1 Ul': 1 ;'- V,? i-v ri: : u-v f GREENSBOROTJGH, N. C, JANUARY 8, 1863. VOL. XXIV. NO. 1,231. rl: Jl rUBLlPHED WEEKLY, BY M, S. SHERWOOD, KD1TOR AND PROfRIKTOR. AlphtRio W. lagold, luiiUBt Editor. TBRMS, 2.00 A YJSAli IN ADVANCE. Hate of Advertising. or.o Mlr pr qutr, for th flrt week, tnl tcny-fi ctuti tor t'ttj week thrtaftr. Twelve , or "k a square. l)eduetien oiade in ur cf landing mailer follows: 3 MOUTHS. 6 MOITBI. 1 TSA1. .. $3.60 -VW IUO 7.00 10.00 14.00 '' 10 00 16 Of) 30.00 Ooe square,... Two Squares... Ihrre Hauaree, 1 - -- -- ' ' CAPTIONS, ut tKf Actt am i RnolutLu yat$td by tht Gtneral At $bl) of Sot Ik Cirolma ut Ui ituton ttmmenung fioitnyitr "th, andtnHing letmbtr 22f, 1. An act to amend an act, parsed and ratified on tbo 16th day ol February, 185U ftilitled An act lo incorporate theLiszcr (jale Copper Company." 'i. An act to provide a bupply of powder ftnd lead in the sovsral counties of this State. An act to amend the Ordinanco of the Convention entitled " An Ordinance to make tome provision for the families of soldiers dyisg in sorvice." Ratified 22d February, 1802, and for other purposes. An actaraondatory of the law in rela tion to SboriflV Bonds. f, An act in referenco to the salaries of the Judges of the Superior Courts of Law nance of tbe Convention. Tbe latter ex pires by limitation on the 1st day .of Janu ruary, 1863. 18. An act to construct a Railroad from Dallas in Gaston, county by tbe way of Liacolnton, to Newton in Catawba Coun ty. 19. An act to allow further lime for tbe registration of Grants, Conveyances and other instruments. 20. An act to allow further time for tbe benefit of Justices of the Peace, refugees from their counties. 21. An act tochange the place of com paring tbe polls in the 44th Senatorial district. 22 An act to amend tho charter of the Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio Railroad. 23. An act to amend the charter of the Cheraw and Cof.lfields railroad company, as amended by an ordinance of the Con vention. 21. An act to establish a Bank in tbe town of Lincolnton, N. C. 25. An act in relation to the Richmond manufacturing company. 20. An act to incorporate the Swift Island Gold Mining Company. 26. An a t to amend tho charter of tbe Western Plank Road. 2b. An net to incorporate tho Macon leather company, in the county of Macon. 20. An act to amend an aoi,' entitled Militia Rill." ratified the 20ih day ot September. 18G1. Repeals the prorision requiring militia Ouleers to anil in uuiiorra, anu ennuis uiui it shall be the dulv of tho Colonel to as t l-'nuitv. 0 An act to auinorixe moageni oi vnr- renium mo lenunuuv m n-oi vt.o j drill anu roviow, anu "it soan uu vuu uul) ef he Captain to assemble his company for drill at Uast once in every three months in time of war, and once in every six month Justices of tho behalf of the State, with Stuart, Buchanan & Co., Saltville, Va., for the manufacture of salt, and provides for the sale of salt thus manufactured, at tbe costoi manuiai ture : authorires the Governor to purchase 100.000 bushels of salt, at a reasonable nrico. to kunply the immediate necessities of the people, also to be sold at prime cost. The Governor is also cmpowerea, in ui discretion, to purchase salt works, now in oneration,and to have them worked on Statw account. 38- An ao, to provide tor toe proDaie vi wills and granting letters of AJministra- tion, when the county of the residence oi of Testators or Intestates, is in the posses sion of the enemy. 39. An act to establish the omce cl Au ditor ot Public accounts. whore the tax is la'd for State purposes L according to valuation ; and upon all sub jects specifically taxed, the tax shall be in proportion to that levied for State purpo ses. 47. An act concerning tho county site of Mitchell. 