7iXV. Voluirtfi, - - 1 Wollce. IwillstUnd t'otitfrlcraf'10" for tbspurpo fco1 ; t the foIvTHe Ti : I'-ctiuir the (Vo' Saturday, October 31. AMircrntille, Monday, November i. At h. U. Smith i. Tuedy, November 3 -L. W. Sumui tt, Wednesday, November 4. At Mo nticllo, Thursday, Number 6. At JawM I), Gilchristi c FriJ-y. Not. 0. At Greenb.jro Saturday, No. At H. H. l'Lipp. Monday, Not A Woody' Htore, Tun lay, Nn P. At Cobb Kb-ction Precinct. Wedn"dty. Nov. 11. At Wra M. MeUw'iMor. TliuraJay, Not. 12. At mrnwn residence. Friday, Not. 13. At t.r.rnt,oroj"li, Ha-uriiay, Nor. M, and Mot I iy a-. I Tur I .y. I'. bnd( 17. County Court ) A: F r'.tri, Wednesday, Not. 1H. At Wi I jw Mttiilv ! Thuradity, Not. I'J. At Win. Kirki .a'n a. Fn.lay, Nov. 20. A t,n tiit ir , r'at'.jr Iiy, Nov. Ul. At .laaie-!ou. M' nliiv. Not. 22. At Hifrb fi.int, Tm-nday and Wedneday, Not. V I mi 1 a".. At r. b-l. r-. Thursday. Not. SO. .M r riei l-diip, Frulay, Nov. -7. At tir-i u.i.t-ouh Mturday, Nov. L'l. At Ar'Ti HeTill i", Monday, Nov. if At t'r ! . kon lg Tuesday Her 1. At Jolm Kii.n'i, Wlnenday, Dec. 2. Ai J. N Ni-laon' Tbur dry, Dec. 3. Tin A.- otiwill be witb rue at those placet to ,-,.. tli-Tax in kind, and attend to any otber dutua -rttninK to their office. t All p-rnm interested, are hereby notified that the alrjT taiei muit be paid within the time pre scribed by law, otherwit 1 am compelled by law to al l t n per cent, additional 'lax and collect ai I do other taxaa, avl which I will do ir.epectiv of er ioni or property. Wm. W. loUNG, 70-lf Tax Col'eetor for G lil.'ord. 1oiC quarter Master's Office, ih 'oii;nitioul District, N. C. Graham, September 2;th, 18')3. In General )rder, No 117, Adjutant and In , ! tr General's ()ILce, Richmond Sept. 3rd, lo3, : fallowing order occurs whicli naould be ini- imii J upon the min U of the Producers in the ev rul cMiMiev in the t h Con;n iional lti ict, N. C. Ill l'r'.uner ar r-uin.! de'irer the Wheat, Corn. Oat, Kyt. I'.ucli whi ut, Hire, Peas, I .ns, cured II ty and Fo I l r, Sugar, Mola3e ma le of t une, Wool and V"la"ci, in k ch form aud ordinary iiiirki tat.le maiint r, ttt m.y be usual in the ncctioU, in whi-i iL.y are Ji-livi-red; cotton giiincd and p !' fd in .iiii m i ure manner, t bacco Ktrinvd M 11 I plki'ftl l ill I. (iiv. lT,,,n i. Ixi paid the excess of trankporta ii i i!it mil-, at the rates prescribe ! by s'.i'f t 'oiiiTnU'ioiiers, under the iiiipressmf ni act by ?L- f !1 .tHiif R''iii, who are ini'hor'ucl to receive t he 1 1 ) i in i tie Mjvei.l counties in the t'tU Cougr.js i ri al Ditrnji , N. (.'. A iit hum r, P. K. II A K DIN. t i...f..r 1, A. P. F.CKKL. I i Ttli. KOCT. tiHAV, Mi.U-, It. II. MAS.SKV, P...cl.ii,I,iim, W. It. MKHANK, r.-Hweil, It. Y. Me A 1AN', I rtn. 0. VC. NoRWutJl), l.jpccin! liitt ntion is railed to the above. CHAKLKS IU KINO. Cupt. C tf and Q. M. irh Conl. District, N. C 4 Mitim uUt and Ilrlck IflavonN MHtllt ll.-Wf " ill I" hire a foreman to 1 1 n m f tnl t hi ik liiyin. and another the rur p'i.tei woi k if (Jreeiii!ii'roUi;li Female College AUn ci pfi.ier und i'tick layer- In work under i!iiu. A ply .ri tu us at jieiisborough, N. C. T M KM , U IJAKRINtll'U. C. p. HPNM.MIAI.L. J M tJAURF.TT. 'niildmg Com. M II. I. W ll.so.N, J Stoll'll. Krom my stable in tiuilfir l county, o Km lny nij-lif, I'm I mcfnnl, my MAIIK, a hny, i ihice y-f. hd. air I dciil of white hair, and h p u ' of e i. Ii ir fool is white, scur on the rijflit Inn I li a while p -I'te I xtrelk (loan ihn s:iruc 1', 'I nan I I bie in f.iehei I and when volen "light ly I fin' hi l tt fore fo 't a lilt!' rrey on the wither, e u ,( I - li' in rubbed by thf i..u:kb:in I. 1 will pay It If I -otl.lUl in. My poit 7" it reward for the return ot Kaid mare to -11 1 i.4 I'i i.-k ( h iri ii. Guilford cii., N. C. PF.1F.K FOGLKMAN- II i :i i.l :it, upper. I.cikI hiuI Zlnr.-A tin I for aiiT kind ol oi l r i' ( ri' will In '' 'i , l u l it if I ? i lie. ue live re' i ni ihi' neitresi -i.i; in . v fine wr hinjr la ell, w ill p'l'llSC if . f 'tie i; uiiti'v, prii w. and where In lie de . G. P.UKNIF.U. i pi. Art , , ;,,u:4 C. Oi l works. tli-bury, N. C. l';ili'll - o I t'lieiiiiui or itk It AIL.s, . i" I I. ? i v r -W one ni.le east of Greensboro', i i:,,' M, I oi,inl i ii, I. ne vr ili itilro.il. Persons i-l in i; i o , r i i tor the delivery of the fame, ,11 ai'plv 10,1 i to tln it--' rii.er. K N. CALDWF.I.I., " l.v'h.ir Green.-borouj;h. W'illlfril. - I ishiiI j"un I j ol MIDI'S, for which ? f fi ti ,ln'-1, jrn fi n ill l paid, on lelivery to i, , ii, 1 1 rriiiw'inro, or at my ti.nuery. I would respect - : . i t v -'i, tali kli I l.t s:" i" rir k- t;. !'. bu'.'hi'i and hi U- lealci I, that the however uetul and bfiii it'ul nt nppeu i a itiiimitl vtbile living, yet tin y will not t hei, and should therefore be cut otf belcie i 'hit.jf ti g hide. i, i ti J All I S A LONG. S1 plnlll Opportunity ! -We are dosir- ,.ii, ot elhn;' 'Ut our whole i -; ,i 1. 1 1 1 1 ;! tit IU i i f . ,!..-ro,i('i, t" , which ctloi'Na r:ir-rppnr-t.iuiiy (o uiiv "in' deiiijiis of eiiitiiiikiti in the boot in I -he b .-iiie--' We also dl'er at 1 1 ir price- nil on '.m k in tia le, fi n i-tiiij; of a etier:il a?,irt ni. m ..f I'.oi 'l , MD F.S o. -.. tf P. G. GKA1I AM .V CO. IlMlpe lor ioe-IIIucUlllf;.--We nre 1 jient" of l. W Ivlwurds for the sale of the reeipo vhi.