GREENSBOROUGH, N.- C., iPRIL 9, 18G3. VOL. XXV. ft UnLI.U1El WEEKLY, BT M, S. SHERWOOD, fcDIToR AND rRorHllCTOB. Alphooio W. Infold, luiiUit Editor. , TKBM3, 3.00 A YKAR IN ADVANCE: Rates of Advertising. ' tr nature, for the Brat On week, Twelte o, i rnv rins ivr r'rri . . - ... . - ikMri.. I,, ., r Im. wl nqur. lauctini mad in Ui-T of aiuling mtir as lolUwi : Z MIlITUi. 6 MONTHS. . 1 YEAS - ' " One .-.piar T- t,w.irr-,... larto Sipum-!,. .. i. lIHiO , Jh.Utl il.Wi l.yixt 24 Ml 3J.IH Important lrni Europe. I'lif uTHchip B 'hrrmm wtlh liiverpool i!..L-! t the T3ih. imt., arrived ut Porilai.d on lit J7ih of March. She brings one day's later news than pieviuusly received. A telegraphic despatch from Cracow, n t he Pillowing proclamation by Gen. L n.e.e a iiz, duled Man h 10, has boon pub pd.ed, and that il ha produced a prodi gems clicet : 'Cotiniryinnn ; In thy nav.e of the Io-t High Iho most patriotic son of Po !..ud havo commented u utruggle, caused hv in ribl: abuse ikI directed against tno i u riial enemies ot hourly and civilization 'Notwithstanding the extremely unfa voiahlc circumstances in which the enemy, hy a gnat iiicrca-o ot oppression, hastened ut in o ui) armed conflict, wo have every'Mi l helievo thai we shall triumph in the gnat struggle hr liberty and indo pei;d nc. "Too struggle, commenced by unarmetl pi OpiC, llUS already .asW I two month, and gams strength and develops itself with energy in the prc-.-nco of this war to tho deai h iii the pr xent t tho masf acres, the piha-b ami i . Mill. iratioiis which mark tm pr i 1 1 -.. t. tli- .i.ony. I'l'.!!'! h-vln mi i n i ii i i v' tho absence of a 1' iiiiai p-M r ) able i I directing the 1 r r - e:i.';; 'e l r. ihr t rule and nt sum- . nitifiilii,' new nmn nv 1 1 the tiold. I . ii 'iih ii. nation posesca more Kpiti Mil l ui rjn, i ita na Minn myself, ;. I at In ' 'h I am I in . oiijh ly COiiHe ou . I.i hvv 1 1 1 1 1 -- I tin.' llice and lh m .it ol the i -p-n.Hihil ly which it inrol- , t I llie ;rav i! ai d i.ecct ' ity of the ni elli i.L havv il' .! I ui ', aftei' coiMiilta i.uii vuhlli" pri i-i inal overntni lit, to a mine Ho cijirenie power of Dictator, who h I r f i 1 1 i .-virreii'ler to the repres oiia I u" ot Him ration as coon an thu yoke ol thr M n.n,,j iln is haken off. " W Inle re i ui ii tho iiu:;icdiate direction I milnary i pvratioiir. in my o.n hands, I i . mi.. ! he in ct siity ol establishing a i iv . "v r.uii ot, w !i..ko Iuim too i will be -ii.nutb) a ipt i inl in dn.ance, tho work I Hi jii ov ii'Oiul ov i rn inenl . I oi. tii in Hie prinuplert ol 'liberty and plain to all ntiZei.H, granting land t I he peasant with nnJciunity to the jirojri etor.. ' ' I. lei of ali tho provinces beneath the j nkc ot .tie Muscovite, 1 Mi-t inmi yon to tin- -trugle the donniiHiioii ol flus m:iu l .1 iantii. Come one, toino al! ol ) hi Tno liberty of Poland must bo fci'lnevi d. fhe eonconl of all citizen, irrefpccti ve ol' i luiM'f, of icligioiis of uointnunilieM, one ai d all making Haeriiiees tr tho common ea'ie, i will give to us rurh linily and Mii.'.;tli acwili louder our now scattered iwua Lwrri biii iu iLu wuutuy aud iuaur tha . :.ilt , i i.drtico t.T our Coualry. I o ui in ! to urint ! f.,r the lit orty and n il ei.tlemr ot our larthortand. 'IjAMUKWITZ " I n terms of the 'ib v, 1iangvwitz has I "Mi pr claimed Dictator ot i'oland. (ion. V y 'H'i has been appointed his military .,. joior and dine lor. Tho civil admiiiin 1 1 ,ki ii-o has in'i'ii eninisled to l'aentjowoHki. 1 i r -ported tha'. ail tho independent ii'.'.nhi r.x ot the Council ol stato of I'oland m nt in their resignations. Ii oporied thru, the Czar of KiHma ha" sv nt a di-pati I. f-latinir that whatever in ly he thought i t the a'.straet jiHlko ol ti.e ill inalidct ot the Poles, the KiUperor A .e .i ii ie r i a a 1 1 f t e ti to no overtures or term nt coinproinine .o long as they cjh tin ue to "arm- d in-tin rtioo." A Cabinet council Im I been held in Paris t c.'ii-' U i hat ;t. ihmi wa- neccsury in reu ,rd ti'the above de-patch. I'm tee -Molten u h, tho Austrain Kmbas levl'U', wa al-out to pmeri il to Vienna. I he S "Mi taiy the Prtiisian Legation ui P. ii i-. 'MO.e to llcrln. to conter v ah b i t ' '. e c ii in ol ii regard to the Politdt I. -1 I Tl. .! i'vIi ln-m 'iiti ow, dated, tho 10th M i' t i. - t li il n p: tilioo mo bunn in i . o t:i i1 I'n.t ami Ku.-joans tor a a. . t i.