6 Provides that the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of Mitchell County, a ma jority of tho Justices being present, shall select another county site, which shall be called Davis, and shall authorize the hold ing of an election at which tho peoplo of the county shall decide whether 4Calboun" shall continue to be the county seat, or whether if shall be removed to the place selected by the magistrates as aforesaid. In the event of the removal of the county seat, the Chairman of tho County Court is "ok" lftnn 1 rciaua me puruuMc munrj . I .in mam III irilBIU 7. An ad concerning l..t..in Hiaden Cour.tV. 9 An act to authorize the magistrates of ' in time of peace." The law amended re ti,e County of Chutham to levy a lax for I quired two regimental reviews during the tt.r- i.urpcs- of working thr public roads in . year, anucomj. any urill once a monin m t u i c tuiitv. 1 timi- of wur onco in three months in lime '.i. An act to establish the Eighth Judicial of peace ( rcuit and for other purpuara i 30. An act to amend the 9th and 12tti i Tuo M-vcnth Judicial Circuit an changed sections of chap. 101 of the Revised Code, bv tunnel in lunstmitud of tho lolh.wing entitled Roadw, Ferries and Bridges " p'.uiitie viz: I'olk, Rutherford, McDowell, 31. An act for the relief of our sick and Mitch. ill, Burke, Watauga, Caldwell, Ca- wounded Mildiers. U.b, Lincoln, CleavHand, and Gaston.1 Piovidort for tho appointment by thv 1 i,o Suj c nor Court of llk county in to be Governor of an agent, with the asRirailaied j1( i,j ,,n ihr first Monday in Maruh und Sep- rank of Major, to rchide in Richmond, Va., l.'thl.er; the Superior durtn of the other or el jewl.cre, h the nccisitiea of the case f..iw,li.- me to b- held on tho following may require, whoso duly it shall bo, under Monday' respectively in the order in the direction of tho Surgeon General, to wh'ich thoy ure named to wit: Lincoln on visit the HospituI daily, to ascertain the the JJ Monday, Ck-aveland on the third wants of cur sick and wounded soldiers and ull,l hU ,,n. supply them to a.d such as may deserve Tht Kichtli Judicial Circuit consists of furloughs and discharges in procuring th. ri.tmt'o of Clay. Cherokee, Macon thern, and to take charge Provide for the biennial election of an ; 'Ji reeled to reconvey to the donors all landB Auditor of rublic Accounts, who snail give uuumeu io nim (at Ualhoun) tor the use bond in the sum of iwenty-five thousand dollars, conditioned, for the faithful di cbarge of his duties, which aro "to audit and adjust all accounts or claims against the Slate, arising out of tbe military ser vice or in tbe civil administration of the Government; to ascortain and certify the amounts or balance, it any due thereon, with the vouchers and evidence, and file the same in the office of the Comptroller; to keep accounts in books prepared for ihat .... ! purpose of all claims so audited ana adjus ted, and ot the public properly in the cus tody or care of any officers or agents en trusted with the purchaso or caro ot the wme." All claims against the State tor expenses incurred for arming, equipping subsistence and transportation of troops and munitions of war ; bounty paid to said troops either in the military or navu! service of the State, and oiher expenses incurred in tho public oi . people of said county; with the ex ception of such portions as may have been sold. In this case the donors are to be paid tho amounts for which said lots re spectively weTesold. The usual provis ions : ro made for tho laying off the site se Icoied into lots and streets, eic 48. An act to enable the incorporated towns of this State to lay addilional taxes. JJ. An act for tho relief of such persons -s may suffer from the burning of the Court house and records of Hertford county. 50. An act to authorize the Governor to employ slave labor in erecting fortifications and oiher works. From the Raleigh Standard. The Ten Regiment Dill. Tbe false impression which has been sought to be produced on the public mind by the coarse of the Richmond Enquirer, and tbe Destructives in gercial, in retard to the action and designs of the Conserva tives in the General Assembly of this State, demand at our hands a full exposure of the facts. The ten regiment bill proposed by tbe Conservatives has been denounced most vebemsntly, and its advocates charged with a design to pot this State in an aiti tude of ooposition to, or conflict with the Confederate government, yet none of