-)i hi-i shoo biacking is" mude. '1'he I I t 'kunj in ide by this recipe it warranted, nnd the " : of niaieri'ils hiillioient to in i'n,e Dm boxes will n "i f c line '" cents. Price of recipe ONE DOI.I, K. Kncio.e :t tt ;mti j for pre-paying postage. J. V. tiAKKK 1 1 A CO. ool CnrtllflK. The undersinc-i woul.l l.-l t'Ottullv Hlillollllf.' to the loilllii- Ihnl llmv AKDING Wool, ar their old stand on Piter. ? miles tmrlh of Gihsont illu SiniLn Il'iw ''. I nititi j ;if I lirir cir !s ,n c I order, ll, Iiev mo I I i. I'llM' ...! t , the het (juahty of roll Those " o 'it led, are reuu.iv I lo wah it h it.' u f r lYo n trah im I burs, l utiiui? ' ' "! I every I'i It.s ot wool, and one sheet to vi., . . tt .-. o ir pmi.t f..r carding nre 1 ovnts I" 'I' i wuite, an. i J't ecu' for mixeil, ori! tolled I H in 1 J. I. Pl'till, A. f lami;i:th, M. rt. ti M .re. AUniitnce county, N. (' N aw lrl-kly Murtc Line. ihe i.t-c,il'er w.uihl itmiounee to the n .ivlin.r ! ii. u. it ..ti uti I uti. r t li v nrt dy ol July next wiu r .'iiiinci co itti t.a.g a trt-workly I ne of tr in ( .re. i -.I'..,.. t, M.,., b'avingtireens- l nii'l ! It. i 1 liurwl -y s nnd uti,rd:iv at I 'ii an I lo kvmj Midison Mon 1:ivk in.-".; n r .i i:t -. ui i ,ie natsie hour. l . . i I I : I . . .... . ' ' j (mi wi.i I..' -pir.'.l to render comfortable :ii iv j -itr.i.ue ttiis line- 'f I S. BROWN. W'rltlllK IllU. - I he be-t made in the Con If . I .... . H .... I ..... .t .A .. 1 . i -i f .. nu . 1.., runt i- ii:u io any e er ' .1 .ii tho North. For ealc at the Patriot S ;il-m ia w. -I am now running a HACK ti 'rough an I Sulcm. leaving ' .'"U and Fridays, an I leaing . In, HI' .111 I i'iir.1 -. I'.....,, . tit. inniv ! ,... ,, fin,j ,jM!t , rvii i-n;ouii, n'ivu9 hnc-making the trips t. d ' s ' 1 1 I I' Ml V '1 f.7-tf .xtrucl ol I,ououd.- lbs L'xtract I Logwood lor le by A. A. WILLAUti Greenaboro". N. C. f'tir Hatlll'd.-ttf winh lo purchase any 1 ! ' hii-h wo will pav 6 cent . i ri.' tor Co m, iox and Musk I i it:; i-.uh ur Mink. J. 4 F. GARRETT. U-tf BlacktmUhlnx;. Th underxifned wouU rcpccifullT inform the public that in cnnac tion with Lis Coach and Bugtf Shop , in Oree nsboro, be is carrying on the BLACKSMITH BUSINESS in all ita Tarioux branehea, and would b pleased to lerva all who toaT fTor him with their CQBtom L ' fib WO K at MODERATE PRICES. Shop on East xtreet, near mj Bui gjr Shop RO-lf JOHN LEDFORD. rpanulng. I would retpeotfully ir-fonn the JL i.ulic that my TANNEBT.uxa acccsful opera tion, 4 inilei North of OibsonTilla, in the neighbor hood of Shallow Ford, in Alamance courty. I would be pleaxrd to tan for my friends and cuxtomerx on the following terma: For tanning hides that will split, the third pound, for those too small to split, half Ihe leather. Hides will te receded until 1st February next. Satisfaction guaranieea nr, lw'er.rr S. M. CLISIER. R- uiiaTay-$IOO Heward.-lUnavray from the nubseriljer on the night of the 9tB Sept. lNft, my boy CHARLES. Said boy is a Dlacksmith by trade and is about 23 years old. is about f feet 11 inches high, will weigh about 170 or 175 lbs., haa a full set of teeth and i o' a dark mulatto color, had lonjr beard on hii face when he lelt, and is rather nlow speken. Charles has for merlr ,e. n hired at Hih i'ointaa l and Jamestowa, Guili'oid county, N. C, in the employ of Mendenhall.W Jonei & Gardner, iu the r.' anulaclare ofguiwi. -eat is Tery likely that he will inke, his way to'the said pbtces for the purpose f takicg the train or follow ing the rrilread ijn the direction of Raleigh as he has expressed his purpose to go to the enemy. I will pay the aboTe reward of $100, it deiiTered to meat ray houe IS miles South oi Msdiaoa, in Rock ingham, N. C, or $50 for his confinement in anjr jail within the State bo that 1 can get him. Address ALnr.KT LUJMA, C8-lw Summerfield, Ouillord Co.. N. C. Read Tills. Those who haTe purchased my Florida IJalra are requested to return to me the, E.MPTV VIALS, for which I will pay TWENTY-FIVE CENTS each. During my absence from twn, the vials will be received at the post oEice. My room is ovrthe post Dice. ,V.-:5rn i. II. LIVINGSTON. Vuctlon and Com ruins I on BumI nesH In C-reenaboro. We will giTooor M KK TEST ATTENTION' to the aboTe business, looking alter the interefct of those haTing property in this part of North Carolina. Hircing and selling Negroesor any otber species of property, produce or goods. Ofbce and ware house, Greensboro', N. C. Pest ol rtffereuees giren. J. A F. GARRETT 4 Co. W. E. FIdwards, Auctioneer. T o Hatter. We wish to employ a number of HATTERS to work in our establishment at Gref nsborougb. Good workmen can procure constant employment, fuir wages, and prompt pay ments, if early application be made to jal'3 82-tf J. tt F. GARRETT. 15 rin?oii Vour Hides! You that want Ihern tanned cheap. I expe t to tan all hides (of the ox species) for one-third, and giTe the owner ol the bides the privilege to buy the whole When tunned. 