TllHPATlUOT. i. HI l-ll k.L kXKT H.IUAT r A. W. IN GOLD, LD1TOU AND U!:ol;KlKTOi:. the Finance Committee of the ro:ul con haim-d in the printed rep -rt of the. pro Lee lie" of tlif ITtu at.nunl i:iv4-tMi the vt...-ki, -i-H of ill- road, li-M July 1-th, 1m;i. wh.r.ia the lecvipts of the j-receed-! i" li-cal war art- stated nt 03iU.75,a3 t ami the aiii u:it divleirsod during I he r h r, Tlirrc lotary per Aniitini. :,ee -t the I SIIIK' year at 'J bV-l 0.3 2, having a ri-.n-Ks Fu aivk::ti.-incj. A lv. :-.;-. . w " t-ru.Ti!K Patriot -,!... .. i I N K T..VI1 "T s'p...- ' f !; J f,r t'1" t'r-'. in-.-rtii.-i. .-..V VIITV fKNT - f r c.itlii'innr'-. A bW. ! l.i.t'.'-n w ii t': . j n'i i 11 .y K...-av. W i im..v;. 4 .-i!v I. ' ill' OO I'M: I . k. , .10 ..'.', in ! in fa v. Ir to a. !:". w- 1 -sir ! ' 0 t Tin: si t p-1 in !il v,i;i r. Ci.inr'U.iv lor that y. ar, 1 au.l vet t'i 'v learn tii'tt d.tte ot that M j'-'i t hmie Ul:UI .i'ela'in.v have come against the rij.a v, rcvi m years, ami the lar-r.-r prt'of the.n I'm that ..lviitic-u! year, .i-.l ..l.ieh wee not embrace.. 111 tint re ,, .rt fr l'i" obvious, vi-:i-o:i th:l? the books tii : . in v covtamed no account ot r obligations on '.vlmii .i.i ti.,l. . tomid.d, tilt tiiey .1- ... i.te.l. so'iie ti::: 'trio ' .. . 1 : s. tits: i)to.'t of tho Joint Select Committee 0:1 tho North Cit'lini Hull Head. Tl.. Joint Sclent Commit U'C l till' he e ! ' ,t.vo 10 re- .V fTO pi' Milieu, :: 11 rt nla.l.Ml 10. in'-' o.'ji.'v. r,..M--.:;t:-.r.'.in i-o':tincts of wliidi tin i ot tl..- . ..n:i any .1 nt.-i i :m avcoiitit, to rx:'lli : .!... .' .1 1 .1.. 1 Hm, ill' I'lii ii' . 1 ' . . . 1 1 . Ill . 1 1 1 'Hill I'l III , 1, :i:i'l l!i' 1 ' !n.oi;n.' iM Sitt n !cl' :i. to s'll.trit lli- t..Kowinir rj-.rt htl i"ii ot tin- cum- ! ii" it a:i ou o.- 1 ... .;i! 111 niilrr I .if :v :i-i i i i.i.o' m ""i'l , t- Wu- tin- . ..iniianv a:v iviuitv.'. tolio.-n- i.uiv in'!' l a- l;i n ..... ...- It 1 A 1 . ... .MI..HIV ,1 f',.' Ni.stl, ('.iio'tin Ilaii K-.a-l, , t. r., on tt..- hook- 01 ua- I '. iii.! t.,oit.t- ot tl.o ror.ipany, m 11 . all . ft .. II I' I'll 1' 1 ''' lol t V l' I II ' m i , i-t :. t 1 l M ' i!.,. i. aii'l 111 .- rn! J J'I . t l. i t'i. ir ino'iir.f in mkIi nianiK r i- j: ....I In ..i. i ' Vi iU !i J"i' ti na.M. The lar as nstvr- ilov: tt forth v iinieii rn.Iir tl.c i-.iliic amount, 11 . 1 ii ... 1 1 1,.. V '!! I ' " .1 1 . ' I I i ' 1 1 I ' ' ' J ' ! 1 " ' i" 1 t :.i;,-.Ki.t o' inf-i rita'i'.n iil. lio to i . f i t jli ir :.''"ii'lia nf, anil with ro It.. tho ! is I !!ows, 1 t-. t in- loithoiitirs :inl i.m I'f i v: t. I M i .' i. ti vh. I 111'. II. ? I, t!.i v a'lj 'iii in 1 to , ;'p 1 11 tin- Ttl ' ;:'. a!t! in tin-11. at- I ;s' ( i til man to :i..i.n"- j 1 -i.n- -ii j 'j 'i'M' I fo 1" i I ti. i' inan iifiM rt i"l tl ! : ' 1 in to :ip. ar 1i "t J 1 tho ia foilouinir, ti at : i inii t i i o to in" t. Mil! 1 v i i.. i:. , iw.iu.t ot ; '":'. i': f prrirt ah . j ! '. ' 1! I f : (! I h I Jt I hi ; i'. ill. II . 'I I'li.J'I'l.O l.. 111. 1'lV L'iil o Nom-ih'mt ''. M l I.'u iUiMiiiul t ut : t..M,lt i- '.. j T I' v in:i- :i ! , . kiu.i! 1 i' !i:l .'.i!i"'.'.t !' ! I r.n r r.n I M h "I" I 'nl'i j'Uliif ;inil s-.;:?..' " :'.l.'i!' i'i : iT 1; en ii... 1 l-i.-l-T I"-' l.i.- i.10; that 44 a great many thing came iuio the hamls of the Company during and af ter lh l so of the war, without any ex hilit of the purchase ly the Company, .in.l with the possession of which he. (Mr. Mo re) couM never have been lived, by reason of which, any t.tein of checks or accountability could luvebeen established, would have "be. n rendered w holly inefti- ci tit. yj trie amouni 01 nores which liave annually pissed tlirough the store, of coarse, when the store keeper Mr. Moore, can irive no aproximate estimates, your Counnittee cannot state with confidence; thev have met with no one who has o.-timatd it at lew than fifty thousand ..I1 ;rs. (?50. 00 ) An amount of value, which, passing through the hands of one not interested in its projer and honest ap piicatton, and not r sponsible for his dis- po-ilion of it, presents a greater tempta tion than the honesty and mond integrity of any one s-h.-uld be subjected to. Your Committee, however, deem it their duty to state, before quitting this branch of the M.l.jtct, that Mr. Mix -re mtoinied them, tint he was directed, in November last, v President Webb and Superintendent Wilkes, to take an inventory ot the amount of stores on hand and charge himself with the amount, and from that tune forth break bulk." weigh and measure every thin ' which came into his hands, and also Um an account of his disposition ot the o,ls; which has been done since the 1st ii4" December la-t w tin. 1. nil- of these stores consist of df v.-js-i :;n 11 To the to lu: cai 1 iit- t i iMuiHc were i 1 ! the ( i iiipaiiv ; iiio crcgo'.ug is fr liegio h ie 1 T llie liie anm-iint of -',:; tiiiTcnev.) To aecurateiy iUtnate aiuoun to be paid on thec bonds t.'i 1 . . i iu coininil ev nae n" 1, ? 1 1,. t ! . 1.1 , 1 1 1 J I "... it I e, II t.g I'. ei :illi f 11. P"i! -n.' !.:, I l.t -.. !! I I. f. r;-"i t 11 -t !.. 1 1 .'ti !. r.l... 111."'.'. -I- i ii if t i'liiiti to:, .11- )r. - I i . . in ii km v :iii.iii 1 ,. ei,- f. il" n. ! mi l', y i t tin 1 . 1,14 l!i 1 i.i,.ti i'i:ib!i. r.ii;-i'N. ,v 1 u..-1'.t p t-t ii. ti'i the eviinev !"! ..'. i:rf !;i". C..K .11 !ff. , :l't .':.' i 1 '!' t 1 m 1 . ti.i- ! -tii-l lih'HT Wlilrit li: U'" !lit !. '''ll pi l 1 i i tiiat it V -t" -.l-Ii !.'! l!i n. ll..ioi:gh y to e:o:i I L- . f !t Coii'p:in , lid i:ii . - ;i! i I i.-' 1 ! , . :.U' illi ;mv i'ot:.:i 1... I, . .I I, rj ti 1 ! I .'. .'