GREENSBOROUGS, N. C, MARCH 21, 18C3. VOL. XXIV. NO. 1,241. It fc: PUBLISHED WF.EKLT, BT ffl. S. SHERWOOD, rDiron and pkopriktor. Alphomo W. Infold, liiislilt UiUf. TERMS, 3.00 A YKAtt IN ADVANCE. flutes of Adverllalnff. On b.!Ur j.r pure, for the fine wetk, mi ten fore, rjr vth ti.erenr. TweNs a r .. m-ika ur. PadOelUoa mada io U -r f Handing matter a lollowa : 3 MONTHS. 0 MOHTII. 1 Ti. on. I- 80u t... s. ;.mi JO'X) 14.00 r.' .rit.r. .I0.i .20.00 Krrn I he Looloti Time l.lnrulu the l,at. In d iy f ir wy, w.cti '.lie Valley ol the MiHti-sippi .u'l be feeding its hun dred millions and great independent n pons shall, wuh balanced power, and with ili k i in ii i n m I ri- i)i t of riltt. which in llio result of balane.-d M)WWJ, occupy tho grcal W.m.tii Wi.rliJ in those faraway dua mdu-wious stub-nta, peering into lh at, reti wait intciem and expatiate with lomln-jnt upoii every min of thoso event hn ii r.wii upon ii almost qucker th in we i mii hinmcle them. To the Americans I i bote limes, div iled into powerful com minutes winch had ''. i n drawn together i y tin nover-fiiiling uifl.i nccs of u ci innmii inli rest, ihe thai aio low. progress ing b. I rc our yet will be a 1 1 beginning i I nil tlurigt. The su j-cm or t un un ol h cr A ynm of uidepi -intent Stales will t r t ' c ili' u rly ihrots by which u new con l 1 1 1'Mi o i'i i y was bom, and note ly happ cnui-s" 1. 1 events i y hud be n x mp'. d irom 1 1- curse ol a c dossal do 1:1 U', bearini; w ithin jis ll I'loclemciits nt I ii I :n il a r .nttUuilonal pronoiiess towardt nnar.-hy. Governor Moiehcad's ai-o.nloi ihf lirtt h Intiti will steal into iiiur. 1 1 I hit Ii v it out which shall by Hi. -i- i mi. t b.- . .. it dilated -hall have been "...In mIv and wisely made, so that each M ' . ! .1 :i i nt ilifin h.-i , hul n siitlii-iency of ag- L t 1 r a.a.iml.k ii 'itf iMrr, ii.i'ii i in iu m i 1 1 1. ji viuiu ii" W.I nt A ui ic iim ol th prrtont duf ihh ihf Ii u i i l-'ii ol tho War ol In iopiidnce. V i:i4 Aim lira will worpler at the bliiul r. 1 wiiicn "ii'ht to pin and mcttar to. (-' tpT i hr ld I'l.ioii w ith bayonvta and i. ii I, j i-tat w. r.'ilo!! doHpito the lolly i i ir mi. M'ir.4 in ntif mptin to conquer I ' . h :. tin- V. tii in World by anno. In n I .t'iir' whilo nalinc h-n courso of t.i i rv mi t"iiif mi nit no waslo and teimnl- ! , i... .i . . iltu will bo taught thai tli.- . "r v . t i li dm iniHii eiiu-nt ol lhf rent . Ui.'it tirti loid in a loom ol tho lii.'i-h t Niiul Liverpool. . An exile who I. i i 'ii put in tl cuiliofi mectinj; I i ili Uti I'n-Hidi'iu of tre Unili d .''! d t' i, i!ih j'litoi ol tho l'eare Con ( i I tui' k'oty t a Liverpool audi- h"-' Mie men of the South w.'nt. to rii 't in to cviiiont u pi ace. und how insure four years ol domestic supremacy to a fa'tion w.iich is not ern a .majority. Re is shrewd and eager for a bargain, as i shown by the readiiifM w to which he threw down his hands and raided Ins bead at i-omethinif Mr. Rives, ol Virginia,, ad vaticed, and tried tddme a bargain writh him to deiauh Virginia That bey 0'd this party bonoa'.y he has no other principle but to carry ou: nis viewn. cither ly force or fraud, be doe not seem even to profess. His oath of office, which he leigned to consider as obliging him to enforce tbolaw anJ the Coua.ituiion in the South, has not prevented his abolishing or suspending tbe laws and the t'nsii'.ution both in Norlfc and South. Impartiality us a Governor he does not even affect, lor bis enemies, the democrat!, are kept down or Hit it a nrikmiB- and lh IlfOUblh and. who - ' . Court Oyer and Terminer. An AU authorizing iht Governor to ittut eommm$uu .to hold Covr.i of Ofer and Ttrmmtr, andor other Section 1. Be it enacted by the uenerai Amblv of the State of North Carolina, nil it in lift re bv enacted bv he aalbority. T I ton.h Uf the same, That on the nett.ioa of the a from the South.