GrREENSBOROUGrH PATRIOT, GREENSBOEOTJGH, 3S C, DECEMBER 3, 1863. Volume XXV. Number 1,278. t -4--- "! THE tn r .-, f' 'l in III.' 1 ' ' il. '.I.I 1, II i 1RI-K Sale t Having qualified as Adrainis i tratora on the estate of Alexander Robbins, de cayed, we will expose to publio tale, on a credit, at the time and places herein mentioned the property f tin- id deeraaed, consisting of and Kitchen Furniture, Live Nock Over lift head of hog, A large number stock hogs, -" bead ttle, 1- tia.l Horses and Multi, ln ji, I'm. .--vrrl hundred bushels of Wheat, ', Ke, Potatoes, Hay and other Forage, V trtn:n Ti"N. Ot.e n bUekmith TooK dm- liilf Wkimt Thrasher, in good repair. WJk:. ,,,, IUrne. tarriage. Buggy, a large lot of .'A 1. 1, with other article unneceasary to mention. II," -! will hr, at the late dwelling of deceased, in .1 mi. Mwn, on th th day t December, 183, mi i- irmn 'lay 10 'lay uutu bii n hm , - .Iwi U.tijr . f i.eoeal in Randolph count, on ii 'I J V " r December. 1;-1 ; t 'bt Brown place, I.-. .:,. 1 km flir December, It'.i. . . . i. i i- a - I pi Hi Iflifi-'i I i me oai'i ufCfMcu, r i '! I t ) mke payment : and all peraons i ;itni the ai4 deceased, are heresy 1 1 ':n l i .. j 1 1 . i,; i tiPiu it Inn the time prescribed I -j Li v. r tu,i nut ice will bp ptcade 1 in bar of their ii' wit ll,ii 1Mb liv of November, 1 8C-S. MA in IIOP.BISS, ) v;. j i.. r.or.r.iNs, Admrs. 'I'Hllorln;.-- Mjr Miop is flitjr yard north of 1 IUii.ui McLean' oi l atorehouse, where I nii tit jr an J ountomers to call as I intead to k'ni- '! i tf t mil to all who call on me. ESPECIAL A ! IIMIHN OIVEN TO GARMENT CUTTING. I n. , in 4n ,i lance with the times. Call and see. ;i if A. DILWORTH. "0 llmtird. Kanawa) from me at High 1'i.ini. ilmLerd cuu .ty, North Carolina, i I.'tli ia' my rrro man IlLFLH. lie is ' .. uiit'Mi f. -et, h inrlie high, weighs about 160 I a'..'iit ypjra lid and likelj. lie says he ..i, t 1 r SiiPlliog of I'auulo Mississippi, ! n i r- ft I ii iii last summer of Lock Oil . " I ,r i.rir i '.ificot 1 ,'.' I will pa the above r. a . ' r lm r'.nftriPir eat loanjail so that I can ' ' us. .r tl.e aSiTe reward and all reasonable I I i Pipt r.sfa if bro.ight to me. JAML8 MILLER, 7 i tf HiKb Point. N. C. SIOO Ittt rtl. Kanawa imtu the sub iibiral oiil the Ut of Jul, a negro , i . nl'.viii', n r'uul thick et ami aara com- 1. '. ' vi'r .f anp, n feet, 7 or S inches in ' . w.iin abniit poun'1, hair thick ami . .., the f..rplip I. nue flat, lips thick, face I'll I I I.Ptl'l I I l kUppHKP' 1 that be is try- 1 in ikr Ins w) Imrk in r'rijuunons county, N. , ti'ini win Ii lir uu ritniiTed Nuveniber, llstil!. i mi1 pf i ? i be el reward fur his deliver to me, f ,i'i I i iii i'..ntiripriiPii! i'l any jail in the Mate ao I 111 mm lirepiinboroiigh, N. THOMAS NIXON. kuui for .llaalcr'N Offlce, l t.iei u-b.jro,' N. C, Oct. 13, 18)3. I'l, i.-H will rcceired at this olfice until the i t . : N..eii.lir to furnish lO.tXM) HICKORY l'i i I '.. i i - i'i i hire incl.i's in diameter. I'ro I i ., ,i ! .j i'iiit will be considered. - . i . .j. ..1 , for t hrce hundred cords of OAK H i m 8. K. CHISMAN, 71 Ati Maj and Q M or !I llllld A certificate of deposit i iiMi.'iy 'flice Oreenfboro N. C. for t -u p ii' j .'Mi in uring .late the 2lth Jul, 18'5S, I N . ..." i,...s I, i i n r unilaid by me. Any in- ' i ',.-,. n ,u n l ill,. n to ii will be tlia ikfull je- , ; i . i ,ih i i. i j, im'Ii are ioned against I ruling , . , ,,. W. l. liOW .MAN. .tit OO-'iW ol or Molds. --In tireenboreugh on Tues i-t r,.rt week, a I'l.S 1 OL, Allen'a six t i .. i r. in tv li-iitlier case, black inside. tii , r irr.nn -l ie of the leather outside. A i I vs ill l .' givrh imv for the return ot the J. A. M COBLE, 1'atterion's tftore. N. C. ol liiolriictlosi iix nil: imm Hunr. .on kl.aui. I , i !y neit, iIip 4'h instant, will be published : a tl 1 I'M' i I ifiheC. . v iiiiprovt' l "iiunten s noon I I ,i ,i, fur ilie Piano Karte." I'rice $3. 1 1. -; i i , i " I in p VI'' , .'i'l ''. ' ,. t,.T . I llh' f i' .1 t I. ' It tC'tiit ly pi Kited in Lithography, on . niHiiis i uimal mstructiuns to learn n th i'i,(lit piiges o! scales aud exercis- i tiiiii'i'i'ig tin li uiitf mo work, will follow in about i., aii l .'ouiprise lessous auJ studies for it. U.r ! to the trade, and half this i , n l!." 1 an I teachers ordering ten nil or e'uvk in a ompan v all ord?rs. tiioiuii; m'nn a 'i . KichuioiiJ, V. mill i arolliin Mokei County. ', 1 hiiiI 4 nrt r esions, September i j II '!' iiMgii ai, l o'her. ts anc Steel and ot krt I i; I I H KOK rAK'I'ITION OF LANDS, i -ci-. it i i'i in to the satielaclion of the i 'ir' i ' W II t i. i IYii All, .Mar Scales. Cassy Mc- M n,h Jourdi-rn Wiuiion Hutcberson, (itO. i, .i . J jn'i'li Hutcherkon, John Hutcher- II ,rt' n. an I Sarah Hutchersou are i, - . i l,i St 'ite ; It is therefore ordered , . s ,i p 1 1 b lie at inn be male for six weeks m 'In- i.r.TiKborougli Patriot notifying ' . S ii Urn to a pear at the nsxt term of I i' ',,1 I for the c.