.lurtk , rCoraicr AS, IGoO. 7 Vd. 4J. rv c, - J - crl- iscmcnts ulil - continued KzUfcrlidyCi I charged accordingly, v. less otherwise r;. triced bu the teriUrs. tto edeertisement vl . t inserted for less inan cne dollar. ' rCJ Persons at a t 'nrittmwt accom PJ their adverti.nh with the, mo . r.f y, CP tkvimll not be inserted. , DCT0 Inters addressed . (o'i Editor . rtsi Oc postpaid, or they uill not b lifted, ? - . .... f . ! . .HOTEL; "Cituate on the Virginia andXorthCar- oiaa iiue. 1 r; .rTMlE subscriber, respectfully in- - lorms .tii triend and the public ;in general that fie ha tented the a- 'bove establishment 'which is now o "pen for their accommodation. The 'bar will be furnished with the el r.csi wines andj liquor of every de- (v'M"11"1 '" mt tame Mjppnea hh '.it fi. .Hi: :.' .t i v r n. "li- Htm IU ir MIC 4(HilMK iliHrkfl , affords, . . Pleasure parties of every -uesctiptioti will be freely accomiuo -dated. . - 7 A the subscriber will ppare no p.iin M make ihiit esrablMbmettt e. q lat iri repectabiMy and con. fort to 'V obfir of ihe kind in the Umted . ,e rtpe by ihe ipot cijlijrent pi.tetitiotrMj, business to merit a share tef public patroi. Sev ... v ... 4 rr . ; DanielRogerson. September 4. ' ' 1 ' Jm. , tr7The editnr of the -Norfolk tleald ill insert he .above twice ii week fof C week and foiivard his Bcoounf In the Sar offirel - ' TnilE 3'bcriber haviucr formed a ri ..copartnership under-ie Cun of iic jini rcceivfo irnm lew lorc d are now, .opening', at "the store recently occupied bv Knox & Roirer. selected with great care and attention ftnd well adapted to the season and Riftrk'pt, which thev are determined , to dijoe of bn moderate terms for au r pronoce. . : , . ; v f ( n v i t i t? flPMR Tratees of the I.WoodvilTe J- Acadefnj? rebectf'tlly inform the public 'generally, thai the Academy U now oper fur the reception of pn pU cf both' ee, here, i ill ; be taught Jhe different blanche , of the Enlih LanguRge, together with ; lhoe ; of the Lai in 5panUb and French Language. , , ; . Pot further particular repecting the school and term f tuition, ap ply to P. B. BUADY, Veacher. N. B. ' good accommodation 'for thojse ho wih to hoaid can be had convenient to the cbool, on mode Ate term. -.... lVodtilh Perquimans Co. JV..C. Oct. SO. Lu 1 BONNETS. OXE CASH OF BOMYETS, , Am one' winch are a few I l' ! " Jl nete and JaihionabU artich : ' . tf very, fine quality f - r ; IJ. fl. L T. P. WILLIAMS. . the back of b pence. II. Gu.ij's oilier attachment, ta the iami , of Johiw W Uubj ad) -ininjj the land of Joshua tiarribun ei. at. and alt his moveable pro perty as per, schedule pn former atucb orient. . , .. .... . - - - . - It appearing to the atifaction of the lourt, that the defendant in this case, i not an inhabitant f this stale. it 14 ordered, that publication bejnade in ihe Eiizabeih-City ar for nix veeK, ttiai unles.- the fleteridnt ap pear, at ihe next Court of Plead. '.auc Quarter bes-iion to be held for ihe (ounty of Currituck at the Court Houe in Currituck on the last Mon day in November nex;then and thete to plead answer or demur to said at fachmenl, judgment will be taken pro cotifesKo and, the cause set for hearing, exparie. v Uimes Xpence. flail, clerk oour awl lourt at otliee in C.MrritueU. the lam Monday in Ane. A. D. 1830. ant . T- ooinyear ot Auteriean I nf pendence. opcnceilalL c. c:c. Stpt. SO. l 6. lt ice adv. .