- o. rei'ti. n: r y t-ie.s A Poland are i -laim , v. ! .i I t ry i .on-.;. u I, T:ie i r -.mS in l.o.ot :i on tlio night ol t lo' o 1 ri ; nail' Oi v i e iMi that seven Wi'll.l"! Wi'!'." Klil' b.i J t ti-.r l'i.)' I i 1 ,1'i'j a hundred persons ken or were other w IM injur d. i ""in a' t S' r ng men were riupi.-tel . t i ! , 'i u I v elncies weie itinm''! tog-'. h-r loi lour or five bouts. t'ru'nt fhePnin lloiii?' lo.-ed oil tho lllii li. m al il.. 7"C for lienles. I'u.- b.o I if ;uuMV lo.iii pa-sed tho Senate with 'i V tie de.lient Voles. It waa r. p -He i I' .ni tin t. ootract for tho loan had been mo el ti 11 Ii3( iillds, but the pai.l u nil !i i I i -I tr.iti-pired. In. . oi io i i' . ii w? roiys that the iMiii.' t'l Hie i eiliu u oi i.t tho rate ol dis-e-.unl '! Hv ll.i ik id' I'mnc'j j owing to a eo i-i ler l(le lull ballon fiom Araerua. ruiiher reituc'toii in the lute of dim-uiinl w .is e neek il u further d wiiv.ird inove inenl in rot. !-. mi i.if Ijili nt March. ( mmt t, il IntrUijtHit. KKl'o' ' l., March 1. Consols closed toU4yaiUJi lor tnjuoy. The bullion io tho bank of England deroied on the week to the amount l JCI7600J. Ameri can securities lower " Eric shares discount. The cotton market closed firm at an ad ame on the week of one hull' ot a- penny for'can descriptions, and one quartor to ono ha.fof a penny bn suruis. The -ale of iho week lout ap 32,00.; bale of wlncn about C.OUO were taken by spe ulaioi s an I 9 5W tor export. Tho subjoined are Un authorized quotation : New Oiltai-s 24$ tor fair. 21 for middling. Uplands, 24 hr r:. of Kin,. Mobile. lor A" ; " E.xclianifo yod this n.oi ni' ? t lialol and 155 and rinsed at at om loo. TU ConftJtratt Slc'r Al"t-tnu. The fchip 'Prim 0 of NVaTes. fr Melbourne Australia rcp.rts it a he wa br.-nght to by tho ConN derate -te.inr r Alahaioa on the Ti f.f F.biuary lb la'-oJc :U). l-.ngi tude 4 4 West. The A'abaina repoi teil the had destroyed thirty-four N n'.h Aiueriean VcshC! duiing her Cour e. Cotton Cultlvullou in Senegal. Tlio J'aris coi respoi.dijiit 1 tho London 14 Times," writes ns loilows : . j Accounts havo been received in Paris J from tlio Frericli Kettlemcnt in Senegal to the 'JHth ot I)ocumbv r. Several merciianls had commenctMl cotton pluntaf ons on their ' own a count, and others w ie about loimi- J tate them. Cotton produced from seed j nown in Februnry lasi, was ga;!ieret in! November. Thu80aor.n ate so r-guiar in j Senegal that cotton glowers do not find it : necessary to irriga'e ihcir plantat io;.s A j number of farmers li-om AUaco bad lik - '; wise arrivctl at Sen -gal torMr.tivaM" coii"ii. ! and had c miicnced op-i Mioirs. Tho j French Government in or-ler to enc-niiagi; . the cnllivaMon of Co; toti mimi g the naiivi s, -had determined to plae al the iiispo-al ol i t he chief s of v il lages -uch io-i i n 'ni-oi s and i;ia bines aie the l r-t calculaied lor ihe cultivation and ilr'-sing ol Hui cMt-.ti platit. The (torernment has sect to S-i.e qui ati American ginning maciMne, with ey lindrical Mi ws and ke - like th. se ol n piano. Tlrs iniiCtiMie wa sent "Hit by ti e Minister ot Marine, an I a pros" is lik-wi-e X pected at bt 'Louis Tnc gun.ii-g m i ctune is liircu ou t t ne oiiom.- t r a f Ilmi: remuneration. It '..v.ed t'.at the com . carr.a.'eof us,:1.i,...he. tb, . lour. hs by tho usi ol i is ma liing. J m- Klllt MlullAii fit, i. . .t ...In., il n w vuiuiouuii ui toii'ii iii .7viiv.iii''.niiu a ll 18 in Hie lit aZil it a' m. ti i ! tori tice, wi-ieh. I.isis IV' m cijht to tm )ears whilr in the I uit. d S' n , tin-, cot ton is sown evei y yijt', and i? gathei-t-d trom the month of .1 ul v until tin- ,.iol killed bv the Irost. Au never fi-.-i m Senegal, tho colto'i ir lie s A.-v .-i lb' lets, acordi"i.' as 'be t'c-- orov o'd ibe pjabtv becomes to t ei r i r i On ti e oilier hand, ih-j en u nti.. i is less expen sive, and demands !.!. rai o th in Hu-e t lon tultivatid in the I'li ted Slates. An ... . njvenon was raiseu au'iinst t ho c ilti v atn 'n f cotton in Senega- on the LMOimd hat ihe neg'oes t.cctistdiiu il u tbe cuiiivali.m d iho oil nut, (arach ii--, ) would not I V t fc " uii the eii.t'va' 1 .11 ot Hial. ero wit h wl.trh- .iriiiioii.1,,,1 I... ,1... I '"XI ,V III- UUI.IV". Illl III. II "I l'"l'UM, which is lu-w to 1 hem U is t w 1 II '! iiO'.v a ( r p lainc'. however, tl -at ti e from being injuiioii- to civ yi ow 1 in the same plantu lHr 1 iom , ay hi- 1 In bill, 1 him- u- mi :o 1111; liiouiu lor iri.'a.a ..1 ,,i '1 1 a , . .. i chide, w Im Ii does n,t rise Ii .m,ct ha' .. i.;i . . . . .1 ireioii, cuitivaiiou prepare 1 1!