T r - T r- - ( " . --j.,!jS 2 Kar!,. ..j tj.r .vn.'tr. Lc Li$.rtcJj,r lc. ,s -"""7 Pcrso is al a-distance must accent' Miiscmcnls iri.'i Ihe uo- r.L ?, or if? tr.tZ net 6e inserted. - IICF19 TMttrs'. addrcssgd to the flditor i.iirl be por'prSdy or they will 7iot.be lifted: MOS PECTUS . OF THE V . . fTUE subscribers propose to isue at Cdenton, a weekly paper, bearing the ahve title, and design ed to succeed theM. Kdentoa Gazelle abotit to be discpntinued. The primary object of ihia publi cation is, to. contribute to the amuse tnent, '.convenience, and improvement cf the comrtiuiutjv to which it h of fered. -'-, Accordingly, in addition to advertisements, and the various news of fhfi d.ir. it fthnll 'fniitntrt tnhli nrlinli of a political Uternrii rcV"WKX, com j uercial and azrictdiuml nature, as I shall correspond wi;h the end pro- posed. t shall be appropriated to U the exclusive intereats of no party,! rithor '; nohlirnt nr tpitirinn lt:.t I shall be made a mediMm0of -i-nprar jnf irmation,' and free di4ciKint.. re- any question.-, whjcli ar TO V Claim -1 1 1 ri- - nifnnti An n f -Hi lite Miscellany shall be printed with good type, on a fur sheet, and be lurninhed to subscrifliers at $2 50, it paid ,n advance, or in 3 month, $3 ifv payment be made at the end ot the vrar. . lhe firt number shall appear a early in January next, as the ncqui $ition of the necessary tnatertaU wil! admit. THOS. MKHKOITI), WM. Vs. TKLL. Edenton, N. C Dec. 20ih. , -t : ; , JYcw Goods. TIlUK subscribers, grateful for the Jiberal encouragement they have received, embrace, the present op portnnity to return their acknowU edgements to their friends, and the public generally, and to inform them that they still continue in the mer cantile business at their old tar.d under the Xational Hotel where 'hey iare just received and opened I r fi nd .11 infer tm)iy,'Compnstnj? a Ktfgc and handsome assortment of JALTS .1X1) OILS, of i:F.nr bESCRtenoN. . ,' TheVr slock of Goods have been ; : ir cted in New York w ilh great ( ue suitable to the season and luatkct, ami can be sold low for inr. cash or country produce. 1 hey respectfully invite all desirous' of purchasiiijf, to call and exami them. - llarrcll Si Forbes. ; Ocular 2d. i - " d nhle Gut nnd Hni nes . n SuK A key, a Jersey Waggon and liar- ness,: an excellent, substautiat Dray and- Harness. The above article vtvli be "told loty cn application at . . t v. tills r Lice. October 20. ' T ' ;::njaml albi:r'ivson3 at mace nou.. Lv.rrcn-.e Cc C.1 Ore? ' ii'o'ics, ct al. J 183U re'er a ferM, i C.l so it U ordered hat Cal- r ; Co. end P.irker ' t t! ?. 4.lv i ' t i5. W fr t ,H)" ! iTij: r i " ? '" ;U'.r, th.ii they come I jrvvard on j' - o:: fourth Monday aflcr-thc. -fourth j Monday4, in March next and plead, 'answer or demur ; or cie- the' Dill will be taken pro confessf?', as to theio ' Asid ordered thai the . said Calvin Washburn & Co. aud Parker vC .Waterman', have pet mission to cer tify their answers before some Judge of a, Court of Uecord m Boston, iisum Newby, c..