TELKOBAPHIO NEWS. Ztui W"?. arleetoa Courier. I fblnrtOQ items. W,r u DJemr 26. Mewm. R W. Hum niJ. . ana James L. Orr, i-ommi'" Carolina to the ijorernmf 01 o united Statea, arrived th f..f",rn,H,,n,D dPuP private re8i 5,ni. d,aPPO'nting . Urge enmd of tH.,,nJtf "'" Mombled at Browo'a Hotel, Irbrrf " ipoted they would stop. ,t j, thought that they will visit the Presi JoDt tomorrow, and It is belieTed that the j,rr,i,lent will immediately send a message tl,iWrcM, etting forth his reason for a tc fuaj of audience to the Commissioners, and mVfflmending Congress to give them a hear ins There haje been additional resiognationa 8mong the Clerks from South Carolina, and .(feral left lur home to day. The Senate Committoe of Thirteen did n.;t iing to-day. It is now beliered that it will be impossible for the Committoe to agree cn anything. 0 The Iloaso Committee of Thirty-three Imve agreed to-day. with only three dissen ting voices, to report favorably upon an enab- ';ng Act, admitting New Mexioo as a slave Mate. Secretary Thompson says ho will resign the moment Mississippi socedos from the Un ion. Charleston Harbor. Steamf.r "Gr.N'L Clinch," December. 27', 0 J. m. Thero are boats continually hover ing and pasing between Porta Moultrie, Sum ter and Castle I'incknoy, with armed forces and men in tho uniform of Federal officers, as lar an can be soon by telescope. (signed) C. J. KKLYEA, Mastor"Gen'l Clinch." From Georgia. A vol st A, Dec. 27. On the reception of tho news of the garrisoning of Fort Sumter, 4 the alarm bells wero rung and the greatest fxeiUment now prevails. The Clinch Rifles aro now under arms and ready to go down to night by the express train ii'needed. Coli mim s, Dec. 'Z7. The vague dispatches received hero in relation to the Charleston Forts, have thrown the people into great ex citement. This will render the secession of Georgia cnrtain. Conference of the Conservatives of the outliern Itorder 8tate9- Wahinuton, Dec tJ5. The Conference lunt nihi of the of the conservatives of the Southern Horder States, resolved on callings meeting of members from all the Southern Slate, hoping to present an undivided, front, on the following lain : affirming the M initouri compromise line to the pacific. If it should be suecesrtful thoy will 'then invite Northern btatcn to join ibem. The Alabama Convention Election. Mohilk, December 'it The election for delegates to the State Convention has resul ted in tho total defeat ot tho co-operation tick et. The immediate and separate secession fnmlidAte have boen electod by over a thou sand majority. Resignation Accepted. The President of tho United States has ac cepted tho resignation of Hrevet, Lieut Col onel W. II. Walker, of Georgia. The resig nation took effect on tho '20th inst. liurnt In Effigy Senator Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee, wus burnt in effigy at a tremendous secession meeting in Memphis, on tho 22d instant. . Wasiiimiton, Iec. 20. Col. Myers, Capt. 1 Minnovnnt, of S. C, and Mayor Wayne, of Oenria, have resigned their positions in tho I'niU'd Stntos army. I'ostmnrtters in South Carolina are con stantly renigning, Baying they are out of the - Union. Mr. Run'ta Proposition Rejected. Waniiinton, Doc. 27. The House Select Committee on tho crisis have rejected the proposition of Mr. Uuit for tho extension of the .Missouri Compromise line to the Pacific. All tho republicans and II. W. Davis, of Md., voted in tho negative. From Washington. Wasiiinutoji, Dec. 27, 7 p. m. Secrotary Floyd nays positively that he knows nothing olllcially of Anderson's movements, lie gave no urdorrt to Col. Anderuon in relation to the rvnrtiution of Fort Moultrioand the burning ot'tho gun carriages. The supposition is that Anderson acted on his own responsibility. LATTER. The President and Secretary of War assert most Solemnly that Col. Anderson acted not only" without orders, but against ord er The Cuhintit is now in session, and the ma.Uer will In- tiilly tlincussed. In the Committee- of Thirty-thrqe to-day, the resolutions of Mr Hunt, of Arkansas, were voted down. It is uiidorttMd that th e Sbuth ern mem In-r of l ho Committee will ittsue an Aihlres- lu the S.uith immediately, in which they will m-oinmend, w a b-is for wottlo inetil, tin- Crriei'den proposition Viet IVfi.i,iit I)' t''Uini;ride has signed t.e :u i editing a Convention of the bor i. r Stmr, to met t at littltiinore. in Fei ruurv. V.Miiur on D,.,.. I M ju"b. i net i si ill in 'vret SohMon It in und r t,ood llieyur having m stormy time. it, t. ... I no lion. John li. MoveO". iSt-. i-Plnrv nt War. ha resigned. IVe. 2U.-HI. P M The Ca ,it Meeting m ul over und no positive detuvminatiorr hu liven renehed It is ivlieved that tho turn of deliberations wa not favorable for the Coi an listeners from South Curulina. The fact that Floyd hasyesigned his office, t reflet hem the impreioM thul th policy of COKKCION ban prevail! jD ths Cabinet Ses sion. J t is said that the lion. Jacob Thomson, Se cretary of the Interier, would also resign were it not necessary that he should remain for the investigation of tl.e Kusse-1 Bailey af fair. 3 The Secretary of the Treasury, Mr. Thom as, is also disaffected and may res ign. I lie (tovcrncrnmcnt is Bankrupt, and the Cabinet is virtually dissolved. ill V The Members of Congress and Office-hol r.ers aro all clarmonng for pay, Treasury is empty. while tbe I lie peoples aro disaffected and every cir- curaitarue foresbaddows the reign of anarchy in the Federal Capital. ash whs never stipulated by the Pi esi that the Troops should bo withdrawn Charlopton Harbor, tho Administratit m ident from does not consider itself undor anyobligatioi is to is ime the urucr lor their withdraw, al. As to tho request of the Commissioners- for the restoration of tho Military status of 4 be har I..aI (1I...L.I.. . 1 .. uwr ui vuaiiBsi..Mi, una is considered n y a ma jority of the Cabinet to be impossible. ' The Forts In Charlestor . W ahhinotox, Dec. 20. The ne' 8 of the capturo of Fort Moultrie and Castle PincknaV reuciivu uminsiraiion, at tr.e Cab i no meeiini', to uny. 1L commi8s'.o. rv. outh Curoiina were in conference with the Cabinet, and they demand that, tro loss the troops be withdraw, luis shall be their Uat interview, and thev will immediately retrurn '. to South Carolina and prepare for the worst. ! Only about two millions and a half was bid . . " a m. a I for the fire million Treasury notes, under the recent law at an average demand of twelve per centum interest. Latest from TYaatalnfton. Washington, Dec. 3 1st. Senate .Mr. Benjamin made a speech, in which he intimated that to-day was the last session of the United State Senate. The galleries were terrifically crowded and the crowd rose en masse at the conclusion of his speech. The galleries were immediately cleared and amid immense excitement the Senate adjourned. There was a row in the Cabinet to-day. Secretaries Thompson and Thomss