- . ........ ..... ..: . . . 1 111 d i km 1110 coiion tree, wnien uoe-. n " l' J - I 10 1110 arachide. K-nv-. colt. mi plants ma) be sown in a li:id with ; rawhide.-." Inter. state 0111 tes s. t At',,li; " l1' " I'1-'1- "h .wed us ibis m 'riiii.q ceria n 11 ,1 iv wi'ii h bad ja-i 1 . . i.i O'-en returned 1 tou in i.ei tr i:n (Jliar lestO' US 1 10 Ml I C I ' I C I I.;, l ! lj e II I' Iii.nsu. b!' there 1" i' g m ..e" no o;oi.. ,s :;i all i-i Ihe comriuvo tal . ..pital d S-u-h C.rolii. . I'llCSe lllOiieX S efe elil 1 tl lV (nil a- 1,11 1 of a 1 omittance at 'I were i.s f (bo' ten and . In o 1 wen 1 d ,n. Tre i-u- ry notes issued by th" S ite d N . r i , (JJtr-. .. iinr, payable on or betoro l i ., lut d ,b:v- "in six per cent, coupon bonds, nd r- ( -i vahl. for all public dues. .Six h v j doll ir V 1 rgiuia payable on demand a', t Jlichmond. Wo giro this t r.. ' i comes to us ami .I. -1:1 an ment unticc's-a. y. We I Ti e -.-'if v e lr,-,.. me e- s in k-'i j '.in. ly as il I 1 1 lo-i.e, I 1 . In ave iii m h re-oect toro'irsi-.:T H' ; v !-, nn - t . we had rvi ry re-p . h,n m v n , . lacls above st ue I. we nr.- r lue n 1 u-.-d to inodily our ' pit -Moh. Wen U 1- tii- Cnuioe l.ur, conrteoii-, n. ibbm 1 or nbt ; 'ull Olir South Carolina n e' b I ' . I s c llo plaio ll lhl.C-jnre .! I no ;!v ten. I .0 i.r. pelllale a pr j ol c. w In- h -!, v.- aiw'a deir-:te.l aga : - I w: ici; w-- :,e i ..... 1 o...ij nLiien 1-111 uiii- 1 1 ill! -' Il-Mli't lo bo. Hot W ItlnilJI -oln i ' 1 1 1 1 a 1 e . . 1 .' l , ri '01 rc.J lo gi ve I ll I 1 in ;.. 1 .. 1 on j, . 1 , . s of n'jr s ddic rs at Cha: i- .! 0 . 1 u 1 1. i , p. s pi el, aad n t oii. tl'.f, h.K to I .1 sympathize with ! m. ilnir t.-ln -s .i indignation. II '; .,. , . I II K Fatk of I j c-: I . 1 1 1 K r I 1 S J . I! T 1 : . lic binond AV-ig -i 1 .1 . .1 o . j.n ( iho hen aficr ! t'u Ji i-i (',, , : j, . mie U9 corpse lo lla !e, '.mil in an infant . its limbs tran-l o 111 d oil ton hand, ins' inn i: 1 gig 1 I " rke ri i'e,in-a i;il mania of gi'a-piug. Ihe loiy i -iif loetain- r p ., ... t into . ;, sli.iped okv' a u, e ; a . I inal hand bee in 1 . i ., (J .1 I r mi..- I.. ;, ri 1 ' th . heal ' ll.l ll.t-xer. .1 tii v for there ! iiaughi -e lor 1 ue hand grasp ami the heart 1-. n. v r lull ami Ho lland la never weary. IJ.u U.o heart i uUtiyx lilMUt In bui.-l, but juitsi, Willi the ii.nuffcVab.e toim-iil ot iunnt.H , Vet the tierce hand will never il, si rou tiiuiB'ing frcsii tire in.o it. And so th Ksioi iiouer is rigiiteously r 1411 Med in ev eriasiiug hell. Forihe TaTiot. Tbe ell of Orlet I am wrapt witbin a folemn g'oom. Like that armiod a moubleruig lomb, At e, more than that for eo there Some fl..wer scent ih i-ath-ilmp air. Oh ! Celt of (Jrief: how long roust I Chained within thee, eowering lie! Th hour for egress now U past Thy door is cbed is lotk made fast, - Thy thick and h,eaj irn bl,r Shut out from m ail joy's start. Oh ! Cell ol Grief! pfroii oae beam Upon thy ebon uaiW to gleiva. The more a tied binl flutters is wing3, -The tighter grow the cnttii-g strings, And ihslotHJer my lips tr ireetiom pray, The closer the chaini mtouiiJ roe lay On ! Cell of Griel ! bow long must I wait A relcise ojom the bontls of a cruel lute? Troublttome, X C. Fasct. The Lost Bird.' Weeping came a little maiilen, Wfien the earth was sweet wbh Maj Through Ibe fi 'his of snowy dasies W lere the shi ing dw-dripa Uy, For her bst bird sdly calling f h-ch had flown f'rurn caiele&s handd, J tit across the nirrow rier. Where the drk old linden stsnds. Heedless of her silvery leadings niw,red only by Its nong, She with wondrous rspture listened For it notes so ricl. and stronn. Ne'er it ang when caged apd tended, "Sing&U sweeter Urar the tky," Half in smiles and tears sh woude.ed, "So I fh.nk God made it fly." Autumn trailed o'er earth its sple-r.dar When a weeping voice I heard, Thrilling all my toul with anguish, 1 hve lest my li tle birtl ", weep not lor an angel, Odi cilent mission tent. Bore away thy little w.rMer 'Only lor a season lent." Listen ! comes scross the river, liy the pint only heard, Soothing utrAins of heavenly muic Kiom ihy swei-l immortal bird, Suig iv cheer thy sirickn spirit And aiune it f'. the hkies. Wherein nel accoid 'twill mingbj In ihc soug of Paradise. From Louisiana Intereallnsr Ac count ol the Attack n Port llinlson A cio respondent of tin-Jackson Apptai, writing from fort Hudson, under dated .nm - ' nmi, boo. i..w-..R r, I 1.1,1. I .. . I I . . . I . . I I . . m . .