! 1 i'l r 1 J ii 1 1 J Lt J - i I f.J 2 vTTp-j ,-Tt) ff'5T Tiaf PRINTED AND TUCUSHED YYEEKLT BY BENJAMIN ALBERTSON, AT THREE DOLLARS TER AN.N'UJf, OR TWO DOLLARS rOR SIX MONTHS, L'A VADM1 IN ADVANT Yo. X. "V i 1 ,; . TERMS. V. i CjT . y paper discontinued till dircc-j ttsiito i j i rear'ages pai(i, 6ff at the option of the Isditor. ICjF advertisements of . no tnnre length than breadth, neatly hiscritd three ccvJs jor each conlLiu,yrc ; longtr - oius in same pr opart'. - - ; .CJX3 'ldceiiiscments trill i t continued unld forbid, and charge, t accordingly, unions otherwise marbd lj the writers. .Vo advertisement will be untried for less than one dollar. ' tCF Persons at a distance mud accom- r party their advertisements with the mo ney, or ihcy wdl not be inserted. tCI" falters addressed to the Editor must be postpaid, or they will not be ' lifted. pjiospectus" OF THE riHE subscribera propose tfi lkaue r.- at Eilentonf a Cveekly papert bearing "the above fii!, ..and dein- ed to succeed llie Edcaion Gazelle" about to be discontinued. The primary .-object if thi' publi cation is, to contribute lo (he amuse inentcouvefiienc'e, aid inpr(veueit nf the 'cointnuniiy, iowhirh -it of-4 fercd. , Accort!irtgly ' in. nddiiiun to advertisements, atd the various new? of the. day, it shall contain such article! of a political, literarii rtliglms com mercial and agricultural'- natiiie, as '.shall correspond' ' with the end' pro posed. It shall, be approjriaU:d to , -the exclusive .interests of no party, ett her .TP'dijicaJrlr bin, shall be made a medium ot jjetTTral information, and free discussion, re-epecting- any question, which chh) properly claim the' attention of the pilhlic. t - , The; Miftcellany ball be printed with good typej on a fair sheet, a"d be -4irnthed to subscribers at $.2 50 pif paid in j advance, or in 3 months 'from : he tune of subscribing ; and ar $3, if. payment be made at the end of the )iear. j . The first number ahall appear a early in January next, a the aequi ition of the neceaary material will admit. i Tfios.MKunoirn, w;m. k. pell. Edenton, N. ;.J)ec. 20; h. JVcw Goods. ; :- flHE subscribers, grateful f r ihe liberal encouragement tbey have received embrace the present op portunity to return their acknowl- vcdgemens to their friends and the puMic generally, and to inform theu that they still continue in the mer cantile business at their old stand underjlie .Xational Hotels wiiere thev ba i uit receiveij antl. opened their .FaM.and Winter Supply, comprising a large and handsome assortment of 0 voce vies, WarAviave tu V3vocku.vy.r. viL50, VALXTS .1X1) OILS, OF EVERT DESCRIPTION. ".Theijsloetc ?f Goods have been selected in New Votic wiil great care- iwtable to the season and the tnatket, and can be sold lovr for cash or country produce. - Tbey reppcctf-illy invite all desirous of purchasing, to call and examii e ! them. ' ,.: - : Ilarrcll & Forbes. October 29. VIA V SAU.. : 4 double (ig and Marnesii, a Sul - keyt a Jrey Waggon and liar- ' rtess, & ati excellent, uhtantial lray and Uarne. TTlte abVe arncle y be solil low on application at Mid Ttre. 1 '' October 20. NEW GOODS. From JShe York and nore opening, a new and very desirable as sortment of Suitable for the present and approach tng season : Painted, . jackonet,-' mull and Swiss Muslins, , ; : v Plain and tigM book do. r ' Calicoe and Giu'ghams, , v French Lawns. and Cambuck -Jackonet "Muslin Ilobes ,' . 