$ t 37 i. Currittic-K County : . Court cf Pleas and Quarter Sessions. August Tcrm 180. . . Spence II Giegorj"- ' ' . ' ! Oncinal Attich Samuer'Jarvii and f mem. Kit hard Jartis. ' J - , - . Leitd nnzthe'.24th n!l tne ta!l tbf tands olamM Jaris and hard Jar tv. aKo, on th'cci negroes - Iaj;e ami Alfred the proptity of Bichatd Jrvis.and Sintl he property ot Mnrl Jaris; also, on ne horse aud intjic uitr proueuy of 'Samuel Jaris, , It appearing to the. satisfaction of me tourt tliat the rietendant tn this cae are not inhabitants of ihi State, or that thej so absent thermelve that leiral troce"eanno. 'be served unoi ttiem', Tl it ordered, that publication uc umiic 1 1 r , m a nffKS ill tne IMiZa- belh City . Star, that unless the'de fendants; appear at the next Court of Plea and. Q uarter Session, to -..be held for, Currituck - Count? at the Court House therein on the last Mon- day in Noyembei next, then' and there to plead, answer or demur, judgment Uviil be taken nro eonfpmo nnd the caue set for hearing exparVi.- 5 1 i Himes Spence Hall. elk. of our aid Court at ? office, Currittick. the at Mondav in Ausrost. A. D. 1830: and 55th jear of Americao Independ ence.i s. :.. k -v, . Spcpce Hall, c. c, c. SO 16 Ptice siU.'sl 37 It E M OVA L . The subscriber ' havinir reinofed Tom Jiis old standj'tb his . 1 r; JNEW STOKE, at the south end of the totvn, opposite Vm.. Moore's store, beg- leaveto in form lib friends and the public een erally, that he has just returned front iew-iorK; Willi a General assortment of Goods adapted to -tbi 'market, whicfr he ..til Ln .. .. 1 I. . I. !- . . i i win sen ai:."wuoieaie or reiau at as ow prices as they can be bought at any other store in town, and on as Elizabeth-City,' pct.'2.' L 'L Sr Hogshead jut received :per Jchr. William Frederick, from Martinique, ana lor aie Dy ; - i Miles White. .Elizabeth Cily,Sth mo. Mlh. , t ;yJpI:pmNTING,"; Of various Jiinds,, executed with .neatness-and .despatch at 1"hn?p wliljavr n jolly invrii. j' ci. eh"ier,' Lit - f,ni:i LllM'IV than Tiie jj-.-.-v 'ffviii lli.ru J a i 1 . gree i'l "labor tnurh jMrfion tivAw would eem to be re i ----- jf i,j v. t-!P:llPt t r. . , quired by the meie dittetence of ize. I lie Ciue. it;i tnoiight, lie altogeth er in t tie difference of management. A 1rnter immoderate cncum!nnce, .with 50 or GO "'acre of land, for in-' stance, tvill bri'.'g every inch f it in to a htgh Mac of cuhirtttfofl .-the la bor 'employed "in pieparir'ig hi ground wil be. more than doubly rout pe h sa t edf i n h i s u b -e q u e n t ! e x -enrpiion ftbm toil ;'Vhite the owner of a wide -pread territory 'of three or fourhundretl acre. whrchhe has but sparingly -supplied with ttourish ment, mut no-k hkIm Sedulous!) upon every acre durn.u the, pri't i es of vejretaiioni;ani after 'all' ten p. but a meagre and irtadecpaieiaivpHi.-. A h ing!e acre of Jat.d highly culii vaied,' can be made to yild a crip equal to three or four ftrt ?tfar.ttlv prepared,' it tniist be ohtfiou. tha't the extra laborin dressing lir former i abundantly more tbati-ssavetl by the diminished 1 1 bor i n a 1 1 e roli n tr 1 1 " A Hti iking eseiiiplincalion of ibis fact may De viewed by any of our farm." ers, who latce the trniihl- ir the eroufida attached to il. 1ltk f Industry ti; South Boston theic, they'. way -hive1' the theory and ifje il JuMiation dttectly before their eyes. Those eriound it i 'said.