& m. e. February 4,-IS33. ..0V1 oy SAli. .ll,C s ii6scriber informs the pub iic that he .has n han,d, of hfs Oivn-manufrt-ure, several neat "and excellent Gig, which' be will dispose of on moderate terms for cash cood note or country produce. He stdl continues to carrv on the Gig and Carriage making bti-.ines? at the old Stand ; and hold himself in readiness to .'execute all. work in bia line with fidelity and despatch. : Isaac I. Stafford. J.m. 2!. I rIH C . s.ubscri-her has received per A' schr. Camden, sch-r. William and h'nP Iidependence' from New Yoik, general assortment ol . Q O O 7) S rularfcJ f lhe which will be OlU . OH IhB most" Bfrntrnnm :;1ifn' Tftmw; at wholesale and retail-".fo! llcz,ckiah LocliuooJ. Eliz ihtih- City, Oct. 2d. 1IvuMi anil Just rCcivcd cr scftr FranC(S D jra. 9Q ba cf CoTee anj I tl ' 1 -Vy ft: b'theh coarse Salt, for - Miles .White. Elizabeth City, 2th mo 5at, 1.831. THIE sub cribcr having resigned the oiBce of Constable, notifies all persons having papers in hi hands to .. produce,-hi- receipt? and ,a.ke ", out, or he will plead this "V,,ce ,ar,J responsiouny on his part Benjamin Davis. . it. Feh. 4. Jmt Ttctiud ptr BcJiT, Jllphcus, from i Jarfmioue, . OA hhds. good retatlingMoIasses. 4 caksThomatow n Stone Lime. '! 50 biishcls Irish Potatoes. ' - For fale by .' : v ' Jno. Williams Co, Jan. 1 1. i ; .' ft -S pipe French Brandy, 1 do. Gin, G doen Champaigne, 1 or sale by . Jo U. Gordan S: Bro. January 14. ' -WmUtA to AuYG rpOR a small family, a woman who -- is a good, took, aner anl I roner. Apply at this OiTice. - Feb 4. , j":; . v.; ! f OTIT the ladies'to call and ex amine his supply of handsome . Baskets and . elegant Hair Blushes, . 1 1 w men ne nas j-si rcceivcu. Jan. 1. ' . AN ADDI'vlV-S Dclix'ered at J,r -. s.r, ; ;'?2 1 1 o .' Nl Li'-. ...- .-t ... i'IiI i to KOs.ft husbandry. j .. -t 1. They sa.ve i tirne. The .husband" man," who is ohiitjed io leae rtis train o his. labor, and f ravel to a div-irsi ftt id, to drive- out intruding tan!4, loses Vnilr'i valuable time, w hich 'he knows not do to spare. ' : :t-", i.-. . i. "U'L"-. 2. iGnod fences protert i and seclure crops, ihc frtiii and just reward tCitjii and cqre ; and prevent the. pain seqini; them caiekssly wasted ocdcMroyr d ; a A in this way,!liihten care .atsd svett- rcri tlrd hours of rest. . j "3 Good ftuces prevent UTikind . ff el ing aaion' nejhbors; and not uo'Vc quently, vcxatiousnd xpensive lavuiti rh cvjU of which are sonetimt'S Men. and felt, by the next gcneraui;n. 4. Good ftnecs are an ornament to a arm. An extended plane an unbroken view of a lake,1.os an "ocean, prodtjees painful -sema'ions ;-i .Nhii? a iareapcJ in- trspTf-d .with hill, ai d mb!o.vs, jand f.rtsts, rn d cleared; fields xrjtts 1iet' emcHriis. Mch,iisthe olcosura'-a is;ne from the-view cf a mcaly -ancf well tnc ed . fjrm. ; 'assoia'ed, a it alnays win. he, with- consideration! 1 of.sr.rurity And prrifi and t hi? certaintyi of. undine' cery'ox, and lione, and ciw in his own pasturje. J turd':. 1 hs, rtitr. of manure is arntO- cr characteitsfic of jjood huvhindr-v. M-st of the soils p" New IVitjland, and t'hi-i the limits of Ihii iocitly, leqiirc tli: !tf.tj(isliiK-TU u .d voppoTt.' And thi neceshity vul always make t!iis.a highly tjvorr! land. Whtrt r nnr u'e i re-tpiirt-d, in nrdcr to rt'Clice j.jood crops, and to e.onruiute iprjod .hushgtsdryv there g.i!l !c,-of necessity, ifv hsstrt J errfvrov,- and consrqMtnt wealth, with. dometir bappinpss. If it (hotthi be ; "inquired tA !CO- t.." ti i'jve ii'j'-'-t of t:-e- c(ufu-s t.kkvfcx ui-vnfd to luxuriant - fields atul gardens the ao -er i, a s rcquhing rnifufie, jifj m dusi ry. what, has II it shnold be further iuquired. rruitle the j inhaSitao's ot tnese countus nrosnerous. looeneitdent: and - 1 ... . . appy.f tb- 3'iswer is, a soil requiriiu. o.anure, with induHtny and eccinoo y. A votmt' man, aspirih'iat igor of body, in th per.dtnce ol mind, jand prspeiity .witt long life, otight, in f hooting his settle no it,' to select a soil, not too barren u tewaitl his industry ;i yet requirtn'g ma uurc to render it productive. Much ol the land' in New 1; ftgland answers this description. In most of the W eern States, rqa- nure is esteemed of no value, ilt issuf tered, cither ..to arcumtdatc about their barns and hovels, fbr kears ; or is thrown : .. . . 