1 aUo tlcsirc to buy hides at the highest market jviccs. - D. P. FOUBT. july'J i 69-tf Vt'ard. Those indebted to nie either for sub scription to the Patriot up to the 1st of May, or for job work nnd iidvei tmr.g, aro requested to call at the first door north cf the Tost Office, an I make settlements at their earliest convenience, as 1 arn ry anxious lo balance rny books. I shall ex pert interest on all accouuts that are not promptly paid. In niy absence, Mr. S. G. Thomas will attend to making settlements for me. ...V-tf M. S. SHERWOOD. ( 1 reenxboro' Mutual Insurance Co. PAYS VLL LOSSES PROMPTLY J dibkctoks: John A. Mtb.'ine, Cyrus P. Mendenhall, David P. Weir, James M. Garrett, T. M. Jones, N. H. 1. Wilson. DaTid McKnijjbt, M. S. Sherwood, Jed. II. Liiilsay, U. M. loan, C. O. Yates, R. Steiling, W.n. Barriner, Grecnsborough ; Alexander Miller, Newbern; Dr. W. C. Ramsey, Wadesboro': W. A. Wright, Wilmington; R. C. Maynard, F'ranklin ton; P.. F Yiutsuli, WatsonTille ; A. J. York, Concord; 11. Craven, Trinity College. orriccas : N. H D. AVILSON .IF.r-. H. LINUS AY JOHN' A. CILMEC, : PKTi-:U A HAMS ...President. ...Vice President. ....Attorney. ...Sec. and 1'rcus. N. II. U. WILSON,) C. G YATES, I F.iecutiTc CoEimittte. J. M. G A It RETT, J tcy All communicaiioni oa T.usinfv of the otitco should be directed to PETER ADAMS, Secretary, V' y Green-'i'Tough. IdifctTortli Female Seminary, 1 GRrlENHOPkO!JGH, -N. C. The full session of this InMitut -n will couiruence on the lib of Angnt nex,t. T,rwnjor the Sension of T, Mty Wetks. Board, in. billing washing, !ihts, fuel. &c.,$ 'J'JQ ; English Trslion, $;;; Music on tbe Piano, Harp or Guitar, Vocal Music, Oil Phintiug, f-iO ; Drawing, fl2..rA); Grecian Painting, $1."; Ancient and Mo.lern Lanurtge, each, $l2..ri0. For further pariicu'.iirs, apply to ju..2.-.-y K1CHAU1 STEKLLNG, Principal Howard. Kana ay from the subscri KJt br, ou 'ati:rd;iy Sih instant. Pi!l a dark mulatto, feet, 9 iuches high, 112 years old, weighs about id') jouiids, one front tooth broke half off wi'ifu show conspicuously when he laughs, whicli hu doe- wheu spoke to, sj'Cak9 with a flight lisp. IPil on w hen he kit neither hat or coat. The above rewind will be paid for his confinement in Guilford jiil, oi hii delivery to ia"?, at Summerfield, Guiltord County. , JOSEPH I10SKINS. 'iuj7 G-i-tf f corgc Allen, A Greensbnrourh. N. f!. Offers fr Sale. 1imh jds Brovvn Sheeting. h Colored Ditto for Negro Clolhing. OiMt " Factory and Country Plaids. J0 " Grey Cassimere. "0 Bunches Cotton Yarn No. 7 to 14. ;IH lbs Copperas. f)U0 lbs bugar. And an assortment of notions 60-0ra 1 Hliatvay . My boy AARON, on the 25th 1. d iy of August. ')l, and issurriosed to bo in xand.dph or Moure counties. 1 purchased him at the ale ut in. bra lv, deceased, near Josiah Cheek's More Randolph county. Complexion, dark brown skin, weighs 1HK pounds, six feet high, and very iiavly wuli long shoally black hair, and about twenty one years old. I will pay $300 for the ap prehension and delivery, or confinement in any goal, thai 1 can get him, also. S-00 more lor proof that led llt the Conviction of :me ronn.inMn nnrann f.ir. har...nnnai d tyy. NATHAN HAINLINE, . ',,1-:;.ln Fulton, N C. I araliM! HtireralnNl ! We would 77- XJ tpecttVJly inform tho t ul lie that we ftel con- strained to adopt a new method in the conduct of our husiueS. From and after thi ihito wo r,r,,a to discard ihe present high price in the disposition ot our g-mds. and .-il at prices which ruled beforo the war. lalcingin payment country produce at the s .me r'v. This is lair. It does a-nv with faK., Iou prices, and reduces things to a reasonable standard. Our work is warranted to be equally as good can be put up in the Confederacy, and a call w as sii-fy you that we nro itii.,w.,.l .i i:i Ambrotype, taken in g .od style, and on the same terms as above. 15. G. GRAHAM & CO. scplO i6 tf Vu5on Tor Sale I-One 3 Horse Wagon TT Apply to ' A. A. W1LLARD, . r,J Gresborough. N. C. Jost or Molcu.-ln Greensborough on Tue J day of last Court week, a PISTOL, Allen's six shooting revolver, ma leather case, black inside and the lair or grain side-uf the leather outside. A i.ovrai rewaru win De given lor the return of the o ae. J. A. M. COBLE. . i"' ,f Patterson's torc. !..C I Inject! Oil for sale at retail by gA A. A. WI WILLARD. liMf Greensborough. GEEBNSBOEGH, ?N. Notice of Bemoral ! DAVID WELSH, FRACTICAC WATCH-MAKER AKD KEPAfRER, of TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS' EXPERIENCE, South-east corner of Public Square, at the sign of the LARGE WATCH. G reensberough, N. C, Thankful for the Tery liberal patronage re ceded at his former stand, has removed to the more central location ou public square where he will be happy to wait on all of Lia former patrons and as many new' ones as may please to patroniie him. A splendid tfoek of all kinds of material on hand, such as jewels, hands, maintprings,'watch glasses, guards and keys. All work warranted 12 month. keys jan29 34-1 y nnarpley, Breecti-Ioadln? Guu.- JL This Gun has been tested by the Armory at Rich mond and Raleigh, N. C, und has stood the test finely, making a faTorabU impression wherever it' has been exhibited. We say, w ithout fear ol con tradiction, that it i3 the BEST BREECH-LOADING GUN, ia the Southern Confederacy. Itean be shot with PERFECT SAFETY, when loaded either from the breech or muile.. This Gun ia LESS COMPLI CATED and EASIER KEPT IN ORDER than any gun that haa been invented in this country. The Gun was inTeiiteJ in Guillord county, N. C, and we are now manufacturing it far the State of Noitb Carolina,, at onr Shops in Greensboro.' ' W We are ready to sell SHOP RIGHTS to man ufacturers in the gun busineti in any 5f the Suae in the Confederacy. 