t -i '.i'-iv ---s-r- -e-rt ; si I " " t . - Mr, S. , W P ' 1 ' , ' ,-'' 1"' "C3T.n2i (Jr i inifi nil ii - ii f iff 8 die, -. ;.'S ' ' 4 4tt s ti nt -r V : ".rf 1 ei- i : GREENSBOROTJGH, N. C., JANtfflaSii VOL. XXIV. NO. 133. J..- TO - . 5f f, W - 1 1S A3 ii ii ii y r i"" r m rn 'rM I I '. I I - I I J I I I - w -w a . .-&a i & ra ?v -a . a ,i it 7 1 r J IM 1 f I f 4 t I s r I If Spi V H i l UltLl.SHr.O WEF.KLV, HY H, S, SHERWOOD, Ki-iro AND PRorRUTtiR. llpbinii W. la-old, luitUit ii'iUr. TXUMS 2.00 A TEAR IN ADVANUK. Ilufrt or 44t rrtlilnc. j i;r yrr iijur. for th fwt wfvU, rl ( :', i cf b'pi frr rj ftrk thrriftr. Twlvi r mke 4 -(iirp J"iuctiii4 rtiaJ iu . (, ,f ' ntn'Iinf mTir iuilows : 3 MONTR MOMTBI. 1 Tlal. ,r. ! n vw 10 INI .15 14 no Hrgltilu nd loi lli i Hrollna-Tho lllrhmoiiil i:niilrrr. V' ha J iht'inioJ t cnf.tMiuti Jour Tvyly '.'' I' hmi. J Kii'jiurf r fu i thu follow 1 ' r:- f iff l f i l Miuit k'ifid v ,n lh or ll 1 an S'mIi-p. navr u . ,' r 1 t h ifi oii' nl (), tiif (if t ntv , ! 'av in; i I; t .MMtio' 1 u J lurnoi. 1 ?1 .M.l.l - K i .' a the merest matter of form. The organ of the party, the Suie Journal, said : "It is a Mrange but pleasing coincidence that the tirswoutnber ot our new volume should tw thoTicrald to oui readers of a new victory by the triumph of the elettorial ticket ad ratei by this paper and it political .con frorcn," And it said further of the Con Hfrvutivcrt, thai they hould hare "a hide "UN mark upon their brow, by which they whuuld be known by the people." Now, in what wai the "victory?" Ovor whom wu i? For what was the "hide out mark?" If the election was for a I'lTKidtfrit, and aU voted tor the aino J I'rrmdrnt, where rould be th victitry f one parly, or the infamy ot the other: Wu it rouhl be complained of, except that the Destructives net up a ticket, avowedly u purty ticket, for which till did not vote, and thci.eby opposed, not the President, not the Cmilederacy, not tlie State, but nit acknowli ded oran'zed parly "political cottticies." Jlere, then, isfuli j rool thai the Dftuctivs had organized n party, and jj;iikt-ti every man who did i.-t atl with it, even 11 milter ol lorm. ti lit struct 1 :ts. ;- j c .v k' f!oil . "S If I'i'i ( 1 iju i T'.'i a-it li tm-fj ri t o -;y, wlia: du lhe-" v an- xt luoi 1 I r tn :ill 1 :he St.-le. u'lh 'Ultii "e ijwit t .ak. U. in ; uhI ai- ii-i .nw rtv Co. 11 1 e i 1 't.'lioi Mr f, nut t ;ll a ict''y !ii no il o 11 u., We nay. pi-ure1 o il i.ur I lo' .l ai.l l rcjfpiui i' lor tlie Stale, I m tho.-e li 1 hnT d'.m- litile of en her, we are 1 aioi s, ai d hav im.rked uh in i1k Iom lo ;il k (hi 111 all limo to i-ome, we and oui chiltlien may be Known and haled What must b'.' done? The locnin sounded. Arouse ! Arouse yourselveH ! rang from one cud ot the Slate to lh othe; ; and the people ran to th polls, and by mu h a vote us never wan given before, drove the' libellers from power, and put in betier men Bui truth requires thai it should be turther aid, that not tor this only were they driv en out, but because it was tound thai lht-y had neglected the best interests of lliu Sia.e,and were us imbecile before the enemy as they were malignant towards their friends. Bui what a howl is raised by the Des tructives from one end of the Sialo to the other! What is it for f They have been turned out of office! Well, w.iy did thej allow it? Why did no. tno "political W: l , t ft - 3 , 'l . . 11 I . . ;l i : . ' i , ...;.- I ' " 11; r 1 1 .' !., l lin -:J '. 1.1 iJI i 1 1 : 1 . V I tt arrested without a canse, to keep Virginia "former party." I concexfa 'tottHiff by the board. TbeSprinrfeld Re, in countenance. world was nevor made on purpoae bat Her press, the Enquirer itself, for hire, just fappened so! I believe ihai Mr. publishes daily or its own money jobb ts Davis i n thoroughly partisan that hv .. h)o 1. I 1 ; I I i V'M r n i- i r r aceiu t" 'l:itik Liii.l we ;!. -I-.I .J toaiiwer some (jiiftiot ; t i r . ! i 'O J Mono vevk ail. co. hi , rn-lakcn. W ? nhull mn'l all .pi-lioii mouruwo 'vay arid tim W(. ; o J. tai riin our readers from I In trrat we have in rv fur them: l N ' i II f 1 1 i'AKOLIN AS HUM? irn I.-.! lothis humiliating inquiry by r .'!:! a M tj rurrent cventb in and oui of the MVo' I fiei'ly concede ihat l hero ought to i . ii.. !, on or Plrile among the people i, ;ii.v Hi', or among lh- Siatfi them . At - Arid he who originates hti ife is alone '.1 I. :iiii ' ; lr it is not, id human natuic to ri- r v.' nHonao without retort, and self exi- i"" r reijuirea nelt deleni e. It iv ciiurged, :l,:il llioiewlio n w oj oni North-Carolina, dav f;iued dirixiuus an'ioiig ihe pcoplr; 'uvi i'1iinizcd thciiisolv s into a part), r.ii 111 1 .mc r 1 1 .I'll m 1 1 11I lici'a: 11ml Ioltp inatii'iir u-.'d in.