.''i added bonds iMilli'i, to ,V7. (,n ('..nt. derate the have road sfde. and $1.30, the estimated cost of cutting and hauling it there, gives $1,715 as the entire value of the" wood - on this land, a sum short of the price paid for the land by $585, more than Mr. Bilbro thinks the land, with the wood on it, was asses sed at for taxation, by f 28o. X or another estimate of the value of the land and the wood on it.' the Committee refer to the annexed paper, marked (3.) This will be are of each of the several classes.- How many and what classes have the liberty of carrying their families; the number . of mile traveled by Dead-heads, withiu such period as your knowledge extends to, and how much revenue this travel would have made for the. Road, had it been paying travel? Very Respectfully, M. S. ltOlilXS, Ch'mn. Mr. Wilkes after wards verbally iuforni- seen to differ very widely from that of ed your Committee, that it would take Mr. Strickland. some time to prepare a iuu anu complete Your Committee would further state, statement, but he had it in the course of that one of their members informs them preparation, and it should be forthcoming that he interrogated Mr. V likes in. regard at least by the 1st lhursday ot your pres to this trade in last month, belore the ent sessiou. lnisv as awauea as a oasi Committee in a body had had an interview for further examination into particular in with him, when he, Mr. N likes stated stances ot alleged abuses, 1111 the 1 Jin inst., that the Company had not purchased the when the Chairman was directed toad land in question. One of the Directors dress Mr. Wilkes a note, requesting him . - w Tirin I 1 f i.i strted to the Committee, that 3lr. V likes to hurry iorwaru me statement at, once at one tim3 made the same statement to In reply, your Committee received a note the Directors. And when, subsequently, from Mr. Webb, saying that 31r. Y likes the Committee interrogated him on the had been absent about three weeks, and whom Parmenter made the accounts MendenhalPs testimonv in reo-anl t.. t,t. against the. Company in May, I860 'that remarkable transaction, marked no at tKat intprvipw. Mr T?Wt Dirno..n.l 0 n.M.,nj .....: , , ' - - v. vt-?t 1 rtjipcuu iuis ii'Miiiiuuj, luoie 10 snow tlie desire to have the services of Parmenter. I remarkable obliviousness of Mr. Memen to whicn Jlr. ilkes assented, and noti-1 hall, in regard to this transaction, in which neu 1 annenier ot me laet, and thought no he was one of the principal actors, aud moie 01 imu or nis uoings, tin in j uiy tol- against which he is represented bv Mr, .v.-,,...,, ....v.. I.... "i.i vji fcuur. m-uuuiii? 1 o cpson as proiesiing so e:irnestiy hi nnrppiit run nr bv Ptirmanlni. ' nnmn 1 tone l . i- t ' 1 1 r "j lame hi 1 uamuir, iouj, man 110m any Jigui wuicli hand, winch struck: him with astonish-1 it th. ows on the transaction itself. View ment ; and he went to work assidiouslv 1 ed in anv liiihtin which vonr (Vinmitti t get Parmenter to return and Bettle ; ali have been able to place it, it seems to which efforts have proved unavailing them wholly without excuse. Whatever The Committee deem it due to Mr. may be said" of the binding force of the Wilkes to state, that there is one conside- contract in January. 18G5. after the order ration which may excuse some mistakes of the Board of Directors on the 12th day on his part. While they ha e n" positive of that month, on the grounds that Mr. evidence of the fact, it seems to be gener- Swepson was to have time to procure the ally conceded, so far as they know, that I n-w bonds, and that the contract was when Jlr. JJoyden accepted the Presidcu- made before the order of the Board to dis- cy of the road, he did it with the general continue further exchanges, it seems to uud. rstanding, that he would not devote your Committee that a reasonable time had a very large portion of his time to the in- elap-ed long before the surrender, and; terests ot the road. However that may that to complete the contract after that" subject, he could give them no definite in- inclosing the annexed statement marked be, very many of the duties, commonly I event was simply equivalent to making a formation in regard to the date of the (G.) This statement does not embrace the performed by the President, were devolved 1 gratuitous donation of the amount of the transaction, till he called on Mr. Moore, entire information asked for, but it is on Mr. U ilkes, which, together with the Com pan v's funds, represented by 23 000 Who it seems, nad kept possession OI tne prouaoiuuiauir. eoo was uyi auoscu tiunt-scuuari oeiouguig 10 ms position 01 oiu uonus. deed from its date, the 16th day of April of the exact nature and extent of the in- of engineer and superintendent, in the con- Your Commi last, to that tim ; w hile the Secretary, uuiry. Why the estimate of the amount dition in which he found the road when he rious Hail Uoac Committee made inquiries of va- oad officials, and persons w ho Mr. Stagg, is in general, the custodian ot 01 revenue which mese i;eau-neaus would toois cnarge 01 it, were sumciently onerous lhy had reason to believe were laminar such papers belonging to the Company, have yielded to the Road, had they paid to render some mistakes to be expected. with the past history of the North C'aroli Mr. Moore explained the custody of this regular fare, is made at 2 cents per mile Among the various matters connected na Road, in regard to the controlling in- plained the custody deed, by the fact that his clerk was w it- m this statement, while the rate of fare on with the interests of the road, to which tluence on the Road, and were uniformly ness to it. and it had been retained to the Koad has never, since the surrender, your committee have directed their atten- informed, that the Directors, on the part await a convenient opportunity for regis- been less than 5 cents per mile, they are tion, the management 01 the sinking fund ot the Mate, and the Stockholders had al- tration. Your Committee, before closing at a loss to perceive. That it is proper to has had a share. The only subject in con- ways got along harmoniously, and never ... ... , . i i) 1 .i- .1 ... 