i-i s upet i r, conjunction, those who see The i$:uJ rcjiir& may likewise sen, what ii is vrpp nrl never Was nor for :s wiil again be seen, this planet on the day of her superior conjunction,' and. only two third of a dejree from the sun. Saturday, Feb. 4. The .Senate did not sit to-day. In Jlie House of Representatives, the resolution., proposed -by ", Mr. Uvertlt cahig on the President for a copy -ofpart of the irenty negotiai. ed in 1 830, will the Chickasaw tribe of lo.Jians, -w.n, further discussed by Messrs. Cav"c' Jvfmson. Vendition, and layion. I he Utter-gentleman tiro'! Tsc,,an amendment in substance, substance, ,the ground thaicll iva mi'le on that treaties made with Indians do not come within the meaning and in tention of the.. Constitution,', confer ring the treaty-making -power on the Fieident and Senate, hut that they are compacts., or bargains made by l"hi tlllli.i.lln " . . .4 - 1 ; ,. r iiv uiii juii'ji aiuicitiiU) at hakims ui 1 he Government, &c. The discus sion was, arrested by -a'sall for the orders of the dav. The bills for the reiiet ot .tie heirs ot Wtnl V awter, ' . yt " V 1 w , ...;w.. ..viv..,,,,,,, j mittee ot the wtiole. '". Monday, Feb. C In 'the Set ate the joi'ht resolution, from the House, for the appointment of a- joint com mittee to make arrangements for the celebration of the birth day of llra$h iiigton wa3 read thrice and passed and n commi'iiee of live, on the paJL of the Senaie, .was ordered '-to be ap pointed, by .the Chkir. The resolcr lu.ion stjbmittcd- by Mr. Clay, for modifying .certain duiiej, was taken up, and Mr; Clay concluded his ie- mark in its support, . , In the House of lepretentatives, a nimher ol memorials and petitions were presented and referred. Sev eral bill 4 of a private character were reported from Standing Committee, and, at early hour, the House ad journed. . . ; . Tuesday, Feb. 7. In the Senate several private bill were passed. - Mr, Clay's resolution- wa" taken tn nfter the nip'" -itlvf-; bout half aurooviTiwnvi some remarks of Mr. Clay. eivs lo lowed bv Mr. . JShinnum. of. North . r a . i : ...i, : :.. Carolina, who spoke some .time in opposition to 'he resolution, and, be fore lie had concluded, gave v. ay to a motion to adjourn. In the Iloue of Representative, the resolution- proposed by Mr. K. IZze.rett'ui relation to the Chitjk'asaw treaty, wan further discussed hy . 1 f f. J J J 3 - IMI .1 tjfssrs, v ugc rata an u fr-asiconi. PI. -11. " . 1 . I. - i tic uimjsc irjuiiicu nit: quii5iuer.it tion bf the Apportionment Bill.' The amendment proposed by Mr. Hub' bard to strike out 4S tind insert 44, 000 as the ratio of '-.representation'' was negatived yeas 88, nays 102. Mr. Clay moved to 'amend the bill by . Btrjkiiig out the word eight and in per,inir seven, (making the ratio of 47,000, instead of 48,000.) This a- ....... ,1 ..... ....... t ' .:- n r tiiciMitiiriu wu rfjecicu -yeas ua, nny 127. Mr.A'crrthen moved tostnke out eight and insert five, but before the.questton was lakeiij" the ' House ail j'.iu nf d. ' .. . i j 'NVF.Dt:si).r, Feb. 8 In the Sen ate after the morfiiitg huiness, the consideration of Mr. Claifs resolu tion was resijmed. Nftb MtngiinV fp ke.about two hours in conclusion of hi speech against the reaolutio'n. Sme lime was spent in the consul cralion of Ivxecutive business . Mr. Ttjler of Virginia has the floor fur lo-morrow. , i In the 11 ( iT Rpreent(itive, Mr. Ot'ayton from the -Committee', on Military Alfjiira, reported! a bill to "prevent the separation of Captains from their companies in the lino of the army, -anti for;the belter organiz ation of the. Military Academy Mr. McDittfie horn the Committee of W-jy and Means, to whom so much of liie President's . Message on that Gubjeet had. been referred, -made a re part accompanied by a bill u to