r-j /:a a D. & STAII^BAOK,, gflitor and Proctor. , VOL. 1, ’.v 4 I 'v/ v %\ afcSiJfenorisi -a GENERAL DI RI-lC/ry jl Y COUNTY. Superipr Court Clerk and I Judge—John T. Gregory. Inferior Cburth-Geo. T. Simmons, ltegister of Deeds—R. J. Lewis. Solicitor—R. 0. Burton, Jr. Sheffiff—J. T. Dawson. Coroner . Treasurer—E. T. Clark. School Examiner—R. 0. But ton. Jr. Keeper of the Poor House—J^ 1L Ponton. i • . CommSssiofrer^-H. J. Harvey, \ 1W, H. 'Shields, F. M. Parker, J. II. Whitaker^ A. Prescott.; Superior Court—Every third Monday in March and September, j . i <* Inferior Courfc^-Every third Monday in February, May, August and NOYenXber i’ilW'®! id Mayor—J,o!m J. Robertson. (Jomiriissionersj—B. F. ^Whitaker,-’ Branch, L, * W. Batchelor^Jlf? Parker. * w Constable—H. „„ ... .. ,, ffTSi ' C. Atkinson. , • 1 HOTELS. \L; Caledonia TIotjel.—J. T. Stewart. % Boarding House—Riddick Burnett.}^ Churches. Methodist Episcopal—Services every first Sunday, at 11,00 A, M., and 7.00 P. M.i Rev. J. D. Buie, Pastor. j Baptist—Services every, second Sunday, at 11.00 A. M., and 7.00'P. M. Rev.,' ft T. Vann, Pastor. Protestant Episcopal—Services every third,-’ and fourth Sundays at 11.00 A. M. IteV. A. S. Smith. Rector. Methodist ’ Proiestantr-Serviees, * every j fourth Sunday, atll.Oii A. M., and 7.00 P. M. Rev. J, lit Gilbreath, Pastor. Ebeneeter, at 11.00 .A. M, .4jfr. Supday,. at Kihgjvood., at 11.00 A. . M., and at Euer’s SchooPHouse, at 3i00 P. M. Rev.' J. 1). Buie,-Pastor. • " M. P. Church—1st. Sunday, at Brad fords, at ll.Op A. M., and at Reid's School House' 3.1)0 P. M. Whitaker*!# Chapel, every second aud iiftli Sunday, at 1100 A. M. , RostnefttLi, 3rd. *Jfyij dav, 11.00 A-.: M. . . } V Colored Cliiiirchqifcr—1st. Rrst Sunday, at 11.00 A. M. and 7.00. P. M. C. B. Gibbs. Pastor. Pastor, Aj M. E. Church—Every fourth Suuday, SJt 11.00 A. M. and 7.00 P. M. Rev. L. B. 'in. avt r Clark: Pastor. schools. .« l|t H> FoflR JLdNf AS?:P1K^-! Mrs. Laura Cooke, & Miss Fannie Pender., Miss Lizzie Morse. ICOLORED SCHOOLS. Miigt J. E. S’ liara, i t C LODGES. : h •ft ■1 • lit Kniofits of Hovidb—Mutt every'secohd: Juiil ‘fourth Tuesday.1, at 70)0 P: M. MashfaM-Mcet every fourth Thursday, •>'“ p:m„. ■ ati.tK. TRAINS. vrol i" W i "4. •AT|WW ,35 u’SS ' ~t&.;f47, ExjifdSs,' Pascnger hndi Mail, arrive]; et 12.07, leaves at 12.08, P. No. 5, Through Freight, and Passenger arrives at 2:14, leaves at 2:15, A. M. No. 17, Way. Freight,, >iyiv»a»^- 2.00, leaves at 3.40 P. M. Trui.iS going South. No 48, Express, Fp.ssenger and MiSf, ' arrives-A 41T3, leaves- 4.2 4 P. Mv , Hw No.<>. Through Freight, and Passenger arrives si/3:44, leaves at 3:45 A, M. No.! 8, tVjay Freight, arrives at 8.00, leaved atfjjjf) A| >1. « , v ... , EXPRESS’ AND KRM&itW1 Southerly Express Office,—Open all day. : R. K.-Rskiick. Agent, Railroad'1 Freight", and Ticket ‘ Agent, L. m BalehbW. NoSfreidH for shiptaent received after 5,h> w: *L v v"*! tkleCraph. k\ : > Wkse^vUW:n from 8, M„ ta 0. P. M. R. E. Riddick, Operator. the I.Ot 4, w. e. william's; Chbufi Oid Rye Whiskey, Brand] Wines, every, thing for (lie thirst; A lei* uioie Barrels Old Rve’b 1 keep no Books. bn < liar I.ET.