i t T.Eli JUS. EC?5 -Vo paper rfisamfinwd'iftl 'direc ;.- j ' s tions to that , ejfecl are ' given,' and ar- rearages paid, 6ut at option " te :J" Editor! ' ' , pCJ't Advertisements of no more length ; wan -breadth, neartj inserted iViree . j ' limes J or a "dollar, and twenty-five cents for . eacft continuance danger icne$jn -.the-tame proportion Jy " UCIF0 Advertisements will be continued , unfiZ forbid and charged accordingly; ; unfm tfflertntse marktdjry the writers. JVo advertisement will be inserted for less r than one dollar. "' CT Persons at a distance must accom- ; - pani fietr advertisements mth the mo- v new,, or ilftcy tfltu not 6c inserted. : Zj.Ltters addressed to the .Editor 1 , iijimst bel postpaid, or - tliey will not be Till IE subscriber inf.n-VhW his ft tends an(1 the public it general, that he t liasiafcen chaige of that well known IiiMi.se of PiiieilainnTent, former ly oc v cimied by NViUie Jones, at the cilv , of RIeiirh. neAr ihf f-mlf..! .. . hi ; J;ble will be, furnished wilh the y -best the country and teaon affords : hi v beds in fine order, and his rooms . iimi. ; mi MclUIC, a a- . r' - win he well iupphed 4vnh good pro- vpfider, attended by carer.!, ostters, house with g-od servant s. V He will provide sheds iir.der which . to shelter Carnage, ; G.. &c rienopesihat wiihall ihee comforts. Ann hia ami m v. . ; a - i v. . : Vle g'esl, to-rmerit and Ve- to cive a share of public: patronage. ;.He;aUu hopes thai ihe mei.bers J of the General Aeniblv will ' "cal! t.u film, a his charges w ill he iitoderate and his accuinuiodatidVe ro,,d 1 : Hob evi" ! er vy. - The subcrihers having a-suciated . themselves together finder Ihe fif m of v 5: Beg leave to iff m ihejrjfriehds arid the fniblio that ihev have inst receiv- C. T r . - -t J c:u i.imm rew lor.K per chr. Uose. i!, f Bloom, and are mw Vpeiifng a gen x s - . - eral asonnVett ,,f , . GiQceries and Hardware ; . .. n assortment of , . -. OU, Glass and Paints, Which i hey oflr fir sale low lor Cash or country prndiVce. - " Charles Harrell ,, f J M. Forbes. v -r y. JUiznbeta-i.tty-Jftv. 4. THE SUBMlClBER . .iTj MHIiACES this'opporuinii v to re .'JV.li,Vl l',s l,iantsclo.biw friends: and tHep.ibnc for the ehcoirageinerit he . , a,r ece i ved, a n d r e pec fu I ly i nf5rm s .'the in that he still jcontinues to, carry -Tailoring BuVness at the rld Kiand opposiie ihe store of t (Mr, Hezekiah Lockwood, where he Avill be happy to receive and execute jr all orders in his linWH-.Hciias had - long experience " in the ;businesl if ' the city of New York anlts VicJhi ; ?y, w hich he -flatters i tiirrisetf wilt en - able him tove'entireMiUYariionl ; Caletiieiinet. v' . Elizabeth-City, August 5. 7 . r CO TTOXST ARN, m:: ' Manifaciured by Ross Scott,. tsle.hj Vight 'CwntyZj?a. - -L'1 quality for sale on liberal terms, bv James .u. Thorbum, yjgent jar the f actory. October 14' JUanlcs' executed of this QJjice State 65 -Vovtli Cavullna, " CurritucK Countyj Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Jyovember lenn, 1829.