THE PATRIOT. ;iu:i:siioiioi'Cii, n. c. No. 1,234. ..JTNK 18, ISO NX V.... Til I'lWDAY,. Tim order (or the enrollment of C.'uri- m ni.t in the Seventh District, Bus been, i i !..r t ho jr sent, r vokcil. See order ' born, to diminish tlio amount of circulation, and the plans to effect this end were: ! 1. To induce tho holders of tho isuea then out, (io wit, the first ahd second clar e?t to fai.d them by tho 1st of Augapt next, by nlloing till that Cato a iirjcrai raw ui interest. V To have anew issue out, the third clats, ly the first day of August, fundable at ri higher rato M interest than the old is sues, which would depreciate the Talae of tlioyold issues, thus operating on tho I holder i f the old irsaes to fund them, both A ( i: urn-lances b.votnJ oti: control a wnoie aueci ike occurrence ii Iroin i-ainni' Wo hope :i I I pen rt.i ' n. I r ','ihton hik-. firrlvd t n I i . : i t" hi., curd. We invite at. l by the hope oi ?ain and the fear of loss. i .'J. Uy the collection of a tax which it is pre ; rupf oril-d will absorb one hundred and this i twenty-fife million. j 4. To prevent a futnro redundancy of the currency by limiting the new issues to fif. ! ty millions per month, and supplying the army with provisioi.? by a tax in kind. The Legislature of Virginia, withu view, n I presume, to co-oporato in carrying out the v't. wb of (JonrePs, and to protect her I '1'tri.cinT i m mpH ifife I v nsiftKpfl an ftft nrft A . V. I . ' - . . I , ...--. ..-- - m vuliriif that only tho third class of issues v. i r . i . .1 Ii kocccs. liuriy s iiiviMon siorrneu :. . in y' rtitrenrlnncnts at Winchester, v.ri' in away, and capturing their From Virginia .... . .. i. i . i.i.i-.i. :i"i'ii! A r, iron, ..t-u. uau u iu , bj j.j ,n menC c-f taxes due that H1 hiiM aain crowned our troops . tQ tml tate, Hn( ra0ro recently, tho Banks of Kirhmoni). no doubt with tho same ob ject?, have re.-olvcd not to receive eri .de posit tho issues of the first clas. Tfco Htnk4 of, Petersburg and Lynchburg, and cf the other Southern S'ates, so far as I know, till receive all the issues ; but whither they will continue- lo do so, after tho Irtt of August, 1 have been Unablo to ascertain. Tho second section of ordinance No. 85, f'ebrn a ry .".siori of our Convention, com pel you to receive :iwy Confederate notes of laxc?, and gives me no power to forbid yoQ lo rcecivfitiy class of 1 it ; and as .it may turn out that trie effect ol 1 the act of Congress may be to make one ji both the first mentioned classes of notes u i. current after tho lirtt of August, where by the Siato and County Treasuries may he supplied with ULavailable money, the (i vf i nor, with the advice of his Council, has ordered an extra session of the Gone- Aj'-emb'y to convene on tho JUth nist., to consider and detido what ought to bo done in the premises. It is expected, therefore, that you will abstain lrom collecting taxes in the old irtuc3 until the uclion of tho Legislature shall le known. I n the meantime there should be no panic amonp the people on this n-ibject. All have an rpportunily to fi:nd till the 1st of Ay t'tit, ai.d t- p:iy th larpre tax to tho Con leilcrate ln crnment in these notes ; and if the (iencrai A..riti!iiv should decide to continue to receive tho'issues of the second chi.-, which will continue to be nearly as :u i t V, Htorc-i, ,v . .o lurwier iiuiuiu-hr- U t. th: a re ven , b u t a. a part in my ha been advanced as far a W in h. rt.-r, w e may rafely infer that the h il -.1 our fore. will movo forward sli'l lurlini A it advance by Jon. Jiee is ex j.i'f led in Pennsylvania and great oxcite. : u vnil. 'I he railroad companies in in payment that .tato are trectir.' defensive works to protef t th-.'ir br'tdcs. It i i ported that tho enemy havo cn ' i. :y evaluated their various positions MoutcJ frederirkshurg, and onc no one '.i.i v: uhme . ... , .. V I-r. r dill li.hla nil I ... . ru noljiy .Mo.t of tin' news wnicli roaclis u fr-Mii !ha' point in by way of the .North; l (i uiiliee a ci ouiitsas they are, aro favor ..!.; t t he '.'onl'-flerate.-. pnrpOieaDf this case, to decide the point maac Dy Air. uoyacn, xnat it is m iui,vuuwu by the act of May to talce oat of tho army and restore to their occupations, tho over seers of femes sole infants and luotffcs,- provided tho persons wero employed and acting as overseers previous to the 16th of-j is necessary. It is true, the coarse of cer v 1 1 i Ml V See tho card ol Mr. I i . - c t iJ praiseworthy, and Ue will u? C cd. heir, rrat'c Sl ito Convention whiih week a' CiluinbiH, hi', unani iio'iiinated ':il!andi.ham for lov I tie re o! ii t i oi: denounce the arrest hui'''tof ';. ilaridiiham, and pro r tho apiioint inont of a committeo to ih ii::iiil hi- re-'.lii!;oii. Kit-Senator l'ugh ha h. ii n-.fiiiiia'i d u.i the democratic :ti J 'h.t.' fop !. vei l. or of tho Fame Statu. in.'; III".:: I ? i I y r 1 ide April, 1862, and provided there is no while male adult. on tne larm wnois noi im' v military daty, and providod affidavit is made that after diligent effort no overseer can be procured for the farm who is not liable to military datr. and provided $500 shall bo annually paid into the public treas.