- . . I . . I .. fK I I l r accm.nt of the Federal attack on Port Uuds n, which resulted in iho trior " .i nut nritic LiiuisiiiaawiiaaaiM 1 be long expected f ontest oeiweon ineK'O.r. 1'ankce fleet' look place before d.i lish! The M ississippi undertook to execute th tlrs morning, the tir,l idiot b -ing li.ed" 'at -"ne mamc-u-re ot turning round and n.a- , , , T , ., kM. her c.-rape back to tho txiint she star L 1 1 niiiUHra iai w i w j iw rv , Ia"l one ut l-venty minutes past two. li wan short, sli.i p and d'-cis'vo. Six ves-els were to complete the expedi tion, divided inlo iwod visions The vat guard was to consist ol ihe flag hhip .......(.. ul. . j im... t. i- A.-L- l.l.illl ,. , Naritord, a firsl clas sleuin sU p ul wan cai l ying 0 8 and 9 inch Paixban gun-, : l.-ad.i.g, followed by the Moi.oiigr.hela, a ' J o ' , , , ho'i ion i- ) & hi I im rt t. Ii im 1 miinnllnir ivl uoii 'V-II IH J U IV II III wi"'Vt III uo 11 II,- lbV.-V i k i...i 1 .. r.-..i.. y guiin, nnipiui; ..u, a in sivii . r , nuoui luui 1 ui hui tt tiling, 111 intiuu'i ) 8 and 9 inch columbiads. Ihe r ar guar I was compose I id ihe htl r;;1!.c si h;, II. hlooll M isls.l mil. 2' itiin-. S " 1 rr., - t-" - I i. . i.i . i- . ai d l inch, and the "UiiboHts Kinneso Hud 0 Ut,"eHvM' eacn airyi .g inroe coliitnnia-ls and l wo r-fled 2o o-.uiiilers. Thu MiS's II 4 1,1 tllll.l tA'M4 M ttldil 1 luii kill 1 llhll' All I Illl 11 va v iivv 1 1 ivo 1 n v, i . x 1 inv otecis were sciew piopclleis Tin-vanguard was commanded by A'Uinr'tl Fnria . i;ut in persi-.n, 011 b iur.1 ine 11. in ford Tm- ' I'l-HI- I'll ir.l l.-.w nn.l.-r I li,, -.,,,... ,1 1 i,i Caplu.n Mi Smilh, living bis pen- j i-anl trom ihe M .s-i-si pin. Tn were to 1 proceed up sln ain in ton fie ti.e", tin- iitow til (Hilt lillinxili.r r I. im.. ii i ,i i . I I... ih . . f - - j unoiher, and ih.-ir tires and lights j well c .., cealcd, until ilo-y should be "lis- i COVCIl'd bv our liHltio ox ul il,,.- w-.oo lo get by Ihe hcui vvav thev lould, b 'litii.f , 1 heir passage, and o.r . aboe they believed j ihey . uld have iho fccl slronhold on ""in sines ineir guns cji ti..,,. every part of t he encampment. Bs.des tin?", ihe Essex a. d mor'hr boats .,..11. .. . 1 ancuoi -o at too otni, and btiiposeo. o ' have adiad) acquired our lang.' wen'cX- I pocid lo 1 lay no nuaii part in the affair. hiioiuy hcloro midnignl, the I out?, I tid ing lormcd ibe line f bailie as dcsciibcd, lo 11 de- k- ch ar. d lor ael.oti, and I he men a' their ii'iariers, Ihe llariloid led the- way 111 d Uie oltieis promptly lollov cd her dt- ec Ion. At 1 lie iiioinenl ol I loir dl-covei V 1 a kel wus lo be sent up from tin; Ml iiiM.ii'." ll g M.lp, as the t-eg-nal lof li .- x ami in r acl-oiopan ing men l.u IO commence work. So darK-was mo night, and hm bliglr. !y :ta-l ti.e ai uicd o: ail noed 'their May lip, l.o.l ibe Hag i-li 1 1 had pu-sed mnu id mil' I oh s and ad u,w fjv-ct wen; wlui:, easy. ; iai.-e belure tlieir appioaeti w as !"i. ;e.-p. ; Ai.n.y-i at tno t.ame liinc a rock. I irom ciuf i -'.;ial c -rp-, and tno djchai go ot mu-kels ")' an in lam ry picket , at ou. 1 oir line I ck as a lla.-ii, w li i lo iho la; h - j, fi. e of ; 1 r m n kel was yel uneXiiDgu'-l-ci, ) 1 -" re shoi up into the sky. ibe ll..r. I lord t d.cU, another. Then came i e ; ..laid, l"ugf ofi.leniug roar Iha! r. n'. tno lUiosphero. Willi us mighiy thunder, si a- - e I i'ng both land and water, and tailing !i i "''gh bal'lei y Crowi cd cldTi To ! ren.Iih'. ti.ciy guiiou the Heel and evcr mortar ihc p.'ini j jmed 1.1 01 e t-uijiikaneous d s . i.arc. ii 1 1 ng great ly u pou I he sudd- tii vs and vigor of ihe r alia k to !i-co.ieit aid Contuse the defender.-, of our CiifT-. ihe roar ot their tir-t discharge h id not died away upon ihe ear beloiu it recommenced and w lien 1 he quo k and irregular bul . g Vwll Vs and b.oud-'.dcs showed thai the cicwol each Va..kee uun.