YoVY EUa)elYi.City, X. C. Saturday; August"', S - - 7 1 - i -mi i : J " ' .. . . 1 .-.. i ,, fKISTED AND fUBLISHED WEEKLY BY Benjamin Albcrtson, Jt Three Dollars per annum, or Two Ucliars jor ix montns, payable in ad iCJ0 pnper discontinued till ditto turns to that V fv"f -."rsi-nc.i)aa ever seen nil inland, Scotland-or elscwiiere.n Mfi Walker pracuses the drill sm. ncl v i i . . - i . ucca nimsen successful in cultivat ,US " ? ru rga. , This gentleman W uu cimgmcnea agncultuHut, by profes-l auu, aim i am persuade 1 hazard noib narages j i ; " l ne Jiaadone a inuchJ paw, ow at the ojitimM tfieivr morc, in imnrov Editor. i swi, with liic aid of less 6iaiiiiU.l.an'j C&:&dtertisanenh of no more krirthW'?1 ! in he country .':Ttffa ruayl viuh ureuuui, neauy inserted threes Kr a,uu,u wruon, oui in support imfs or a fpar, ami twenty-five oi '?J W'. I appeal to jhe many in- fcnM for each continuance : wcr -s n,c" anU Kcnen,en by whom; rt. in ie -fanje proportion. V ?C " 8urro"nd!ho. knew Wfhat his '.-is i ' i . . ' . . -i--- Mvv, -4Ki wno Know what it is ,W "jorwa, ana cnarged accordi ngly, o. It exhibits a nlea.mg spectacle, of muijvo. w Kic tonim. wuar niav oe acme hv ni.,cfn., cu;u i T? ..wweT.iiFwt oejnserteajor less I .economy, and confinris me in the senti4 ttinn one dollar. " ments 1 have always entertaWd. mm fQr rersons at a distance must accoin ueeP aa repeated plouchinirs. in nro- pamj weir aavermemenu mfli ffte mo-y .ov"tiiyiwiinianoiiig all that has ruiy, or they uillnot be inserted! il 1 am aoout the ditterence of climate, tCT LMe addressed to the Editor T , ,pn f f of ood - . . . liasniine'. here as uii a. ; misi ve posipaia, or they Mlnot be Thv uv ;iV T "IA,,v- v ""pneie they plough deepjq orjdci to get - riu Ul moisture: and here we should paough deep in order to fetain it. t mjtin n,!!it 1 ..t il i This. by many, will be- considered a Daradox. fut it is nevertheless true. I am not philosopher j enough fo account for all the cauxts m the latur have had sufficient practice to convince me ot thnr good tffcrtB. Mr. Walker! ploughs from 10 to 12 inches deep, "and TUUNIPS. On the comparative merits of various es culent roots on the seasons for' sow ing them on prejudices as to the in Jlucnce of the moqn Upon vegetation 07i an ingenious contrivance for de . postHngscedsin drills.-on deepphugh- by a judicious rotation of crops, he last inl and the advantage of siirt.ig the year raided from j.35 to 40 hushels ofl zwi utiween gwwmg crops on the wnea f te acre, weighing from 63 to exiraoramaru success and skill dis- . pounos per. bushel : whilst some of played by Mr. Walker, in the man- h,s ne,hbors, on much richer ground, u u hoi. get mote, than halt the tiuantitv. i he last summer, the latest and driest I ever experienced, I had about an acre of arrots, and about the same of manner : . ri wurzei, next to each other in the same agernent of his farm near Holmes burs. v '-. ' Philadelphia county, 1826. Jvo. Hare Powel, Esq. i f Lorresp. Secretary oj the PennsyVa Jlt ncuiri society. Sir, From the remarks I rr. 1 lllA W- MM. .... A V ' A I ! v-uuiuiuiiitaiiuii to me society, re 1ati conmon ve to thfe cultivation, wse, nmohr turnip ; home may he made in :i," the unu ; mey grew soumern exposure and planted near a 1 . -I" '' ; iracteq the attention of i all by luiVHMvu w uvpnijiflLt me waiue oi, me on a declivity to a They were sown public toad, and a n of all why passed Hsomtt hey were 4oljtects of. crU niration, and tt . maijy