- hav tm duced thi eaon from three to foiir tons' of hay pel- acre xvK U three or lour times Ihe quantity cf ordina- ry crops. ' -so exuberant! was the ijras', thstMhere aclually wa not room,5 upon Ihe'urface .there it gewr, (ttthirierrt for tfie purpose of " hay. Arid thi1 ivat en tirely bwiiiff, a we are told to the previous 'psiiis - taken to enr irti th soil bv plentiful additions irjf iuita- ble ompot. m - . ' ' - U're the tune noiicr nursued b the owners' of lare firmi,- then vyouiu oe nine need oi eaMetafion front rhe NetvRrierlsnd to tfie Wp. tern SlaVe.,'for;the ''very'Trac a w hich "iff,' iinuer a Careless syttetrj of c til tiire barely affTi.rd s'uMenaiike for single fa m i ly ; tiiieht be in a'de' port three or!foiirand that too. . . . ' - .- - , - - -1 . in proportion to -the qutshtiiy culti vated.' la ny "Wf our fa tmerjra at the inanagemetit of too fpaciotjs a t e rritory ih e C o n se q u e n'ce I is, thev nil pore - o nf ' t ue msei ve a state ot slavery ; ; they accuwMUte"timti1nt: except now and then a -pitch of waste " ... !- i laua, whicfi servess only to ijicrease their burthens without augmenting t h e i r i n c o m e; M A V e r e 1 t h e y I o n t b Contrary ! to cortfine thente)veflf f to maller tpots? while their cr6p cdtdd fie ' rendered' ehually if not more a- bundant. they would them-elves en joy life betterbecome ;niortt itide pendent, and writh their. usual share oi sagacity and frugality more, weal thy ; they would acquire titne to in- titute " experimenisi- and to exowlne improvements ; they ' would atiaift ivhat they now scarcely efer posscsli le i sure "w h er e b v ' n e m e a in 1 ri o t t be p r i v ilege of be i n'g . 1 a zy, but t ha f sort of leisure w hicb. Poor Richard de scribe a 4 limf Air doinor Jsom'i thing uiefuP rtime for study, for re- neciion, lor familiar intercourse, for . " rf . " . " - - !- a " ooKing alter tne education oi tneir young .in 'short for realizing; the blessing after which they are con stantly toiling. : We are' no 4 farmer -but according to the proverb, a wink Irom a blind aorse," is some- lines serviceable. . j '- ' From the U. States Gaxette , , , Itl relation to JVnffrin&'vtnA Fredintr Horses. -To Dreverrfll inflammatory disorders arising .frbra the too fre. yalcnt practice on the part of the in exper fenced, iu the use and applica- Hon oi ihe necessary, an-i proper rpinuii.y of .both. foodf and waier, to 'he Couilbft and prtser'ration of their liralth and consequent uefu,'e!. I subjoin the following' unerring rule and directiiins, to bectire nnd insure t!;e health, vigor, and 'oinequcnt u tiluv if t'.i rJK.M va!i:-.M j c.l if,''- j.-c n sable animal, to rnn.' J hen the horse is ht a'cd fiOiiTa ny raue rieit care theuld beTiaken tbile in that slate, to-aU-r dim to take but a very oall qjarittty of cold waier fit a.Urnesay not more' than o quart, f hich oiay be repeated Mn1cntU, during hi nieal which should , also be homed. , Iew i hav and corn should .always be rejected. w lien pure hay and. oat can be ob rained (he, natural and certuiu tei dency or the introduction of tithe new or, gieen hay, and Indian corn (jn v t oo gi e at q u a n t iti.es)- i u i o i h e -loniach of .a hore, , is to 'produce diseases-:' in thai, organ, and jconse qoenlly .the derangement of his tvhole system ; thej animal ifMrendered ttierefore worse, than useless : i for dfjay s, and fi equently furijer reme oieH are t ainly sought tor, because i too-often happens that from the ignorance of the Toperator, he adds to ihe malady, instead of removing it., Give, your horse, (after, and, while he.; is , heated), one quart, of, oats or dried corn, w ith a sprinkle of salt. after Jii firet drapght-nf water, of o q.,art. j heie portions of eacb. w ater and food, may , be reneated hi d i sc r ef mn; d u r i i. e i h e reaoi. a hie bu t necessary time fr the rest of the aid mai, ana you may then tvnh certain and . afiy, purue vur , iourncv to toy distance and time. - ' ; lUceipl. H hen the abre. ?'r"r lions are omitted, and he oh d pOVcI- are apparent, give, the'; animal the toUowing Tinqiure of Benzoin, one. ounce : Spirits of Ammonia, oiie do.: Aro matfc Confection, half an tiuriee ; Ginger one ounce.' "? To. be onxeI ir one quart of water.' When ; a hoiV i over , heaied, ibis 7 applicattoif u ilT relieve: Iiio and it rnay. alo be givi en wilh. success.'. in. raes where a horse is a(Tectel with cholicor grfpesl flatilecj in jihe stomach or inte linesmijed'wiih a pint of warm oil to be repeated at fevery.3 hours., until relieved. . WM. t OOKK, 1 J Veterinary Surgeon. : , ;i -f '- -: iai))9a . - -v- ' . Smut in' the Wheal, A dUcovery ha been made by Mr. Adonijah AlV den,a respectable farmer of thi county. Which we think may be im'-, port ant t to farmers, and thierefore give it pttblicify. Mr.: Alden' ertve it o p in itui fro me X p e r i m e n t he has made, that smut is produceA-rr..., small shrivelled kernel of wheat He made thev di-coverr . wa-Ko.'o- one part and: screen m t it,,;. it:f pal of the wheat 'he. Sowed tn the samcneid, and by ? sowing each pan ny.iiseu. Un that ; t,ar, nf th UpM with' w ashed what, there was smut. and on mat pavt iown with' screen ed I w heat Mh.ere was none. At t h suggestion the same experiment ha ueeu successtully tried by other. , Bradford (Pa.) Settler. t ' Husbandry. Of the inferSoc arL& nf ijc, inose wrucrt reiaie to theicuur; tf. the earth are the most excellent -and ir r . t ' . . . - - J uselul. J bey are. in fact ' a branch of philosophy, and are capable .fuo iiiiiiicu iruproTetnents, irom a knowj. ecfge of the laws of nature respect ing the mineral, vegetable: and ant- rnal ' kingdoms. The' bustnes of husbandry also serves to remind a person of his dependence upon Pro y.dence ahd-his gain have no con-" nexion with any person's loss II i thctommon interest of the commu nity lr wish' him well, 'because, in proportion to his - success, ' een member of it enjoys greater plenty 1 ; ' I - Priestly. . ' Itfeyer trust to appearances or hleh nre.- tenslnns. ' Behold the d atanding all hs noise, it is empty within. ? , rem the : Oxford llxaminer .., , PUHLIC EUUCATIOJ. ; K Tier riucb rtfiectioajand mature cca iatxnci the suhject of ' Education, u..d ' t iu all iisiiearings, as t,hcy prcsvnttu . - les to' our mind, boxil 'iifi liht aiul ll.e dark side'of the ques tion, e. have come to Ihe firm conclu- r;'tm r ! Gw.tr3ii: ' -ni. tiuvernmcnt, is the fcurekt atid"mosr-pro per means of perpetuating. republican and liberal principle. tJ TIhs being our fixed opinion, e shall not hesitate whenever a proper occain may; tiTer, to raie our humble voi.ee in behalf of suth syitcrn. We , are aware .that ; the prejndKct of. orue, and the honti coruk tiooa ufulhers c opposed to our :icsbut ii)at ue mobt dread in advorating'oui doctrine; is he influei;'t;e .f tlmse m hoie ffoliey it Is to crj down eery effort to ameliorate ; the cotiditirn uf thei jwur lalmrcfa of our 1 lountry. Mnrho,;y&scssiiiK wealth, (sime of th m) aihed to populai ity, bo- ': eer.unmeritcct, exercise an influence o-1 I Pf ihw rt 1 1 r . Af .U.. . i i ! . V . - i Hen parahrts the': cQorta cjf the welt uicaniiiK and unostentatious potWn of ihe comnumity', who are laboring in the" vineyard of ;phllanthin?." 