- , .,- - . : ; j. . '.-- ' . . " -" -? - -r : .- - . . - : j..; .: y ., . . . . !.. ... -. At: Eastern , . ' ' VoV I. f EUitibetli.CVty, X . C. SutuUaf; August IS, UlSTED AND'r UBLISHED WEEKLT BY jj.TTircc Dollars per annum, or Two Dollars for six months, payable in ;iid- " -v-: ? " tanc. . :;5'-3- ". vTP'lfo pnvtr discontinued tUl'diriX ttin$ t$t( lzt "ore gixmi and ! ar- nntaputJpji at, the option ej LfCc 1 . ! -" r;1 i - -..a.. - i i - a :. . ii . .1 . K -. - . : ; 1. 1...- tT:Mnxtetmvm no xrtLuhzm iifljw a dollar, and ticmtjj jlve cents ' for . each continuance ; r longer ffna in thc same proportion. - ' ' sr-7 Jdrmisemenis mil oe cmuimied 9 ., l 1 J J I 'Wluj(fuW)un viiargea uccoramgiy, unless otherwise marked by the wVi'm. V? advertisement uitt be inserted for Jess thanrmcdollanx '' . ' ?q Persons at a distance must accom painf their, advertisements with the rno fik or they wdl not be inserted. r Id2" letter addressed, to the Editor must ue posipaia, or iney will not be coiwicrned tlicy .willj ripen .inipjece Jems, and afiWd .conspicuous" apologies Lr future roUcoodujdi r It n.erju re riark, that Mr. Adams elated perhaps to illisf retiott by his triumph" over tliu peo-' ifc, in-hi very first message to Congtew, iUiliiiaies that pur jrtpresesentatives slould ; not Jbe palsied by the .will of IQ rttt wortls, thai Dersonal views or Dnir.inn. puch ts v.the ineitable icoclcwy, as, if pcfistituteo; VUe groundwork of the priy ciple upon tiic hia4clectionnwaa-ac- cofnplbUed:,i.::,(:.: 1 '. J.- io Uie. tall; ; ot this , year, Kre ;hall be' caUt d upon to select: members tn C'.nn. cnuptJoK wtiieh chapcterizea their po utif al uirtb. " y are, felkivr ci your friends; .CHANDLER. Jacob Holoate, Uenry Ho Ksr, - cens, respectfully, RICE, President. " &crr lafies. iVom the Democratic : Press: TO JONATHAN ROBERTS Egq' jtflow Citizenss-Tfoe cause of Vor buw'y 'seems, ai una juiiuiuic, w iiosc- 1. LIctttlcd wiih the . political elevation of NDREVV J ACKSON,; that auhful and iigerous efforts to promote he latter, must receive the aid Sc approba- i of all sincerely attached to the toi mer. Our government" is based upon ' the cople's will. If this foundation be re toed, or 'if, as in Europe, if be disie rdtd, the structure of otw ., civil Tiber-' hence- thi esmustfallVor be uliiTnately overthrown, liess e' are willing to change bur sys- an: to sink lnto- ine coiianion h hence ?are but just emancipated: and to e ill uon our descendants all live oegru- HrC8S end they whom we select, will continue to act as suth, until after the choice of another chief magistrate.. It is w it hin.the ranges of possible contingen cies, that tliey may elect the President for the ensuing four years. - Is it not,"then, ur duty, to exert more thajj cmmou rcircumspecuun i D s not the recent experience tdf which we have adverted, strongly urge tis to confide, this trust to those ooly by w4vom pur, will cannot1 be disobeyed or misrepresented ? Alt&nuirh fit be tnieVthat tne existing ect of pub lic opinion promises an easy and decisive triumph to the people's candidate,, can wt.opptjse too jwei jpiecaution to the management atid patronage of intriguing politicians ? .Ought jve m,i at once, to make sureof the distint future, by reso l!Ttrlv restrict?!" i curl n-ftafr for coh- gresinf ai stations to those1 wh oi are a- vowcdly and firmly attachrd t6 the prin cipie for which we contend ? The town meeting of republicans in the city and, count v-of Philadelnhia. . rT t ' rpmmutec. of superintend- ance'andig11ance emanated, deemed the subject to winch your attention is now drawn, worthy of distinct and strong