- j Court of coanty, or 9n the aptdication of the Attorney General, or the Solicitor of any of the Judiciary Cir cuitn, or lor olber good eauso fchown.slio Governor chall ime commisbiefhs of Oyer and Terminer to the Judges of the-Super-tor Courts of Law, which Courts of Oyer and Terminer hall have jurisdictions to indict and try all while jKimoiis, slaves and Iroe personrf of .olor, and all other 'persons charged with capital felonies, crimes and mdemeanors, or any offences against or i in the violation of the statute lawoime i ; State, or any violation or offence wfcavover of tho criminal law 01 wh.vh mv uupouwi CouriH at their regular .terms ha?e juna- arn hin s'liinorters. do ns thev ulease with inmuiiitr. HdclneH not even see srand in the corruption which so.hhockeu our European nations when oteni alum niy , . . and tlie jUilgcs shall be clothed proved and made j um.cny tne nan.ngion . necestary powers lor tbe trial ol Congress, tie hud a Mory reaiiy mso ior , n 'tM charged with the Ibis. Wbcnafckuat u.e i.e noUh -J, of lhe crin,ial lawa or the Miatute why he did i.ot haig the lruudul. nt ,aW of , his Siate, and lhe presiding Judge tractor, ue repli.u oy leuing m que.o..- j ((J ma lce,d lo lry coiun.ue or er an anecilotr ol a circumstance 11 j rt.movo indictmcnls, such continuance or o -Currcd to him when ho wrts larmmg m , .() be rt.,,uiHved by the same rule inois. 1 wuh trotioie l, lie i-aiu. wun . ,,.. f44i rcmotuU ai i n. r i v"" llio gt-nerai i"rm 01 mc uhi'sh h tikunkH, and iboy did a great deal of agotolhelarm. Sol '.o.Jghi I d m-1 ti aps (1 lht) Superior Court and catch the vermin Well, I mude 1,10 ol Jmw 'n iraue fuhpenan lor witness trap-.and allera bit I aught u lot i f 8e88jlin8 of Uie CoQ.tnol hkunks When I had caught the skiiius, Tcrminerf UI,d lhe wunehses i minlihiir Viiin In mi- tAi I huiiI "Wi ll. ' i . . -i id itlini. nt may he an adult nation, Ii . in an nit n Ity ol interest wtil nl tin- Hrene ol uliUgtiter at Ii i tiiteiup o m i. n now Khuddr, even History of Small Pox. This loathsome disease, which has been doveloped throughout tbe country by Yan- iaun,4s ot interest onoagb to gie a short ariicle a nlaca in nnr rnlo m i, . nlk it history, which we compilo mainly from tho i enny JlSgaXIDe. In tbe history of tho world we find at Tarious times the record of epidemic or spreading diseases under name of Plagues, lhe word plague is apt to convey a very ireDime ioea to one not of the medu ul fraternity which is unable to dcterioo, bu' in reality it is nothing mreor less than a lever, ineffre&t iiin or TiiHiu in 1665 caused the death ot 8.000 i.erMina in one week, and waaff the pature of epi iemic ol spreading diseases, which may iaice tis orgirr in tbe remotest district of an stcnsiTe country, and yet if its ptogreaa oe innepnaentot the pecoltarity of soil and climate it may soon come to overrun tho whole. In the same way, although a spread. ng malady coiumences in one hem isphere of the gl be, i. may after a time invade the others. Small pox, previous to vacination, was a plague which exerci sed a utill more destructive power than any olher and whole districts were depopulated by it. The physidians of ancient Greece and Romo, it does not appear were at all cquajnie,d with small pox. . We have to look for traces of its.early progress furiher cat. In th tradition of the people ol China and ilindoosian, it wan enumerated an one of the common diseases ol the coun tries, and those countries must be consider ed us the cradle of small pox which would most naturally he the result of a dense population and the filth engendered from poverty. Its first appearance in western Asia was about the middle of he six b century and Europe was not invaded till a laler period-. In the yar 569 tho city of Mecca in Arabia was besieged by an army ot Ahys- MPinan Christians under tho command o t i . i. . i . ... Aineiiu, wuu me expectation ol destroying a i agan temple within that city. In tins army the small pox committed dieadfu havoc and the meanle8 appeared ut the same time, so we are told. It reached Great Britain m the beginning of the 9 h c entu ry. In 1517 St. i)om!Hgu one of lhe Went India Islands was infected bv it and t ot less than one million of Indians w-ro di s troyed by it and the murderous arm ol the Spunnh invaders. In loJUil cm men ce in Cuba and Imm theuce tl wun i a rii d t Mexico; in the laller country in a short time it is computed three und a h;. if mil lions of its inhabitants were currud off by it including tho brother aod succossor -l the supeiior Montezuma Peculun ities o. .1!.. ....,l....?..efeaa..