re duce and equalize the duties .orj im ports," vt Inch- was read .twice and committed to a Committee of the whole on the state of the Unioo, and 5 000 cote-j of the reponj, in addi tion to th usnl number directed to printed. Nine bills of a private character were passed. The consid eration of the Apportionment Bill wai ,ieiimed. The motion to amend by 6uhtituting 45, for 48,000 svs the ra tio', was negatived yeasCSnays 118. . ' - - M.r. ZJ.rri, oJ.MnssachieMt I moved to amend the bill . by strikim jouf 4S and inserting lG 000 lost vtn 71, naya 11C. Mr, tii o ve f Huib- s'itute 4 1,100 for 43 000. Adebe of some ' length ensued, w bjen the proposed amendment was agreed to yeas 07, nays 97., (there beinr a I tie, the .Srmakcr voted in the atlirrrjat iv e ) Mr. Taylor moved to recommit! the hill to a select committee with in Mructiom to strike out 4S,QQ0 land invert 53 000 as the ratio lost, yeas C$ nya 129. The House then ad journed. - , - '.. Tin RsnxT. Ft-b. 9. In the Senate the consideration nf Mr. Clay? reso-1 niwon waa.. renewed, ana Mr. Tvhr nM.-f nhrJ.t .o I..,- -nnk'.;t;.. !n i,;;en he give ho mcce'tV to EWei ! n r.,,-hen he trive wav to a motion Cfruf i vr tii.ciiAc J - . L i ' in in conu;era;io oi wluchj some time was spent. - . " . -. , In the House of Representatives, Mr. D avis of South Carolina, from the committee on the Judiciary, reported a bill concerning naturalization. Mr. JT. Shepard, from the comjniitee on Territories, reported-a bill to de fine the qualifications of voters jin ithe Territory, of Arkansas. The J-lJusb .. i '' . , . . . 1 ' V. I t I ' ' resumed the consideration of the BI, - jioi uonrnent bill. Mr. Jeans olf Me.. moved to stbstttute 41.300 for 44.- 400, as the ratio., Mr, Mley rtioyed to amend the amendment1 bv insert ing 43,300, Jnsiead of. 44.300 re jected. ; Mr. Clay proposed 10 amend the amendment! by substituting! 41, 300, for 4 1,300 rejected, yea'k 88, nays J 11. Mr, Clay then movpdl to amend, the amendment by inserting 42,300 instead of 4 l.,300 rejected, yeas 43, nays 129. Mr. Clayton mov ed a reconsideration of the vcte!of yesterday, whereby 4S.000 tt!a? stricken from thebillaud 44.1f0 in- seneii in neu tnerewr out beforb t he q jetion was laUea .the lloufc ad journed. Fri d Feb. 1 01 n the Sen at e some private bills - u e e fonvat)dd. .1 he resolution submitted on. Wetd- nesday by Mr. Spranc, decbjrijig that the nrrancjement respecting the c e;a&ctbittr between te Uni'ed S Me.a nnd (hl.J or "h,Ch 11 ,s Ped to ,. .- . , ;-.--""- 7 ""'ol,'f,a iinrt.idiiiun(,'.iu'.io nip m-; erests of the hmted Srajes, and; wrw ! by. of29h May. 1S30. was taken' or, and on motion of the mover, laid on ihn tjd!f r.nhp iTa-nt t,- H; ..l I i . . . .... . T ' resolution was considered. andlMr. Ttjhr spok e abou t t w d hou r in cor) -tittuatiou of the argument which he eommenced on Thursday, and with out concimling, gave way for a tion to adjourn. The Senate journed over to Monday. mo- aci- In the Hoise of Reoresentatives. Mr. JUcDaJfic, ifiom the committee of ... j .. . . i . ' i way s an u m eans, ma ie a report. ad- com panied by a bill to renew and modify the charter of the Bank of the Uftited Slates, which was com mi ted to a committee of the whole on the stale of the Ur.ion. Mr. Alexander presented a counter report from the minority of the Committee of Ways and means. Five th o u sand COpiek of each report, were ordered to be printed. Mr. Letcher from the Cornl mittee on Internal Improvements, ret ported a bill to construct a road from Zatiesvilje, in -the State of Ohio, to riotenc, in Alabama. On mot tor of Mr. Chmhrelengt a resolution Waj auopit-.ti, cauing on tne Secretary ol the Treasury; fur information in rela lion to various operations of lb oauK ui me vjnueu oiates. i he ren soluUQu in relation