I V l.l. A 1 .i r u 1 if. K i;I I if: i fX"? P IV V rill iw I i- vi i x II i Pis Lin J JLJl I.. .1 V I 1. A I I ..! V. f I ..Tf I II I i 1 . ,1 I. I I VVVVV VST! l,ANAVi, VA i P It d i i 1 JCSrfrv r i it li x .1-ll-JfcfX -7 M eras ai Jrt 'J 1 i I vol. xxnr. (tREMSBOEOUGH e.j 'MAY 21, 1861. NO. 1,142. Bl;e (Snensharong!; afiioi PUBLISHED 8EMI-WEEKLT, BY j 8 H E R W O O D & Li O N Gt IDITOR8 AND PEOPBIETOES. TEIIMS: n.OO A TEAR, IN ADTA5CE. BITES OF ADVERTISING IN THE PATRIOT. On doll&r per square for the first iree and twsntj fire cents for ererj week thereafter. ' wbltb uiu ob lisi making a square Deductions made in fa? or of standing matter as fellows: 3 MOUTHS. 6 MOHTHS. . 1 TSJUL One square,.... ....$3 60 $5 60 $8 00 Two squares, 7 00 10 00... ... 14 00 Tbree " 10 00 16 00 20 00 Uncoln'n Declaration ofWor Accep ted. THE ACT OF CONGRESS IN FULJj. Montgomery, Ala., March 6, 1861. Tbe following Act has bceD passed by the Congress of the Confederate States in secret session. The injunction of secrecy has been removed therefrom : An act recognizing the existence of war between the United States and the Confederate States, and eon eerning letters of Marque, prises and prise Goods. Whereas, Tho earnest efforts made by this Government to establish friendly rela lations between the Government of the Uni ted Slates and tho Confederate States,- and to settlo all questions of disagreement be tween the two Governments upon princi- Elea of right, justice, equity and good faith, ave proved unavailing, by reason of tho refusal of the Government, of tho United States to hold any intercourse with the Com xnissioncrs appointed by this Government for tho purposes aforsaid, or to listen to any proposal they had to make for the peaceful solution of all causes of difficulties between tho two governments: and, whereas, tho President of tho United States of America has isnued his Proclamation, making requisi tion up tn tho States of tbe American Union for 75,000 men, for the purpose as therein indicated of capturing forts and othor strong holds within the jurisdiction of, and belon ging to, tho Confederate States of America, and Ims detailed naval armaments upon tho coasts of tho Confederate States of America, and ruined, organized and equipped a large military force to execute the purpose afore said, and has itsaed bis other Proclamation, andnouncing his purpose to set on foot a blockade of tho ports of the Confederate States ; and whereas, the State of Virginia has acceded from the Federal Union and en tered into a convention of alliance, offensive and defensive, with tho Confederate States, and has adopted tho Provisional Constitu tion of the said States, and the Statos of Ma ryland, North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentuc ky, Aikansat, and Missouri have refused, and it is believed that the State of Delaware -and the inhabitants of the Territories of Arizona and New Ltexico, and the Indian Territory aouth of Kansas, will refuse to co ope rule with tbe Government of tbe United States in tbes acu of hostilities and wantoa aggresiou, which are piniy intended to overawe, opprtea, tod Inally subjugate the people ol the Ooafederate State ; and where as, by tne act m4 neane aforaaid war exists between the Confederate St tee aid the Government of the Uaiva4 6ltae, and tke States and Territories thereof, except the StatcH t rvle4l, Uorta Ce,rclievTeree see, Kentexfcw, Aritssca, Qiceari, eV De laware, aid th Tswriterie of Ariv and New liewiee, awd t Indian Territory fiouth ofKarwew: TkafW Sxctioi 1. TW Ccctc3 of the Confeder ate Bute ef Acs eric 4 casst, That is Preeideat ef iU CttUwew OtMesj ia kare by aatiiorusei to e-e Ue whole iaod and Ha iti foroe of the Can federated States to meet the war taa ceesaaaotd, cad to icftue u private arcaeel reeaaela coca tsi tat onm, of let ters of maraa fpm4 jeaiev reprieel, in such forca as ee tjsaail tfciafc proper, under iha seal d' tb Ceefeeree Oietas gatnat the vessels, oods and electa of tbe Government of the United Stales, and of the citiaena or Inhabitant of the States and Territories thereof, except the State and Territories hereinbefore named : Provided, however, that pwnperty ot tbe enemy (unless it be contraband of war) laden on board a neutral vessel, shall not be subject to seizure nuder this Act : And provided further, That ves sels t.f-tho citirens or inhabitants of the Uni ted Sfiten, now in tho ports of tbe Confeder ate Smies, except such as have been since the 5th of April last, or rcay hereafter be, in the service of tbe Government of the Uni ted States, shall be allowed thirty days after the publication of this Act to leavo said ports and reach their destination ; and such ves- sels