. GREENSSOGH PATRIOT. GIIEESOIIOIJGII C, MAY 14, 1863. -a i ime XXV. jSTiimber 1,249. V THE - A w "'..'p.iij ---rli: N rittt-o for thr Patriot. mahtyhs ok sui:tih:i;n i;ki.i;i)0M. II l: r. II L L li. .; 1 1 r tru ii I di-j arts ' , I ! ! i friend " u'.. Col. UUFUS KERtt PEEPER. i . -no day without improve- i u. s'noi ti.css iiL'l tleiii"" iikii i- lu be (u.compliin .iv '.n-, in ihii etihght. nr-i ae, i i . tun I 'f information I - i . ' l.iug into tLc grey i- ie!. ;n th- mof hUiimvc i I ir.;y n i i r 1 11 day find it ... hv, --i vnee and literature. , , v,-" (i i I t r i i.-.t thence . .r.'.ity. per vimp.-c, rour . .m l valor. I,"'i ii not to Iter I i; i in.' intiilly, ' rt wiv li , , rfit li ', iVl'I 't .." X'.'UI. '.,.-'.. f 'aIuhii 1 am -h I.. i- l.f.- ii' "t! iu it -ii i !.-,x l.r.-r- rj. !: with ... . 4 . . On'. deli' of ferii e : ; ' ry . pi. i J i . I i ,'T ' ' re, I. ,. .i. - I i';1 1 'g-r.'-e and ri ,ii ,i p. ti -ton. the I 1 -1 daughter of -I M'Ull-l ,11 I Ii i '. . . I.' r- tin ir - n. ' . '.th , ,y i,t J'ii . ' h, . r 1 1 .i r i i ' m.iel M h I 'I (III ' , w r it'ttr I III' Millie li.r.,1 l-l I I i : ;. ' .! , ' n In' t riM t f Ii i 'I m I i 'i l !, rr- ll. luli'l I i , I . in ill tin' rudi- I ' uf t In- ply- -i i, i I 1 t r i in i nd, ' ; .', i n ! ,rri--f i ii .i ' i:..ii .,iili i,f v li i. 'In -it! with 1 In j r ii iti,ry 1 1 r " ' ' 'i t li-i r H- Til HHit.ifi " I ii ii i'li -i liO'ii in M . ..'. !i,-ti".i'i- " 'I'ti.' ' '.' -''ii .1': I full. 1 II I " . 'ii n 1 f Ir' n .t! :tt . '.ii- ;! S . i f i--. I ,"lt, , Ml itati' ii i I i' 1 , -. ti ,ii i,. i r i v i w n- -H ion--. ii i r... I i v "X. i-i i . in la -1 .r un t!, ye. i.- i - t- .lott i i .ui a. i -. i. 1 'l -r 'I ha' I, v ! ! ..aw -i a ii i.i ': - . t : f ii t ! liit i on :: It ted l I i :. i ii .- 1 1' I cmi- , ' i -t I'M In iiiuke an i.. u-e than a . f I l. a eii (ii .' ' . I r '-, .- W . .Id i. lVe , , l.tltl. .1 ti. ii i - -1 1 1 . r. I .r.-.. i 1 !. : : i i.o . ,1 of .1 H li 1 1 , i f I- v,r. M : . i ' i-.aut i-'.,1 '. I ..Wl.n.lk III l.M boliii' i r t . i, I a :i . e I, - a lie had in. i.n' Mi l -' . i . . ...i ! ! 1. , ,.v i . ii-. ie "." I. lie. ,., (.,,, ! u I . .-n i . I e;,- r i- , i. I Itl . Ill t ... . . . -. IT. I. hi- lil a. :.iuK- ;: -' It. ill V ,n:au W: le '!.- i. ' l;e M.i n . n w . i ,'i ' t ., ti , I t to .Ii :'! i . . ' i , . al. I . n h n i I', v .. - ' i i i- iin.-i .ti I....; i IU i, el it .,.i ii ur er. ..! Me t .. .' e!ev II i I 1 gf.'tt II ..Ig O1 ,! sfl- ti 1 ie v inter it: T..e 1 :ii we-te; -, ',; e a hai ; and I ot : Mi-oini. r. I gt'eat "' u.,.at " I h.: tr i at 1 11 . l.t 1 1 V d I- ... , ll, . 1 ,, I . . di C art the ' ' - 1 Ma i ceine 1 t-at a U.A .ie iu the i tim I forme 1 a favorable legal protection opinion of Lim, hi..., Iwfore Lb death, npenea ..... fcnr.Urin- uron lie strongest u.ar.lr affection, Afterward 1 vi-iit-d Stokes Court k r r ;m ,i l,f,m hotter ae- .iutiMH with him. . Hit mind was nuick. active, vieorout, inouitdtive, an 1 Tea ly at the retort courteous ; h -mbition was n,' 'Taulfictf,' Jd his eye wi fix orn' a shiniwR m.rK in fbe field of profcM'nnl fati: 1 is impul- , though naturally ,o,,.ewh.,. overleaping, was tem pered hy a generous ...agnaninuty and l.igi: iind corrt-ct sensof justice: and, in hii inter rour-r with hi brethren, he wa always kind, al ways uffdble, alvuys courtious, never allowing him self to cvi-rttep the rule of propriety and profes sional ctifjuette. His health, after his excursions ri' rtli. u-i 1 south westward, was not the most robut ; but htill ii nit xuch us to enable him to purtie his prjff4iott ; and ibt dockc. ..' Stokes tourt showed that he ai gridii wc-nin hiunelf into a pi.ic li which wii- encoaraiiig and promised, at no .Iy. t" '; l.ighly luci'rttive. Muring the Ia.f campaign ior the Chief Magimra v r: the United S'atei. he advocated the claim-' of Mr. IM! ' Ti:iiii' iat'?' 'ha high and r"pon-iiie po-iii m He wh .ih ajslco", y.ntng Whi, of th -c'.' o', o'.' . nobV Hari yC.'.iy, :knd b'-h-ved ih:.f i he ' i oi Mr. Loil Mr. Jisere'.i t. iull ti-i'y :l,f ult'ii.-! Nutlh ,ind ..uth mid thenby pie .rno ti.- Lm ti vt tl'e S'Hti'. Thus hoping, he :t'.i a duper ir.tnct in that tdection than he evor .It I in 'my o&e which procfk-l it On thr election f Abiuhuiii hiiicdii, it being in accordance vi:h th t.'