89-tf TARPLEY, GARRETT & Co. l atECXSUORO' .ntTTVAL LlF VX 8URANCE AND TRUST COMPANY. This Company offers inducements to the public which few possess. It is economical in its manage ment, and prompt in the payment of its losses. The insured for life are its members, and they participate in its profits, not only upon the pre miums paid in, but also on a large and increasing deposite capital keo in actiTe operation. A diTidend of 07 cent, at the last annual meet ing of the Company, was declared, and carried to the credit of the Life Members of the Company. Tho-e desiring an insurance upon their own liTes, or on the lives of their slaves, will please address D. P. WEIR, Treasurer. Ciautlou to Rankers, Droker and J Other. The public are hereby cautioned against receiving any of the Old Issue cf the Far mers' Rank of North Carolina, especially any notes that are at all mutilated or that hav nttx pasted. 1IOW TO KNOW TIIK bLU 18SCE. All the new ittue of this Bank have " Gkessboro," printed in large letters on tho face and are signed 'Cyrus P. Mendenhall, President" and W. A. Caldwell, Cashier" and all other notes of the Farmers' Dank of N. O. not so siq.nku and printed are old is sue and should bereceived with caution, as most of the genuine notes of the old issue have been redeemed and cancelled. On thelMth of August, 13G3, we learn, a Regiment from Pennsylvania took forcibly from th'j vault in Elizabeth City, a large amount of fhe old issi iof said Rank which had been cancelled and which doubtless they will attempt to pass. The notes were cancelled with a punch by perfora ting each note with a number of holes one fourth of an inch in diameter which is obvious to the most casual observer, where the notes have not been further mutilated or patUJ. All Si and J'J certificates of this Bank should be rejected, the genuine having beeuredetuied andean- celled and some of the genuine impic-ions havinig been stolen wii h rhe cancelled notes, spurious si gna tures no doubt will be attached to 'them. Persons having ol the old is-ue not cancelled will please present it and receive new issue for it or tho notes olother Banks as they may prefer. By order of the Board of Directors at Greensboro' N. C. 21 Sept. lhi;:5. CYRUS P. MENDENHALL, President. WT. A. Caldwell, Secretary. Gb-3ui I'Olt 8ALI!, SHAKES OF IUON COMPANY STOCK. The Magnetic Iron Company will f-dl HH) 100 Shares of its Capita! Siock, of IM t-ach, and when paid in full, certificates will be issued in due form, conditioned to pay t!,e holder nnd owner thereof, U5 pounds ol iron in the mouths of i-'eptcmber and March, annually, making 50 pounds prr annum as a dividend on each stiaie, and no luither payment or assessment will hereafter lc required, nor liabili ty incurred or debt contracted against said sto:k. This Company has a clear titli-to about 4 10 aeiesof good land in '2 tracts of about il!0 acres each, one of vrhicb is near Friendship, ia Guilford county, on which a forgo with 4 furnncts is nearly complete, with a stem engine and saw mill in operation, near to the vein i.ud deposits of iron ore, which are lich and abundant, with rights to mine and tuke the oie ou several plantations lor -1 or o miles north-east and south t ?t of the forge. This ore is hrst ?'.as for making good wrought iron, ifliout 100 ton.- have been raised, and the prospect for an inexhaustible supply i certain. The oUaer tract embraces water power abunlant for Rolling Mills and man u:ac tar ing purj'Ose.s. The charter is granted fifr 00 years ar:d its provisions are adapted fully to the wauts of its shareholders. Application made to meat Greensboro' for shares, or any infoi iaatioM desired by applicants, will "be cheerfully attended to. 4t-tf JOHN SLOAN, President. &tZft ULWAUD.-loi tiie arrtst ofwhe fPOW thief and the recoveiy of tvrtiity-oue boxes of Tobacco or its value. Cach bus as branded in blue letters, " W. F. Flippen, the Pride Oi tue wesr, Danville, Va.," and was loaded by us on the 'JTih of September, 180J, to a man calling himself J. F. King, to be delivered to J. L F. Garrett, GreensboiV, N. U. This man had a two horse waou driven by : uegro, and a cue horse wagon drawn by a very lure stay mare. The man was about 4a years old, r feet 7 or 8 tncheg hth, weight 105 to 175 pounds. We think his hair va:; sliiihtly gray, and nis complexion dark. 11c s-iiu he had been load, d with Hour and bacon, which he had sold srms 6 or 8 miles back on the road in North Carolina. This man professed to be from Guilford county, where he said he had lived for about nix years. Any information that may lead to the discovery of the tobacco will be most thankfully received and the above reward promptly paid. CHAMBERS & TATRICK, 53-tf ' Danvillof Va. Totlce. The Partnership heretofore existing under the name and style of Trotter & Mc- Farland, is this day desolved by consent. All persons indebted to said lirm will please make immediate payment to W. D. Trotter, as the busi ness must be closed. The said Trottor would cm brace the present opportunity, of returning his most grateful thanks to his many tiiends and customers for past favors, and hopes by strict attention and application to business to merit a continuance of the same, and respectfully invites the attention of the public generally, to his Urge stock of GRO tr.iut.s im i'ul wnicn ne wm con stantly keep on hand, consisting of the following iri kUi l i.I'l!l P VD1'IK KI'll'P li; - CON FLCT I ON A R 1S and a line assortment of DYE STUFFS, together with Ladies' and Gentlemen's DRY GOO!S and READY MADF. CLOTHING, all Of which will be soli LOW for t.'