-Ki'ipira jlpvitrvnaiNO t irest), whore .u:v, r rm« yniSQ. : j HiSxcKange' Does it STatnta^ ‘ 17 !'• Sagle. .Brooklyn ‘If you please,’ said the young la dy timidly, as the exchange editor handed her a chair, ‘I have composed a few versefe, or partially contp'osed them, aiid I thought you might! -help me finish them and then print them. day.’ She was a handsame creatur$,wit|i beautiful blue eyes, and a browning glory as yellow as golden rods. There was an expectant look on her face, a hopefulness that appealed to 1$e holiest .emotions, and the ex-l 1‘hangfe editor made Up his mind not to crush the longing .of that pure heart if he never struck lick. | Vdjby. I Show you the poetry?5 c6if-‘ turned the ripe/ red mbdth. will see that I couldh’t got the last diieS of the verses, and i* you wo,ulfl please be sq kind as to help me Help her! Though he had never oven read a line of poetry,. the ex change editor felt the spirit of the divine art flood his soul as he yielded to the bewildering music. Help heri VVelt.die should smile. ‘The first verse runs like this,’ she taking courage from his tly sweet the autumn air lie woodlknt nd tills. iurns friinn restful care-’j ’ dUti-billious pills’ added the vq editor, with a jerk, thd thifig.y'dt rhymes, and it's >Tfmvfa>ebhnybody how. Half ^UaapJe^you meet are-’ T suppose you kqow best,’ inter rupted the young girl. ‘I .badhlt Just so. tile .thought of it in that way, but y ■ " 1 _ i'i _ __ i Jb — it. — r* — — —.1. . Idea have a better Now the second verge is this; f such thing's; more like so as to match with the first. It combines tilts feshions with poetry, and carries the ideurighi home to the fireside. ' If.lonlyikdh, jour. ability in starting.a verse, wttbaaygefriMin windingTSVCike shear* affyon iu the.BQetiy, ^usiiiess to “Think soV a^eatne fair young ifiifyC d ♦I&iloif t atiit4 me fcSikfcepHig up the theme.’ ‘You don't want to. You want to }>rs5N£|ttWNSk i#e 3P^|*%rfWb V/Th« dove eyed kiric upon the-nio«o» Look tender, meik, and sad; While fror the valley comes the roar- * the j^erp^ If ’ the ex iVlM? 3 0U keep up the theme it gets mouot ’IS.A vK«Y^*#T‘ *' f ’ / r' * M M d, . *y yj^srimps tfiat/s so,’ rejoiiidd Tne beauty, /heightening up. 'I dfaiH think of thjit. . Now I'll rerd the ht4:W$sl‘ lo’iL/ V, 4 ‘How sadly droops the dying day, As night springs from the plcn lav. i osouldn’t do, would itf*’. "ttskhd 'H.e ^change editor, ‘oihu’ebody ch« wrote that’, and We nright'tss accused .0?plagarisjr**., We must have this tiling arigidai, ' .Suppose We say^ now just irnJfftrere Hr$'safj® *Why id'hl I spout my Hen?’ ’ |" 1 tjhe. swaot, Yosydi^st' ‘A^'loahtl never heard it b£fofe; < fjU noii'ix. jJtrww 1 It means.’ •* *“> ’Deed it’s new. So is the ilcaitly She trips along-—” *WlWho/tea in Isoth her Books, bj JcrYci’ ct&dthc delighted excbang< editor. ‘Yousee—i—*'h:.%< A.ih. *C ho, hd!’ remonstrated }he;blush ing hifiiden. ‘‘Not that.’ t yiick yet,.' "her ^ ‘I don’t seem to look atjj ^ a do,’but of course you are ob as you best judge. l’a thought I ought to say, 1 ’ ‘ ‘As silently she trips along J*-! InJ|antnhui^ yel^wjpc^s/ ■ i Just look at it. Does tracks .