re mark. It was a leading object in their tarlv movement : and thev honed hv rn- oniua wreiceuntss irom wriiicn oui erwtir niasiirc o c.roccC.i aUtiiG haof Jiaad To,! t ojQtv eci ta4.Tto:tb!iV'ctt8c' t ha i'wrpfe dtfieuisctv tance: Oiv fellow citizens, considering the Presjclential election to be remote, do. not reflect that its fate may .depend upon what they ate at this moment do ing. Their dexterous adversaries, with honey on their . lips, jbut poison 'at. their hearts, would lujl' them into apathy, preaching the beauty of tranquility, and the folly of premature Contest j ,while, in secret,' they labor every qerve to make the iiext Congress hokile to Jackson, and subservient to Adams. r v e do not tnmk it necessary to im ' ' i . J i igrtantly and fearlessJy enforce our rights me encroacninyenis ot power and Until the pcriob made ., memorable by e election of the present President of c United Slates, the principles pi the trolution oi .'76, especiallyTn reference tne duty of public agenis and the tov- rciatty oi the; people's will,' had been kiedly pursued" and most happily cx- xjjtibed. On that occai on, h uw ever c) were openly violatedand their vi- liitiou .accompanied by ' indications ot omipuon truly appropriate to .the e- f-nt, and well calculated to alarm our itiiotism. Although, the electionTwas, T provisions of the constitution, tfully within the power of the hoUsc representatives, ;w ho cbu Id expect that people ould ber spumed by. thei iwgdtes; AVhovCofild exnect t"hat the lic servant would hnbiushingly deny piesentative, knoWn, existintr in no oth- f aracter, should ?cefy repel, and in- "".ismstituents And who, m the land Washington and Jefferson ; while the ".wyet fn.lrin immortality, and the cod still mortal : could exnect to find Heal promotion to Xoliow tifjon pbtit- aered upon him who betrayed and ed the people? . 1 . : lt lll be i remembered that in the of representatives, the ni csidcntial ectlon krr.niirt Kw cf ti . k-.t f l0NTt .'though far . ahead ot - his rumors on the return of the electoral rre;receivexl but eight votes: FStatc ?0te tn Mr. Arfam- n forv "0m "Ot a single man of their rnnt ent;had, by suffrage declared tiira- VI41U1C renrespfitativV nf -'I Minnie HKjfui ot a nuhlir nif-Hu-f, aoiPfi: 1 1 rorn Missouri followed in this wake, alter thp g j v-jjaicu aim proiracieo fih t -watous sense joi outy : Uuisiaiia, whose soil had been hldi u uw; ous nao Deen irs :cPc transcendent heroism of I . OVJ trom fh. hrh.oPn.,c ,ueauty and bootp abused hv' tn UrIrPrCSf -ativF.t turned; upon her .rJ and against ih.r,;ii r -r. Pureed hiw. ...:.u r r. rallfij iuc lang ot un- Pmgratitude. -NorcanwefV.r. f'!481 we master .t. i . ; erenl!i0 PPoshe to repubfican fta I5ced was himself instant- V ffif C of Sretafy kw? lQn a Vct of his 9mhi,;.n 7 ,tSS 8rcdily acd emphatically pel you to efficiency i and zeal, by dwel ling upon the peculiar claims which the hero of New -Orleans! has to the untiring devotion of his feil(wj citizens. His em inent virtues, his intelligence, his valor, and his pure republcanism, have been known, witnessed and feft by all of us. In war and in peace in the .scenes' ot re tirement, or when surrounded by faction and temptation at fhe plough, or the senate he has, every where, uniformly proved that he deserves to be the chosen champion for the cause of his couiitry.