'Such- is 'thai nlindness of popular; opinion,5 that public lavor. and pla e are too often heaped up-' ''ii the undeserving brawler and the clam orous demagogue, while really:, patriotic and disinterested tnen are, suffered to re main in a r sute f reiiracy." Thus ii i$ thai the. true , interests of the community are frequently svrifit'ed at the shrine pt selfishness, and the deluded people atejt redress when it is too late. ' VVe do not m ic uiiucrsiooo as icartnff the in- lluence .f uirh' mpn nil Yiiir nan rriiinr. a . ..... .. . . .... - w v- Our course is w ditTerenr one we fear it ssly sptak bur oninion, with a total dii- egardtfi the menaces f the wick'rd. ot Mie ct.ff -f the proud.. ..We intend only o express our apprehension of the effect i' their, ij.fluenr.e upon the prospeijtv-of ieil ot supersution, and dissipate the mist f prejudice ; it ti'.ay Coiwinre and reform) Goriest error hut the predetermined and " umi j ... s,a-9..f iTfl ctii irvtv fat.fr- ell digested schemes of the wicked ttr.rl drsii.inglcari only he Tcsisted; by the !wr. ,ot (noraiity and virtue eomKinrd. ut the physical lone of aii-erdigbiencd nd nairiotir rmnmnnh ," t i!.iilertaining. ihee. oninion. w tan b iint irtat.. kn1 m.v ... f'' i.cvin.i.v vtrtjiiic turnirr hJitfs as hnrnblecombalanfVin the. heldi of argument in. their surmort ur deficiency Men in. our.', want -of mm unu anmiy atifl not in a want ot dipysttiohjosere. the Cau'seltif Ed cation, aiftr to advocate,, the princi ple, "of publrc.;; -schools: . Thete are -.hose who will be f eadj.tto, Jn-til ipto he . p'.thlic .. ntHid si fong. prejudice and infljme popul3f(leeJing (hy every m.ea;is in their, jiower, "to,jnduce!arl ppOHition to, all Kchemes iilOch ,inay iie proponed to add to fthe. comforfa ii'nd hppinefH ofjhe poor felldo they understand the method, of mi- : leading the' public well do tbey icnoiv that !o educate ihe people ii 'oirike at , the toot : of ''their er. They a re aware tjiat" freedoiti of thought and action vt ill most "certain ij acconpany Oie iexpansion.of mind ihat ignoi an'ce ij( rnishtllertt vready, Hlse" ,pnd.f tools' to d anee their nefarious de.iirn. KnS r : .1-. i,' , r, ri; we reiy upon. the. gofd semtg. of,the--public, and the vjg.jrou ef'r t ofi hp prf5, hacked W;ilie;'jiV'riotisfuBnd p I j 1 1 a n 1 i r o py ! I s o n i e . f u r e 1 1 1 1 e n t ' men, th produce a "moraV revolution io'oiif ftsitf aiirl l.v ih' i...i.ni;r. 4'i an jroeiiectuai miiierininm. j he labor igreatand, tlie Vhoulder of flercule .niust yap'rjfie!; ir the wheel but united and untiring seal wilf. make the victorv sure and: th reward will be magnificent. . ;c.oaye aire a ay too Jar extended ! hi article f iV enje.r, t u port j he detail t of any sysfem; of. Public. Education, ii.-jrrti ran see no necessity for he di:cui6n- ordetails,, while tha principle i yet it)ehdediorrih n vertainty bf f-.turity" Once let ihe public deierndrfe and the mode f effeciing it will bo easily determined.'; U'p. b protiiised on a forfuer occaion t to' Vn .reavortu prove,, that'.a system n.igfit he devised which would not o,Iy rnt -ppre-s ihe -tax- payihg part of the Coitinioiiir. but be aettistttv to.tbejrjulefoii, iDajxuucta.aVtbflif: : r