..ii..ituiiun, lio '.van in favor of permitting hiui t-i enier upon the .Juries ' I !ti o:!ito and of w.iiiiiij; t i (. i i,w he w -ni l aduiiiii'ti f the government, if lie Hi! ree 1 the ( '.n-'itiltioii and tin :her: he . i .,; j M-ed t.i i. leaking up the I ninii !' our lu:c-ti'i.i'f-. l ut it, hw'fr, lie i' lateil the '..nstitu- : i n . ..r imil.f).-I the law-, or uurpe j danger. .fis j i ..la.. 1 1,(11, itM w t..r i . ' 1 1 f 1 1 .ii iitiit i r.i 1 rn rn ti.if. I .. lit i f the lyiiion and troin under hi- ry i annu a! and uii j - r i ije. S. tutli Carolini -..ceded before either I th..e event. That only mudo .Mr. I'epper bold er in I tin re deteriiiined iu the course, whieh he, in eo'"!u .ii w'rh th'5nati J of n ible aid intrepid Sonth ein patriit. hid marked out fur hiinelf. He was iipiii.-d to coeieive iiieamej. toward that S:ate. Ii.- ir tor perrniti in ; her t enjoy ,-eparate ai..l. if -ii I. '-ire I, perpetual i u 1 . n,i.-n e . lint so -""ii u l'iei !eit Lincoln called for men to c erro f ht an. I tin- :lier Mate, wind: ha.: Mien one out, ti l. 'ei n.iiitfd, with all other g.n.d and louI .Southu n niMiii, iii r"M mat wo.kim ani uiiconsuiuiion.il ' : to re-if that wo.ke.l and unconstitutional rr.e4ure Willi n Ins euejgy ali i Willi in l.Ie, it i ii. re -k.iry. Though be g ive up, not the people : lb." N'.rih, but the (.'onsti; iitmii and (Jovernineiit of Wa-iiiii ' ii u:i I lii- gb-r.e- of the Kev-duMoii of '7'. u i " I i he lw,i oth -r war with a tad and heuv v In-lit !, tl. Mib 1 , d r e i i 1 'he itivo'.vi n.i-nt of ihi- tion in an ::njuc' war will. lh" At.oli'i' ni-".s :i:i ! I'e-l.-i-.il. iitiiu-; on t!ii ir i art : vet, unlike t- a 1 '. r.n 1 i.mny who ci'n-1 lu-tily (oi di-iiMnn, i ven if vvai ll.-eu'ir vii h j tr-iiu .,f inroiieeiiable and ind i' -ub'e ' 1 " ' lo r . ui - '.lined, fie i:iin:e It i '.-ly t ;.rev out tbe hau "0 1 ''' 1 tier o! the ;lh to the lireee n I rilled upon h; c'.iin- y nun t rally under it-, ample lold, ami dc-i'eu-l iiin-.l . e tisi-l their rights i.g.iin-: the cru 1 anJ r 1 1 i (-.ii i i ,j.r. ,Hi,r , lie I ) ! it iu ' a V . - - . ii ... i.i ,. i. .lo.,,,.. in m.i.iii L,-vs as tea;- ., ,.v..r .liv.-r-xd jij-fi : . it.': ": a-Vt r--n v. , i , 1, ,,!... ,1; td.-.te ! bin. tl.clr cap: ,... ilU,i ; ,,,,, I wall Iniii on the ;.id4 l'.ui. i't : 4..'., oii-i'd viih linn on the ;.i.!; . I l us exp. led. wi.en We la.-; saw ca- :i ,. r a -',,;.- t'.on ; i , ...-Til w,i -t . i,:i iivi Apr.!, tii.it, I eto.e ilie 'ii'i !t:-.i.g."i, n'.id t.ai !. i :k-:-.n.. aa-1 t liii ; v v '. 1 lu- !.i d ..-id e r II ii dee .ind liii!, lint i; w.,-. c met liol v-t.'y iti .Ii" '.e!-l i' Mar. 1,'tt in ''ie -.ime r. gin:.-iit. t I I I i k'o'ai'iteei -, r :u rw.i: l the gloi ii i.--'Im 1. 1 .. i 'i r.n ,1.11a Ti . (''. I'ej.p r l.oi i-l.',ii.--!l g.iil.mily evcryw here an 1 at ail iinie : l.e i.i- i rac o7rii t. i t.-lmc-. .No! i'TjU on tiie lxh Joi in i m- l.aaie of i-.d! !I i::. l 1 I'-k. ; i-t, I'.i in the iii-. :ihi' ti..- - .!,...-. !;!. ,!:d I.. 1, a - i . i hi - la -r. ) ir re.- ie.. o;i a lv;;:.eed ;(:;i-n' i.f li.;-n:.- --ta'.! j . vi ; In-!; .-I i,.,i-:n ' he i i;. , :. i w . - -,,i.-'i r r.'i ' il I..,.-i -m v . i .. r . . i 1 : . i- a i.ii r. ..; t i- ; :n. ri . i r l ;t a ).. a v a : . ,i cui -I -III ' i .i : t. , I, ll..' I l.ig.l .- -. Ia !nc ! if '. a . iT",; i i" c:ii l g .-. iai w . r. ti w a .,-:!'.;.-1 t.- ci ,r. .'apt. l ig. ...el' y ..:i i!.e ui ii;e li v. i. i ui I 1. -.ui! v.'.ih .. I.ii I.i i1 ill '. 1 " V. i he iei o alid b . r iir.i very. ll-e il.---.elit :..d i.lij r.I.Li, 1- d : i-i !'..' -i fin. he w.i- nit j.',-:.: i'.iid i.ii t:, W'i I . ih - i.'0 I, ,,. lUI t ill :!.:ir ' ' til.-) s'.v.yer-foot.-.l than II ..uei - p-i- - -t A. i. -I ii. Li per.. liar kind ol A ! ' i i ;r I gi rnent a J m. '. t ( am j. 11 a r li. pi ':e :i I ii; i "a o r fei! ,i k .if tio i I.-.- - ..re i'ti ai.d 1 : -:giit ; i:i? w arrej.toii : - "I (i ii:i- iiie. ii. t. ;, .ailing IfVrr i.i tiie i-...-ni.. I. '.III r W rl'i- a' in I. : i ,.r. ..! "..Ti . t.lli'r o. M . 1 e . .1 ill I . l,,:y v who i i. .'. . i 'it tiiciu'a'. .'. a ! . !!-!, g lo th 1 .ill. . Ill -. Would . . j i II i e - , K,li'! y e I W I- il', ! V. a !h..-e nl oil .. '. he id.-k ' III-' I I t.i.nie '.V (' t tit.. .ii. A re mis :,.n Kn ' ,ri I ,r a phv - i- ' t' Wrtii o;i mir ..in a !; I li'. - -k in . i! i ; l'il I'.)!.. le- iion-i I I':. I . -r ,- i.. a.