to .the Chicka- saiy: trealy; was further di-chssed bv .wr. ijoan, oi teiv lork. ihe House adjourned over to JJniday JIr. .'hlnihs and the rlhrffT. Wo have published a. rumor, (say the ed itors of the Philadelphia U. S. Ga zztlc)' furbished-toLus by bur corre s pondent -i at Washington, relative to .r. AbAMs' 'intention of abandoning I be protective policy of Hie tariff, aifd several extracts that v e have made from the Charleston Evening Post, show That such an opinion is exten sively pievalent. The1 triumph of file ultra party: in South Carolina: iat s u c h a n ad tin ion t o the ami-1 a r ff ranks, may be imagined. We yes lerday saw a letter from WashirHr ton wr(teii by a member of Con gress, rt ho possesses the best means of ascertaining the opinions of Jtr. Adams, tu which it i delared that Jre (lfr. A. ) does not contemplate any concession to the southern tlewandt, which shall at all effect the interest vro tcclcd by the existing tarfjf, and that if uouiae ur. uiciitm tns views . - Star, ana J3crtb.CaroH.ia' extern ' 2ntt!Hsniccr" jr'ffd to him by the Charlp-too etter trriter.! The report, therefot f, that .dM3 ias eppoed to .1r. (-lav's measures, or tltat he had ex pr sed an. opinion thai -such tnea "ires tvould be i"jnriou and decep ,vei to the iouth, could not have hecnell f unded. x h is. further staged, in the letter to which, we ..refer, that a known lariiF uieui-uer ot the committee on manu factures, of which Jr. Adams is chairman, has expressed himself fuf ly satisfied with the declared views of Jh. "Adams, and 'with the measures which be has suggested to the com mittee Saturday,, Feb. 18, 1832. . The lit, iRcVi Levi S. Ives, Bishitp of the Dioce, is expected to of ficbte in Christ Chutch, in this place, on Saturday and Sunday' the 25th and 26 h instant. : -' y We learn thai thb body of Ttos. B. Iluughton who was drowned in Nocm- . . - i : ,, .. .!. .-.; ber hst, wiiUe crossing Aihen.arlc Sotind was found a few days . since, drifted a- hore about three. mi ;s from Mackeys Creek. Several Ore iinanccs, fur the ' better re gulation of out! tan.iwill be found (in this day's paper. Ve consider them' very necessary and enforced. lope they will be rigidly U. Si a tr Bank A bill was op the 10th reported in the IJousc .,f Represen tatives fur the jrenenal and mndificati-ln tr v,r ,K t T S 13ank A re port was also made by Mr. JLDiiffifl: and a counter reporf by. two of the com- mtuecj yvho oppose thie report of the ma- jority, mpon'constit'U-iion.-d grounds. Ttie .National Iniel'lienrerh eivrs tlie 5rinci pal features of this hill as f -Hows: icni:w vnarter is tweittv years, win a reralion to Uonci -a W.Qhrr-, ti.ne afcr tcu l he new features ..fttve Rink iiv nn material particular, besides the reeia tiou olVj.ower mo Congress hereafter to limit tiie term ol tne Chatter to ten year. coirespond. wjUj the a'utipatUjns we ihrew ujut upoh coriiccUre a ic w' tlavs a lt pr&pMbtd, for example, to pro hibit the iasue of small dafis fur circula tion, and in lieu thereof to authorise eth er otti'cers than the. President '.'and Ca-h-ier of the parent Bank !toin the notes of the Hank. This ill olivine the only objection at ail plausible that we have ec" taen to the administration of the Bank j .and ahi objectionable circurn s ance w as t he fault id' he pi esent C aar ter, and not bf the DiVectiou of the Bank The Hill appears to jus, on the whole, while it obviates ot-jeciions vvhich are made by some to the present Chauer, to propose) libera terms o those who are interested io the renewal of it.: Our readers will fearn, we are sure, with pleasurei jthat the J.nt Committee of the two Houses of Congress, appoint ed to make arrangements for the cede bration ol the Cfentennai y Annivessai y ot the hirihjday oC yVASHtGTON, yesterday came to a