1 , r i-iti t r. .f . .1 iifuuun nu tiiiMiuiu w inca nas specially 1 uiviueu, as sucn, except, 111 uie smgie 111- am-skcu men ititciniou, is me exenange 01 1 stance 01 me eieciion 01 lion. ainai;iei the 44 old," or ante-war North Carolina Bovden, President : that all the VveA- . bonds for 44 new," or 41 war bonds." The dents-of the Road, except Nathauiel Bov- --1 - . - I - 1 . V W A. A. - . 1 mm m -m 1 w m 1 m .,,. )i,mi)i:(S ,vprp ni.edcd at the that the Company was at that time pay- straineu wmim proper oounus on tins commiiiee 01 me suiKing iund, in their re- Ueii and 1'aui Cameron, had oeeu elected St.oos.m 1 the various points on the road, ing $3 to 4 per than anv othei person co-ild be, and could cmity. It such , -i .1 ... : :.,.-ii..;...ia tiiuT.iuR opnL 1 1 'vi r: iiir i ineiu in ohmu uun iu i a , . . i . ,, r ,.,...,.. ij, , i tbn vn-i.iiw demands ol nave auopieu cz as me oasis 01 uis esu- uien, n, vi j'1-' i.wm uuiaiuiug -. w" v uc jjuuiu 01 IKl, iiv - it . . I'l II. "ITTill 1 r - I nn.f inlXi'mnlinn (nrlhor 1liar on.r rmn y.nrv I I II roctnm nt thrlt ri'l. Il 4.11. ......... ... 1 ih. hoosmd the different points on the mate upon wmcn .ur. wiikcs acieu is a a. - "'"."7 uul1''" ,V Vr ;' -"" ..".auiu . . ii-.'.i - supplies for the shops and the road, it oc- the remarks upon this transaction, deem it permit, some pe.oi.s iu-a oe. a ivoau nuied to your Committee that the Master due to .Mr. w Ukes to state, that tie denies wiuioui wajii.g .a. .umt:i cenaiu circu.n ifferedtohiraataless stances, they supr-ose, will not be ques- Macliinisi, :l proiiiTiv qiiaiiinu to oei iui m '' - i . . - -- , , . . . ' ,, , ' , ... . ... . . i r,. . ..i.i. .t than ho i.aid for it. He further states Honed : but as to whether it has been re .. . i.iiii. u i i in- nt i ill aifiu iv v- r-- - - v . . crd tor wood in that vi- Koad during me pe ioa to winch this pon 10 me siocicnoiaers' nneting otJuiy directors by the stockholders: and that .1.. . ". . IUI .1 1.1.., . ."'I ... , " . . . were the facts, w hy it is statement reiers, your committee ty ihi am, 1000, snoweu mat mere was then be- unitorm harmony has always existed be Ir. Strickland, should late arrival and meagre detail of the state- longing to the fund 1100,000 in 44 old tween the various Presidents of the Road 1 lie. . .1 .1.. M"l iiiinii v. in i ill v can iei. n:n I.i i a vimply iiii.-riiii !, that up to about o tc ij-vi-'la-t, it was I'm- i i;-Jont to pay ?1'( I r ioiii:ni':i han. Is, a:il ?l '.' l"i' me- Mi' e ll. at tine r nil cling u; i i .l v ni'.pi 'ved Up. I ' hand and l0' 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 . :. i ; i ii' v, a I ! be l'"'! i i 1 i;e 4 " I . ln;ittirs wl, ' '1 in their ::p tm;i t n p.. it to the pi i the ( ii m ial .Wcmhl . - I I ill-' I 'vs. :illtiillv to pel - I t t oi l lipi ii tl.i in. :! i.'.. ...l .... ... i ., . i I. . 1 1 ". . .. g that " I he alie- tllC IIMMKtloll Mil! a . .VJi'l. MlJ.j'Ov 'J ."' i'ii tiii i!i il in o lor common itiech it i. s ; but how . . i . i . . . .. . i . m::iiy orj i v. e:.. t u u a i ei , mm uie hir "i f win fTf the for-going bends wer.- :ieii. oii;- eoiiiii.iit'- ale 11 t advised. And ti e anioi.ii. ot elaiuiv, i. tii i.i ts;.iid account v et to be pres. n ied i. Ii t paid, it iv i:i.'o..v,b'... nf your com mittee to form ei:i a cot j tuic in th tin e ot v.,, ii pi, ,v , avis pie-ei.tid by pa -I praelice. I'or cxainp e, the company liiinl ai io'.s .via. es of hr. C. .1. Krec'.and i loV the years i 1 1- u.l-'u I, j r which ihey , e. ati 1 to him b. n.'.v ,,t the c.'tup.iiiy ; it. i a!v . h.u d 1 .i'a for the year ' I m; v. j.,r wh'uli i. bo-d was u'mn. ... ....Ki..,.. ii . ,ir..w.t nnr.i v i.i n tain irom me siaiement usen. :: ; .: ; . s i;; ;.: ,1,; .i . There u m r ufort..,e p . I r i m Wn.u !. nnve The Committee would call vour atton- action to whun your committee regard it tea : ' , . . .i .... i i.i ...Wl..,t lion to imother f rnns.e.Moii whieh thev re- as their duty to refer. Ihey allude to Cd'- l -is a e eiK. w nei nei in-eoiim huu hihivi j . it. I ii-i i- x. o;iril in a vorv duhiuos lioht. Tn Sunt em- tain transactions ot one Charles Parmenter tee a.luitiotiai clerical ioicc, iwn. .m j o - ----- i, , . , ,. , , . , '. . ... rn ,;.,...r ber. lR.w. the ate amented Gov. More- by which, hist and last, he ran up on ac oils e . nee miii hu niv nciriui-i i t . - - . , -i t, , i ,, , -......; i... .....i o dnrr. rnm head shipped on the North Carolina Rail count against the Company with Fowle i-.l .ii nun. ui.ii ii Tie ve b' lid- tt M ell! t'ltl.y w i r appoiitd, whi'e 1 i nt in ly, :.nd vj.i ,-l;d i t f, rei.i e :.ed In it .ii a n i nioi a t" the .(iimial Awi iiibiv :vL ing a :.ta i, i f t . i- charter, th- canie to tie 'in hi -i. n the bcsl lin ile ti.ev I ...,! d adopt, iu older to ilttcllllil c lie. i.i e ill al" v, v iii 1 1 ... in;iu ,.( m, ; ol" th;- I i ."dj t ! i ir ear.', lei, and a! the S.I l.e t .ti.e 1 1 p. ! f, t!,' 1 1 spuvjhi!)t .''i' Ii ; 1 i:-o, it any iud, was to ; ii- a v. ri ir,o;i:i .ev ti a portion i.; .)auu;.r , I sti", :i;i ! an wth' pa. i account f..r on I nit in-. t t ! i t i u i , t.i'i, h..r i:...i.:. The p v .'I e :.i 1 h i.; i t' : i" i ini i ..-! three and a hail nionthv hiif f. .p the ar lv6 uav o:;:. oll'm Octnln r of that eai mid noti. : : .tli up t. 1 1 r,.o far as ;,i.i;r ( oinnsil tt ;. e ai ivi d, 1 any lurth ir account agaiiivi 1 1 IT- ( 'ompanv. et, in fiie fpi u:g 1 1 as it M'em, Dr. I'lie- i .nd :;u aec"in. again.vt the I'ma- :i: y tte 11 i.