- i a i '. -,iiiV:.'l w.. i. ; . turn o t he K. i rt nn ! t .. ' v 1-i'her i-:vi t , ::.( e-in!po;i :i j.r.i H -a hi'u' 'ie w, .- ' i i d lug- o':-l- ill 1 t.i- . ti. i: ,i ! r:i. j-!.. i., ?, , :... i.-ti in th. i. f wi.t-re ,-. M I be .t. 1 f..! d: ,.-a-' .-.u i r.'iivre he r is.d- i ' llnj i ..el. After til' leg, :i. . lit x -t- 1 1 :i i --:.;-: 0.1 " I ' lo ,. 1 1 Hut, Ma'i ii. ju-t .HI lio - e,; -id.- ;-iil in XI urain his f I'iier look :.im ' . I.o' l.-.u-,- of :i ll. ti l- i -T-i il,,. viiih-v w ,,i ia- lie r...-..U-.-,l in i',etlt,..ii, and 1 1 iiprowd. Heiore this. l.j .ea Met u i i h i 1 intu.-tiai ,e-l i: gi and ai in Il the ill i ' 1 1 1 1 ill, 1 oil I. thith.-r. had a ;., ;io:li... . 0 k a nl on 1 hi- mi ot lie- lt una , u-nee . t hi- ep rle-l a Iv mee. our i.nd lav- II ill! .1,. li d . i, the le e j : ,11 s I aii.-vi!!.- A,.. Ik hid Ai: at. i 'V le ii. lor i e ha i d. t-r. woo w a '1 1 y d a - u ... '.. II. i ' C let-tot to I-.;, r, e ai I ha ,. c,, h . i,-,.r. , 10 i but 'o, l in , ' ' ' ' a n i ie-; ji e il . - at. .ef. -it -he h.'a 1 (.f le . uu m ' atii"t ! r a ?; '!; ii ,. : : . 1 t hat ...o.r I in!.-1 - (i for .I ii t:.:-' ua- tnt t i.. ' -,:e e lieroi-m, w" ieh i.ii i and ti.v ,m n,i;...-ii,- , 1 :,e Aeiii.iv I', o: 1 he Ody.je-- tin- I'.u' I ne v.-r I,;... . . ...i ... .. a.. , . 1 .. . .....i j ,.1,. 1 1. , 1 1, :t , i-. ,. ;i 1 delarer n- went ini.. w inte: -.,; 10, t -. Th-ain we j W,T-: 11 t thr .An ,i-.lv more i t .. ether ti.au we . w,:0 wa-n i i tiu - or ia ih, hi. :. ic ; ;. . t v. . la-'ie lei-arc, th. n. than i . , j:i ;in e 11 a.l ;iv ti e 'aiii,a;,-a Atxti; camp du- iht,-. an 1 '. Aji'i t of runner ai. i . 1 , - al-aay- an v: ahau'iua y: the ' i.-.:i! re'er.o ami coiK-eniniet. . : t rl.;.-ii T- . " 1. eve- met wiihia the ether ua'.u of life 1. 1. -Ie- i il aii J shrewd observer t-Aeu . C exat tlv 'ac nie;:,'.,,: nhieh every oneulhi leilo w i tul le, metal, i he I P! er always rang oi the trti l-urt'- ccti'. 1 1 it.. t-.a;.,A I I -.tr i i ' ' r "uu l" gold of exnhed 1 mteruy. .puUMl( patri,ti.U -M uaaQhiag valo,. la our conrivlal . . i i i.i: : l . l att , menu, ne was aiways 8p.rii.ng, ion, full of playfulness and of tht JBU-.a and wit that knows do gall." But oaiMiH " eion-, he acted upon that principle so ,' A 1 embodied in that couplet of the ill Btarrtd ffftf ' and always Let prudence bless Enjoyment's Then raptured sip, and sip it up. th arnr.v fll hack from ManansM -tfl't1 Ranl)fhannocv our Colonel hy LaJ been bpV leav re(urned Sh arrested twelve officers for presenung a petmon w! him asking him to resign. In all there were twenJ ty-.e orwho signed u w U twelve. Among them were the immortal narc .of Hedgecock, Fulton and Pepper. Charges were p-e- ferredagainn all, but only Capt. Pepper was tried - h n-lh rorr,i was entered as to the rest. Th court-martial was ordered by Mj Gen. R. S. Ewell, and at at Somerset, somewven or eight miles north- wt-t i.f !ordontvi!le. on the Kapidan. Co I Ktlly,. ot i-a., wa rrcsi-icr.i ; i-'. eamuei nowcr, vi '. . ,i i i ... tit a it:ii - . tAA jtnjge .uvocate: ana lu-ui. r . o. nm, oi company, wa- the cotin-el of Capt. Pepper. IA Nor wm he unsocial charges were, that he had falirty repreiienled, jbat "Vsn uO"e Dy our people but not onougD. a lare majority of the men he had the hqnor to JJcerc s QnquestionublYsorao scarcity, but co... mind weie ifi favor of CI. Kirkland resij-.JJJ'1 ,,ollj"g 'ike so Krit as many seui to nation. d that he w.-.s guilty of induct ui' Jf' .l.er5ns alarmed by riie high crmr a gentleman and otlicer.1 As a gentlemi fllK' WlthOUt reflecting that th is is ov- btf..re he entered the army, as an officer white tirlhr ;?f mor to a redundancy of curroncy M-rvire, he p. .vol as fair and unsullied a charMtMT tJJ? deficiencv ol food. Why should as any one on earn, can; and as to a large majority .VT ny er ahead than to the f hU command being in favor of the resignation of 11 fJKV v Cm" the Colonel, tiiat inconte,ably established. 1 n y"rv saflv f ,aS ., courn-. triumphantly acquitted. pare every gram of corn, , , i 1 anu 'lD,5o what is necessary to carry Thue day, thereafter, the repeat re-ovganized us ,0 lho j8lcf Jo, lrudencen ordUZ under the Conscript Act. The estimation m whicb ry tinu8 is nQt 1)rUt,enco nQw . u ig the hi eharacter was held by the men and office.