-unty of Stokes at the , !! ! mt u'v. ..ii the .'ir'l Monday le . s t'u'i i ! I i Ih ri I o snow rausc u an , . w it t : i iii'' ' . I .p if I . .ei :," i r cr i f the petitioners should r !ui se will be lakt-n pro ceu ,'it ir'c its lot hem I Mill cli-rk of said Court at office, .1 M . mill of Sep'cuibr-r. 1 St', I. JOKL V HILL, C. C. C. Carolina Mokra County I'lra kn I. Quarter Sesaions, Septeni- I 1 1', i'n i i.i lu rs. vs Charles Duncan and i'l hers. TO SELL SLAVES Mil' ' i !i ;iti I '!,.!, vs. Charles Duncan and ..i InTe. I'AKITI'ltlN OF LANDS. .In- , 'ifo'uiu uf II, Court, that t. .in tin I 1'pter Diinciin. two of the de- iii- ul ..i' i ' iii-i-.. n"iide beyond the limits ! ii M,.ri'!,te ordered by the Court vMfti: I f m v le tor sii weeks successive- t r.'ti-.' ..rough Patriot notifmg the said I'igolihese petitions and that a' ne neit term of this t'ourt to I i.i ii 1 1 1 r I'll 1 'l'.N i!l le Sr 1 Monday of Decern petition, the same will ' .i "".. and heard rxnartr a to them v. ''. I H;:'. lerk of "in 1 Court at office I i M ii i i v I' , j Sfinlu r, I ;:?. " ' .'Oi l. F. HILL, C. C. C oilli Carolina, Alamance iii t I' r.4- aa l Quarter esaions, Co. yept. u II j pv Mdiu'V Albert and wthers. I'l IITIt'N ioR DOWER. it appearing to the atiefaction of the u 1 1 1 m in and wue ffhza are not in . Stiit e, It i therefore ordered by the f 'tti'.n be made in the Greensboro i'l .Miihe l in the town of Grecnsbo ' ' ' ' - x eiK-ceiive weeks aotifying "in;-- appear at next Court, of Pleas -. m. to U t.eld for the county of " n .it ik,u-s in tirahsmon the first .' r -:.: ,,iih Monday ct November next, 1 - i: -my they hate, why the prayer of ' mi a i not ie jrranted, or otherwise ' 1 ! kr 1 e xparte as to them. --. r-.'nn-e't , i-ierk of said C ourt at of- l :he Lrt Monday after the fourth V . , Is' :. ' "r '" J FAUCETT. C C. C. j;uia a A..i...t it i , irwiD io purcoa.-e any " i in;-, t .r winch we will pay 6 cents ectiti f r Coon, Fox and Musk- i i ' aoh t. r Miuk. ' J k F. GARRETT. 1 p.. t quarter M aster'. Office, r.rhm.m SeDtesaber 26ih, 18C3. In General Orders, No 11-, Adjutant and I In pactorOenerart Office. Rlchacnd Sept. Jr18.63. the following order ocenra which should be im presaed upon lb. mind, of the Producer, in the ser eral counueainthe Clh CangressionsJ iDistnet N. C. Ill Producers are required to delifer the Wheat, Com, Oats. Rt, Buckwheat, Rice, Pes, Beans, eured Hay and Fodder, Sugar. Molasses raade of Cane, Wool and Tobacco, i such formani ordinary marketable manner, as may U usual in the ection in which thsy are Slivered; cottsn ginned and packed In some tecure manner, tobacco stripped and packed in boxes. Producers will he paid the excess of transporta tion, over eight Bailee, at the rates prescribed by U(e Commissioners, under the impressment act by the following agents, who are authorized to receive the tithes in the seferal counties in the Cth Congress ional District, N. C. . ... Alamance, P- HARDIN, Guilford, A. P. ECK.LL, Forsth, ROBT. GRA, Stokes, R- MASSET. Rockingham, W. R. MEBAN E, Caswell, R- Y. McADAN, 1'eraon, O. W. NORWOOD, Especial attention is called to the abote. CHARLE8 R. KINO. Capt. C'.-tf and Q. M. Cth Congl. District, N. C. Wanted. 5UUJ good Chestnut or oak RAILS, to b delirered one mil east of Greensboro', oa the MeCor nel road, aear the railroad. Persons wishing to contract for the delirery of the same, will apply soon to the subscriber. R N. CALDWELL, 7 -4wh. rr Greensborough. Wanted. 100)0 pounds of HIDES, for which the highest prices will be paid, on delivery to me in Greensboro, or at my tannery. I would respect fully suggest te butcheis and hide-dealers, that the tail and ears, however useful and beautiful as appen dages to the animal while living, yet they will not make leather, and should therefore be cut off before weighing the hide, b'j-tf JAMES A. LONti. Splendid Opportunity I We are desir ous of selling out our whole establishment in Oreensborougn, N. C, which affords a rare oppor tunity to any one deBirious of embarking in the boot and shoe business. We also offer at fair prices all our stock in trade, consisting of a general assort ment of liOOTS, SHOES &c. CSl-tf ' B. G. GRAHAM & CO. T 1 Recipe for 8hoe-lllacU.lng. We are JLL a; i ems of D. W. Edwards for the sale of the reel re bv which his shoe blackinr is saade. The blacking made by this recipe is warraated, and the cost of materials sufficient