-r in. du al all n. lance in tiicM- :.;vev . i. iie hin 1 to the Compa li) . an i i ! t he nil e c. u Iiii ii he had soine iniic p: . . iii:.! , ;ifviid the lnniicv, occurs : ' Jlr. Mebane moved that Messrs. avis, Mendenball and Planner be appoin- commiiiee on sinking iutut. Agreed to. Mr. Mebane moved that said cornmit- be auth irized to convert the old sixes :- North Carolina Bonds into new sixes as occasion may offer." . . ' . . . ii . i i'.. i ..... ....... I .V' f, i.t'VuU' A', .r L- In (imAiinl nf I TT.l..,. 1, t .f il.. p ilea" h's ol'ice in which to place them, he uoau at viieeusooro, a quanuiv oi eoiiou KKJ v" - - ". .v- ... . Limn iu ni.idium oi me ioregoing could receive' and dispose of all these xarns, consigned to Blossom Brothers, $10,835.79, of which amount he never ac- order, the amount ot 4' old sixes" was re- s v iti out much alditional trouble, .New lork Un the night ot the 24th ot couuieu to me v.ouT"iy 1U1 i,ioo.i, uuceu oy me juiy meeting, 1804, to 58,- ev.eot the sunolies which are appropna- ptemuer, lkoo, a car ioaa oi mcse i i ui wu i uat oceanic oi -?io,uuo oi ?os,uuu, .1 . . I . . 1 1 .! i ia SAA ...1 . .., i'l fl.V.fi5. r Tom W'hl.-h. ll.Kl hf npcnnnt.. I .. n.r immmiltwi it-.. ,.t ol,. 1... till '1 1-ltlOlllil" MK'h employees OI llieniinu, iimunuuui; iu pm" .v --- , V ; w.u.u., . mv i.. uui itoi, nut Ul 111. i i i i . 1 ft i i i .i i i -. . .-v .-. i r t iMiri .i'.iiiii inin i i-i. v-. n -.-. i. ..; x i i . i- . ritioiied bv tin-Company. comsumcil at Kaieign, belore they DM P'T1".) i'- w ov uiposiuoii oi ine omer. $4S,uuo, thev . 1 ! i . . . i 1 i ,t x r .i I . i,.i . , r rA . ni of i . i rr txr hio rw twit. i.. - i !... r i ii. . g. George ompany. tosof the Road on I ioa l :is ar. Your Committee are pleased to know passed out ot the con that movements toward providing agimst Carolina Rail Road Ct i r - iii reiie.. i.f vimie of the abuses which The Board of Direc l-.ive exivted on the road, have the 27th day ot ths same month, made the ivccti'lv been made, which movements are following order, viz: ;.. . ,rt -w il...v not ubollv. due 44 OrdtrtiL That Gov. Morehead be to t he diligence in performing their duty, paid for one car of cotton yarn, burned re 1 . . a I il -A. 1J.1-I- O il . A. A 1. - -. i..- !... w,-..v...,t Vm ine i I'.-iiunitli'.. ot c. nnv at ivaieigu oiauou, ai me To this add, ii' procm theKoa.l same 1 i; "'v. ,.((:, , I v t. II..;,,!, ;,t . l!i.';!.f be . nppiiM'd I b-.'iiit.v; .i'!i llie minagi incut ol tin' wiih.".t linn un iitioning any thing of his claim 1 r lmd eal atti ;idar! Ti.i a'- C 'tint was I. it t'lmoiM'. i;..a !, II, t i: t i.-":;i to whom vk x iuptir'. v di . w. d, are Thov. Webb, PdM- i'..him:.d NVjiki s, .N at h.mb 1 Bov di ii. loi - -vid-i :t. Gc... W. Mon!.eai, Win . ... . . . .HI, Ml tl i !'. Wiilas, ring. :i,,l iS.ipt., an I D received moo.o.i en ,t. ,1 :imi v G. Mimrr, Stoiv-kci p- olheiv, who-e stati me;.! v. '.' . 'niiiiri e di i in lhi in iii'p' i - bv K. i . Freeland iliie i-l'.h, 1 v0'.i. For said account, mc exhibit maik.d (1.) 1' w ill be pei civ ed, that iu the sta'c nii lit of the i.eiel tc ii.e-s of the Compa n v, w i.i. ii .-how ing is to December l.vt, 1 v.t.-. .1 I 1 .. . O . 'l HIV .1I.1I..IHW '.IIC I'll ill I Ol,... The Board of Directors on the lgthday shipped on or about the same time " .. 1 )..,-embi.i- lavt. nasved the followinir Rut before the Rail Road Company had revolution : made the payment directed in this order, 4 A. ... i. That no contract shall be the Atlantic & Mutual Insurance Compa made or debt contracted by anv officer of ny came forward promptly, and paid off the Conn.anv, unless the sanie shall-be Gov. Monhead's demand. The matter authorized and approved by the President rested so mi Apru iuo, jatnes ..r I'i imiiI of Dire, tors." Parker, Agent for the Insurance (. omp.i It mi 'I.t. i.eihai.s. have been well for ny, came out to North Carolina, called on the above order trOuvc gone further, and Mr. Wilkes, and received from him on the prescribed that all contracts for more than "21st day of that month 61 cents per pound 1 out of the control of the "North deducted something for his expenses and have ascertained the following : ....... I. . . t.O rt Ij.M lo I'L' C 1 1ft ll.n .... ....... I I T L.' ' 1 . 1 . . . . . ui-ii. a. vji mi u.iii.11. ".i, in. .iiiiirAcu . ow epsou m me jaiier part oi the sum copies of the accounts marked (7) and (8.) mer or early part of Fall of 18G4, contrac i . . i . i i - Agjxregate oi o. . , H,ytK5 13 ted with the sinking lund committee to Aggregate ot vo. f, i,,z it exchange them new bonds for the old tn the amount of $25,000 of the old, he giv $ 10,835 70 in& Ulcm two of trie new lor one of the ndvi $;3no consists of t wo it.-mt. m n oia- stipulating to give him time to rates his other yarns nett him, which were jonr account current of Fowle & Co, with Pr,,cnre me new bonds. Jhese it appears the North Carolina Koad, dated Nov. c piw-uau anU un- vcuange mane, iu 30th, 18GG. For his credits see annexed the, latter part of November or first of ccount marked I'd.. December 18G4, when there remained in The facts in regard to this unfortunate the.hanJs t "e committee $23,000 of transaction, your Committee understand o-Mses, unexchanged. tn l.o tbpe.. Tn tlu. l.iitpr nnrt: of Aiimivt Mr. Swepson then contracted with Messrs ivr v. ..., . ... - ....,! -. . . r in the lanrrnncr., f Mr. Wilkin 1 'is and JiendeiihaU ot the Committee . , ... . - a, n- - - . .1.:- Ann - .1 . gave Mr. Pannenter leave of ahs.nce to 1 o,uuo, upon me same terms as a given amount, say -?500, sanctioned bv the B i ird of Directors, before it should have anv binding lorce, as is the cave on sumo of the roads of the country. But the above recited order, if strictly adher ed to, w iil j robahiy pat a stop to the ma- for the yarns, amounting to 7025 00 Ami as interest from 7th Nov., lGo, 208 41 Amounting in all to S 7,833 41 Your Committee are not disposed to en ter into the discussion of the legal ques- ixingt t ii.aiiv unwise contracts, am c. I -I. on .r ol th i: al e'ri tl ami- th" e.. ml. ai d uiai :.gen:i nt ..!,"-wiii :i'.i,. ',- in tlt. et;a:seo a - 1 1 p. T - .v i ii.e oi t'.i m' iinpii: ies :i: d aas.v evs ' t n i' I. ' ih 1 . ga: d to whieh the due l.