and' their cargoes, excedfing' articles f contraband of war shall not be subject to capture under this-Act, dnringsafd 1 period, unless they shall have previously roftched the destination for whierj :they wero bound ou leaving satti porta. Sxo. 2. That the President of the Confed erate 'States shall. be,-and he is thereby an thorized and empowered to revoke and an nual, at pleasure, all letters vi marque and reprisal which he may at any time grant persuant to this Act. Seo. 3. That all persons applying for let ters of marque and reprisal, pursuant to thi Act, shall stats in writing the name, and a suitable description of the tonnage and force of the vessels, and tho name and place of reidenco of each owner concerned therein, and the intended homber of the crew ; which statement shall be signed by the person or persons making such application, and filed with the Secretary of Stato, or shall be de livered to any rmYer or person who shall be employed to deliver out snch commfpsibns to be by him transmitted to the Secretary of State. Seo. 4. That bofore any commission or letters of marque and and reprisal shall be istfued as foresaid, the ownor or ?twners of the ship or vessel for which the same- shall be requested, and tbe commander thereof for tbe time being, shall give bond to the Confederate Statos, with at least two respon sible sureties, -not interested in such Vessel, in the penal sum of five thousand dollars ; or if such vessel be provided with more than one hundred and fifty men, then in tbe penal sum often thonsand dollars ; with conditions that the owners, officers and crew who, shall bo employed on board of such commissioned vessels, shall and will observe tbe laws of the Kjou federate btates and the instructions which shall be given them according to law: fox the regulation of their conduct ; and will satisfy all damages and injuries which shall be dono or committed contrary to tho tenor thereof, by such vessel, during her com mis- sion, ana to deliver up the samo when revo ked by the President of the Confederate States. Sec. 5. That all captures and prizes of vessels and property shall be fotfeited, and shall accrue to the owners, officers and crows of tho vessels by whom such cantur's and prizes shall bo made; and on duo condemna tion h id, shall be distributed according to any written agreement whi-h shall be made betweon them; and if there bo no such Vrit ten agreement, then one moiety to tho ow ners, and the other moiety to tho officers and crew, as nearly as may be according to the rules proscribed for the distribution of prize monoy, by the laws of the Confederate States. Sec. 0. That all vessels, goods and effects, and property of any citizen of tho Confeder ate States, or of persons resident within and under the protection of the Confederate States, or of persons permanenty within the territories, and under the protection of any foreign prince, government or State in amity with the Confederate States, which shall, have been captured by tho United States, and which shall be recaptured by vessels commissioned as aforsaid, shall be restored to trie lawful owners, upon payment by theni of a just and reasonable salvage, to be deter mines1 by the mutual agreement of the par ties) concerned, or by the decree of any court having jurisdiction, according to the nature of each, case, agreeably to the provisions es tablished by law. And buch salvage shall fee dietribeted smong tho owners, . officers id ctsws of the vessels commisioncd as afeveud, ass! making snch captures, accor diaf to any written agreement which shall be caade between them ; and in case of no each Ssrreemeet, then in the manner unon the pr'ncipJos hereinbefore provided in case of capture. Sew. 7. That beforo breaking bulk of any I vessels waicn snail De captured as foresaid, or other dieposal or conversion, there, or of asy article which shall be found on board las cams, sucn captured vessel, goods or ef fects, shall be brought into some port of tbe Confederate States, or of a nation or Slate in amity, with the Confederate States, and shall be proceeded against before a competent tri bunal ; and after condemnation and forfeiture thereof shall belong to the owners, officers and crew of tho vessel capturing the same, and bo distributed as before provided ; and in the caso of all captured vessels, goods and effects, which shall bo brought within tho jurisdiction of the Confederate States, the uisinci courts ol tneoonlederate States shall have exclusive, original cognizance thereof, as in civil .au6esoi admjralty and maritime jurisdiction; and the said courts, or the courts, being courts of the Confedcralo States, into which saoh caases shall be removed, and in which they