-, weie vicuj with on:'.i other in ceientv. Ti.e shce.s ol flame lo thai pour-d iioui the' sides ol'the tluops each dicbre lit jap 0 nearly, the whole tretch ot the rirr, placing ea h craft in strong reUf against the black sky The noiae was atunbing'to the . oar,, but ibej knew not yet tbe position of pur ImtterieH, and tbesuot and shell,' fired at rawd-.m,. had no, material effects 2s ow com ruviVM;d the . battles in all he terrible eaniectncas. Onto umbered in metnl, our volleys weio a Quickly re,- ea ted nod the majority of them unerring in their auo. Aa soon as the thua, diuoqred oor batlofies, tiey oebed on them wnh gcafe and can niUr, which was more atcuiately thrown, thun 'heii ,al.eH. and thr-w clouds ofdirt upon the gana a d giiier&; the shell wntover llieiuin every co.eeiv:bU direction, extern ib rihfoi..- - -, The Hertford, a vary fast fchip, rw made i Mraiht bir up thu rivrr. makiny her bei lime, and irju.g to divert the aim oi our j gun i crs, by her tnecssuut and deafening I uroausiUiS. C3Usoon outs.rilneU the bul-i uiilaj ot ho Ooet. bhot after shot struck, way. - overv-cra i now lonlm.r n.o t, ,t tr and t ound to make its rerv besi time to ' " " i... get by, the fleet Joi itsordvrty lino of b .u lie, anil gsit so mixed up iu was difficult, and sonielimes impossible, to distinguish one from another. It was speedily uppa , rent lothe enemy hat the firo wan a grat deal holler and mre lesiructiee than had been expected and all iho bhips, exceui tlio Hartford, undertook to put aboul and j return rho way they came Put ibis purpose tbe Richmond hheered close in to the kit bank, under tbe batte ries, und then circled round her course, reaching nearly up to tho opposite point. In exeeiitin this manoeuvre kIio gave our oatteries successively u raking posinon, and they took excellent 'advantage of n rijipino; her from stem to siern. F otn he crashing of t rubers plainly hoaid durioL' every i l n f ii.ieral ot the din. and Ir.nii the view had . fVhotS tin t Uru k her, it was plain that her doom was pealed. It was reported among a crowd ofohscr rcis on i be oiuff that a voice from her deck l.tid caMed oibt "We hurrender! wo sur ro der!" If lb is was Said, it was not piob ably hpok-'ii by her commander, who, ho. evct, appi aled to. r ur bnl telle- to ceaae fir- i: g u(...n her, :.s the hip was sinking. As Mil' Vt I'V ll,l't llr (lin.r ,l,. n .... j Uft uu.n ... . nvnageunte condition, and npparcntlv set tl I il -r. the l-at t eries lei her iilin.t ui.rl ' t i.. . . A . , l their attention to the olher ctall v i i ' i . a ti i r or not sho sank I do not aayet - 1 0 .r oii. bho had rounded a.djist tum- ! .1 .wit st tea 111, when ofte of ou r shots l ore .I-. . . . i j . . . on n. t runuer, aici anomer went era-tin It. rough her machinery. Iinmedia ely at t e f ea Sue I lie I U hi fig Sound ot steam Osia ping fionisomo broken pipe, arid iht now in u.ana eeabio vessel diifted ao-raifl di- 1 eet ly 1 pp sile our cre-cent lino ol baltc- nes. ller rar.e was quickly gained a..d WJl" lei"o' l'idly twrn to p-eee- by our 1 ...... 1 1 - .4 .. .. iiiiim rn, u urn inu I'UUi fiiuiiu lt ruf im1 " I 4 I , 1 L I .' . .. . . im iii r itir :iii iiHriiiN in kmvm nil m i 1 v the WaV they C-Uld. A t ItlC HUolO time , ,.- i;.t 11111 111 iu iii.itto. ai Lois uinv nei ueCK-w ei e siiewn wuu uau ano wonnoeit, arci - rd i t g to one id her crew , with u I . . ... ! . I J I i I I 1 1 a; e 1 01. v-rsed, who thought that one ha I 1 it c m. leii.ert ol men wero included in t h li-t ot casualties. The ttree larger v8-els bad oin upii d mo 1 "1 ihe attention ot the batteries, bin ti-..- oibei craft had not ny any mea-'sbeen cvi 1 1 '. Led. Two had ur"ed found ami st hi lid d-'W" st nam One of them appa rently isi-aped without serious d sibility, 'nt Ho- other which was probably lb. K 1 1 11 fl ated down past the ba'l iies in r ;ni u n mat aeaoie conon ion, receiving oui voile s wn bout being able to return them; t 1 . . ... I I Iw ,r. n -ir.l. if vn '..fl , I , il I li l inii.glnig ol oaths, execrations and ordeis l .-ard from her decks, it was lli .l ........ .'. .,.,l.lo.. mn.l I,mo I.oki. oimiIi 'I eat ! her crew, cbv that the boat. itell A Vi'Shcl, w;,s it. n ci meal pr dicainenl. whicii was either the Tennessee or Motion- galn la, mt probably the former, slipped b in the contusion, und jo:ncd the llarr :..r l up the river. Some fifty -five or six.y pjsons tbciuxilv.H by jumping lefciboaid and swimming or wadin from bo Mis-i-'ppi t he aiiio Ot these the map r and cap lain of marines' and assistant, engineer, wiib A") -atloi t and marines, have t u Ju -resied by uur cavalry7 arid broaiil ado dn 1 n g Ho- dai . or 1 " i-t'. lo t c S me few o.h rs areie bid-ng theins. Iil'i Ml lb h w.i in 1 '. J 'if (It ui anil wouinle 1 weie leli .... :.,- si-i.,oi' which mihii flua'ed o!l .