- Smith Cox 9 ' '. : , Original attach- mew, levied on the Untls and . t nt nicnts William Foster VVm. Thomson William Foster. Ijimotlcd un the .east by the latidsof haiu'i William Ball ' V8 ' - j William Foster. O'Neal, north and w est by the lands of M. Simmons N vs. William r oster, Simmot O'Neal VS. j William Foster. J Caleb Walker, and on Uie south by the lands o Giiffin Puy -ncr.' Le ied Sep tember 1st. 1829. It appearing To the satisfaction of the Court that William Foster k not, an inhabitant of this State, or so ab sents himselfjthai process of law canV ot be served upon hi in, It is ordei ed, 'hat p b j ica t j on be made in the Elizabeth-City Star for six weeks, that unless he appears at the next Coun ty Court of Ijleas .and Quaf ter -Sessions to be lipid for ihe Count v of I urntiick, at the lVurtlfoi!e in in to Coriiuick, on the last Moi.dav Februaty- next, then and theie plead, aiwer or' demur ty mitl, at tachments, they will be taken pro conievso ano; adiMdsred ac.coifhi.ir v -. "lif ers, &pmce Hdlly Cleik of ui said Court atuiffice, in ( nrrituck, the last .Monday in Noveiiibei, and 54ih year oi Aiiieiicaii independence, u- no Domini 1829. . I SPENCE HALL, Clk December 12, 1829. pt ice adv. ,5 Ciirrittick Cotuty : 1 Court ff Vlets and Quaper Sessions. . j j Vovember Term, 1829. ; Dempsey Gregory V A. u u Uvied on the land of fmv fVilkins. bounded on the east by the landsofdn nis flutchens. north bit the main road ana west by the land of nm. Gregory?' t spearing i, ihe 'Vajisfaciirn ol the Court i hat hey fVilkins is not an inhabitant of't his Slate, or that lie so absconds thai prce.s of law cannoi be served upon him. It is tlierefcre or, eraVtKal publication be made in ihe EjiiAaurMi-vyny isiar lor six weeks, that unless he appears at ihe nex' County Court of Pleas and Q.Vanei Sessions, at our nexi Court lobe held fbrjhe County of 6urriinckt at tle ourt-tjonse in Currituck, on the 'as! oionday in Februarv next, then and there to plead, answer or demui o said attachment, it will be taken pro confeso and adjudged accord ingly: .-,: -j'i,"-' : .' ; ''JvN Witness Spence Hall, Clerk of our said Coun.at office'in Cnrritiick. the ast monday in November, and 54th ear oj American independence1 An no Dom. 1829. , .-: ? PENCE II ALL. ClL JDecember 12, 1829. Pi ice 4.,-' 3AU,01 OTICI. (OM MITTED to the Jail ,f Faa quotank e"in'iv,i on' ihe 16th f November, 1829, a negro n, an who calls his name Jim Ouiland, and sav ne. oeiorig la .jfi.r., J)ai tha Heri ing, of Norlhampion connly. .Said negro is about 25 years old. thick ui i..t well . made, about 5 feei 6 or 8 inche ngh4 quite dark, atid ha -4 a tan of his le,ft thumb; the nail of which grows over the end. The owir i hereby'.Vequesled to come forward, prove hisVropeity, pay charges ard take Uim aw ay, or he will be dealt wnu as me taw airects. : - JOSHUA At POOL, Sheriff. Elizabeth City, Jan. 9, 1830. . fcTTbe editor of tne Kalei'eh Star K requested . to -insert' the 1 aboe three months, and forward! his! account to the subscriber or to this offire for payment. " A few Barrels, for ale'by I ' Uenmming in the Post (Jflice. at Klizn- beth city, Jan. 1st l&JO, which uill ce jorwarded to the. General Post'Of Jioey on lUe first i of jjpril next, if not taken' out otjore luit tune- - '- - 1 .... 1 1. .. P.. I .. - ivt. r . . - .'mu.mbii uavci,jmi, il.DUll, jno. t . iJlatchloid, James Bryam Sr. Ed ward Ungg-, Joo.' C. BfeechejMis. Ann Colman, Capt.'