to make 100 boxes will not cost exceeding 00 cents. Price of recipe ONE DOLLAR. Encloke a stamp for pre-paying postage. ft.t-tf Ji F. OARRKTT St CO. c 1 if Ileward. Ranawa from the sub Jp 1 ULI scribers, November 3rd, lb63, two negro girls, Priscilla and Gracy. Prescilla is a bright mu luito, very likely, eighteen ears oi l, and weighs about 140 pound. She will have a child in a short time, and was bought in Wtheville, Va. Gracy is black color, 16 years old, weighs about 125 pounds, and was brought from Farmville, Va., nearly one year ago. The above reward will be paid for their confinement in any jail so that we can get them. Our address is Jamestown, Guilford count. N. C. J. S. RAY. 779wer S. C. ALLEN VTortti Carolina Guilford County 11 In Equity, Fall Term, 1863 SALE OF LAND, AND VALUABLE MILLS. I shall on Tuesday, the l "th day of December next, sell on the premises, the land and mills knowns as ihn Huffman Mill, on Bie- Alamance, on n credjt of six months The land is good, Mills have 1 pair of Bur Stones, a pair of good Corn Stones, boiling chest and cloth, on the same placea good Saw, Mill and abundant water power for the machinery, situated in a grain growing neighborhood, there is no moro desirable Mill seat and Mills in the couutv. By order of the Court. 7fi-4w JL A. MEBAN E, C. M. E- N otice. The subscriber having at the August Term, 1803 of the Court of Pleas and Quar ter Sessions, held lor the county of Wayne and State of North Carolina, qualified as administrator of the late James Richardson, deceased, hereby notifies all persons having claims against said deceased to pre sent them duly authenticated nithin the time requir ed by law, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all persons indebted to said deceased are requested to make immediate paymeuU 77-2w Wm. K. LANE, Administrator. Ior lllC Army. 1 will leave for the army on Tuesday the 10th of December neit. Persons desirous of sending boxes, kc, to the soldiers will please have them at the depots at Hilliboro', Dur ham's, Morrisrille, or Italeigh on the dsy before, weighed and marked Persons in the vicinity of irenshorough will place their boxes in enr? ot Mr R. M. Sloan, so that he can send them to llilisboru by the 1Mb. WALTER A. THOMPSON, , Tw Stale Agent. ot quarter MaMcr'n Ofllre, L TH UONOaKSSIONAL LMSTB1CT, . V Graham. Nov. 23id, 1803. General Oipihs, No I. The farmers in the several counties, Gth Con. grcpional District, North Carolina, arelurby call ed upon to pa without delay, all their tithed oats, hay, corn, cured fodder, c, to the proper persons appointed to receive the same. II. The necessities of the service are such as to re- ouire nromi't and energetic action on the part of a a - all who owe tithes to the government. III. The oati, ha, corn and cured fodder is re quired for immediate use, and will be shipped to the army as rapidly as collected. A prompt and heaity co operation among fanners is conhdeiitly expected, and positively insisted on. I . Onisin every cae, should be shelled before delivered. CHARLES R. KINO.Cupt. 77-.w Post Q. M. Gth District, N. C. Executive Department N- V. Apjutast (isfisRAi.' Office. (H. G.,) lialeigh, Nov. 10th, WW. tjltlML OSbBKS I No. 5. I. The operatives in Woolen and Cotton Factories that furnish Goods tor the Confederate and State Government are exempt from duty in the Guard for Home Defence, except when their counties are mva- tec by the enemy. II. The drill of the Guard for Home Defence will be diapenaed with until the 10th day December next te allow the farmers time to bow their train. By order of Gov. Vance. R. GATLIN, -'w Adjutant General. ifflce Greensboro' M. L.. In. & Tr. J Co, NoTiMBia Id, 1803. The Annual Meet ire of the " Greensboroueh Mu tual Life lnturance aid Trust Company" will be held at the office of the Company on Thursday the inn ieecmtiernext. 1). p. W EIR. 7-!-4w Treasurer. rlne;on Your Uldc! You that want 19 them tanned cheap. I expe t to tan all hides lof the ox species) for one-third, and give the ewner ot the hUes the privilege to buy the whole when tanned. 1 also desire to buv hidea at tha h market prices. D. P. FOU6T. J - July2J 69-tf 4 Card. Those indebted to me either for sub- 1. tcription to the Patriot up to the lst of Mav. or lor joo worx ana aavertiing, are requested to .?a call at the hrst door north of the Post Office, and make settlements at their earliest convenience, as I am very anxious to balance my books. I shall ex pert interest un all accounts that are not nromntlv paid. In my absence, Mr. S. G. Thomas will attend to making settlements for me. 65-tf M. S. SHERWOOD. MS UHlcal instruction. Prof. w. s. n Mathews will remain in Greensborough and give private lessons in -Music, until further notice. ery particular attention will be given te the in struction of beginners. IKKMS REASONABLE. 