-ii.,. ii - aid .. 1 it o down w It b the cut 1 en I. W 'b. n th.- bur:. ing Mis.-i-si,-pi reached the p 1 ' wii' l.'H-mitni b. al.' ai;d . th 1 1 1 .. 1 ... I x ...r.i. .....ii, ii.tliine (Tall a . 1 - Ol'"1" . '- - - . I !.. n. A; liv mil ules ha-t h o o e ock, wii I. I"1-' Mi'-i'sipjl was j.fobably Wilhli. five i:.:;-. s ot iia on Koiige, a sudden g'-ar hi up ihc wb"ic sky. The'caUfO was well ki.o n : bo H i"1 explosion ol ihe magazine". Al'.ei i c ns.derable interval of lime a long ruu.i- ing sound brought fit:al' pi ool ihal ti.M M .i't'i'i. one ot ihc nne-l . 1 - - is .. I... h I,-..) . :it 11. Ul(. I n.ied MaliS nay, win ii o.m i....... .1 1 . .. - an Ii.s-oric fame betoio .liecomnieucem. nl t 1 i ue ! ivseni war as the fljg-hip d' the an eM' dition, was u thing 01 me pai 1 Lie the particulars of this morni' . ! he .SlH 11 ti 1; ii V at ia-.ti i' ' c ...' . -ud Pott Hudson, for me time us one of the most desperate! i-i, iiimiIs ol the war O on rU- 1- 1 is '' oe aur uuiru lo ...v - . .. .I .i.'iv -nd skill of the officers and ... 1.......1 11... . I'll! iiN'cd li ibe country nol sati-u wnh ;hr Port llmon lihl, then it mu pdecd be un lea-utiable. Under all tb .-ircum-iances me icu. . v.. s 1 . . . 1 1 11 r 1 ue 1 eiaii .- .... 1 ....... . lo8 of life i one ol nio-l significant features ol the aflair. ' ..1. 1.1 htiI the eiieinv's v-a- Is ma- amount to at least 250 killed and wounded at Ou the Mississippi a.oue the toss was 150. The Jra .in, qtir( batteries as, nne Lieutoonnt, of the 1st Alabaroa, lo'hlli wouno.o. una one man t ttio tt in inea' see battalion, severely woandod. Frota the Ntw Or'ejui Picayune, .March 18. ' THfc FDLRAL ACCobNf. By the Iiu-rvilb-, w nit h ar i vod Tmsilay morn ny' from B (iii K ittire, vc li-.v f..i i-aitrcuiurs if(ie al uticc upoi. P-.ri llu I ',"w Inch we ure permitted li pal-i hh. 1 he movement o f ir u tbc laiel tor. o i i;iiCei niu is . o'iij-b'fv Gen. Ilanlcs lm re um d l Biion R uge, nnd isas i-rivd a primed general order -nn now im in tint the 'vttttre object tin ex h it is a om- p iahiMt, and tat it i in all resjects ' Success. It ohwutd be under'ood lliat' tho move nicitl o in no in,, n l'..rl I'.iMin wu ... t -t a w-fc a intended I t the r ductioir or on upini n that dace, bala Min-is on" (mi ijmiIhi ieru1 tu I'l.nliJti, P..r..,., ' n I. to niiKs the bMin-inV .-o. i',rt nr..r : m.ccl l.y the -dm,.,.. ... ;,,,,., ,:,. - ..' .i:.. ...- ...i..i. it i . "i "tii'if'.tiirtiui'ouoi.i.. un riiu;n . laeoeial b'tiry division ! flowed at 7 ' i clock, f M , nnd lieneral Au. ui h divis tori leit ISaton Ji mge al 4 o cb-ck . or S ilur day tnofing. .the cav.siry' f-'ico wen thrown out mi advaTee. Ocn li nl s w as 1 in commat d nf the- army. i lie adeiioeed on the ro;id without rrmleK i ai ion L Spnnsheld road ciosinif, when i General li.u.k.s iide bis head. pi:f t i-; a i tiiMUi. tl..- li -i.i n.-.r ..... ..i.,: .... ! angle ol thv r ads, and :,f ,-i lii.b' in a near by louse. The cavaby were cei.i around the coui ti y r connoMering So o j alt; r the atraul oi the . ttl n,,. i.nn. I lhi-v m.-l in Mm iii.i -i f r ... .,i 1 vv.ols a f r e ol about five bundled Cn I'e.d rate t;. 'al 3. who ret i red before t be id a.u-tn" e ilumi . wii Iiomi a f-kirniij-h. Io 1 h-cn ie 01 Salu f i,-y .. ; : "i rum brw vi t ,. th. re w re l m o s li.-. ro ski; mi.i.-s be I Ween poi li-o.- 1 f t be l" 1 aer.ii d.v ,1, , aid Conl -derate cavIr mhI n bu ii - n't f- i I J " ' ' Ul l nboiil in tin; o ds lie, iv i 1,0 i!i.-;iii ol 1 1 nil. her. i-jn .." ; ... -rtiiii..i:ng tlieir enougl o fir as w . Ho I an, 11 oe . f Ih. j t-ederal soaln-Ks were k. 1 1 d -r w iu..k.l I h TO war iu' biog like a vei eial n a iiiei.t. a d 00 ti. Milium on lb lac altei Saf.irda alteii.oon Tin L'oii!etl.r !e lore r Mliail loWaid eveoleg, lel inl li Port llml-'tn 11 oiinoi"-aiie,s were tnade m ti- dire: lort 1 ol Port 11 a 1 1 son. abo.g tl e 11 u;i S .1; road and l.waid- II i!-s and Sju 1 n u ti -'. landmes I; ms on llu r ad u Soriu. ti1d lan i i 11 thai t.olo.-el Ca u ti ' , e-: cieneial U.nU' Mall, v a-, w und d. ii- was 1 -. 1 n 11 o 1 1 e 1 1 11 with a Siii... nu inner oi rdei Mes and flicci ,-, when a rifle Hi ", trom the e. o !