-r alone in America. for the safety and In this respect, he is Providence furnishes pnue ot any nation, nut one sucn a man at a time. Let us avail ourselves, of the gift, and reinstate the principles of W ash ington under the auspices of J ACK SON. . :. ;j- -- .. As it has heen made our duty, so un doubtedly wiil it be our pleasure, indus triously to advance tpe cause for jwhich the people of the Unitep States, and their favorite citizen, have iembaiktd together. Wt will receive thankfully, and employ appropriately,! with all the means in our power, and, to the r best of our ability wnatever intormation relating to your district you may be good enough to conr vey to us, as. worthy of general dissemi nation. ;' Let tis, howevejf, not forget, while steadily bent upon securing the e- lection of pur candidate at ; thevejose' of the present presidential term, we must, in Jhe mean time, avoid the. acts, as we disclaim- the title of faction ; not. suffer ing our just indignation against those w ho feave by artifiice usurped the .rights pi the people,' to lead dal into an undiscri ru inating opposition to public measures, Or a vindictive bitterpess against persons. Let us uphold what is beneficial, with the same resolute spirit that we condemn .what is injurious to our beloved country : adopting the trank declaration of, an en ergetic statesman.. f Ve shall jndge of the administration by their owji intrinsic merits biitwe will not judge ot the ad TOinistfation bythetr measures only, when they come to settle the account of stewardship, and ask:' for a renewal of their trust, wc will, khen, advert' to the vice of their origin, to the ireaehery and iTo Clt ANHLE13T 'PiiiCE, EscrC; $ee-of bufivrhitcndancc and ivitfila nee Jor the CiyMtid - County cf Philadet trKKTLEMEN. I have, had the honor receiviugjoUr ptui'1rcQ!ar.'' With- out date, float ing the Philadelphia post mar, of tne first ot July. 1 recognize tin thiS evidence oi your recollection, a tienaiy regard. 1 can very truly recip rocate, though pur opinions in rdation if. w lib shou Id be v. su pported as a presi dential candidate, differ as widely as for- tiei Iy4 , Lam aware that your names are alnxed to tt circular as matter of form, and that yo.u arc Otiljrin ra liojited degree responsible for is cfintentsi lis style and tenor tempts me to a; hasty review of -.r i i:r .. c. . . r ' i-i ouuic icauing ieatures. i nougn 1 iiiay speaic wnn ireettom, it win oe under feelings of personal regardioryou sever- 'I he circular states that "the cause of our country is so blended with the politi- eievauon ui jen jacKson mat tne lat ter must i eceive the aid and approbation of all sincerely attached tb. the former.' Nt necessarily so ! I yield to no msn irj attachruentja the cause tf four .coU'n ty, yet I sincerely believe, that cause would be much injured by Gen. Jack son's political elevation. I soberly in quire of you, has he been prepared for the discharge of the executive duties of mis government, by previous habits, ex perience, and study ? Has he! displayed that control of temper, of respect tor the feelings of his fellow citizens Jwhich the exalted station to wh'ub he aspires call for ?: Hitherto our Presidents! fiave had spu.e prevujps ex penenct Internation ai ebneernsf, and have been fitted efficient lv to direct that branch of jhe Presiden tial duties. Little conveiKant with the civil retired from 'the command of an 4rmv. .Thpi habits of military command ate strong upon.hini. He is accusidtned to impli cit -obedience. .'-:- '',.'