ndicute-so intense was tht so great the Itlrought, that I science, and much more experience have reconuneiided and urged tTcr and over agayt to little purpcse-but;I cannot help . ; ' - v exressing ny astonisnmeut at the ou uitiingness mauifested by the great ma jority of husbandmen, to vary in the smallest degree' from the beaten track of their ancestoiir r In almost' every orancn ot ; trie am, extraordinary exef lion are madt I va rinUs ex peri ments tnea, vitfiT a view to1 Improvemti.t, to lame or to tortuiie, Arhilst those etijaged in the jfirit ami most essential of alb in that wfew:h gives lite and sustenance, and vigor to the whole v fold their arms with apathetic indiffertuce, and, as if the spir it ot emuiatiou hau become extinct with lt them, listlessly pursue the unbrokeb tenor of thtir way." My ideas on ithiS suhject cannot be better exemplified, man Dy making the lollowm extract from an eloquent address delivered be fore the Philadelphia Society for promote ing Agriculture, at their annual meeting in 1822, by Nicholas Biddle, Esq., who says , ; .... j j 4 With all the splendid success of Mr. Coke, of Norfolk, in rendering his land nearly ten times as productive,! he used the drill husbandry hjr sixteen 'years be fore any individual followed his example; and even now-his improvements are 'sup- oy nimsen to ex tend about one mile in a year." No,- ihe&e facts show, at once, that , reariut oi a stormy 1 was anxious kest lor the aid or riim u4t K M lheed immediateitf r th,. rw.nl "r ' ::mW' --r?:- ;- . ound-but ho was it ito be cluneH t nil- :i T-'vi I " ww a auii;ruicritare f6f- itH&; V.J. as I have before' meniinnrit T hart tK. grodnd prepared in the manner 1 have statdd tb you in a former Ijcoairnunica- tionj (See ob U Sckietv's Memoirs. Th drills' on the f ridges were already dravjn. but it blew so violent a galefl fiiurvd h impossibhvto keep thetreater pan of the seed from blowing away as as so(,n as ; tt had eacaned from the tiaoOi freshvgr We could make no progress in the usu al ray. Ij this dilemma, and at this monrem, n occurred to me to tiy the tobey. It was a bannv thought : for in 1 iaa. o tour hour I had the satisfactiort to see the hole acre completed by one man an myseit. with each a tube. 1 had nut the sed in soak forty-eight hours before, auu a,uer oraminc the water cfl thmnch - - . , . r-w a hlTd s;ce. mixed virll wifh it nU..r t. i . ' I UU Vf v Mil. tp'al qnantity of plaster of paris. Witl mis mixture wc hlkd our right hand waist bat pockets, and takinc as much between the two fore -fincers and thumb as.coibid be retained without wasting: we ucaii ii out into the tunesi which were held Wer Uie drill as close to the bottom of it as possible, we walking in the fur row ; so that we were enabled to geft on at a tolerable smart gift eighi or ten pa ces, without resorting again to the pock ets for a fresh suppjy ; and I found af terwa ds that thev-c ar than any I had ever fcown: iJIow iigh, blow lovrI shall never use anr o- ther method.. The tubes are verv sim- pie, and cost from 3 3T to 40 cents. I use them msclf for ail seeds sown or lantid in drill, and I I J II cut nto single eyes. All "who have seen the tubes highly approve of themi JAMES WILLIAMS:; An Article (rom Berlililalpi ibi the King had gone thrptHf l)res& to the bath bf Topliii; xhkUUe Prussian Conimiite fa fcpjr if tb (SrcekR barf Hent firMMIaerfptfoti. of 30,000 doliaH, or 7, iiifohit to Mr. Ejard, the Sriissitliellenl"J iH be employed as he ?r'&EI Mtik M ruts iiai'a,- np nyctith inn,;,, n..i ,u, ,":'Jl i"-io,v, . ucueve mo neiar ai most) despaired of Retuncr any thine upenor io the othc r-it will keep bet- like half the crop I had antic ipatcd ' ter,.and in the- spring when succulent having howeter, txptrienred the effi-l f)6d is most vvanted b thefarmer for cjency of ploughing often in dry weath-; his stock, it will be found mflft h sweeter, er, between m.ih. r,u.. i L...d i and as; solid as when taken from the ed J ."