THE EXFIELD KENT! _ ihhhI ' '* i.'.. 7V W, ar-WSC'- *.:«*»• .*■ fc • 4^A»C«M THE FARM. Recipe Tor Curing' Aeate. rstt f= The season being close- at hand when farmers cure their meats' for the year before them, and kno wing the iieavy losse3 often-sustained When the,work i3 not well done, we ap pend the following recipes clipped from the Country Gen'Umif-.* ' ' i The following recipe for curing hams was first published, in the Cul ttcator over thirty years , a^'o, and constant yearly use-of it Ua3 coavlnc ed us that it Las no superior': For one hundred pounds of Meat take 7 pounds of good salt, 2J .pounds. of brown sugar (or one quart of molas ses), 2 ounces of saltpetre,. Jr obtice of cayenne pepper, and 2 ounces of cloves. Twer Ounces of black p p >er may also be used, if it is not-distaste 'id to those who are to eat the hams; Pepper is nsed merely to prevent at tacks of fliesu Boil all the ingredi ents in sufficient water to cover the meat when closely packed i i the cask. Skim and cool before p Hiring over the meat. 'The same ihgretfii n;S can be nseihfor rubbing the hams, if this mode is preferred • to a -pickle. For rubbing,-however, it is "betted cb add another pound of salt, and bait a pound ofsugar to the aboveinbT j dients. This pfckly i-i equally'*gdod for bains, shonlders, bacon, corned beef and dried beef. When corning ef, the meat should be wtll rubbed in sat itidpao ed dosely in a cask two days before it is pickled. < This extracts the blood, and" the rfteat must be taken out and washed be, fore packing for final pickling. • i , From the various recipes*for mak ing country sausage, sent td this pa per dtrrlngtlre last tbnr or five years; we safeictjthe following a^n^trlilgej ly to give satisfaction : . j • For 100 ponu ls of meat, one ^nart of salt, qt* (or 6 oz.) of pulverized sage, and 10 oz. of.pai per TwO pounds of Salt, G oz, of sag a, and 10 oz. of black pepper. •. gVThree pounds oCsalt, 12 tcaspoon fuls of pepper, and f teaspoonfuls »f sage. \ vr‘. Two and one-half pounds of salt, 1J pounds of sage, 13 oz.-of pepper; and 7 oz. of mustard. Two and one-half pounds of salt. ?| oz. of pepper and ljpa<*e, 6J ox. of jiepper, 5 table spooiifnls of sugar, 5s oz. of allspice, and 5 oz. of gingerl ' Moat of the ladies send i tig -these recipes mix the ingpelieats and meat by hand, at about blood Irt-r.t. One Advises mixing the ingreiltents with the meat white it h being ran1 through the sausage-cutter. Some put them into skins; some use long, narrow muslin bags, fend others pack in pans or iars, covering with melted lard, to exclude the air. - . ■ *'■ A Hhocp in Winter. lit] Two extrenfp^ sUpuhl .be avoids! in the matter of shelters'. One mav he insufficient; while the other may be so cloke ns to be unhealthy.!' The majority of mistakes are with those who shcltftr InSdlBcietiflyi*'*In< faufn instances rtihdre 'food1 da consumed than vtould otherwise blr re>jni:ed, an i n *‘d )^res^6ndid *l> » >1fh = a eruo. The shelters on the sheep farm should be made to increase m aiie an rapid ly as the flock multiplies its num bers. '' v * T^^reftpplyMpaU^earefai. ly looked Px given lrtirn her gill drink more water in winter thanfleede^l when iij p^tu.e. If such an‘arrangement. 6afi bd econ omically secured, acoes to water twice adajKs better tjcan hnfc puce. Tips for two reasons, EH. thre mtfre timid animal-* which Are likely to he held bacOfit^^rhiug by their ptfoug er fellows hftf? a ch ume when the latter are not so eager and, second ly; d^^W'from over- !ri a king, of cold water'll oUvinted.m'’&j&e of uuoAr- in lien of water should b y forced t upon the floclc-only-' iiiWleV- extremes! necessity. Stook will Idvc under stroll circumstances, but satisfactory- thriSt ‘1(411 Hotdfij d§efeufed.;‘d “.[■ * ; / Ewes in laub;''Should, -r;*ii!ftitir|ai pficSeabte, tfeffedand abldmr 4 u.ieliigi