-h.'l'sitnfa1.u'l- . f , I to posterity, and is it ultimately lo he 11 S 1 ''u I J" J- - ( ! cmnate niuci it not, ,or in HUI Ireland cU-.d mo.,g tha.. camlogue of mongers, bU"" l,ttlvc1J,r VJ l" 'dl f venire, w-s nearly decimated by .1, 1C U00 Pe.u... the wholesale assassins und b.iU hi-rsol bcC- 4" 11 1Urlhl'F vt'vl, ti' ll;wh' n having died with the d.beato w,.h.i. a very iheirkiiidT Are not tho hall million of j anv l-crson or pei sons lire confined in any j sho: I perod of time ; a nil :n 1,33. Cmen buhtinc men who have already fallen bv JaM' l"cr inan U1U Ja."."1 , . . lost neany an its inhaoitunis iy it. ore and st.-cl, or rotted by disease enouh tT . RTr"ler Rn'1 3,p rll- !"' withMm.HitpW.laj.Hd deal of lhe says n has learned t mmrat iht-tiial : Imi hM .i l i. 'ni.fti. ii. ...I..K.I..I.I.. ...i . ' ' " - ... "J "y-.i'iai, jni.. nnfieoimp.! tin ct oJ ami tmHec-t- than U .r.h. Ireim r ..f .Uo-Saus is el nnhnrr ..f Mr M- o-e, an- llio e,ral discrediting in la office C onfederate mo U an ing whH. he n. bin lllv I rouZhl ey. Aud ihul paper adds : , to bear uuoi. Ui . . ,40n Wrdi.esda lat a vreMfttrd M.f ' - more Si.te coupons at the TiekUrj lrDrtment v. a and w.8 offerrd Confederwfe mo,.ey. Thihe J. 1U ' T b Fl ,rnd EoCattlo. ueu io -ane, on (be ioU d that he ws Sute cred- aurniKm io ihf l.'li.iwing cirou- iior.anjeniiileJ to 3tt money. W0,h would ,.ot ' ar from theSiate Elucatio.ral A. .M-i..;.kM ....... M , of North Caroliu i. Tho olj rt pro, M.ed pay in Treasury notes, aud the creditor 1-n tk. ofiice uup.d." lhe gentleman re 1 erred ir la. We under i " " ' 1 rasl n,0,"'nt l the people of the stand, John U. Kiiklaml, of H:l sb roiigh. Confederacy, and it is des ta'de that tha Now, who has disced. ted . Cnfoderato Couveuiion at Coiuml.i b- ll u.u..l. H money I Mr. Worth has in hand a larire v amount of Confedei ale m.ney, whick he is paying out to Slate creditors as they present their clntma. lie makes no dis. tincliou beiwf en then, t,ui pay. thorn all in this If the currency be god and il rtfr-Uirhi not to ho discredited, irhu did Mr. KukLmd refuse to take it ? W h y did ho demand J icasury note-? The pica wnicn no puis in that be is ' a Slate credi tor," will not avail him. Is ho any belter, as "a Stale cr.dit.n," thitn tho soldier.. u hum l D ...... n . T ftv ii, 1 dVlliaUT JLiCWIrt- Willi iAI r W, II, your . in and a n ighhorcarne lo roe aawl said, larmt-r Lincoln, why oi.t't y.-u kill bkuiiki?' And I said, "Y u may U all il ou like, and"ha"e llieir tkin ; my neighbor killed one ol em, but thai skunk made such anawlul -luncii al-rv he du d, that we calculated to let nil the ret go." Agaii, the moral is not of a lofty kind, although the 1 1. 1-r, . re t a 1 1 n is not difficult.. W'e thiiU we can see how inse cure mist bo tho lives, and lib. rly und property ol the members ol a hostile party when such a party chiel as thi ism pnwer and how insupportable mu-t be u despotism in which a man o' this calibre is ite ilcsp"t. We have here the lnst'iy of the begin1 ning of lhe end, bul wlm can tell how the pages will bo written whcl) are vet io he filled before the inevitable reparation is :v Complishud .1 . i. .. ii .i....i .... 1 1... wnen siin.moieu, ouan uniu uuwci same tules, lorleilures and penalties, and wun the same privileges ns if lhe le-m were a regular term. And the Judge appointed to hold tho Coui t of Oy er and TYrmin-r in the county for which .appli cation is made, shall fix tho time for hsddiug the same, an J shall forthwith iwtify the S'leriffol thecuuntyof such lime appoin ted for holdingsuch Court; and the oCicers pro-eculing lor tho late attending such Court, shah be entitled to receive .ht same tecs and compensation as for attending a regular tfi in of tho Superior Court 1 Sec. 2 Be it further enacleii, That lhe said Cwuits shall be held at the c Miriios i s ol Hio ilifK'i enl counties, at the same places at which lhe general terms ot the in i - .1' . , . i . j Are McenvH like those which ' 0,,.tf,A n uH, th wo a short limo since de.-enhed from Da- . r...t i okrl(r u. . .. . . .i Clerk ol the County Couit ana bheritl, as- iioiui- ec io inieriM se, anu it uie i eii ii ui . , , - , , n . i i j . . ji ii sisied by three Justices ol the Peace, shall, latt President to go out 8inid horrible 3 , . . , ' ... in uie same nieue in unu ci pwho io VIII. Mil , IW latt l'resiaeni lo go massacres ot white women an bo followed by the exlei inu atiwii o in lhe same I .1........ f - I, nn I u lorniy (I f 11 IV la lllrv I' lllO u i ne irjjuioi ...