‘Do! ^hyme to rocks? Not in the lyn |Eagle it you say, Brook when you fellow don’t. Besides, ■tracks’ and “rocks,’ give the impression of some heaving . things to. another fellow wliors scratching for safety. "‘Socks,’ on the other -hand; rhymes with the ‘rocks, and be*u$Ses. them, whilst ftmehes up the milkmaid, and by de -scribing her condition'4!k>wd her to be a child of the verynatureyou are Showing up.’ ■' '.5» s*«’R . ‘I think you‘r$tfight^v said ‘s^eet angel. ‘I’ll tell pa where the he was wrong, verse runs; This is the way the fifth “And closp behind, $he farmer’s b,oy Thrills forth his simple tunes, And slips beside the maiden coy-’ ’ ‘ ‘Aud splits his pantaloons !’ Done it i«m M , igSfrf*11 wifiyn HUirmiMi I mpw..a^' -mmut aSI is. fy&hyt «nip- ?>%> Butit is, with snip^findpaatk* a uo a moment dawned f u£oo hitb.bbd (l£ft but;the recollection iu; his heart .of one amjftttgaca. s^.kh mneOd liter»VAJ*«gnay* br rentouif^Qm'KKlQfS&eSi ■; had;»'SraeretianaryVftPWi9irj4f '-fMxybpi-. ing their, .rfftps, / ■£■*.£..'"... :- •'£;; I [/j thoswfa be hdiasatjy fie- ji u* mi™: aIk)^et)jllmefg3mTh*B^mnJv,..„ „, both p&ttifefjftf3ftM§W *M>m fgM afterward femaHyP2 .Ill 3oo^frlTOW1?P^||. comc t'ae mother of a boy she mtiyjbe diyoreq4 with* the consent of the tribe, and she can maryy .again. "■ ., AfjljpssinnMis jSoi&iTSiut. marriage is necessary. The connection may be dissolved and renewed P3 often as the parties .third; proper;. |j giberUwfr If tli§ rjajj lie dissatis fied with the most trifling acts of his wife, he tears her cap or vail from her head, and this constitntes a' di \y>rce. ,r J Corean.^—The husband <;an divorce his wife and treasure, and leave her the charge of maintaining the chil dren, if she proves unfaithful he (jan-fslit her to death;v; .,. • * . ,may. be divorced, not sold, asfhe others, may fee. She then may Claim .the itst. third and fifth.child, and \ the altef hate children are,yjeldcd po, the hus Afcfic’ Iteifitfii.— Wh#n- & ! raan desires a divorce he leaves the>-'honde in anger, srivd dl&S dot Return for sev eral diys. Th4 wife understands the hint, packs her clothes and leaves. Driiap/ awl Tvdcoinfiu.—\/Li}iijng these peopl<4 |f a wfe a^k| her* hus band’s permission to gfcout, and* he icavs “go,’" without adding “but come live together again without being re married.:’ >* s(\d:ns are formes! Hrltkoui the aiiler.es being,jd^BglV^d. A man n^vilrvifivorc^s hfs wifd if she has Mn’tte hiimsons.; •&*> If The hittbljnnd .ft-.# jpal away his partner* rgsef-’ sfeeh: fyu$9.r ‘ - lin * ol JfMMVf fiiyosys nuM ™,ar(£k* tmr^wife maydolhesarne. If ijlie be jlTfcrfcnt ’Magistrate, awB<^atfelWW>*i»y th& principal* $&■ * p?!?,* accoTtl^aities fifeP ub 'the drratSe and pronounces1 a formal-divorce. C/axKset-t+D jKsOftces Are ; rtf k) wed ,tr all.Casesieforiminality, mutual din like, jealousy, incompatibility of tern p&, 0t t*x» inpolM MW«*r# ,tli<} husband can obtain divorce unliess lie gives all -the property and children. A man, on the contrary, may leave en she pleases, and m:iw anoth-j man, and convey to lnni the entire periy of her former husband, Romans.