IJesolulion to propose to hon or the day, by rccommeiidiug to the two Houses the cxccuii'jn of the nesolutjori of Congress of 1793 so far as to have the remains of the illustrious! (with, the consent of p.auiot and sage itre relatives) brought to W'ashingtotr or interment. lA'alionul InteUigenur th.. The Mint. Yvom. the Report cf the Director of the Mint, transmitt-td to Con gres'?, we; learn that there was received at that esjabiishment God bujiioti to the amount of S294,000' friirn N. Carolina ; S 26,000 from Vitginia j and S 1 "6,000 from Georigia. Alabama and TeTirie's sec also furnished gold to the amount ol about S Toop each, "indicjaiing (as the re port remarks) the progressive devtlop ment of jhe gold leg iok" The year preceding the last the gold received at toe Mint from ortbarolina amounted to S204.00O snowing an increase during toe past yearol byo.OOO.i llbid. A renort was on the 8th made upon the TAR1FP su jbject, by ;the Committee of Wars and M cans, arcomnantcrf h n bill tu ieduce th duties ob imports. A he report is from the pen-of Mr. M'- jMCFFie, we need not say it is an ahle one.; What is its particu ar complexion, jlhe rtadcrj will hjardly dot bt, who knows I what are Mr. M'DuFrtFs opinions on iine'sihjeci of the Taufl. The following paragrd;.h, with w hich bis Report close. 1411 ijo that, a usual, he, and a tr.ai .r- ijiVy of the ccnauiiuce, occupy 410 taiudU ground, but boldly unlurl.their fta.with tne inscription tv0 prt tction " . vUpoo the whole, then, the protecting syMem U utterly ruinous 'to the pfai(tin Ssates, irjariou! ict the Vs,tcrn States, and eci.sttiy bcntGcial to the nanu factuiin t3tcs; ard jouht to be ahan doncd wi?h all convergent" and practica olc despatch, upo eery principle r I justice, pauiotisrrvar.d soynd ph. y." ".' ' MJ. The Apportionment Bill, still hangs ih the House, and the ratio is . still in Sus pense, although the probability scents to us in faori of its settling dtbvrn some where between 44 and 45,000. At the adjournment of the House in the 9ih, and after an arduous bitting, it had got batk nearly lo the pur.t at which it Mart ed four weeks ago rthat is a motion was ptndinsj to teconsider the vcie pu strik ing out 48, 000.- Ibij, . ', r The following itnportant rase was re cently decided inihe Supreme Court of the United States: United State's v. the State Bank tf.X. Carolina. Mr, Just uc Story deiivered the opinion pf this Court, 6fdeiiii it to be certifi d to the Ciicuit Courr of the United Spates- for the Xorth.(Arnlirn Distric t, as the opinion of this Court, that the priority to which the United States, are entitled, in. case of a general assign ment nvade by a debtor, of his'c-staie, for the payment) of. debts, comprehends a bond for the 'pay mem of duties executed aniesior to' the date of a5signnent , but payable afterwards. ; - r . , u Corn falling to ' the . jortfi.. mer f an'ilc. fric:ndi lnformt.d us last evening, .upon. the assurance.', of letters from his correspondf nu in Boston and Providence, the. former dited6;h and the latter' 5th linst. that Corn in both"th.ove Cities, ; had rapidly . fdllenj in prire, and at the ahove dates not more than 50 cents could he ob tained for it. lOiBosir.n, and 60 ,ccns jn Providence. Abou'i 120.000 luishels. were Dfl iat in Boston harbor, arid large addi tional. shipments momently luoktd for. speculators and dealers had taken alarm, and heavy losses were anticipated, i T he information is given by us to pave from injury those who may not be su weli advised. Nir.Cjlk Beacon. ; I j ', '.-'J ! ' - - '. " i Eleven cfaiM later- from'JEurofic -Bv the arrival at jKew .York of the pt ket hip North Arrrf-xita, .the . editors if the Journal of C'"- '""'rs, hae retrittd, London and I f ' ' - , -" V December, V, - , n is of considerablTf)ortance, hoth'cnm "merciallv and ivjliiically. 