. ; I It is your purpose to cdlcct informa tion favorable to, or which may be nadc useful in procuring, the c ectipn of Gen. Jackson in 1829. I hav no! means of satihtactorily estimating tile fiublic .ftel itig irii regai jl to him, nesth'erj 'near, hor more remote hut my i repressions1 are, fiis prosper ts are not encouraging for the nsuing eiectiom There aj-e iio peculiar evidences of hostility to 5 the present ad ministration in a large portion of the De legation of this state in thW late session of Congress ; nor are thejre any strong evidences that they were vnt in perfca liarmony with a large portion of their Constituents. You w ish to iiiduence pub lic opinion in fav?r of your candidate, but discei ning public will want some other Hnd better pioof of his merit jthan 'your ajssertions, that he is eminently virtuous, ibteligent and valiant, and a pure, Re piU)litan. Where is the evidence of his virtues, public or private, for the fii st Half century of his life ? They were not heard of m Pennsylvania; and .jn what way have they been exhibited sincp the commencement oi his military career in 8 1 .1 ? That he has been a ' brave suc- duues and resnonsibi ities of n i. . . !: .r, magistrates, he has but recently mm io a neavy hne at. Piew Orleans, the theatre of his glory, white tits' laurels ere yet fresh on his brow ? (Was the policy he urged on the laiq Prtsidem to make his seleaions for office without re gard to political opinions, and hja dcclar ation. thut hei would j have,, brought the IedeW"cif the'JIahlIvftiii before a feputt jnrtial ptTpitaLcharce p(j, ivepubtican character i Had Mr. Mon roe lotwed hisiceiyoqld! y hax? t nought hisv appouumetits-C Republican ? vVaSr his aDneai atice at Washinuknn wtuV wki; ibonties? It was in his diy sion that hfeale Cameron was put to deSattt with out the form of trial, and his body left i " 1 4CU prey io v uitures. , as gov ernor oi rionqa men were bahishectand . J.l :... ; . .... . I uuciuciij imprisoned, underj bis good the house ; Fr1 enemy axwl no correctiori of thjeCtliMalM haying; followed tinder better forma-' lion- The. election 'resiiog beten Mr. Adams and Geh. Jackson, wm' a ne- pessary bmsequence pf Mr. Ad$ dec ton, thallt must har been the; product oficprruption ? Better Consideration, I ara sure will allowfyoii to sdmifte eon ra.&lrdsiPeiiig -eteBed; was it not t-bviou Mr. Clay's atantiiig, ul ents, and local situation, all corjrred to point him out fo the on5cc hc4W holds. Under the influence of reccj& morti fication and disappoint ment, it I is to.bo expected, though not'less to be l;grettcd, that harsh things should have t4 n utter ed and groundless charges, adtr need. " P?uc wm juuge with bji weight. igatipri was anxiously sought ' avoids. ed bv exrentinf td the ' inri!t; -r- o -I nun u& . . .. . ..iyl-7- - . i.r- a; tir h . .'ii.'.- ' . - .1 easurc, anq released tr exrirfess from must work !nn,r.-,A : ' ''iV i .' I the President, whihrtheir peti ions 'weie Wr V T ' debating-in Congress. Thesd, gentle- hat "as the course the$ook at 4 men, areafew.of the man v 1 stubborn ie 'mer electioi, and hovfVas it m!tnir clnhKA.h CI ... . . . ' . I I lio Ha., f L - i ifiinai pugnt to aumonish vou to ho d vu. oecame the can- forth. on the purity of his Reriukicanism V,da(? ot the people -of Iiist,tae ? ramer aistrustingly. . ; A paper at Harnsburg, urif r the But fulsome as is your panegyric 0njc.on,ro !ne laJte state ,adn3titra- and ftrpnlwaM. Ar. ll Ll : ill.l.L - 'J . I . a Kit f rHvlWJlt. 