—In olden times a man ght divorce his wife if she were faithful, if she -counterfeited his fate’ keys' or drank without his owledge. They wPiiM divorce Alieir wites when they pleast-d; No'> w thstafldvp'g'this, fife hundred^ and t’ enty-one years elapsed without ofce divorce.' Afterward a law was issed allowing either sex to make e flifijacationV'' Divorces then be iin^Tc^if»|t "Pf t|xts. Seneca says’thatlfonie* woirf ‘e i no longer reckoned the yeaas by je consols, cqhhhf# dr speak.s !t leir husbands. ’ Sfci Jafpirid ,s jc ‘a.man wlio h^dT)n^?lxii^^by!i#lves. i id a'jfoman who had bttfidq ,'tVhin t r twOjbiviUaiids. ifhe Einperbr A’u Ifustus endeavored' y,d! i&sijt&iti5 the license by bephltiee. 's . * '■ h f -lav- - -c; U '.;:v Heiij Wl*8arfii4 ■ VStt*;’: setts, vejftea a machine for: heratig - faffl read cars witjioAVJHb o? fi’rec Trie principle of the machine is‘ fVictibfji. It consists only of Sn ironej^IifiVfck The cyMider is!)fiietT With.-'water,1!tfie ShaftfevoW&s.'-'aud rrara^M Qf the plates the _w;ater;ih ich ihcredi* ,J Inlatia^B—Mip—§—^1 bly shrtlSfc^iliS nkpfiaats&ill.jy tnCani of*t>ipea. ca^i.ilae ; cat n«l to great distances for heating purpols S. 1 f S. **\f iA~k m U £5 m u — » The construction of tue machine is such thdt" lt’is- eksh^ adaptfed'd* ey i ery place where 1*liGru^H*'iu;te^oAper, a*in mule, factories. jawldyigs and cars-’ Tbqs,-,to‘cyrrya, with thiity-eig s<$u{H'e inches of*|ric tion plates-tUe ordinary .size—oho half horse- power only, is said. to Lie 'requited, while a machine with hfcyp |!m-kdr<5d‘«ii4i twentyiftyo square wju es-of friction s^t'ace KyilL require Mp; ■HHi lie all a ly four horse power, and will roorh 60s 20Q, orA2G,Q9Q cubic foot. In steam cars the machine is - easily laid cheaply adjusted to the . axles‘, the power being, fcakan^directly frqm the Weeiela, iso that} in;fi3ptpiiVf|ftpjft|#^lonor3; j It is said-that ■ ih •h/|^fimi.,^ven Mr kladstoge disgraced; him^if Isy yiJ^ifc ing thifi swotiasu qliqipsft^; of'acyfcii1people,- f»s'a ruic,H5*t#iPPth fug!rVibiety .exthtSey its igwotaafabr its”neglect- toG))Mif|1d^l<^lMg’o < the ground that .it %sbyfa: iav.i rn.sd ,ih YX. t'jiasjii MU . 1 /:»•/*. I K’lr sfdl iim t.d.f' . : !■' 1 I, , ' with ttolorsiii' But, in this caseoSneie ty will be> asked toind©rse»a twomau who has children. a»d has no hus ■band, who is a practical example- of ‘free love”—if we can. ever tacitly degrade love by the quotation. What are New York people going to do about it? Thfe treatment that. this Actress receives.'fromcsoeiety in this, country will severely test'- ns ■ &§ a, people. In many ways .marriage is assailed among us ; too social recogni tion of this French woman. by, our wealthy and cutured-citizens' would deal a terrible blow to morals, Will New York deliver this blow? StSMsMne. From an acorn weighing a few grains, a tree will grow for a hundred years or more, not only throwing off many pounds of leaves every year, but itself weighing several tons. If an orange twgis,pu£in a large bos of earth, and that earth is weighed when the twig becomes a tree, bear ing luscious fruit, there will be very nearly the .eufUG amount of earth. From caryful experiments. ucacje .,bv different scientific men, it is tu? ascer tained fact, that , a very large part of the growth of a tree is derived from the sun, from the airl and from the water, and. a very little from the earth, and-notably," all vegetation becomes sickly unless it is freely exposed to sunshine. Wood and coal are but. condensed sunshine, vrhich contain< three important 1 elements, eq uajly essentia1, to both vegetable and ,v jyii: trial life—mrgnesia, lime ami iron. It is the irora in t’ne-bjood which give it its sparkling re l color and its strength. It is the lime in the bones which gives .them the durability' ne cessary to bodily vigor,, while the magnesia is important to .any' of the tissues. Thu3 it, is, that ,, the more ■persons are out of doors, the more "healthy, the more vigorous tTiey are, nnd the longer will they live. Every human being ought Id have an hour or two of sunshine at.noon in winter, and in early forenoon in summer. i)EN'Vi£ii,. November, 23,—'pie '.^eadvilie:Chrotiivle says* ...Sixty la borers were buried .in tlje snow pfjtfe yesterday.- near Chalk creek.. on the Kokom extension of t!»e !)enver. and ttio Grande road. About ll!, o’clock A. M.- they noticed pine trees tremb ling, and in an inst^pt the slide canto with a loud roar, tgqjljqi up the track of the distance for the distance of ’a Quarter of a mile and burying sixty man.—.John Dine was/ billed, nine teen men hadly injured and eleven others, slightly, .m slide .carried the trafk over the i^eads of tlie 'iriciri, and most of the woumls were proba bly caused by. the iron, striking tiiem. Wh Lakewogo,'N. J«, Number , 1 q. As the family carriage oL James Jobuson. a wtelth’jfm#enide.!U<.;Of this place wa-S creasing tfek.'Nejtf .Jersey tSonthernyaiirBad, between here and Manchester, yesterday mprnin if was struck by a freight train t!iOa carriage was demo iishejlj-both hors -.s were killed and Mr. Johnson and ills daughter in law and infant :is also. despaired, of infant# injuries were,,slight. ne Good senspaad gqp-jl j...pat;U-c arc never, soparated, tluin^h.the ijjqoraiit iworhWinth .thought-, otherwise. Good nalnreyby wiiivli i meiut beneficence and eurndoiyis. theproduct Q‘ roasonwr-Jskv^yl^ii. .. ,. u.». ;J. ... .Sincerity is the most‘ci/rnpcndlbOs ds.doyi and excellent ‘instruinerit for the speedy dispatch oil business. ■ It creates, confidence la, tho3e we have ti; deal' wltii, ,saves the labor of hriW'iy ij « mvuirns issue m i V 1 brings : IV v/Cfds. ■ Ui things to m It Tsinths minnte eircumstan. e r?f a man’s-wivUTcatliait we. are. tc Wqnil'etftyr* hie real oh&r&cter. Ir these ho mi tier tiie- ingaeneia ';of;.,Uu *y?uih»t disposition ahd a^tp jfrppi liibi.v.-tf, jn-irifetfi his nmr.eppon and inipb] tfvijt. 