-"w UIUUCII Hiwuuu ii aiao answers., lor taole use I Alter the tnamri iicu me oiner. khiq nas Decomevspungy, certain height, I cutter and unpalateable-1 consider the plough between them, bv rmsnn nf.hr rnta it i,n,n..r : i: . i ' m"".rj -w.. .....ivi i uis voiiui any induirei i ue rarrots. whni vurzel, and' therefore cannot subscribe I above the surface; ...u clllUU,ums inai nave oeen no obstacle. I i.r.i...xi.i cf.' j... I...Lt- t ' . .- -..r.-Kiivu -.v.c.I. UIICCII vniJ v ocsiowea upon themor or twenty days in! the- driest time anM u.c udiry mey are less eligible than the was thus afforded the best opportunity -..uv. lu,,,,ps, ana tey cannot be given H hut such an one as I hope will not for should not he idle. could jiot pass th to cows, in sufneieiu quantities to pro- some time to ro'nie occur as ain,) o "ot,will depend in' a great measure on sistence of im palp the state of the weather. They require bing them betwe dure great increase of milk, without im- showing the beneficial .consequences re r-h vvuic.il amen aiMj ia3ie,to tne suiting theretiom. The soil bet a eei trcam, and butter., 1 he leaves which the carrots, even where I had cut th S r CAUUCraiu are. lawy in- tops orl within an nch or two of the u.,,0ie ior tne daryvas they are in- crown, and thus as it were leaving tH Utlltelv stronp-er and nmAurf. r. I u' L f .. . I, J .'i . " i un-1 fjiuuuu ojic anuexposeo; to tne scorch- peasant odour than the bulb i hut Im- ir.o-rav r,f th nll i GrV CSttIP choan ... : . 1 ' rv i I . . . . , i j - ..v, iiuuvu oim swine, niev anorn i moisi ' wt.r!t& th . an anundanrpr.r Trrid . t.. I i .... l i. . . tl r- ... . .r I -or. " ... v., in .'yiii ,ai nun r 'ii ' "u ' ,I,U51 cuiirvate tnem j witii the ollrer, parched and hard, an - j "i'w iuc uriu system, ana wne- the leaves so dry, that you might have wtr mey ever arrive to that condmon or reduced them in an .Utnt t tKVi able pvder, by rub een vnnr hnls Tl.i moisture, rich ground and faithful till- carrot 1 tops continued green, heautiftli -b- ouw oroau cast they will, not and luxuriant throughout the whole of . m . . t'v j r"-' in t cry ici uie mis nery oraeai. i he beginning Of -i nu iicuuciii uanu nocmffS. wnicn entemherL I hpcran n.it inr .tl...... .,;s . wouici be attended with mnrt imnKtuiKn,,tt ii i u , - . ...ww .inuivu tn annua, t'cij way a nana tari nu expense than in anv nthir aw T. I U , i i ij . ' v i - -j iuuu u. iwuj .miutiiuii a liiucii as s onIjr wnotiare. deviate irom the man and a boy could well mill. ftr tlU uise oi tneir toretalher ' nrt Iao I hrC. r - .i p ni ' -- - ------- iia.v i liuiavjouu uuga, UUUI IOC 1 I ' 11 OI 1 0 Z r lVonoVf tnc dnI1 system, re- vember, when I began! to harvest them iT u,c ' orm s areao laugh," l Hy this time the roots from, whence jhe iK-w. r . J viiiuii "m 'k cic iafc.eu in oepienioer, nao M,v.iii4 inr ihftc h :n e-j -i . t .