-r p.HMci' vear.s. wh- ii!. vour C"in:nittee ; bul thev are informed Lie ibit ot ir ibrma'ii u obtaii.. d I vt.i.r Cousin it i. ml. r tin i,i .. Ii. i i, IV i: I" ; l l i I'.-.l'.'v o OT IH I Mil impel Sauce vtbiih tin to p;; si;,, or waiianl hav . h ! ;- r m e. lie: i.r.i cm I I av tl . dei ll. O' i- about v t ' Ot") is lio.V dtle, Ml" t" ale un d.'.e lo :iv I., l...:.l....i v U:e v c mpaiiv ;op..v M:e oiiicer.v ii.irtetiv and the hands m., ari'l yet, that Mr V i.i.g. Agent at ( oitCfid, and Mr. Scott, loii-i l' .;;Hit ul th uiotte, iet..ined cne ti t:..m tv.o, the i,t!. ei.e t!:;.lt tor a i. '.art I's i.i;, in tiui, if war, tii; s.iiee the - i.i i . i.'. . r, ii:.-! ; : cm ;,!'d them f'oi pay- :i ehi a:a.i!.vt v.i.ici: he orotesteo'. But I e .'.r c.i.iiii.v w ei e una:, v i ;v at , ti.ev liioULii.t oi.ore i i;: i '' il t .1 1 .l i 1 1 .1 v. ;i ;;t i . j. . v il against i is ca::i..-i pr,.t tiiti.,;i-. The evil aris- pel mil in t!u- lu'al ilude i tion, as to whether the Rail Road Compa- 1 1 X I 1 1 .1 T - i j- i , iiv was i. nil Tfiii. i nsiirar'et. v OTinnv '.l.e H si.otisiouiiv lor such as are inane in j- - - -i --. th- lurure. as well as furnish the means of forth value of these yarns, further than to .letirniiniug the liabilities of the Company uSSt -hat, it so, they are at a loss to . , ,, i .',,.,. ,...,,.,.,..1 Perceive why any one should be at the ex- I'il . uilll.ll.l.'. lllll.lill l l.illiru lil.. I" .. . - ll b, ibU... . ... -ii.,,, tlu. Cnnmit!.,. hLp pense of insuring any goods which are occasion to mention a land trade, which shipped bv Kail Road. It seems from the ihev . ,- nv .,!' i . ,o, n . broneier affidavit t Mr. A. M McPheeters, hereto to be passed over in silence. Thev allude "IT,1, "rked (4.) that it was thecus- to a tract in the county of Guilford, pur- tom,ot the Company at that time, to take ciiased bv Superintendent Wilkes, of J. a release of all parties dipping over the G. Moore, or P. II. Bilbro, for the North Koa1 from responsibility by fire, and that T "f- nT:ii .. . . a. i . r. 1 . t ' v. .tiin ! . .i.l il... .ri;,.u, r i r. vviiKes,on me morniii'r auer me Uioiillit lioil l. A fl iiiv- imi nv. uiai O VHI , i " T l 1 this transaction, thee refer to llu. burning of the Nai'IlS, W.1S disposed tO lay teMiM.onv of .Messrs. 1 ilbm and Strick- n,l,uh ht,resf on the questiob, whether such hind herewiih .-oaien.le.1. mark.-..! release had oeeu taken in mis instance oi ":!., From the testimonv of Mr. Bilbro. 'ot, and that later in the day, he learned if uii! :il,l :ir that be s.,1,1 to .Trim... C It had Hot U eil done. Moore, a hosi.e and lot. some time in the ,!t'41 tl,:it tlie Ko:vI ,l?l,J Sivt' " receipt v..ii iK.: .., il.-. viirn ni-ftiofin ti,: for the yarns, lour Committee liave v. ... - - v V V s.' a ' -k. .' V - A 114- house and lot, we understand, in the town ot Grcciivhoro trad f .'and of one hundred and live acres tl:UHl October 2nd, 1865, from which tne d pel's lug lo It .1 b puny, t. make cos, in., t.. hindilig th.- Coin- li.e p-eveu r-gu atioiis cf (he Com is situated t-"I"y of letter from Gov. Morehead to lie owned a tPhceters in regard to this matter, a; oii'h.' i ii ii mb; ;,( i o pauv , oi v. ImU tin- bi.oi.v make no i. i. i iT pit d il. ioits in. titers t . .. ,i , i. i i. ..I l.O l s , i tUe i.' fir i.i-. . and v in ti e p. i v t.O ll. "t S .liij-.'SMble, a l.v ,.ieu-e l -. ....h.i.t i -, ti. ' lei- d el: V. : . e, 11... 1 . t .1. . v l:;.'!:l s p wi!n t:;e la t i.iiv giv e;: t ttr.e i larv c.i.diti" ut:: . en ,t . ... . u. iiow- it is t" 'letcliHIIC it llnse . ..... ,1. i etui I i n i ,i ,., (, .j e -1 1, !.,;,. in i ;iM-;. I o.ilhs, they e h i I v.;.-!- e; -,.'i- I. .re them h ie. at.d nt'iv pi seei.tijig tin ir inoni'-i. - tage el :he n'.mhii ad- .n-i I ll i ' 1 v ar.e tt 1 1. v iia 111 I'oW to icpi'it, with. Ut be teibecti o b. ti.; i!: 1-,1'liis uig to ptisii many of the ii .,,i,i v t . dt l.ii te !'eu!ls. in" l.'e 'iis'h.n lu.thr vvhiih thev w er : p o;i;:. d ye. nt to iini t'se upon thent th ' ' I Uir r.'t ii,e; dill lev, ' To txaiuine the books" cf th ii v . " to i t,.j!,'n e irito a.'egt d abuser.' !:ill"lt i t t.S Tiiands, imp. siUe to f:rt-l- i w ai d :.t a time ., ; ., i .. I ... i i 1 1 . ; ii :i hi i i i! e- v .. ! ecu made t-i me. t tbem. i.miMe lied, whether from this ..-I, they a: e ua.ibi.- lo say, that ll: day -f A'Il' i-t i.isi P,.v:,l nt a io;.n in N v. York. '.ooO, i.;; thitv :;lid f per I v r m. i.t!:, p. m.-et, as he alleges. I Ills 111'.,. : t ...I I...U v' '!. ..'lI ,i Jl. 11 i.'i ..v. l-t. Co.lM " la tiat- d il.c-si.1,1 (,( f lun- X ei lit. .ng km.ijids that would id" no V ii.e i.i. Lev i.' la .1 in it i I. ..?. at vm-ii a rate of mire t, if un.i- cessarv, or the straits to which the i.i;i 1 r.u;st J,;iv e been red Iced to render it lie no n. mark Jiom u. 1 1' a. v tiling P.trther vvi r. near Bilhro's Turnout, in (iuilford county. which he offered to th : North Carolina lidiioad Company, in October or Novem ber, 1 S'05, for one thoiivatid dollars, w hile he w valid have tak. n seven hundred ami lllty. Th -offer w is made, according to I ;v te tin. nv, bv- Jus. Anderson, Section ! .Mavier, lor h;m, to .M. ssr. Wilkes a..d Strickland. Tii v declined to buy at the -. The lan t, he thinks, was assessed !- . ...- V . 1 A. lor taxes at s' k rui)S. quent ly a propo siti'. :i was matle by .Mr. Bilbro to Mr. Mo ie, to exchange the h- use ami lot vvhich Tdr. Moore had formerly purchased 1 I ll It A- oi vi r. loioro, tor the tract ot land, lo Winch Mr. Moore assented, provided he could sell the land for such price as he was his house and lot. go North for six weeks." 