-Jarties Crocker. jr. J tios. Cart wrtghlj Capt. Silvester ( base, Jame Davis, VV. f . )aVjs A l apn beo. Doal,- Eastern Lodge jNo. 89 2, Alexander C. Easton, Hen ry J. fc.rans, Jn.. C. Ktiringhaos 2. U m. KilZgeiell, James Fuller, Jesse f isher, 1 bus. W Gillet, Saint. Ge- I -m '' ..." . roiK, jr. oapr. Uobin-on Itatch 2 ii i . .-' - iJrs. Kebeeca Udiirey, Samuel llal- steacl, I apt..Vlby Uaniey, Mis. Mar Ida Hawes, Capt. LVni. Jackson 4 James Jackson, VVm. Jennings. Wd; son K. Jiickson, Ambose Knoxi Na thaniel K. ighi, J.,1,,1 Keel. David II. ""M""l M- . IjrtHftlirf J5 III Ii u r t in l I I 1..... . 7k t Mes-eigei 3, Heirneih rLod, Ni- i nan ei Mom e, M i El za A nu c Kea, John Nixon, W ni. Nicholas, Ala '" rowell, Ivi Keed, Capf. 0-i. oears- i aiebr &nnfs)n, Shei iff Pas q ioiai'k, lniel pet.ce, Jn,.M kinner. Malacln Se vills, Muiy Am Syfax; Joo.: M Saoderlin, Darnel SteiMiifi, Daid. Spciice, Naru oel- W - mm,.. . man. juo. W. auls, Ucnrv Taylor. ixom li i.eblood, VV i,sf, Tf oeblood, ushii g Vmal, Jiimes V illiams, Mis. Uebecca addell. Elizabeth City, Jan . 9. 1 viiiue ot a Warrant Irom the - Pi easuiy Depart ment of the Unii d States, notice, in hereby given that wl.otl . ...... ....4 . ' 1": It' i-I . Jn.Mi i ii i.ri u iu km jor casn on Friday ihe 22 nd day of January next. t e t:e i uurl-llonse - door in E- lizleih ( it V. the f.dlowing g property rfsa Roirnsnru Eq. to wil : ianunai itoiei, now oc cupied by Ja-. S. LVlfe. E-o. Also, that large and commodi ous Dt-vellii g situated on the sou i I. side fvMansard's creek occupied l tli R.i- I n ii .i v ii- ' . a. u. d'iaiuii ; ue uweiiii-j: occupied by A illtam Hogersoli, (he large Barn and biable adjoining; the C'ustout House, the Warehouse and VV harf ?djoinjng." ' . '' All that tract. of Land and buil dings riiereoji lying i.r, the south side of Mansard's creek fiom Road-stfeet to l lie Water. Also, the Land on which stands Vhe houe of Cl. Daniel RogerronJ eniuled to a ground rent of twentv i it & w ' . x . . .... noiiaix per annum. Also, about 30 acres of Land near the Meilmdist Ciiurch. 1 The : Store built by Selby Patrick on land wned by Mi Butler. A small Store opposite. Mathetv , CluffV and occupied by AaMcCJoy. . - oixty acres ot land in -Perqui nians'Connty lying :on ;Ross road. and one ImiKlied acres in said coun ty ailjoining the lands of Zadock Ofi ly and others. . ' U iAlsov the two story brick buil- ding occupied by . Jo8. II. Fotil and i. Kinney, requires. - , . - . Also, a tract of Land near the n.HtiL i f I :'t f r 4 i i . t nwuutii unuri. pjyiyiuu uvcr uy rates, mouth td Lmfe ; River knownhy theLnd ibtJ?ed n rtVpert, loie oi me v momilis,-contaminK about one hundred and nfir acres. ; . d tiliy acres. . RL,', Marshal, Y,Dtp.JYlart deverly; DA NT El By UAL GREGORY Elizabeth-Citi), Jan. 2. : . i ' ' i . itv renectrullV offers I ii T"'"". v' rom one worK- ny, repet.iiuiiy ; oners . ntsjiuv nariv. or one nxrr in nf,)U( pro esfr,onal services to the mhab,- t Hilt? lit Hn4.niirttnr.lr ar'H I halnrltnnam I - - n - -. - - . j . i V, , -: m u oiv vjoi. ii i j "is profession,-.' he nones to receive a share of public patronage. . - 1 ne may oe found at t he i at ion a I Ho- I tau..iies, in tne various Drancbes ot oecause, aitnongtj apparently tnHta.thev K'that, wjienever l order a thine to bo -the piactice of Medicines Cy,asi- Irye far otherwise in the result. , . ) doWe, it