterprises, and even relieved Gov ernments from pecuniary embarrassments, the fu r : i v.:n:t i .1 iuid Kit. nuuu vatuuuB ia uiauo uiiiiiaub vj iuc well-founded hopes of a glorious destiny. LEON. P. S. I beg to add, in support of the forego ing argument, the following paragraphs, ent from newspapers of recent date, to wit : " The Bank of Wadebborough has declared a dividend of 5 percent, for the pasLsix mouths tnA I !.o k...l k - uuu tv uui?, wsiuva, iucu aoie to carry near a lie cent to reserved profits, lis new Banking House is hcarly; finished. Fay. Ob$.' "The Annual Report of the President of the Commercial Bank showed a highly pi ohtable year's business ; the Bank having declared two semi an nual dividends of 5 per cent. each. 1 he coiitin gent fund, including the.profits of the last three months, are nov equal to22i per cent, uett." H iV. Her. Thus it will be seen, that while the communi ty is oppressed, the Banks flourish. Iast year the profits of the Commercial Bank were 18 per cent ; and ibis year it divides 10 per cent., a mong the stockholders, and increases its reserved ! fund to 22 1 per cent. The Wadesborough Bank has made, for the last 6 months, at the rate of Hi ?r cent,'pcr annum, upon its capital, clear of all expenses. It the liauks sought to be created do !a8 we or even half as well, the State will be able, . 1 1 Aa in a verJ soon time, to nu herselt of debt, and reauce tne taxes to the old standard. Judge Manly's Recent Dcclsou. Wfe eherfullv no.nnlc vt thp rnmst inn. innA in tKa cnKinin fw.. T.. Mi.. 'Tn nnUUU AAAnl ... I V. . ... . A . 1. .u uuuusiiiui ictcuut iimiuui uu in in ij i. lie rn- solutions of the Sammun (!invntinn of iin;vr salists. we did not mean to intimate, (as we were' very far from believing,) that any decision of J nrl ro rkllTrl rtfrvf. 1 I' . . ...... . . I . i 'i . . r . J a Ul;,n sep,e OI dul and an eJir,uf,tentd tion that it was the Ltw ,.f the land- 'ft COlT if hu late nient of his Honor is calm and clear, and as the point mvolveo is a new one, will be reid with general interest. Jndire Maulv. h - - ......... . ..... ---.- ' ......... MJI IUVt nn .1... ...1 i: , i i. Vour VaWr tne statement ot the matter which i herewith send. lam respectfully, your ob't sv't., Matt. K. Manly. A decision of mine in Jackson county has been made the subject of denunciation by a State Con vention pf the Universalis! denomination of Chris tians in Bamson county. Public censure coming from so respectable a source requires of mo to make a statement of the facts ; which are netes sary to enable the public to judge righfly. except the form of affirmation provided for - Quakers, Menonists and Dunkards, there are only ii mo vwuis oy wnicn persons can be huali- utuluB1,c tesuiuony m ortu Carolina. An oath on the Holy Gospels, and (for those who have scruples of conscience about swearing,) an appeal t6 God with uplifted hand. Thesefbrms may be seen by refereneo to the Be vised Stat utes in th beginning of the chapter on the sub ject of oaths. The witness in question, when offered, declin ed taking an oath upon the Holly Gospels in the usual form, on the ground of conscientious hci.u pies; and the clerk was about to swear him in the alternative form prescribed by the act oi As senibly when it was objected that he did not be v Zl :r7-lm rewaru8?ni pouwiiuenui. ueve in a iuturc state of ret -F-auunation, l,e stated he believed -ail . persons would be saved from their sins, and persot will Rive ' &c. Here the at thfi l.f , 7 " - ? accountamiity oeiiev ex- i . vvui. iu uc I hi ill pn mrui t ...