.sh, e'uii-r whole sale or retail at the old stand on West Mai.et street corner of second square. -7-tf W. D. 1 ROTTER JOH. LCDI'ORD, COACH AND BUGGY MANUFACTURER, keeps on hand, Rockaways, Buggies, and Light Carriages of different styles, and prices. Orders will be promptly filled: repairs done at short notice ; and all work warranted for 12 months, on fair usage. Having been, constantly engaged for more than twenty years, in the Coach business, 1 flatter my self, that I shall be able to please, both in prices, and quality. Call and examinp for yourselves. Shops on F'.ast street formerly occupied by M. B. Armtield. - 'Jt-tf plendld Carriage for Sale. A spUn- did two-horse family carriage, the body on C springs, and in good condition is offered at a bargain. Apply at the Patriot office. juldit 60-tf 8ugax! " SUGAR I : e sugar::: I have just received a large lot of SUGAR, of fine grades, which I offer for tale, wholesale or retail, a: prices to suit thetmes. 39-tf W. D. TROIIER. C, OCTOBER TEW JILSIC PCBLISHEb BT GEO. DUNN & CO., RICHMOND VA., AID JULIAN A. SELBT, COLUMBIA, S. C Assib or tbs Valb Music by 3. R. Theaas, an thor f " In my Cottage by the Sea." Woaa this Cecil Was. u 0Ta ILuaie by Henrv .Tucker. ' - ' Hatk Paktxd Poetry and Musio by Miss Ella Wren. 3 KAfHucw Matocmkh F. N. Crouch. Hiap or tbb South! Awake C. L. Peticolas. Mr Wn t and Child Poetry by General Jackson, of Ga., Music by F. W. Rosier. , at Yoca Feet a Scppliast Ohi Ralfe Roor Me to Sleep, Mothek Music by J. H. IlewitL Mothzk.is tsi Battle Otb YrnawLAB Masillaib Original French Mu- Kbep Me Awake, Mothek Denck. Tub Sotth J. H. Hewitt AlX QOIET AX0B THB POTOMAC To-KIO HT J. H. Hewitt. ALL PRINTED ON GOOD PAPER, WITH ORNA MENTAL TITLES. UTAH, PE1C1, $1 EACH. The trade supplied at " half off, with an additional five per cent, when one hundred of any one piece is ordered. Blstolc Music Lines on "the best cap paper, per sheet of four pages forty per cent off the trade, Richmond, Ta, Sept., ltC3. 71-2w Congressional Election Notice is here by given to the Toters of Guillord County, that an election will be held at the several Election Pre cincts in aid County, on the first Monday f4th day" of November next, lor a member of the next Con- federate Congress ur the Sixth Congressional Dis trict. Tne following persons are appointed Justices and Inspectors of said election: Oreensborough Joseph A. Weatherly, Esq., John McAdoo, M. D Smith. Ji-mestown Wm. LI, Reece, Esq., Wilson Hiatt, Peter Davis. . High Point R. F. Sechrest,Esq., W. F. Bowman, John A. Bain. Ross's F. Fentress, Esq., George Hendrix, Absalom Jerrall. Friendship D. W. Edwards, Etq , John Blaloclt, Levcn Kirkman. J. R. Gilmer sWm. R. Smith, Esq , John Whar ton H. C. Dick. Glenn's Joseph W. W. Gilmer, D. C. Stewart, Thcuas Ragan. Bruce's Cross Roadi Joseph Hoskins, Esq., Jos. Harriss, John A. Hoskins. Monticello Isaao Tbacker, Esq., John A. Mebane James Gant. Thompson's William P. Heath, Esq., Lewis I. Apple, John R. Kernodle. Coble's William Coble, Esq., William Smith, Daniel Linebery. Double Springs Jesse Benbow, J. R. Nelson, Allen Lowry. The magistrates above appointed, are re quired to make their returns to me, at the Court House in Grcensborough, on the next day after the election. ""-3w C. A. BOON, Sheriff. toleiii "FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD ! Was OMolen from the subscriber on the nieht of the 4th instant, a DARK BAY MARE, no white about her only a few white hairs around her right hind foot; about twelve years old, of medium size and well made a very Kood animal. I will give tb above reward for the delivery of said mare to me at .Morton s Store, Alamance county, N. C, or at any other convenient noint. so that Ixan cret her. Auv , o V information leading to the recovery of the animal will be thankfully received. Address me at Mor ton s Store. L. W. SIMPSON. 71 -Sw c. rr County Agent' Office, Greensboro,' Oct. 12, 1SC3. " TAX IN KIND." The (Quarter Master's Department is greatly in ne. d of -GRAIN, and the farmers of Guilford are earnestly requested to bring in their u tithe " CORN, is tho exigencies of the service require its delivciy at the earliest possible day. A. P. ECKEL. 