67-3m Ilagon for Sale ! One 3 Horse Wagon v Apply to A. A. WILLARD. 68-td - m r w Greensborough, N. C. Iron for Sale. I will sail at the 8 tat. Ar mory at Florence, N. C, 2 miles north of James town Station, TEN THOU8ANDS POUNDS OF IRON in lots to suit porchaaers. Z. S. COFFIN, 74-4w Agt. Ord. Dept. for N. C. POWdeT for )Lead. I will exchange Pow der for Lead in large or small lots giving one pound of powder for ten pounds of lead the lead to be delivered to me at the State Armory at Florence, Guilford oounty, N. C. Z. S. COFFIN, 74-4 w Agt Ord. Dpt.for N.C. N' otlce. C. S. Aiiiiil, Danville, Va. Oct. 3d, 1S63. I will pay full price for the following articles de livered at the Ordnance Store House, in Danville, or to W. N. Davis, the anthoriied Agent for this Arse nal, who will from dot to time take trips through the country, and receive and pay cash for any of the articles below meationed, Tix : Old Brass, Copper, Tin, Hemp Rope, or Packing. Any persons having on hand any of the above material in small or large quantities, will render great assistance to the GoYernment by delivering the same at this place, or reporting the fact by letter to this office. E. 8. HUTTER, 74-4w Captain Commanding. lotion Bonds. The bonds of the Confeder ate Government, principal payable in 20 years in coin and the interest annually in coin or cotton, at 6 per cent can be had at the Bank of Cape Fear at the government prices. J. H. LINDSAY, Cashier, novo 74-4w Notice. On the night when the College build ing was burnt, I lest a certificate of deposit in the Depository office at Greensborough, N. C. for the sum of two hundred dollars, dated Slst July, 18i3, No. 748. All persons are hereby cautioned against purchashing or in any manner receiving said certificate and any information respecting it will be thankfully received. VT. T. GANNAWAY. OCL29 73-6w Blacliimlthlng. The undersigned would respectfully inform the public that in connec tion with his Coach and Buggy Shop in Greensboro, he is carrying on the BLAi KSMITH BUSINESS in all its various branches, and would be pleased to serve all who may favor him with their custom with GOOD WORK at MODERATE PRICES. Shop on East street, near my Buggy Shop. 80-U JOHN LEDFORD. lobacco. 300 Boxes Manufactured Tobacco fine grades, a large portion old, for sale by 44-tf J. & F. QARRETT. I7or Rent. On the 1st day of January next, I will rent publicly to the highest bidder the large and well-arranged STORE HOUSE, formerly occu pied by W. J. McConneL situated on West Street. 76-6w R. P. DICK, Guardian. Land Tor Sale. I offer for sale fifty acres of Land, lying one mile east of Greensboro' on the Uillsboro'road. B. P. DICK, nov!9 76 Cw N otlce. I have lost or mislaid a certificate of deposit in tho Depository Office at Greensboro' N. C, for the sum of eight hundred dollars dated 27th July, 1803, No, 605. All persons are hereby cautioned against purchasing or in any manner re ceiving said certificate and any information respect ing it will be thankfully received. 07-Gw J. A. GILMER. In (store and Tor Sale, SODA, EXTRACT LOGWOOD, C0PPERA8, ALLSPICE, CLOVES. TEA, COFFEE. BOWLS, PLATES, DECANTERS, SNUFFERS. TABLE SPOONS, COTTON AND LINEN HANDKER CHIEFS, FATIGUE SHIRTS, READY-MADE COATS, he. MENDENHALL, JONES k GARDNER, 73-4wh rr Greensboro', N. C. w M7 anted. Iwant tv bin m' or fifteen T T NEGROES, stout, active boys, as laborers at the Confederate States Ordnance Works, Salisbury, North Carolina. A. G. BRENIZER, 7l-9w Capt. Art'y. Commanding. F' or Sale. 30 Barrels Tanners Oil, 200 Boxes No. 1 Tobacco, with large assortment of other goods just run the blockade. J k F. QARRETT. N Otlce. We will pay Cash Brass. J. & for old Copperr F. GARRETT 61-tf may 28 DR. J. II. O. FAUt ETTE, Respectfully offers his professional services to the citizens of Greensborough, and the surrounding country. Office opposite the Drug Store. Boarding house at W. E. Edwards, near the Depot. 67 tf Linseed OH for sale at retail by A. A. WILLARD, C2-tf Greensborough. Qalt ! Salt! 1500 Sacks 8alt thoroughly dry, O made in October laet for sale by IIIATT & STANTON, Greensborough. 51-tf Cjalamander Safe for Sale. A number O one safe. Apply at this office Vllatter Wanted. The undersigned will pay the hiehest cash prices for a number one Hatter over Conscript age. JONES & SON, Thomaeville. N. C. 4G-tf ead ! Lead ! ! The highest cash price paid JLi for lead in large or small qaan titles. 49-tf A. P. ECKEL Ixtract of Iog-vrood. 