-aaur.-i. mi.irioiiN lo the common Wrires" triumph in the election ? Why 1 ... 1. 11...1. i.,t.-....h - not "another victory ? Wavwasnotthc r 1 . 1 ... .. .. I ...11 : i-agr'it ' lirne It they are not so, it is .1 :r'. tiandor A t 'J ! ha Meter of' ihone r, . i r. .i'id tin' .liai.M t'T ol the Stale I'-ilt. require that 'io- truth should he Ki n's n by uU who will j r't" j.istly; arid that t!.oi.," who an ue, m. ni.nl Ito; trull), should III' ' X pOM'li Ni n ali.r liinco n clt'i-lion, the propri ., ol cnliirij' a Con vriiiioii to hecede, was l. tl.o l..'gik'ture then in secession, sub tn .1: .-.I to a vole of thr proplv. The people I- : !' J to . all a Con ven lion at all, and the vanity, vue r l v. in no1 oui -r -xcit in t and vei in" . ilio 'jii e-s Vi rginia'' dfvolo i 1st-If to 1 ho pie vrvaMon ol tier own morals; and win-it it can present Vii 2110a, not as a a . ; inr iio'inhera at the same time, indica l ihe people weie for any caue thtn "mark on the brow"-plainer ? Aha! Did tney have, and have they lost the people's ciiUilence T Tli:it u mo fu ii.. uumu r tlie Conservative! It they wre mistaking in suppos:ng they bud the victory aid the people's confidence, what right have ttiey to claim what they never had ? If they had the victory and the confidence, by what blunder, or treason, have they lost them, and turned evury body againsl them? One of two things is true, it was false to claim the publ'C confidence, or it was a shame to forfeit it. And now yod publican has an article oa peace ia iu issue of yesterday, in wbtc-b it nays : ''The country is gelling tired of unsue cosalul war; of blunders in field, of doubt and besiution and confuMon in council, of fraud and rascality everywhere Uniew the success in battle, whrch M. Lincoln at last confesses is the pnrae necessity of the hoar, soon com us, thete will be a clamor for peace from all aides that cannot be re- These are itrong words, and probably represent the real foeling of the Republi cans, wbo have lost heart at their own non aaccess. There is, however, no probability that the war will stp until the opposition bave a ebanco to see what they can do to ward suppressing the rebellion either by vigor in the field or wise ami conciliatory at tioo in the cabiriet. Tho prosorit party in power can never end this war. Ver Yoti. World, For the Patriot. Justice to a Soldier. Guilford, Jan. 12th, 186.3. Messrs. Editors : I ee that Thomas Ii Gieason, a private in Capt. John SkanVs company is advertised as a deserter. A few days after he was notifi d of his excha""c 1 examined him, and sent a certificate t his Captain, stating that in my opinion he was altogether unfit to - perform military duty. About a month afterwards 1 sent another certificate of the same import. And 1 have good reason to beliere that he is still unable to discharge the duties of a sol dier aud have advised him to that effect. Hut, until then, let indued,) then North Carolina musl tu ke i l Bera8 to me that jnst'co requires thu' the depreciation of tho Confederate money, does not recognize, and ia Ihe ' sense, mar at its very capital. 30 per cent, below its "not roro ember" any but bis own. own bank notes, which are themselves 300 And as North Carolina is denoanced by. per cent. blow the specie standard. She tho organs of his party in thia Stale, and is indignant ibat any body or any party by his own organ at his elbow, aa inimical should think of the spoils, or honors of to thu South, and has so lately been dc- office or place or should "care a bit" for nounoed by his pet, General Winder, as "a tho disgrsco of being denounced or exclu- 1 nest of damned traitors,'" it may be, and, ded as unworthy of trust; yet demands truth to say, I oelieve it will bo concluded and receives for her own citizen almost as be well onoogh to let ber tafier ft tittle for many of these, us is yield-! to the wholo her temerity. South besides. She puts her skeleton roi Why do other Stales want "State re men's, full officer o, upon the public pay, serves? Why not turn thorn over to the and boasts of her disinterestedness. She Confederacy ? Is it answered, because claims Richmond a-, ihe vitals of ti e Con- the Confederacy does not want them? If federacy, as if ihe South could not breathe the Confederacy does not want them, it without, when, trutli to say, ah can must be because the Confederacy already Hearcly breathe with Casth) Thunder, and has en -ugh to defend the whole South, and could not ihiik without the brains of the every part of it. If she has enough, then, Enquirer, which . so stolid as to boast tell me, why hag North Carolina been that us master, the President, does not negUced ? The excuse has been, that the "remember" almost the only ihing lie ever Confederacy has not the men to spre kne the existence of party. She impu- Aha! Then she needs more men, and, ac ilently rchukis North Carolina within cording iheir own showing, Virginia and wii .so ten iiori raked by tho fine tooth South Carolina must yield up their "re- contb of Kiebmond de'ectivcs, not a trait selves." It will not do fjr them to say, or can be found, tor her want of devotion to thai they have furnished as many as North the common c ause, wt.ee Virginia herself Carolina besides iheir reserves, because, ha iei-led aim s'. a mu- li strength to the usido from that being untrue, it will not do N r h a to iheS.ith. In what, then, is f r Virginia l do as vcell as North Curo ma, Virjiima slip, ii.tr to N r tli Carolina? tor he claims to be ai example for North Carolina lo do better ! It the treatment which North Carolina has received, wh t lie best that could be done or if her afflictions have been the rou of mere mistake or oversight, it 01 virgin undefiied, for that were impotable, woul j be best to excuse the past, and hope hulas a woman ivtornied. and North Curo- to amend ihe future. But if it has been lina should not then be, as he is now, with- by design, if it was in tho plan, if it had out a hh-mir.li, we wili yield to our more been thought of and determined on before virtuous siftur (!) ihe compliment d copy- and, ( hieh 1 admilought not to be lightly ing oer reiormaiion. ivji, until men, lei mailed, ; then JNonh Carolina musl take her not flaunt her toggery. Lot ber, like . care of herself ; must know her rights and an imperious courtesan, affect al least make others know them. There musl bo enough of reserve lo bo sought alier lesi notiifling with a sovereign State; her lion it bo aid of her, as was said ui Jerusalem : or and her life ean be given to the care of And the contrary is in thee irorn oilnr no other. If ihe President does "not re-1 women, in thai thou giv. st a reward t they member" any but those who call him mis ' lovers, and no rewaid is given unto the." ter, -eiier arouse him from his torpidity,; But w hat ia ihe ground of tins tirade and imII him plainly that he is only a ser-! against Norlh Carolina? What has she vant, to be praised when he does well, and uui e : nai na sue ten unuono ; mere to be col l ected when he errs ftie tand: d'aw neater. The veil of her ; E . . i . 1 1 1: mooeiy neeu 1101 ue raiseu 10 uicovtr to r.1 thai t-lie bus turni-hed as many troops as not uiiv Nlit 111 tliti Niiiith In ti.rht f, r thr ..a I... I i.. I.. . .v... ... v.. ,.M v.. . vaoiu in mnusamiic, ur, more appro- u m.,iw, so vi , c t ll Sa.nl. n.O r.no t firrl.l u.iM,..t. O .1.. ............. I M- V 001)1110, Z. MlS .M. II. w,.., ....v iv "s-..- .t. H, iuiu , a-? acvytcc in ineireereinonies. pn.i, c-. ,r, u ti u. a u...... p .,,.r. The "press ot Virginia" admits that she For i n the campaign pamphlet of ihe cotton ?T ! ' f ' r .n g, H n ; V ' had provided for them better than any St.t -s in lsr.O ivnich rL ,hr.,h ,hr.. 8 ' h"8 h. V 1 V,a'1 . VVS ti i o .. . , V 7 .1" -',lli to.Ui,il, 31 1 s, o. l..aJ-,: a j H-'i " - eoi i ' in wioeu uie pians Ol lue U''- .vi ore ol tier territory lias been tihen t.y trucincs oi a I laid down and their the enemy than of any other Mate, eA ... ... . .. . u , Tennessee. Less has ''eon done m her aini"st liierahy" loiti.l. d, the quemion 'tnaled u- many ar'ie! - I o l.n &. delence than ;n defen e ol any oth r Siaic. p,ii : liu i i il asked whether the border mv cftmnanv'' fre'tMi1 K" ".eiuher-. There is not a fortification deservir g ih. Si..tes w .11 join us in ihis move f"' It is not fell ihanks, and lrut they may ever feel a name in her wliolt land rew tr ois been allowed her, and they have some explanation should be made in hi-ca-e. Yours truly. Di. J. A McLEAN. For the Part riot Donations by tbe Ladles ol Lex ington. Mrs. W. C. Hargrave 810, Mrs M. W. Heigh, S3, Mrs. S. E McK..y, S10. ('. P. i, : ,""U5U7l"7 ,B f . ,., :ry, 82, Mrs. V. Adderton, S2. M.b. M-.r . .vents remind me of what I do not like r j R $, Mpfc L r-men.ber that North Carolina wa- j0,inHlltl) $1) Mm. W.C Payne. S:j. M, . invited to th.K feast as a 7ue, but was E A.C. U ge, T. T. K. g.