-, v..M'. J J .1 .11.. ... ... ...... .. a. -J U Ilia . K.l II llaataatll m ll.l-, - ;.. ..... v i. v f. i : i....... .. ui inn i -si Mi-ii""""! " "V . .....a,. . , , . . . 'Hi i , ed by the Sl:ei iff, from which shall be made lamu not linnwn in ihih it will he lainiwn 1 .' . . . ) January 12 h, 1803. I Sin: At the last anneal meeting of tha State E lucalinnal Aociatin ! North Carolit a, held in tho iowh of LmrUtoti, on lhe 14ih aud 15 h ol Oct I er l..i iho following resolution was uuaniuiouoly adopted: Rksolved, That this Assoo-'ation recom mend ugenoial Conveiilion of thele n r c l the Coi f derail' Stales, lo be h i Ilt" ' IH(M to t:.L li,ln. .1. . a. , aaau -.V. I IK, Willi 111 I. t Jf ... Couris' sanc.;our p .id off ll. Confederaio ! erHrTo" Xl f-r si.toy i; .he currency It was all tight then, because tho , l-x.,MHK 't"";-l c .M.- soldier was tho parly who wa paid ; but n"l,"P l" rf 4 n '" ' h it is all wrong no when Mr Knkland,an , " v v.' original tsucWionisi, and a destroyer of 7 5 ai tluj Lx-uir-e Coir- lai.Kees oy the gross on paper, presents u,..... . . his claims to be cashed i w,lM Uuvhers in iho varicj, b: lie demanefs Sialo money ; he does not j J, want Uoiitederate money; he ktrusl- s Cor- 1 1 Sn" 11 woau ivoi: federate money, and then runs to MrSy me tcon'l:,,l""-"t d ti" t jeci of or gen seme one cUe lo run lor him, aivl ,Jul,,,." l" uE?est a tuc J tho lliioresa.ion i-i ui.n,,l,l i I. a. I 11,1 n l -'lllr ol llie i.ii v o . I- .; . . . that Air. Worth is dwrediting Confederate H,d we UL-cordin.My rccc- , money. Why. Mr. Ku a'and is lhe man ; ""V I'lace in C..'-- ilia Afr.irAWwh has dis.-redit.d thn! l'" lllLry. -i-" money by refusing to take it. Is not that so? Certainly it is. Everybody who reads the Register's article, will say il i, for that article expressly admits that Air. Kirkland refused Confederate ; and '-very one who can count two ln- Wt i hat to i eluse a i urrciicy is :o "lis. i di n. Mr. Kirkland did hat vei y llmi. lie di I nothing elo;a.d the siliciipt lo la-leu the chatgeon Mr. Worih i.t bulb .li.i t d and wick, b absuied, b- cause l!ie is llio olher way, ai.d w ickcu, bi cause ol'lie purpose eviiii i d lo s. .eld he yuil y part by charg i.g the. ff. nee u p. u the innocent. Th.- ll gi-t r s:iy thai .Mr. W.-rth, in payiugoni (j ill-ile? ale no'i s; "It ihaviiig. lhecii-.l.lors.. ihe Siate." Ah! the Ii. it ler then declares that C nb Oenlc l is for '.ra- '.lo of p fd i ha lor to; t the ' uth .. ! '. 8 o'clock, P. M j Tho importance of t hit vyr " 'rill be feadily appriciaie.i l. ev..-.- . . Qf our beloved enmity; c ' ( 'T.-;-Mt mi I'liisn of pcio" An : ( - - m achieving, under ( Vv i 4 , r-cf a naMoii, tlc.i. ho-c n h. . -c , .1 in U aining iho hi an d v .i ds oi The inte'Miiy ol ..riet ii - -.j ii .t t' at al leai those ( ur te t I ' - n relate to ;nrl n d i In Cal f ! :' ! not be pn-par.-d by i .r. t s ! .Id Opinu nt in c-o fl i t frh ' h ie on hivh oi. r intilut ons ale ((' ooi.t at e i-v et to ic pur r I I ... a . 1 u iiu . i hu r .i ui e i i ne V, m i v ill Hie pt.'-eioe d Mr. L:inolnto ; re llieir aiuc lor the wars which fuU I li - r, , t st events are not always the t. 't mi; i in; iii iheir outward circum i". i. At. Mr. .Morehead de-crites th. ; .! would inive sunn. sod that tho t. ..' nt i v iolit hung uitoii a stalk wh eh v. : - in 1. 1 i .ii in a lire by a little knot ol in ii, m .j can led on with quaint anoc ! i et and ed by faimlia slaps upon t' c th,.ii,Hr. ,,iistel in a chair with rmii ilt t ' it. wuh h.N feel unon iho hi. 'best I "Ft fill. . i ir w hi!Uert. with his elbows noon his t a loiij, Iniikv man. wilh veiv ( ' a J kill I' .11 and litlinnd. upon the sldi s of his hi altitude o I ftfinnt': when hi w .ui. I M.i-.ik he would .Imp Ins Itui ds snd till -e Ins suddenly . lliit'JCa- "Lin c m i In' l . .t i in ,i hull ci! cle about nun Mit tl.e I ,.v ei n.Tt, S 'nalors. or Deput'et Ir ou I'll- S iui Inn .. Stiiti s. They had co i e t i linn he. .ii!i.- he hul Li en in uie I'residont l iiiMfM h.iti'ile to ihe Southern inter i-.'- a- d tiny uircc ttic to ak f-r guar aiii.-. t ili ii tin-iri'iit u ii i . r ihe Coiniitu s'ioui.I be pics iv.kI In them. SeWnrd, lot ioxniiati I'l line MiniMcr, ubiinded in e.iMy I ot. Ii.i.mI, but was not believed; and Lincoln, ulii'ii he spoke, talked of his p. uiy '(laitii m," i rn l to explain away hit tK-.-. h. ,, ,,Mi, al Intl. h -n pnsheil l.r ai ae ui. ii.