-l ury by the ownerof the farm or pianiuuuu For, 1 am of opinion, that supposing the act not to embrace persons who are in str rico, the petitioner's case fulfils al! of the conditions and requirements of the act. He is now, was previous to the 15tu April, 1862, and has been all of the time sinco 1857, the overseer of a femes Ble, Ac. It is insisted on the part of Col. Mallet, that the petitioner was enrolled llth Octo. bor, 'G2, and has been from that date con structively in service of the Confederate States, and consequently, cannot daring that timts bo considered as having been an overseer. This position depends on what amounts to an cnrollmont, and its legal effect. If an enrollment amounts to no moro than writing a'man's namo on a list with others, that was certainly done on the llth Octo ber, 1862, bat, if it is to have tho legal ef fect of putting a man in tho actual or con structive service of the Confederate States, then, lam of opinion, that what was dono on that day, was not valid as an enroll ment; for the reason that Huio, by force of Dr. Baker's certificate, was excluded from the operation of tho conscription act, and was exemptod, being ascertained under the roles prescribed by tho Secretary of War "tQ be unfit for military service in the field,"' so tho commandant of conscripts bad no right to havo bis name put on the roll as a conscript, and instead of doing so, and excusing him until the 1st of May, 1863, according to the rigbts of Iluie, ho should havo beon sent borne, and tho prop er limo for enrolling him would bo after ho recovered, and became fit for military ser vice in the field if he happened to recover; to be determined under tho rales prescribed by-tho Secretary of War, for, the law ex empts all persons who shall be held unfit for military scrvico in the field, by reason of bodily infirmity, &c., under rules to be prescribed by tho Secretary of War, and Dr Baker, acting under these rules, certi fies that ho is incompetent to perform the duties of a soldier. In other words, he is 44 unfit for military service in the field." Scg that ho was ipso facto, exemp'ted for the time being. In reply to this, it is said, tho Secretary of War, by the Adjutant General, had prescrbed a rule that persons unfit for Otr Eastern People. A refugee from Nowberb has written ns a communication vindicating tho loyalty of Ihoso. who re mained there for a time; but- were at last compelled lo leave or lake the oath to the tiincoln government. No such vindication S?,e,l!7Fron lh br on Tuesday uiK'l.( t'Ot) m if r im ottbia iifetaiit. a Urk hir Ml HP J v u o v."7 TtT , ....T-t"! we'.l rrmed tod in tolr.k). . 7 i - ' I I II I "-1"' w lUMrAM STOCK, both Linl fee? L SV.t ?llUe. un i .T'iC UgMM Iroa County ..II 100 W ii Ml i.U r, ' 'iir tip' I I 'lI'IMI m .v i Wi have received a cir i. in Mr. W. S. Johnson, ink maker. . a. S (' , Mating that from this j.t .iM ol hirt ink will bo 40 per tlru hitherto. Mr. Johnson ,e h. -t ii. I; of any one in tho Con- scrvico in hospitals, or on tho auartermns ter or medical staff. The act exempts all persons held to be unfit for "military ser K; ii.- 1 1 i I . We lourn tho sale of town hi!- ui ihi" pho e on the I t li instant was . .-:l n tei.ih il, and much eagerness was in.iitile.iled on th part of the people to jM.i.ha'e lot. l'li e landed for half-arro I !-Il t in - I" t" ' -' !" ea h. The average t l It I I c ! t liie laii'l- lit us itpOHcd ol w as .i : I - I old .1 M i' 'el A manufactory of in tti)ti.-4. f"ool, e , for wool and w hittoj u is it: Micf oMiful operation .. v I'a'tli, N C. )i.Kis addressed In . 1 1 -.1. (it, will meet with prompt good a.- thofie of the thirJ class, after the 1st f f Au"n.-t, :1ic jieople will not bo in ei inoutd. ii maieriaUv. in ravinc tho Stato ' 7 . .t i ll I .11 L II and taxes; and it is hoped that military service in me nc:u, snail De enroii tho issue- of tho liit hiss will bo nearly ed and may bo put to service in the hospi a!i ahsorhi d ly funding, and in pnying the ! tal, quartermaster, or a medical KtafT. So, C nt jdi riite tax. ! the qucntion is, had the Secretary of War This full explanation is made to enable you cle irly to understand the tubject, and to explain it to others. I'ntil you receive further instructions, you are, therefore, advi.