$f M.s M .we, leather w.o ih S3 I : additi on l Toiai flOo. the a ove I he 1 1 a v c liven commanded by off! cr wh won d not ho trusted with forces else w here In almest evory conflict with the enemy in her hor ders, there has been ju-t enough ot resistance to enabk turn to l)0at a victory . d that hey Will, nor IS It desired f U'M.-iinii in h:tv:nS' done so much thai ihey should atfi:8t. It is preferred to render the noor soldier comfortable. iliai in.-v shuuld stand as a break-water between us ami the North, until we get upon out foul." (This is the substance, I have not the pamphlet by rne.) It is a credit lo N-rih Carolina to forgive the JOHN II MABKV. Cap'.. Co H. -1st i. N. C liegt ' I tliMt two thirds o (".-( d to Mirn oii i x -!mg lull, iii n short lime, evenis t ' irird vi inch induced these atuo people o oi. in Convention, and sreedo by h .'. n.m.it,' vole. I p lo that tune, the two I V nfia ,t!iMi tlie people Were called : o , Tin nial.'," i4inl "S, i !iioit. ' I ih .- h.imi. tiuU iml im:hI the ti '.' of vaeh parly Alt. r n t' -came tire- -:ir I i veredr, aod tlie people- Wfre i i. a'. i iitoii", the i gui'i ' I ui'-niit" I o h'tlg r left a ted thr . ni no n t o uny part v or "t ImiiU ; for i7 Wei e ,. '4 ees n 1 n 1 ls, u'. d'll in Ihe aline n.'. no lii.1 ur'Mm1 I rk.iniiM tti'iK t"i- on -ii'.h.ut i.lTn . nt ' . . t.i . ii.'i ii ...I. ; 1 1010 ' m a 1 I fie Sur't'.uoi o. I 1 1 . e 1 . 1 1 1 VlrginlH .IliddlerN. The Ricun nd Enquirei- is said to be the organ of the Liovei ntiien' . H ?, can w ii 1 100'- who so lately Mtutted conqueror; wbo Ij lo make her feel tho degradation ot nil-nee, but it would bo a shame on her mI toil iverv nleasant n ace vours: wbo. i w .. .1 v... o.r. ..ti..... 1 ... r. tlie oruan ....... , , rf - . ' 1 ueieai. 11 11.11 urn ninio uj it "i no piuoeneei.oio'gei.ii. I ' I vil bv V'ur prowess, bave preserved every . hl,pn mdre.i to be destroyed 1 1 is nt leani. n:irdonable caution, to tako not tho government spa. e it a lime a 1 il.',, ;,. ix.ni i.tn vi hie h I Iw imiimi.' ilul . r . . . . " . , .1 . . - 1 J . c, 1 m rail 1 , So 1 r TO 111 Ihe v. a V that O 1 11 1 1 1 u 1 11 ivui uiiii. v... - " 7 i...i,.,f 1 1 1 ... i ..mi Mi... hud 11 it rn ip ir fir. hi' hn uui ri rpnrpns mwr n ti n oe 11 01 - - - f- - !W, 111 I 1IIIIUO, I. II. I S.W- ."V ..'.V.. ' V.ll lll.lb IIV. II HU UU H.1.(1W 111...V...V. nol wait, and muioncenuy suirenueieu 10 ,,-....,. in tIie ('Mtjlll .1 . ry .. .. ....... .1.1 . r- id. 1 huch a crisis. it. And il is tho verv weakness of cxccurni u-vnimr i-,,.,,,.. ,ii, u every thing which be desired; ! ( Nlirlh CH,0h,ia were to call her soldiers c.edul it v to believe, 1 b-U ho who will make office u has been don.g ir jury to tnj c .11 had no friend that you did not halo and j . ,l, .ulIli f..,js to defend her own, who a hiold of me lo day tor his own safety. rou d I. lame her ? But she has done no wiii expose huns-lf tor my safety to-morow. mi. h thing She has only called for 10.000 Ii may ho l hat lie will "not care a fig" abd.it rat'; oreen so much as "remember me. who. ii 1 lo 'I I; " t , did not hale and no en-my thai you did not tear; leare, eea-e to iiowl as a hound kicked I r um tit- H1aici o pai.oi a- o..Mlt, t-- ..." j- u( Kr r,llzo 3 w l0 urt. nnl ,,, lnL. service, and try to catch the spintof the ti'. lo voontwr in her defence. This is all. and act like men, and some good may be i,er crime H. co.nplished in the future, aud much It is said that N rth Carolina 10 do this error t j,giMi you in thu past tQ ,u y xy lu!I S(.f in t.unfllut vVj,, vi,e C m- Nut only has th:s injustice b -n done tcJ,.,ai.y. W--li.be 1 1 so. f'WhaV is the us by oar eppoiie.iiu the Stale, fuit o 1 C-nt. deracv hut her servant? And who iet.iK by ...n eel the press ot 'thei Stat e- j t., j lS, lo. ,,,. I. "onted.-raey the right to h l e eorne to the a' !.. k. 1 H'' ll.l. "HI ! M.ie,ll.Oi I lo ro oi.nel e of fhe ill 1)1 11 H"V- - . - - - . i . - - - n i. mi i v , . .'..! ,N 1 1 ' 1 1 I hi ll.' I. -1 .1 A'. I tt. pre-4 ot him party n to the r "Wii sloime, and t l' e il nde l t K : o i IIO.I 111 iii I. in ir 'il ia, ii i. -. o1 ..rti !...- a il e.;n i- "A- re,-, in) .! U t : I .1 n ill i 1 1 . ! oil -uj'i' ' ! i l'l'lTVl' I. t I ; y ...', . H i . , i , I i i, t 'i t trr ' - ' ii a e r - A . i re. .-. I'.ui ti i . x, i in mi , .vi , , ..rai iar.e.l iiif in- -eive, or what i tlie i.iiii'. le'anii'd llo ii organ i Uion a a p.triy; .aimed tne ol jtrfe-sion at a party liiumph, and pioscrib- ed and aj.pei ed every on. na i a rt i 14.1 .. I II l 1 .1 i v ' . . . .i a i :..,- t .i. n. c I w n ich 'In e a; e ii 1 1 i ... . . M ,. a'm . lido 'I '. t. . i; .