- oi ! clinmx cf prudence to sustain our armio?, the regiment iani:ot be better illustrated than by ,,v it thc-y are vanquished by famine, the' iniply staring, that alter being ten months in it as1 tountitjfj of summer and autumn will enstiro ii;e commander of a company, mid after being thus imiu-tly persecuted, he was elected to the Lieuteni a .t-Colon .-Icy by a handsome majority. Here l unmistaka'de evidence of his standing as a man, here is unmistakable evidence of his .qualification a an otnver, .iere is unmistaKatue evicenco oi con-4j tideucc in his personal courage and bravery! lia tnt! red i.jion the dutie of his new office near Stauu tid-villo, a few days before eu. Kwell j ieu. Jackson, who was across the mountain. Aft ST guarding an important gap in the mountain for ' I several days, h;s regiment moved on down thtlOYCuJ valley ol the Slionandouh, overtaking the main arniY , . . i i i ,i .i'-- tn- near r rout Koyal : and. thence, tncy mOYM. lOi , . r n- i I the ll'ri of May. Col. Kirkland, who Was ktUI ACIn( ie t ..niui.i u iei ; ine- vegnueni, receivou orun J to al'-arce s'. innihrr and drive in ' :iirke:v, if i"--ibie. II: command was engaged I t1 w ui.--.. in watching the enemy and Bk'ir . ii,i-:iiii2 witii him. At day-light . Mnj. (Jen. Ewell ' i-oming ui.-n t'ae ".-rom d, in the language of CoL Uirki.;:. in ,."eial report, "examined in person" the -li-). .itii.n "I the enemy's forces. lie then or dered Lieut. L itiur to brills '!' hi. guns and open i the iiw.i!i the iti'.uuiy. Alter two or three d" eh.in-es, i he Major-General directed me-0 move; i:. .. -.nc ; .wn w itJimy regiuient fnd drive the enemy a'Wk : . twi4 orTyN,-:'m elu-ei that ciuvinc-d lie thai mir regiment color would vo.ii; v.av-' the street of Winchester. I.eavin.r ..fde. f..v my kii uiishing fovipanies t I'-iiiie :i. I gtive i'iie order to ilouble-ilick.' know- ' in" liitiiiuoi the topography of the country and having r-.: time t re-joiinoit re the appr. ache- fo the i-.wn. 1 h-i.d no alternative but i advance along the rrtiih t urn oiko. W- proceeded in this way for thi ea-,,11 ai t cm of a mile when we were suddenly ma le :iw.aro "f the proximity of tF.e enemy by a etii.v.di'us v.'Uey fioin hi concealed regiments on n.v left, u -iile '.r.othe.- ieg;ment cniing down at a double .jtiick th-or.:rh an a;p.e orchard in their rear i.j ene.l u; ..n in ai-o. My men returned tho fire with telling eti'-et. and a ;-...n a I could, I placed liiem b.-h.n l a '.--w iVm e on my right. After a fierce tight of a.j ir.t. r of a.ihuur i determined to charge tio-eo. my with the bayonet. I gve th orderand -.viti. a -l;ou! lav brave lellows leaped the wall, de- 11 V ved a v.oi. v. ai.il iu-!ifd uj,a ihe enemy. They ! vt a :uie-t v.ithei in;: tiie b fore v.hi. h i . .. il't.t i.i w ii. y me u leil . l.e autumn leave, tint the him; f , 1 1 l i i e .i . my ea.ue . .i ... i ,i, , another regi.nent ot dieen-j- : ti,. tun.' . j - wn upon my right -md rear a .id cut up -neb a decree thit"1 wa-. m V Ulh- t , . n.y h forced t-. eiia u ia li v r .iioii in order to bring tl-.e enemy all 1 Living '.one this, the battle cat imn-d (ieai jii, t.'cl. Mircer. came i.j. to my en t he etii'tiiy broke and tied in utter 1'rfvpr-r fell in that unfortunate, but Ct.l. Kiricland, r.ot-vi' i.Tac I.:'. j i.nt il t lie ; as-ii-t a "i.'e w' l . it r l . galia;.' i I !' .Ii'e-.e. air.-1 Iy '..a r t " win..' i lit (an ,i, ;. ui;-, an I ti. e i t ', ciivn n the. ii, t'o which allusion has t :. i-!e, had th.- magnanimity to h..J die i; "i in regard i-. hii a : --Tiie iri!lian: i.i.;..:. ("ol. Pepper wi- very eni-rici-e I) :ive man feil pierced through boih in the aet f waving his "w-nd over his f-i ring on the right whig in tiie charge." i ' . Ve; per wa far from hi homo and hi while ad an 1 t-i, d ln-iga ( ii - v . a . .i : 1 . ir. i j.,r. t- h. ..-.'in -!--,,C: ' Svcurpc days ami our potato das :lui,:vl,o:,t,:,,d,,,lnt1, ,,:,t;; 1,.0 111 sav that my :e,..u.--vvam. Jon.wa ,,l by h ; .M J . f hundred weiht of ' w;,ic:""' J,lil : 1 u; rmv ten pounds of bacon, wtll do ,..r,i,.e,a,.!,gstl.-.ng. i-a. e.a.el , rr,(;J. An army is sustained by iu. i ... i - a l.t- tei r.ii -"1 ' 1 . . ,l)V ,ne pa:en ..a,,..,-...... ...I - t .on at I. th and sow mt could -.. the ebbing ib, w oi ui p ., u-.e .'n nut, waan 1. after i.n -eiiu- Mi sll!!cripg f,,r ht-i-en aays, no eipuc.i . t.io b -gii.n his y. u 11. t"lie.i 'm it ' nf the summer of that year and of ire.nhood. " His brothtr and servant in remains ia a church-yard of the town ii; led and died AlUr thi- la the loved and lo-t. it behooved them m w li c!i i. I rite i- vi-,- :t I.e.ei K U.ie::, -t .f i..ci-ii': for oar torc. haM ,1,' a-.