50 lbs Extract Ui or Lozwoou for sale by A. A. WILLARD, .')0-V Greensboro. N. C. Hides) 1 Hide I ! I have a quantity or dry Hides that 1 will exchange for Leather. A. A. WILLARD, 73-tf Greensborough, N. C. Horsje and Cown lor Sale. i have for sale two good COWS, and two good HORSES. Apply to me at Centre, Guilford county, N. C. . - . t nprvrvi T .' 4-3W en.rr l,. ii.inui,yo. L. !. LIKEDERT . CO., COMMISSION AKD fOKWA&DISO MERCHANTS, 73-3mer Water Street, Wilmington, N. C XT Otlce. I am now running a DAILY LIE of X Stages from Greensborough to connect with the Piedmont Railroad, thirty miles from Greensboro', leaving Greensborough at 6 A. M., and leaving the railroad at 9 A. M. D. T. HARVEY. nov5 74-iw Sugar! SUGAR 11 SUGAR! ! I have iust received a large lot of 8DGAR, of fine grades, which I offer for sale, wholesale or retail, at prices to suit the tunes. 39tf v. v. itvui ifcn. Ofit or Mislaid. A certificate of deposit A in the depository office, Greensborough, N. C for the sum of $4000, bearing date 81st of July 1863. No. 740. Any information in relation to it will be thankfully received, and all persons are cau tioned against trading for the same. 73-6wl.rr J. M. woiiin. Hoot and Shoe Naken Wanted. O Liberal pricei will be paid. Apply immediate ly to L. L THOMAS & Co., 71-Gi Thomasville, N. C. T O Hatters. We wish to employ a number of HATTERS to work in our establishment at Greensborough. Good workmen can procure constant employment, fair wages, and prompt pay ments, if early application be made to ja2S.8-tf J. k F. GARRETT. T3 Ice. 20 Tierces Rice lor sale at cents per XX pound. JAMES SLOAN. oet29 73-tf Grain Sacks. Grain Sacks, 2 bushels ca paxity for sale by A. A. WILLARD, 50y Greensboro'. N- C. Negro for SaUr sound and healthy. -A Negro man 24 years old JAMES MILLER, High Point, N. C. 70-4w Ides I have a nice lot of Hides to dispose of. D. W. C. BEBOW, 76-2w Oreensborougn, n. WANTED AT TXB OLD BRASS, OLD COPPER, CAST 3TEBL, BACON, PORK, CORN, AND CORN MEAL, for which the highest CASH PRICES will be paid. 00t 72-lL TVS!,"-10 membr of Chorixon Chapter, 13' .?ou. rh"by notified to attend at m u-ii '.l . i-v ,H " rnoay in Dee. next, at 3 o'clock, p. m., Tor the purpose of electing officers for the en suing tear. 76 3 W C T UfVnPVU T T rr v, - iifxxtia, a. i . For tale. ; Good Apple Tinegar. Bafaty Fuse, T , Cutsteel and Window Glass, In large quantities. 77-4w C P. MENDENHALL. Thi Oidau PAtu Bobbin- Company, ari now prepared to furnish at short notice, all kinds of BOBBh 3, SPOOLS and QUILLS, &c., .uiuble for Woolen and Cotton Milla. J. M. ODELL, Agent. Cedar Falls. N. C, June 9, 1863. Wl WISH TO BUT. IS ANV ott a ltitv j - " v A.a- a a M. y dean Cotton rags, for which we will pay 8 cents per pound lor mixed colors, and 10 cents for clean white. Those who have rags for sale, will please bring them to the Patriot office. Havi NO ADDED CONSIDERABLY Tn our facilities for job printing, and having in our office only experienced, competent journeyman printers, we are better prepared than ever to exe cute job printing in any style that may be desired. We shall endeavor to keep on hand good paper, and other stock, and will guarantee as good work as can be done in the Southern Confederacy. Prices in accordance with the times. Written for the Patriot. THE FALLACY OF HOPE. Hope, on thought's light pinion, lov-51 to fly to the haven in -which oar brightest anticipation are anchored ; yet maDy a time, and oft when we trusted its fond de Imions most, have we found ourselves wrecked on the strands of despair. 'Tis natural for us to picture the fancy wrought scones of the shaded future. True, we may for a while brood o'er u memory's buried flowers," but soon the past ia hurled into Oblivion's gulf, and the bright and cheering anticipations of the unattained future hold empire over our thoughts. Yet, oh I how very soon its promised pleasures prove a mockery, and we are doomed to seo The hopes thai rose in smiles to-day Sink in tears to morrow." AIUUI IflVll UMbteftM u .. expectations of a brilliant career and of being crowned with the laureled wreaths of distinction ; yet should these hopes bo realized, there would still be something wanting to mako them blest. When borne upon the tide of conquest won, higher aims animate tho soul, and ambition prefses its victim on still on ! ren the crowned monarch of a subjugated world, after he has touched " the highest point of all his greatness" and reached "the full meridian of all hia glory," still is tormented with a with for something more. But every object, however ardently and passionately 6ought, becomes less pleasing when attained. Hope is a passing fabric founded upon the delusive lalacies of the imagination, which will crumble at the first touch of adversity. Manny, many, indeed, of