- nil ere gn Mate: I g- nt thai .mll) Caroli na may owe ihlnjutiuns to wt bister .svi tT t'jui, l.n an owe- no duty to her Strrd7tt. 1-rr.ml thilrd e s under obligations lo ooe uiinot. atie wilt, her t-isterw in in- U' " 't s ' i vj- 1 . B r doe- t hat t'o to It is said that if North Carolina reserves a force tor herself, she will bo abandoned by ihe Confederacy ! I would not wonder! sJ... i.m.i i , i i 1 1 o i u liriLr iV'itfr nr iiiitti- .t.ool nal'MnMbiT Mflll SiIIlP II III C UiU A ! Ml - t . A. I . .... I y l FlU 1 1 v - r iu. uui hiin, as tney lurn io icave, x o would tell them that if they leave for su h a cause, with oil that, they would have mon cause by iis North Carolina arli le liu present object seems t bo to lir n; polilic.il strite in North Caroliua, (to winch a very tew of our pe q.l" t.ro at all disji' sed,) and to eonvinee tho yankees tin.. Norlh Carolina, if not already with them may be on their side at. t o distant day. Barring its bitter predjudices agaitt North C.rolma, the E.iquirer has been a A. . i... t ..v ehe. it service to the cause n prvsiml course is quite a injurious as tha. ot lis r.eighbor, the- Examiner, was some j trufj t w,.re r.-coKn'JeJ ljy name as iodepfuilout BESSiLCB PREsroEifTjm r tht Stnttmmd Houtof Rtprtfntmtirtt tht Confmltft S:n, ; At th dateer your last adjournment ttaprcpara nons of the enemy for farther hoauliiks haU atuai. tti so mean ing an aspect a to excite in suu BMads apprehensions ef oar ability to meet them with suf ficient promptness to avoid serious reverses. These preparations were completed shortly after your de. parture from the seat ef QerernaMat, and the ar inies of the United States made simultaneous ad vance on oi r frontiers, on the western rivers and ea the AUsntic coast in me-sea so great as to evince their hope of overbearing all resistance by mere weight of numbers This hop however, like the previously entertained by ur fea has vanished la Virgiuia. their fourth at tent pt at ia vision bt sr. mies whose assured success was confidently ipre dicted. haa met with decisive repUe. Our tiubie defenders, under the ronsumate leaderbhip of their utu""- " again, at r redei icksburg iaflicteU on tbe forces Uuder OenersJ B.i.B.ide ihe hk ,i;rn.,- overthrow as tiad Deen previously ruffered bv! the successive invading armies commanded bv Qererals Mlk n ii .... . "wen .ticieuan ana t'ope j In ihe We9t obstinate battles have been fought with varying fortunes, marked by frightful carnage ou bo h sides, but the enemy's hopes oi derisive re suits have again been baffled, while at Vicksburg another formidable expedetion has been repulsed wiih inconsiderable loss, on our side and severe damage to tbe availing forces. On the Atlantic coast the enemy h been unable te gain footing beyond the piotectnig shelter ot his fleets, and the city ot Ualves on hasjust been recovered by our forces, which succeeded not only in the capture of ihe garrison but of one of the eremy's vessels of war, which was earned by boarding parties from merchant river steamers- Our lortified positions' have everywhere been mueh strengthened and im proved, affording assurance of our ability to nwet, with success, Ihe utmost efforts of our enemies, in spite of the magnitude of their preparations for attack. A review of our history of the" two years of our national existence affords ample cause lor congrat ulation and deman 's he most fsnent expression of our ihankiulnes to the Almighty Fathrr bo Lm bles-ed our cause We are justified in asserting, wi.h a pride, surely not unbecoming, that the' Confederate Htates have added Nnother to the les sons idughi by history .or the instruction ef niau. ihat they have afforded another examp'e of the im possibility ot subjug iting a people determined to he Ire.; and have demonstrated that no superioiily o. nuni'iers or rtVdiluble resources can eveicotne tL- resiBtancr ofloid by such valor in combat, such cosi sian.y under xuffi-ring and such cheerfal eaduranci of pro ation as have boen conspicuously displayed by this people in the defence of their rights an liberties. The Hiiticipations with which we entered into coiie-ji i.ave nnw ripened into a conviction wbiti no: only haid wiih us by I hecoutinou opin l. neutral i.aii.mM, bu. is evileut:y tu viLg . sell ur .-nt .ii.ea Uh.miisivi-8. If w tnik te his u. of the pr. i-ni i ar by I t.nluu pi i svvrrance ii. i pai ti we have iiii berio pursu. d ; bv vigorous tfl in Ihe devlopem-ut of all our iefour. es lor dsfei. and by ihe continued exhibition of tbs same as), u nils; cnuragc in i ur soldn-rs and able cm i heir 1. a-lei s i hafedisinui-li.d tbe pa. . w - v i v re - .o:i te ei ' CI ll a' io - ... ,t !' u i lie w . I i,. i . .. i . ; m ,n,, , .v v. a - eii loi K-i ci ii li.ii.fc i i . . I ni a. La '. ii i. J rn m.