-v . .. . I i - . . . .IT 1 e in mis sanction anil i .i - .. W imnu i.vr ii.,.,;.i,; .i. i . 11 - ana wnetner. w th h; ri;r i, u 1. nn. - a1 . t . . ' UC L-UU1U UIVR . is admitted tn ! "CTZ.rr " "1 na.a onera do so. Upon a , lajten tnnt mih ,ti..i. j - . - . a i . . Biement l think it mioht ... f n r.-vuwtcuT -wuetuer tuetr de-1 - 1 - 1 .1 . .11 ll men "v-" , , state of. blessedness. i UnaerJthat)mpressbnV DOf Jr lt Kv me. or anv booW ewe under mj observa- lion, to their, competepcy, oor do I think any could be made. It is due however to candor, to state thqt if creed of the Universafist embraces a denial of i Mcountabihtr. and punishment In the next world IOr Sins, COUUDllieu iu luc uuui) auvi uuicukui ... ... . Il of and u natonea tor at oeain, neis not a conipe itent witness as the law now stands in North olina, according to my opinion. Punishment, i. ' . . i . well as reward, in a iu tare state, is a necessary belief. J In conformity with this opinion, a decis ion was made by roe at the last Court for Cherokee county, and the point with others has been incor porated in a case and sent to the Supreme Court from that county. I trust it will be settled in some way, no person An the larfd wiU more cjieer iuuy acquiesce in, auu.couioriu iu me uecisiou u ; it be against my opinion; none be more willing, i Office. C. KaTioTr ' in case the opinion is sustained, to have the Jaw) SSaliseumy, N c fi f ljT ' altercdsoas to embrace the excluded class. -My! QAIE OF N. C. EAlL EOAD 1 settled convictions have ever been m favor of a : iicei herebv niveii in:.i ... 0Cl-. liberty It is notmv intention at this time to discuss , ... j lae the onestion of law invnlvpd in tK- rmininn liave here expressed. But as I have been called -m " . vf before the public, it may not be amiss for me assure such as take any interest in the matter, V that is has never been made by me a question tlieoloirv. Of eXDediencv. or ot credibility, hot sun- James twares. ; I ply of t'ontjrteucy under the law. And believing gLs eman' r the weicht of authority and reasoning tobeagainst f i . n' v . iu eomjieiency j iue witness icnuereu, it pecame yw Gladson uiy duty to say so. In this the judicial officer Levi Houston, ' has no tlivJiTirtn, but -must pronounce the law as Milton Kniuht. . 1. . . . ... ...1.1. . t 1 ... . . in-iiittt" it. rcu it l lupre.seii upmi his mind. I am .iWi.re there are conflicting decisions in other Stales ; and in our own rotate circuit deci sions have been made bth wuu recently on this point. But the professional understanding has been generally in unison with my opinion. And the provisions made by our Legislature for rjuali fying witnesses to give testimony, manifestly re cognize punishment of the sin of perjury in a fu ture state as a necessary belief The lessons given by Judges and others to untnstfucted and iguorant persons, in every case which has fallen under my observation, have had for their burthen this dogma of punishment hereafter. And the elementary writers make belief in a f uture state of rewards and punishments necessary to compe tency. There have been indeed, somo recent ex positions of the phrase ' future ttnte of rexcarth ami