them have dared, so far as wo have seen, to pub lish the bill itself. The Enquirer and oth ers have thus been guiliy of a war upon a phantom of their own creation, and have sought t raise a tempest over what has i.. the Confederate and State courts (not to include Justicesof ihePeace.) with their clerks, marshals, sheriffs ministers ot the G spel in charge of a parish or congrega tion ; the officers and necessary employees ot the insane, and Deaf and Dumb and lind Asylums with their inmates and pupils; physicians who have been habitii ually engaged io the practice of their protessions for ten years immediately nefore thio day ; the president, superinten dent, treasurer, secretary, and a reasonable no mber of engineers, runners and mechan ics of each railroad company ; the Colonel or commanding officer of rach regiment of t!e Militia; the Captain or Commanding fticer of each Company, in cas there be no commissioned officer forty live years of ae, but if there be one, he only shall be exempted ; on editor and the new.ai y number ot composite rs for each newspaper; the president ad professors of colleges; the principals and teachers of academies who :ive be. n teacher continuously t.r seven existence in fact. Intelligent Conserve- ! year next before this dav r th tives, of course, have not teen moved a jot j a reasonable number of employees or RESOLUTIONS. 1. Resolution in favor of Philip G. Smith. 2. Resolution in laverof Wm. R. Lovell. 3. Resolution in favor of J. W. Alspaugh 4. Resolution to purchase the Ordinances and Resuiulions of the Into Cnnvpniinn. ffnr defence, shall bo audited and settled by luc USc of tho General Assembly. the Auditcr on principles of equity and j 5. Resolution to prohibit the transporta justico and according to tbo rules estab I tion ut articles of prime necessity beyond .hu koi, lliivwond, Transylvania, Render ed, Madimm, Yancy and Buncombe. The Superior Court of t'luy i- to bo held on the 1st Monday of April and September. The others, to bo held us above on tho succeed ing Monday 'h in their order, tho Court of Hji. combe county to continue lor two weeks. Tho Courts of I'loas and (Quarter Ses sions in tho soventh circuit to bo held as follows In l'olk county on the first Mon l:iv in March, J unc, September, and on tho snrrceding Monday's in the other counties StTtttttm. In tho Eighth circuit, tho County Court of Clay is to bo held on tho first Monday in April, July, September, and December, tho courts of tho other counties to bo held of tho North Carolina Depot of .Medical Stores. ' lhe Governor is also authorized to appoint two j eusumg .r mnro Knrtona to vinit tho camits and of Meca; hshed to similar cases by the Board of Claims. Upon the Auditor's certificates, the Governor will issuo warrants on the Treas ury in favor of claimants. The Auditor's salary is fixad at 2,500 per annum, and he is authorized, if neces sary, to employ two clerks at a salary of 3 1,000 each. 40. An act to alter the timo of holding the Superior Courts of Law and Equity, in the 6th Judicial Circuit The Superior Courts ot the Sixth Judi cia' Cin uit aro to be held hereafter as fol lows; "Toe court!" of Davie county on the tourth Monday in February and August; ard those of Yadkin, Surry, Alleghany. Ashe, Wilkes, Alexander, Iredell, I'nior, Mecklenburg, Cabarrus and Rowan on the Monday s uceeH.velr. i he cour enburs county will continue for by the impertinent vaporings of the En quirer or its party. Gov Vance in his meiiaje, af'er fully explaining the necessities of tho case, re commended the raising of ten volunteer regiments of State reserves, to cooperate with the Conlederale government in the defence and protection of Eastern North Carolina. -At an early day a bill was drawn up in compliance with the Governor's sug gestion, and presented to tho House c: Commons and referred to tho Commiitci. on Military Affairs. That Committee, as at first constituted, would have reported at once favorably to the bill beforo it., but from various causes, by resignati n, &c , the complexion of. tho Committee was changed, and Mr. Person, of New Hanover was made Chairman. From that time the ill on the succeeding Monday's in tho order purposes annually. in which they aro mentioned above ! hospitals in tb s State and in Virginia (out- two weeks, being held on the 9th and snlu ot Richmond) and pui lorm oimilar uu lies. Ho is also authorized to fill vacancies in the Medical staff of N. C. Regiments until permanent appointments are made by Con tederate authority. Tho Surgeon General is directed to provide propor medical at tention for soldiers returning to tho State, alllicted with small-pox or othor contagious diseasos. He is also empowered to estab lish "way side hospitals," and a depot for tho collccclion of medical supplies, hospital stores, clothing, &c, in Rileigh or else where S3U0.0O0 are appropriated for theso lOih Feb- of P rovis- IU. An act for tbo purchase ions. Provides that tho Governor appoint agents, at a fixed compensation, to pur- chine corn, rice, bacon, and other provis 32. An act to altor the line betwcon Jack- son and Transylvania counties. 33. An act to incorporate ti e Presbyte rian publishing and printing company in tho Town of Fayetteev lie. 34. An act to period certain grants in ions, and havo lhe saino transported for favor of Peyton & William Colvard. sale keeping to su h points us ho may se- 35 An act to reguUte the fees of Jailors, led. The provisions to be sold under the Amends the SSih section of the 102nd direction of the Governor, at BUch prices as chapter Revised Code, by authorising the will cover tho cost and expenses, to agents Courts of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, a appointed by tho County Courts, for the majority of tho justices being present, to fix poor and the families ol soldiers in sorvicc. tho fees that jailors may receivo tor tind- 1'ne sum of Gvo hundred thousand dollars ing prisoners with tho fuel and other arti- is appropria'ed for this purpose. clcs required by law. II. An act io establish a Superior Court Amends also tho 33rd 6ection of tho of Law and Kquity lor the county of A lie- same chapter by giving tho same power to ghany. tho County Courts to regulate tbe fees of 1J. An act tochange the time of holding County Survej-ors in like manner, the Courts of Pleas and Uuarter Sessions 30. An act to provide ways and means Monday's alter the fourth Munday ruary and August. 41. An act foitlio support of the Insane Asylum of North Carolina. Appropi iates 8139,000 for tho purpose of supporting and maintaining the Insane Asylum for the years ISG3 l,and toind-m nily tbo Public Treasurer for 514,000 drawn from tho Treasury, over and above tho amount appropriated by law fur the years 1861-2. The Treasurer is authorized to pay to the order of tho Executive Committee, for the Insano Asylum, so much of tho sum of $125,000 as may Lo necessary for its sup port lor the years 18631; provided the aggregate amount for each year, shall not exceed tho sura of 812,500. 42. An act concerning the North Caro lina Institution lor tho Deaf and Dumb and the Blind. Appropriates S15,000 yearly to this Asylum, f'om the Literary Fund instead of 210,000, as herotoforo. Also appropri ates 81,500 to enlarge buildings andrcpair inclosure ; aud $500 to establish a depart ment in which tho male pupils may bo taujrbt '.ioemakin. Tho President and the limits ot the State. 6. Resolutions declaring the separation between tho Confederate States and tho United States final, and to sustain thePres-1 Conservatives expected no favorable con ideniof the Confederate States and tho Lderation of that hill. At length the Governor of North Carolina. ! . , . . 7. Resolution of thanks to the officers j Commitee through its Chairman, Mr.IV and soldiers of North Carolina. son, presented the following ill-shaped, 8. Resolution exprcaning tbe satisfaction i unconstitutional, and offensive bill as a of the General Ass. mbly with the spirit of j 'substitute tor the one before it, for the the people in sustaining the war, and with I actl0n of lho uon8e. Msrs. Gris.om and tho conduct ot our troops. , r , 9. Resolution in relation lo tho secret i CowIea of ,he Committee, protested proceedings of tho General assembly. j against the bill, presented, and gave notic- 10. Resolution requesting the Governor ot their in" ention to bring in a minoritv to correspond with Railroad and otner j report. The following is Mr. Person's bill. Companies, hi relation to the transportation j Jo Jn conformity to lho wishes of lhp ialt ll'Om 1 miner nn A-n ' J 1 1. Resolution in favor of S. S. Hicks. j destructives of the Committee. Ye 12. Rv'eo!u,; '.n in tuvnr dFThomas E. a?td the special attention ot the press and Skinner, Jr. j public to the provisions ot tho bill: Kcsoimion in lavor oi Solon. on beg the C M. IV. "-""...wvr.j .u m.ui j. uuiuuiun . niir. Tfi rnfivi7i' T IT k stitp ora'D'i j -" ........ . j, , . . . c, 4 Sr.cTioN. 1. Be it encrfed bg the Generi( 14. Resolution instructing our Senators ; Aumbl ffhe S(a,e ofXor(h JCnniUna auJ U U IIUIIULIUV ItU ILIT III f Srlll Till WfrN III .... . 1 0 f .. H w. . ww Congress to urgo a repeal of cortain clauses of Mecklenburg County H.iartsthat the Courts of Pleas and Uuarter sessions of Mecklenburg county shall bo held on the second Monday of Janrusry, April, July and Oclobj . 13 An net suplcmentary to an act pass ed l the present sos'-n if lho (teneral Aelntlv, and ru! itied u the 9th day of December, 162, entitled "An actio amend thr oidmance ol the Convention," entitled An ordn nco to nviku some provision lor lho fainilo- 1" soldier dying in tho srr t. -," ratified the 22.1 Jay of February, liJJ. and fot oil r .uroM s. II. An act to amend an act, ntihd the 25 h dty ol F'bnmry, til, entilh-d "An act to iik orporate t!u I ai.k of Western .North ( ' .rnl-na " fr siiriply ing tho Trea-ury Provides that the I'uldio Tieasurer shall is-ue, upon the tailli and credit t the State, one million fivo hundred thousand dollais in Treasury notes, in livo cent i.otes, ten conl notes, twenty th o cenl notes, fifty cent notes, seventy five cent notes, one dol lar, two dollar, ard three dollar no'cs, re- deemall on or before the 1st af January, l566. Also three millions more, in five dollar, ten dollar, twenty dollar, and fifty dollar notes; which notes sh ill he redeema hie at lho Treasury on or betoietho 1st ol January, lcG6, or fundable in six per rent c nipoun Iioi.Jh, i unning tv ei ty -urs. Fundable Ti casury notes hereatler issued shall De lundatiie or. iv in six ler cent. cotipori bondr.; and the Treasuier shall i Western Turn- and repairing 15. An act to provide lor tho better man- sue t.o more eight per cent bonds, except l r fut.dat le lreasury in tes already issued by tbe Treauicr on thodepos te ot T.eas uiy notes. All the fundable Treasury notes now on hand, s gnd, dated aid numbered, shall have written or prin'ed across tho face tho words, "fundable only in 6ix per age.ni.i anu rej a r I ilir p kc l!o.nl, and l ebuiidin. ert nn bridges on the same. 16. An net to hum nd t he I. arter of the Hai k t Lexingwr it, hihi rstub isn the Rank ol (tra)iani IT An art to rrohibit the distllation of cenl. bonds." which n les shall bo fundable spirit ious ii.uorn. at the pleasure of the holder, in the coupon Prohibits distillation if spirituous bonds ol the Slate, payable 1st January, iq-iora attrr the 1st of January, ls63, 1892, bearing six per cent, interest. The Ir m "corn, wheat, peaa and peanuts, oats, Ti easary to collect as speedily as possible rye, Cmoese sugar cane, tho seed thereof tbo debt due to North Carolina frem lho sy rap, !iuduses, rice, dried fruit or pota- Confederate government, and out of the . t, or any mixture of iny or either of money bo collected, to pay off by the 1st of them.'' Violator f this law are subject- January. 105, the State bonds be iring id for each act of distillation to indictment eiiht per cent, interest, unless the holders a for misdemoanor. Penalty, fine and will exchange tbcm tor six per eent. bonds imprisonment the tine not to be less than Treasurer also to pay Banks temporary $0J; the imprisonment not leas than loans out ot tho money to be collected sixty days. Persons offending against tbe from the Confederate government, proviiiona of this act are also to be deemed 37. An act in relation to the supply of guilty of a distinct otTenco for ovory day salt. or part of a d iy in which they be so offen- Confirms a contract made by Messrs. ding Tois act does not repeal tho ordi. N. W. Woodfin, aid G. W. Mordecai, on r . uireciors are authorized to receive as pu piis all white deaf mutes and blind, not physically er mental. y imbecile between the ages ot seven and twenty-one years charging for beard such only as aro able tb pay tuition being free to all. The Courts of Pleas and Quaiter Sessions of this State are required lo levy a tax of 875 for each pupil lor eight years; Pro"ided that no sueh tax is to be levied whon the pupils parent or guardian pay said sura. In case ul lailuro to levy said tax the amount is to be paid by lho Presidei t and Directors of th Literary Fund and deducted from the share of aid county in the next distribu tion ol the Common School Fund. 43. An actio incorporate the town of MariOn. 41 An act to amend section second of an ordinance ot the Convention, rati tit d tho 1 . k i I i t f a V v t r . . i i-in oay oi .nay, a. x.. ioo'-:, entitled an ordinaire lo repeal an oi dinanco jiassed at the present session of lho Convention, cnti- t. tied "an ordinance amendatory cf an ordi s ! nai.co to raise North Carolina's quota of Co nfo icrato troops,'' pa-sed and ratified the ninf leonlh day ol February, A. 1)., 162, and to extend the provisions as to bounty lo certain other persons. Priivides that "no person not a citizen of iiii State," shall receive the State boun ty. This act apj. lies to all volunteers who havo not heretofore been paid their bounty. 45. An act to amend an act entitled "an act for lhe relief of the banks and the people." Extends the provisions of the act, the title of which is recited, to lhe bank of Thomasville. 46. An act to amend an act passed ct the second extra s!-ssio;i of the General As sernbiy, A D.. 1S61. Chapter 5, entitled of tho Military Exemption Act of the Con federate Congress. The clauses proposed to be repealed, exempt from conr-cription .the owners of twenty or more negroes , of five hundred head of cattle or sheep ; or ot two hundred and fifty head ot horses or mules. 15. Resolution on piinting the Inaugural Address of his Excellency Gov. Vance. 16 Resolution in favor of Benj Fitz. Randolph. 17. Resolution in favor of John Blay lock. 18. Resolution in favor of Joseph Welch. 19. Resolution to employ free persons of color on fortifications, &c. 20. Ri solutions protesting against the burning of Cotton in Eastern Nor-h Caroli na. 21. Resolution in favor of T. H. Hill. 22. Resolution in favor of james S. Ives. 23. Resolution in relation to the seizure and transportion from tho State, of R. J. Graves, a citizen of Orange county. 24. Resolution in relation' to the bills of manufacturers of cotton and woolen goods, ir n I -at her. and "hoes, who aro working ..ndo. contra.-ts with the Confederate or .Siau ovei uuieoi, or whr have brcn.t henwlves within the terms of the act of Congress, p-pviding for exemptions by agreeing to take and by taking no more lhan seventy five per cent profit upon ihir manufactures, but in every case it shall be made to jpp.arlo tbe entire satisfaction of the enrolling officers, and the Governor upon an appeal to him from the decision id the enrolling offiecr, that suca contract or agroement wan bona fide, and not enter ed into or pretended merely to escape mili tary duty ; and tho Governor shall have power in special and extraordinary cases to exempt any other person. bEC. b. lie it further enatted. That the Governor may raise the whole or any part of the force herein provided for bv accept ing volunteers by companies or by individ uals. Sfx. 7. Be it. farther enacted, That w ercver special provision is not herein mado for any act or thing necessary to cur ry out completely the purposes' of this act, the samo shall bodone under the general law. Sk 8. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from and after its rati- fica'ion. The above bill was known to be so odious I II. It .a lo me people, mat it could not have com manded & corporal's guard in its support. No man in tho State, looking to furture preferment, would have dared to touch it. In a short time Messrs. Grissom and Cowries presented their minority report, with the following bill accompany iug it. Wo beg careful attention to it: A BILL TO RAISE TEN THOUSAND VOLUNTEERS FOR THK DEFENCE OF TflE 8TATI. Section. 1. Bo it enacted by tho Gener al Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and il is here-' y enacted by the authority of the same, That lhe Governor be, and ij lieicby authoiized to accept the services of any number of volunteers, not exceeding "in lhe whole ten thousand men, of any per sons over tho age of eighteen years, who are not now in tho actual service of tho Confederate Sta'.es, and to organize them into eotitpani"s, battali'.ns r i egi n.e' t Mi; a I. s or ilivi-ii)' s, and to in ! ' ' ' -ii. o ti e .-ei Vice ol the .Si.vo, a ' t C in in a i ul of lhe Go vei no j , us the I s'.i ; n iional commander ot the military forces of the Stale. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That each company shall consist of not less than sev l y-rive, nor more lhan one hundred mn, besides fficers; and each regiment si. all oi.msi not m or ihun ten com pun ii s. A soon as u suthcicnL number of men to con-niute one company shall have been r.iis. d , the oruanizulb'n shall begin; ai.d it is hen by enacted by the authority cf tin same, That th J Governor be authorized and required to call out five thousand troops, to be styled the State Reserves, fron, among the able-bodied men between th ages of eighteen and lorty-tivc years, who are not in the actual service ot lho Confed erate Slates, or liable to be called into that service by virtue of the acts of Congress, commonly known as the Conscription, and the act for Exemption supplemental itier- -to. He shall first call out all pucIi able Im dicd men, between tho ug-s of eighteen and lorty-tivo years, except such of them only as shall be hereafler specially cxunp ted, and causo i hm to bo enrolled and put into a camp or camps of instruction; and at tho same time, he shall cause all such persons between the ages of forty and forty-five years to bo enrolled; and il the;., class shall not furnish five thousand mr , then he shad cause the remainder loo made by draft out of tho second class sob iect to the exemptions hereafter sin cider!, and apportion the number to be drafted immediately alter each battalion, regiment out of each county according to me tmio which the number enrolled in the crunt j this session ot the Legislature. 25 Resolution to pay expeuscs of Com missioners to Richmond. 26. Resolution in tavor of G. W. Crump ler, late Sheriff of the County of Sampson. 27. Resolution in favor of Lewis William son 28. Resolutions on the "Roll of Honor." 20. Resolution in favor of tho D or Keepers. 30. Resolution in favor of the Principal Clerks of the Houso and Senate. 31. Resolution protesting against the seizure of Iron by tho Confederate govern ment, belonging to lhe State of Norlh Carolina, and now in the possess on of lhe Wilmington, Charlotte & Rutherford Rail Road Co. 32. Resolution to pay the officers and In ;g:ide or division shall have been oiya1 i.cd the Governor shall tender it to ih si.N !t o' the Con I deiale States, Joi I ei Ki I I bear? lo the whole number enrolled in the ' State. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, Tnat llii forcc hall be organized into companies and regiments. Each company s'nll con sist of not less lhan seventy five, nor mor" lhan one hundred men besides its officers ; and each regiment shall consist ot ten enm- j company ottict rs bhall be chpson by the nanies. As soon as a sufficient number of; members lho respective companies, aDd . - . ... . ! i m ihat all the other commissioned omcers, both of tho line and staff, shall bo appoin ted by tho Governor c.'and I .al d fence, lo f-enc only witnu- iiit linn s of this otate, except incases where the Governor shall deem it advisable for the delence of tho Stato to remove th.