must be.doner.or alWason given dully : and unremuting atlention to T?e$ i ray people, may, he at at thViime; br as soon as the'imnra. u.i iiti. til hi oi ennn rnrntcriv nnfnrieri I l V.r " vr -:v manager, who attends to my interest, by I, l lore. as a dry goods st.ore.1 regards his own, character, and who. v,mv,iAW,.vm UHV f&lr retlectini?..must he "cnnvtnrrrl. that Washington's Agricultural Notes. . Mniu,i,.fc4at.un.R uumus Pu,tl. aocaitioti: aid.du.ut,iti t4ticli -'Wao'hiiig m a .engaged lor a large uoi liou large oot iiou ot his hie, it is known, that lo no one oujc i -did ne give smj much, ol ins tunc anu ao itntioii jis to AgrKulture. .The btuuen cy and niinuteness ol nis dneuionV iu his inaiiacrs on una bead, and lire unceaspig orrcspoiKunce w tilth he ..kept unduuiik! his absence bom Mount Veinon, art, truly astonishing, wnen it is tonsidertd in what impottairt and absorbing inie rests in mind v as. ;i pclually occoitd. - V t Have selected a few pauitulais fiom his tnanustupt papeis, whiib, at the saiu time they iliustrate nisaiic ulturai "-habits; j may in part serve as practical hints, oi salutary maxims, to tainicts in general. I tinier. Mmbnuc Dirtc lions to the. Manager Xf his -Farm A system c osely pursued, ahhouh it may not in alt its pans be the best that v ouid te devised, is attended with innti a.erable adantaes. The conductor oi the busuu ss, in this case, can never bi uixler any dileniioa in his proceedings.-; 1 ne overseers, and even the laborers. know w hat is to be donet and ;w bat they Hie t apable of doing,' in oidinaiy seasons. I he toicc to be employed may be in two piopoi lion totbe work whn h is to bfc t'cuof ujcu, anu a,icasonaiie ana tolerant) . . . .. . j . .t . : r s -i - .i J atcurate estin aie ir av" be madt ot the irodu.rt. But when no plan is' fixed. hehdireiiions fljow ffom day to-day, the oiisiuess pe omtsamejet haos,fiiqiieriiiv mtiing, and sometimes at a stand, fm want of knowing wiiat to do. or the man .-vi uyii ii. j i iMis is oci asioiieo r waste olMiiue, which is of more impor- ranee than is ueiieraiiv lmavuit-d. Nothing can so effrt tually. obviate the eu, as an., established syttmy inatU known toe air w nM are clot's it, that ai; may be enabled theieby to d their pans o advantage. I his gies tase Ur in. ptint ipat ondtn ton of the; business, ano 's mot e sat isfartoi y to the pet sons w t tmmediately overlook it, leas haras'si to the laborers, as well as moie tentfii;ia to the emplu)er. J, .. t Ur.der this view of the ,su' ject, the t'lio-idi scon ciwniui.ydu ran rei-oei ie, is to txp.am to the overseers (who til be tumished with duplicates) ;tbt plan, in an its parts, w'.n h is 'hercafmt t idiicu , 10 near; inrir laeas with rtstin o ihe older in which the ..'different sbr; f woik therein pointed out shall socctt i .a h othe.-,: for the purpose of r any in. ; on to tne ik best advantage ; to cort e ny erroneous projer ta they may tedi : .std to adopt ; and then to see that ihev dtiere strictly to whatever 1 may be re- si.led on, and that they are alwavs (ex : ept when otherwise permitted) on then nojs, anu wim incir ueoDie. l ne wo. k. inder such1 rircumstances; will it, oi 1..IUIHMIJ enu, : mat inc &or K nay nc e!l ftd,i.liiured, and taken care ofav . dintf to'the ditectionsjt will be hecev s.lrv lk iiitt:r-t iho -..n....i ..r . ... 