1. : 1 ! i . iiuu jiiirjr l reeKSif as aj nuisance. 1 1 have. however, ftcver seen tlm, -without witness iwj;, ,u n;c Aunie'. ipo', w eens, ana utid growth, as tank audi luxuiiaivr, as " the corn-blades, or sialka of whei'. : with miserable, husbandry, r , - t i ' inai a sou so ncni, as to require nn manure untier the haud of a skilful cuhi vator, will produce shith ard its kindred Mces, ts a principle, as Unvarying as the Javs of nature. 1 he barrenness of New lv gland, - which is Lnot unfrequentiy spoken of at the West, is one cf the most distinguished blessings of this enviable tar.d. ;j While the cultivator iofjthe rich alhi' vials, and extensive priat ies;of the West, shall he pale with atru'e, and inactive and slothful, by reason of the richness of bis sou, nis larm untemed, and overspread "itn wtcus ana uu growth; the more avored sonot New Entriand shalT be muscular and strong, energetic land en-t terprnung, intelligent I .1 " 1 '. I anu innrai ; cim'it ing the fruits of his indusiry ina salubri ous atmosphere, and blessed with a ur routvo-ing group 01 neaivntui, intelligent,! wen instructed children, mature is unt formJn her onerations. 'A. soil iso rich, as the valley ol the Mississippi, has eve ry where produced: the const-qtiences of idleness. Men will not work barun hen tney can live easy, , . i ' . I I That part of Asia, where once was the garrten of tden, wnerei was the promised lana: Italy, where was iv 1 nidiui) aiji( 3IHCII, 01 ui 'rctiuiiuu, Spain, once so distinguished for her aci- rnce, and her intelligence ; Egyptr'onre reno-neci tor her arts and ter power; r I . " I 1 . . g. outn America, once pre-eminent her honour and her warriors; the valley of the1 Mississippi, with ks present popu tl'iriffV itlii.lrln lJilli 1: it. mu.-Mi aiu mil m urn. . . The destinies of futurity arc net in ouy on two noi.L.ir.s ror: V'hat consequence !o'.v tn.tn tne. preat moral t f. 'it making to rcn.iaeaod put it v tf-.e j KT! v-,s!ipv, time only can disclose. -.-j vi re art! e r onr.ee tiur hetw een ca u-. ;i" t; unless these, c-r other caii s . J rio'irv.-.peiauvc, bll rxer a hiy!-l) j a ci r.trol;!' r. Luf nee, this at nroud oUfy nicst. nl v ', . . . , sitviikher. inactive. ns; tsse evtrr the duty. .of.-the .-patriot, as -ell an the Chr?stianvto hope; that the .tehiou il the Cross may tfTee t, what science and philovp1y with ui ttfeir " votat ics,; have x( lone, io vam, attempted 1 f ! ."1-In' addition ttv barn manure, the Nc hngland inishandinan should, be unweati cd, in coHec;in whatever: xv ii 1 quicken or support ej;c tation. Lione ts aiahia tde mapuff, and hi-ldy deserving notice. Atud from ponds, or sunken jroun's. rommi'n 'iU. wish eery kiud -f veg-fta- ; ule; and atiimal substance, may he profit ahiy tiscd in compoM ; especially, if ex posed to the a tion of swice. . Charujiny .crops is often uselul i Iva? h .specie ol crop seems to extract from the s--.il a nu triiment pectvhar .to its-11 ; so a not to cxihausr, neainst the demands of a differ, tnt, .suicetdin,: crop. Alternate ploujrhin 3td seeding is a valuable' sub stitute for manure; and an economical method of keeping land in heart. ' How ever highly other grasses may he valued" In lot her "counties -or stales; I am satisfi cdj; that no grass, with us, is so entich-to-tc) lhe ; or nutucions For hay ior paHtur.e, as trie clover. t he- -quality, w.hu h ciutch.es, is not in the stsik, or ileal, of this fas, as sometimes- supposed ; huti in a ...black, tnould, collet ted abuuit the rouiis. AV hetJvcr extracted lrm the air, by nicans of Ms bhssoms its braa Jeaf, or . porcus stalk, I do not pretend1 to'say. If turned in, with a plough for matmre, it should stand entij ripe, r The mauke stalk,' arid full irow-n leaf set m:neceary o collect, and deposit, lis rtuii-itive qtrah- A coat cf gVass, "left in the fall,! or. moioi or pa si u re1-land,- is equal to ra rovtrin of manure. iThis ' sr es'ih- lovihie u ii r pose 'f enncVrnr; tt'e &f it.'j, "and if pfrotectiiiii it from if'osts'atid colt?!-!! '! . . ..I.I s I ke the clothing cd the human body, . -tifri in.r it fmni I hf rnt'l f.t vtir.tPI KJ ltadojr.f grass ieft growing, in tj ,-aJttiij J)r.,tluce twice i's alue, tbv rlt pr. reason.-' C!nsiderinpj lhe coldursi of huir lionaie, this subject has not been suf.K tnilf recardfd. dAjurthly. I)ecfi fdoughwg is esschtj al td g Hid tmh.itidi y . c plough is the most importnnt pi en ent'i'l husbandly; too much pan anoint, be taken in its construction. A share, so broad as to cut the w hole w idth of the furrow, is.esseniial. , PloughiiMi is ihc mnst important operation in husbands- ry, and deep ploughing still more imporj- tant.j . burn, pat ts tit th.e earth, as are not hrtken, or turned up by the plough-share vitldi no support to Ihe'growjng planti i they arc m the way ot the roots, and U'3L ti3-ti int i i 1 ' -i J): ci ftlavgfiing btings up more earUfptf "P0" active employment. e ; gies more room ior tne roots' to grol and extend in ; a(Ttrfs more nour ishment; ar.d greater security agaiiltS'l Irotigbi ; the deeper the soil, the mote mointSure is contained in it and the long er 1 win .resist me tiucu.r.i neat: ipei ... - . . rr J.. ..'a-.:.. - i i morel eaily is it moved by the hoe and harrow : and ordioarilv. will nroducc a moresabundant crop. There is a -quality J nutritive, to. vegetation, ! which settled downibelovy ordinary furrows ; -and which, turned op, brings strength, as well as . .--Jt... . ... Li .. : 1 -'' t ..... . 1"- quaniiy, 10 iitc son. 1 nave seen pump kins'Smdlother vines grow luxuriantly, on earth 1 throwin out .of a cellar, three feet below, the sutface fifthly. Jfeamen is iessential to the 1 character. .of husbandry. This consists' in the arrangement ind ; I . - I f e' ... . . . 1 - 1 . : -i ...I. 1 r isions t a larm ; 111c orurr Bii8nt - j of the buildings ; . the setting out ' arid . j pruning, with judgment, fruit and shadc- trees.! 1 he garden 01 Loen,, tne Rreai i example set Deiore nnsoanamen, contain' ed "eVerv tree, nleasant tn the sirvht.' -is - J well as Kod for foodi- 1 .Ncatncssatso consists in the cutting q j hushes, leaving up and subduing hedges t m . ' i - ' - - ..1. clearing evqry held ot weeds and wild growth ; keeping the best implcrncntS 01 j husbandry ; and in hestl order aod condl 1 1 mil 1; its 11 3UOUIU DC. i ! - ":.'