-. h i:i Ml the leg, a- d the Wound reple, nn d 1) be sen ti.s. (l.rlf and hour atlcr anU, a (Jonlelei al was k.licd mi lie wo .'s a I hat potul, and he .s i;e;. ri aly s,) p -i 'l ii be ibe man who tired f.e rdiol a' CI. Cb.ik. Al ertl-e iski ini-hes ol S-ituida)' even. II , Ibe F. dei al lof s i d cm tin ti id, near the Spring, id r a iT'iii:i,', aii night Al ti ll nVl'iik 11 Sunday m 1 1: i 11 : lion. Augur's diu-iou C"in:nciiced ; lit 1 urn match t 1 llaiou li u.r'-", eu. O v r -and G o. Eni-o V - llu ll - f il'.O' . d. Icav 11..' a dis' ai.ce -I live iiol-s oeL a e ;e Ii f ! I hr-e di l 1 1 s. I II sh uld be sta el tnav "Ion the a came Was iii-ole, Col. I n iekelieg. ol the 4 I si MasaCoiisel 1-, act 1 11 r as biiadir)'. g. neial, wa- bit Wtlh an ' i 1 c brgfele 10 help ihe ba-e at llaton i n ge. On In i I Ul n ol 1 lie d if oil. s snipe t i he I gMnv til Were ci a m 1 ed on tn!e ol the city A fier ihe a 1 n v a! ot ihe ;. rm y lr 111 Ij t' " II ni"0 : and tlie sk 11111:.-!. r- d Saluolav j .dicrno-m. Admiral l'aira;; is uv 1, w., cn ,. 1. 1 ... .1 .. . t it wasal anc'.or inc oj pi. noun u. .. as al anchor nve or mx nines ue-ow- 1 nu II ads 01. prepared t" pa-s the batle i. - Th' signal b'l the advance was ma le at halt-pasl 0 o el -ck l beT.uliluL Marlight night. The llarldud, wni. the A.t'a'reK abnig-ide. look the lead, and both MM c ss Uilly pa-sed tin- ballcru-s, but w 1 h w bul dainag we are nol lulorme I. as there I, a-, been lo Co mill u i.ical ion on wi'.n llieiii since iheir pa-sage. Tne liichuiond and (ievesee f 1 1 1 d. Th.. Uichin eid .was exo.-i-. J :o the li-eif the bat cri' ami nc. 1 a I l ' r.-ugh ncr slea'n I r ; m. ami w a b.ICK out of 1 he 1 ange of t '. o I I ' 1; . d i o I h I ha it-1 let-. She Mopped down llu' TiUr n tl anel - ieit. H,,- Iii.m h three 11. 11 k' -d aid M-ven Mill (led. 1 I. I on. I. ! 1 h ' in ng ;! no Ha1 'v -n'ti d .'li.ll bi- t 1.0 tbe In u.i.i I p ' 11 . .1 d 1 h. -1 mii k a l ,'u mm : gs is a "i e .-1,-, of ll . 11 eei j M - - I 1 1 i 1 1 , Ti .. r I. . 'i: . ai d a ue -si s' ma b man. Th. M . u.oi. ai.e-." at-! :i,e K i 1 tie " ent up nex' mi fill. r. ('. p1. vt. K ii'ii'V, id" tie M iiiJ'-.' -h- la. W - at. i, 'he I in l'lge w n 11 1 ir v as si '. ;l e. .. - 1 1 . 1:1 n n let" 1 1 111. ai n ne vi at 1 y -'! o ,m v 1 u 1 i-d . ll is get. el an)" l' ported Il.a III I. I I t- e;.-,. in e I SS 1')'. . Ill p II . 1 10. 1 i-i -lie leg w 1 1 no fi.e en Me '"-s 01 !'.i- be .(..'IIIIIMI 1 ll . d I li , V ! ! Tl. K t 1 eo w a.-N :i 1 d . 5 - -I -ale 1.1 NN. 1. tie- .- . 1 11 ' 1 . - r. I : .- I. ' ,. ..- I . d I u , in r u r p . - t a1 on I li ! b o :, a a V. a Ii - r w a- e:. an ' - 1 - . , , ( Ii v prop lK-r h-' btcnii-' . 1. ...a 1 ageame, and ' a nb i-' diodi"-pb.. k --.". 1. 1, fir-, l i e .V.oi 011 alie!a al-o 1 I! back out of r.ino The I"--- on bo.. id of the hinneo, it 11 V, is 1 1 repm t d. Tlio sdel,c.l gM I" a' (i P-fe was s-.m-'wln.t d -nag ). a d n mi I !! baik. Ti.e o 111 ml '! 'aui age '-il U.i- b al In hut u i:..w 11 bei e ;. 1 I't s ul . g - ... 1 1 .. . inn Tiie M--'-i p1 in u;i las' a-.ii grouf u - i di d on I In ti. r nca r b .1 k III , (,-i; o-. i h- I ill : I . e t ' 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 v" c 1 1 1 la' t - 1 ot -h --re b.a er a 1 . 1 h , x e 1 (1 e I net , o ,1 I 1 1 1 I.I ee a' u ...... .y.,.- j- Tm lio'eick at night, attl M Ine l - I r.e s:.e v s abat.d .1 ed A Master i .1.1. 1. K-ity was v. led, s.xly ilivc uivii aie allied or iu:s.u. over ! nen tnesnip rtrailsnjrst Umaset o tire and Wat deatroyed. ippf ,he men took to the bofa ud pel led for akore. One b.ui went tooueof tbe' olber eJa Several men jaraied Into the 'water' and en? peked ap by the boat ef 4b eeU (if this who landed oohote,,Cef Pon aioe.of the marii.ea, waa taken )noner. I tie .thera nlked down the leTe and were taken off to I ho flet in boats. The nar-al cngavciuenl lasted from 10 .'cl-K k till one id th morning. The Con federate baiter e firat fired, badly, bat after ihe Misisoippi gioumleU and the raogewaj a'tai, cd. the fil ing waa Tery elcliVe. u bile the gunboats ware under 'the iatte vies, the 6 mortar achooaers, and tbeiron lad Essex 4,x below ,the poiti teed, fired aer .s-, keepintcup a cont,qu.,a sJ&eng of iho derate batteries darng tbe entire enaeement. Of course tnere are no memi.a at preherit of learning the amount vf tbe n..rur... i iT . ir;. k...i. i . ... ..'