-- niiu gULlCCU '.Will unci thrown out tops again j as large and a contend Squire to vuuipci)aiea ,ior ineirinue as those . nrat cut. ami l haniri Hv Of.. Th tt. I Li ?r . .! . ill . J L I I I P-Illlllf.. Ill I 1111 U J . I J . . . FJW lnr.M . .. ; v"v",,v' " i uu"iu yi van iwaua, wicasCU on. it h k i . I . . ii with the white turnip, and they each containing as much as a good horse thp fi voiiin , mu ivwuiu inuvr. j Luuiu hoi nave naa less nnest I ever raised. vr min ?r tholthon i 1k r . .:. season of IS24, as late'as tbe 24th I acre; the tons3 full irrowu. win avera theaV0 lhalinond respect they have nearly! half the weight of the roots; the! , !antaSe of the carrots and mangel are equally valuable for feed ; no grarn rzei, inasmuch as k?i tKj min .-,;imMt M.;n ..r..-, ..h 1 sow It hmi and. afle other crops, this is saying more than can, T think, rots K ' t4Jj (,ai- nun uuui) ut sam ui any umcr escilienl. ffj; ing td the excessive drought, I had not a carrot in the cron thatweiiW- did m ve6etated; and those that ed half as much as I (have before haii Those l l"ugn oi good quality, ttiem to wighT therefor probab rd ;!vc oned as having rais- that ifj the season had been favorable t 0.4, between the carrots, Mr. should, have had double the quantity. i . r w diKr r vif . . - i i j:j r. t . - h i Ho mK. V ijwuw; iic.r 1. iu nui, pcrccnc mac any injury vias Srcat i camei irdm the sustained py the root iv. . ? . . . county oi rVortolk and from f tons were taken. It m h thK ' "c "ICinitV f n ii i ' T i- i i w v.uj;iki rQatto taV H 1 "OIknarn assured, me presumption in me ro advise the adop- . : u e them alLm ally they were tion of a system, which mciv of taleiiR. 1 prefer sowing all long-topped roots on ndbres: narticulariv rm,i auri - snips, because they are afiorded a deep er tilt , are sown with greater despatch loan Hy hue : and. cal sup, the ! ground is less expscd to. werlul intluence in mid summei flat and regular surface. seeos, three tourths,; of an inch his pf than Foil w bile time diame ter of the tube is large enough I'or f otatoes, according to the size of the cuuings'-; mine is about two inches, and 3 b et such are the unaccountable and inveter ate prejudices of farmers, with few ex ceptions, comparatively speaking, that though they have "demonstration strong as proofs of holy wiil".before their eyes, mey obstinately and pertinaciously reluse to profit by the opportunity thus pre sented to them ; and because the method bears" the .character of novelty, advance as an excuse, for not imitating that which would redound so, much to their interest. this sapient, and as They suppose unan swerable argument that U is b so k far ming, and therefore will come to noth ing. Mo that according to this sort of WA p. .4or(ertbJcinom e. a gjod practical farmer, it is Hidispensably" ne cessary that you should not read'.abou tliese matters ; or if you do, nothing at least beyond, the pages of Ian almanack, and then chit fly with the view ot con sulting thef phases of the moon and the signs If the zodiack, and h)' these to be goefned w it'll more thau htathen supei btition in all the operations of ploughing, planting, sowing, gatherings Sec. Some time since, in' passing through the Phila- cieiphu mark -i, I observed a woman of Cverman extr?eion with a liasket of pro digious fioe. parsnips ; th-y measured 2 J to 3 feet in length, handsomely taper ing from the crown to the end. I asked her, how she managed to raise them so Urge anfl noe ? foresaid 1, mine have turned out forked and indifferent this season. May be, said she, you don't sow themjrrthe right