1-dw Ag t. for Guilford County. luglng ClatVN. Prof. Mathews will com mence a course of lessons in the art of chorus sinking, in the ODD FELLOW'S HALL, on Monday nigut, October 19th, at a quarter past seven o'clock. J n is course ot lessons is designed to teach ladies and gentlemen the art of singing by note. The CARMINA SACRA will be the text-book. Terras live dollars for the courso of twelve les sons. 1 1-Jw Boot and Shoe Make rut Wanted. . Liberal pricet will be paid. Apply immediate ly to L. THOMAS & Co., 1-Gw Thomasvillc, N. C. COUUty Salt. A large lot of salt is now on hand ready for delivery to the distributing ;Mitg in the se reral dilricta of the county. A mee ting of the agents will be held in the Court Ilou-e at 1 J o" .iock on Tuesday of our Superior Court to at tead to lu.siness pertaining to their oflice. ZrJT ALL the Magistrates of the County are ear nestly requested to be in attendance on the same occaidon, n matters of the utmost importance will be brought before them. JED H. LINDSAY, 70-2w Chairman, G. C. C. Uat Manufactory In CSreenwboro', N. C. We are now manufacturing all of tha dilercnt trades of FUR AND WOOL HAT such asOito, Muskrat, Mink, Rabbit, Raccoon, of ALL COLORS; also WOOL HATS of all the different grades and colors. Merchants wanting GOOD, ION EST HATS, made entirely by bout hern teen, and of Southern material, can have their orders fill ed on such terms as will prove satisfactory to them and their customers. We will buy all the good pelt FURS that wo can ett, such as Otto. Mink. Muskrat, Beaver, Coon and Rabbit, tor which we will pay CASH, or exchange hats on fair terms. For all colourine of srarments hereafter, we shall charge according to the cost of the dye-stuffs used in the colouring. J. A P. tiABRBTl. jalti " 61-tf rpallorlng. My Shop is filty yards north of JL Kankin & McLean's old storehouse, where I invite my tiiends and customers to call as I intend to give gotisfaction to all who call on me. ESPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO GARMENT CUTTING. Prices in accordance with tbe times. Call and see. 34-tf A. DILWORTH. Q trf Reward. Ranaway from the sub OJlUU scriber about the 1st of July, a negro man JACOB who is stout thickset and dark com plected, o! years of age, 3 feet, 7 or 8 inches in i i . - l i-. i i:il ..,n.lc Ka!r thirLr anl ii (Mir ii i, weigiis uouul w O " . . i i r grows long on the forehead, nose Hat, lips iiuck, iace , ncu uy ne tuuuu ui wi ui -full and w"ears a board. Itis supposed that he is try- ; back tho fifflt beams of tho rising BUD as ingto make his way back to Perquimons county, r. V,IiOm vntCll lie vrns iruiuci . ... v-., 1 will give the above reward for his delivery tome, ir :."-."' fur his confinement in any jail in the State so that I can get him at Greensborough, N. C. t;:,tf THOMAS NIXON. uarter Manlci N OOicc, U f:rn..nWo.' N. C. Oct. 13. lf.3. ruol'OS VLS will be receded at thin otfice until the lit oi November to lurnisn iv,w. im-nviii l'OLKS. from o.e tothrre inches in diameter. Tro- petals for a less quanty will be considered. AUo proposals for three hundred cords of OAK wood 8. R. CIIISMAN, Jor Sale. One fine four year old MARE COLT, 1 well brokea to harness, for sale, perfectly sound. Apjdy to CHKLES R. RUNG, (ji,w Graham, N. C. UatVer Wanted. The undersigned will pay the highest cash prices for a number one Hatter over Confccnpt age. JONES & SON, 4',-ti Thomasville, N. C- fHobacco. 300 Boxes Manufactured. Tobacco 1 fine grades, a large Portio- old. 4 1. l -. - Salamander Sale for Sale.-A number one sale- Apply at this effice. 22, 1868. A ERN HEPATIC PILLS ha.e beeVordSli in I' JVkerV".known Ueir conunuea. WiAout puffing, they have gained ground by their real yalue. Paf More tian five hundred persoM are known to have been cured by them Pills.-a This sxoellent family mdicin is reoemmeaded by the proprietor as good only for disease of the 'r- Hu correapondenu say that they also ear BilLou Rhematiwn, Pneamenia, Chills and Fevers, Bilhoua FeTera, Pile and Worms. They are a per fectly safe medicine. Peter Vadea, Esq., of DinwiddieCoapty, Virginia fcfter dsoribuajrematkaklecurea In hia fattUy of BilUoaa Rheumatiam and Plearlsy, aays: "My Doctor's bill has been heretofore from $175 to 12' JO per year. I have used them (these pills) for my family, whieh consists of eighteen white and colored, and have not called ia a Doctor. This is a great sviug. They certainly are the boat famtfy medi cine ever discovered." Rev. John W. Potter, of Green county, North Carolina, had suffered twelve years from a diseased liTer, which tho phjsicans had not been able to cure. Ho says: I commenced taking the Hepa tic PiUs with no confidence in them. They acted like a charm on me. From that hour I have improved. I have persevered in their use until now, by God's blessing, I am well and hearty. I had a negro man who, as I believe, was saved from death by a dose of these pills. My Doctor's biU was annually from $100 to $20u, but I have had no on for a physician since." Thos. II. Raney, Esq.. Granville county N. C, says : I find your pills to be the best family med icine I have ever used. They hate proved yery beneficial in my own case. I have been very much afflicted for 15 years, and have tried every kind of medicine that 1 could get, but haTe found more re lief lrom your pills than all others. My disease is a bronchial affliction, and a complete prostration of the nervous system. I have used them in ten or fif teen cases in my family, and find them to be the very medicine for nearly all family diseases. ine great rise in tne price of ingredients and the heavy taxes, compel the proprietor to increase the rciau price or quit the manufacture. They are not more profitable to him than when sold at lower rates. Price $1.50 a box. For $15 a doxen boxes will be Bent prepaid to any part of the Confederacy. Those who deeire less than a dozen boxes, must ap ply to the druggists. Great reduction made to Druggists and Merchants who buy by the gross. Cash must always accompany orders. Address GEORGE W. DEEMS, Wilson, N. a For sale in Greensboro, N. C, by J. & F. Garrett. rraln Sacks. Grain Sacks, 2 bushels ca- V pacity for sale by A. A. WILLARD. 