- ji'iii j !i.!i Kim? pi), i pMed in!o a anu nlji' iurv u--J o v vterr ' conqm t bYledied in ? i-cotid dsigu, our sl . nave evi itiol) ei iii' 1 o j .u ii anellipr. whicti can l.svs c oti.rT i itiui. i. -..- and t iii t. l otJ in i plui.'ier ot priv-ne property. bui Iviwever ufla.-i-lile tlie) may l.e be, tney au huu lb r 'La il iinr ilic rt uirci-a revuirsi tor a loi.r'h ysai stnijjg e uciieered by any hope of ucte.; sej. a- -c solely ior the indulgence, ot mer.etiar) aid. piiSMonh aud lit'iiiaiiiliug so xliauhlive an vjp-. lliu- oi blood ii nd money as baaunherio Seen impo sed on their people. The advent of psss viil be hai ed with joy. Our desire lor it has never Wen concealed. Our efforts to avoid the war lorceu on us as i. Wds, by the lust f conquest and insane pus siotis ot ourfnes, are known lo mankind. But ear rit -i as lus been our wishes for p. ace aud great as line bi-.-ti our .-aciiricea and s..tferii gs dunug tfie w.ir, the di terinin.il ion ol Hia p. "pie t'S iil each Bitcce.Miing iimiiih become inor uuahsiably lived to endure t-ufl. lings und continue any sacrihees, liow.-er prolonged, until their right to self-govern-ui. -nt and me soven iguty and indepen 'encg ot these Ma.es si. ail lnive beeu triumphantly vindicated and tii iu v established. In this cmiuciion the occasion seems not unsui table tor some refeience to i he relations between i i .r t'.iutederac-. 'ind the ne"tr l powers ot Europe I -ii '-e the S'-jiara iou of those Siaies Irom the former I I mon. hour ol the States now members of the Confed- . i . sougru -nine outer. 1 (in not maintain thai il is best for North Carolina to have a reserve force. I think, howeve. , that after doing all they can for ihe general defence, it could not bo wrong tor e.o-h Siate to iiiivu a rcorve force. But time &o.I'iyt:ttecllc Observer. In one Gibraltar The Watcbw rd, of the great rock galleries of tw Brili-h soldiers i a- i' i i .. n i ' i i ; t.. her 'I' Oli Join ii a i i . .i i ' i - a .i I 1 .!. . .v A I i ' I'l.l l - ill ae ' ' tii . ' in-tuui i... i.' i i ad bv eii f t .. i I. .net 4' n .1-; i r' In on..- ot a hu h ar- I t 'I- I, I k',,- ma! o ld ! i i vn' f tier I mils, he d. - i e i ' It so . i.r oi c s ili' i s ii i hi . ni ." Vi'gpoa has In r reserve ir.'iina ha her. Ihe G"V i , i i crn r- I .M ifM--iiiiii aid tii"Mi i nave i ... ..".. ... .... . ! . v u"rl ' i i ecOtiuin nil. il 'de in I their-. It i- s.inl, le, iriet -er inc. e wa- a.iy luiko j,o a e . er, . n at V-rirtni .,SoU'h Car..! n.t. and : i n sto.-a in. oc t e -' oi.i rui .on .' ' ,..,,!. ,i:.. ,i, , ...i-.. , . I v- .-u-.-n j ..i :n..icating by th- quesiion, ih.- j tU; ag (j, u.deracV d.d not want ll . - h .go that such hope is -lurking" am o,- miuMl (U ,,. la, u",.a (,ev have kept ibem that wuile they are pretending lo ba(;k q, HH lni. , ,1,., a. y . leu. and. d s . 1' i s .1 I im lie ior iii'ienetoience. llit v are meuita pr iposji ion I niiMi - ii by the vole ri'id h I lie o: e t w in) was not ot t he m . An prim! ol ihe fir-! t "ti, lha' although, as l i'loi e thr (.'on von' loi 'In1 Lite Stale election-, t w o third of the p-.q.le were again-t the urminul secession yet, the I 'on vec lion did not a Mng.e .i i . I a party i hataciet; piosciibed n bo I', and a-pe"?ed iiobo-ly. At tbe I'reio 1 t'l!! election, that same year, Ihev tu.i.ie n opposition to the oiigmal -i ces '"ii 1'iiident, but gave turn a unani tn 'U- Vote. - proof of the second proposition, pass t iniii H thai the secession its did in ' ' onu niion thcr proposed ordinance vtid eery man to the guillotine who " d qt.t-t on tin- iti.iuaru acy of their " 't tuea-ure-, and the like, 1 mixtion '" ' o '. that- alt hougii el!i, es w ore, f lie-, ' i - ), grcally mill' iph, ,, un,l iililmuh l..e t 'ousel'Vnlli t'A W v le IWotoone III num 1 ' .mil giiine ni lliciii in any a- good as "-loiusts, ye not one otbee in Utiy was -e nw e.l l be tilled by ibem. Atter tlie ''i.M'lential clertion, which w a- ut.ani " "i tor Mr. DiVis, they .burned thai ' " ' i 'on as a pai ty triumph, Minply be ' "'.o- ill (Jivj i,,,! ui.ito upon tlie name ' . uv us cUctoi.-; which was, of course, tu g treason. It luitbei aslis wtiellier w i ... ....... i .i niui "any regrets lo indulge or any wialli , Wi L'i'alilv over the secei.si.'ti of the Stale," tlierebx plainly indicating that we have j .