't he rapid ex tension 'of the Choleta .in iLnland the passage .of thej bill -by the Peers, abolish ihg hereditary Teerige' io Piancethe execution of Tortious and his partizans, 54 in numhe'r, by the Sparuards and 'a repotted Revolution. in Home are' the aiost pruminent topics, of iiitercst. Extract of a letter frj.nv Cen. Blair a Si t-. member of Congress, to a cones pondent in Camden. ,l Nulltfitation can neer he our rpm. -When we lose all hope of a redress 4 our grievances irom Congress, and are compelled to take tle remedy -into our own nanus, we' must pursue the plan 1 suggested to the people of Charleston in my letter last. summor. A general con vention of the Southern States must be hld, and present to Congress the alterna te of giving -on the', protective' Hvtfri. as it is called)or permitting us to sepa rate bom ttie Linion.. This sessm is the limit of our hopes it 15' the utmost pe riod of time to which a redress of nor grievances could be posi poned ; and if the 1 arm is not modified to suit us, I wish our hot beaded nuilies may he, dis posed, to go an jar as tome of the tub mission men. i Air. Van i?:Jcn. ,Unnn the 'r.t,-rthm of . Jhc nQininati4n of Vi r. Van.Suienjliy tlie Scna'e, the Baltimore Chronir P 4'4 f,er Trading t he discussion in t he Sr n ' atcjon 105 nommatjon ol Mr; Van But en, no one can he surprised 'st his rejection, lljs instructionvto Mr. McLanc, former!, a,f had ppoea, the main ground of objection to his appoii tment These in struction were of the' moMslishonQrabh and degrading character resprirmg ouir Minister to diit h.se our party divisions to the British Cab'tnet.VanH Miost humble and suppShatory tone, that mc uuiisn Government would pot ccn nec t : t he p reseni a d m i n i s r a t ion w i t h t he measures f the last. Every man who has genuine Amcri. an principles, must feel indignant at this base intermixture of bcal politi uon; and rrjoice that the man who could iihus deliberately compromise the honor ana mnuy 01 lus coun? ry, ha-v been itct ed from his ofhcial station, and Cobigbed to the walks of private liie. ; The N.' Yo'k Cuurirr r 7 , r thp aOth tilt, in announcing the 'rtjertiotil hvs the Senate : of th n,w,.t; ..r i " nidi t i; 4, 1 - .. Van Bchkn, as Minister to 'Copland, which it detiouriccs in strong and indig nam terms as the resulr iuf spite and en vyr has affucd h:s naove ! to the Jackson ticket as candidate iJt the Vitc Pici- dency. " : ' - - The Philadelphia Enquirer on the re jection of Mr. vs Bciiem, a j i The nomination cf Mr. Tan fiuren for the Vice 'residency, hy the Baltimore Con vention h li JW FLA C ED BF.TOND A tOt BT." Three hundred Car for the transpor tation of goods, wares,, merchandise, ls.c. are novt e?iragcd on the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road between Bahiroore'tCitv !.aud 1'redcVick' and the iiitcrmeciata pcintsi At the opening of the Spring; trade the number will be much increas ed. : ;;:;'.vj;;; A wtitrr in the London -Morning Chronicle asserts that, in any ytaV froru 1812 to 1831, the net proceeds of the re ehue of The Protesiani.Church of Ireland exceeded ,'l,6l 845 sterling - ; If itk -ould keep ,vwy the cholera, su!tiy' it has dune its part, there having been r.u less than '227 works upon the subject; published inlEnglahd and else- whete w u bin the last few months. . Eugene. Aram Bulwcr'a! ncwfnotel, under this title,' has been publiiherj jrt England r and is pronounced by several of the journals to be the best! of bis pro ductions. I t is .dedicated to Sir Walter Scott, and the Literary Gazette TaddsVJ "that a niore fitting offering was ne?er taid upon his sbiinc.' . j , . - ' exclusion cj Free IJlacks.Tbe Ten- ' nei&ee Legislature have passed an act (01 bidding free blacks from coming