'actions fee rxjSK.yv» bp dyawn •by pnMie oprnion, arid'. manys .other Wcfeil«Kfrbi motives may ..have f aken paf#-- in4 tkorii. t-iii' ■--t- •• •, > ' \v Hr plcac'eS effdy for the Mvenent. whel'ief p oh try , will me,! y?nS? ’thtrf fdomewt. - AVhiri looks b.iyodd4ffreptri<5fe&rir i wilb-livc Jicytriidihe, ‘rforbcnV : What sp mks to the intelligent’fevr will at Imi make a.conqriest’ of the* unintellrgejit many ; v,-hat :Tp?aks o'n!y;to -the-- urn intelligent iriv.iy’Vtll neve?beriicrtitlit lntelljlMittewjmvi Mil Sdoh be for iptterv’bv trie uilluteliineii!*. manv'al it DEALER i Daor; Mouldings, Brackets, Stair Xewels„, Builders’, Hardware,^ Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty and Buildimj Materialdievery Description Also General Agent for VJADSWORTH, MARTINfcN & iONGKAN'S PURE PREPARED. JSEADY-MI|C ED PArfNTSr guaranteed .to be free from Water,. Alkali, or Adulterations. ISF'Sendf for Card of Colors and List of prices. Nos.16 W Side Market. Sqr. and 49 Roanoke Ave.,. NORFOLK. VA. D. E. STAIN BACK. AGENT. ,*-.!■ ENEIELL), N. 0. may 20. usftiS’/ori TO THEB I G1VH HEALTH.' “Excellent Tonky Alternferf^Hand' ti. !p'nmetie.”—'UediccdAssoc.ation of I. / si'i: i ■ uiry..A. '-v ii .1 f ., . j > ■ "Has no e and- e!ilonni's.”j-t«j. E. Miit!iews.Lu..l).vN, 0 > ; 1 "K.jl'iK'iuus, lpr Venereal .Inree tious,”-T-ljh'lb Roeuier, ‘St. 'EoiiTs','' fc li sdl^o “A firtc "Ofm' Kmd alterative, «Bry; vslu-tbte in iiisc■ aes,pecu 11ar^ to ‘fa-.r males,: ehrpnioTever and ague,, broji cljiitis ;md;diseasps of the digest! vie oigsusd'—F, Eoughto'n,' M. I>.V Ain. ^ | - ,. j ••VW'^'t^no'Beial:'iu strengthening and insproy-Uig-u reduced system.”—■ dvjuv. ^ho. ,\Y, Ueckivitb, 'Bi.saop of ■viia.-' . . . * ’ !ij “ * ! , Afo,st \fa!iVa!i! 2’i'C''iiedy known for t frill* fidislpaVes.”-—do'hn P. Mette&ur, | .‘1. IF, li.. i:. > I j.'Mjjjed i ii.qbs'.iuate.ea^es pf dyspep-, : .stu withgrqat Ilenelit.f—J. MacRalph, n|.JL, iMo Point,"ik ' ’ ...r.'ori tlw {Vfyd with' gftat benefit in malnpi-* jib fthit;«bj.{vtiieris. ——i, 1)u,*/ W, JL.iJo.idrt, “Ufgreid enratjve v irtue.”-Thomas F. Ruuibol'fj' V,i St I^ouis, Mo. \' ‘'“Very erp 11 •• ;i11?;: glfoniIn 1 ar derange-: .jjv?.; yc fatMoifeio, Lynch fife uVrtlV'ifi'' •' •-•v|w,7ir!uib0 nunlb.at rChiady ever used ia diseas es of Hie throat.”—P. A. Siller J,4 M. i) v C / -hoi ■ - f-Adapted inc&’tlffi affections pf rise ki ineys and bla tier ; d£sp4psia, ihdiVs‘1 chlorosis, scrofulous -and 4.V .iro6«3 naVitctions.”—Prof- J- -L io -rmnni M. D., Va. 1 ‘■An obstinate ease of naiiralgia of •:even yeivrs standing entirely cured ^jy-; thft Mks.3.v+-sJi P. Neese, M.p D., MoImoa'aMills, N. G. hfs I’nrupti'At and circular containing ’fil'd Ipforniattian sent free upouappU eaiiKini. oiv ,. ,: ... , Mass •and Pills sent post-paid any yhcrsiyi kj , .■ ■.•• j., ,T -. _ jsiwings open year, round. $35y0,0 a inouth. ■ >. i . ,« , . Aii'i‘»ftes,; A. M. DA'flLS, Pres't of the Co., 'fb CO : 7aii i>Ifua t>L, Lyiichborg, Va. li .a-iki by; J. i - -f*-?- - -1T r • ■'^rf-Trjir— fltpss*; i a • '* r.:. bjgIK*?, J«* & ■ in •!-*,» Ui ■ yti ; i.’ftO titi) -SKOiS, spi™*&2 I j' .d'nb{ I ns So uj |s*>0 ) r.»UV. ii Si ■■ Vijoid