5 Gr de Niip Silk and Pingeet . VArk Sattin and Sattitr Levantine, Brown 8i!k and Vhne Sat!in e Blue, gieeo ard pink Florence ijilkf, Green, purple and changeable Mer- celinp Silks, ' , i , , Are open Crapes, assorted clorsj F 1 1) e c 1 tint z . bonle red tl atidkiV, Embroidered poplin do. Crape ard Brazilian do. Nee-dle-worked (un"', Double Collaretts and Pilloreens, Taruboured (dollars, Linen cambrick Handkerchiefs, Colored bordered do. ' . Bandanna and fancy cotton do. Fine bordered book tiiUslio do. ('becked nmslin do. ' Ladies ribbon Cravats, . ' llihbons; Glove and sil tc Nlits, . Pdeacbed S!irtings and Sheetings,1 Brown do. do. . ' Plaid and striped Homespun, . And a great; variety of goods suitable for men's wear, j ' Leghorn Bonnets,, i' . D.ujstables, of the newest fashions and some vey low, j . fsrariiMi Bonnets, "-" J, Amaranth do. Bl'k -English water... proof NTavarinos, Bl'k and colM silk Bonnets. Ladies' Prunelle Shoes and S!ijper, Do. morocco-:; do. : do. Childiens' and Mlsse, morocco and leather Boots and Slinpeis, Metis' calf nailed Shoes, Do. -Brogans', s-ewe tlo.. ; Do. coarse Brogaiis arid Shoes, iVomcns1 leather Shoes. - i Mens' bl'k Ha's, fashionable shape, White & bPk Hats, selling very low, Bl'k ool Hats, & white low; crown ed do. Boys' Caps. . Xetv jivheat super fine Flour, ija bbls. and half bbls; N I Mess, prime and cargo Pot k, Coifee, Sugar and Molasses, Im.peiinl and ouiig Hyson Tea, Loaf Sugar, Pepper and Pimento, S ap, Candle, Copperas and .'Indigo, Nads, bar and round lion, Salt in sack and Turk Inland do. N. E R nn, Wbiskey and A. B'andy; And. a fevv gallons' 12 years old Ja v maica I. n, of a upe?rior quality. White Lead and pajnl Oil, Lamp Oil and window Glass,. Ad many- other . arMete too th oieroti to mention. These together with the slock on hand renders the assortment ' very extensive, all of which will be'sold very low for cash," country produce, notes, or on any o ther accommodating: ter'n. i . Win T Bryant. Elizabeth.-City, Sept. 15. ? ' Private Boarding. TTfrlLLtANI ALBEUISON having declined keeping Tavern and removf d .to the hou"e formerly occu pied by Mr. Abner U illiams, . oppo site the Tannery, , will take single gentlemenMo board by the month or year who d" not wish lodgings in the bouse; also children lor tbe Acodfiny, or such a may w)h to take lessons on the Pi ano Forte under -Mrs. Thompson, who will teach music in the bouse. Dec. 31. f- riiOSPECTUS OF THE Xort CaroWna iivocate. "'-' Urn'. . . It is proposed to publish a weekly Newspaper in .FJIizaheih Cilv. to be edited by RUW lllD l. - ; LY ant) called the " Jorlh Carolina ddvocale" at Four dollars per an Mint, but if paid half jearly in ad vance, only Three dollars will be required. ' ' Thenlasses of interesting subjects usually noticed i'in weekly papers may be expected; in, this. The prin eiples of the JeiTersonian or Demo cratical Republican School shall gov ern, in its political department. No party but that of the Democracy will be Aupported. J Parties actuated by individual ambition, or personal op position for selfish ard sinister pur poses, whatever jhlle they may -assume,' can receitle no countenance from this press, j Persons hotteily iliiTtirlng fronvthei Democratical lie-publtcan-faith, ah hough they .cannot he :' encouraged in! their political views,'yet shall b 5 treated with the utmost-respect. A -i mere diiference in political opinions should never create enmity betvveen'citizens of the same nation, ' on ess the doctrines contained under such opinions nian' fcsllu tend tOiihe I subversion of .tire government, and e'et then jf. argu ment and legislatbveiprndenre fail in averting, the evil, leumitv alone can afford o very ratonal or adequate remedy, . 1 It is intended ihlat ithis paper will support the re-election of General Jackson to the Presidency. ; That support wall be upon an irtdepeitdent basis, uninfluenced by ie.tsonal at tachment, by any i hope of pu'tmcal distinction, or of goverHirueirt pa4ron, age'or remuneration-l it will be on principle, and principle requires it to be voluntary and disinterested: ' A leading 'purpose of this., press will be to oia'ntlaio a strict regard. r the interests of Norih' Carolina. -All her patriotic and intelligent .citizens have to lament the! apathy hat has hitherto prevailed amongst her peo ple on the subject of Improve. ments" iri a great many of the vari eties that compose that general te n, anl the sbigguhness wnh which she has--dragged afler nil her twin sisters. and some'of her younger ones in the march f "Improvement." It .is confiderttlv believed ithat a rrea.Jei degiee of ene-rgy in the Public Press the Siate' would mainly contribute to her advancement to the van of the national .phalanx ; 1 ami the opera tions this Press vill be directed con formably vv ith the articles, of -that be lief. New Voi k, Pennsylvania, Ma ryland and .Virginia! appropriate, im mense sums of moneyi every year to the estahli-hing of long and circui tous routes to draw the produce and trade of the West through their! sev eral States, yet North Carolina, with one or two good navigable outlets, anid others " susceptible of improve nientsitusited in'a latitude favora ble to healTh, and atTrdirg an unob structed winter navigation nearly in a lirec line, of no gieat leitgih., vt ith the middle of the great valley of the Mississippi, a region that at no very distant day will be a vast emporium of commercial and i agricultural wealth, remains with folded arms in stupified inactivity viewing, the de parture of that Commerce, and that wealth which she, with much less costly exertions might secure for her o w n f u t u r e g t e a t n e . j I s t h i s . a p a -thy authorized by either national in terest, individual interest, or by conir mon sense ? By neither. Then why continue it ? I i Th great neglect 'of ELucation in this State is believed t6 be a chief cause of our lassitude on leading subject of improvement. This Pres will keep in constant jview the all important subject of j Educati4n- In fine, it will be What its name imports, the JJdrocale of the interests-of the Stale of JS'oJth Carolina. ;; The following heautiful Stanras r tended by Gray fur his "Cor mv Church Yard," hut attcrw arils oo. a riM ia hit o : ! ciciit iic( i;. "..V Hark how ihe sacred calm that - ground, . cease, - Bids very fierce tumultuotis passion In still small accents whispering front t Ik " " ground ,. ' ' , r A grateful earnest of eternal peace. j There' tea tcrd ft, the earliest of;lhef year. . found; By hands unseen are shower of vleo The red breast loves to build and warbltl there ' -ound ; And little footsteps lightly print the; I Ji new Jlnsical Instrument. The following description of a newly in vented Piano .Forte is sriveh in a late number of the Glasgiw Courier. 'JTie "inventor appears to be an Irishman,- 'f great, natural parts, and pos sessing with all an accurate knowl edge of the chromatic cale. Wish ing !to enjoy., says the Courier, a lit tle music on an evening after work, he sot a box of the general appear ance, but deeper 'and brouvie'r tha'n an ordinary piano, and bored a row of holes from onb end to the. other. Into this box six or seven siv in.e'Vare (daced, (but iherennay be. roore) of diffeieint aes, froip the scking pig to theigruti boar, exulting-in swire'- hood. I In this vvav a scale if voices i . ... is obtained. The tails of each in mate are then drawn through the holes in the box, and the. lid closed; -o that half a dozei tails- hang- out side, i VY henever Paddy w4es olayY tie twitches each ,aS 0Vy,i arid successively .and the iiiiihp be.-;, gins and, lasts as hing as he likes. 2 W hen jlired, tie j'ist' litterates the ni sicians till the iievt time. The airs; ue ail Irish, and yvheti i theitvviu.h-; i"g t sn.aiiiy and skilfotly done, the muic lis not a vvh.it behind the mix ire ol. sounds.. at the .late fck Physical Dernbnstraliori." The instrument i-'-c ailed a H ogo tmig u fly ." I . Touch. A writer in ar Sj. Clair vill.e (Ohio) paper, tells the follow ing story as every word true : .y .. "In ov: 1827. theri livmrr inj Harrison county, Ohio, ; I killed a ,'inall l4ig arid dressed it on the fire of a large red oak stump. In -tiit March followir-g I observed most i: he bristles left on the stump from dressing the hog, to be sticking irto he wood -endwise and on . pulling them out, I f4ond to eachjtiritle Uv or three roots from 1-2 to 3-4 of an inch bri ,Ttaving actually: coiiiruenc a vegetable growth.?' i ' The ! writer of this curious , piece of natural-history 'must be the same tnan.,of vy hom it is told that on a, cer tain time w hen slaughtering n hog in the woods, he lost bis jacknife, which dtopped among the dried leaves ; and in tbe following sum mer happening to pass the same place he was surprised to see a large hush covered-ivirh jacknives,- which hung depending from ihe stems like fruit. j : . , Effect of Intern fierance.JAzt LA ?' wards,' in pronoun ini smtence'of dVa,h " ' on JarrveJ Ratisoml, rerently conirterl in I New York of the murder of his wile.' made the following statement : . ; : 44 Upon a reiew of this shocking tran 1 1 saction, the question naturally present ' itself, what could so have perverted your: nature : -TJie answer is Spirituous : li quors. It. has had the effect to estrane you from the . most , endearing . relation, from the ties of blood, from your obliga tions to your fellow beings and to your Creator. - If ant further evidence was wanting to manifest the desolatin,; effects of ardent spirits, which have moved like a destroy inneel oer the land.We hae it. in the astonishing fact, that within the last wo months, three men ha e been ar raigned before me on charjjes of murder ing their jwive: each of these ofTences iere'comnitted by intemperate ine.i. As disiruciitrc as this practice is to soci- j rty. at' tar-e, .-as disti Cssin as it' i 3 to all ( lassrs t, the community, jet it is it I -nahly ti uc that noie ai e ioj(ie to -7 ; r Jo-ore t:ve!fly fiom n tS iii ipmduI km,.. . . Complaints t.t atiu-st s m'o c-t in"- Km .ushj-ri', h-ie tricrt ,js t! t h ; i I c it to uiwi' 4 i:i iici t - : ; : 1.1 W shoulil be hf ougl'.t to 1 1 r . jtrity upon tnco' it is fnil nm, t:. . , partners of these abandoned rntn shouul, he made to rtaiize that tbty i bae in the iaws and miiiisters ot JuMice, friends who t are both ble and wiliuntj to protect them'J, fiom iheNirutaJ violence of their bus- ' haifs." . . - ': i Ttitort your Altchanics. There is secretly any tiling which tcida nre to ihe impr) tmcnt of aj town, than av fair and liberal support afforded to mechanic 'if every dtscrsption. Popidarfori: is ne . ccssary to the prosperity of the" to n or fhontry, aiid that population bein of an honesf and industriuusi chaiactcr, render -prtiiperity more cenam,'uni!ot m and un arjin. 'Scarce any place has ii,stn to much inponaiice, even . when' possessed f the utmost corpn trrial lad ant2j;tb, ... without a dnr regard to the' encourage- -oent f the mechauicat arts. For though .he exportation uf merchandize oiav fo m ' the hading fcaturts ut such a place, tho various 'arts 41T iiieehait-isiit. .are on aiahty " 4 allt (l in r cqtiisition, and are ii;iispci.sa ule to .render the pioyrtsol cornmtr. ial 'pe'ratiorv sale and tay. To- an u iand Uop, mecj anics are flcp'aby iupotlunt Ms' tisewto-tei l.tuv ii.fi-s.iiuic a kate lind'resptf table pcirtiii ol soiirty in ait i oufitnes, tut lo our-: it it and tilar s Miev -aie almost a leadiiu', constituent - - . -n of their iou ih and. H(pulatin n To- : lll'-rd ample sufport to a. class of c it I - Ik ns so Jiii.thly usciul and necessary, is l-errainly" tne duty of tbose -enaed in tther p4irsnlts. Jtegulafor. i , Moral and Ucliiiiou. i. -4-

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