. J There should be " a place Tor every 1 thing and 5 every . thing . in its place." ' i i here, shnultl also he a time for ever 1 . i i. f tor thing - and every thing m its time. I J ; More time nd labour are saved by I nearness, on and about a farm, .than ten 1.. . -r-a. .. .. . I miimcj ' roM. i ne uteaKirn nl a Dow pinj or the unseVing of a harness, fret rv.: T.r. i.v AiVAc;:r i "t only ;1' to th.-s v to-, the : !ut; hut .T(-I 10, l'. '..I b I' " r. . I : t - t! r c - j- r. rr.'s - 4; ,:-;! the (i:cnurrs -t . ,1 s . us t -t di r 3 I h o !i : t :t!M)', bo -.!-tuti;rss ai.i re iJtii.r .f and ou! ; . .', if r 1 i f t nt s, e t. rr hu ": : e ol the cardinal woman too, ought to be UiU':;,ln add it 10 the list. It ihoul'J t ' ' . : . t! 3 family there bout ' ' ,L erv one W. . ilutr. There s field, and in a'l i there should hv "Order h 11 - never DC sc nis lioucl.o -. . fr. CtVi'Tii a a, ).,. ed over lhe sevct ai it r- of Mr. Cirartl wit!, un t and we believe tn.il. . r on the tnind of r. , i, iill he tl . tnuitOiCM iit " considered himself. merdy as gent or stew ard, w h xh to , f ir the manner u u hich he dis-ius- of h! immense wealth ; and ihstt hi anxious wish was to make .such -. a i4iitrinfc!f iiin nf if na tvmttrl hrmliinn lhe greatest possible ! good. Tho ; I'hiladelphians oiay well be proud of -. baviftgJiatl .such a citizen ; f r he has djcharged his duty and fulfilled his destiny likea philanthropist, and bf uefactor, and left behind him t!voe I w ho fur generation will revere hU ivame and cherish lii memory. We c give in our paier of'to-day :an.b st.raci of his will vyhrch clearly e- vine'es that Mr. (.irord. looked upon ihe. .wealth and prosperity of iodivid- ... . . . ... . . I'd' t,a- u-C-t1Tidnrrr,L;4il,ec lijc" coniinon gootl tf sneiety. ' Piltsbvrgh Statesman. the '. From, the liability .to FryS'pela, Mr. Girap.d is said to have lived for Lthe lat five years, entirely upon a vegetable diet. I. Ik has ! fold a gen tleman says the Banner of the ConstU fujon, that his own inotvidual M.b- -sisience did not cost nore thati twen-' ty centH a day. He never exhibited any concern, about life, hor had he. any fears of death, lie used, to say that a man who would leave idTbui sinews because he thought himself rioh -enough, had veiy, erroneous views-7-tbat he attached no " nof importance to his weahh, than ho lid to his cIt shoes, but that htHo' - of 4 he "great est duties of used to say that he.vwou'c tree to-day, i f lie thought . die to-moirow. ' JValtonal Debt, ' ton came into , H " t. . ;ttcs was i'tO, debt of ihe Uriift 180JL10U. It :ta in creased durrog bis administration to 82,042,000.' a nil atigmenied by tb elder Adams to 82,000,000. ! M r. JefiTeron increased it t n 85.353,000, a o d ubseq i e n!y reduced it to G;i, 1 53,000. During MrvMadttottJ dynasty, ir as in- c re a sed to ' 1 23 O0O OOO. . and -again reduced to'. 115.800,000. Mr. Mon roe came in!o office, and th'deht was gradually reduced to SJSB,- 000 ; his successor, Mr. Adams, left it at .a8,bt2.()OU. Under the present administration it has been brou',!it, down to 32,005,000. ' , It would appear from Mr. speech, S3ys the .'ationnl J'turi the repeat and reductio of Imt' Cr.Ta tiatious articles w hich Mr. Cs I tjrace, would amount to ahoi millions pi doflars. This hm. from the present amount ff ti nue, say 25 tniUion of. do!'a-s, ; rUeave th-e; reenue at 18 mitlions of d J- lars ; a standard belw which, it appear ed (o berMt. Clay's upinioni if ouht not for the picscnt to be i educed, a least till ihe'Nationat debt he fially paid, and it be seen wliat future ccuiingeiicic may occur.