. '. ten I Iiafe!Maeiif PRINTED AXIt Vol. TV. TERMS. f(J So paper discontinued till direc tions to that effect are given, and ar- rearages paid J but fat the option of the . .. Editor - r M.; J grjJ.Jcfrertoeinenfo , o no more length than breadth, neatly inserted three tunes for a doUar,rand twenty-Jive cuds for each coMinunnce-; longer qti.8 m jAi same -proportion, . v.-- j.. ' CJ? Advertisements eill be continued uni'd forbid, and charged accordingly, unless otherwise marked ly the cf iters. v a advertisement will be inserted for less 1 1 fmn one dollar. . ! HP3 Persons at a distance must accom pany their advertisements with the mo ncy, or they will not be inserted, j I letters addressed to the Editor must be postpaid, or 'they will not be lijtett. - . ' . RjlAWfVJjYjiow t keftjibj striber, on . I he 23d f July1 last, a negro boy named . GFORGF.;- ; ; he is about 17 or 18 year of age, 5 feet G or 7 inches in height, dak color, a 'pen lively look, and in speaking i apt to Mat ter a Utile. ; he has lot mo4t of ins f ip leevlirjtid has two or three di Vmct scars on hU throat, .occvasiorled hy a rising some time .irtcI. Said rbny Was purchased abotit Hihtepn ltt fnhssiiice,frouiMr. Matlitjiv i'luff t i iNorjolk, at wlndj place I be uui ilie'd, b.it has fieqaenly been to Itzaletb-Ciiy, in 1 Wis State, brvd ttie .boy aid that be bad bernU-veia) times al ea. I expert that :b iv ill fittenipt lo get either to FJizabeth ( i'y r Noifolk. A rctvard of Tuen- JFice Dollars, w ill be given to any perr SMfi tviio ill apprehend said bo 4 and ..lodge bini in any jail, so that I ran get turn aain. Masters of ve-eU and all other persons are berehy n -bill harboijinc;, employing, or eafrv i;g otr said boy under the penalty of the Jaw. &awie Vaviwev. Edgecombe County, JV. C. ) October 10, .1827,. 'j The Norfnil Herald anrl Eliza- i bt h-C'ny Star Will please insert tb aoc til f hid, and forward tneit at roiims to tu- i-ffiic of the Tarburo Free Press. FOR JIEXT, And possession given iminettiately. npH K: 1 10USK fin mer- IM y ly l,cc,,,ied - b.v ,N,ar-V t'?zi Jackson, about one tnile .t"Mn Ivlizabelb-Citv. on the ro:ol Je uiif g to .Kdetton. The 'dwelling is very comfortable for a smalh faiiiU jlyi arrd Ha-; every necessary out bouse tugfhe'r with a gotid garden. rcr terms apply to Elizabeth City, Oct. S. Jl SOUTH Ml FAU CV?VJAC K, quiek'to cover mares, . and a fTHler of erood foal-. Kik vears old. t I . J " ' " Me will b jr will be xebanged in Baltimore, or a snpverior adtlle horse, or foi a bed mat el The owner of him lives to'town a'nd ha no farm. r I n q ii i re of t he Ei i t or of l lie Jlmeri C3 Fanner, Baltimore. ,' Baltimore, Sept. 17. ' GEORGE, IvELVAXGEU, nAVlKG taken the front room of ti, i. . . ... v ig iiouc occupied by -Mr. Asa M (?oy, on Rtjad-Street. rfsnrtfullv ;!.lfurs the inhabitants of Klizabeth- . j , uw me surrounuing country 4t he is ready to execute all orders " ''is5 business. Clothes will be f aGe DJ the latest and most approvJ f " lasmon, and the ;workmanship f!r.e in a manner notf (nferior to anv the nl Ut he can give general satisfaction 0 a'd his customers Utzabeth- City, May 5. i PUBLISHED MEEKLY EV BENJAMIN ALBKUTSOX, AT THREE D The Subscribers hare just received per Schooner Past Master, from w York, apart cj their fall sup pty tfdry goods, ccn- ' j Sistitig 4)f ' Blue Cloth, Ll a tk dp. tet- mixed ditto, dfab io Caimeres, San ineiH, (a large assortment,) vvbitet ed, yel low ano green Flanneb, faney chintz Piirits, supr. do.'Boinbnzetts plain & figM of all colors, flg'd rattinet cai mere and other Shaty Is all colors, Ruja S Duck, bird Veye Diapers white and grey lamb's wool half Hose, uomen's and men's blk.and vhite cotton, wo'rsted and Silk Hose, Siberian and other Cravats, Counter panes, rose and point Blankets, book rVslinv plaid Cloak, Flushing IWs, flagg and other Hkf, Grecian Boot, ,Ti,, pets, Italian sewing Silk, SuaiiMlown Vextirrgs'hecksGI'icrn "ey Frocks, Iiish Linens, linen Carn bric, and linen Caudoic IJkfs. cot torj Umbrellas, Silk Ao. an assort ment of rvrgro Clotli, Leghorn flat (a 'splendid dsortnient,) belt and o thei Ribbons, &c &c. Alo, ibess P'i'ne and cargo Pork, iiew Flotir--it!) a general asfonutent of Gro ceries, which they offer for sale! Wvgit & WiWiavttS. , .'