-lll . . . f k, a d the cnen.y's pick.- vei e ? )iu:i o r. ('a-thi-i a-i ie hi- foi-.ttTiV trappings l iin '.- i.-n. like Al- r the Danish ,, met it eit w:...i tie lo'.ii' . 10 -i no " -' (1 , .. M , iv,e , with hi suva,t:.',.l his corn - a :: ;,u,,:; ,e,r ....voiu ... meirhne,. and returned s.r fe.. !rk ken tamer w.U, the sad -tory - hr ii, - .1. .. a. 1 I l.e 3 ,. ;l ' Jol.lVpp,. re j;:neni only -i. or w. -cv was the second in ..mm and in hia . - , . . i- rwas utile over one cioniu. such : but it vra -urpa:.r.?'y -,'.,,r-.- And now hi3 h .-Iy ns'.s i '-'--of W.v.chester. Kit re-tins p' e ' . . , T 1 - . . w-. . . ' a, 1 on tii.- 1, , ;a w.-'un iet'0 . lie was uorn neie .. : ...a-., ' ...1 the oi a plain .aoti, like ai- ajli theV are retiuy aou wnoi. -. 1 . . , . . .... ;.!), ,". r,ir to I'.-fhle is. whether wo aiu... i 1 i and there he -leep tia . t v.t'mii.'. .i.e. ...v., .... l:..e lotty ant gran.ivr mouu,. , mO(.0flv a crime. - . ot d.. ith ami V-r 'ho. i ak Cut I Tne brave lie never. v.,- PYt- haiie their ' ir l -iheir country's hean. - nrais I or inur - In d. t (ounr-) Th. . la.tre of his reputation will never i .-t ri'.'i aal rivulets gnrg 'UUiruvU " " , . down irou, . the heights ol si that aacieui iou CTr- oeautirul blue lingers on the peaks of the xing mountains, so lor.ir will th n.m r 8 Xna PEPPER Ht in littfM-ir v:. cherished, and honored, and rememberea : $hf PePte of HaUftuc County, Va. Xhe following Address to tho People of WifX County, Va., contains many im- Vn' tratQ8 and practical .snggestions, it is nolens annlin-ihlp in nilmi- e.. I who had been oie t :- r .u r , . r' J-- Sn.rtly thereafUri iJJ to IvZ'L A f J . . .lt"Pie 10 whom it is addresRprl it l0 OQf cojQmi a: j - : j mkinr, tL . crsunm- . I hopethat shall no7boS deTmed grfiky of unseemly officiousne.S. Our armies J Virginia, are beyond question, in ffcat need of supplies. E-neoLl! qQ,ro COru for cavay and artillery bo'?6es I and meat for tho iC S.m UroJw - COUtUry has beenC far nnnnllC I k. . our the tread of a hjstilo foV tnA I.e .. . ... T. 4 r- r WTjOUtjlil to fPAr .f r ti JTW' mo iun jugabure t?f our ability 4 inn n . r . . . L. . -'puri ui our army which so tar ... t i"r ou, D as protected US. iluch ha i wiue ueneht ol our enemies, and not to US, and our families. Our crop of lrih potatoes, will bo fit for nn ,.,rlv in Hunc, and in July tbe earth will team wuh beets, beans, peas, and every other vegeta - Wo pofl- a i , , Sh ..;f. 1 JOV,denco deny to IB H UUUrillllll Wlll.nt hApin.cl ,r l.,., Ither KftfptTiin rrlo onnin'.i ." ,i Dormouscrun of IndTan r-om will hi nl.w,t. joined t"Vill,uus UIUP orinuian corn will be plant AOmtffrf and tllis maV bo "Sd for bread bv .-vwtrwi upK.-uiuer, auer ueing unea in h.3an..' Indeed it used to be a common 'avin emonir us. Ihnt. if fli f fctcL at," that is would hold out to n V lBrKca Latest, that there was r.o danger. Oath.af1eoiVfufir,that whilo tLo wjntcr oa j l-iJCOrinty, tho last year wasa magtnfi- . 7 ,efM', vlYY oowtu in iuc opring, was a the nerajftilare Jit is also truo that, while the wheat 1 Of fair quality, tho (juantity was" gieatlyi short. But ii is equally true, that We Crop of c.rn, taking all parts of the ahtv together, was rather above that of rage year.;. In an experience of thirty Bt J,arn sure that I -have seen twentv Mvojrn years, and not six hetier. V or MJorftOck we .-hull havo the fruits of an oat l. .il. I 1 r Hi' , , gr r" Uren ,l" , IflDd has been sowed with winter oa, and ,r ----- " i , -, venrr, v..uvo never oi.oe nrei .vnh a fa.l.ir. vi c mu uouni on il wiiu cor a n v. anu i tnity, and who havo ingloriouslv slipped 4 . . . . . , nais ,I"luu"p"'''"n service in cither, it is peculiarly mcum- eni to uo.Mir ourselves m mis patriotic I. r i . i i ,voru. oi supplying our armies wun suo- istence. Let us put our families on the borlcst rations, and make il a point . to bend to our soldiers every thing that abso lute existence does not demand. In 1S17, I thiokit was, during a gieatdoarth in Hng jlan'd, idost of the nooility atid gentry of dhekingdom determined to u.e no bread on their tables and the tables of their ser vants. Thev lived eveil Of", potato, s at id .er vegeta!ies. ihey wero actuated by ,.v .. !....