4uawy uususiainea i uom siaes aurinsr the elect rt n then Qen. Jackson, your sweeping denuncia- Uofi, first P forth li is iiahre, tton of Messrs. Jdams and. Clay is more from policy: it was bofne ani during the elect rt rr It become an object with of all the candidates "ex- se oi wr. i-rovvlor the ' long established i nation by caucus, 'j . You charge the bul P-rtially succeeclnl. Ilinoisi with actinu nieari time, si Jackson Uin nrerocative I npnrimor of the good Peonle of Keiitorkv anrtH.hk i ' , - i I ii in i rir'iiiitt hemnce their Representatives, while thev ' VC;V1 ,7 F"r"rl received .Mr. (VlarmmtrrT.i,, U1 "r- vrowioravp tore- others vfhd voted for Mr. Afaami, for . ' . . esiaoiisned rj) de of aught that appears, stand as well as ever rmmat,on by Caucus. Tl,;i hotv- with their constituents. You charge the -xl' uul Pantally succceclWJ. In Representative IrorhTllinoisi with acting nieari time, si Jackson r!hnven regardless "of a public pledeej' and the on was Dronoscd at , Hunt 3nrAnt, one from Missouri as following in ttiis and,delegales partially appoed wake, after "protracted struggles of a Another was proposed at! 'Harris conscious sense of dutv." and " that IW- h.pn- l,r.ti, u" ,... i. ISiana whose soil had bfn . reH-rrwH K, ' on . the transcendant heroism of I Jartsnn: was abused hy two of her Representa tives, wno turned upon her and, pierced hin;with the . m i - grautucie. iSor can We lorget,iyou add, '8U M ProJfc, 'C that the master spirit; . bv the bower ot ,l,osli entire concurrence -ia! Jark. vhosc influence . mysteriously! exerted, sou s Suppott at Harrisburff Tim . l . . r - - . i-. " i .. . . I in. ... . uiesc iacts, so opposite to republicanism was t Heeled, by a course of &iens was ICWUUCU WHIJ UM I SUU41 tHice lonct an ol Keally, eentle with the chai me title to eccssary o can you.to tne pro ou assert ot tiitm. 4 But how stands tht lature. Calhoun was suddenly iiv- en up by his friends in aior y.'and JinV of- in- 'tHl1 n-abandortiehi of ' Ret,Iyou acidV M''1!"" prfejeciralian al- ' en ana lit ue to have ben ant iect6i his ambitioni" thifA a'i... i..il-.: . men, this is dealing freely SPat nf ili . tat .. 1 acters of meni who have I .t. r . ' respect, who to thin it LT'I 7 ... .. . f Jfl one a! that nt t ho Nuiniil Ot tit what 1 . u . etnnient. account between your hero and the two - l hat nomination Was in tH(?J)Ublic fungrateful renresentaiivesfrpm touUl- mind; gehefally iiJeritified with the ana." Mr. Monroes extraordinary, ex organization of theparly ini Penn ertions, with Madison's Aco-upe.atfon, sylval.la, and the election oVe tick prepared the defensive force for that , . ' J J'1, - u . j . t. ft v;as a mailer, i)I course. ?yT)fthR i ioiih and .urged Gen. Jackson to-iepan j;. .M , ; .v't, k ' -2.1 i-j .i-...',. .. electors xio4en: some inrltuti.nt tr t iiicic. in vuur aruor io cxan line inrni .. . , -, y-, , jtnese tnu)gs are overlooked. '1 he ene my w ere checked on their, JBrsi landing, in which action the Orleans Riflemen been deni amoug his F humanity Ctshiul romnaiider has never d : but you search in vain, Sqhievemcrits for those acts c anl magnanimiiy which essentially con stitute the hero. Valour is i common viirtue among. men, the absence of it would be rare if not regarded j as a v ice among Americans. So far as valor js concerned, Gen. Jackson has many eouals hom fortune has not favored with oc casions to display it. But martial valor, unless you part for war, aud want for )our President a military chieftain, is an attribute of character not particularly desirable in a Presidential candidate. LLet vour Preaident once assume the ac tual command of your army, and, you may ere long mourn over your fractured constitution and departed freedom. The intelligence of yourcandidate i certainly tiotl re-eminent, when his biographer claims .merit for him Tor having retired from inferior stations to make way for conspicuous H umber did not approve of Jack9on They voted as were agents. Tjat the fiound feelings of a majofitof the. ously and bravely serted. Gen. people of this'state Were evy- mtcr