resigned, aa anticipated. THE A MINISTRARION HAS GONE OVER TO THE NORTH 11 The Revenue Cutter Harriet Lane has gone to Charleston with sealed orders. The general opinion is that to-days proceed ings aro a finality of the iiepublic of the Uni ted States of America The appointment of Gen. Scott, as acting Secretary of War, is evi dently a mistake. Poet Matter General Holt, is now acting temporarily or permamently. A favorably augury is drawn from the fact of Post Master General Holt, acting as Secre tary to War, and the fact that Gon. Scott, has not been of the President's hou9e or the War Department to-day. Washington Jan. 1st. Mr. Benjamin made an eloquent and intensely thrilling Southern speech in the Senate yesterday. The galleries rose en masse, cheered, and shoutod, and the ladies participated. It ap pears like the valedictory of the American Senate. In the House a resolution was introduced looking to Federal coercion, and a motion to table it was defeated by a large majority It comes up as unfinished business en Wednes day. It it pastes all the Southern delega tion will take their leave. The city is in a whirl of excitement at the rumors that Gen. Scott has been appointed acting Secretary of War; that the Govern ment has ordered war vessels and troops to Charleston and that the Commissioners would leave, all of which is believed to be unfoun ded. Holt, I'08f. Master General is now acting as Secretary of War. 1 his tended to lull the ex- citemcnt for the time. The day is beautiful, but the sectional irri-' tation is increasing every nour. ino caul dron will soon ovei flow. Ylevrg of Senator Seward. The Sons of New England held their an nual meeting Saturday at the Amor House, New York City. A number of speeches were delivered, among the orators being Hannibal Hamlin, Vice Presidentelect, and Senator Seward. Tho speech of the latter occupied three-quarters of an hour in its delivery. lie confessed to no surprise that so vast and complex a system of government as ours should now and then need repairing, renewal and restoration, and came quite as near to saying that he would favor some amendment of the constitution t meet the emergency as i he could, without hitting the mark. Expres- 1 sing an affection for South Carolina beyond that which he bad for any Other State out side tho Union, England or any, he compar ed her to tbe fractious wife of a patient hus band, and proposed that the country, liko the forbearing lord, should bo cool, calm, kind and conciliatory "whereupon a debate will ensue which will be kind in itself and which will prove to us very soon that either we are ' wrong, and should concede tO Our offended brothers, Or else that we are right, and they will acquiesce." j Ho avoided with dexterity the discussion of the question of coercion. The secession fever, he said, s to be allowed to run its course, tho patient meanwhile to be subjec ted to gentle treatment. Finally, bis com plaints are to be heard, if they ought to be heard, and redressed, if they ought to be re dressed, and it is to be expected that they will be withdrawn if unreasonable. He closed with the prediction that after sixty days the fever will have abated, and peace restored to tbe country. Mr. Seward, however, replied to no items in the long list of Southern griev ances, nor discussed any of the northern com promises. South Carolina Convention. We are indebted to the proprietors of the Charleston Courier for slips containing the Proceedings of tho Convention of Saturday and Sunday last, from which we make the following extract : The President, read a communication, iromthe Collector of tho Port of Charleston, which had been received yesterday in secret (uession as follows : Collectors Office, ) Charleston, December 23, 1M0. ) To the Jfn. D. F. Jamison, President of Con vention : SiR : I beg leave respectfully to inform the Convention that in obedience to an Ordinance punsed on the l'6tli inst , all the officers at tached to thi.. Custom Houwe, entered yester day in the service of the State, and that in ad dition. I have commenced to receive duties ah'l traiiouet nil other business as Collector f 'r ih- State of South Carolina, and for the Pott and Dispel of Charleston. 1 havf the hvnor to he very respectfully, y ur obe liei.t servant, V. F. Colpock, Colu tu.rd tlit Port of Charleston Alabama and MIsiKslppl omuil. slouers. On Thursduy last Messrs. (Jarrctt and Smith, Commissioners from thutSute of Ala bama, with Jacob Tbompon, Commissioner rom Mississippi, appeared before the Letris atureof this State, and wero received in the Commons Hall, Mr. Speaker Clark ot the Senate presiding. Tbe Governor ot the State and the Judges of the supreme Court were n attendance, with the members of both bouses,-and a large audience. Mi. Hansom, on behalf or the committee, ntroduced these gentlemen : whereupon Mr. Garrett rose and read an address setting forth tbe object of their mission 1 he address was listened to with much attention and inter est. Mr. Thompson did not address the Legis lature. On Thursday night the Alabama Com missionesa addressed a largo audience in tbe Commons Hall. Tbe object of tbe Alabama commissioners is to induce North Carolina to secedo from the Union. Alabama, they Bay, will certainly secede soon alter her convention assembles. X. C. Standard. Tbe Voice of the People. Lnder this leading the "Standard" publish es numerous letters addressed to the editor in relation to our national troubles. In his paper of the 20th, be publishes the following, which conveys a powerlul rebuke lor the course the Standard pursued in tbe Presiden tial, Ele tion. 'Salisbury Watchman. A friend writing frcm Greensborough, Ala bama savs : ' "Would to God you had not lent your sup oort to the Breckinridge, Electors. You haive aided in carrying North Carolina tor the seceders' ticket, and it is now claimed by the Yancevites here as a triumph for disun ion. The cotton States are moving heaven earth to accede. The plan is for the cotton States to go separately, and then the border States will be forced out as they were at Bal timore. If they thought they bad to go out and stay out by themselves, they would not do it; but they intend to put the ball in mo tion, and drag you after them. Tho border States are much more interested in this ques tion than the cotton States. Do all you can to arrest the ruinous and fearful movment." ExtenslTe Labratory. Dnring oar visit to Lowell wo were shown through tho Laboratory of our celebrated countrymen, Dr. J. C Ayer. Scarcely eould we have believed without proof what it seen their beyond disputing. They make a barrel of solid Pills, about 15,000 doees and three barrels of Cherry Pectoral, 120,000 dose, per tern. To what an ineonceivstable amount of hu man nfferinf does this point 1 170,000 doses a day 1 1 Ffty millions of doses per year ! ! ! I What acres and thousands of acres of sick beds does this spread before the