- i .;c in 1 1 1 , i.. nk ' In 4. n. (pint si. in t ..r mi j.'. I .iii Kf I'hete L n. In -i..n. :h. v. ry .loyal have .'4 ' I I I 1 I .1 I ' f V . ' i II I. ,. II 111 . lilt Ml.. I ;. V Ml. l ' 1 1 n. hi ..11 t In-ui c.ii"it when he vv --ui .e Intr he . nee hid a case hul 1 1111 out t, v.i y l.; ihe evidence that ei u n .- ..,l I linn r who was his client " ,; I M iv it hu ! Line .In w.-utd uol give " 1 ' ' ' ' h' ' I 1 hv he gained it. 1 1 " . 1 1 " t .- 1; i I id I I,.- tnhlc I1UI.11 linn w "1 i" , 1 .. i ui ir 1 y t Ii-' I.t 1 r yoio lady, :t'i I iin ...I .wcl hit nai's In be palidaud In- I .-. 1 1 I" he .Jr.i vvii hy 1 lie oung lady's )'ii. 11!-. in d wat kiincktd on tt.e h. :.d at a 1 on-.-.j iciM e ..I hit folly. Mr. Lin-oln r nij .1'. h:iu-i .1 to ll..- ;iIUJ K. South to iin- it'ing I ,,fy. jki.J .ii'c'ar. s his i-t-sorii-" n ! :iv il H'' l i'.e o! ihe l...n. Il could l. ii .' y he 1 lo tlu S Milhern dele .' i i t ! 1 Ii il 1 licii.-elv 's submitted to a I': - I 1 t v ho himself to an ndv.i "A Ii ' ha 1 an in i'lst case w inch he w ' 1 .1 , 1 1 .inii tuly support, and then ' 1 1 t 1 i.-n-l wth an evil will. The '' I tint intervi. w, il it be faithfully 1 i I'. I. g A os ut a belter ItiS ght into lhe 1 ''a o ier 1. 1 Mi. I.i ui ol n than wo hare h 'ti, rt . lit I hi, 1 jp .rtuinly ol obtaining. "11 lies' Abe'" l h .ne!t in lhe setisr ol h I. , i to lot p.4n y pluibn iii. He i-non -si l puhlu-aiit, but not to tho people Hi . is "iioneti v " in t 1 1- r-?pi i t is in itsdl an mtob rable evil, a -1. Ill lent provocation 10 Svtes.noii. Our I.114..1.I1 theory is that u 1 1 10 t'entuli ve m i i h i-eii ih- whole body ol I. "i i "i ftiim -ins, slid, indeed, the nation ui.aijjje Luicwlu'a Uwiieaiy binds bim lo holocaust to tbe Fetish of the North 7 Wo lear not Slaughter w ithout result in Mis sissippi and Kentucky, and a threat ol re newal of the sanguinary battles of Mary land, are all we learn an the lust news. Concurrent testimony see 'is io shVw that to this woiso than Dahomey slaughter worse, because tho mats of butcnery is a hundredfold greater, and because Christian men are the victims and the alaughtei era are about lo ho added iho horrors ol a ser- vilo war, slired up by ibis honest, shrewd, unscrupu ous feller of good sloiies. There it something of horror us well as of rairo, andol alarjias well as indignation, in tho resolutions with which the Conlcdcrate Congress answer the Lincoln Slavery Lr clamution. Wo will attempt al present to predict nothing as lo what iho consequence ol Mr. u ncoln s now poncy may be, except that il certainly will iml h ive the effect of r. slor ng the Union. It will not d. pnve Mr Lincoln of ihe distinctive, atlix which he will share wilh many , for the moti pail to-jlish and iiicouipctent, kn gs and emper ors, caliphs, and doges, that of being Lin Coin ."the Last." which they leside, and there can be m trial W hen it enters a locality wheie il has of such persons 111 their own county on 1 not been before, its rsl effec ts aro almost account ol the presence of the enemy, th) j al ay s more extensively desti uciivo than person or persons so confined, shall bo tri-1 many subsequent time and no disease is in ed in the county in which they arc confio itelt raoro loathsome than small pox. ed, for any offence ugainbt the c? iminal ; 'J'he patient more particularly in tho con law, or the statute law ot this S'ate, of fiteul variety presents a most pitiable spec which tbe Superior Courts have jurisdic- tacle. Ho is seen laboring under a leei lion. wilh the worst typnoid or putrid sy mp- Sec. 5. Bo it further enacted, That this toms, he is covered from head to heel with act shall bo in force from and after its rati- pustules, which sometimes coalesce and fication. j ultimately change the whole surlace c f the Read three times, and ra'ified in General , body inlo one continued sore thai renders . 1.1 .1 v. 1 .1 . - C TT' 1 . K .T ... .