"noicnv',1. i . .. . or TWO DOLLARS FOR SIX M03TIIS, PArAIiLn In! ADVA - - - - - j 1 1 i i.. - . ,i- "! i-s is It-::' 'nni., P-m Jl v . bounded by the v'- J J -.ids of lM3C Bjx- Btr j. Bell. "... Is. jc Laxter .... ... f s. v.." ; JRoti Hell snd ( ter, Caleb Ethcrhfce i Jno. Poyner and;o- I , . ihers. Beij Bil. J It jspearing to the Court. that, the -defendant Benjamin Dell has -aV ." "scowled so that process of laiv can 'not be served upon him, It is ordered. TThal notice he given for two month jn the L!iz:beth-City StarVto the -."defendant -U e n j a m in. H o 1 1 that at I h e "noxfCoiirtry Court of Plea Quar ter' Sessions, to be held ' for - Ciirri- vtJjck CoMhtr; at the Cnnrl-IImu,H M 0 . therein, on the las Mondavrin Au gust, amotion wtlLhe made for exe cutions to tel 1 the land levied upon a aforesaid, and if. he'haa or can shew -any cause to the contrary, will then and there .appear and make it "Kuown or xecution$''will. be .award cd in due. form of law. .: VI " ii ne? Spence Hall. Clerk f our said Court ut office in Corritiirkv the last Monday itr May,' and fifty fifth ; -j-car ot our independence-Mnno Spcnco HalLc, c. c. Juue SO. Price adv. C 75. Pasqtiotank CounVr- ' - Sup'r Cowl of Law Spring Tcrmy 83 1 j.Mireo A. lurncr, 1 Whereas a Suh- , vs. y poena has been issn busan t urner. ? J td acainsr the dr ,fendant in ihifcane which wan're - turned by the Sheriff .f Pasquotank coun'y" net to be found," and pro . clamation having been puhlicly made ot the court houe door of said conn.. ty by the Sheriff for the defendant to appear and answer as coiimianded .by aid Subpoena, and he having failn .cd to do to, ft i ordered by the court ,that notice be given three months in the Elizabeth City Star and Edenton -Gazette for the defendant to appear bo field for the county of Pasquotank, at the co u-t house in Elizabeth City., on the 4th Monday after the 4th Mon day inSept. next, then and there to ijji;ai nnij ui-u( answer or aemur to the Plaintiff petition or judgment pro cor.fessa will be taken and the aUejrations heard exnarte; WitheasXcmufZ Moore, clerk of the atd court at Elizabeth Cify, the 4th Monday after the 4ih Monday in March, I S3 1, and in the 55th year of our. independence, . Lemuel C. Moore, Cik. , : JjJy 14. price adv. $5 ' : T , . CQWfeetiotitiLr Perfumery 1 Lemon, Uoarhound, uock and Pep pcrmcnt Candy, ? 4 r Sugar Kisses and Sugar Plums ; " Cologne Water, Aoiinue and Bear's Oil, Essences of oil kinds, . a -.....:-..r: ' i r- r.. urHiuw uicgur, unu udj num lor - ALSO, A beautiful assortment of choice shaving uou , ConRlsttng of Musk ViotCN tte' Omental; Vcge rLanaVr, Emolient, OHve, Orange, Ahys.int Ambrosia, U,nd, t or and Castecf, . , , For sale ct M. UUSSLS. II. . MOLASSES hhds. bright Englih .Island 'O MolaseS .just received, per schr. Henrv Clay, and for ale by IL N. Sl T P. Williams. , . Elizabeth-Cily, Jans 20.: . C cC. cv C Lin f-f amounting to llicnscf Dd- Important ..ItttcVUgcucc, ". List of Drilhant N.'Y. Lotteries to be . draivnin the City of New York for the Summer Campaign. - v Jf3r 20Extra 10 Capitals Three of SI 0,000.' Price of 'Tickets $5. ob No. Lottery b dratvn ballots -nun,.-., Lviiioiniiig i tickets, $G0, warranted to draw at cri. ; ' July 27-Kxira 20 Capital $40,. U00, l(),U0O. Ticket $10, and ' Unxcsi prize $12 ? 6( Numbers 10 drawn ballots. ' Packagea of wholes, containing 22 tickets, $220, warranted to draw 102; ; . ' Aifftil 3 Extra 21 CantiaTs 20.- 000, 10,000. ' Tickets $5.-rt6j INumbersT 10 drawn; Package "of Wholes, containing 22 Ntiii(b"cr9 9 ;drawn ba!loti. Packae of- wholes, containing 20 itckets $100, warranted to draw 3S 25. August 17 Extra 23 Capitals $20 000. T.ckets 5 dollars.. CCTNuui, ' --ber -10 drawn ballots. . . lPa k sir; Mr -v holes. -co-nt a Inin r 20 ticket, 100 dollars, warranted to. w draw 42 50. a . . . ' " t" , UraW ""'CS and in Other lands hate latnent- journal, prcftasing to speak, the language 4- V;:, " V '" ' ed or struggled'against ofpression of the President of the United States, and gur lOr-Extra 22 Capitals' -3 of they have lealized the fire cohdep- published under his 'eye, have presented $ 1 5000. Tickets 5 dollars. . GO tions which sneculative lien 4 have to me lne alternative, of submitting to an A-ug.i-14 i.xtra4 i:apitaN $10 country. ; ' 000, 10,000. , Pickets 10 dollar... " The American Farmer is the ex Lowest prize 12 dollars-GG Num- elusive, absolute, '.uncontrolled 'pro bers 10 drawn ballots, ptietor of the soil. His tenure is j not Packages of wholes, containing 22 Aorn the government it derives its ticket 220 dolls, warranted to power from him." -There, is above OraW lK)Z. , " AtisjuSf 31 Extra 25 Capitals $15- 000,5,000. Tickets. 4 dollars. 66 Numbers 10 drawn. Packages ; of wholes containing 22 tickets,; 88 dollars warranted t draw 34. ; ; Orders for Tickets in anv of the New York Lotteries, from any part ..... i .. .j- o the vvjsrld, will receive prompt and j conhdential attention. 1 hose Who preier n, to save postage, can have a certiticate of trie numbers sent by mail, and the? original Tickets wifl be sealed up and held subject to the owner, disposal. 1 . ld hank Notes, current in any rt of the United Slates, or the Can-, adas, will, be received bv me at Dar f J . ' . - C (F I ICKCtS , 1 SCf?? I am aulhoried to make re- 1 erencc, to! the Manasrers, Messrs. '. . - I m. W ' -.-111 ates& M liiyre,also,manv first rate Houses in this City, Boston, Albany, I hariestoni S. C. Richmond. Va 1 FaTetteville, N. C i&-Atfg.rjsia; Gerthisf coarltry Ms destined;; wheii its The I nlln.n IJ...1.11). - 1- 1 !W,eJ,e. "' ev1"11 ing Tthe day of drawing. The Her- aid is forwarded regularly, to all those who deal with me free of charge. It f contains the t'lucial drawing:, schemes . Piiiiiiiiii.n soon to he drawn, n lit of Broken Uanks. a correct Trice Current, and (Review of the N. York s Market, and a variety of useftil and amusing bri- snal and selected reading matter. Please addres A. II.' Schmlcr, . June IS. . New-ork. Ha just received a trestii supply oi 1 - j . - tn butter and water Crackers, In- . . . ! drlible.Ink.Tooth Powder, 8itchAr Dried Currants, Raisins and l lorida Water,:of:a superior quality.- . Also, Conversation Lards, by wnicn a "-.'.K:"ft. k (...M,nn hv thn courtship may be carnea on oy tnose i rt i ' , . , , . . . loo liimih-flt to Speak. ? Ho ivil! continue to receive iresn He will continue to receive supplies during the summer. Elizabeth QilJidX. . .' Farmer's P.epo-V. Tim iMt:nic i: pr.rre isji Hi Jnss U I Lva tailed idi c har-ing nursuita of Agriculture ma? be as lucrative as other empIoVment?! It will be an easier Usk to vindicate t! eir pleasures and their importance. I need not. dwell on' that retirement, one of the purest enjoyments ;of this life and the ' best preparation for the fituref on - those 'healthful occupa tions, on the rcaimness ot mino, on that hijrh spirit of manliness and in- deDendence 'which naturally belone 10 inai. conaiuon. ; iese are aurac tions vhich must have deep root in the honian heart, since tiev have at all time? fastened at once dn the imagination .ana won in judgment of men; But'l may be hi lowed to say'lhat in this nation agiiculture is probably destined to receive the highesi honors, and that tie country life.of America ought lo pssess pe- ..'- m 1 ! - r culiar attractions.. The pure, and splendid institutions ofthrs people nave emoooicu toe anjznitsi areams of those high whi I in other j , . ;n;n.,l .K;K Uvp s i i ... . ..i. 1 . . - , ,,.,''''' . cd in altempnng to establish. I heir infl.ie.ijce. .i.n reclaiming tie lost, dig- nity of man, inspiring ihe loftiest feelings of personal i independe'nceV m ay be I ra-cet-f ov e very co n d i UO n-i c f iiiiri:ittzeiis : but as all oLcti. are more distinct bv insulatiooilheir ef- fprta jirp npr'i'iliarlv - nhvinu4 in ' tht 1 him nn:hinr hut Hnrl Atiif Inn s no hereditary authority usurping the J icituuaij ouiiiuiiij usuipiii iuc inctions. of personal genius t no blished church spreading its dark W.i.-!kim'.-.A':4 ia.w disli est a shadows between him and heaven. His frugal ;ivernment" neither de sires nor dares to oppress the s'oil ; and the altars of religion are sun oorted onlv bv the voluntary offer- mg of sincere piety. His pursuits, uhie.hlnn nprcprsinnipan'rpni in- lunons toianv; are directed to the common benefit of all. Irt mnltiolv in the bounties I of Providence1, in the improvement and embellishment of the soil, in the care of inferior animals committed to his chargej ho will find an ever varviosr and inter- .. - J - l est infr:.emnlovment. riifnifipff hv the I nnifvri nf lihrnl stiiflips nnrl enliven- I ed bv the jexereise of a simple and -. ...... -1 - -. i irenerotisl hosmtalitv. V i His charac- J t - -w her assumes a loftier' interest bv its influehce over the public libertv. It mnv nnt hp fnrptnbt tn what Annirer T " 1 - : t population, its expanded territ6ry,;ahd its daily compiicattng interests, shall awake the ardent pas- sions of men. and reveal the vulner- -.. 1 . ' v . . I -. .... . : . I , . b . 1 i . t. t ..-. able points of our institutions. BuFfhe tamely surrendered irf my person. ..t....A;. ii:. n..:i. iii'iir v ir i nt-i' iii-i mm i:iinir. 11 iiiiini i .tpHfact .r.riitr ..nfailino- rplinn.. will be on the column of landed pro- . . ... . . ' -i, 'e pnetors, the men of the soil and of the countty,, standing alopi from the passions- yvhich agitate the . denser part of communities, well feducaled, brave and independent, the friends oi tne government without soliciting its tavors, the advocates ot the peo- pie without desceridine to flatter their . P , .,, , . . , their own forests, may yet interpose . . .! itt ... passions: tnese men. rooteu imei v . . JjTriculturat -Vc learn from a cor- poident in Put county, that Mr Daid . . . , vt t, ? ,k-. Adams, who-residea on Clay Boot in that county, has: made, this seascm. from lp K,,-,ie ..r... 4 K.mrtrpil hnK. bushels of seed wheat, one hundred bush-Inn els of clean grain, on common land, that j merely as an individual, but s a citizen, had been cultivated about J 3 years, andland especially, as a citizcu of Georgia. had never, been manured..1' In the pea ru .v 1.3 run a deep furro, into which he threw'ths corn stalks which grew on the tend, and where trie corn grew no manute was put. U hen the wheat was about IS inches or 2 feet high,- he raw a fluk-' - -eveen each io ; hicff was all the rdtivsrinn it VovejverJ. From this it ou2J appear, observes out-torrcipoii dent that drilling wheat 13 much more profitable than sewing it broadcast. CORRESPONDENCE - continued.- ' Prom the Actional Intelligencer. BERRIEN TO n THE -.PUBLIC Circumstances beyond my control have Pccd me under the necessity of present. intr mvselt to your notice. -1 assert, no claim to your attention, which does not belong equally to every free, ciuzen of the Republic. ' But I ask, and I feel that I have a rit?ht to expect, your Candid consideration of this address. Its subject is one ol awakening interest to us all. The position in "which 1 find myself has nathingjnviung.in.il. It is one which I have not ougJi.ttut which has been forc- cd uPon me'.al onci" which 1 , cd upon to vmdicatq not;melf mereh but the cause ot truth, ancl.ihe best anu deorM nleretU oflhc com,nuniy, at a hizard la which faloi,y alone could 'bt inMihie' j . i The; rtniarepfesentations impuiaiion, anne uisnonoi aoie enu un founded