-;.- ... . i....... ii,., J motive:, ol charitv: to cnant we nave in- "... i .1 ..I I . I I.n..,.: .. ..' ...,l,o .llotn A 1. Il . ,1 I , V, ., 1 iv 1 1 j e u 'ii i s'j ui ii. .ii iuiioui. lu ii ' in 1 v v 1 . I , l,....,l i. .inn n,-i, i.n .hiirn f li -itn I -i.ii I l-:il V..I 111 1 Hi. IMO lliwil, l.i,v. ,.il v,.i-i.. ,,e,n ,,.!.! mi, ,h:lt. , ' , , ... i.i r whim, a yotitu lie visnea a weaiuty man m his neio-iib irhood. He sat down to dinner with quite a large family of sons and daughters:. On tiie centre of tho table was placed it htigo ' smoking wooden fray of Llaek-eyed peas, garnished with three .-.tntiil bils of ba-on. This was the dinner. During the meal my friend ventured very i ; .,-1 - il 1 1- in a L- lot- a niece of bread. Hi- li. ii'u. , ....... . ., lies, said, or rather roared to him, oung inati when we eat peas we cat peas, when wo eat bread wecaL bread ; this is pea day." Now rav friends, let us provothat patriot, ism-can'endure as much as avarice, and thai love of country will impel us to as - .,,- fc.w.,-iti.-M ms the I.iveof inoncv. Let - , p - , , , liberty gaincit i ' , n,V,nr tV worth but - , j..J , ,lim?oil' in driving back an invad. - .i,,,. V(,t he is a unit, and units con .w ----- - reat sum ot a protecting army. 1 1 met In; r Lot us aet promptly, and without a day s delay; send meat, corn, Oats, io.iuer, i; a..u Kirmi- .0 otir armies. Let us trust to 1 rovi- dl-iice and not look ihroagh one harveet another. O.ir threat dat ger j'-iM now me f tmino, but the tear ol iamme. -i....... , I,,, me-, 10 ciiive back oar cnemu-s ami thev are ready and willing. for to (leC'le 1 iM-.e-'-e-'ii '-- - , . .i, - ! will be sparing "four food to them, ; " t; norrheved h ihnrU J friot,(1. , - . .wl , 1 . niinfiih.ntlv On their . 1. .1 on, .-oar:t connuenii - iiieui x.v.i, ..ii - - - . , , 1 -.. ri n vJ unaniraou? co operation m ii.u- a " - " I in f .i (T'l'l-int arm v. who have gone 101m 1 " . .v. ... . , ?J tn, Tirn'eet vi th the r lives in tneir naou, le from the wc.-nine;i.rry pound. to.thoDusnei are wo h lo iivo itl his,t . w;,i1(,.lL ll)0 il0. O dlllorent Irom tno hcoteh.man. 1 hat v e , . . . ... u ... . . ui re.:;iu, au.i actual --u a -- nu v could not, tn an emergency use it for bread: d(Uy i;nd pa, ri,u,irii h, hiJ i:;fli, o,,-. ,On those ol my brother planter who. ike Ct;r;u,sl JllsUv j;i,j?ed that the - e.v.si, v. DJyBelf, are kepi, at horrie !y age or it.tir- . fi.vn r ,,.:,h .. (1, le-o- o ur anurs anu u..- 1 ..-...,.., ..,t-o-.-t er.emv. .1 Hive x-'umy et'.iiii.s in ,i - .1 . . . e !.., it ;a w-nrth. UO ttHC ni.ii. name ioi wim.... . - , v of the occasion is suea, emeivenn Your fellow-citien. JAMKS C. BKFCK. Fleasi-ris Tho taste Worldly e them is the natural result of an ur convert M.i sm.e, and is quenched ot itself in con le : versun. i-- j ! Si, Beport afthe Bat,.o Of juurireesooro This report, dated Feb. 23d. IS&V hna . last been given to the public thank to the energy of the R.chraond qarrespondent , of a Knoxville paper. It i. well walteua! haa lew rhetoricafflourishes and states th? p,wciimat8r,uf l,bRbattle rte deaH ucli may General Bragg call it an 4un equal contest' Tho enemy advanced from NaahvTllejithm'erjifKOOO men ; McCook'o j captnrel Tjapers eSWd in effective ' strength of nearly, if riWu'te 70,000 men. Gen. Bragg's forco consisted of less than1 Oi.OOO fighting men, of which 80,(K0 wtro i infantry and artillery With thee he at--; tacked Wncranz,i9lled 3.000, deH lfi flfkl M.H P. k.rtKt nflP.,:v,.. pieceH of cannon, 5,000 stand of iWartn's t...i- i i . amouiances, motes. narneis, anu a large amount of othar valuable propetty. Besides1 he destroyed nt less than M.i wasrors,-' mostJy laden with arms, ammunition, j.-ruvis- on', baggage, clothing, medicines and hos. i pital storjr " ' I Hisowrnoss amounted to 10.000 kiiU-d j and wounde d. threP of rl.lierv !ln,l 80X) prisoners. Ho sent to the War ! '. partment with his report tiino stand of col. .yrs j others were captured c.i lho tiM-l.and otherwiso disposed of. lie. left :it Mur- ', freesbero 1,200 badly wounded, h!f of whom afterwards died ; 300 siek and 200) weli men, and medical officers to attend to ! them. Tho enemy was in no condition to ! interfere wilh bis retreat. Gen. Bragg takes pains to stato that in hts army the Tennessee troops wore large ly iu the ascendant. Ho attributes his failure to ciimnLtn ko nartlv m (:Jn fn....r, ,. Gen. lireckenrulgo. It vill bo ionic in bor ed, that long before the battle of Murl'tc- I torn l -.An l... .. .. .. . , ,1 .... 