-,.. moiy iue in o.iy 01 reoruary, ix. u , the leaiurcs uiiUisitnguisnable, and c-m- ai e in 1 as .o.l a- HuL whal is M.t every one w ho has a any other YrWh to i-urrency do '( Is not claim State "a Stute creditoif Ami againsl i ne must Mr. 18G3 R. S. DON NELL S. II C. CilLE ME It AN E, S. S. veitt him into an object of U'sgust to the senses. Without the aid of innm ulali n and vaccination it is calculated that ut least one fourteenth of'every genctalion of man kind would perish beneath the dreadful Gen. Jo Joliustou. The "Grapevine correspondent" of tho Chattanooga Rebel gives tho following t,.inL of small dox but. that were innocuta skcich ol this distingui.thcd leader ol our , , iun generally practiced, the mortality armies. would not nmoum to one in sevei ly ol Sptaking of pleasant things pence, lhoteon whom the operation had been per spring and independence leads me to ormcd and u.ider the protective influence speak ot Gou. Jo. Johnston. Do you 0fvarciuation one death is not to be expee know that very gallant but equally agrea- Utj ,n niuny hundred of rfersons ao ireuted. bloin.iii! Il 1101, cull upon him. You yf Jen,,er, of England discovered vait: vill find him mott accessible, and ifditen- ..,;,. lrom observing that milkmaids d il cur . l i- th .vn.ii v or!-! we t ill IH Vl'l ll Ul H Lrlti I -(OltullU ib. ti tU pre-it I f ; In c in I., tic- rn 11 u lh. sd W' rk We woiihl add in addition that our na tional tin mie air.iji u-t ln-btroltbe 11 1 it. d w or 1. 1 a- a pe j ol l.. 1 .-r iii-r. al dev. I pn.e .1 a' il a, -I 1 ny ; aud et-ry '-'I'S .Jcra I too u Lien cm m,- ..I In .Ml im.Ic, 1 . 1 o 1 r j ei ! 1 loll ui a..d I in iu-ul a w . II m- lo o j 9 u -c '.' d i t I G .l uu'l to . in . 1 ou n. 1 , -l.nijl.l j r in;. it SS w ho I th. r in the 111 1 al .luiiii.iu to h, up a .d d- l g We cannot a ff .I'd to ocrinit any exijeo' cy which our ind'Ci' e lo c-u biiiv upon ut, In ai rest our 1 ff l it in behil of lbo agelicitS ll Ch lo XI I-i lel'JJjJl.i, iltl tlioi" to proiuo.e l he w ella1 c of .icn ly ; Wg kiuW that I tne ning 'i net at ion is prop, ci'lv insii in. led, tl.e lapse ol lime Will, by - Ill n . Common Agent ol all tl.e Mutes must beuiteily tnu blessing ol i'roviclonce, hu! insure llitt JestroyeJ, ai.d our cuUieuiueil.' iiidependoiiCe lot which li.osc wh' are now W can read iy perceive that if the ex- on the stage ul action aro so heioicaliy con- amplo of Mr Ki'klanri is ieneially follow- tending. ed, uur Cans ; will '10 ruim d ; but 'tlie il. a Believing that these, views met t with tha- lhe Coule.lviaie G"'. en, men I can be y-u r hearty concuri ei.e-o we respcctlully Hu iurcd by aStaio Treasurer usiiii; and and can.' sily in vite y oj lo mctl ut in J J . . . ...I 1.1 -c .i pas iiijj out its currency, is 1 ldtculoua und council ai 1110 nine ami piace wpccinou I O J . .111 ...i i: - Worm kceji lhe-e n-.ies in I 'S s;i'e ll I .hey ad-a.Ceio value? O- in u -1 he pa) In. Ill ou.lo ihe s lli lis, as va- (l -ne uu.l. r h 5 predecessor, and reserve the Stale 11.01. ey I r such go.-tlem ii as Mr K i k lai.u '( Would that pleato the Reisiei? No doubt it won. d bin p. will not be done. Mr Knkla'd 111 u-l learn lo beted out of lhe saliio spoon with otln r people. The Register concludes us urticli wilh lhe fo'low ing vi'i y ri l:culoin r.-inai k-: "Now, it is perfectly apparent ihul if U? exam ple of Wiiilli is fodaed by all Ih; ir. a-uii-r.i of ihe Mated 1 uiup.isn g i lie Co. led r.-iCt, tlie credit ofilic tupld iiouseie. An Extra y A(iA.r BtAlTY. The Eoi picss ol Fiauee' is probably lhe 11 u-i eXUuvagalil wonun living. N r is Hps all; she ha been ihe auso ol run-out. exiravanco iu the fauiilu-s of her hus hands' subjects, and in ail 1 ouuirn s wh. re iho coal y lashtoiis sue nut se. have louud Uvor. M. Fould, the E.u.ei r'- Alcmirj I Finance, IhltaiCim U 1 a-. . . t,,a , the-, unie.-s her enormous di.iu.t up-.o n,e'' iieusury are curtailed. S.j cos ly na.t .si.e i made llio toilette in it that lash immi le h-Jics uie utterly unabie 10 settle their hills for dress, and it is state 1 by tlie E .giith press that it is Us much, as many ol them can do to pay the mures', on th,- l .i-je debts which following lhe Imperial tu Jes has caused ihem lo incur. She ha in ido h. r upartmon: in t'.e Tuiileriea as mugni tkent at the palaerc one reads about 111 the Hi cniui I.. lies.. Tho doois cl her b-.uioir are o' v - 1 inlaid with gold. The fun nine i 1 o-e-wood, inluid w ild urn roi's, gold, and ivoi y, and IS Upholstered wilh pale led snk. Smyrnian carpeting of the heavicfet texture covers ihe-fi -or, and the cili. ' is smei.didiv r. . . . " . . 