the richest eems of happiness exist only in our bright . . - , . i imugiuiug-, iui iu u.v,u.n brth to irrasp them as our own, an incr . ill. a K n a I AiMtini n rr dental blast scatters them, thus depriving USotthe realization of our flowery aotici- palions. Although tho heart u anappotnieu iu many of it8 wishes, yet it will never cease a : r i MUa nnfi tho n.r. areamiogui itvuvicu - , life pulse shall cease to throb, for though j the clasp of care may ravish every bud, i rt kinnm fpfm FTone'u rich garland, still MUU U Wii aw - (j will thedoceittol syren again intrude into tho mind, aud by its soft whisperings, lull eriel'sdark wavelets to rest anu uiu us um a , , to morrow's happiness with rainoow nues as purely bright as ever adorned the sum mer sky. Tho fairy flower of content may uniold and broatho its spicy inconse on the air, but it is crushed ere it reaches its zenith by a storm that rushes past. Yet, should wo re linqui.h iJl of oar golden dreams of the iuture because one is unfulfilled ? Nay, though they be as frail as the transient gems of earth, atill with a voico of promise they come and go ; as soon as one hope is blighted, another one ialla upon the heart. The shadow from the wing of the death angel is. sometimes upon the hearth stone, yet, should we despond and grow weary of life because one trial has entered the bouse- bold? ,, . . ... Nav verily, but we should look up with hopeful eyes, uttering from the heart, thy will be done." Uncertainty and delusion may bewilder ua on every side, and when we are engaged in high and noble pursu.ts, all our fond hopes may be blasted, and happy expectations overshadowed with dis appointment ; bat behind this dark, gloomy Bbadow is tho clear Buubuiu. Then look on the sunny side, and happi ness will come like aray of sun-light, d.s- n:r.nnr.a(iive p-loom and illumining pci 1 1 wr r our pathway to prosperity. A shadow of sadness sometimes nestles in tho heart when we picture the future, then - hope on, hope aver" should be in- delibly stamped opon our hearts. It should be our motto to keep us from despondency. Perchance, the ruffled current of opposb tion may ferce as down the stream of dis. appointment until we are almost constrain ed to believe that our pathos no longer cheered by the faintest twinkle of the bUas ed Star of Hope ; bat soon it appears, chas ing away the light gossamer clouds of sor row that momentarily dimmed our sunny prospects. We very often sacrifice present ease for the hopr of distant pleasure! and let the blessings of life glide by unheeded, in ma king preparations to enjoy those we fancy await as in the " roseato bowere" of com. ing days. Well hath the poet oompared the idle chase of Hope to one purtuing a butterfly, which leads them on from flower to flower, then loses its charm by being caught. For Try touch that wooed its stay Hath brushed its brightest hues away, Till charm and hue and beauty gone 'Tis left to fly or fall alone. Can it with wounded pinion soar From rose to tulip as before t Or, beauty blighted in an hour" Find joy within its broken bower ? No : gayer insects fluttering by Ne'er droop the wing o'er those that die." ,. v HELEN. Salisbury, N. C. For the Patriot. TRIBUTE OF RESPECT, a meeting of Comnanv ft Twar,i..aA0anik At Regiment North Carolina Infantry, held at their camp near Orange Court House, Va., November 20th, 18G3, on motion, Lieut. F. A. llanner was called to the Chair, and C. W. Westbrook appointed Secretary. On taking the Chair, Lieut. Hanner explained the object of the meeting to be to draft resolutions expressive of our heartfelt sympathy at the loss of our highly esteemed officer, Lieut. J. II. McKnigbt, who fell mortally wounded at the battle of Bristow Station, Va , on the 14th of October, 1803. On motion, a committee of ive was appointed, who reported the following reaolutions which were unanimously adopted: Whereas, It has pleased an all-wise Providence to remove from us our much-loved officer, friend and comrade in arms, Lieut. J. H. McKNIGHT, there fore be it Rttolvtd, That while we bow with humble sub mission to the hand that has thus bereft us. we can not but mourn that we have been thus early depriv ed of the service and associatien of such a friend as our departed hero. Rtaolvtd, That in the death of Lieut. McKnight, another name has been added to the list of South ern martyred heroes, sacrificed upon the altar of their country'a existence, another cry goes up from the crimsoned earth to our nation's God for ven geance upon an aggressive foe. Jietolved, That in his death his parents have to mourn the loss of an affectionate and dutiful son, the object of many bright hopes and the recipient of much