1. 1 : i i ' Tr " . S8 puuiicy ms ! WCk"1 f fa,th? political (iencrals. Wo do n.t mean to shield Brcckonvidgoor to .iucs- ! ? "rdr ; ZH rZl what defence ho ' I "-I'VIS, ouuil IKJ UO U 1 1 illC I , Will SlllJW can mako airaint J5ra"'s Unless a better slate of feelimr o - now exists between tliot Cienerals, t!io i I-ropricty ol their continued association i.s questionable. Gen. Hrac;g reserves his rhetoric for the private soldier, lleporls so oiin dismiss tho men of all others who do tho voi L-i battles, with tho briefest possible cour,ili ment to their gallantry, and dwell so rn.-i n at longth upon the herois--:i of nids :u.I attaches; that we quote, :;s a note worth -curiosity, (Jen. Bragg's handsome tribute to the tiie of his; amy : To the priva'o soldier i fair i;rfeu of praise :- due; aiid tliougli it is so .-old .: giver, and 60 rarjly cxpee'a-u, Ihal :t iu:.y be condemned out, of pla e, 1 cunno'., iu j Jstiuo to myself, withhold ike opinion over eutertaided and ho often c.pv. .ed (iiu i-.. our struggle fr independent- . I.i ;!i-- absence of the instruction and d.seipline -i ..i.i....;..... ...... i . . I" . i. i. i . . :. viu uiui.er, .iuu u.vue e. m u i e i, .e wu.-i. ng association pioduces bewe,-., Nt.t(- l, we have in a arcat nuasur.. tr -. AjU O liiuiviuaaiiiy a(iu m- : !r.;4" -m f -llVrtt0 soldier WitL.uMlv ,, -ve , r .he motive whieh control- the ' tiicer v. nation to compier or the, to lo iii' n to bo at all. .o encomium f too lutii., no holwr Um a for BUch :i M):(iit.,.y. li, -,,- .,.,, t -rri frnvv . ,.. ,. ..:V. - ' - p - j j , i it - . . - . .i.i .i en, anu pruuaoiy jusuy given ui me i-a-..-ers in our struggle, li istory will yet award the main honor where it i.s dm. i. th-' private soldier, who, withaut hope ol re ward, and with no oilier incentive than a consciousness f reelilude has et.i on .ilen t all the hardships, and suffered all the pri vations. Well lias it been raid :"Tho in.t in.inuioent our .'onf eileracy I e:i i s 'II w w ! i . 1 1 o i r indeiieiidence s!;all have be , ... ;uill s ...... 1 I 1 . e' this inseri pli-iii, unrecorded dead. To the. tin!, no .va l'Ait Nomi.i; 1'itATui i. Among the enno bling traits of Geneir.l JJhl.rl K..I.--characlor, none is more cui:s;.ict;on - ' ' his magnanimity. This unall'ei -ted riitVe" has been recently illustrated, a. .eica;:i on good authority, by a le'tev v.hi; hi. wrote lo General Jackson, aft r 1 -,.i.r.t " 1 the serious wound receive! bv him. v- ' arc itiluimed t.m tiem-iai j.--'. in this It-tier, the most pre;., urn lho injury stisla. :.cd by Oen ma and as-ired him that, could he I ed 3vcnff, he would have ta-.-,d own person. i o Genera. .. am. an Tm he. ascr.i'cu me g omuus vu .. der a kind Providence, we have i- phrase or spirit, but tu.srn.to sum" show that lho tw , leaders -i et:,- a: Virginia-Leo aidJacnr.-!.- y- - t that enliius.ut-f,- apv,n cat. -t, - o tli-yau re j;ai 1 ,1 oy iii Uonledera'u Sf A Sk. itKi ror. a F. it m Kit' tho niiikini' ot vour c ws i V.".i 1 vour pan;; be )!;i ed in a v.Kter. Turn the milk in kw-'J i" in' e'lO ot til" taken from tho kettle, am' i"v-r 'h- to wjth another ot -hel ts -n ,,-, ma- ner Wl'll 11 tin th 1 mil t.'e IIU Oil 1 .1 1111 . we - J xA sir' the (p. -Mile, Ol S ee We H'.-l i- i 1 . , an! butter us tie. A " Try t! . ,1-1 Ua.i V re.-uil v. ti! you Frederick -burg lad" nfler- 1 her recipe for making " 1 'ei-'ieste" The principal i ;oi o cement li-r sell, is that she is in moder.it e . i.- .-v ces, though with her " lim':- 1 rc-i-m..-maiiufaeturing," she cev-r r"'l thau t;one hunt! red dollar ; -r cay. e w think- if ?he w-u'id cjm.: man' iuro of her " A fur a lew .'af.' . if.wr. .1... .vi , .l,t l.,-.,.nt.iii C pui'.e ii. iC elide i bhe tne nnni lin.' the re: have nooe casi' ti ot torn lo to lo y, .e 1 w:.t. !i n.ai. i.g L'. We'e-h. ijreei.- Tfinleu A learr. t:.- ' " a. mediate. y A Pi iv I---. for N. m.m-.tltriit.tkJ i . f of a sup' dbft TlHillst 1 O manuidCiureil and iold .. 1'."N. boroua, . :i-ti Irei For the Patriot. A PRilEK FOR THE ABSENT. Oh (iod '. I pray ut Thee, Whow watchfm pye M'oU uS day by day Whoiv.