-ueh liyieiN I Bui the Iv ouircr does riot coctineits Hliiclures lo the Conservative as a parti, but presumptuously attacks the Stale it sell, Hnd denounces' her Legis.alu re as very uni liCl'ous," and as ".a-'.mg in violation other duty," an 1 praises Virginia and hoivJs her up as an example tor NoiihjVpari Carolina. Now, all this in tho ''press of Virginia," ii pardonable presumption and vanity, scariely) but that the press of Norlh Car olina thuuld join wiih ihe press ol Virginia in the praise ot irgwna and the denuncia tion of North Carolina, is insufferable. 1 would not, unprovoked, remind Vir giniaof her mitortu nes or mortify her with herlaulls; but scit i espec l requires self- defence. fiat i lher., then, in irrinta b tier than in North Carolina? A large portion of Norlh Carolina, it is true, has been ravished by tho enemy; but a much latgcr portion ot Virginia has played bar lot, "opened her leet and called on every pa-ier by lo come in." Sue has pulled down hur old pri-ons and built new ones, t hoU her owri "rtu-peeted and the unsus I .r il isi s;tnl -.bat not a siiirte .le in me S ut exeeuted the . onsenpl law except N i 111 C.irol i m;i, a"d -be did execute itl ihe letter. (ieoiia a'd SoU'.h Caiohna openly letu-ed to exeeute i'. Bu' what matte s whether that he ?o or not, Noi ih Cai olna mounted guard, one at each end of the is her own judge. And, a- aho never lias, vast lun' el. One was a believing man, o I h .pe s,lie never will do anything, which whose soul had found test upon Ihe ha even the appearance of a want of c-.rdi- Kock of Ages, tho ol1 er was sevkii-g alily, orciurtesy, towards ber sisters; or ri Hl but bad not found it. devotion to the common cause. h was midnight, and these soldiers Nor iii Cat olm 4 n.ust, at all hazards, havo weregointr their round.--, the one m d 'o r E is'eru eoasi defended belter than it jutting on the blood which hud lroi.g:; hi-b.-eu. 1 1 the Confederate government peace to tiis soul, the other tlar kiy va d o it, il is what we mosl desire, what brooding over his own di-quietudes we havo earnestly pleaded for. If, however, aui t .u,is. Sud len'.y an officer pan tile President has not t fie fv ice to spare, Cp, fhallet ges tbe former, and demands and Virginia wii nol spare her reserves tht. watchword. "The precious blood then Not ih Carolina must call oui hers. ol Christ" called out ihe startled vet eran, forgetting for a no ment the pa- word of the night, ami uueiing uncon Heioiislv ihe thought wh.i b was a th.it j II tin- splitting hi'.r.- The Almost one t bird of the Sate is overrun Alhetn .rle Sound in the North eas. , Painli I- the middle, and NeU-e turther S 'Ut h, reach i almo-t a h nidr.'d miles Torn the s, a l'ue enemy has them ail O ir peo ple have Ih-.-u drivoo away, and havo scat- s. i:. coiiimon enuse ba ihe i iglu, n .1 t . any par ticular poi t on or i liss of tue ' 1 1 z ns .t tne tered over tho country unlil se verai .. ai es, but lo ai ihe lot e wnicn a. y St u r,m $ ire. Who is to be t-.n juige-.l w oil she can siate? Kvidenlly l ne Slate her-t It It N-.rtti Car-dina au uioie fiau s.ie has alread done, 'ho oug'it lo do i'. out roe ni ls' by tie; judge. If all ih .1 can fe rai-ed in due to the cminon cause, then Virginia and tlie ot her Stales musl give up their "reserves" But it is asked, wtiyd es Norlh Caroli na waul any Slate tr ops ? Why "t.oi i-r Iv tlu re is no wher e t o hole families are ncslliiiir in tbe liailr .af cars. ("Damn thei r s u Is '." sa s Gen. Winder in his arm Cti air.) And they must and shall be proteeted. Aod their detainers in the State and out of ihe S ;i e, sbail know that No-to Carolina will i.roteei her o.vn wufler insj citizens, and .ii a--,iwl ..rer ho t st.-i .d fast, a a "break sou ii ii o v . no ws moment tilling his soil'. .Next in-'iii-'ii! he correct- d himself, ai d the dii . i doubt amazed, pass u on. no 1. ke had runt' d entered ihe i But the word through the trallery, ......o . bid t.dii.vv-siil.lier al the ol.i i em. 4 I C V 1 i " . like a messag Ir-m heaveri. I' seciio'd ;is it an a. gel had p - k. n, or rather as if G-d him If had p roc I a I ih ' g' 'd i-ews l tnat s.id hour. "fin or e.ous bo d 1 Christ." Yes; thai was p. a e! Hi ti-ub ed I v.i at rest. Th.il nioiuight voice nao him. and tjoU With or tj-ience on the general defent e ? I answer, ihat we have confide I, and do confide. Bu our confidence has teen abu sed I will not say inienlionaliy N.utb Car-'lc abas had no pla- e b side the C'in m in er in Chief. Our claims may havo been oivr'. 'kel, because l he e wa no one 0y to pull his -iC'-ve. Bui that is n l all. Mr. Davis is !u' a .nan. Tlie E'.quir.