sigh. Perhaps not, I replied ; I have no faith in' such things. Ah, but there is something in it for ah, said she, and you must sow ' in the sign of the fish ; (thinks-1 -tomy self, this is a fish story.) On my return' home, hovv ever, I thought I would look at my mem orandum book to see how fax it was from the fish when I committed the seed to the ground ; and it actually, appeared that I had accidentally sown on the 22d f May, 1824, w hich was on the second and last day of pisces, .trie very time prescribed by the credulous old woman to insure success; I therefore attributed my failure to that which j I had before supposed to have been 'the real causes, a iU fi. icnt y of tillage and ja scarcity of manupe Jtthro Tull, who has written an irgriiious and oie of the best treaties oh husl.ardry extant, thioks it iiol uik likely that hogs were the first tillers or pious hers of the ground, and; that rational mep, not. willing to be excellctf by instinctive brutes, invented an instru ment something" tike a plough, to break ami divide the soil lor the better recep tion of seed. ' Nowt.if -hej is. light in his rohiecture, and we continue to f rogress j 'vi L in :T 1 1 nr tintt . f tt.vfiulf l t same rate it has .riWrd f.on th. h. ue - 20 k' 2oGC0 that in the course of 'some dozen centu- . . vi : . - a V "f5en. ln,Pa Jot oMmif w m: united Mates. ff-:: One hundred arid Ctffiltr ' ihretf m em be rt have been rpHilfa tcr ifj New Parliament from EiHland antj, Wales, who ?vefe aot ifembef of m i the- last Parliament. 1 he meeting of the bf is tfafHa . ment is rogued 6 the&b of At- gu.st (the present inbiJiUp , j The Liverpool Commerlrl Cnrofi tele announce the arr-ivtSI xff ' tf Cooper, the American Iw-fUrr r.if his way o Lyons with bflrui!fy. ; 1 be state bf the' Counljliee' Manuacluies of Manchi-tv ifc fcr tove- brg tnan- Jar trom improving, ahff n ui me iuic operative;! .in bodies, and often in a rfoflSo ner, gives the magiRtraielWndlmiii Ury patroles enough of en! ymenf ; i ucbuay tne loin, was sa'to be 1b worst market clay ever krl4nJ fct.'"' ery thing was flat, and mahllaci.iierrf bf weal I h abd ran k vt&j$ tiurk torn the business: )$ J ? , Letters front ftiffa. ibW ';) : Cj "?M.. consequence ot the exalive dfy weather, the new rrnn flflftv hariy!iail of heing abf &tie; a i great deal of the seed M&een rfe Iroyed. All llie crops arfeiatto i Jured. 'X.--:- "ilrp--.. j' . Earf of C?iiche4te ; deal His tf mains were iriiet' on h i3tb July; ; pr: . y ;. " vThe family . a person Ib d (tt anbs, consisting of eightliviijiisfjs has bfen enl i jfiio ! bp:aMecor ted, by gen d'armes. The 'IwlaiJ of ffVM family batl been acciietf mnrcf and cariruhnliym, in the. Irfefprtmefif deTneiauli, from 5on4;jrrt eiojrt' used hy one of his yOuiiebiidrrm It appears that t he chareloufd Viof be substantiated and no of jcoultf be ftiund of this doubie rfber ' j The Courier of. the lcf!(ilt.sTa(esrV that Mr. Piicev the A; riiela t-jM acfe . ger has become the LeSsifeV o(o. ry LanexTIeatie, hainjy ak e!t tht contract off the bands j Rrsli in consideration of recpin TuVrif ihe latfer hrs deposit V M Tb i Committee signified, vifOousb 5fW Calcfaft, their assehrfollfearfafVe ment orrj Saturday eteffrhgl; Mr , Price leaves London .iftlil'fe f!af' for the United L St sites: 11(1 Vill Ibe back by the middle of tcVher, tc superintend, ihe opcnin of Dfury Lane i We wib him :lttA'e 'tit t he mast remember h'i ilyl irv mlfV:'t. me r to a public 1 as w so nie w h more