1 - - ... ., iuiiviuvi. HIV UCiJ seeis in this particular, and those als vhose immediate business it is to' attend upon them, with a atc Ufui eye : th.ei- Hise,; and "geiieiaily in ' severe ieat he .t hen attention and care are most needed, U.eV will be most npirtpruH s ; JLcbhomy in all thihes is as commenda- ile in the nr-aiiater. as it U Hn o. -l 9ni dtsirable; to i the employer j" and,; on a larm, it shows itself in nothing more ev- irlunlln . .' ... ..... . . " it. . f suffering the provender; to be wasted. i-vmi,ui muir cssciuiaiiv, man in not wit i i luuttai v. in laKiiif rare. in every atom, of it be, used to the -best ad, j vaniaire : and. ltkewip. m not nprmmin. , r the ploughs; barness, and ot.her imple"- o . , , IIVi wv - itiiiK mems ot husbandry, and the gears belong ing to (hem, to be 'unnecessarily ex posed, t()od U rhriiMt from ..,.;n t l Jmnin ai .if 't : t -i yi: I ?'v'yiK j v ;.o minmie'"t)f a 'farm, than strikes people at fiist vier j and Examining the faun- yards, ft nces,k and looking into the fields h 6tc lnat nothing is; there but what is . II.. J ' 1 J-' - 'f - - . aiiDwrn in mirp. it rtitonitmua ihi . v, .. ,..,..ft.,..a n i o . j -.. 7--- , i viiuiiivn 1 have mentionecUtbese thinnot, onlv Urvu.a iku. U..1 I . . .. .- yiB-ny.,u 'i' ""- wiiuMctr io. me, nut i : 4,3 l .gi, worK im K I rtarJt' fe ?,llKcnt h,,e !he arf ' . t i--7--rv :."vt.uav .... r.r...7 ,..wol iiiikc - everj I inr I on I lost j labor h never to be tegained.llifepre unj)tion is, that every vlaborir dots aa muchA hi twenty-lour, ,bouis,v a&- his Mrenglh, without endaiigering hishealtrl oi constitution, will allow. ButYtt)erc ia inuth more in whkt is calfedlitad worki' thai is, in the manner of l ondiu ting husi ' H'an is generally, imagined. For take two managers, and give to earb thb: same number ol lahoiers, and "lit the . ahorei be equal mahrt fcpecls. Let both tlvese . managers rise-;, equally aiiy, go equally late to rest, bt tqiiafiy actiej jvw' C 1UUU3II tuna, anu yet, in lllo couise of the year, one ofVihtm, withaut pushing the hands under hinV irioJe than the other, shall "have ei formed, mfiiiiiely more woikv To whaCisihts oWhrg ? " ' . 1 Jfi- X't ' IV 11V. . Llfl.lt- In .N I'.m? , i ...-..j wy,i i..ui.b1.l(9UII 1,1 ( Itont that lol elhoni'ht -. sir1 arMeaVnoi,! WriucJi will guaid aRajiibtgihe ii.Uapplica- I Kin of laKix H l.ninf it . .. i. r I upioug lung, tor ; iiistar it t KoiiuK ,i hel h' id hrbt itneded for it, or in which the rv . actuauy nave netn at work. sJiou ld, ii cm its stUition, btj rt ndf red ; eel, and .other spois,: feyeir tlfou'gh t'healti v'i uiiivi au9r i lour ntii k tor them rnay not: be 8'i Ui gentle aft,be) pl'pwgbc'd, ibis busiiiess fought to gtfXmi - bet arise the' a nv U. : an u uh resnect to Other ihiitti and particuiarly leaning, where nothing is more coni iiion, , than, , when it ads ate -. . . . i . .1 .i . - . " . mmviaiiu inii3iiiur uruiiun liom it, though not equally . necessary at ttc same hiomtut, o n.ake to tiin hen ' one ni. Id -i-f r IMct !.... ; v - . nvo 'lulling . are only , mentiontn to show , thai ihe manager,? who takes tornptthetibive v icw of his business,' wiil throw no iabof away. . -; . ... . For t hese reasons it is. t hat 1 h flea uni red toivea