-ed to receive only in payment of State and Ccuuty taxes, the Treasury notes of this State, the rotes of all the Hanks of this State, gold and silver oin, and Confi derate Treasury r.otcs dated on and after llh of Apri', 18G3, and tho inter st hetirin Treasury notes of tho Coid'ederi'.te States. Very respectfully, JONATHAN WOimi, Public treasurer. IN THE MATTER OF HUIE. The far U are : iluie is twenty-nine years of Hie, i- now, and h- been since tho death of 1.N f'tl.rr, in l'tl, tho overseer of his rnoihvr, v, ho m a nidou, and lives on, and own a plantation in Cabarrus county ; and has during that time owned and kept on her plantation moro than twenty negroes S tairj Journals has led the unreflecting to ocneve thatbastern Carolina, as a general rale, is but & barbor for " Baffaloes7 that is, sympathizers with oar enemies ; bat the factraro.all the other way. No people could hare been more devoted or loyal. Traitors and "Buffaloes'" constitute the exceptions. Oor Eastern people have suf fered deeply and for a long time. The cf forts made in the Convention and in the Legislature, to provide troops to defend them, failed through party manceaverings and party" opposition, and in many respects they have been left naked to their eno jpieo ; but the great mass of them have pre ferred the loss of all they had, and to be come refugees and wanderers, to doing any thing whjch would bo regarded as an un manly submission to a ruthless foe. All uonor, way say, to such a people. , housands of our Eastern brethren, with their wives and children and servants, are Dow scattered throughout the interior oi the State. . In many instances thoy have lost all they had. Thoy arc entitled in their peculiar condition, not merely to bo regarded as loyal citizens, but they should havo sympathy, manifested in unostonta lious acts of substantial kindness, of all our people in the interior who havo been for tunately shielded from tko losses and evils which bavo befallen them. Let the fact that a person is a refugee and a wanderer for opinion's sake, be a sure passport to our kindest and best attentions. Wo are alt North Carolinians; and as we love the old State, tho common mother of as all, let us be brethren jndecd, especially towards those who have been driven, in many ca ses without, means, from their once com fortable and happy homes. Raleigh Standard. Another Habeas Corpus Case. In July last William B. Costnor, of Henderson county, a private in company A, 25th Ilo gimer.t, N. C. Troops, who had beon se verely wounded n tho battles around Richmond, hired a a substitute, Allen llobinson, aged 43, who had been a private in tho same company, but who had been discharged by reason of being over the conscript age, anil a discharge was duly given to Costnor by Col. H. M. liutledge, uy reason of having furnished tho said Kobinson as a substitute. In February last, Lieut. Julius A. Poor, of the 25th Re giment, being at home, and acting undor ciders from the Colonel of said Regiment, arrested Costnor as a momber of his com-' pany absent without leave. Costnor, by his attorney, applied to His Honor, Judgo Shipp, for a writ of habeas corpus, which was granted, and Lieut. Poor anneared hefora tho Jnrinrn wit h li'u ,i !c. - . - "I E- " . " J' ,o aotnority to navo men unni ior mxmary onor and aflor a hearing 0f lho ca80 Judg0 service in tho field, enrolled as conscripts, Si,ipp decided thero was no just cause ior on the ground that they might be of some hjs detention and ordered his discharge i - j W " J i' PVII M W sixe, getUng.dTanccdin;;, 7 r. "JCUlum i f",rc8 J rI Stock, ci $10J eMh, .adwhen wiU be thankfully ..TiVuV. V "ioratuoii I aiu m ruil. cer.ifio! will be issued in due form. e .t Green8koro; N. C J rewarQM- Address 64-tf NATHAN HIATT. police to Conscripts. -oiliq OrricK Sixth Conjrfiion.l Dist,i.r Greenaborough, Jim 12th, 18C3 ' The commanding officer! of I he militia regiments in tins district, comprising ihe counUes of Alamance Guilford, Foryth, SokM, Rockingham, Caswell and Person, are hereby req. ei?ed to proceed at once to re-enroll all white .male persons within the lim- Vio 1 "Te re8'm:n', between the vi to toil 4U Tears. age This notice include, 11 there who have been vionalr mi nmH .lu. .;i..l v . . I ' c" j r- "r who nare Deer d is- eharred from ervic. from an v i y . "ouoowoiMTfr. AUxontractors with the Confederate or .te GoTernment, making aP;llc aioa for details. ous. have the crtificate of !he officer with whom tber made thcontmct upon thir application. The commanding oBicerS of the seteral regiments will assemble their men at the times and plaoes hereinalter named for examination and enrollment, CA. Murray, 48th Regt., N. C. M., at Graham, Alamance county, on 2-itli and 2Cth June Col. Mebane. 