1 J gag. d Irom the pi ess of official business that uinst demand tlie larger share of his lime, (lisp..seii lo luk with vim in a way. winch ni.l send y ou oil, lee ing heller o yoiii si ll and him, than when you oame. lie is oi.eotthose men lor whom you cann t resist a personal impulse of kindness. Ea- wh so hadu were made sore from contact wuh a scab on the udder of cows that were milked by them escaped the disease, though in almost daily contact wilh it. Ho was tnus L-d to expei irac nt upon his son ur.d then upon himself with some of the vaccine mailer laken lrom the uuder 01 a nwaiiny sy himself, ho hat the happy lacuhy ol all ow ana result has given to ti e world me. 1 ol good heart ai.d g rue fill . ddressof t.. , t,u rt. protection against this mott'loalh- pulling those with whom hois tlnown, H()riK. d,8ease. Wr0 hope our readers, when also at ease. Very unpretending, he is by tu.y jH.rSo this article if they have not 11 no ant uuinip. sing, for an able mind, lu.c vaccinated within seven years past a nheml ex u.-i o nce, and lhe education ol ,...11 . oliru have it performed. It is the The Case of Calvin ii. Perkins. Ob Sui unlay last ll.o case of C'alvin (i. Pel Uins, ol Wayne County, w us iuvesliga led in tins c:ty belore Judge Saunders, on a writ of h'ibeas corpus issued by Judge liallle, and s. rved on Cap! Me Coy in 1 0111 matid ol'the Coiifeclorale prison a I S.i lisbci ry. The wm was applied lor by J. IL Everett, Esq, of Wa, 1 e, one of Mr. Perkins' couutel.und as served on Capt. MjCy by iho Siui iff of It iwan County Messrs. Moore and Philips appeared for Mr. Perkins, ai.d Messrs. Caldwell und Love lor Capt. McCoy. We learn that iho only point of impor tance made by lhe evidence against Mr. Pel kins w as, 1 hal after ine w rii had been sei veil, Lul Without las knonli.lije ) the f ut, above, luily believing that by the Divine luvoi , vve may lb-is bo enaoled lo lay, in this day ol trial, the foil 1.. Union of" which will redound to tho honor and J perily ot our nohl.i i onnlry . . With much respei-l, we aro truly Vvrz, C. II WILEY, Supt of C on School, of N. C. J D. rAMPIiKLL, . . Ed. N. C. Juarnal ol E 'uc-.tion. WILLI 12 J. P ' L.jSli, Pun. N. C. L.rt. 1). .'c U & li. I H t"l he . t t lie 1 IresCOtd. The desks and portloiios ate ol lorloiso "shell, aiahesqued wuh gold; ami the most valuable paintings ul the old masters ornament iho walls. The beauulul woman who has surrounded hersell with these luxuries, spends an ulmosl labulous umounl annually iu late laces and utl the 1n4.siexpei.Mvc uilicles ol female costume, besid.a substrining unheard ot su us in aid ol vasl political schemes, tor she id withal un inn inning politican. The Empress m iiuny six years ut age, and thcrelore old en.iugirio In vo lo .m cd prudence; yet she is inure prodiial now than when 111 iho hey dey of her youth aud beauty. a M'h dar as Well as a soldier, give him a pi c so n co which mere mannar could never unpai t. Napoleon is said to havo been in his moments of relaxation even child-like to ' hose about bun, und yet never ho much so at to l.i-e thai digni'y, which was at ti mes :ovi'-n spuing. 1 should say thai with till ihe dig. uy . I iVte pun si chevalier de Fiunce, Joe i lie n t ageinleman of Iho" Old Do minion?) Gen. Johnston is only awe -inspiring n the ballle beld. Al ull evenis. in llie , pr vale relations ot'lifo h? is eiinueiilly ' . r it' itui a: d gracious, itetling n example ' ot irne vv. rii, t.. affectation, which might he stmliecLloadvantagu by aomeof the many ajost'.is ol cam and assumption in lhe unlit. n y service of tho Con federate S'ates. Gw"i. Johiitiiin is rather under itian over the medium lieighl. .has a lace reniai kablo tor luliness 61 expression, Combining evi dences ol greal dec. aion of character wilh culture, inulUci, and al lime-, the most play lui bun horn me. I siiould say that idea ality, wealth ol resource, trenchant pc-r-c- piioti quick ai.d agile activity 0' con clusion uro lhe presiding iaioy ncrustes ol u mind martial by nature. As far as I have seen and. inde d. chance has iiivcn i . . I ..I S sui est molbod ol preveniing cue spreau ei the disease. 1 have no Time to Read. Tho idea ubodi iho w ant ot time is a mere phantom. Franklin found time in the midst 61 ytl his labors to dive into the hidden roc-sses of philosophy, and loexploie the uuiiodden path of science. The great with an emoiro at his direction, midsi of war on the eve of bullies which wen-to decide tho fato of his kingdom j Ceiigrcwlou'l Ul' ' ' ,r Some innuires having bc.en insd-: ' on the subject, Wo give belo? tho I ' ia relation iho Congressional election iu tH.i Siate. The Legislature, at its extra session in . 