into the State to remain more thai twenty dajs. The penalty is a fine fcotolten to fift) dollars, and confinement in tire pei tentiary from one to two years. lUoubla the highest penalty is to be t dieted after the first ofTr-nrr Thp.Ar! atK- r.nlhiklt. manumission, without an immediate re- J moat from the State. ! i longevity is mentioned in the; St. Peters-' burgh Gazette: Ther? is" Jiving near Polosk, on the.fronticr of Ljthunia, man named Deoretrius Ciabowski, w ho ts 1 63 , years old; he has -always led jihe bum-' ble but tranquil life of a shepherd, assist ed by l.i;uo aohs, the eldest of whom is . ' 1 v.,c, v. lujiwn nil! il aiailLH IJl ro, auu mc youngest vt yers oid.j 1 The siiock ol an Earihquake was ftlt in Ugdenshurg, New A'rk ob Sunday, the 3?d ult. jwhich shook the i houses so .mui u ioai u any pei sons were awaKenea, from sleep, and rattled the crorkerjf and vnfidovks.: There were three distinct shocks, at intervals of about half a min ute. The second shock was the most -severe, and was nccoropahitd by a iiimv hling noise like distant thunder!" At the c iim-5 similar shuck were fctt irk" Montreal. ' . ' 1 'f ' . . !-; 1 1 ; ' A hill To construct a .rail . road -f com Philadelphia to Morrtsville, Bucks doun y, opposite TrenU)n,.N. J has. beer) or dered to a third reading in the iPtnsyl vania L' gisialur.e. If The Board of Assistant Aldermeji of New -York, has adopted the Reportljof a joint Committee, recommending the Cel ebration of the centennial Anniversary of Washi.nqt' n's birth day. It reebm mends an appropriasion of g2tSOo tolde fraythe expenses of ihe Ccltbration.j ' TJie number of steam boats which ar rived at N Orleans during (he last yfar, was 1059 amount of wharfage St2,61.i . On diis of the day. Reports from Washington are tha.t'.Mr4 Rives, bur Minister to I' ranee is to be iih'minaWrf as rvitnisier to England in plate of Mrj Van Buten that Mr. Livinv.r.dl ,,.iJj,..: the Stale Departi,fnt, and cake the place l u ",r lk,v olr. Tazewell to. take charge of the Department of State. Wo give U,c report as i eCcivedcerain it h, however, important changes are'lbn loot at Washington fialt. Pat.. Judge BKnnitiJOaie Attorney Gehe'r al, declines being a Candidate fromGeir Ka, for the Senate id" the United Stiies. . A 'new novel calltd The Lst Virgin cd.)he Sou!h," has made .its ppeatanc'o in rallahaistc. East .Florida. Th- r,,vU H an uhpi omis'mg one, and tn'ay provoke vuin;;y. -, l bovyj i'om that quarter i certainly a pfichorticrxiti. i J '....Two fa'at. d urls hac been fought re rent ly hi (;Coii.jt,ne at Fort Mitchell between ('. n. WoMfulk a:4J Mai Canir, in which the f. rmrr was kiJied-i-te; other at Cisbon, in Lincoln county, r.erl -PetcTbui i. between two ?,,nil. r,rnK.i- njanitrom Union District Gist and Fair l be lat'er was killed. " t ; The Ru.hcrlonhon (N. C ) ' Sfieetator contaios an, account f the murder ofja f nan named Sevens. hf',f v,ife, eirWd by amjihtr woman Mis head was first rut off, and his body panudly. burnt His habits were intCmptiafc-'ihos of a ; vagrant., Af.er.the commission of the deed, the vjftf wem lo her father-in law?i f to inquire aficr her hnsbanrr, who, ho 1 said, lad not been at h.,mr. nn,t u,. r., ' to he louud I 1 j TheKlejuical spot -whej-e the Potatoo i . ----- - . - w j w h a m.AU m. was nrst ,ound in its native phce, lies, according to a Chilian tuvunf, in a ally of the Andes, whir h is represented as al- oi)! unanio-i,r..,! . , ir:-is iu iiy urn a .x-aiu.-taiist. ' f V U .? 7a,,.-.The iLrgistature or N. . k have passed a reto,ion instructing 5 ih r senate & arl representadves in Con- j g.css not to vote f.r a renewal-cf thai cha,t-rofth,smstiiutir.n.. h passed tbo a.,en.Uy h, a .Me f 7R Ul 37 ju voc-ctc stood 20 10 10.

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