44 In going,'' u'Iorc '"i a s ipuiation as to the , Cnv " be .rave him a letter of er.wbt t tune to procure the new bonds. On the be used in tlmpurdiase of some material. dav of January, 1865, the Board of . ' I n , I . il... At M 1 vv hich the Road was immediately in want ''ttwls'u;wu UIU snowing oruer, viz of It was a full one owing to their want v ue,tu ,mu111' ui:it Nu commission itVro.l t. nt that, t me." That t. -.. n fn , ,s . v,oiiniiissioiiei s oi me linking one is undoubtedly true. For a conv see Fu,ul) be requested and directed to dis- " . .. i ..i- i i -.. ... . i i annexed paper marked (10.) And what l 01 "uc,iU MX lKT cen uonus makes the giving so full a letter of credit ('omPany- , to Mr. Parmenter by Mr. Wilkes, seems Upon the passage of this order, the Sec strange to your Committee, is the fact, retary, Mr. Stagg, forwarded a copy of it that Mr. Wilkes, in one of his talks with to each of the Commissioners. The con- them before the giving of this full letter of tract with Mr. Swepson had not yet b. en credit to Mr. Parmenter had been spoken executed by delivery, and in an interview of. expressed his surpiisethatMr. Boyden so"n after, between Messrs. Swepson and and the Directory, iu regard to the policy of the Road. In regard to the condition of the Road, the last branch of inquiry imposed upon your Committee, they have nothing to add to what they have already said, so lar as its financial condition is concerned. In other respects, they deem it their duty to remark that they passed over the whole of -it lying west of Raleigh since your adjourn ment on the 24th ot December la.t, and find it in a very good ' condition such as to merit tho patronage of those who may. desire to "pass or have freight transported over the country it traverses. Indeed, m the opinion ot such ot your Committee as have been accustomed to travel ou it fre quently, its condition was never better. It is a subject of some congratulation, th.a. admidst l he proluse expenditure ol money which has characterized the management of the Road, for a considerable portion of the time since the close of the war, the Road has come, in for a Considerable share, which it so much needed. In conclusion, your Committee beg leave to say, that they have had under consider ation various subjects, to which they have made no allusion in this report; -.amongst others, the disposition uf cotton w hich had been bought by the Company during the war, large amounts of pioperty that came into their j.ssessioii about the time of the surrender, and various alleged speculations made about and before that time, and have taken some testimony in regard thereto; but the complex nature of these transactions, r.nd the limited time within which your Committee vv eie required to of the report, have prevented them from arriving at a conclusion sufficiently definite and de ceive to warrant them iu reporting upon them. They deemed it iheir duty to make these statements, and have it to the wis-, dom of the General Assembly to deter mine whether the investigation shall now cease, or be continued by the present Oi. expi esseu ins mo pi uiiac .ui. juv oen ou'u wi-i, u-m-iii uiu- immi uuu .. ... , i , ,i , 4-,.. , should have made him Agent of the Com- Mendenball, the latter expressed gnat n- Committee or enlr usted n the in ,e , pany in New Yon, and entrusted him Stance in ratifying the contract, but was ;ther and abieHiands. All w Inch is . x,t- with ib. control of funds of the Com nan v ultimately prevailed on to do so. Ami lulv submitted. . . tie --ary, need i'i Ul !' II. to the L'clicial man f the Ib-ad." And o impure mto the condition ois. rate the iooc manner la which all". oi :u,t in. ' 4th. the i;.. As iiiih. iirst: they i t.iy examiin-d the In..' s ,-v p. p..;nts in; Ii ai. v.. in i.nrvn- wantetl to il u rs re liir.t a.ed, and the to v : te'n . i ct :'ai;:t. oi; :ls in the magv merit in i 'following is an extract I have no receipt from the Rail Road for the goods, nor have I given any re lease, I was unable at the time and got Mr. Coh man to attend to loading the cars. and go with them to Raleigh, and no re ceipt was taken or given." I he sta enients of the President ot the Insurance Company to Mr. McPheeters, t"iid to show that lie had little confidence in securing anything like the entire value of the varus. It will be perceived that Mr. McPheeters declares, that he inforni- el Mr. Y ilkes that a favorable compro mise could be effected This Mr. Wilkes denies. See affidavit appended marked 5. l our Committee, understanding that great abuses are believed to exist in the with the control of funds of the Company, ultimately j.-rcvaded on to do so. And when he Mr. Wilkes, knew Mr. Parmen- none of the old bonds Were delivered to ter to be one of the best engineers he ever Swepson, and, perhaps, very few, if any. saw, but at the same time to have no of the new ones to Mr. Mendenhall, w ho knowledge of the value of money. Mr. at this time was the custodian of the bonds Boyden, they learn, did meet with Mr. till after General Johnston's surrender. Parmenter in New York, where he had when the new bonds had become almost gone with Mr. Wilkes's letter of credit in worthless in the judgment, of most per his pocket, and called on him to select for sous, and Avholly so in fact. Mr. Sw epson him a tire engine and hose, which he de- states that he purchased some of these sired to purchase for the Shops ; Mr. Boy- new bonds, he thinks about $30,000, after den, as he states, having no skill or expe- the surrender. For the evidence on which rience in such matters. Mr. Boyden fur- these statements are based, see the an ther states that he gave Parmenter a cluck nexed paper marked (11.) In a verbal tin funds he had deposited with Riggs & statement to the Committee, Mr. Swep- Co., for $1200, with which to pay for the son informed them that he purchased the engine and hose, and that this is the only new bonds to meet tlie demands for this . 