.'.r i.Vf.'.Cti;. (ht. 10. . .:';.:jNOT10Ei .: I ftish to purchase three or four, Likely ro jBots, Lare erio.'ub to plough, forwhich I a ill give a liberal price. j I ' Joseph JI.. Pool. " Elizabeth City October 10-. ' Fa The! subscriber has re-opened the City Hotel as a house of pub lie entcriainnient lor travellers and iiorders, where he respect fully solicits public patronage, y - IVm Albtrlsnn. Elizahcth-Citv, slfirU 7. JUST RECEIVED 100 casks Stone Lime, 2,5 kegs while Lead, Paint, Oil, Putty, (Window Glas,s Spirits Turpentine, Of) bbls New i York, Canal Flour, V.orj'Consig.n'ment, which will be old very low, if applied for imme diately.' ' r - : - i. - - New AYlieat Ylour. , Bhis. and balf bbls. j New Wbeaf fimily Flour, , Bbls. mess and prime Potky Bbls. Cordiai, ' Kes Alkin!oi, No. 1. Tnf.acco, And a few doz. bottles of Congies Water. . : Just received and for sale bif , Eli?abpth-City 25. Tf Or to hire for the year, a iniddle aged negra VVom a'h x i t bout children , who can Cook, AVasb and Iron ; fr which a liberal price will be given. Enquire at tins Office. IVJRRjLVTSfor Pcrmti.imfis, Pas quotank, Camden, and Currituck Conn ties. ' ; j'"" : ' rXSOLFEXtBOXDSandCJ- S&S, printed, and for sale at THIS OF Fj v JOB-PRIMPING 0E all kinds, neatlv executed at Ms OFFICE. S PAi7.a)eU-CU5, C.Ye4nc9dav, Wetter 1, ISi. Dialogue between tn; Farmers. Farmer F. Walk in, neighbor Gate; and take a cfair a rainy afternoon am! I thought it would-be a good time to clear my slate of some scratcbts, and place them in plain hr end tte. I am qor Tery teat in boo keeping bnt I hope my accounts are correct. J'wish otir srhool masters would itouera plain, simple, mode of-book-Weein, as a part of the. studies Incur (own schor!s; well what's the-word; any thins stir nns; I. , . ' .. f. ' J -. Farmer Gale. I hare not been abroad for some time, and- -f ! F. F: What; have you hecn sick ; F. G. O no, neighbor; but I hate hern thinking that the best place for a farmer is at home. Fv nine years past I have spent my Sat today afternoons a-; hrpad ; having orked pretty hard, I tho't I . mTht indultre myself with half a day on Saturday, without hurtincj my, in terest, or putting mvsctf behind hand, but Iffitid rt' won"! do-' ; - I ' i F. F. Why i wont it do, neishber (tab I - A r balfday's recrcaiioh, I once a week, is not extravagant. ' I ' , .'F G;, Very true, neighbor ; , but I find it depends where and how you recreate yourstlf. lf you go. down to the store, as I have done, you v ill very . riaturallv be thirbtv, or some of your irjentls ".will make you so, hy treating you, always ex- pertma: jhe compliment to be returned'; and it is very likely;, befoie you return hone, you v ill svi allow tvo or three trlasses enough" tp induce you to pur chase 2 or 3 dollais worth of stuff you do not want. . k. F. F. Ah, I understand you, your store bill is rather extravagant, - F. G. Yes, sir, .you do undersfircf mef You know my farm is a prod uc live one; and Providence lias crowned; my labors jb t?ood ci ops, and while protSc , na hih, J; met alf my expends, , akd paid my store bill wilhou't Rrumhlin or cic aminatiun j but the times aie altered, and there is much distress, and it is hih lime to look about and see what ue are to do. , How comes it that farmers are so universally indebted to shopkeepers, neighbor Fairnvaa?' I will tell yrn the secret in plain English 'tis Rum Ruui, Rum ; this is the grand cause of all dis- trss;thdt exists a i.uon; farmers, j f I F. F. My friend, I n joke that ymi have mad ' the discovery) and hail jit as the return of priSSeriiy io yourself and family ; fir let j me tell yoii I hive had many anxious thoughts respecting your Saturday afu-i nou- isits. - j F. G. And well you niii?ht; for they have been the i)rocurini ikuselof mv adversity, or aa I used to say, bad lurk. F. F. It would be w clbneihboi Gale, if we fai mers wtre more acquainted with the value ot pi ndei'ice and etonoijiy, and kne;iow a little departure from the saliij tary -tiea w iil dtstroy the prosperity of a man, however hard vvoi king and indus tiious he may he. - , ' - 4" . ti. I lieiiee yon. I hae learnt a little atithmtiic of late. I find I have prohahlv spent during the last nine vears fin e'en dollars a ytar for Rum, making 135 dollars; the interest of which would he t.w.eny or thh ty, dollars mot e. I have squandered 400 half days or 200 whole days, which al 50 cedts per day is one hundred dollars more ; atld to this the a-1 nvumt of those things pure havrd' ubicti I did n-t want,, and the losses I have ss tatned in es changing: bcrae's and rapieso IVequenllv, (no small looses, miiher, as many a fam? er can witness) ard you will nave a pretty large sum to aeciutt irom my nine years income, and a pretty plain ft-nson whv I have net made anymore hesd wav in the world. F. F. Your calculations, neighbor Gale, are just; arid I am giatl that you piofss1 the couraue tMiiake thtrn. F. G. But a little more of mi arithme tic. If you w ill double the surhs 1 hae stated, and sdd a suitable amount of in terest, vou will have somethinti like the amoutit I Should have gained, if I had j send ihe billowing reccipe to the Aioen been prudent, and. let alone this poHcrt ofi jan Far me : the soul ; a sum, the- gradual gain o! Take a gallon of skinned tomatoes ; which, would have constituu-d me, veiv probably; a prosperous fat mer. - F. F. Yet, neighbor Gale, you have been considefed a temperate man.- 1 dbn!t know that you were ever seen dis- gorsed ; , my fears were that hy fiequcnt- ing tne stores, you would oe It el mio nao its of idleness, which generally end in in temperance. - ' F. F. Many a temperate farmer is in temperate enough tb ruin bis prosperity. W hen I reflect how this poison hasbecTi mixtd, as it were, with my very fcAd, I ARS PER AS5UJI, OR TWO DOLLARS FOB SJS mm mmvmrmkmm 7. y ' . jotiht lo bcra-.tlul to God that he Was U.. L:l . : . . . -:i - - F not tnyen roe uo to beastlr Si.rrmnr. ance; but I hae done ihcBum Butle and I have parted my premises a ear f tijis pestilence and 1 trust, that Mi iuck and the. miseries attendant uu use cf ardent spirits, will also Dee. the From ttUa Retftirr; Pennsylvania Farmers. The senior editor of tac.r Register, lately spent one day iri the dciighifui County of Bucks. A man from man) parts of our country, u herein vasts tiacts of neutrally fertile land have been turjitd mru desert places by miserable cultiva tion, would tnink himself as in anotlhei world, if secretly transported, and, for the first time, placed on some of the riJinjd grounds in this County, ftom whirhi on. every sirjc; he, may behold the stai el stne houses and lug barns oftthc farm ers scajed in the midst cl plenty While al raost etery ammal that he meevs, n an, woman or child, horses, or - cattle, show the "turn fortj arid abundance t hat re wjard the toil of jhe cultivators of their own fields, inanj?. part ot the United Stated. Lands are worth from 50 to 75 tlollavs per acre, even at their present depressed value: ; . -: m ' ; -.'-f. Tbe follow in j stamticaiitenHs were furnished bjr tKSvit exigent at3 rcjspecfa blfe farmer with whom 1 passed tbc da), an4 1 am c erfain that, he wished ratheir tii diminUh ,than to exaggeiate tifemJ ' T - T wo fullji hands and ab:oy. emploVetr the Whole eatt arid l". two adcitionai'halK for one ok nth s doting hay rnak'ing jind harvest, with two working hoist s aiul wt oxeu, ai e t steemed competent, (with iht farmer's own- care and occasiota lieljr Or keep thingi in order,) to manage a fiun of 130 or 200 acres, about a tenth pan of wl.ichbeing in wood. Tire two hand. cost 100. or 90 dollars a year respect is clothed and fed, arrd ve tht. ly, the hov harvest bands cost 11 each per . month. besides sub sisteOce. On such the season a farm end 'with these ids! being UHualiy - good, the ful low log articles may be, and are pro( - or- ed .1,000 mshels of corQ 350 hushei- of wheat, l,20O bushels of call, lOObiish els of I ye, 300 bushels of pt tatoes, l it t some flax, or clover seed, Sec, 15 fteet v U 600 lbs. each, fatted for the marjkt , and 3,000 lbs. lbs. cf pot k made for slab besides, as o beef and. pork -w hat is! ri quired lor family use. Sis or sejvet cOtvs, and two or three other horses arc kept! Thtj steers and pork, just stat cd, -are soldf together with 500 tushels ot com; neatly 300 of wheal, 800 of tjats. 2C0 i)f potatoes, 60 of rye, wiih severai othey small; articles, amounting to a eon siderable -sum ; aild the products of the oichatds, being niade the most of by the same hands employed, sometirnes5yirld the value of 300 d Uai a year, chitflv obtained for fl uit sold, Icider made, o'i whiskey distilled. The 'family of thr farmer consists cf aboiit 12' per sons i all told, aj)d they hav e abuiidanre of the Rood things of this life, and liberally partake of its luxuties. The, people in general, are clean and tidy, wjytitijosy cheeks Jani hard hands, and it did toy heart good to look al the neatly and' comfottabiy clari children, as they plat fully passed to oi from their schools. When my friend had furnished the preceding facts, as generally applicable to the farriie.s in bis neighborhood, I told him that out southern people would not believe them but he observed " they were; no less true oh that account.! Jlle has a flock of sheep, and might consider-" ably jinrrease it with a,, very small atldi tional expense for labor ; bui said, ihev were tof! worth having at the present Kime; because of the low piice of wool. The rotation of the principal crops aie. as follows: cctn, oats, wheat, rye, liav, pasiuie. ' ." RECIPES. ftfcifie for Tomatd Kttchufihatf a gallon. As this is the season tor mk ing the best condiment for iish or. steak thai etr bantry was furnished wit It, 1 4 table spoonsful ol salt; r 4 do. j do, black pepper; . half a spoonful ah pice ; - -8 pods red pepper; 5 table sprmntul of mustard; . articles grourid fine and simmered slowlv in sharp vinegar, k a pew ter basin, three or four ho jrs, and t hen strained through a wire sievp and bottled close. It may be used in two week Sibut improtes muth by age. Tcse who like the article : mavv add, after the simmering is over and th ingretiicnts! oaiewbat ceclcd, two tabic MONTHS, PATABLE l ADVAStE. tpooitstul tl the juice f gat U S m u 0 vinegar is to be used as to'have Jill a gallon'of liqour when the prociss UoM r. To. hit taste thi is aunerior to nV W a ketchup that I t.ae ever .et wit i. and u iiih4l an exctdent teu.cdy lor dyspepsia. T- . ' j V To train c J?eAgc. Droj a l.i lle oil ol vitnui ioio'a ritau7priin C watery rub t.hei same in ur akI, ti.civ hold it to the fire 'until tt becomes a b..e tdar k and, w hen pbiisbvd, it w Ul b v x teedfogly beautiful. Y To make nankin dye. Boil equal pans of rnotto and common poiash : in at rt till the whole is dissolved. 1 his lit pit-. ducc the ftale rrddUt bttjf sc mui n m use, and sold under the name of Nankin Dye , ;. ; :;.--... f J ii tfriial Imp rove i ti v i i f . From the Raleigh Register. CARL I ON NO I.- ' The people of North Carolina have for. some years past evinced a dispositioti to facilitate the means of commcmal inter course, both lurcigu and domtstic.' li is an object in which they have leu thei--selves interested, that no smail sums hae beenalready expended for its at cotipiish merii; The rivers Yadkiu, Lap Ft ar Neuse, Tar and Roanoke all w itncssj by the works commenced,', and the moiuys disbursed, that such" a w iah has bctd a tive"in tle. public '.mind ; and so well .known are tt e mati) other attestations f tt, that to be partit uiar in their enunit a sion is unnecessary. It is piarticai pu.of that they hav t been deeply sensible of iho iljsadantagfs of their situation, and they have been watchful ,of the methods ptac sirable for their removal. - If thtic havo ?eer dissenting minds, it was iiot1ecaou the object was1 not deemed most impor tant to our individual and national io perity, but thai they could ut think the time yet arrived, u hen our sit engfh aa t ompe tent to 1 1 tie attautrWot 'of tu i w isiv es. - JUnha Jipi ly "whatever : may have bt t n the cause, a vast pioporitoh ol out cntet prizes for internal improvement . ha o ;ioved cither partially or totally abortive. Had it been unifonnly otherwise; had -be plans adopted been invarjatdv succiss u 1, there is every reason to believe. that y lids time, public spirit Would have 'een as conspicuous a distinction In the cbple of this State, as it has hecn in oth pans of our country. But when,! af ter making provision for an undertaking; here, and another there, it was presently four thai tlieyrutterly failed of their ob jects, what vvas Ip be expected but lliat v en their earnest, friends would be daii'ip i d and disheartened V ; They saw t nat ' funds which in consequent e of limiu tl oppoituniiits ahd resoutces, had .been wiih thfiic rilty i procured, instead of an swering their:purposes," were expend, d int fTtctually, and that the woi ks btnuti with sanguine hopes and premises, soon terminated in little or nothing. , j fTo every people, flrurishihg as tlpeir condition and resources may bct it is ever of motiient to Jhe most rapid progress, of their prosperity, that .their tfeasuiy be judiciously directed, and (fi- aiiouslt ap plied ; but to a people like ourselves, lho have to contend with nony difoctil ties both tiy sea and land,', from the very"' nature of our country, as well as tho ' sparseness of our? population, it is qoiie essential, that the funds raised by taxati n or voluntary conjttihution, be not wasted or lavished in ineffectual operations! Whatever these fuids may be, if the) ho not snffif Tent Tor large and extensive un dertakings, tbejeare possibly others to which they will be rompetent, or ti.ey should be augfnebted -and .e'eom'imise d with ta-e till a reasonable assurance is attained that they viit complete, soivo public enterprise, which shall continue aiteruaids to gitle unequivocal proofs of its value to the, anniUi.t of the expendi ture. 'I:. a , '.'..' V ., -'-' If it be said that iri regard to public w ot ks, this cannot be the , case, and ti at they are not reducible to such re; taint s this, the posi lion is denied aid is on-, terablev Fact! has show it. and it is con tinually proving that public work cm be cab ulateel with suffn ierit precHUtn, both as to the means of -carrying them It n and the expense necessary. : Een tho i eat westetn Canal of New.-Yoik differ d but little in the,, actual expenditure bom the estimated . ecst But the dif. ference. was fi.'und tiliiu.ately to be, in costing less than he siini previously cal culated. , With such a minake we nay well Sujppfjse the per pie were not likely to he dissatisfied. When they engage n an enlej? prise, they have a right to knvr from the pei feet honesty and at;jti i f their atrcnts and itprrsf t fames, much money.! will' be sufBticiJ, :a bat . TV

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