-in into contiguous i:istricts. Slc 3. Be it f urther enacted. That the men to constitute camo, the one company aro in organization may Uein ; and 1 ical delence, to serve enly within the limits of this State, except in ca-es where the Governor shall deem it advisable for the defence of the state to remove them into contiguous district. Si-c. 3. Be it further enacted, That tbo privates ofCapt. J. W. F. Banks' Company Q0Vttrnor aball appoint all the commission immediately after each regimcit is organi zed, tho Coventor snail tender ix to me Sic. 4. Be it further enacted, ibat tms . r r 1 "-! ... President ot too oonn aerate d.:i'os, jor rorct. hhui; )0 HUbiectto lho rules and ariu for their services 33. Resolution infavoroffhe Engrossing Clerks of lhe present best-ion of the General Assembly. 'J4. A resolution in reference to a fund in the hands of tho Board of Claims. 35. Resolution requiring the Governor io appoint Commissioners to examine and cd officers, both ot the line and stall, and commission them, either b. fore or after tho enrollment of the men; and he may require them, as well as the officers of the militia, to aid in enrolling aud bringing the men into camp. Sec 4. Be it further enac ted, That this force shall bosubject to the rules and aiti report the condition of the agency of Cher- cies 0f war of the Confederate States; and 'an act to enlark e l he powers of the County a county pur- okee Lands, as connected with Turnpike Roads in Jackson connty. 36. Resolution in favor of W. A.Meroney Sheriff of Davie county. 37. Resolution in favor of C. P. Bryson. 3b. Resolution in referenco tc tho Audi tor of Public Accounts. 39. Resolutions declaring tho offices of Adjutant Gcueial, Attorney General, and Solicitor for the 4th Judicial Circuit vacant. shall receive, 'vhile in actual service .ne 6amepay und allowance, as officers and .nt.i; in ihpir service: and they shall HUIU - ' ' ' J - ties f war, tnd shall receive, while in actual service, the same pay and allowance j. officers und soldiers in the Confederate Stales army, and thoy shall serve one year, unless sooner discharged ; but they may bo returned to their homes at any time, by the order of the Governor, subject lo be called out, however, within that term, whenever and as often as the public exigen cy m.'.y require. And tho men shall also receive a bounty of fifty dollars cach twenty five dollars to be paid when they are mustered into service, ard iheremainder u hen they shall have performed six months actual service. Slc. 5. Be it further enacted, That whenever special provision is not herein s made, tor any act or thine necessary to i csrrv out eomnletelv the Drovisions Ot this serve three years or during the war, unless j atl) lno same 8na'n dono under the gen- sooner discharged; but they may oe re- tr A u,r Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, Tbat ibis Courts for laisiiiir revenue for poses. Enacts that the lax imposed by County C juris for county purjioses, shall be in the sos upon theSlOO valuation for everything re turned to their homes at anytime by the j order of the Governor, subject to be called ! out, however, within that term, whenever and as often as the public exigency may ; require. And the men shall al-o receive a ; bounty of fifty dollars each; twenty-live dollars to be paiu when they arc musteicd into service, and tbe remainder when they shall have performed six months actual An inordinate desire to obtain possession ot secrets is an unerring iudioa tion of ina bility to keep them. If the sun is going dowD look up to the service. ij if .ha' otrlk ia H o rlr lrrr vniir eVfl SeC. O . ' ,r. . . .. ' oh exumnlcd from service ut. on neaven. itu uoa prwri'Cf anu uuu u - promises you may always bo cheerful. the following, and no others Beit further enacted, That there ler t' the judges SH'l Ot act shall be in force from and after iis rati fication. As soon as the above bill was presented, th Destructives set to work to defeat it, although it is well known that it accorded in the main with tho viows of Gov. Vance and of i.iree fourths of the people of lho State. Every imaginable effort to delay or tl wart action was restored to, when st leng.h the bugbear of u conflict w.th the

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