67th Regt., N. C. M., at Owmbo to, Gmllard county, on 2'.)ih and? SOth June Col. Coble. G8th Regt., X.C. M.. at Greeusboro, Guilford county, on I'd and 3d of July CoL Muten, 71st Regr., X. C. M., at Winston, Forsyth county, on Oth and 7ih July Col Matthews, 1-Jst Regt., N. C M., at Winston, korsyth county, on .th tnd lu;h July Col. Daily, 7211teKt., X. C. M., "at Danbury. Stokes county, on lStb an.l 14:U ofJuly Col. IrTin, 89th Regt., N. C. M. at We,wortb, Jtockmgham county, ou 10an4 17th of Julv CoU Millard, 70th Regt., X. C. M., at Wentworth, Kockmgham county, on VOth and 21-t Jn)v Col.Pinnix, 37th Reg;., X. C. M , at Yancey aswen county, on ..d and 24 li July. Col. Hunt, 44th Kcgt., X. ('. M., at Roxboro, I erson county, on 27ih and 2t!i July. All Militia Officers will be required to attend and show their commissi.. us to the Enrolling o&cer. No conscript will b lowed to volunteer alter his enrollment, or put h, a'sub-titute except at t ho camp of instruction, J. H. ANDERSON, Enrolling Officer, Gtli Congressional Mstrict. W. R. CAPEIIART, r.4-6w Sutgoun C. A., Ch. Ex. Bd The Salem I'rtst, Winston Srntinel, and Milton Chromrh wilt please cjpy :ni l forward bills to this oftce ?y ville, c-nd,Moned to pay the holder and owner thereof. 50 --""'- " '"on m m montns oi Beptcmber and -Mrirch. innuaily, ranking 100 pounJs per annum as a dividend on each sha.e, and no further payment or assessment will hereatVr t.e required, nor liabili ty incurred or debt contracted against said stock Tt u Company has a clear title to about 440 acres o g-d land in 2 tract, of about 220 acres each, one whlCi7S ncsr.,'riip. in Guilford county, on wUh'a SI, WUh 4 fu"" nearly eomjlete. To V e retr 'W "w miU in Ration .near InH k , 1,1 ,le'' f in ore. which are rich and abundant, with r:phts ,0 mine and ,1 ,7, on several plantation for 4 or 5 mile nnr-h-ea-l ad s.unh-wcst of the hrge. This ore is first cW ror making good wrought iron, about 100 tons have been raided, ami the prospect for an inexhaustible' supply is certain. Tiu orher tract embraces water power nbundai.f for Rl(;ir. Mills an.l manuiactUr-:n- purpose?. The chart. r i granted for CO years and its proTUIons ro adapted fully to the want, of Ts shareholders. Application made to meat Greensboro' for shares or any inform;.!;,,! desirrd ly nppUcar.ts, will be cheerfully att-nde.i t... s-"" JOHX SLOAN. Prt!,i.l,t. o filce of the . c. It. is. to. C dmi'an-y Shots Mw 12th lft' , Notice is giTrn to masters pnd owner cf elates that n ) slave w:',l he allowed to i:r.n-! on the trains of tm-r Road unless :uconiparu. d by their master or agcai, authorized m wiiiii.g, and tor whom a ticket must be pvtrvhaod .-f the Rait Agent before entering the cars. T.J. l MNER, Ei-iin.'ev and Superintendent. lOOl Carillng.-Tlie undersigned haVing bought William tlutMMt'- WOOi, CAR DIN ti LfsT.VRLlSUMtNT. ou (he wais of St inking Quar ter, 1 7 u.i It east ; Greei.sboio', Hi miles west of Snow Gimp, and S r.tile- south oC JIoli's Faoiory, rid having pi, f i;r card, i Sood Order he is now ready to CAR1 WOOL. bringing wool to the ma mill be required to have i washed clean and well picked, so u- to be clear of burs andothcr tr;ish. a.-,.i put one Ih o! Urd to every lu lbs of wool, and one hect to every 2". lbs. Terms tor carditis : White, mixed, 2o cent- per" lb. J. L. PUG II. Patterson's Store Alamance county. N C. 1-j i-ents per lb.; for s ugur! SUGAR ! from custody. Being about to roturn to his Regiment, Lieut. Poor, disreffardintr tho orde of vico in the field," and clearly no rale pre-' JudL,e Shiou. ro-arrestfd Costnor. far tho scribed by the Secrotary of war could de- ; pUrposo ot returning him to hia company, feat this express provision, for instance, no and rjis Excellencv. Gov. Vani. hcin.r rulo of his could malie a man with one . notified that Poor and his prisoner would. : ,:t!..i i .. a. c i..i . . . . . r arm, wuu mvcruuvu u uie ourgcon lo ui':pn Kuleigh. Ordered a BQUad of men to unfit for military service in the held liable . be "detailed from the 38ih Reirimont. X. C. aa a conscript, although ho might answor Militia, and to proceed to tho depot of tho some purpoio about a hospital or bo ofsome Central Kuilrod in this city, take Costnor scrvico to tho quartermaster, because, jIlto custody aod deliver him to tho Adju whother a man is entitled to exemption or tant Goneral. The souad was detailed. not depends on tho construction of the act, ail( unjor command of Captain "Wra. 11. wiiicii it is mo privilege ui mu cyun Crowdcr, proceeded as directed to the de make,.and tho authority of tho Secretary of no. ; ,iii8 c;tv. an(i on the arrival of the War is simpjjr to proseribo rules and make car8 Uom the Vcst, on yesterday morning, regulation? in oruer to nave tne jaci ucht- . took Costnor in custody and delivered him miDcu wueiner u man i.n or nui iil iut inni- n i:,n y.wrin taty service in tho field, for which purpose SEAL A special order was immediately issued is niv varda of hixtv years of aire, and alonc lhc Bpreaentauvc8 oi mo people in by order of Gov. Vance, permitting Cost. ' I ' ,T rrwSc B AVM hlA1 I A tf hnQ A XT' 1 Clfl rV tl t ail 1 no wh.ln p.-ixMi livrs on the place except I M"sa v-"1"'""' l" nor ,nasmucn as no naa oecn aiflcnargea rH .rvif. :md n dauchtcr about 19 yeara of i cpnfadd tho trust ot making laws, had do- j from tho operation of the conscript act, to M vi; , it M Si i i n m n !. i.hom. In i hi t o nt cur rtbl ic viutt'd ditucnsioiiK t i i- w . K, 'Jio iil vi- sketches- arc neces fnria del.