1 1 a ' he staled lo Capi .viccov, in .1 cnveisa- g )K.lb1 uid o(v t10 Sltt;e iyt0 lion winch ihat o Ulcer s uehi ami held 1 ... ... . , ,i L. r . Coiiiti r.kM i'i districts. is lollows : wuh him, that he did not look or roier- " lion to the Coniedeiale Stales or tins Siato First D.striCt . Mui tin, Hertford, Gates, bu'toll.o United Slates. After ai guineit Chowan, Pel quunoiis, Pa,i-qu.otnhk, C'Mrt- ho whs bou-id over in lhe sum id liv e ihou- den, Cuiiiluck. N-n ihampton, Waahington, sand dollars to appear al Wayne Supeiior Tyrrell, and I'tl'lio. Couit. Mr. Perkins, it seem?, was at Morehead City when Newbein vv as taken Ho vvi.s ai.xiou.s to Cro.-S the i es ai d return lo h.s li.-me, I ut w'a- nfu-id p r mission to do so until ne look the oath "f neutrality. lie llu-n returned, ai.d was Frederick"! ooi alter urrv sled by order ol Gen. Uol '.-es in the a-i.u sent to S.ilisbu'y . lie a as in piison theie lor moie t an ten months, and a w as denied In-n. We b. lieve lie was r Ii. ..ill in.) riall lliL-.l lu-lore Jii..;e found time to revel in lhe und intellectual charms ol pleasures t-roiiiUii B -g 6ecjiitl District. Halifax.! E-Jg- combe, B. aul ); t, W.lsou, Pill, Greene-. Lenoir aim I I de. Thmi District. Cu ter. -i. Craven. JeneS, O ..slow, fJiiplin, W ay n , Julmst. 11 and .5alIIso,. lututh D'Sfrut. N w 4 In. over, Bruns wick, C .uiiin.,'s, Bladen Hoi e 1, Cum b rian.i, Hi.i.iii"i l ui d Har 1 1. Fifh Ditint. air 1 Fi ai 1 1 1 11, Gran vi le, ne Or. tee ai I N-i . un n th- iim e, Mui icmandcil to wheie Pe has neen, m cl - con- me uji th JJt tnct .vi.. 1 an. P e s ll, philosophy und intellectual pleasures ,), wheie lu nas neen, in e. eu.. Bonaparte, Will, all Europe al hit disposal lie,,.e... up to the pe. cl when t .e j , .1 u Mia' a. -.v, a a ' Wa- s. rv. d and he W..S sent lo Kal. igh. wilh kings ,n his antechamber ''t'ft-t"'n i'u leugt h a-, ii'.ei iy , iij on ins no,..l. for vu unt thrones, with l hou-und- " e ,i,,i.e..salio.. can he made 1 b-r tne ve e P.. , It v n. hm, till. 1 id, Si. kes Cas-and ccitth Di'l ict. C 1 1 a 1 1 U III R ...d I, I. the ! oug Ui d d real y months durn g hu h he l S i-hur ; and . 1 1 whose destinies were suspended ny brittle thread of arbitrary pleasure, had . tlHs languished m '"" ai S i .converse with books. C a-ar. w hen hu t (or the la ? o th. L.y,s R 11 1 tin 1 V iS'lOI S time to converse with he had curbed the pints ot the I n. l via I hromed with peupie , - r from the remotest kingdom, ho.n l tune for Bn intellectual conversation L'. ry 11 an , r ... . . .1. , ny observation considei able scpo his is' has tune ; il he is caienn 10 imp. w .... - ;l of our army. well aa he mtht, he can reap u iniceio... tho tunking intellect reward.- Lei all make use ot the hours 1 iiodueed oy (Jlv. Gn.naiu, ai d th ncry and devotion lo htm "t ''I- e im-I Mr. Ever. it. he O .hi llio c been iliO'-y.l. It Mi. Pel kins I. as coliiu.l ltd I1...-01, l.y ..oliel in e -." I.i" e. eui , b 1 111 the. II aid ..aii.3 Ii.sovvii lOunlty, lei I. In. b--pun.siie-J , -J"' " ho la K fiocci I ol Il ls chaise, lei. him o Iree. Tins w a- his rihl wlieii he was ui rcli d the ngtil to "c vjl law ; Dai idson. M 01 1 , Mou c in. ry, Si ."ly and Ati-oii. ' Fiyhth D'itriit. llowii.., Cubarrui, du n. M ckl. iih.irg,'i , Lit colli, Cat a v ha .. lid I hav l.n d. ,Vini Itiziriii. Asl -, A'rglaiy. WiU U -, C ..hiwcil. l. I, Vadhln, Suriy, 1 . vi- , I r d. U. an I Ibi rU -. J.wi D'-ti ii . Ony. Cn. i. k.-e, M.C0fl, a I if. Hay v o Ti an- lv a' , Mi I) well, d and Wa- Maple ScnAR.-Tnoop.e in the moun- ut their disposal, f they want to .btau, a wh- - ...sU Vugu.iauroMiaking muple sugar proper influence iu soce iy 1 1 ny . . lll,L(,gl J ,.,; d . cons.derahle, which sells on they please, hold .0 their bands the de tt u b S.uuders, .1 aa!u i.i Hill. Kaallllb III O tan III lhe spot al $1 a lb. niea ot our Republic as it J...UMMI, M..-1 liU'ieolllhl' I l.l, lll l.-i. 1'u k ii . Ii ei h-rd, M i c. el, taua. . '1 he elections are lo he beld al H e same p;U' i s a' are pt esci b d I' r h- .dii g cl. o tl n lor ineuihei s ..f the G'-nt ml Asj-eml If 00 the fiisl Wednesday in NoVeUibcrlc63. f 1 Mi i k n 1