50-y Greensboro', N- C Iniurance Office, Greensborough, N.C. Sept 10th, 1 803. At a meeting of the Directors of this company an assessment of ten per cent, was made and ordered to be col'ected en all premium notes outstanding on the 1st day of March, 1863. 68-4w PETER ADAMS, Sec. Musical Instruction. Prof. W. s. B Mathews will remain in Greensborough and give private lessons in. Music, until further notice. Very particular attention will be giveu to tho in struction of beginners. TERMS REASONABLE. G7-3m QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, C. S. A., Gbeksbboro, IV. C. Aug. 6, 1863. Wanted to hire immediately TWENTY GOOD HOUSE CARPENTERS, to whem liberal prices win be paid. SAM L R. CIIISMAN, 01-tf Major and Q. M. Qalt I Salt! 1500 Sacks Salt thoroughly dry, KJ made in October last for sale by HIATT & STANTON, ST-tf Greensborough, uaOBOE T, HUCUADAM. Died at Winder Hospital, Richmond, Va., on the ilh instant, of tvphoid fever, private GEORGE T. BUCHANAN, member of Co. F. 2nd N. C. Cavalry. The subject of this notice was quite a promising young man. He joined the company above men tioned in July last, on its return from Pennsylyania. During the short time which he spent in the service of his country, he acted the part of a bravo, magnani mous, obedient and zealous Boldier ; and, although he had net had many opportunities of gathering gory laur3ls on t e red field of carnage, yet he de serves as high a monument as rises over the resting places of any of earth's proudest conquerors, a monument, not of marble, nor of brass, nor of gold, but one which shall lift its summit until a halo of eternal light shall gather about it, and gild it with beams ot glory. He was a remarkable instance of christian or soldierly submission and resignation under sufferings ; and lelt behind him, to surviving Iriends, the joyful evidence lr.at he had ptssed away to that land of rest, where the dr- io forever muffled, and the clash of'- never heard. H sent an impressive petition for mercy to the throne of grace d sang a few words to the well-known common metre tune called "Hallelujah" a short time before his spirit look its flight. His obit will no doubt be deeply lamented by his relatives aud frieuds, but they must bear in mind that such is God's will; but Jesus will one day say to all what he stfid to George's pure spirit: Spirit, leave thy house of clay ; Lingering dust, resign tby breath ; Spirit cast thy cares afay ; Dust, be thou dissolved in death,. Thus the mighty Saviour speaks While the" faithful soldier dies Thus the bonds of life he breaks And the ransomed captive flies." E. C. T. Adam's first Sabbatit in Paradise. Slowly did the hand of the Invisible roll back the curtains of darkness that envioped the earth! One by one did tho breath of the angels extinguish the efar larnpd of lioaven ! And as the sun flung back the gorgous clouds that had veiled his rising brow, and sprang up on his fiery course, "as a steed spriDgeth to the battle," while tho light of his countenance, like tno eye of a fond mother beamed tenderly upon the infant earth he cherished tho . ';hos;s thereof" veiled and bowed themselves at the near approach of their Creator and their God! Standing beneath tho branches of a sprea ding pomegranite trco, whose flowor and fruit the morning, breeze scattered prom iscuously at his feet, was tho Father of tho human race. Ins reiulgent Drow, unsui a i i 1 1 1. a I A .rvU v. rt ir To noCMP1 , from a polished mirror. HlB joyous eyo ilancd for a moment on the palm, rugged and dark then rested on its crown of bright greon loaves, that in the morning rayflashed like an orient gem then over fVairrant shrub and beauteous flower, until it settled down upon tno iorm oi uio ngm ' serpent nestling at his feet, Their glances moi ana Auam muujjcu auu mm mo rrontlv nnnn its nrincciv CrCSt. smoothed down its scales ot crimson, green and gold , lolded its brilliant wings and closed its eye;5 then like an infant wearied with iU toy, bo turned to playing with tho lion's and sleeping leopard's spots. His eyes beheld the beautiful earth I His ears , drank in tho harmony cf nature, till bin ' heart could hold do longer, his moving lips I poured forth a gush ot joyous melody, wild, ! deep, and thrilling as a harp string's chord I swDt by an angei's hands. i T.nrfid bv the winniDc music of his voice, , hand parted the twining boughs of , lu0 myrlIe and a brigh; form sprang timid . to his side. He stopped and gazed n tnis t visitor. It was no angel, for it ( Number 1,272, was too fair nor an arch-arrgef, for it had no wings nor oberub, for it wore do spark, ling crown nor a seraphim, for they are ever veiled, and this was not, save by ita purity. The form was baman, yot divinely so upon its brow there dwelt, as on his own, the radienoe of Heaven. It had aa eye, whoso glance dissolved his soul within iw nqum depths lip, whose sigbwaa dearer than the breath that fans the Throne a voice, whose words were richer than the incense-laden wind, and like the tones be heard at eventide, he would not, coold not, dared not disobey. He led her forth beneath the lime, tree's shade and through the citron groves. He twined tbe myrtle