-rrcd to give lho hpaco usually t 'I to i.ew (Mirnevt. number will ii ,v i ."s ft" hliurt sU'l(hes of lhc " ' i'l !t"ld li.i; l'V-t," who haVr died iti I Let :i kill, if nre tin's gallant company t t ! i i . ! t in service. 1 : .1.1 t In 1. ,li.:ll Mrtlld.O .1. Important Circ-ular from tho Treasurer. H invitr :kr utteni.mi of the Shcrills I i ya !.? ol i he Male generally to the ;. vni I'iniilur lrom Mr. Treasurer i lii, s li'u K he l;;s hi tit hy mail to the r inl 'I ri I lleetor, and permitted t Mr. Worth's explanation t be ot.iiit inn il t iMiledorate indues are i .t:u. l llo',iugli, alio contain in unci hirh rendered it indinpensa 1. ' ::i-ntnre should be con- w II'. i ! e.j the i . ,i i ' ! i i I .'iiieiuh I'll V M HV.Il's Ol Viet N. C . June l;l, 1808. I tat-afe 1 1 ii. i it.' .d the - id 7 !. d 1 ho- at t "t the March C.-t.t.'.U r..ti ;t.!i tin ee t ! da' e l prior In '"" At" ''i ' '.'i-i'ii t 'uiiteJoratc Con aft. relaling to the Treasury rote.-, a .! : to Ptcenibcr 1st lt Pecember, ! 1 1 i'l. ii: till hi lwren At r' n and ulter Oth Apri i ' I l t ( ' I H t,. ... . hiw Jiiiie owns, and Jives on a plaro au joi ii i i. e, lias : wife and two small children, tMi (''.her white person on tho place. The witiies- diil not U now w both or Huio receives w.ijo.'j as an overseer, but if ho does not," he knows that ho' '".rns wages, for ever j since the death ol Lis father ho has man- i agcdhhoviu i.egioes, (some thirteen or i lourteen) and hUs tutted as the overseer of hi mother, and attendod to her business j generally : has ln-en diligent, managed tho 1 nrgrors well; kept them in good order,! i ... .1 r . mm. .. n':. l . - aiivi i.h.ui: iu in uiojis,. no hiuuuviih ru" ip.ired'by the net are tiled. Huio has for several years been atHietcd with bronchi-te.-s, and e.:is n'.i n rolled and ordered into tei". ico u lii-n the oilier Conscripts left tho county, but on the 1 1 ih of October, 18G2, reported at the Camp o Instruction near Ualeigh, when lr. liaker certified as foL Iowh : '. ll-:uli'.i!ir!'i'3, Ci'.mp of Instruction, Cruui Holme?. Oct. llth, 162. 1 certify, on honor, that J have carefully examined Henry C. Iluie, Col. Bernhardt, Mth N. C. Militia. and find him incompe tent t perform the duties ol a soldier, be cause ol hronrhitc. Hois excused until 1st dav of May, Vi. l. B. UAKER, Surgeon P. C. 3. A. Appended .1. C. Mi-Kmr, ('apt. and A. A (J. P. C. S. A. Huie's name was put on the roll at that date, and returned home and remained their until his arrest. The ( o'.sti net ion, of the conscription and ex rnp'.ion act, like other acts of Congress, mo lr as they concern lho rights of a citi zen, a distinguished from military regula tors and rules ttlieh the Secrotary of War is atithotized to prescribe, in order to cany lhc acts into elieet, (for instance, the per snt i manner of having pcrsonb examined in or- Clared. it necessary to take cit.zens from J rciurn lo his home, and to be protected by their homes against tneir consent, iins thennilitia officers of the State from further far conscription is earned by our law ma. kcrs, and no further. 1 was informed by arrest under said act, until the judgment of Judge Shipp was reversed by some judi- Adjutant Pierce, who returned the body : cial authority, havina iurisdlctiou of such ni vui. iiiautu, mm m.o i . i0 caseg jiaLeiQii xvoqress. revoked ; but he insists that acts dono un- dor it before it was revoked aro valid. I do j " " " . not concur in this position, for the reasons ! The report has been circulated in Europe stated above ; and consider what is called 1 that tho Secretary of the Navy is a Jewish an enrollment on llth October, 18G2, as flitrh Prieat. It has no doubt grown out of BY TI1E GOYERXOR OF NORTH tAHOLIM. A PKOCJjAMATION. Wbereas, There has been arisen since the ad journment of the General Assembly a verv important question of finance, in the DroDer settle ment of which the credit ot lhc State is deeply con cerned, and for which settlement legislative action is requireu : Now, therefore, I. ZERI LOX B. VANCE. Gov ernor of North Carolina, do, by and with the advice oi tne l ouucilot Mate, issue Ihgi Proclamation, con vening the General Assembly in Extra Session, and calling upon the members to ssemble promptly in this city on Tuesday, the 30ih d.iy of this month of June. In witness whereof, ZbbuixjkB. Vaxck, "Governor, Captain General and Coni J mander-in-Chief, haih signed these jirt-s- -v ' ents and caused the Great Seal of the State to be nffixed. Done at the city of R ileigh. this 1 2th day oi June, A. I)., 180;J, and in - lho i-ighty-sevenih year of American Independence. By the Governor: 7, B. YAM K, K. II. Battlb, Jk , Private Sec'y. 54-2w Stray COW Strayed lrom my premi3es, at Young's Mills in Guilford county, on Saturduy the 13th instant a red and white spotted C()W, marked with three or four niches in left ear, and perhaps a mark in the riht ear. I am inclined to think the cowii in the neighborhood of Greensboro', or Friendship. Any one