-r, bis organ says ihat he "does not ruim-maer or car a tig, about former par ly di i mo tions." A. d y -t. in a thou.-a d ippo nt- meuts io othce, I challenge ih E .qutr.-r wale," for thorn, against the enemy that spoke, the good news L bun, would take their property - and live, and h-td carried home ihe rr.-?:!g- the more dreaded enemy that would des- precious blood ot .hr.t. siringe out troy their reputations. VINDICATOR blessed watehwerd, rruT to be iorgot- J 1 . . i c A., Hnd i i:es. it vtt uld be .... t c ,l.,d HiolvearN.lt vtt Ulu ue 1111 I til 111 . ' 'J u t - .. - - - J the rejoicing of his heart. It is a glorious consolalton to one asrailed i. i i i i ii-hf-i. rr.nrarinr iininer- So tar no cotisorva' we organ oi public opin- oy sianuci, upo.. , J - r r .. ir.'d i juries have been heaned. to rett--ct. has sato a worn iniavurui ucmc moras j t ; f., v "l r .u... i:.v i-Hn n. tut1 s a n ct lniainv mat uu" - j upon the human brow. It is noticeable hat the clamor for peace is confined as yet l ) ihe radical Republicans. sovereignties in a iienty of pen.ee, concluded i.. the c;irl"sJ, witti one of the great maritime povrem , Wvsti-in Kur.jpe, and nnd besn, prior to that period, allies oi wnr of the olber Io the year 1778 ituy fo.nid a Union with o ne other States under :oe,.-le, ol Conle 'erution. Disi..tiried with that lonon, Wiee .'1 them. Vngiuia fjouth Carolina nd 'tie.,! gi:i, togftl.er wiih eight of the Slates, now ir.einbers t the United Siutes eeretled Irom it in Us1.., and these eleven receding States formed a second union iilthougu by the terms of the Articles ut Corn, derati jn express provisions were made that the first union should be perpetual. Tbeir right to secede, nolviithsUnding this provision, was neither contested fy the Htates from which they si aratt d, ni.r made the subject ot discussion Willi uny third yor. W hen, at a later period. North t'nr.ilina s.-cded to ihat second union aud when, soli idter, the other seven States, now memlisrs ol 'i.is Confe.iei -acy . be ume also meuibers of the same Union, it w.ts upon ttie re-ogiiii-d footing ofequa. :tnd indej emit nt. sovereignties, nor had it then en tered into the umnis of men tlmt sovereign Strt!s could be compelled, by lorce, to remain inembr ol u coutederution int.. which they hid entered oi ih. ir own tree will, if, at a subsequent period ih defence ol their safety and honor should, in tbeir judgment j.istity withdrawal. The experience of ihe past lnid evinced the futility of any renuncia uouol sucii inherent rights, and accord. ngly the nro-.i.-ious fjr perpetuity contained in the Articles .,1 Coiitediriitii.n of 177 was omitted in the Con s it ut i i.n of 17 s'... When, therefore, in lhOl eletr. n ,,f the Mate- ng.iin thought j.ropor, lor rcasi- ..atisiac ory to rr.eruseiiws, to secede-frum the sec n ) uui. ii mi I to lorm a third one under an arneu . ' .. .i : u. i.:.. I. i.. . 1 ii ition. Tnpy exerciseti rjg.u wunu, i n i.e. en ; , required no justification to fore gn nai. .n an I vHiieli lutei natiuual law did not permit then, i que lion The usages of intercoure beiwtei nations do. however require that official comn , nication be m-ide to friendly puwers of all orgs: changes in the c"!i:i:ution ufS'ates, and there. ..bvi.,us p.op.k-ty ia gi.ing pr.uipt a-surance . ur de-ire t . continue ami-.-able relations With .. mankind. It as un kr th influence of the-e cou-i.ieration- that our pred.ce-sr, the provis ional (, .v.Tiim.i.t. took early mc.-uies for r-tn-hnrt to l.iiP't" i mm;-- oners rnioy.- i -o-. - : ,t the Uineien' y ers, an j ion . I . I T T i brought w ih it a restoration oi tne un ion. Mr Conwaw, of KanSiS, in the peeled ol North Carolina, who have beeu to count uu who were nol of House, w-slies to stop the war and define . careful tousoida glo uny, and t boundaries, while nearly all the radical pa- cberi-h a cheerful temper. Be habitually S t L I..I nn.l nn.i! LHili. Da. I' nera favor a final beparation unleas slavery cuenui, auu voiu . . -..in. I ' I , twi ii,:r lb- calU'-'tlS I TI1 x ing .or.o. n.. ins for the opening .1 rr.or ! i-mh.J iipio:.t : ii.iert'ourse. .... I'n-.r. to..ev.T. t ) the arrival abri a t ct Me.--: ' ( oui.-ni-.-ioiiers the United Mates bad corumenc d ' h. si.lit'es H-mnst the Confederacy by despatch. -g a ;-eciei expedition to. ttier reinforcement of rn ' t l. m, r.uf rai '. sumter, ;ilter an elpresB pron isc to and w, 'h . duplicity which h been tolly unveil . ' ,.v ha.il also 'u.v- communiciiionsto the d.ff.rent Cabinets ol Lu rope, iu which they assuaied the altitude of be.n 1 1