pvmlimnitg" which restricts the pum'sh-nn-nt meant, to twings of conscience in this world. But they are not authoritative, and do not strike iue as consistent with any sound exegesis of the phrase, or of the principles involved. in view of these things, if my fellow citizens of the Sampson (.nivcutiou will rellcct upon them, it seems to me they will Lud reasons for my judg ment, which it not convincing, will at least satis fy them that it might have arisen from the doubt fulness of the ouestion. and not from any such in tolerance and depravity of heart us would lead me to commit a flagrant outrage" upon the rights of citizens, and an act " unconstitutional and ini mical to republican government 1 have made this communic.-trion. not to depre cate -ciutinv int-iitv eomiiwt ., ..t!..... i, !TIIt ll- m pi.iii. . . pri are." official or r.n..:!. i.i!; but Bint tlie : ; be u ndeist. mJ, lu ' : ., ; s deeiueii. t' the i: ii.uuul to which the:; ;m tal-.en 1 have s. id nottiing. i trust. win--h i. is not proper ai d becoming in uo to say und i he cii cuiu.vtan And i h; e said all th.it i iivesary. as 1 eoii ie, to pn . in myself truly b- r-.re my fellow :. en.s whoe ..pinion i deirt?, and would t.'ot willitigl Linen b acquiescing in a miscon, Kt.uction of ' ii u:uiiv.s. conduct . creed. And i .-hall now'iibide their judgment, without appre hensions. M ATT. K M ANLY. aleut, A. c. rpftE undersi-ned, proprietois of the above Mills" X beg leave to announce that tue are now pre- pa.reu io gnuu coin IV lie at and Corn ,,, any quantity and in the shortest possible time. lle can salely s;.y ihat their Mills will turn-ont ueu noi r and n,eai as cannot oe suroassed if eq'.aiied by any Mill in this section ol ihe Slate. I tiese iVliiis have just been ouilt of the very best material and in me most workmanlike manner. And the whole mucnineiy is constructed alter the inoM apjiroveo plans. i he ropnelois are prepared to give the highest market price lor U heal, ami lo grmo lor others ioth Com and heat ui li,e Usual rales. I hey also eairy on the C'otlou Spinning busin ess uiiu seej tousianily on Iiat.d CACelieiit block ol t oiiou lunik. Ihe l.mhl,- oe. led ty iheM Mills has been eoii.,i,oi,i r i.o'a i M fetoio'e u the - alein Co lou i aeoTy The p.drone ot t:ie pubiic is re.-pectiuih souei- alem, o 2u. 1oj. S'lLAM AH .11ILL.-Iliirr Al Vlr ill II, 11 UDI K Itil lk. r I he Mibi rU..ers nave erei leu a N. .an Saw Mill, JL miefouiti ot AMieboro" l.in 1, Co., N c, uiihu, .,, jut.. ot tne F. . W . l iank lioad, w neie iuey wnl oe t4ea!ed to fill all orders, and luruish all persoi. wishii,gio bu Pine Lumber, of ilieei) beM tjuaiily. 1 heir priced are as lollows, board meat u re. Weather Boarding, Lich Siuif, Ceiliny, liuck ileurt, o. i 1 9 CO CO s uo 410 UO 5.00 per thousand feet, 44 I it' 4( (( If . nou-u ra.ye, and to hoid oat mi w eiifht. li. ti. LLNUbAk. 1855. w-Crop 3lolasse. -Jut to h aiiu mu sale bv k i. I iiisa Jan. IS 5. 10 iih 1(1 r-r a It 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 9' 53 90 63 90 40 97 48 51 58 52 63 91 45 43 57 75 88 55 21 50 60 83 71 61 3i 74 . M 37 96 25 3 132 44 39 26 k 6r just , 3 4 6.S M 67 6S 69 70 71 :i T3 74 47 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 the all ' 43 12 63 91.. 66 99 . 63 14 49 28 - Car - . 