lurnUhing me with, infor mation so that I can recover said cow, will be liberally rewarded for their trouble. fU-tf - SAMUET, ANDREW . Office, of tho 1. V. Hall Road Co. Company Sh-pj, JUne 10th, 16GX. The Fourteenth Annual Meetiag of the Stockhol ders of this company will bp held in Greensboro' on Thursday, the 9th day of Jul v next at 11 o'clock a. in. Stockholders who do not expect to attend this meeting are requested lo send lheir Proxies; they will be supplied with the blank forms on application at the office or to any Station Agents. JOHN II. BRYANT, Secretary. junl8 j4jd N otice. Application will be maue to tne called meeting of the Legislature to incorporate the Gibson Hill Gold and Conpe. -Mining Company. June llth,JbJ3 5 Cent Reward. iUnaway from me on Friday the 12th instant, au indentured boy. LOGAN JENKINS. I heieby caution the pMj-!c not to employ or otherwise liwbor said boy. I viV. pay a reward of five cer.t, bu no manits, ioi apprehension and delivery of him tome. T . SUGAR! : : I have just received alar t0 lot of SUGAR; of tine grrides, which 1 offer for sale, wholesale or retail, ar prices to suit the times. :59-tf - ' W. 1). TKOTTER. JOIl' LCDFURU, COACH AND BUGUV MANUFACTURER, kepps on hand, Rockaways Buggies, and Light Carriages of different styles', an.l prices. Orders will b promptly tilled ; repairs done al short notice ; and all work warranted for 12 month, on fair usage. Having been constantly engaged for more than twenty years, in the Coach business, 1 flatter my self, that I shall be able to please, both in prices, and .juality. Call an.l examine -for yourselves.' Shops ou Kas,t street formerly occupied by M, B. Armfield. ',. if appreh 54-3w M. L. FIELD. Co mm oh Sclioolsi. ' Fall dividend for 1SC2. -Cu'.lford Count v, N. C Otlce. The Partnership heretofore existing 1.1 under the name and style of Trotter & Mc Farland, is this day devolved by consent. All persons indebted to raid firm will please make immediate payment to W. D. Trotter, as the bui ne niu-t be closed. The said Trottor would em brace the present opportunity, of returning his most grateful thanks to his many iriends and customers lui past lavors; and hopes by strict attention and application to business to meriia continuance of the name, and respectfully invites the attention of the public generally, to his large btock of GRO CKKIi:S AM) DRY GOODS which he will con stantly keep on hand, consisting of the following articles, to wit: SUGAR, SYRUPS, SPICE, Ginger. CONFECTION ARIES and a fine assortment ot D.YE STUFFS, together with Ladies' and Gentlemen's DRY GOODS and READY MADE CLOTHING, all of which will be sold LOW for cash, either whole sale or retail at the old stand on West Market street corner of second square. 27-if W. D, 1 ROTTER. rnarpleyN Ureccli-loading Gun. JL This Gun has been lusted by the Armory at Rich mond and Raleigh, N. C, und has stood th test finely, making a favorable impression wherever it has beerr exhibited. We say, without fear ot con tradiction, that it is the BEST BREECH -LOADING GL'N, in the Southern Confederacy. It can be $hot with PERFECT SAFETY, when loaded either from the breech or umzle. This Gun is LESS COMPLI CATED and EASIER KEPT IN ORDER than any gun has been invented in this country. Th Gun was invented in Guiliord county, N. C, and we are now uianulacturing it for the State of North Carolina, at our Shops m Greensboro.' tay- We are ready tosellSHOP RIGHTStoman ufact iii-ers in the gun business in any of the Slates in :h Confederacy. j ;: --tf FAR PLEV, (.ARHETT & Co. I iict ion and ( omiiilHKlon IIusl ncux s (Jreeuslioro. We will give our S iTlH TEST -A 1' L'ENTloN to the above busincs. 1.) .i M..; is.-. Co hiJ-rc.-l ol those having properly i thi.- .i .s..i!h Car lina. llirein and selling .v .,'n . or i'.r.y other specie of property, produce Ia ti' Vefr'.-i e-ves iriveti. .!. c; F. GARRETT & Co.' U. . E . E:.wam-, A . 'j ' i i. err. void and of no legal effect. So the petion er, according to my view of tho case, was employed and acting as the overseer of a femo sole owniiigf, &c, &c, at the time cf hb arrest, at the passago of the act, on the llth October, 1S02, on tho lGth of April, 182, and for several years previous there to, and is entitled to exemption. R. M. PEVRSON, Ch.J.S. C. May 20th, 18G3. ' i s i lumlaMo in . . i . i ' i . i . i . . - f i til tr.i l: .ttiti"i n'xi, suit nvr to uvii'i num. m-mor inoy are nt lor i t t:i:.i!at'.i in I ' ! military service in the lield.) is nwtter ior t 'h i 1 i ! m s nr' lundaLliJ lur vno the courts, nrd at. v ci.struetion put on tho i "in tin- nr.-t tiny im i no monui prini-i;uts uy u,c oincor.s ui tne executive depart i .i .' ... . .i. : .. i? ii. I, . ..!'. ''I i I l l;'. 'it r . ivu t lu At t! l!,c i..ti t: h:ul t ross the lace ot thojn in G i merit, a t who is iihIIo as a conscript, or m'ut wh it'll thoy nro lut.d. j who i in'tiil d to exemption, is subject to i tho d'ri?ion of the .1 iniiciarv. This nrin ciploi i .