phall bo finally decided, shall and may, decree restitution, in 'whole or in Prb, wucu iuo capture snau nave oeen raaue without j ist cause. And if inade without probable catfsemay order and decree dama ges arid costs to the party injured, for which tbe owners and commanders of the vessels making such capture, and also tho vessels shall be liable. Seo. 8. That all persons found on board any captured reuse!, or on board any recap tared vessoiy shall be reported to the Collec tor of the port .in the Confederate States, in which they shall first arrive, and shall be de livered into the custody of tho Marshal of the District, or sorrio court cr military officer of the Confederate State, or otany State in or near such port, who shall take charge of their safe keeping and support, at tho expense ot the Confederate States. Sec. 9. That the President of the Confed erate States is hereby authorized to establish and order suitable instructions for the better governing and directing the conduct of the vessels so commissioned, their officers and crews, copies of which ahali be delivered, by the collector of - the custom?, to the comman ders, wheh they shall give bond as before provided. 7 Sec. 10. That a bounty shall bo paid by the Confederate States of 820 for each per son on board any arraod ship or vessel, be longing to the United Statos, at the com mencement of an engagement, which shall be burnt, sunk or destroyed by any vessel com missioned as aforesaid, which shall be of equal or inferior force, tho same to be divi ded as in othcrca8e8 of prizo money and a bounty of $25 thall be paid the owners, offi cers and crews of the private armed vessels, commissioned as aforesaid, for each and eve ry prisoner by them oaptured and brought into port; and delivered to an agent author ized to receive them, in any port of the Con federate States'; and tbe Secretary of the Treasury-is hereby authorized to pay or cause to be paid to the owners, officers and crewtf of such pri vate armod vessels, comrais sioned as uforesaid, or iheir agent, the boun ties herein provided. Sec. 11. That tho Commanding Officer of every vessel having a commission, or letters of marque and reprisal, during the present hostilities between tho Confederate States and the United Slateu, shall keep a regular journal, containing a truo and exact account ut his daily' proceedings and transactions with such vessel and tho crew thereof; the ports and p aces ho shall put into, or cast anchor in; the time of his 6tay there, and the causo thereof; the prizes ho shall take, and tho nature and urobablc value tnprrnf- tho limes and places, when and whero taken, and in what manner be shall dispose of tho same; tho ships or vessels he shall fall in with; tho times and places, when and whero he shall meet with them, and his observations and remarks thereon; also, of whatever else shall occur to'hiin, or any of his officers or marines, or bo discovered by examination or conference with any marinef-for passengers of, or in any other snips or vessels, or by any other means, touching tho fleets, vessels and forces of tbe United States; their posts and places of station and destination, strength, numbers, intents and designs: and such commanding officer shall, immediately on j mo arrival iu auy port oi tne Confederate States, from or during the continuance of any voyage, or cruise, produce h,s commis sion for 8uoli Vessel, and deliver up such jour nal so kept as aforesaid, signed with his proper name and handwriting to the collec tor or othor chief officer of the customs at or nearest to such port; the truth of which jour nal shall be verified by the oath of the com manding officer for tbe time beiDir. and such collector or other chief officer of the customs ! shall, immediately on the arrival of such ves sel, order the proper officer of tho customs to go on board and take an account of the offi cers and men, the number and nature of the guns, and whatever else shall occur to him on examination, ma erial to be known; and no ouch vessel shall be permitted to sail out of port again until sucn journal shall have been delivered up, and a certificate obtained under tho hand of such collector or other chief officer of the customs, that she is man ned and armed according to her com mission ; and upon delivery of such certificate, any for mer certificate of a like naturo which shall have been obtained by the commander of such vessel, shall delivered up. Sec. 12. Tbat! tho commanders of vessels having Letters of marque and reprisal, as aforesaid, neglecting to keep a journal as aforesaid, or wilfully making fraaduleut en tries therein, orj obliterating the record of any material transactions therein, u here