-,rpr B-in tH" rJ , y' Thourt Whi ,Uy : -aTer;:::; ar M:lke him Tl' loTe n l care- Lot 8wect?st 1-eaca upon iiis heart descend: l'e Thou l"r'Vl'rm"ff. C. iide aid rVifW ; . Ma-V h, ri, h h!es,-ntfs of Thy love att&Sr AilJ ard him.Vffery where Jp T , ,- J " Gratha," P ' f S " Tf Jrr, J Tun,!?, wn.,.., he cl.e,,s, , fond and true ' i-e th ! ath hp nmrneys thr. .ugh, him s'iH ' NUke i-i- ,u heart ' fCV Md' Prs unwttrd ia Tuy ie.r alay : L' ' f"" t. -r.ptu'i .n I the world t-aiu swsy A-l h-:. hi- :.n v.mi,: f.r.trr bv tta.-,var Ti.v.;,on, :,ui,n: " Q , r i ",m " 1,0,1 ! tl'mugh ull.- When life is l.eautit'nl ,vhir 1 ue is ii fr : '. r.rm an n""" ",r',v"-'ra I """--l a ak n'o more. -b 41 ivuvs innt tU! MiNMt. Uerdsvilie. . C. Education in tho Soulh. Aeomiaittei aj-.poiuied by the Edncation al Association, recently in session at Co lumbia, S. C, has issued the following aj. dress to tbe teachers and friend uf cduca , tin in the Contedcra'o butcs Jti aeeordanee with a call issued by the Slalo EJncali-.'.-.al A-S'iciation of Xorth Uaroiliia, a hi;;h!y i-epeetable meeting of tete.hers atnl lneio!; . t education met in (' tumti!H. S..'1'li Caru:itia, on 'J'uesdav tho iV.h day u!' Apr;!, hjix Statos were repre setited41i ";i.e iiiec'iii'.:x, i!)uut seven. - delo g.d.s, and it permanent National A'oria tie.u was uruuai..-.!, h-ivia- fur il object tho promotion tf tin- gi eat cause ef educa '.in in the .in !"i!erato Stat'.s. One (d 1 h n: -! important subieels be l ,.j;vllie i.vt . .t.:c '.vs.-' the siii'pl-uf.Nuitalilo r .: h(t.o;.-- i -if :tr h iio !-, ai.Mj it w: - a- t .'i t ini' O ; p; e:'ai ii..- inany -.oy.: me in course of f. : .;'m;' o: utir ountrv. .and U .it a nt:...l i r . v' " 1.. t:u i;'ary boeks havo a'i-i are in .re.it a !.a :, .'y lo-e o.'tntUiii. 'i i . . i: A - '.-e'.at in-) deemed it or ... et.e jui.tp! ;y h'1 means it - ( iiaracter .ni l object, p.. t mute . ovyt isos, and !.ei s to the use of h'.iino v:toi imp--: la.'i'.'" C. n : -i ! : .it ii'; t'L'fli If-ta t! :::i-i i-i-.d '-.I i:s wci :- iti tn e'". r. iti L-ri f. widen ate! t I , , - i II- -. , , ,M , firm St ;.- "s,;.-:. t S . i-' . i ,i t i'tl v:- I u--m i ' : ! e vi:v. i a ' N' a !ioeto;.;iy ufher ot eqnnl st re:!.: i ' V ! Ill- v. '1'C'i t!n iniluenee of - re: ua'n--!ii !,., to .th -;. Hilar i !ij,-ctv m aj ra . ; iiiii! a ; .- '4 ' ' 1 ' he ai.t !i.., iea ' ' !' ' '' ite i, I Statr ' a-m lie- appoint ' it; e:fei). . ' : v; - V" iaiJa I ' V ' : -a m:i' ' t 1 1 " i i ! i - it. i . ( i r, ami t: --iiii.;.i' i' .! " I J i 1 1 1 ' no - - i. i.' i' d tie;; e'f Vis be, ; r' !l v v''vi no ' I -I T ; ' .1 iie "..'-- a iat ion :".! wilh tho .;,;! .. s 1 1 ; j . 1 -t ' ' t . . .i-o . -i -1 1 ,:; :;:.; i-.t). I t l lljl. . ' ' 1 1 111'. : i ... i ii . e. t e . n in believed ii- t .-a-'-h -ill purls lt:-. : e ei .-. a'.ai it' lift he ' o! .je' .! s . '. an itntnet ilea : '.' 1 ..i eai rv . t g mi '.- I he ti : a :ii i..- m i" a red, .J can ie aer-im- ; , ..-!..' . i ; ii.-i. I,, '. -. aim, t "I plivhe.l. il nuui-c-si'ii wit --s.lC.at lU'i W;. .rd'HitullV , I. . I .I Iii-l 'mil. low is the I 1 1 , i i , , tin' t " v.'nt.i, at, i t ,.1 l.v the V.ai.t- a . vs iiaicvoi !. , '...,..,. i. . ,.l. - ( .i ,i i . 1 1 hum 1 I e the eo.; li ! ry Uiei-.-i hue !: at i-m" !..: ne' ''!' l!m'.- l .Ha- i ! ( .' . oi , a f' ' he wnh"'U a;tiiig tiiiie-. h- I I;'- lih-.i- e Cj.-e l -.1 i il ! u ti:.- el' -1 :i M'um .-hi i.i th - r . j .;!! c we''ar r in n Ti'r'oas c a., n 'i 'i i ' v i nn the .hili;.' 'o x. i ; i -. ; t ' "i a '' i' ' .'' ' . i ' i . i :,:: 1 : lit. a. tli.'-e ". ! ' ;i ' h mure m . h", a a.i i m.n i :' t.' i.-i ' a : . i ! i p 1 1 1 1 1 1 ra mi ilr.-ect v a ei a i. 1 1 lio .,-tr .ti. V' . ii V ,i il Li. e (-,)-'; . ' i : f" : -. e t tin i 1 . . . ' i ym tin" i iii in ,i T 'Oil e -eat iii:s(d i tei . imhi ' ."tat. ii i e! her in !h" teanh lili anpo I' ll. I h ;irn .'lie N.t d !. ati el... v.-; a W;: V, de: -d, unt ry : . I - el i I he. ( a-- :i'e..Mv to ' r nr.' that v i . i i .le- A-'- .-a lion ' stat"-1.-0 to y a:d e 1 'P- 1 l will 1 0l m r 1 ti 1 1 - , 1 at;. in th III! VI 1 1 V I i '. V to e-mi- ) r.--i'l" in , t , enable ni' to tht; s-1'ieets i ' i a. I e I ) 1 1. -. In t'uIo lime ' ' ;-iy s'-ne ( . ' 1 1 '. : 1 i ' ' C.i u-c i - I o W fXi- 1 i n '. -d - v. ,- .h. i : i . a ' i 1 1 it .. !l if. in . e V . '.0 A t.e r..s a.. 1 lot-.: OUghlj, Iiiixe S at 'J i tie borax. . "w. 1 4 1 i I ! -I M ' ft n ub- 1 hV t t. i i ( n 1 1 - ".- V

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