1 i. k , ft m v sum of money he ever authorized Mr. exchange ol l.raneii .t bons, I'etersburg, Parmenter to handle, and he had no idea Virginia, but subsequently ho stated to at that time that Pannenter had anv au- them that, on reflection, he remembered, thontv to receive a dollar ot the Compa- that soon alter the surrender, learing that ny's money from Fowle &: Co., and sup- if he did not deliver the new bonds at posed he never drew a dollar, for any pur- once, lie might lose the opportunity of ex pose without an order from Mr. W'ilkes, change altogether, he borrowed of Hon specifying the purpose and application. I V. McAden the new bonds, which Mr. .Mr. liovden lurther stated -to -vour uucuien was unwilling to sell lor such Committee, that he called into requisition prices ash?, Mr. Swepson, could buy oth M. S. ROBINS, Chairman, PETER ADAMS, II. M. WAUG1I, C. F. LOSVE. STATEMENT (1.) N. C. R. l..Co.,lr." To C. J. Freeland, lor .Medical Services. nig in ,'iii.cs arish g under . ne of the oth- '. heve ! ha t i the Cei:.-:.n t il v. ar.t . f :,:n ti.e aitit.n of i.iit.y i f the n ad. it could be . -ii.. i iii then i! t!'.. ('..ii, I. ti,- s,i . ! .. " - -'-' . , ii- .u i i.e eni.i", 1: eh.'C'-e i t .1 a !n- v 1 1. M, ..i-.. .TrT. ... 1.. IT la ad ,.i h-r th n :ioii that to enter i'.to a :-u ..ei. l.t i muiute e;uii!;atioii nt tl... whole mul'.itu.leof the I -,.!, of the Coin. ..ny, to a: live at nny definite ivs'rts, v'o id l ave lequind more time than tin ( ...! :a lot::; Go tl , grew ttll Ii ii'.lte. livm fge o, n any, it not ime ih load went into i it n n. This .Mr. Moor., h i .', i.;meit i;, itnn ' omt.-i.itcc that until ti it n had to !i vote to the inlire in- se or.d her.d, f ''alleged abu- vi ;r Coa u.ittie are sit'stlcd that aiiUsts e;t .".r.d have probably exis iii t l.e ct iuiia iu t iiici t of the ioa-1. Ami niitiiis the p. ti coil eel f the se abiisi .v i In. tm ie impot tant, is the 1 act. thai, under the !' guiatioiis ami Bv Law .s the Conij any, which, cir Coint.tittee have I cell able htVe t iv;,d tn iM the lime the load thst wiit into i j elation, it is almost, if not :.l t g- tier impos-i de Jo fix the lesPoiivibiii- v .. r vonr a very recent date. he Kept i.o account whatever, of the an.i 'iiit or va'ue i f the stoics whicli came int.. i.iv h;,; d-, and that he could f.-rm no si!..'ia.c i I lu. ir amount or vain. by mi re " giu s wui ! the ois;iil,;ti::i ,f these o.;t i ti anv p;; t ot t i e : n so far as to lea! n. M iii v. as nt iih livst'.IUltil n, ar .-1 'I V tt v 'il'ci. t I. !! tioino.r.oi.. . - o,.-..r, i ,. , . ...u,e a uu.,' s'lipnv,, siioit oi the sum paid for the land. C mm. ttee to exan I "y'" I a',t;' ,,m,v l:.:.l, t'..t the stor- .houi.l hav e 1 n man ge,l ; Evenly ae,eS at thirty-five co.ds per acre, t.on, cfcc , of the N r.s l e ,es;.. nsio e parly 1 o exp,, n n so loose a W -y, Mr. J - x entere.t in- j wuld y el I 2,450 conk Th s multiplied road, a-k you to pi : ;: t: p;; :,;;,:t" 7 1 ": M;;U: ;v:i: ;l:!!m"; : ' ,th-fit,1,;-v ! hy wtteen formation's to L mi.., wcu.d icki to the report el attiim.catasvst.uio: cheeks on h:m, sa-, 2, the e limat d value of the wood at the there are on the road xecpt And agaiu, in w hen a i ill i r bvowed t: tu to their I a ma-eiti was retalne.: iovv ing nu r. !v that a given ai.'ier.nt of stoiA had lucti shipped to r.n agent at a point on the road, b :t no re--ept or voucher was ever tr.keu. or r turn d. or i xp.vtcd. fio.u the agent t- whom I he g. u ul were ar eointii.tifc md.c'if cd a httlv So n :;fter, Mr. Strickland was sent up to e-i'l-head system of the Road, entered in- view the l.uid, and alter lis return, Mr. l? aa mluiry in regard to this matter, and M.x.t-e sent to Mr. Bilbro his cleik, Mr. t"d th it the following p -rsons are permit- G utch'.i. Id. with a deed signed by' him ted to pass over the Hoad free of charge, ( Mr. Moore for the house ami lot. and a by order of the Bond of Directors, viz: d. ed to b signed bv Mr. Bilbro to the . " Governor of the State, Secretary of North Carolina Bad" Hoad for State, Treasurer and Comptroller, State th" land. vv bk-IT was si. med nor,lil,r,K- Geologist, Adjutant CieneraL Oflicers of each h ed reciting a consideration of 2.-00. co,mecting Roads, Officers of other Roads This tr iMsa tiou occurred on the loth dav who extend passes to Oflicers of the of April, 18ii0. This sum of $2300, we orth Carolina Road, Board of Internal I. arn" from Mr. Moore, was set ured to him Improvements and Literary Board, Uni- i.i . . ... C... . nt ..-.1. .t ... ted States Tax Officers, xvith whom the Hoad has business, Federal Officers in command and their Stall", Employees of the Company in m ideration, Employees ot other Roads on the business of their Companies, where such Com panic:, ex tei d .he Went UP o.iij.iih., v nei e mien vi-iiij'iinii caici u -S "to see how lno same courtesy to the Employees of e land and lie -O'1'1 Carolina Road, Commissioners at if cut and lne "'hig Fund, General Agent of ipped. Ami yet, wh"ii by tne bond or bond . of the Company, execire-i to nun ley .Mr. Ukes lor that am unt. It vv id be seen that Mr. Strick land iietiies any knowledge of any pre v ions oll.