interest of tho Confederate State is concern ed, or refusing to produce and deliver such journal, commission or certificate,, pursuant to the proceeding section of this Act, then and in such cases, the commissions or Let ters of marque and reprisal of such vessels shall be liable to be revoked ; and such com mander; respectively, shall forfeit for ev-ry such offence the sum of 1,009, one moiety thereof to the use of the Confederate States, and the other to the informer. Seo. 13. That the owners or commanders of vessels having Letters of marquo and re prisal as aforesaid, who shall violate any of the acts of Congress for tho collection of tho revenues of tho Confederate States, & for the prevention of smuggling, shall, forfeit the commissions or Letters of marque and repri sal, and they and the vessels owned or com manded by them shall be liable to all the penalties and forfeitures attaching to mer chant vessels in like cases. Sec U. That on all goods, wares and merchandise captured and made good and lawful prize of war, by any private armed ship having commission or Letters of marque and reprisal under this act, and brought in to the Confederate States, there shall bo al lowed a deduction of 33 1-3 per cent on the amount of duties imposed by law. Sec. 15. That five per centum on the net amount (after deducting all charges and ex penditures) of the prize money arising from captured vessels and cargoes, on the net amount oif tho salvago of vessels and cargoes recaptured by the private armed vessels of tbe Confederate States, shall be secured and paid ovortotho Collector or other chief offi cers of the customs, at the port or place in the Confederate States at which such cap tured or re captured vessels may arrive, or to the consul or other public agent o( the Con federate States, residing at the port of place, not within the Confederate States, at which such recaptured vessel may arrive. And the moneys arising therefrom shall be held and are hereby pledged by the Government of the Confederate States as a fund for the support aud maintenance of the widows and orphans of such persons as may be slain, and for the support and maintenance of such per sons as be wounded and disabled on board of the private armed vessel commissioned us aforesaid, in any engagement with tho ene my, to be assigned and distributed in such manner as shall hereafter bo provided by law. m w Terrible Tragedy at St. Louis. St. Louis, M.o., May 12. Another torrible tragedy was eaacud here last night. A9tne Home G;ards were marching throurh tho streets, they were followed by an immense crowd, who hooted and hissed at tho hireling soldiery. During the excitement, a boy dis charged a pistol in their rear, frightening the poor creaturo very much. The company fir ed upon the crowd, and their whole column was thrown into great confuRion. Becoming totally disordered, and breaking ranks, thoy fired down their own lino as well as among the crowd on the sidewalks. Four of tho soldiers and four citizens wore killed, and a great many wounded. Tho wildest excite ment prevailed. Gen. Harney, (tho same who was taken prisoner at Ilat por's Ferry a fow days si ..co,) has issued his proclamation, llo expresses much regret at tho existing state of things, and says that tho military under his com mand will only be used in tho last extre mity, lie hopes that be will not bo compell ed to resort to martial law. Tho surrender of Camp Jac kson had caus ed great excitomenr in the Legilalure now in session. The Bill for arming tbe State has passed both Houses. The State Treasu ry has been removed, as well as all the pow derpurchastd by the State. The citizens are everywhere enrolling themselves into a Home Guard in obedience to a special call of Go. Jackson. One thousand Illinois mercenaries are sta tioned at a place called Casey ville, only seven miles distant from Sc. Louis. Hartford. May 3. The Legislature un animously passed this morning a bill appro priating $2,000,000 lor tho organization and equipment of a volunteer militia; and to piovide for the public defence. It provides for ten regiments of volunteers, and for the payment of $10 per month to each man, ia addition to the regular pay. Masonic Secession. At a convocation of th e Chapter of Poyal Arch Mast ns of tbe State of Georgia, which cloHed its session ia Augusta on tbe 20ih ultimo, tho following resolution was UDanimously adopted: Resulted. That the conntxion herctoforo existing b twten the Grand CbsDter of Ror- al Aich Masons of the State of Georgia and tne uenerui urn no inapt er or the late Uni ted Slates ot America be and the same is hereby dissolved. in Hi .a r 1 r,4 hi ' V 1 1 A

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