in fact, or of tneeiiner the issue which has been tendered to me .under ,he alleged authorlly of lhal bigh cfrlter. I f I icio not shrink from this unequal strifel, it is because I have. confidence whici has never wavered, in the inlelli- er--of my xcunuyinen, a .m pr.d un shaken reliance in the-Tustice oflhat tri. hunal, whose hiiib preroiatiyViris,at all times, and .under t all circumstances tO vindicate the cause of truth 1 have studiously abstained from any effort to excite public feeling in relation to the dissolution of the late Cabinet. ; I have felt that the questjon of its proprie- ?y was one, the decision ot which belong ed alone to the American Peopfe. Per sonally I have not been disposed to deny the riht of the President to exercise hi v .w. . . ..... "wn free, win, as well in the change, as ,a thc original selection of his Cahinet ; and with a perfect sense ol the delicacy of my own situation, I would have been at all times a reluctant witness to the in vesication of the causes which led to the recent ; events. It was not however e nouh that J '.should submit myself to his will, although the principle hy which it was avoweuiy reguiatea, couia nave no, 1 a t t a appln ation to me ;; tor this I have unhes itatingly done. ' Qut I have been required silently -to witness the, entire misrepresen tation of occurrences' which the public were well aware must have come under my "observation ; nay, ' to be publicly vouched as authority for that which was directly in conflict wirh my convictions of mtp-mv riwn rlaim to wracitv. assailed as it i under the alleged agti.orny oi the V " - .-'-' - - " f resident ot the Uniten states, or to sun- mit to an imputation which no honorable roan may. bear. I mistake the character of the American People, if they would require this. I am totally ignorant of my otkti. tr nrtdpr nnv c irr nmslanfer'I could ..um . . Tf .n th. far nf th?i tVri community, the cause of truth can be prostrated by the arm of power, at least the nriilce of vindicating it, shall not tti hr.w to the decision ot mv country - - - - . - - - , men but whatever that .decision may r,e. .l. :-u : r.t. t. r..n.. ir , . k ...... aiscnarRea mv csuty 10 incrat anu 10 my. sc,r :8haHn nobe laj;en from nic. ? The disingenuous and unmanly sug ion'of my desire to remain in ihe Cabinet of General Jackson, nothwith standing the occurrences which produc e eu my rewremem, win dc my apujoy ior aaverting oneny to tne origin oi my con nexion with it, and to the circumstances It was without any solicitation on my part, or, so far as I know or believe, oh the part of any of my- friends, that I was invited to accept1 the o ffice of Attorney General . of the. United States. There were circumstances, tern norary . in their nature, but stilt strongly operative, which , , . . r 1 , r ,. rendered it not desirable to . me. I felt, however, that I was called to decide Up- the.question of my acceptance, not of a nuhlic 9 On certain principles. cf neratS lie,, wme of hie l c re pa tit ularly Wii-r cm- d .ig to the people of thai btate, tl'$f i s tf.nHriunicatcd to; tr.e. hv ihi. VtR-.K-r.,:. ere in accordance with ny umi J I . vrrv n c'f felt it,tobo my duty, not to v'ThKit? assistance - t,n I. I -t oul. jiiem ci'-cct. . . 