66 22 65 45 90 45 4 as 23 107 80 24 81 62 25 52 36 88 55 Alterations have been made k t Districts, which will varv thBQ w of.v. 1 il - j :Dec. 5 1855. . UUliLi "T , , "it .lie "J K. j ' j 1 M. K I 01 11 jh - k : '1 it -i f 1 WTi - 1... l i at' ,w 1C' W4". r f , ai - "c HU(,,lt"MorD,; l llftii i i 1 uim : T OI PV l"S usance oe on wij-.: i i A -w to wit : - wsl0U0- No. of shares to "v i Henry S. Anderson, 2 Join, M,ii -V of Benjamin Ciendeiiiu, ,1111 .Vinl T-tf ;l John snjijh ' " i m IV. l J.oi.e' A.Srpu ress, l.lWr an. 2;jamoel, Tan, Jeii'n O L-oni:, ' 1 i J. h- Tiuney, ' WatHH,,-- :2,UilJianj UarJ, . 11 l0e 1) Yoilinf. L. M. Leach, Joe. B. McMurry, John VV. Alc&lirrry, D.C Mebaue. COMMISSION MERCHANTS .1 Ab'E prepared to make quiek ajid a-lvanta Siies ol Flour .ki iroin (Junfiml (ranil I'E tieiyht Ooring count ies. 'I All accounts made. pron.nuy reudered and Ilvfcr to Hon. Thomas Uutiin, Dr. ) A. Holti : ii I'. C Caineron. fc.su.. J. W. Carr. Jo.iti H. Haughtou. John F. Lyon, Alex. Dickson, J A. McMauneu. Dec. &. W.J. Bingham, John Newlm, lohn Long, aiiies Webb. IECEIVIKG I Oil W AEDIIf Of JLv si nher tdiero i nicfin all peronnt!i(M ma) wiab to semi . ii . receive und itirw.n.i . . try He baa aiuue .ur ; iriinton, Norioik n i duee al ihe lugiie.-i i.i, made promptly lor m. low. Dec 4. lS5o. rci.u e ! ai) kmo, otjw ? k.v .e;y iun ol ihettliJ ' -.e i'- inftiliif- .ii.ir .i .V L lllll' Al . flBT - " v ,-. p iii r .r. . renii u;i ; ii. s r-iarieS; ii 1 I V. ''I'Oli lis & Co., (.ruiem and ' K j mission .Ilea ciiaat.. ;o. '61 IVaiisaiQ' eiow v.are,) It ic ill tutu nil , Vit. A;.1.K.N 1. fcTKl. l J. ITAhTsOuk. 1 Helef to ,r... j i. i M L'3d li. lsAA v is:5 i Nov. Vollco to the Public My 1 tias leli my ted and board wntu wife im ll lias lell in V led uiull Im.inl d-iiliii:i kfw It'S v.. u .. .. . 7 LM ..ii.c. ocii oeieuee c(rnpei tne u lorwamnj jtcro:is against trauing with or trusiinfc Lcr m Will OaV IIO (trtllt l'iialr..i-tw,l hi- liar CA..A'li W. ALFA'LNPtlt Deeerriber 3, 18 ' -r' Leather Belting or Bands i '- t 1 rt''aMurcJ by me Mii-M-rit.rr fl 6,11 width, ma ie trotri P4e teM Nvnllj reii ueainer. sireictied piece proved machinery, vememeii ; at Mew Voik prices " LIK New Afirfe. The above kept for sale t ' l ..... .i. Till UfA lecc. l.'.TM II I n.vii '" s, ..r Tit 1 1' v 111 lill . i l T. ti J w ATtD irnedialelv ..i who understand "ui Heading, tor which a liberal :W J Dec 4, 1855. Jr. jolli;i; u i. their slock cl firing i.n Hgethei with a food assoiin v. mrs and vesting: boot, VI. c rv lliuiii ii.iv.ilr l ..... : it-n aii ' mg Biore All we ask is a c all v "ujf uivie pnrcnasiiij: n" fiif ?Vf ureeiihboro'i April li 18 . IIvc Thousand A cren ofMnd'" to 11 ray lands Jjig on To"refy? - "?y county, N. C, on wh.ch is a 'ff.J iillllS and Bom?-thousand acre - - ... v. Uur iiii'uviu N or a part, as may suit purchasers Ten 1D"tJl uuuaiB inn iiiiT ina i ram 'f i ' 1 1 h 1 1 1 1 1 . - tltOUnaiKl acres, two thousand acres)! A good Tobacco land. can aau iook ....ra i . i i i t T rf law . WILLIAM ' i Nov. 155 J toral. 4 doz. dox.- . . Mexican Mny l. Jubt receivp.l 20 jnent Store Went St., .Greens 1865. jy 4 WIUUIICIUI Ut SIK r- wm-. M J ,.i.i,.tialnr ti ll Imf nl hi altpjitinr. i itirKI4 (it r4ttnJ. house possession can begivn in J"";'' v. the anbacriber. A T. Salem, Dt.4, 1K55 Tamci If. Dick, Coram ibioi"d Jl.! i ul ta ' ... , i, . I. '-A k' v , ft . 1 Feb. Jtt, - - u . . . 1 Merchant. Fay etterille, iN ; ;: r; r 13 I. . .