affection, the church an ornament of piety nreYrisna we' an"omcer anu menu, wuosl; nvifli: hand was ever open to the interests of our common cause. Rtolved, That we tender our heartfelt sympathy to the family and friends of our departed brother. and d T SUA, V 111 VIWUVV W MA death we are called upon to mourn. ' Peace to hi ashes, may the earth lie lightly on his remains." Serg't. C. A. CAMPBELL, 1 Corpl. S. J. RHODES, j w. Mcdowell, -Com. J. S. SCOTT, I S. R. GREES0N. j At the same meeting a committee of five was ap pointed to draft resolutions expressive of the feel ings of the company in regard to the death of their brothers and companions in arms, Serg't. Major Robert D. Weatherly, Corp'l. H. Rufus Forbes, Wm. F. Hunter, Henry Crider, John Canady, John T. Sockwell and Joseph W. Rankin, who were killed or died from wounds teceived at the battle of Bristow Station, Va., October 1 1th, 1803. The following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted : Whereas, It has pleased Almighty God to take from us our beloved comrades, thereby inflicting upon us an irreparable loss, and reminding us that " in the midst of lite we are in death," i hearts though 6trong and brave, still lilt aud our ke mutlled , drumg are teal,g funeral marches to the giave, j therefore be it I iWeKHVftt, luttl ID IDIB SftU DercftTcin f? nl .will. II Hah ! rMI,i the hand of God and bow ! with humility to the chastisement He has seen tit to inflict upon us. Rtiolvtd, That the bitterness of the cup of sorrow thus placed to our lip, is mitigated by the pleasing j remembrance of the soldieily and efficient manner rv. -- incumbent upon them in their vanous positioua, and their noble examples are worthy of our imita tion. "Resolvtd, That while we deeply deplore their loss, yet we have the sweet assurance that they hav been transfered from the army of earth, to the glori ous and immortal hosts of Heaven, where death, wounds and sorrows are unknown. Resolved, That we tender to the families of our departed companions our warmest sympathies and 4 vat Lra i ivi in L'nuiuun uua vv ai iuv b ar muo u u , mingie 0ur tears with theirs in this our mutual fliction. Resolvrd, That a copy of these resolutions be forwarded to the families of the deceased. alo to tbe Greensborough Patriot, Watchman and Harbinjer and Christian Advocate. Serg t. D. H. EDWAKDS, W. M. PAISLEY, j Corp l. H. C. STORY, Com J. L. WILSON, E. W. STRATFORD. Lieut.. F. A. HANNER, Ch'm. Wkstbbook, Sect'ry. C. W. Sugar Millet Seed Important Fact. It should be generally known that the com mon broom corn, wbica is a species oi millet, it planted near tbe Sugar Millet readily mixes with it, and if the seed thus obtained is planted, it produces a new variety, greatly resembling broom corn, but taller and larger. This variety in usually called the red sort, and 1 almost worthless for syrup. The tact as to the mixture and the pro duction of this inferior adulterated variety, I know from repeated personal observation to be true. It is thereore important that geuuinc seed should be selected for planting, and that broom corn should not bo planted any where near the Sugar Millet. If all the newspapers were to call public attention to this subject, they would do good service te a valuable interest. Cor. Hiltsboro' Recorder. The warehouse of Mr. R. L. PaUerson, at Hickory Station, Western North Carjli. na Railroad, containinrr 17:1 bales of Cot ton, was destroyed by fire last Wednesday night. From the Petersburg Register. JOHNSON'S ISLAND IN LAKE ERIE. DXDICATSD TOTHI PKISOXXaB THIE1. Father in Heaven ! Thine is the power, To bless in every land and hour ; Then hear my heart's deep bursting prayer, And shield the precious prisoners there. When the days grow bleak and cold, A mantle of mercy round them fold ; Let their hearts be warm and cheery. On Johnson's Island in Lake Erie. 'Mong those " heroes in the strife," For Southern land and Southern life, Onetlarling heart alone Throbs with the blood that stirs my own; Yet for all I bend my knee In fervent prayer oh ! God to Thee ; Keep their lives from being weary On Johnson s Island in Lake Erie. A sacred cause they have espoused. The best that a in them is aroused ; Deeply their noble souls revere Thee, oh ! God, and country dear; Then let them live to see at last The victory won, the struggle pat Bring them through their bondage dreary. On Johnson's Island in Lake F.rie. A thousand hopes are to them bound. A thousand hearts they cluster round ; Affection drops for them a tear, And for their safety stands in fear. Oh ! free them from the captor's hand, And let us greet in Southern land The prisoners, with a welcome merry, From Johnson's Island in Lako Erie. Fahnib B. FOR EVERY ONE THAT ASKETH BECEIV- ETH. O, ask not wealth ; The gaudy bauble glitters to deceive ; It hath a thorn to press thee when asleep ; It maketh wings, and leaveth thee to weep : Ask not what wealth can give. O, ask not fame ; The empty bubble breaks at every gale; Its mighty shadows utalk in midnight gloom ; It kills his hero, and then haunts hia tomb, Where all his triumphs tail. O, ask not love ; "The fond heart's idol breaketh the fond heart ; His Bmile if oft deceitful, and is power Teo oft is felt in sorrow's darkest hour , Ask not hia treacherous dart. 0, aek not life ; "Not even life itself makes good the name" How oft its vtctim craves the boon of death. When guilt or sorrow yearn to yield the breath Ask not the fitful tiamc. Ask for a quiet mind ; A heart at rest from nil the jars of strife : An humble heart, that never soars to fall; A heart to bless the Hand that gives it all, That priceless gift of life. Ask for a fount of tears ; The heart to sympathize in oth-rs woe. j The soul to teel for all the aorrowing here, And power to point them to a better sphere, ) Where tears can never flow. Ask for a broken heart, A gritf for all the ills thy hand has done ; I A pang for wafed life, tor useless breath ; I A hope that triumphs o'er the fear of death. Ask, and the goal is won. Fox. he .Pat rit, . Camp 4Cth, N. C. T. Near OranRe C. H. Va Nov. 10th. 18fS. At a special meeting of Capt. O.W. (Jarr's Company G 40tli N.C. T., held tbi day, , 0f . i tleut. R. S. Small was called to the chair. nd Lieut. T- S. Trov appointed Secretarv. On motion, Serg't. J. C. Davis, Corpl. T. A. J. Futrall and Private A. J Nanco were appointed a committee to draft reso lutions expressive of our feelings of regrot at tho loss of tho following members who have died since tbe organisation of tho Company. Tbo committee reported tho following preamble and resolutions, which were unanimously adopted. Whkreas, The folio n-ina: membern of Capt. O. W. Carr's Company G. 4Glh N. C. T. nave died since entering tlienervice and from tho causes and at the lime and places herein slated, viz : Private N. Rains, disease, Hospital Kaleigh N. C. May lf,:h, 1m'.:'. D. IUius, disease, Hospital, 1U1 eign, May 17th, Wrl. Private J. H. Hrork, di-eiw, Ho?pital. near Drewry "s Hlufi. Va July 7th. lHfij. Privates J. A. Aldridgr, diseusc, Hospital. Furin . ville, Va AugUfct t'-th, ls'. N. H. ,lnelvou. dis ease, Hospital, Farmvillf, Va. Septemb-.T Ml;. 1W'.'J. 1 Private '.. Kini.-y, j.robablv killed ut ShHip--biirjf, Md. Sept. I7t!i lKili'. Private W. T. Hill. lispajf. Ho,pitnl Ku'hmond. Va. i.ept- 2uib, Corp l. W. H. Steed, disease. Ho.-j-ital Winchester, Va. Oot 2f.lh, 1-m;-J. 1 Private A. Ked-lick, di-::ise, Hospital. S::nint-.n, i Va. Oct. 'jyth, bV2. I'rivate T. T. Nance, disease, Hi.pitnl, Gordnns ville, Vu Nov. IUUi, ImVJ. , Private J. D. Rail, disease, Hospital, Ch;ul ttes ville, Va. Nov. ldtli, lf;--. Private .Je-s,. Varnon, wiutil, Freleiicksburj:, Va. Dec l.Mh, 1 Hiii. Private S. Floyd, , .lisea-e, Hospital Kichiix rid, , Va. Dec. H'-'nd, 18C.U. fred Ulark disease, Hos , pital, Uich'aoiid, li.-c. Ith, Private W. P. Su ed, discusc, home, c. ' N. C. Jan. 2:;rd, 1 i Lieut H W. Stinsou, disease, hf.nie, Randolph : co., F'.-b. -hi, Istj:; Serg"l. J D. Dowden, disease, heme. New Han over N.C. M;sv l'-"h. in;.;. ! Private J. A. Kdwui.'.s. .iiseaM.', home, Ilamiulpu. ' N. C. Sept. UTth, I 'in. I Private Eli Wrigl,?, die.:se. Hospital, IJrar;dy Station, Va. Oct. 'J'Jth, in.'.:!, j Private P. F. lloyle, wound. Hospital, Richmond, i Va. Oct. 2'jth, lfcG:j. Jiesolvcd, That by those dispensation?1 of j Alwiso Providence, tho Company han lost many gallant and faithful soldiers and our cattao brave and patriotic dofendciH, wIioho - place cannot now be Ullod ; and wc D'.IHS them on the weary march, in the rudo. bivouac, on tht lo iely picket line and amid the ct usdi 'ind thunder of battle, and we will luw. fherish ati affectionate remem hiance ;( their manly virtues and uniform U induesHOK. lievActd, That wo deejily sympathize with the relalivenand friendrtof thedeceaed in their sad bereavement and gladly bur testimony that most ol these men lived as true christians. Resolved, That copies of these reiolui tionB bu forwarded for publication to the 2s. C. C'hrictian Advocate, Fayettovillo Ob server, and (ireennborough Patriot. U S. SMALL, Chairman. T. S. Trov, Secretary. Artemus Ward thinks it a bad thin not to have a wife no gentle heart to get up of a cold winter's morning and build a firo. m The reason for advanein hotel rates has been at last comprehended. Lord liu-sell's protracted detention of the Rebel rams ban caused an advanco in the price of niullon.