t, the invader of irefahd; is ac- ested in his favor, I mUst hive bei- knowledged to have been Serviceable; in ter proof before can be the official-despatch, Spraking justly, papers most tvoisyYor hi the government and. the citizens of Or leans, .Gen. Jackson, and those under his command, each performed their duty, and (he result was a signal rep lilse of the ; !' e tin .. K .. mvaamg joe. vv nen me question-was liev?!, The ... ,i.t 1t noisy tor Turn i techtied and disappeared on his, failure, and there has gensinc, to inknowl e4gei no indications of impatience or dissatisfaction In ! Peni&vlvnnia whether Messrs. Adams or JarkMn unui ,ne call ol the meetjri& iinder should be President, vas it any cause of v"icn you act, which has r ot been uiaine mai me renresrntanv trom i i.rt iurucraieu. irom ariv natt n --f , - , , - ; J J-1V! V JK Louisiana should prefer the former ? State; , , ?. Could gratitude only be hown by; con- Gen, Jackson has been criinated fcrrrng the Presidency?; Oi was the by th Legislature of hisdA Slate, ui c(,iu3ic ai ram iur in hose who could be more usef as resigned every civil public station he ever held. . ' " f u . Lastly, as to his pure republicanism which ybu say we "have all known, wit nessed, and felt. Was it his mildness and tesncct for the laws that i subjected !'.!: i! nonor: : tl .1 mr -'I.', . If so why wasthe elqction of 1816 and 6 - ' 'CT lalea- 1820 passed over and the name of An- ,d,c? f1? recurs io u ancsaccept. drew iarckson never lisped as a candidate. ol 1 V7lM atf faction. HfeIso ur You remark, that the principles of SeV the. amendment of lh;Consti 76, were violated in the late j election, tution in a long argument, Vjotwith. accompanied by indications of corruntion. standing which and the artfnmenta calculated to alarm your patriotisoo and of those who felt with him Un. Con truly appropriate to the evtit. Vith jgress the proposition ha c icendcH such a charge what are the facts? to tie tomb of the Canutff I nn Jackson came into the, house with a con- neither feel approbation n6Vespect stitutional minority of votes only, the for a state iiominaifon puttr W forth majority was with, his compeu ors. By their own feUocitizen. ItW every your own admission, the voice of the i , -1. people were not with him. : Uut of the objectionable tharwa Con three highest, the house were choose f sessional caucus. U bat - peculiar a President voting by states. . It had fal-' "tiicss has the legislature of single , leh to the lot of Mr. Clay, in (lis repre- 8talc nominate a ! Presidr.t For resentative capacity, io scan the conduct 25,jears the nomination byjettngres- ' of GenJackson, which produced in his sioiial'caiiciTisses preserved fe har-. mind, convictions that he was blamewor morry antJ, integrity of the rjly.1 It thy. Those convictions, resting strong was then abandoned ; and k jl us, with him, was iV for him to smother the the patty integral and, harnioua dictates of conscience, and aid o elevate ' . . t -j ? ' ;.r now, or can it ever oe with ut a re him to the Presidency ! , as it for the tn - i c v ,1 j , L - . currence to the old mode of-i-omina-Kentucky delegation to raise a man to ' ;i . ? the highest civil honors who, bad stigma- tlon or by a convention of legates tized the citizen soldiers of that state, on at some central pomt.of tb jnion the memorable 8th of January, with a A persistanctv in the error 1825, failure in duty ; who had charged them can qnly produce division dconr witii having inglouridy J1ed befuie the trovcrsy. Take the papery t ie Cir- - '4T -VI X-'it

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