imagination ! And what sympathies and woe! True, not. all of this is taken by the very sick, but alas much of it is. This Cherry Drop ana this suggard Pill ar to be the companion oi pain and anguish and sinking sorrow the inheritance oar mother Ever bequeathed to the whole family of man. Here the infant darling has been touched too early by the highest that wither half our race Its little long are affected, and only watching and waiting shall teel which way its breath shall turn. This red drop on iU table is the talisman on which its life shall hang. There the biossom of the world just bursting into woman hood is striken also. Affections most assiduous care avails not, she is still fa ding away. The wan messenger comes nearer and nearer every week. This little modioament shall go there their last, perhaps their only hope. The strong man has, planted in his vitals this same disease. This red drop by his side ia helping him wrestle with the in orable enemy ; the wife of his bosom and the cherubs ef his heart are waiting in siek sorrow and fear least .1 -j 1.. l .1 1 i v: 1.1 : - 1 nrAm. Vnii t u,,r,ul,v. uaif utuU isaat, nvws. Notice A Mass Meeting of the citizens of Da vidson county will be held in the courthouse, on Satur day, Jan. 5th, 186!, at 1 1 o'clock, to consider what ia best to be done in the present threatening aspect of our j national affairs. We invite every man who loves his country to come, irrespective of party, and give expression to his opin- ions and desires. MANY CITIZENS. MARRIAGES. Marrud In this county, on the 24th Dec. 1860, by D. W- Edwards, Esq., Mr. Shubal G. Ward and Miss Martha Lamb. (Times copy.) Married. In Guilford county, Dec. 16, i860, by D. W. Edwards. Esq., George W. Rich and Mrs. Delana Mitchell. (Times copy.) Marrud. In Charlotte, on the 24th December. Mr. W Sprinkle and Miss Mary S. Holton, second daugh ter of T. J. Holton, Esq., Editor of the N. C. Whig. Marrifd. On he 21st day of Not. bj J. W. Parker, Esq., Mr. Michael C. Davis and Miss Elizabeth Jane Wyrick all of Guilford. Mirried, On the 20th of Dec. by J. W. Park r, Esq., Mr. John MeWin to Miss Catharine Lowman all of Guilford. , Married. la Union, Randolph County, N. C. on 23rd ultimo, by James Dicks, Esq., Mr. M. M. Daniel and Miss Luoy Q. Davis. Married. In Union, Randolph Co., N. C on the 25th ultimo, by Rev. Joseph P. Causey, Mr C. C. Causey and Miss Mary Homey all for the Union. DEATHS. IHed. In Lexington N. C, on the 24th, Dec I860 Mrs. Letitia H. Foster wife of Alfred G. Foster Esq., (N. C. Presbyterian please copy.) Ditd At Morgsnton, Dec. 23, 1860, of Dypatheeria, Waiehtntill. ton of the Hon. W. W. Averv. aired 2 years and 22 days. Died. Suddenly at Big Falls, Alamance county N. C. Dec. 17, i860, William Livingston, son of Qoodner and Anna Murray, Aged 22 years, one month and 2 Died. In Rockingham county, on the 9th day of No vember, George Purcell Sr., aged about 90 years, the deceased could well rec llectthe Battle of Guilford. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, Of fife of Greensboro' In. hi. Co., Greensboro' N. C. Jan. 1, 18C1. rphe Annual Itleetlnr of the Members of this L Company, will take place in the Office of the Cec- retary aad Treasurer, the 5th day of rebruary next. 19 tm PETER ADAMS Treasury. NOW Within Reach or All. Grover & Baker's Celebrated Noiseless Sewing Machine. Prices Established for Seven Years. From 40 and Upwards. J. R. k J. SLOAN. ontlcello Male and Female Acade- lvA my. Moniicello, Guilford Co., N. C- Ths fifth session will Degln on the 15th January tikms ran sesbiok or rivs months. Primary English Branches, $6,00 Higher and Mathematics, .10,00 Classics and Mathematics, 16.00 Contingent funds, 50 Music and the Ornamental Branches, as also the Modern Languages, charged extra, at the usual prices. No deduction but in case of protracted sickness. Board from $6,00 to $7,00 per months, JOHN. T. DODSON, Chairman of Board. jn3 I9tt I aiawua urape vine HOOK. une year vy oia at ntty dollars per thousand. I have a few thousand yet to dispose of, at the loi price oi per inousana. l nose w do ,ish to pur chase, must address me at Greensboro' soon as they snouiii oe piantea ini ebruary. 19 2i D. W. C. BEN BOW. Qale at Hillsdale. -On Thursday the 10th of KJ January l6l, 1 will sell at my residence, at Hills- uaie, io me nignen Dmaer. tne loilowmg property, to wit : Corn. Wheat, Oats, Fodder. Mules, Cows, Hoes, naren s i.ara, ana iodscco. Also, A two horse Car nage, t early new ; a Buggy, a two and a one horse Wagon and Gear, a valuable Cutting Machine. All my Farming Tools. Some valuable Household and Kitchen Furniture, and ether articles too tedious to mention A credit of six months will be given, and bond and security required. ly-lw A C. CALDWELL IT lKh Point Female School. HIGH POINT. N C The bpring Session, 1861, will begin on Monday, reouary 4in, ana close on rnday, the 21st of June. FACULTY. 8 LANDER, A. M., PRINCIPAL, Assistants. Miss J. C. Lindsiy, Miss M. J. Tucker Miss L. A. Lander, CHARGES PER SESSION. Board, includinr fuel and washinsr flights extra.1 at $8?K a month, $40.00. Tuition, $10.00 to $15.00 Instrumental Music, 20.00 Drawing Wax Fruit, or Embroidery, 6,00 No IncidWal Tax. No oharire lor French. Latin, or Vocal Music; or for the use of Piano or Guitar. By examining the foregoing Charges it will be no ticed that we offe the CHEAPEST SCHuOL OF ITS GRADE IN THE STATE. Tl :. r a ! i - mil iaci mates it 'reasonable to enforce in every case the following, ThRMS: Twenty-five dollars required in advance. tne balance at tbe close, of tbe session. ADDITIONAL REMARKS. The Institution is not Sectarian in any sense. The location can not be surpassed for Health. The Tea chers are all Southern born and bred. They are all competent and experienced. Every pupil is required to study Spelling, Reading, Arithmetic, Grammar, and Composition. We credit a limited number of wortoy poor young ladies for their Tuitioa, till they can pay it Dy.teacning or outerwise. The boarding pupils are not allowed to receive calls from vouns gentlemen ex cept near relativea. The Boarditut Department, tkder the supervision of the Principal and hit wife, has h- tofore riven entire iatiafctinn. Th mi nils m&k ak accounts. They must pay at the time for every article they buy. Besides these things, the Library, the Rea ding Room, the Museum, the Gymnssium, the Even- wg naias, me new rianos ana Apparatus make it un necessary to resort to a high-sounding name, to public examinations, to extravagant promises, or o election neering of auy kind, in order to obtain from the intel ligent public a liberal share of their patronage. This we txftct, because wi: intend to Disaava it. For fuller information, address 8. LANDER, Principal fTV the Public. The undersigned baring X. bought tbe right to make, vend and sell or of, at his pleasure, within the limits of North Carol the use of BOND'S PATENT (BELLOW 8) TUYERE IRONS by the u of which each forgo will save one third of the coal used on the old plan, hereby gives no tice to Black-Smiths, Tin and Copper-Smits, and all other persons buying or selling the above named Irons in the State of North Carolina, that he will prosecute aay one or all such p reona, unless so authorised by him. to the' fullest extent of the Law. The Right of the undersigned to make, use, vend, or otherwise dispose of the said Irons, embraces the entire State aa his field of operation. The undersigned expects o keep for sale in Charlotte the above Irons, and he may visit and establish Agen cies in each County of the State for the sale of them. Orders solicited. For terms, 4c, address, T. M. ALEXANDER, 16-lw Charlotte, N. C. North Carolina. Randolph county. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, November Term, A. D. 1860. Washington Rush and Benjamin Rush, surviving Exe cutors of the last will and testament of Michael Rush, deceased, vs. John Gaddis and wife Sally, Calvin Hill and wife Polly, Penuel Arnold and wife Cynthia; Zimiri Little and wife Hannah; Rebecca Rush, Allen Pearee and wire Dorcas, William N. Rush, adm'r. of William Rash deceased, and William Commons. PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT. In this ease, it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendants, John Gaddis and wife Sally, Allen Pearce and wife Dorcas, aad William Commons are nqt inhabitants of this 8tate. It is therefore order ed by the Court that publication be made for six suc cessive weeks in the Greensboro Patriot, nourving said non-resident defendants of the pendency of this suit, Mi requiring them to be and appear before the Justices of our next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the county of Randolph at the Court House in Asheboro', on the first Monday in February, 1861, then and there to plead, answer or demur to plaintiff peti tion, or judgment pro confeaso will be entered ex parte as to them. Witness, Benj. F. Hoover, Clerk of said Court, at office the 1st Monday in November. 1 SCO- Issued 12th day of November, 1800. JJ. f. HOOVEK, V. C-. C. Pr. adv. $5 19-6w XT"""" Carolina, Randolph county November Term, A. D. 1800. Thomas F. Ward vs. Isaiah Craven. Sen., Wm. Stephenson and wife Delila, and the heirs at law of Fanny Lambert, dee'd; late wife of Joab Lambert. SALE OF LAND FOR PARTITION. In this case, it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defenhanta, William Stepleson and his wife Delila, and the heirs at law of Fanny Lambert, arr not inhabitants of this 8tte. It is therefore order ed by the Court, that publication be mad' for six suc cessive weeks in the Greensboro' Patriot, notifying said defendants of the filing of this petition and requiring them to be and appear before the Justices or oar next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the county of Randolph, at the Court House in Asheboro' on the first Monday in February, 1861, and then and there to plead, answer or demur to said petition, or judgment pro confesso will be entered, and said petition heard ex parte as to them. ituess, Benj r Hoover, Clerk of our said Court, at office the 1st Monday in November, 1860. Issued the 24 th of November, 1860. B. F. HOOVER, C. C. CJ Per adv. $5 19-6w Itxrorth Carolina, Randolph county. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, November Term, A. D. I860 Thomas Fuller and wife Sandy, David W. Porter and wife Fannie, Sarah Walker and a minor by her guar dian, A. H. Marsh and Thomas J Walker. 4 vs. Jesse Walker, Robert Walker, Harrison Walker and William Bradly and wife Nancy. PETITION rOS 8 ALB OF LAS D FOR PARTITION. In this case, it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendants, Jesse Walker, Harrison Walker, and William Bradly and bis wife, re side beyond the limits of this State It is therefore or dered by the Court, tha' publication be made in the Greensboro 1' at not tor six successive week, notiiying said non-resident defendants of the riling of this peti tion, and requiring them to be a, id appear before the Justices of our next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the county of Randolph, at the Court Houoe in Asheboro' on the first Monday in February, 1861, then and there to plead, answer or demur to said petition, or judgment pro contesso will be rendered and the said petition heard ex parte as to them- Witness, Benj. b. Hoover, Clerk of our said Court, at office the IstMondoy in November, 1800. Issued the 10th day of December, mm. B. t. HOOVER, C. C. C. Pr. adv. $5 19-Cw XTorth Carolina, Randolph County j3( Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, November m i 1 v . O.'A 1 ierm, a. u. iow. . . . .,... - . : Hugn urown ummwiravor o. n uuanx urwea, uc u , ' 1 Robert Green, Joseph Elwell and his wife Sally, Dan iel Blackwell, and his wife Piercy Ann, John McMil lan and his wi'e Charlotte; James Green, Wm. Green, Richard Johnson and his wife Eliza Jane; George Green, and Catherine Green. PETITIOXFOR SALE OF LAND TO PA Y DEBTS- la this case, it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Daniel Blackwell and his wife Piercy Ann, defendants in said case, are non-roaidents of this State. It is therefore ordered by the Coutt. that publication be made lor six successive weeks in the Greensborough Patriot, notifying said Blackwell and wife, of the pen dency of this petition, and requiring them to be nd appear before the Justices of our next Court of Pleas ! and Quarter Sessions to be held for the county of Ran dolph at the Court Il3use in Asheboro' on the first Monday in February, lobl, and then and mere, to plead, answer or demur to said petition or judgment pro con fesso will be entered, and the same heard ex paite as to them. Witness, Benj F. Hoover. Clerk of our said Court, at office, the 1st Monday in November, A D. I860. Issued 24th ol November, 16C0. B. F. HOOVER, C. C. C. Per adv $5. 