refined t hab fht blltbe 0nrWt I Stales. Bah!) " f jf . i : A certain farmer anoV'Fiis flarre, piissessed of more vveaju ihifi' vf.ii placed their two ddugffrfeft irV a snY-' mary Established for fin0?ag flie tfi cation bf young llefl After e.orrsicferajhle tibie hadfpped,' farmefV Hut'; ti ess of fbe scliidol to healier r e f'aiij vfhich! proved to be iojbly,Ka(ti facforyvexceptingas redalded ifreir progress in. me rfiusicai; ipartnitnv in wbreb tthe pains of life mstruo b b inches long. I carry thesefs in an k pon -bag before me, tied round the waist ; and ami thus tnanled to nlani standing erect, and am at the iarue urnished with a tolerat!le good sub stitute: for a walking stick. The lop of tie tube, in the form of tunnel, or hop per, b about 3 to 4J inche indiamtttrr, ajnd the bottom J to 3. ' The foi met; is for the better reception of seed, the lat ter td prevent the tube frdm thoaking with earth. . . ' r Latest from England. ? The packet ship William Thomp son, t.aot. BoWne. arrivpd ui N VvrL' Lrverpbol, the lit en SOtbof Ju Editors of on 1 uesdav last from v hence she sailed on the Bf this ariiVal, the mmrcial Advertiser have re ceived-a variety of foreign JnnmaU including the latest Liverpool, Lon don, Irih, Scotch and Hamhnrgh news papers, lb additiob to the sup plies from their regular Correspon dents, they are indebted trr lb nh- - , i i " w r' ess of Capt. Borvne of the latest papers, incliidirfg Uoi e Liverpool Advertiser ot July ing or ,a variety the 20 b of of the even- anil London papers 1 the liith. . . ;,. I ; The lale Fire in Liverpool We did not, we believe, says, thej Albion un derrate the value of the property def -troWd, when we named 1100,000 though we understand, not tnore than half that sum has been insured, or hteis, as yet at Jeast, been public- jly khown to have been insured. cotton wa 2,500 bags, or a val- nes hence, the drill sysiem may come into pretty general use Dut to return once nipre to the carrots, tin the sowing of which I think I have discovered some improvement. You hate seen the; tubes- l had madey with the intention of obviat ing the necessity of stooping, and of .planting with precision and expedition,- seed of various kinds. The Carrot seed, however, is so different, from all others. and so difficult to sdw with any degree of accuracy, that it never entered mf mind. to use them -lor that purpose," 00- t til the -last season- On the SQtb April, grain. about ;000 value ; sbipk' .apparel 110,000; Q - ; Il;aniburgb paoers to the 9th JjiIv ;coniiain inielligence tioui St.. i'eiers"- hiirh-to.the 30tb of June, tlie "laf funeral f honors fiad beerj paid fo ibe mp ress b! i z a b t b on t he 1 6 1 b,'VV b en her Chn zovj had proc coh remains were deposited m the rch of Si. Peter, fjotrnt VVbron- and tbe'Alarquis of Ubeatipierre at. last quitted tne! capital io eed to Akernranmr and open- the erences to be fTolderV at rhat plade with the Turkish Plenipbtenti- aries. tiess bestfWed on the rirjbls prove! ebtirely , fruit lc. Mrferrie lnelyidissuWded' tli4o dam from i perseverance inllf nrirrirr ofedueaiiori, and cabdoS fMd 'fjt. that the you fig; UAy fitcf caphtiU (ot tic ';?! fiendiy 'a.djrp. h6xHs er, failed in its' iniebtfe ibe sgacious'advWaiifpr. i g.o hediication,' bridling' . he-jf tip' and? placrngher artris valki4 ejVi don't tell nie aborit '';ia$m ner f doesn't sjSafe . eipenVe,;.; Mg i dcsxrtf LyuH will iit.htf:ji,- ItkiMWrfJkt H. I . - - ---- -y ; , - - - - " " mm,-. -:'-l: