4' v-xw ana Mastern PRINTED AND PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY BENJAMIN M'TtFRTSOV . ., 71 " , . " '- 1 ' : AJllAjALJJKI SON, AT THREE DOLLARS PER AWCMj OR TWO DOLLARS FOR Six Md.XTHS, KMAULE i.N ALVOtl -1 uat'" f i ' . pe 'ii o- to,,f irinia TERMS. b paper discontinued till direc tum to thai effect are given, and ar rearages paid j but at the, option of the Editor. . - . J3 Advertisements of no more length . -'than breadth, neatly inserted three times for. a dollar, and twenty -fire cents' for , each. :. contimmc .longer Arties in the same proportion;.-: ! ZCf Advertisements tcUl be continued " .rA.I.:J . ..J L . 1 . ' utuujuTu if, uric vmrgcu acccTamgiy, unless olhericise marked by the writers. Jft advertisement will be inserted for less than one dollar. - ii tCF Persons at a distance must accom- j pany ineir auveriisemenis wun ine mo ne iv or theu will not be inserted. 1 . IfT3 Letters addressed to the Editor tisf oe ppsipaia, or mey wai not be lifted. - ; if ; HAVING taken the front room of the' hou?e. occiipied by Mr Asa McCoy, on Road-Street, res pe etf ully informs the inhabitants of Elizabeth City and the surrounding qountry, thai lie is ready to execute all order lfi Jiis business. Clothes vill bp n ade by the latest and most approv ed fashions, and the workmanship done in a manner not inferior to anv in the place. He -flatters himself that he can give generalsajisfact ion to all his ciitonierH. The .subscnber has re-openotl the ( -itj Hotel as a house of pub lie ei tirta in aient for travfelldrs an i Do;)rtU rs, where he repeet- lui-auMciis pumic paironage. : AVm Jilbevlsinu FMzobtth-Citif, Jftrii 7. ' JUST RECEIVED 1 fA nsb Stone litiip, 1JV 25 ketrs while Lead, r Paint, Oil, Putty, -Window GlasH, Spirits Turpentine, HA bW New-Yoik, Canal. Flonr, ' con-iigM merits iv hieh will bp sotd very low, if applied for imtiie diaiely. ' ..'' 1 ( .' . II imj ie-roiiine.ttcen biirtie 'll IlK iltiil Ktnnr) in line r.l this onportuiiity to inform hi C"M..terH aru others, that having on Jiaiwl a i'l'l a jraod supply of fiMt quality Step I, he is rpady to f rnisti 'V'li w itli anv kind . flf fir L' in tiiw f i , j v KMVlio'S. which he will warrant in- llrUiir IVv ...... TT I . . I t I'll I. .. . ' cspi aim iUiu wotk, rhrr Tires . t ti,n lr.rtc! r"'''l'e ai,(l ti reasonable ienns for IMII ni om... : i . i - v , ' in aovance. h Jshzabjlh.CUy, 0ct:3. cm wts irginia and North Carolina ALMANACKS:'!" ;c TIIR.YE.1R OF OUR LORD r Sale by ' '! - wzabeth.LHty, Oct. 31. ; 1 msviVs Waiks. auky Camden Iiv . 1 -oivv uz ana ujj j printed, and for sale at - T1US OFFICE. s&f StcitionariL The. Subscriber Has just received and Jfersfr sale the foil omns ar , ticlesy which will be sold , , ; I cheap for cash. . M t 1 r ray' G ramma;. E e rcie. In I roducl ion and ReadVrlil;niiC Dictionary DabclPs, Pike's, and JesseV Arithmetic Cu m miug's: ami Morse's Geography and Atlas Tes- tamentsi liibleH Spelling Dooks.- (opy and Cyphering Book Copy Plates Slates, Pencils, Ink and Quills. An assortment of blank books Cards Pocket Hooks Memoran- t tim (In. VV ritinnr 'jt, I): a' i ""via ('-' uitc uu. Rogprs' Silver steel Penknives Pocket fdo. Razors and Straps Shavinjr boxes Genuine Nn..' Soap Pocket Combs-Tooth Rrusli es LorrilJaidN Macabov Sin,fT Camphor Mace Nutmegs-Cloves Coiir Plaster Shoe Brushes and Blacking. Besides a variety of Fan cy Articles. - - :! :'l ALSO, ! Johnson's Dasrot. PLOUGHS. For tlie vear of our Lord :::F'l:r-I.8 2;'8.v Wm5 T). Gordah,. Agent. Ehzidtefh-Vity, Oct. 21. Vn u "WiiUfev Goods IJ'e have received by the late arrivals jrofil me jjorm a general asFQrtiuent nj . feevsoume Ooods, A MON Gl. TH EM f ARE- 1 PJiie,hlack,.feel u.ixt & drab Cloths, l!e and drab Cassimpies, Plain black and fig ; plain and col'd B uiibazettes , - . Blue and steel inixt satinets (some very fine,) :. .' '. '-' Rose, point and diifflp Blankets, : White, red, green & yellow Flannels, Green Baize, heavy d- Kpsp, WooIpii, uorstcd, cotton and bilk i Hosiery, - . Cotton Camb;icks, jaconett, mull mull and btxk Muslins, 7-8 and 4-4 Irish Linenst, Russia and j Irish Diapers, A greatjvariety of S fine & common ! Pi itits,' .. . ; Black bz. and plain col'd Canton Crapes BtidB '.be., , Sfiperfinp black Nankin Crapes, '' lck s Bombazine, blk silk Hand- kerchief, Yellow; scarlet and flag Silk, ( Bl4ck and col'd Italian Crape, very flue,. '. " Cambriek and futnitnre Dimities, Bleaclv'd, brown, striped and : plaid 'i notnestic, - i 3-4 j and 54 indigo checks, collon Yarn. . :'::i,::v :': H TS-a general assortment of mens' fine- beaver and castor hats, 15 doz. wool do assorted. , S HO KS -ladies fine Morocco li hd prunelle, a large assortment of - j.p groes coarse shoes and booteps nnd women' and boy' calf do and a - - -"f ' r i u i , ; , of ivhich .have been bonjrht on nd- i v ' . , " ... , ' r I vantageous terms and are olleied ftrr to QtiWrw; ! :Wri"ht& Williams. Oc. 24. e.w AVVveatt'T Bhlsand half bids. New wheat family Flour, Bbls. mess and prime Pork, Bhls. Cordial, ; Kegs Atkinson' No.J . .Tobacro, , - ;Aud a few doz. bottles of Congress j VV'ater. Just received and for sale bif i - Elizabeth-City, 'ug. 25. Tf will open to-day a package of l the above article,- among w hich are some of a superior -quality, and will be sold at unusualfv' low -pi ices'. : ; WRIGHT WILLIAMS.. MONEY ! A SMALL ROLL of money wa le'fi in the Store of th'p ber, the ownr can have it by prov ing property and paying for tins ad- . .W WWYiamSf . Elizabeth-City, Jfuvember 7. " ; 1 " 1 4 ; i Attention Cavalry !! :j 'THOSli;' person who have pur their names to the list r,A ll Others deilOU9"nf iioinintr ibr nnn .t O i.vrM-l in itn.A Co'inty, are requested to meet in this town on SrfttirdMt: th. nil, in this town on Saturday the 17th in stant; t s rpHE shop of WILLI AM B. GRK GORY was openetl by some vil lain on Friday night Jftt will a -faUe H Key, ann JtioeteiI ot the tollowing articles, viz : one quarter of beef, salted the same evening, all of his spiiiu, one 2 gallon keg and one 3 pint decan'er cif brantly, one piece of tobacco half box soap, GOO se gars, half grose; pipes, one do. white meta! buttons, 0 targe ginger caket, one box best crackers, one and ball bushel meal, two-! hit ds of a bail el of cider, one blue clth coat, a clothes and shoe brush, one pair, of new calf skin tdioes with a. pair of sttiall silver shoe buckles afteched thereto on' the lining vf one of the quarters was - written the following word tk Wiljiam R. Gfegory's .hoe madp by Joseph Jonsort' Elizabeth City price $2.'"--If' any person should hear of an y f i h e abo v e a H i c 1 e s , ' & ill give tle suflerer 'information. be will take it as a great favor. : It being only eight weeks to a singlp night, since hi house and nearly all i't 'content's was rnnsumed by fire. WUiam A. UYtgoy. Elizabeth- City, Mv. .7. s:Ma& 'On. Saturday, the -S vr.JX. 1 1 1 ei i a r j t a 1 1 on ss-AW. . wlier p ri theiibcr ihe now resides, contaif.ibg one hundred and ten a cies, a ctmsiflerable part Vif 'which K uyder a good sjtafe of cultivation. TIip l)vplling is pciont and com fortable wi'b all tjf cessaiy out hou ses, all f w hich have 'lately under s?at) a thorough rpnir. The situa tion W a very eligible one for the mercantile .business, beinir in the heart of the mot populous part of tne county. At the same time. will be soid"ny life estate in- three other Tracts of. Land ; and also tux croy of Corn; and otherl goottfi ard chat ties. Terms uiade known oo' the day of sale, f T - j Ocovgc AVy 1jo(. .' Tv6rg?in Creek, A'jv. 7. . id. Have received per fcchr. Kit v Flow ' i f S ers, trom Aortoftc. and AJadison7) naige turn). New-York, - P , . , . . ' 0 bhls. prune and cargo P OU -,i r -i 0 d. .family supeitme ai iric, supeihne and tine Flour, - .. ' 12 do. pippin Apples; Sir. WRIGHT & WILLIAMS. EHiubetfy City, Xuv. 7. TWAing l os. A-few pieces for sale bv WRIGHT & WILLIAMS. Elizabeth City y Ocl. U. Hills of. J Aiding ami Shipping 'Jlrt.iclP8.fnr sale at this tfjlifp : Pcrwtual Motion. The ntacbtne i e cetiiltr exhibited in Sptinnfield, by. a w atchmaker, and which was stippmed by many to possess that, fan ifttl power of keeping itself in liroviuu," has co;Le to a standstill. pany of Cavalry about to be formetl3' amp-mud, clay, fern- ur btaks. Stop the Bohhct Winter. The Vermont papers sy thi bentficial purpt)sc, is the arm of th that the snow has already fsilen to the j Agricultural Soc ieties, and the design depth of one fool upon li Wlnte Motin-j their cmLiiiuns and cattle sh4vs ;.(: Laboring Oxen and Horsesi !its5C3d oi I'tutmn untn aiiti horses, whim you -'.use. ficcjuemijr, imo a latt aiurt where il is ditTicutl, to find ihcui, keep thtm in a Mable or jaid, aud mu t:rai for t Jiein and give thtm other rccB stid dry food Keep water aUayi at l;ind. and litter to absorb the manure. Young.iays lucerne is tne bes plant fo fKl hut cabbages, oat, Indian corn, repn or dry hay, &c. may be used. ljurn uTd9.- It is time to begin, on leisure davs, to cart into Tour barn t'ard such substances as serve for manure, , ' . mar,."lud Peat tmts, weeds, stubble, hllich maf bc worth cutting, he; I Hat . i To try the " heat and color of the hay in a stack, thi ust in a scaffold bolt. to t;ive t asy admission to a gunrpt, 1tt ?iimi worm ai inc ena or H, wun which' satnnles may ne dia'wn out,!- ll the stack, ants air, make majiy ol these oles, whtch ill Ke tnt to the heat. , orfcfr.The tops of Iirdiati corn,' cut as rye straw, mixed with, notatoea o meal, is recommended a super ioirjto ve so aw, tisea in the same -manner lot fodder. The roi n stalk contains a ret quantity, of farme substance, and is yerv nutritive. Cut and scahfeii with a litth ran,Vhey ate very good food for milch "rtws. In the corBmoti wav.itbe blades are eaten, and the stacks wasted; but bj adopting, the plan irccoinmcndcd,' tin whole is sa fd, ' '-';'' ;. . Foodfr- Calvessy Heat aa much vja ter as tbe caif will drink: throw in ou or two handsfull of oatmeal when it bloih jnd let it boil 'one minute ; then .suffer y tn coot to the temnerauit e, of new - milk and add one or two pints of skinirntd miiKi An this the ratt-w in rfirte ; anr: !iie milk of the cow will be saved tor tbr Cidcr. Apples should hr thoroughlt tipened, and perfectly dry-wbet garnered Keep them in the cider-House until sii fit iently -mellow to be jrotind. j ijide should alw ays be made in cool weather', the wind blowing ftom the west or nortb; vest. If if.e 'wind blows'from lhe sui'itb. 'he cider is generally hard and unplea sant. Cider should not be pressed oo of the -pomace soner than 10 or 1 . hours after the apples are ground ; am the flavor will be better by thus remain ing. A fter it is pressed out, it shouh be strained 'hro' sand, which' will tak out all the se dfment, and 'thereby jpre tnt it fermer.ting too muc h . Piocurr coarse sand from a . river" or pond, anii put it in a cistern suitable for the pur pose, first placing a laj ex of straw at jjn lottom, to pre ent its wading through Put in water suffix ient to rinse out ah the dust, and lei it run till it comes out lear. Then strain the cjder; and av fast as it riMis through, put ll in .suiiatxU t asks, place it in a light, cool cellatf, and when the fermentatiorli is oer, bung it-tight; and let it remain for' future use-' Improving the breed olCattle. : Our anentiott' has been drawn to this subject, by a gentleman to w hpse liberali ty, real and intelligence, this state is rr!M h indebted. The importance of improving the hrted of cattle and domestic animals, is made abundantly manifest from the fart, that Icastock cattle, to the valuc of 800.0(H) dollars, are veaily brought from the interior of New-Yi k, and sold in this stite, av an avetage . advance of one-third mo- e pri e, than cattii of a similar description from the inte rior of otir own state. The cattle frorh New York are- of better breed than btiTsTTfeejrfeed easier and grow larger ; and as before slated, are cbnsid ered worth One-third more. E ery body know s there is little or no difference in the -trouble andexpenseio? aj.-iiri; rjiej colt mpre than another yet one of a particular make and breed, at a j;irn ate, will be trorth- ten tiines a uitnh as the othrOT e horse wili tia vcl jtb d rtihle the speed, and pet form tvi-e, the labor of another, and with rhorc ease to biniseif. So with V"ned rattle One cow will $ie four times as mnch o.i'k a auotier. and not cost a cent more Jo keep her. Also n.iih pig. Pot two ptjrs of 'different breeds into the same pen, and with the same fod, at a ;i'er time, one !pir .will he .found fwiec the weight of the other ; All Lt his shows the immense itnpjltanre it is to farnters to r r,v-. Tf it, Ki-t Trwt. i'.Th tirimfit- Indian V okh 5iK r I i,ae tnVc: u. lit jiui, aii'.w nve lusajj that, loiiiiii i ii sow n btoad. st foi fcKldrr 1s,a ery valuable and teitaih citm : cf tbis; the' expcrieiK e of iw&dtssimitar eatis t a o.unt(l nc fn Ibe extreme tiimYl!.t .1 the last ear and the abundant tf.Vis. ture of the. present, the rob has if s . . . ' . .. - - . - i . HciKi aiiu Kencroiistr rontpei.Mttd !'.r t he labor and e x pe ne best on ed on" it Thtce quarters of an acre i ordinary iaud, wih a lih diesVmg cf naTtui ef' li um one atd a hall bushel ol hctdi pro duced me two tom hy estination) of ex cellent toddcr. V rib skilftil mai-ayi ment?, I have tn doubt the prMhkt mig te dounlfcd. jVJ England J-'aruwr. I iitijriial I hipi4yefnchf; From the Raleigh Register. CARL ION-NO V. , The town of Newberri has bern pro- post d as a stalling point (or a Hipoid directly to the i itv it Raltiyh. VaiiJ reasons are tufbfe shown for such a liicla- v; Mire. A wise people will proceed to ait upon a plan, cniy when it is shown atisfattoiiiy that the pibiic ncliaie wU be tte consequent e. " f - New beru is atnons such of our (u h as are best situated. .for rem men e by M!aV It is certainly plat ed iti our lowtr n,un try between the northern and v ai.ufberri limits of that part of our state. Its up poriunhies at the present time are to be very d iff rtenily estimated fit.m what tht y .nce wete, connected as it rKjw is b) jlra; tluilow Canal with lieatdoit, the best seaport of Ure Mate. Were -Oi ra oi ko be only outlet of ii.mmerie fnilli Ntw bern, little could be hoped from tt.l Fiotn the re pons of Fulton our late Eo ;iueer,"the depth of water fcr Is ; passin-; ttirougli the inlet up to N wbt ill is at the utmost but eihi or nine feet.! - beiiulet itself, oaaj-.ovt be aiWals in tront of it, is not favorable lor entiatH e Ii o m the sea. T fir u i h O i r ac nc k e w ilt rohably be always i used hy .asithg v s iels, were this our nly prospect wei ;. snould have Tittle reason to hr pe that Washington, Edenu.n Plymrruth, Nr w- . be i n, 0 nd ot her tow ns rotn id A lbe na 1 o und Pa mtico sounds could ever become -f much consequence 'in' .'a foreign ti a.de. . 1 1 is the prospect from New bet n to Heau lott, that attracts and fixes 1 he choice op n the forner of these pb es as the point from vhich it is expidit tit to com mence a Railroad direct Jyfor tlie cajpitol 5c then to proceed westward thrcuub the middle of the state, Till it reaches tho mountaiiis, 'v It ntight well appear remarkable f!.at Nrth Carolina should have atna)s c it .idered her condition so desperate as sne has eer deeped it, while stich a hatbor as Beaufort was upon tier coast. - Lef u -advert to the words of the Engineer,, aiuj would that they: might f. revtr returrup n txur ear w ith their re-atV:niat int sounds. In regard to the Harlow Canal he says, " I am f opinion that the tent fits reHjit jng from the opening of so important z s mmunication.with one of. the bvn. in lets on the coast, will much more compensate for the amotinrof the-est f- ... mate. A very great Bermuda and Not h ern trade is carried on at New bern, which must" without the Canal?" pass flnotjgh the Ocracoke Inlet. Vessels drawim a moderate quantity of water can take in only a partial loadings nntii ther get over the Swashes: they then complete their atgo fiom lighters. The pas-ajre for fnrhters from New bern. to the Swashes, is long, and sometimes dangerous ? he anchorage for the shipping is by no n ean a safe one. The -Clubfoot Creek emp ties itself info the. Neuse before that jik v-er is of sufKcicnt extent to cause any risk from, the conveyance by lighters" 77 i r water on the Bar and in the barber . 'if Brdufrrt "i f a tujftthnt drprh to al low of vetirls front' tw hundrtd to three hundred tons burthen entering. The: unchoregej ufc by being well land lock' ed." . . ' . t : . ' . It is the last statemeof whkh desere our mtiN! attentite consideration. The hatbor and the depth of water 'at Beau-fort-givirg eritranVe apd rcm t et.stl , high in fi eight' as Soa tons, jti g ether with the Harlow Canal, throw open prts peers of hd. finite prosperity t'tithe stats by hs rcnimerc ial opporiruiities. Ttle subject is wot thy of atTaching upoii it our faithful examination in all itcliverr tty of refer rn e, aid its' future cruse-" nurncrs. The fsanntl and harNirlat BeauloM are not liable to change by ibe nurtuati(ns common upon other part of WimbTeN map rxhihitf it asa sh'rp chan- -ml in 1738, and Lawstn tats Vns clrpth ! or wateri s:iii farther bark in 17 IS pic- cisely tl c sauic as it is at the prt iCLt ''...-SI-