19-6w. A L.lst OI Letters remaining in tbe Post timce, t i Greensboro, Pi. C. on the lt or January leOl. on the lt of January Samuel J Andrews Anderson Lamb C F Lowe Mrs Mary Mclver R Moore Nannie Morton Jesse May Miss C Moore L R Moore Joseph Martin G R Moore Mrs R Y Me Aden Wm Masley C C Norton John S Oliver J W Pvle Rachei Pengleton W 8 Parks J II Payne Rev C H Phillips Miss Emraer Parson W W Rankin Mary Ru.som R Rankin John R Ragsdale W H Roberts W W & J C Roberts N R Sapp Ja G Stafford Doroth Smothers Sandford M Simpson Patrick Sweeney Na'han Shepperd J V Steer Frederick Smith Michael Toomey Wm S Terrell Josiah Thomas John W Tonkin romlinson Martm Q Taylor Miss L J Smith C Tomlinson Samuel F Taylor Messrs Tall man & Hill G A Thompson Samuel Vincent John A Witty 2 Wm Wools G B Wright JH Wood W R Wilcoxson Wm W Wayne G W Watson P Y Zimmermon. Charles Allmer Mis Hannah C Apple 2 W Albea Mis Martha Agin Messrs II Blaisdell& Son E R Borden Eliza Barclay Mrs D V Bearly A J Bowling Mri Mary F Bond Mrs C D Christian Miss E O Conner Henry Cobb 2 S V Clapp A G Chipman W A Clark Evline Cumins S Copland E R Conard Calvin J Capps Richard Douson 2 W Donnell John S Donnell John W Denny R D Lmmersoa J G Ervin S J Early S A Griswool & Co J A Gardner J J Greer John C Gunnell John Gallagher S Hanner O P Hobos Miss Toollie Holland Rhody E Hanner Tho Huse Abner S Holton Alired Hatch 2 Jas F Harrell Jas Hayworth Miss L Ingold Elixa Ives WW Jackson A R Kirkman W R Kelly W H Kirksey Miss Rebecca Kirkman Mrs Nancy Kirkman J A Kirkman Mrs Mary Lindley Moses Lovett C A Laurence M C Louis Fersons calling for any of the above Letters, will pfse aay they are Advertised tised. B G. GRAHAM, P M. llTttionvllle Female Seminary. T T T Ktv-intT AauiAH at ik!. C.kAAl 111 n The the first V'ond, in ii .a ..;... r. - r- aa, kvooivu ui tuia ouuuui ill uuiuiucutc uu on - . . J ' - Teachers, and no pains will be spared to promote the advancement of young ladies who may patronize us. - B. r. WATSON. having 4 nn r(( FRUIT TREE) dispose IUU9UUU burg, one mileeouth irolina, Dor0f N. C. consisting of Apples. P FRTJlT TREES. At Luxcm- -westof Greens- Pears, Peaches, Plums, Apricots, Nectarines, &o The above number of Trees and Plants are now ready for sale by tho sub scriber From eighteen years of practical experience, and knowledge in the nursery business he flat ters him self that he now has the most select collection in the Southern States. All orders promptly attended to, and Catalogues sect free on application Persons ordering Catalogues by mail will please inclose a vtamp to prepay. AUTHORIZED AGENTS. John M. Clark, Wilmington ; Rufus Scott, Fayette ville ; J. & F. Garrett, Greensboro. THOMAS H. FENTRESS. Fayetteville Observer, and Raleigh 8tanaard will please copy three months, and forward account to me. aug24 1-tf Land for Sale on Uaw-Rlver. Th Subscriber having determined to change hispres enrtocation, offers for sale hs Plantation on which he noi lives, situated in Alamanee Co., on Haw-River ad- lowine tbe lands of Sidnev Anderson, Joseph Mcca- dacis, and others, and containing two hundred and twenty four acres. Having on the premises, a good dwelling houso, with six rooms and all necessary out houses. There is seventy nve or eighty acres ot tne above lands, heavily timbered and which would grow fine Tobacco. There is also, twenty-five acres of low arround ad a eood meadow upon the premises, all of above lands are well adapted to the growth of all the crops raised in this section of country. The land is situated in one mile of the N. C. Rail Road, three miles from Graham, and two miles from Big Falls. N. C. Persons wishing to buy, will visit these lands or ad dress the subscriber at Haw-River N. C ' Terms made easy to the purchaser. W. A. ALBRIGHT, octll 8-tf 1 880 NEW STORE , i860 GR4ND DISPLAY OF FALL AND WIN TER GOODS. Drucker, Heilbrun & CO. are now receiving, and will continue to receive during the present season, the most complete assortment of DRY GOODS, BONNETS, CLOTHING, HATS. Caps, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Jewelry, Groceries, &c, ever brought to this market. PnKPainr unusual facilities for the Purchase 01 I goods from the VERY FIRST CLASS commission, im- porting and manufacturing houses in the North, they are enabled to DEFY COMPETITION in any Goods in their line. To our Btock of DRT GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS and SHOES we call especial attention, and in the GROCERY line we will NOT BE UNDERSOLD. Call on us before purchasing elsewhere. Remember the NEW STORE. DRUCKER, HEILBRUN & WOLFF. 7 East Market Street TEMPLE OF FASHION! Extensive opening of Fall and Win ter Goods! I S. ARCHER & CO. Would most respectfully announce to their old friends and customers, and the public gen erally, that they are receiving the largest and most fashionable stock of superior ready-made CLOTHING to be found in Western North Carolina. These Goods were bought of the first-class wholesale houses North, and at such prices as to enable us to sell TWENTY FIVE PEK CENT CHEAPER than the cheapest in this country ! Our stock is larger than it it ever- has been before, and comprises the latest and most elegant styles of OVER-COATS, DRESS, FROCK, AND BUSINESS COATS ; and extensive variety in all kinds of patterns of PANTS AND VESTS, SHIRTS. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, AND SHOF.S: FLANNEL SHIRTS and DRAWERS; a fine assortment of NECK-TIES AND SCARFS, and. in fact everv single article to be found in a No. 1 Clothing Store. "Our stock of NOTIONS is complete embracing WATCHES, JEWELRY, POCKET-KNIVES. PORT.MONEYS, PERFUMERIES, WALKING-CANES, and every thing that a person calls for in our line of business. All we ask is a call before purchasbing elsewhere, and no person shall leave dissatiafced. . S. ARCHER & Co. TAILORING. The undersigned continues to carry on the Tailoring business, opposite the Bri tain House, over the shoe store of B. U. Graham, s Co. The fall and winter fashions just received, which are very handsome and attractive. Thankful for past favors, he hopes to receive a laige custom this season. No effort Bpnred to render entire satisfaction to all. Call in immediately. A. DILWORTH. Sep 14 4-tf tl ai Armfleld'N Patent Apple Parer, Cutter and Corer Patented. December '20, 1859, will pesl cut and core thirty bushels apples per day the best Machine for the durpose of preparing apples to dry that has been invented, is now on exhibition at Jamestown, by the Proprietors, A. Lamb and J. J. Arm field and by their general agent, Wm E. Edwards, at Greensborough, N. C, WM. E. EDWARDS tneral Agent may!8 87-U EENSBOROl'GII MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Pays all losses promptly ! DIRECTORS : John A. Mebane, W. J.. McConnel, C. P. Mendenhall D. P. Weir. James M. Garrett, John L. Cole, N. H. D. ip:i r d... . n.:.i f ir ..: v,i i a cko- . . . j ... .. ' -1 ' ' wood, Jed. H. Lindsay, G.eenRborough ; W. A.Wright, ,,.,,, . Robert V Trov. Lumberton : Alexander V . T1..J.,,. I .. 1 ; .. V. . Tknm sillier, IKttUPlur, l unucun .'ivuee, ikairiu , uvm as Johns. m, Yancey ville: Dr. W. C. Ramsey, Wades- borough; Rev. R. I.. Maynard, Franklinton ; Dr. b. F. Watson, Watsonville. orriCEBs : N. H. D. WILSON, - -JED. U. LINDSAY, -C. P. MENDENHALL, PETER ADAMS. - -Wm. H. CUMMING, -W. J. McCONNEL, - -J. A. MEBANE, - - -J. M GARRETT, - - President. Vice-President. Attorney. Secretary and Treasurer. General Agent i Executive Committee. All communications on business of the office, should he sent to PETER ADAMS, Secretary. 972 tf Greensboro', N. C. Notice. 1 lie subscriber oners lor sale, las very desirable Resilience in the town of Greensboro, situated immediately iu front of the Greensboro' Female College, and known as the Ogburn property. For par ticulars, enquire of Mr. A. F Garrett or Rev. T. M. Jones Greensboro' or to the subsoiber at hi9 planta tion in Craven Co. RICHD..F. GREEN. decl3 17-4w jr ernersvllle lllph Schools, MALE AND TV FEMAi.E, Forsyth Co.. N. C Kev. T.S.Whit tington. A. M . Principal. Mifs D. M. Whittington, Principal of Female Department. The next Setion will commence on the 1 1 th of January. 1801. Expen ses per term of twenty-one weeks, from 10 to The young ladies board in the Female Seminary with the Piincipals. Half the tuition in the Male, and hall the expenses in the Female Oepnr'm nt in advance, the remainder at the close of the Session. Ilieh Point is the nearest depot. For lull particulars write lor a Cat alogue. 17-10w 4 C Lindsay Select School. Near 2 McLeausville N c. This locution chosen for -i cl.i-ic-U school he cause of its remoteness' from influences calculated to distract the a'tctition. corrupt the morals, or encour age extravagance The third se-sinii will commence the 'h. of January, Hoard in pood families at jH. jei. Month. Classical luii ion per sassioti $25 00. English from $15. to $J0. drdi ! 5w G 1 reat Excitement ill Greensboro'. A LIVE PANTHER PROWLING ABOUT THE i;mt : i A POSSE OF ARMED MEN IN SE.tRCH OF THE intruder: i wanted. i 000 ablebodif.d men j To call at H uckerman X Co s arid luy their supply I OF WIS TEH CLOTHING 'AT THE L O W E S V ,f AMI . PR ICES! We have the largest st ck. the cheapest and best that ! can be found iu t wu. Our assortment is complete. ! and consists in part ol Frock and Dress Coats. Frock and Lack 0-er Coat. RIDING 'OATS. Pants and Vests ol every discription Boots. Shoe1, Hats, Caps, and everything else su tanle tor men s wear. H. SAt'KERM AN t Co. opposite the Court House Give them a call, before you purchase elsewhere. TOR SALE, One of Many and Wood's Ret pers JL and .Mowers, which will be sold tor $80.1)0; on ly used one year, in good order. W. J. McCONNEL. SR-tt msy25 II,7 ARRAXTKD. Wyatt s TONIC CORDIAL, v V one of the most pleasant and efficient remedies ever got up for Dysintery, Diarrhea. Flux, Cholic. and all bowel complaints, both of ( hildren and adults. Price 25 cents. Prepared by W. H. WYATT, Apothe cary os. 18 and lSf Main fctreet( Salisbury, N C. aug24 l-6m VTotlce. The Annual Meeting of the '-Greensbo- x ro' Mutual Life Insurance and Trust Company" will be held at the office of the Company, on Thursday me -tan Decern oer next. v. v wtlR. Treas. novlo I2-Gw fMrtng, Doeskin and Fancy CaNsl- J mere. Wack and fancy tricot Cloths, Ladies' CLOAK CLOTHS. FANCY VESTINGS, VELVETS . - .-. - . an1 M"m beautiiul line tor sale by i .,11 R ii nvnciv rine Largest assortment of Coats, Pants, and JL Vests, can omy be seen at H. 8ACKERMAN & Co's. CnOTER Jfc RAKER'S CELEBRATED FAMILY SEWIHG BIACU1HE8. Hew Strict Piieei from $M U till, EXTRA CHARGE OJT f & FOR HE11MERS. 181 Baltiman SL, OarrWi Bvil&Mg, BmUimort. J. L fc J. SWIR, Igssti, GrMBihoroMh, II. C. These Machines sew from two spools, as purchased from the store, requiring no re winding of thread : they Hem. Fell, Gath er, and Stitch in a su 7 J wwm perior style, finishing eaeh seam by their own operation, without re course to the hand needle, aa is required I. by other machines. They will do better and cheaper sewing than a seam tress can, even if she works for one cent an hour, and are, unquestionably, the best Machines in the market for family sewing, on account of their simplicity, durability, ease or man agement, and adaptation to all varieties of family sew ing executing either heavy or fine work with equal facility, and without special adjustment. As evidence ol the unauestioned superiority ot tneir oiacmnes, xne urover ac Baker sewinc Maeniue com pany beg leave to respectfully refer to the following testimonials : The undersigned. Clergymen of various denomina tions, having purchased and used in our families OKOVER & BAKER'S CELEBRATED FAMILY 8EWING MACHINE," take pleasure in recommending it as an instrument fully combining tbe essentials ot a good machine. Its beautiful simplicity, ease of man agement, and the strength and the elasticity of its stitch, unite to render it a machine unsurpassed by any in the market, and one which we feel confident ill give satisfaction to all who may purchase and use it. Rev. W. P. Strickland. Rev. N. Vansrnt, Rev. R. B. Yard, Rev. C. Larue, New York ; Rev. E. P. Rodgers, D. D.t Bev. W. B. Sprazue. D. D . Rev. J. N- Campbell, D. D., Albany, N. Y.; Rev. Charles Anderson, Rev. Charles Hawley, Rev. Daniel A. Temple. Rev. T. M. FTnnVina R William Un.m., AnK.,ra K V. E. fj. H. Tiffany,' D D., Rev. C. J. Bowen, Rer.' Jonathan Cross, Rev. John McCroa, D. D., Rev. W. T. D. Clem, Rev, W. H- Chapman. Rev. F. S. Evans, Baltimore, Md.: Rev. R. C.Galbraith. Gavanstown. Md.; Rev. T. Danghery, Waynesboro', Pa ; Rev. Thomas E. Locke, Westmoreland Co. Va.; Rev. W. A. Crocker, Rev. Jno. Paris, Norfolk, Va.; Rev. J. F. Lannean, Salem, Va.; Rev. Ch. HankeL D. D., Rev. C. A. LoyaL Charleston, S. C; Rev. A. A. Porter, Selma, Ala.; Lev. Joseph J. Ewise, Speedwell, S. C.: Rev. B. B. Ross, Mabile, Ala.; Rev. J. L. Michaux, Enfield, N. C; Rev. A. C. Harris, Rev. C. F. Harris, Henderson, N. C; Rev. Henry A. Riley, Rev. A. h. Post, Montrose, Pa.; Prof. W. D. Wilson, D. D., Rev. W. F. Curry, A. M Geneva, N. Y.; Rev. Elbert Slingerland, Scotia, N. Y.; Prof. John Foster, Rev. Francis G. Gratz, Rev. J. Turnbull Bac kus, D. DM Pref. Benjamin Stanton Schenactady, N. Y-; Rev. P. C. Prugh, Xenia, Ohio ; Rev. B. W. Chid law, A. M., Rev. W. Perkins, Cincinnati, O.: Rev. E Grand Girard, Ripley, Ohio ; Rev. A. Blake, Revr E. C. Benson, A. M., Prof. J-J. McElhany, D.D.. Gambler. Ohio; Rev. F. Chester, Ironton, Ohio; Rev. E. F. Hasty, Cambridge City, Ind.; Rev J. C. Armstrong, Saline, Mich., Rev. Arthur Swaiy, Rev. A. Hunt, Ga lena, 111.; Rev. Enstien Morbough, Cambriige City, i .1 . t- t,' i j tit i - r -1 . t j t ri-ii Ind. rtev rucnaru tt niie, iniuuu, iuu.: ivev. vaiTin Vale, Mariinsburgh, N. Y.; Rev. Joseph Eldridge. Norfolk, Conn j Rev. John Jennings, Rev. H. L. Way land, Rev. Willinm Phipps, Worcester, Mass.: Rev. Osmond C. Baker, Bishop of M. . Church. Rev. Tho. Rathay, Reu. Henry E Parker, Concord, N. II.; Rev. G N. Judd, Montgomery, N. Y.: Rev. A. M. S iwe, Canandaigna, N- Y.; Rev. William. Long, Cliff Mine, Michigan. Office of exhibition and tale, J. R. & J. SLOAN'S, Greensborough, N. C. QT Send for a Circular. 83 ECONOMY IS WEALTH! Notice to Black smiths, Tin and Copper-Smiths, &c. The under signed having bought the right to make, vend, and sell territorial or individual rights to use BONND'S PATENT (BELLOWS) TUYERE 1RON8 bv the fee of which each forgf will save ONE-THIRD of the coal used on the old plan, hereby gives notice to all parties buying or idling the above Irons in any of the "counties be low named, that he will PROSECUTE any and all such persons, unless so authorised by him, to the fullest ex- lent of the law. My right embraces the folio wing coun ties: Lincoln, Mecklenburg, Cabarrus. Iredell. Rowan, Davie, Yadkin, Davidson, Forsyth, Randolph, Guilford, Rockingham, Caswell, Alamance, Orange, nake, Franklin- Granville, Warren, Halifax and Northamp- tan. 1 expect to keep the above Irons on hand, at my store in this place, and may, perhaps, visit and estab lish agencies in each county for the sale of them. Orders solicited. For terms, &c, address C. G. YATES, Greensboro', N. C. I certify that I have sold the right above alluded to, to C G. Yates. S. R SKILLERN Mr. Brown, a practical smith of ihis place, after having thoroughly tested the patent Tuyere Iron, cer titles as follows : I have Bonnd's patent Tuyere Iron in use, in my shop in this place and am satisfied it saves one-third of the coal, and makes a clean nice heat ; and 1 would not be without them for twice the cost. MICHAEL BROWN. The Warrenton News, Milton Chronicle, Raleigh Standard,, Greenshoro' Times, HilUboro" Recorder High Point Reporter, Salem Press, Salisbury Watch man, Charlotte Whig, and Iredell Express, will each please copy to the amount of two dollars and fifty cents, anJ forward accounts to this office for collection. deel lu-5w Sale and Renting oi Lands.- a executor of Andrew Mateer, deceased, and by virtue of his rill, on Friday, the 1 4th day of September, I860, al the late dwelling of said Andrew Matier, to-wit: at the Troublesome plantation, I will sell at public auction, on a credit of twelve mouths, the William Donnell plaula tion, willed to John Watson. The tract contains 315 acres or less, on Rocky branch. The land is good and productive producing grain, grass and tobacco well It is also well improved, and has on it a good mill-seat, and fair dwelling house. This will be an excellent larm in a good and healthy neighborhood to any one wishing to buy, and who can see and judge for nimseir ry ap plying to Wat Hopkins, who lives on tne land, or Koot. Ray. who lives near ALSO. At the tame place, at the same time, i win - . . . . . . rent for twelve months, the other lands owned by Andrew Matier, on Ross creek. The plantation will be divided to suit renters. Parties may rent by public auction, or private contract on that day or before. ALSO, At the s? me time and place, as guaidian oi James M. Mateer, I will rent lor twelve months, the lands owned by John Matier at his death, on Big Troublesome, on the South side. Sales and renting to continue over to the next day, if not completed ou the first. Terms of selling and renting made known on the day of sale. JAMES M. DUMSKLL. Rockingham Co.. July 17, '00. 5)6 tf Milton Chronicle pltase copy for four weeks and send lull to Patriot office for payment; Boot aud ShOC Store. Having purchased .f J. B F Boone his entire stock ot Boots and Shoes, he undersigned would respectfully announce to the citizens ot Greenshoro and surroi.nuiig country mat (hey intend keeping a good assortment ot BOOTS AND SriOKS, ind other articles connected w h that line of business, alas ou baud, which they are determined to sell very ow. and for cash only. B. G. i-K A 11 AM & CO. Opposite Bnttain's Hotel. '" tf BOOTb, SHOES, BROGANS. Ladles Fine Gaiters and Boots- chil dre.i s and Misses' Do. Gents' WATF.K-PROOF BOOTS and CALK-SKIN SHOES CHEAP. HEA VY BOOTS AND SHOES -a first-rate art ic!c CH EAP for sale by R. G. LINDSAY. octll EKIXGTOX JEWELRY STORE. J The subscriber has on hand the tine GOLD LE VER WATCHES manufactured by Johnson ot Liver pool, and Dixon of London. Also, the Silver Leer Lepine and common Virgo Watch, with a variety oi JEWELRY of all descriptions. All of which will be sold low tor cash. Watches of all descriptions repaired 1 tf GEORGE RILEY. I860 1800 1ALL IMPORTATION. . RIBBONS, MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS ARMSTRONG, CATOR & CO., Importer and job bers of RIBBONS, BONNET SILKS AND SATINS VELVETS, RUCHES, FLOWEKS, FEATHERS STRAW BONNETS, FLATS, &C. No 237 and Lofts of 239 Baltimore Street, Baltimore Maryland, offer a stock unsurpassed in the United States in variety and cheapness. Orders solicited and prompt attention given. Terms 6 months, six per cent, off for cash, pai funds. auglJ lW-Cni f OCk Inland Jean. A large lot, embracing LU various qualities for sale by DRUCKER HEILBHIIN CO 4 Larse Stock of Wlilte Ja. Zink Psinu, just received. Lead aud Deo 20. 1868. 16 W J. MrCnNNF!.. BeeRWax ! Wanted 2H.000 pounds Beeswax, foj which we will pav 56 cents per pound. 91 I)RUCKER. HEILBRUN & CO COFFEE ! Coffee I ! Sugar ! Sucnr ! Just received a good supply of Rio, Laguira, and lava Coffees, Brown and WJiite Sugar. Adamantine Candle, ko. B. 0. LINDSAY JJOSTETTE1VS STOMACH" DITTE-1 For tit cure of Dytpeptia Indigution, No, Hf" leney, Lou of Appetite, or any B&Unu Comply arising from a morbid inaction of the Stoma or B f eli, producing Cramp, Ditentry, Colic, ChoUra MoT- . ou fe. ' JjLview of the faot that erery member of tha hotaaa family ia more or lees subjected to tome of Che complaints, betides innumerable other condiUool! Ufa, which, by the assistance of a little knowledge or exercise or common sense, they may be able so to rf -; ulate their habits of diet, and with the aaalatanoa of a good tanio secure permanent health. In order to ac complish this desired object, the trae course to purauo. ia certainly that which will produce a natural at to of " things at the least haxsrd of vital strength and life ; for this end Dr. Hortetter has introduced to this country a preparation called HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BIT TERS, which at this day is not a new medicine, bat one that has been tried for years, giving satisfaction to all who have used it. The Bitters operate powerfullj upon the stomach, bowels, and liver, restoring them to a healthy and vigorous action, and thus by the simple, process of strengthening nature, enable the system to triumph over disease, Diarrahoea, dysentery or flux, so generally contracted by new settlers, and caused prin cipally by the change of water and diet, will be speedi ly regulated by a brief use of this preparation. Dys pepsia, a disease which is probably more prevalent when taken in all its various forms, than other; tho cause of which may always be attributed to derange ments of the digestive organs, can be cured without fail by using HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS as per directions on the bottle. For this disease every phy sician will recommend Bitters of some kind, then why not use an article known to be infallible? Every country have their Bitters as a preventative of disease and strengthening of the system in general, and among them is not io be tound a more healthy people than by the Germans, from whom this preparation emenated. based upon scientific experiments which have tended to advance the destiny of this great preparation in the medical scale of science. FEVER AND AGUE. This trying and provoking; disease, which fixes its relentless grasp on the body of man, reducing him to a mere shadow in a short space of time, and rendering him physically and mental useless, can be defeated and driven from the body by the use of HOSTETTER'S RENOWNED BITTERS. Further, any of the above stated diseases cannot be contracted when exposed to any ordinary condidion "producing them, if the Bitters are used as per directions. And as it is neither creates nausea noroffends the palate, and rendering unecessary any change of diet or interruption to usually pursuits, but promotes sound sleep and healthy digestioa the complaint is thus removed as speedily aa is consis tent with production of a thorough and permanent euro. For Persons Id Advanced' Years- Who are suffering: from an enfeebled constitution and inarm body, these Bitters are invaluable as a restora tive of strenth and vigor, and needs only to be tried to be appreciated. And to a mother while nursing, these , Bitten are indiapensible, especially where the mot her' a nourishment is inadequate to the demands of the child, consequently her strength must yield, and here it is where a good tonic, such as Hostetter's Stomach Biu ters is needed to impart temporary strength aud' vigor to the system. Ladies should by all means try this remedy for all eases of debility, and before so doing, aslt your physician, who, if he is acquainted with tha vir tues of tne Bitters, will recommend their use in ease of weakness. CAUTIOH'. We caution the public against using any of the many imitations or counterfeits, bnt ask for llosTr.TTKK'sCcLKBiATKn Stomach Bitters, and set- that each bottle has the words "Dr. J. Hoatetter Stomach Bitten ' blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork-, and ob serve that our autograph slgnatuic is on the label. HOT Prepared and sold by llostteter & KmitU, Pittsburr. Pa., and sold by all druee-ista, grocers, and dealers generally throughoutlhe United States, Canada, South America and Germany. SCOVIL & MEAD, New Orleans, La., Wholesale Ajtents. For sale by PORTER & GORRELL, Greensborough N. C novl-ly tj DGEWORTII FEMALES F. M I N ART 1 Greensborough.'Ji. C. 1 his Institution has been in successful operation for twenty years, and lor the last nine under its present principal. The Course of instruction is designed to afford to Southern parents an institution, in which can be se cured every advantage afforded by the very best Female Seminaries in the country. The liberal patronage we nave received, whilst it has enabled us to oner superi or facilities for the acquisition of a thorough education, encourages us also to hope that our effoits are appre ciated, and that soon all our Southern girls will receive a complete education within our own limits. The Faculty consists of Seven Gentlemen and four Ladies, selected with strict reference to experience, ability and aptness to teach The Institution is am ply provided with apparatus for tho illustration of all the departments ol Science embraced in the course of instruction. The next session will commence August 1st 1860. For Catalougues containing full particulars of term! to., apply to RICHARD STERLING. may2o SS-tf 160. FALL TRADE. 1SGO. ELLETT & WEIS1GER, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in HATS, CLAPS AND FURS, No 167 Main Street, opposite Exchange Bank RICHMOND, VA. HAVING made extensive preparations are now of fering to the merchants of Virginia and North Carolina and Tennessee, at prices which cannot but insure a sale, the largett and most complete ttodtof Full and Winter Good ever gotten up in this market, which . for quality, variety and elegance, cannot be excelled. All they atk is a look before purchasing elsewhere. Order strictly and promptly attended to. Bepl4 4-0m ELLETT WEISIOER. , superior Coogne Water. Treble distilled O from Fragrant Flowers by W. H WYATT, Druggist and Apothecary, Nos 18 and 188 Main $t., Salisbuiy, N. C. Price lo, 2j and 00 cents. aug24 l-6m Of9ce of tbe Greenaborougb Mutual Insurance-Company, March 1st, I860. At a meeting of tho Directors of this Company, held this day in their office, an assessment of & per cent, was made, and ordered to be collected. If77inar8 PETER ADAMS, Secretary. Fall Faablons. Mrs. Adams will open on Sat urday next, for the inspectioaef her customers. a splendid stock of BONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOW-; ERS, RUCHES, &c, which for and BEAUTY, cannot be surpassed in this or any other market. Bonnets from fifty cents to twenty dollars. Give her a call Valuable Plantation Tor Rale. 1 wish to sell my Plantation, situated on Alamance Creek, in the county of Guil lord, 4$ miles south of McLeans- :1k Station on the NCR It ; and 'J miles south east of Greensborough. The tract contains about- 50 acres of and, aboutialf of which is in a state of culti vation. Tbe improvements coimist ol a comlortable iwo--!ory dwelling, and all necessary out bui'ding. The i I is suitable or wheat, corn, tobacco, -&c. and s situated in a desirable, healthy neighborhood. "Any one wikhmg io purchase a good Farm, on reasonable terms, would da well to call und exstntrm this tjact, and see for hirr-elf. An' farther ir.linmalion can be had by addressing me ar McLenntville, N. C. K rv M r " a R I . Bojk Rlndeiy In Salisbury MR. W. ft DICKS would respectfully lmorm the enur-na of Salisbury, Charier e, States il, Concord, Gold Hill, Mocksville, Greenskoro.1 I .erinton, Morganton, New ton, and the surrounding country generally, that be has established a Book Bindery in llus place, and wiU be pleased to receive orders in his line. Music Books, Law Book, und Periodical-, bound to pattern.or in any stylo to uii ty His e(Hblishment e in be found on the second floor over he Post Office. tSf Order fi om a distance promptly attended to. H-f,r w. R. DICKS. 1 reennboro Female I SPUING SESSION of 11 College. THR ivill begin on the first Tuesday in January, and close on the1 third Thursday in May. There will l e no Winter vacation. The regulai exercises of the College will be suspended only a tew day at Chtistnias. fher will be fcau.,ies next Session for other pupils. Thuse wishing to sennlhrr daughters wiU please In foi iu th subscriber at an early day . Terras as heretofore. For lull particulars apply to nov2 T. M. JONES. "7TLfi. THE UNDEKS1CNED .I3TKB pared to do House. Sign and Ornamental Painting at short nulicc and on the most reasonable term Per sons who are desirous of engaging his services in the above business, ailLplease call and sec him at his real deuce al Kich Fork, Davidson county, or address him at that place or Lexington, and their orders will be promptly attended to. , July 24, 1855. ANDREW CALDCLEUOB ROCK-ISLAN.J KERSEYS, JEANS, CASSIMERES. 'Trills is tin" old stand for these North-Carolina-Mo-1 utactured Fabrics having been the FIKST in. --introduce tlieni in this matkei ten years ago. Corrc aid make your puichas-s where you will find the renl Si mon Pure. We have a Urge supply, now on hnd. i octll R. G. LINPdAY

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