-"i:stituti law is so clear, that 1 biippob-.' it will tcconceded by overy one. In the matter of .Mil', a" 6hoemakcr, An4fl. a waMi-niaker, and Nicholson, a miller, 1 decide llthi lho exemption act ap plies to lho couscnption act ot April as we!! rs to the conscription act of Septem- t Mnoutit ot tins currency tn circu-! bcr, and nu discvi mi nation is mado between mediated unJcr oi over tho of 35 For the Tatriot. EXTRACT From the vrOftedtnzi of Orange FreiLytery at Mtl.'ni A'. ('.. June 13, lbG3. Whkrkas, It is well known that there is a raoat lamentable deficiency of ministerial labour among our noble and suffering soldiers : that there is at present a great and an inwreas'iag call for preach inp, the manifest presence of the Iloly Spirit, and a promise of more than usual success :.the committee of Domestic Missions would recommend the adoption of the following resolutions : 1st. That from among the younger and more active members of this Presbytery four classes be formed consisting of four or five each. id That each of these classes spend oae month in labouring among the soldiers. ;M. That these classic named 1st, d, 3d, dih. an 1 that class Ac. 1 consisting of Messrs. Smith, Caldwell, Lialton, Johnston and Miller, spend ihe month of Julv. t'as A. '-. Messrs. Hines, Whaley, Kirkpairick. Shearer and Faucett, August. l las Ao. :3. Iesars. Jjoll, Stanfield. Hill, Wiley and Montgomery, September. ( (hi Ao. 1. Messrs, Jordan. Alexander. Aikinon. Hughes and Crrie, October. 4th. That Pastors of Churches ami stated sup plies appeal to their congregations as soon as pos- bibie tor tunds ;o bear the expenses ot these brethren lo tne army. the largo number of "rams" sacrificed by that worthy gentleman sinco the com mencement of tho war. Tax ox Salt. The Secretary of the Treasury, in a letter to a citen of Wilm ington, says it is tho opinion ot the .Depart ment that salt is not exempt from the 2' per cent, tax on sales. Mail Robbery. A. young man by the narne of .Harrison James was detected io purloining letters from the Post, Office in thid place on Sunday last, and committed for trial. balem rress. DIS. T a 4 5 C 7 8 i 1U 11 12 11 14 If. Iti 17 is PJ 20 I AMT. I. "m 1 tl ! t l.u Confederate govern ;.il t tlio ultimate payment i-mh -, ahd all tf them are e iti j :i,n.ent nl tuxea and other ie ' i.tedinitc government at any t nu tlii act -f CjnjjrcKS papced, i in hu' ne :e vli!eli were unavoidat'io. i For thr wme I am of oninion that . i' i"r, ru'runs depre-:n-i tl.o i xomrtion ml of M-iV, which is an iu.:,. ui v i ti.e ;;,t of October, applies to . -.i .1 I '. ill . Ifi riniil- llni . LrvfU . t ..;.. . , . t .1 , rvf-eut and piopeclivo evil, seems to havo I do not consider it necessary, for tho d it value, and l he We rejoico to learn that arrangements will soon be complete for opening tLe extensive beds of coal on Dan river abovo this place, and not far, we bclive, from Leaksville and Madison, N. C. We ai o informod that a gentleman of experience has already instituted the arrangements 10 which we refer and that he will soon havo all things complete. Danville Appeal. Confkdeuate Tax Colltcctob.- We icaru ihni w K. Lane, of Goldsboro, has been appointed Chief Collector of the Confederate rr..C : Vorih C.irnlina. fle has the appoi jt- ,..f.i..Mnniri "nllnpinrs for the several monr it hi icuu.t - counties in tho State. Charlotte Democrat MARRIED, On the 10th instant, by F.ey. John 1). Scheck, Mr Henry Cobb jun., to Migi Mary A. Summers, of Alamance county. On Tuesday evening, 9th instant, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Mr. Alexander, Col. J. A. MEBANE and Miss MARY J , daughter of "tVilliam PritchcM, all of this county. DIED. In fluillord county, on the 6th ir.s.ant of conges tion of the brain, Willie Matcer only chiM of J. M and W. A. Mateer, aged 1 year and 2 months, after ) a paintul illness of a lew day. J4 Jt C4 28 44 2ij -J8 in 12 2'.l 5 ?, l S 4 27 0 V) Si, Ul 3.' 3 Hi 28 SO 1M :v2 23 7ti I.". H4 18 -2 1 1 ; 60 ' 10 20 l'.t 41 ; 14 t;n ' -21 00 dis.1 . . 21 '-') . 20 2 1 2S 2'. ::o ;:i .) ' j i ::t 3.' :ir. o I :is i :;'i 1 41 : 42 AMT 2-.' :t " to i:i; :io iiO :)J iu WJ os ::) JR 40 41 ol 04 'i ::0 .".j 'IV- 10 21 OO .;h so C 71 r.i so .'j .v.; 18 :tt "V it ! ; D 1 ! .t 4 J 4- 40 47 Vi .. i,i the above sums ar due ih.' ii -') 21 21 . 24 12 i 27 40 , 18 20 31 '.'2 72 42 S4 14 40 .12 04 ih -0 :56 :i0 il 24 :U '.9 60 :: 4o 22 OS 10 (' J .' OS 27 iu . 21 00 -averal i nts. r 0 I ..") i 00 OH 70 , 71 72 71 7o . 70 1 1 78 7'.t Su 81 H-2 AMT. IH 72 I 21 oo oi M Oi 15 1". :;s oi 2-; "j 2o 10 T ;ilOr H. to employ a nuiuiicr (: MAT'l'l'R.- to work in our rsi ablishment at i ir -II1 JCVO :;CT.. t.ooi w.txiiu-ii ran iiuvui-- 'cor:--;.mt .iiL'! fiir w.i' j i2 ; -tl Hi.'! promi't lay-- Ti oi m.viC to .1. k V. OA P. RETT. :i:t 12 I l 10 1 'I JO 10 14 'I :i2 i" :'l M tUrtl,ii'Pi. Some tiin1 ago 1 lost a r -voWinp ', Im ;'. h io idui., and whi;h could Oe Iob-d.