1 he i. r ihe names of the tnter.'Jc;! ' to to me, However, to prtstn; -r. iwjre . . . ....... r i.A raoie par jo mt Bccepiance oi truj? ia-.e which was tendered to me: I tho'ht I Cleaily foresaw the evils w hu h hglfe too obviously resulted ffom this sek-tiSn. A stranger to Gen; Jaiksoit, I coyiji net with propriety discuss these uhjuuns with him. 1 kuew', moreover, ti.ma of his confidential fiitnda had fji'jlul! discharged their duty lo him, end j&f- tho : country by a frank' " conununicaun cf them. In this state-ol things, 1 t-hf the counsel of those around me. J$W a eptleman hih in the' confidence & the . PiejBidf nt, and to a disiinguisned t iii f : my own otate, i aunmitieu tne iiitry, whether,, with this icw of the Certrit't which the President had selected, I I3,iirr , wfih propriety become a nitj-nhet3 if. The former expressed his decided' con viction, founded on a lotTp and . intijiate . kuoAvlerip;e ot the President's thtirer, that he would himself, speedily semml correct the eviK The taueri urge(2n peculiar relations of .Georgia wuh'Ma Genejcal Government, aa, ptestniitifi -'sirvl't lain pjn me "ntt to j-etue tj" ituilAon which had been tiuh tuc. ( yielded to these suggestions, and sCSwk.. tiny place in' the CatuVef, with i "firmM ." lerminaMon to avoid liieJ Controvcrs t which I feared rniuht occur.! Tu tti determination I hac steadily ad!erepp - ssoc lai iiy ot ilernis (j courtesy . ym i i . ' M " - - m t . .' ? 1 niy colleagues, my . otncia; iniert with them was never ..interrupted by fti .cord. '. - ' : - vt-'; If there' were any combination'' p ? inj out oi tne supposed conr erci'.s nf Mr. C4 1 Vcn 13- an buiei), I had na - : as little in the supju), - character,, having for1 t?Ttv I erce Major Eatou to retire ft!-inet-or to exclude bis family-T t.i..... ..f ur...i.:. . m in auv icijr cii siuiiiuii. - 1111 nunc 4H did not a'sso'ciatic ; hut; no advance MIf been made on either side, and their actti ; " al relation scented ; therefore to furn'j no just ground of offence to either" paro" . In thrs posture of things, and shortly' E-j- -ter 1 rad given an evening party to whfcil M rs. Eaton had not been incited, I r t eived and heard with infinite surprl&tjf the inessa'ge of Col. Johnson.! 'a ife'i ! could make no' mistake' ajs to prated , reference to the larjje. pani vihich had been then recemly. given is Messrs. Bi anch and Ingham, and fnj se4. Such a mistake, ii it hadbeenlone, ioi have been instantly corrected, from "fr nature, of my rpply If thei ton lan ) nad been of a conbination to evict AIaf$$i, Eaton from office; and not v fxcludeihA family from- Society;' the ' relrreiK c -(",1 these evening parties would have been die;', end declaration thai ; 1 would npH; permit the President to conn ol the locsii'I ; intercourse of fnjself and . fanily,wogdi;! Iave been instant Iv niet hv an fvnlan.4it l tion, which would hae removed the inrt'l pression : from the minds of Messri'j Branch and Ingham,, arid myself. ! we all parted with Co1ot.j Johnson, witj l a clear conviction that such 'props,jtiti;5 had been made, and feeling 8S tvt all di!t that art irtdigniiy ' had been offered to there was, as. I believe, no difference o":i opinion between1 ns as to the course wb? I? ought to pursue, if this proposition shou!dU! be' avowed1 and pressed by the .president. Ths conversation , took place ot4 Wednesday evening,' and therrurnordl of our intended removal speedily be jp came, general. On . lhe succeedinjEi;! day,-the personal friends cf Genefalita Jackson ' interposed and ,he was a-hjj wakened to a sense ol the impropri? ety of his projected t course. It iil then, accordfng to Col. Jodnson'srJtj statemeftt to Mr, Ingham, that the;gj paper spoken of by the Rditor of thtJlfef Globe w a s . p r epa t e d . ... , My t w o Co! -I leagues had their inter view with. theilt 1 l V iVlllC lit SMI lliv ' riiLLLruririi vj i w u ( Friday V and as - Mr. Ingham' state-mtini-.made Jromfidl notes taken at tbt-- tirtt prove: no paper tcas shown to hipiiml on that occasion. OwHie.to a niistak'e n in the communication of the; Presi- i, dent's' wishes to ..me, f did not .ee him until the succeeding; day,' (Sa s?41f tor day,) and then ,ihev exdiremeht f4i hi feelings had so entirely btided, l;Q'd that he seemed to me to be ahxijut 111 ! .5 i t

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