-r ot the land to tho Company, ai any juice, lie states that he went at the instance of .Mr. Wilkes much wood there was on the came to tltr conclusion, th hauled to the road side, it would be worth t'ai'n Christian denomination in the State, seme "b000 or 4.000. and hisi imnr. a"d persons in absolute charity. siotis are that such was his renort. to Air In addittou to the foregoing classes fix 'Wilkes. ll;s estimates were based on tho c ty' the Board of Directors, we were in supposition that there were about To formed that certain other parties, as Ex- acres ot the land wooded, that it would PreM and Telegraph men, and renter of Meld about 3") cords of' wod" Per acre- Company's IIotl, are accustomed to thai the wood was worth about $2 per Pass over the Road free, under special cud at the road side, and that it urmhl contract.' For details we were referred cost about 1.;.0 i cr cor d to cut and haul l,.v President Webb to Superintendent u mere, .v very simple calculation from " ,"k'-' lo noni your touiiiiui.. au these istinntes, ought to have shown re3Sed the following note : Messrs Wilkes and 'Strickland that the Company Shops, Jan. IU, 1867. sum thus obtained would tall considerably E. Wilkes, Eso. : Dear Sir .The siioit oi tne sum paid tor the land. C min.ittee to examine into the condi North Carolina Rail case give them in how many Dead-heads How many there Jan. 20. To visit and meil, boy H.ji ' , $ 3 t'O Feb. 11, I " ' " Thoiiui.s,.! 3"' " o; " o t. -. j i. n Mch. K " " " Henry.'1' 3(" i i . it 3 t"1 June t o .. ... ulu,llus, 3 00 1SG4 i - .. ' i Nov. lp. " ' ' " 44 ' I : ' ' ji I certify this is is correct. Signed, C. J. Fi:i-Kmjl.m, M. 1'. Correct, E. ", Eng. and Sup. N. C. Ii. It. Co., Dr. To 0. J. Freel.iml, for ilc.licil .'', the services of Mr. Parmenter in negotia ting for the purchase of a Locomotive for er new bonds, for the reason that Mr. Mc- A.den then deemed it probable, that these Mav 20 .1 i i o .c . ii 23 24 2." 26 27 24 2D 30 iTo visit and ln'ijtl. Jf. the Road of a firm in New Jersey, and al- new bonds would be scaled according to so to detei mine the adaptation to the wants the date of their issue, and the bonds of the Road of a quantity of iron which he, which he owned and leaned to Mr. Swep- Mr. Boyden, had contracted for on condi- son were issued m the early part of the! tion, that Parmenter should decide that it war. Mr. Swepson said that he took the would suit the purpose fur which it was new bonds thus borrowed and delivered wauted : but that in neither of these them to Mr. Mendenhall, in pledge for transactions was Parmenter authorized to other new bonds which he purposed to June 1 i handle a doll ir of money. These transac- buy, and received ot .Mr. Mendenhall the lions all turned out, says Mr. Boyden, to old bonds : that he, Mr. Swepson, subse- quentiy purchased oi i.rancn iX oons, i'e tersburg, Virginia, new bonds at $30 or which was eon tinned on the iudgment of $33 per 1,000, in gold, which he gave to Parmenter, as had been previously agreed Mr. Mendenhall in exchange for the bonds on ; but subsequently decided to be too borrowed ot Mr. .McAden. lne reason light by Air. vv iikcs, auu re-soiu at a loss "y ;"i voniiiiuiee nave umy .ueveroai of some thousands to the t. ompany. lie- stauments oi vir, swepson in regard to vond these transactions, Mr." Hoyden says, these last stated facts, is that Mr Swepson Mr. Parmenter never had any authority alleged that he was then unable to give from him. They have already stated that dates and amounts, wnicn he had data at 31r. W ilkes gives as a reason tor lurnishmg nome mat wouio enaoie mm to nx with Parmenter with the letter ot credit, that it more certainty, i he. committee reques- was 44 to be used iu the jmrchase of some ted him to return to Raleigh as soon as material that the Road was in immediate practicable, with these data, and give them want of." Yet it will appear from the first the additional information. They awaited - t r a i i i .t and only account presented by rarmenter, nis return mi me i Jin inst., wn- n tney m a copy of whicli is hereunto appended structed their Chairman to address him a marked (9,1 that the first payment he uote requesting him to aiipear before them made to meet the 44 immediate wants of with these facts on the next day, if j.ossi- the Company," was not till October 2d, hie, and if he could not appear on that Stray- liDl 11. ii ' Ii Hoy Hen, ' Jerry, o ii ii . o i ti . it Nov. ii i o .i 2 i 4 5 6 7 t 10 ll 12 13 14 15 j 16 j !.! l'J j 20 I ill ifc-'i .- 2! 3 i 4 5 6 'To visit aiidmed. boy Jerry. i i. , . -i i. ti i. ii " J. Stray h"t'U, 3 Oi 3 0) 3 0 6' OI 3, (' 1 31 " ' 3 3 3 3 i" ;; c.i 3 e" 3 '' e . :!'-' ;j i ;;" en a i ' i a ii ti ii ii ii I! alter his departure in the latter part of August day, to do so as soon thereafter as possi ble. I he letter was written accordingly. E, Comet, wilkes, Eng. aiidSajit. Again, the reason assigned by Mr. but he has tailed to appear to this date. Wilkes for makincr the letter of credit to lour Committee have belore them a h let- Parmenter a full one, that it 44 was owing ter from Branch & Sons, Petersburg, Vir to the Company's waut of credit at the gmia, stating that Mr. Swepson, in June, time," is at least, a novel one in financier- 1-05, bought of th m $44,000 of new C. K. R. Co., Dr., To C. J. Freeland, for Medical .'From .Martii r to April 2 m- ing. Your Committee do n t well com- bonds at $30 in gold per thousand, vvhich, prehend the charm, by which, an offer to they take it, are the uew bonds bought use one's credit to its utmost capacity, is in accordance with this verbal statement calculated to elevate and improve it. It is by Mr. Swepson, and which he delivered perhaps due to Mr. Wilkes, to state, that to Mr. Mendenhall ' in exchange for the he says that he had had an interv iew with old bonds of the Company. Mr. Rice, of the firm of Fowle & Co., with Appended hereto will ba found Mr. July 31 134 vices li'iHleieil JoJin, i: Gibsou Jsei-tion, iTo August I.i, lor serv ices. reiideifil ilay and iiiglit. 2 boys Jclin ami !tpiii. , Gib.sou's section, ; Aug. 20 ! To 27 M. forservu es ren !. r- ed boy Stoncr, .V,eba '..e"s section, If jom want fresh and gtnuint Garden, Grasi and Clover Seed, call at PorUr it Eckil'a Drug Stort.

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