and tbe orange . bouht and wreathed them with the thorn less rose that grew only in Paradise, to deck her hrow; he plucked the richest clusters of the grape and laid them at her feet ; he wiped the down from the fair cheek of the nectarine, released the golden filantain from its rind, and brought the ucious fig that sho might eat. No wine cup sparkled there ; bat a clear spring supplied them with water, and a bunch of tall. wrnta nines, a sweet drinking cup. Suddenly tho place was filled with melo dy ! A thousand golden harps rang soft y et clear ; a thousand voices joined in raising high the gathering song of Heaven I Ami brosial airs swept through tho garden, and tne swaying boughs gave back a deep response ! The joyful cash of fountain, as they leapod up in.their play, chimed gyly in wun tue woqa-rob n s soag of welcome and of Peace 1 It was the morn of Earth's primeval : and the "Hosts" of the great uncroated gathored here to consecrate His last and noblest word, to His own holy use. Be twecn tbe "Troe of Knowledgo" and of blazing cloud, that none could ever look upon and live, served as a veil to bide His awful brow. From its midst, as some bright orb in the far depths of Heaven, beamod, with a lustre withering and intense, "Tho great All Seeing Eye,' which scanned the ranks successive as they knelt'. The Seraphims, who bow forever round the eternal Throne, veilod with their sparkling wings their prying eyes and done low reverence. Cherubic legions too, had loft the "goldon battlements of Heaven" to worship here on oarth. Ar changel bands no moro made their glitter ing swords in distant worlds, but sped in peaceful garb tojoin the rest. And angels, too, left for an hour their ombassies of peace, to worship here before Man, "puro and just," "princes," and mighty "powers;" birds, beasts, and creeping things; all that the hand of God had made in earth, or sea, or sky, woro summoned herj to witness man's first act of fealty in keeping God's ti rat law. Hour after hour rolled on, and still the voice of praise ascended, and tho gush of song broke from tho innumerable host that knelt in hrmble worship there, till, as tho sun rested his chariot on the west orn hills, the ''still, small voice" of the Eternal King bade the two laBt croaturos he had made "stand forth 1" Oh ! it would noed an angel's pen to paint how grandly awful and sublime tbe scene that raado our paronts one! They laid not down their offspring on an altar built by man, but on tbe footstool of tbe Throno itself! No temple seared its sculptured roof abovo them, but the deep arch of Heavon's blue dome was their .gorgeous ceiliog! No human friends stood round in wedding robes, but the wide hosts otthe Omnipotont, clad in tho royal livery of Heaven! No feeble worm pronounced them man and wife, but the voice of UT'n? whose gentlos K:-r- -uB tho Uni. vrse, declared the two " One fiesh!" and all his armies answered, ' Yea, Amen !" Gorgeously did the sun draw the crimson cartains of his couch, as ho flung himself to rest thcroon. Tenderly did the angols ajng their evening parting hymn, as they bade adieu to the brigh earth. Tranquilly did tho first star of evening pour its mel low beam upon the violet bod of two fair beings, as they lay foldod in each other's arms. Another evening came. There was thorns in the pillow of Adam, and the flaming sword ot the Cherubim flashed between his sleepless oyes and his once loved Eden. The Serpent he bad caressed had stung him ; and sin, ingratitude and death wero mau's solo heritage ! Insect Lhk. InsectB must lead a truly joviale life. Think what it must be to lodge in a lily. Imagino a palaco of ivory or pearl, with columns of silver and capitals of gold, all exhaling Buch a perfume aa never amso from human censor. Fancy again tho fun of tucking yourself up fortho night in tho folds of a roso, rocked to sleep by tho gontlo highs of a summer's air, and nothing to do when you awalfe but to wash yourself in a dow-drow and and fall to and cat your bed-clothes. Deserters in Alabama. We learn that there is a band of deserters in Kandolph County, Ada., whose naoibers reach the enormous figure of 40() and upwards; and tlSey have all tho formllity of a batalion or rogtraenial organization, and carry oo a systematic warfare upon Conscript officers and others who attempt to transfer them to more honorable and useful service. We understand that Major Hunt, whoso headi quarters aro at West Point, and who, un der orders from General Pillow, employs a battalion of cavalry in the arresting and conscripting service in Alabama, bent a force alter these fellows not long xince, which the latter routed, killing and woun ding a few, and taking about twenty priso ners, which they actually pro!od. This treason organization i.-J amuming forrnida. bio propoitions, and Major Hunt should bo furnished immediately, with a force suf ficient to break up the foul nest. ttQf HA VINO ADDED CONSIDERABLY To our facilities for j-A printing, and haring in our office only experienced, competent journeyman printers, we are better prepared than ever to exe" cut3 job printing in any style that may be desired. We shall endeavor to keep on hand good paper, and other stock, and will guarantee as good work u oaa be done in the Southern Cotfoderacy. Prices ia accordance with the times.