jene;ral icw of nsy ; jiiaijs, asr;to .the . business j he yeat , i hat ' iC concerns ot t he, te ei alv planratioM Oiav lrt on without atinOr niir.n ltlv t ... . ' , . :.! ..,;. .. I . - ."t, . rders unless it he m pai'tit tilaf cases, or A here these directions are not clearly un-, " "i stooo. - i- :- r - It bferomes'theiindispensahle rjuty of tim, who is entrloy t d to overlook aiid nduct the opet auons of a farhv to tike a piospcctive aod comprehensive view of tae whole busimss, vvnu h h laid ltf( re l.tm t hni I. .. I -. i .: r i ", " v ""ii.'7 !cciji pans, inereoi n ay Ort ot work, mav Inlliiw ar.niKpc cr'. ; ii, .' .... . . . " I1I .iVm.!:. Bur rufLi....' . '...!. ft. . I . ' ... v f .,. vc.-iiv.i.,. anu WMUIIUI DS5 OI tannr pr oi time ; tor u thing is a greater vaste ot the latter, and onseouentlv of -he termer,' (tiwejjxroducinK labor, and tjinor . money,) ; than shil'intr from- soti 3ing to another before itSs finir dk a It! chance or : the impulse of t,lie mor'jpnt ' : . juogment ami teresight, dtrtcJed he" . l"k - jk . It ..lli 1. I.. 1.1 -.1.1 'i. . vw3u i . - ii iii oi- at mhih it net o. mar - tat her and othet t itcuntstahf es'rnav at . ' . - C. . . 1 U - O. - I II! If" iinifS Ifilf-I I II T-.t a' lfli 91 rni.rti. rf redinkS, but vf a plan is Well diii sted torehanrt.' t p i-aisnt: in.rf. ji -ia.;.. hiih a nianilw ivo nature tif 'the tisiress, andjhelctpps he ? j-v.il attend omxh. :;-feJ:- h'i Evety at lenti veand- disc Vrn t tig person. v bo has: the w holn. busioesM of the s vear : aid .be lure, him, erid js a quaintedfwiih) 1 tne iiiitiiir in nil- wfii'E . rsn rw ni.rwi i.oa o lav. it out to 8n?antawpr- -'11V will kiM,i , '-,t. 'J - 17;-. rfr i r rtiQ nt Tii irn& m 1 i K L t. Accomplished jrrw1rasVeWairartmi i tMot rs;, mat ; pt :.gi ; sntnrper ana autumn bnlv are I fit' forr in j word: n .uv4inc c wan .aying mat " mere, ia a time and a season foralli tlwng.s" and" lhat unless they are endraed-hothjpc; v 11' I 1 1 ih.ma w .1. I -f .t't ' ... iiunv ,wt . nil MIMIUHII., J ir.J O are manv sni in of in ran pvprnfp m i n well a irt sunshine and if lhey -aVe set - jlimt oitr .. -.u yl..i' .fiTii - "'ui it un v.tnur i . i iniirss -1 1 irr rf i n a . necessity tor H,y ttiere will bertr thim to .; "Vi" iwui.nttfuio : jme ironjc mereiore must, be idle.. The man f.prudenre and foresurhr .' ni I ,a wavi . kfi n , ihi . hings in yifitvi ard order, his wot k accord- ;'i. 'r.'.' '.a- r.- . :ii--- -f.: : : w as wnci no w aste oi lime or .idleness. .These sameohservaiionsapplf with equaf mrce to frozen ground, and to ground-tV wet. to wotk in, or whkri if worked Vi) I be ifumd thirebv: i-i . . ... . . ... i " - -'. . ; i ncac oosrrvaiions rrvipnr ne. nim ma . r i . - , ... - .. 1 ... . ' .... .... . i ni in Milk nujustrv, and proper attt-ntion, -jU pro. U. .: .Ll j . , . .-.V... I Therels thing-, how everi cannot I - . . . ,".,.' , v"f Jfc uulc :i oc r:oii i nni i ri npniiinfi .1. (orheaf to add.-and' bHitr jsdiscovered, :wby ir Tfannrit do?c, which. will "produce. countermand w.,viii. :,. uu;i ,imn ior" tne person iccjciTing ine'rornee. -To. suspend, or fns- hnaii nitli li. ..! . t. - ' 1 rwV'"' no vcMui(i,-arin utter h nas bfeen supposed to? baye cone into effert. to, be told, that cothing , ha been- done in. In tlrunn ;4rmt t : hmY-