-d only with cirtri ;&-c. 1 h ive not yet ic.veid th 1'i-tol. and us I l,ave 10'J crrtriiei: on hand, liiH only si.- 1 .r.'Miuf. in the county that, will 1 th- I'isiol, 1 hereby pive notice that the fmd.-r ot tol can liave them at a reaaoiianie yt ic; o., , V '.. Il i .::ii,ini on l.K', - naiis Ol .i.m-ii,ooi...::u. !-.. ;. u' v. 'A j;km.n. disf if! -. N'ATHA:-' HIATT, ( h ii.u. )4-4w orlli Carolina. Borwniniiiii ..1.1 my i- ::iiiinj on l.K", )fiio Biii'. .Ja k, 3!aiiuHaH!-ror ih JL c-jn. ei.ii n-.-e of the i.."'! 1,1 l,ie vici,l"y ol (ir.-. ii-i.oi oti-.'li, and fl.oe noi l' and of the town, I l.:ae :onelud"d to have my tine lark nt my own fi.b' in t;i-.-iilj..r..-iiv'h, "" Monday the 2iili in-:., where hp will leinain tor one week, and being at my vt.ii.U' i-ki-i v 'L.ieina e met. .......... - j 40-1 1 F. A. i AIIRKTT. f 1 " ... .. ... Wm-.-. ..r vvl".i-il We -it The '29th, 2JLh, and GOth X. C. Kcgi- ments, have gone to iu-.buu.. North Carolina, iuo Cou of ricas and y.iaite.' tiessions, Term, 1 HO-!. . , , , . ttufus J. Franch adnvr of George Wrght d. e5l J. vs. Wiliiain V"i ir ii t and others. PETITION TO i-'KLL. LAND. t ,r,arJntre the tourt that the defendants i;..,, Wright Henrv Wrieht. Il -bertson Wri'-id AVilliam lilalr and wife Louiza, reside beyct:i t:.. i:m;.. nf this Slate: It is t'iK-iefjre ordere-1 bvi!.. Courtthat publication Ik; iii-mIc in the Greetu b .r i -h j Pat,;,,! for six week", tor the saidnon-resiuei.t de- j e 1 . .. . . n r.nn r nf ti.e 1 1 l.rm (if thi- II"' . 1 O i f Ifnuam . - be held for tbe county of R-.cki.igham, at :..i " j House in Wentworth, on ihe lourth M--r..iay .1. j August next, thn and there to answer this l' 1 1'. on. ; or Judgment pro confefo will be taken, and the. cause heard ex parte as to tliem. Witns. Wiiliam M Eiliiiirr.-.n. clerk oi o.;r t-a:a ; Court, at office in Wentworth, the fourth Monday hi UtMlt .Machiiie May. 1W3-54-0w a U$6 f aj0rup. My Hhop i titty yards north of JL Rankin i McLean'h ..11 i.!.reh.usc, where 1 lV".' n.v liii-ud, aiidc.!-toiiirti to call ai l intend to ,riT.- fuv-'i.-n t.. al! who call -n me. KSPKCIAI. TTI:NTIoN liiVL.V TO oarmlnt cutting. 'n.,..- .,, At curd nice with tl..; times. Call and e. A. DILWORTH. S- nd wi"ii tu puidia-e any ni.aiiti. v o: Kr.-.rir ii''.ii " vy " 1 J . . ! 1 each ior rUM.ii ; J cein -1 Jor i.oou, r ox mm .iusn- 1 lo e::-U lor MuL. 1 II .1 k F. OAR RETT. 'I'oba'-o 1 4. M-n. :io i Roxe4 Manutactured v aieH, a larg- i-Mion old, for Kale f y GAP. RETT. cud ! Lc&(4 . for 1 ui ..' V. M. ELLINGTON, . '. C. KJ maautactui ..-'l 2l-f fwKJ;.v Iki. trust company. Thia Company offers inducements to the public which few possess, it is economic . . ment, and prompt in Ae, payment of Us losses (BCIll, t . ' , aTn.ars anil IlieV The insured jor r --- .. c, nnt .nl liunn th nre- parucipate in us pru, -v -j -r-- - r - ESums paid in, but also on a large and increasing denoBite capital kep in aetiye operatio. "r .. .. v . o...i aiim ut unnnal meet- A dlVluena ot u, . - i ; ; . declared, and carried to-T-2 Havinif riualifieI is admiii: 8 f iK. T.ifaM.mbers of the Company. ,h. e.'are of C. ('. Cole, deceased. I hetebj n n a prvii ii ui u w - . i Those desirinz an insurance upou m or on the liTes of their slates, will please aauxees - I rpo tlio tciwumtM of Cias. It i , X with reluctance that th-- Gas Company finds i themselves compelled to rai-e ihe price ot Gas on ! and after the 1 da y vt ! uly, to 2J.oO per thouhai.d j feet. This advance bcvoims necessary as th price i of labour, and materi. I. ive increase ! loi.r t . i within the last twelve months making ihe con ges of the too greater by eve;al hundred d,:ir than ih.- increase. A. P. F.CKEL. 54-2w Seer.-' u.'. r ' u 7 xirarf ol The j rie ptti 1 '-mall .iHantii!'--. a. p. i:cki:l. su...-rior "inatuy, - A. DIXON, I ,J' -rough. N. C. Hillit.. Extract lbs . I. ..o-l !,0W(IOu.-tVj : i 5ie bv A . 11. LARD, Greensboro , N. ( rain Sacks. Grain 1 ,.. ri-v pD'-iiy l'or t 'le oy -ai.k", 2 bubhels ca A WILLARlv fjreriboro, N- (J. UT ief-ined would it that in connt-c- Jj UbtltlUe"WOOtcd. -For a reliable man, blTyVaold a liberal price will be paid, -eiij her inTreasnrySoteior sUrer. Apply at this office may23 "l"U tify all persons ind'eWed to hi-- estate to e.,;iie io. wtrd and make itlmediate payment, and all hainj claim against il to present Jum in the time pre-a,.-iiw..l hv Uw r.-Urwi nonce wiL bo p.t-ad in bar of their recovery. 51-6w JAMES R. COLE, Administrator. It lacUsniitliliiS. 1 I r I -l :ily !.', rr , tt.- t on with h. Coach and r.uiv ,t;n'i in Greensboro, he is cairyi'ig on the Hi. A; KS!1 I'll BUSINESS in a!i its various bmncheg, a-:. I w.uld be pleased to erve a'l who mar fivor hit.! v. :h .their rurom with good work a 'o;;:iiArK prices. Shop on East street, n'.;.r my B.iy Shop. gljtf J(;UN LEDFORD. BI,lK DEEDS, Jti gjoi pif'G for at the Patriot office.

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