.; th8 -, ,nd fc j" k ."' neei into lull cmw ni ih. f. m J. .... . n . e. - He engagemei t. We publish the bare facts as leoeieed, without comment, and may be ablats rife mho fHTihsr oarticulars io out nAmiii. ditiou. - - ,7 'e The Royal Harriagv, Tho Enl ah p:er9 oTerflw with ae- w ui use. nioce oi Wule,M" - George' ehaK)l, Wiodner. It Wn' anosi bill.aul affair. T lie royal pair e.t Wn.di.ur in the afternMMi torthelalaef v,gl,i. wi.ere they intended to spend the ll.lll... k'...l.l M. . i. . . " " univui ui uur iauy readers wo append a description of th. hi ida! dresses : Drttt of the Bruit. On these oecus'oa, w beliere, the dres l n.e bi i le ranks In general rstimalion n .e l v -e. ond in imoorlanco o th. rlhp. a - - . - ..v ivtfi h- 1 .( ih.-ceremony i:-olf. which is to b- rewretu d. lor .1 lad V dress. liUn m ImA,'. heaut y, c in only be descrihed by its efYecl i ep.broidered while tilk, iriinmed will' -over, whu ii cm j.isi be discerned in rich b s 'iis eliin i ii.g hi iween the anowy folds The iia tMioual whiteis not, however de i ai u dlrom, i hough over a?t she weera 1. l g 1 boddicc witli open bleeves of whiu ii., c-nbroi lcjcd with silver, and which , igll( hi l3 0ff her uipfnng waist an iauliioNH syiii.'try of foriii to absolote p 1 led ion. il.T gorgeous train of whi a .d 1-1I. cr is b::rnc bv cieht vunn? taJi. j o - j o between ibe ages of Hfleen andweoty, ti e .t a ry choice and flower of tha lair soioni oui must ancient houses. . 1 The Bridal Bouqvtt - . 1 l.eailtiful'ili.iierintlen tw..'. r, composed ofoiange 1 losaums, white ro-e- -tiiitls, r. re orelndeous flowers, and sprigs f myrtle, with alrirami. g ii Honilou la-e. Tm myi tin w by expi ea 'command of her Maj -iy, sent liom O-b irne, and was taken trom plains reared from the sprigs ui d in the bridal bouquet. Tht Bridtmnaxd. li is quite supeifluous to sty how they looked, as rob. d in snowy white und wrap ped in veil-, he follow tlieir loyal mts . re-- w ith s fl looistep-j tnough, an thoy e. t ie rot c'ng t'i he married, they seemed 1 . I.i-.k lb. nis. Ives relieve! from th-e nec-e--.iiv ot biokmg on tho ground, and glanced' " about at. o turned lo one and another, and made believe to look as lj they iid not know and hear that they commanded almost he r lull tribute of admiration, "Ten behind -uch a lady in such a scone a this. lmagi nation uiu-i draw their pictures, for wuids v. ii!d tail lo paint them. Their dresses .v.-ie ali ot while a wondeilul mixture of -iik and lace, lliat made ttieni e m eth. n al in I heir lightness, us partly wmpped io iong coll veils they wi9so.f noiselessly aa a vision wiiich cannot be forgotten or de ser'bed. ' P 1 to n bouts are flat-bottorasd, thirty feet long, two and a half feet wide at tht , w, and five leel wide the stern, swelling out at ihe side 8 io the width of six feet Each !i son u funning gear ol four whtols, aod is u-ti d as basgasre waggon for the pontoon- ei -, cari VM'g '18 propoi t to of at ing pieces nt j lank On res biug" a rn r ihe boats are unloaded, floated acri by a cable made . -I . 1 . j la-t up llo siream, ineii ine 10 ring pieces are lad 1 1 01 one boat to the next, ami mi Hose are placed the planks, each t w i-mv iii c b et b ng, which form the gac way 1 f thai W'.dt.b. Sai.k ok Statk B .nl9 -The bids for it I ,:, d- .11. r d tor nit hy Kmi P. Batttl Ioj. Pi e-'t of 'ibe Chatham R. R. Company, were op n d yesterday at ihe office of th , 1....- I r a urvi. We learn ih .1 fOOO i,.e 1.01 ds exchanged with iho ci.y of Ra .gb b: o ti:' t A) per cent, premium, and "I excbatiired with the ttateighjind Ga- ion l ol orit i.omi aey, 25 er cent. Tb ,e tin - iU.O '0 wus taken at 19 per ecu pr. i.iiuiii Oi the unsuccessful bids ion w- ho 11. -iir-e 18, some lGi anl lar; iiuiiio 1 - at -i per cent preniium, and Lu -ber.- ai I w er premiums. Progress. The Cheapest Food Tho ch. sprat and mosi nutiiii ius vrgeiable used for food is rom u cimpo mil oi substancea pecoliarily adapt'-d t fcrni-h aM lhat is necessary to I supp n'if.'. A quit ri 1 1 beans and hai4 a pen no ol poilv wnl teed i small family fu u tlay wnh good strengthening food F ur ft . . ... . - J . c . Muaris 1 oeans anu iwy ihiuiiui 01 - - hot.t) i,0,,.j l(, rUgs. in fifty qiiartt ef waur will iurni-u a gouu meai ior iory men go ly S .ft -o Hr ho am wr lHon. can .. -i-p - - rly be tiardened hy slirring a aiii'ieni quan ti ii i i y ol eo. n ine il, whicn is a great imrrov. a ti I c rn n 1 1 tbe Soap, aud cheaper than sal t ai present, I 4. r 1 -1 1 3 1 , 1 i 1 1 f 1