sJtbiH^felS’Birag: t'i*fewt!i enable^ ftu,, teuiti\iS kWpweii afcrMisl jlCttic age w4t!PthU;k%sl, ihiprod«ctid3i^!|;fS#iejfolid the possibility of beiitg, mistnidei'stnod. it is ikniniiueneed by motives that do not app:ar on the surface! it has no opinions to sell, save those Which may be had by any purchaser with two cents.- It hates injustice and rascality even more than it hates unnecessary wfirtls- It abhors ii-audsy'IMties fools, and deplores nincompoops;, of every species, it wfyl continue throughout the year, 18S0 to chastise the first clp^instriict tliif'^ec ond, and disatmiHelnaiice the third* Aty honest men. with honest convictions* {Uether sound oriiiistakcii.aru ij* friend* nd The Sun makes no boneVof totting the truth to its lfie-tids, ami about its friends whenever occasion a rises Jbr-phtm Speaking. - < j,\>4 These awr'The principles upon" w,hicl 1 jbe one n-ywl t’i^ff'eaAl , . _ patrioticAiiierica^i,can aifor l to clawejiis eyes to. public atliriis. It is fripossiblc to u;liicli >S ■_e.T.-if-i i'l -,r.-r-r ifiiT* , ty of resolute yigi!;u!oe,T>fr,,t1ie part of every eitfcen WHO desires to preserve the Government thaif the* founders gave us. jblyp Republican ayd lidw nearly eiiUf.l fu strength throughout the country, ine varying drift of public scntinrentAwHl'*ll bear 4iro^tly .aud ...ef fectively upon,the twenty-fourth Presideh tlal election, to be held in Novembei Tour years agp next j^oraiiber the wifi of the nation, as expressed at the polls, was thwarted'by an abominable conspiru cy, the promoters and beneficiaries of wnicbstill hold the ollices they stole. VVill tfie^rime of lH7jdbe repeated iiPISSo;' The past decade of years opened with a corrupt, (jxtravagipt, *jid i^BBlejit Ad minisywtion intrenched at *\yashingtoa. The jSun did somotUmg toward .disYwljj ing, tile gang am£lytf|iking its powt^. Th saiWmen arc ubw nilrlguftig^td "restore^ fciicir I«idcr”kn.d thtmwefves ttj ydatcs'fi*di!f winch tl»ey were driven by Uni iiidigna wiil be on hand to chronicle, the facts ‘ as tUyy are’ilcvclopcdj and id exhibit -fliioii clearly s.i tYcaricrdly ui their relations to expediency and .rigid. Thus, with a habit of philosophical good humbr in looking* at the minor aiiturs of fife, rind ingfeat tilings a steadfast pur pose'to maintain tire-lights of the Jioojtle and the principle.-, «■; the Constitution agalusT all ar^reSsors; -'1'iiE hex is pre pared a fruidfabinstructive..aud, at the same time entertaining history- .of. ttSttL <>ur Mies of' shltscrijition'' remain uiv chaiigcil. T'orTne Daily-t>UN. a four-page, sheet of tweniy-eiglit columns, ttie price by rnail, post-pau:. is w oetits a .unurth. or iffJ.oU a year; or, including the Sunday paper, anitghl-pigd sheet iu‘-fifty-six col iuiipa, the price is ;j3 cents a month, or s5i".7 r r^MrWi & WHCLESAkEDEAttRSft • turn?- : At is* I *10 & ..m^, £2 SViiMKJ! .V- rnKKT, EOSTON, M'A.V-i NOS. 84 * 86 WATER STREET NORFOLK, VA, The Raleigh'NfMite;" / 4,1a Ui. Editor. L. L. Polk. Corres, i‘i JjAiUUGHTON & Co,. B. OUMYSv • ZZ JAflllTJTjl DRY goons. Opposite D( an, ,23. g!eo. B. LEATHER, CURTIS, fflSL'-te -S.*'«£*£ : Pn>«*SiS*«i2* l^ar?fe* *#* lit rut-SUM **i r I? to (TliB'.it-SM, |un £]'§,%§ it WATER- RLRVAT'bK JO! lias rttr Wooden Tubing to decay and pollute the Water, no1 Irfin ‘ bing to Rust or Corrode, no SueJtfflrsc Flungera or Valves to wCar onfor-et out of ment to any part. < >foSU* ^9" tern below the piai fo?^, -riailt.oj j Will iiot Freeze'1 in0'WiiWiir^WBdi will last three time3 as long as- any1 pump. • dl .ef r* mi n ^ ,1M It wulTemove all color, taste and smell from Cistera,.^^ / Will make bad water^aoJJaml Good water. Better.. •W.. :fr." C. ssffrft K. BflicivUu>HHH*7tmi. ll i Stk. !I ; CORNERST. ,.;.vv; , -w.h _uij-i. ~k*i -rAdmuiM - . Bitriington Hawkeye. a & IK. .ivr T'i/0 DOLLARS P£B TEftS. _ r *ib 'inis ; i i. Li j. J8B;^IAD , iA.7j; AJ" < - HTA.NUS AT FI VK UKX'l'S i’l-Ui i',>f ** ■>'<« itaumdVJ-ism wo bit* .ntfcd oj ttaiiiiM feu •* -eynr ;arttvm«k»>!>a« tilt At»rh' clubs oj Rvtv.fJi'ik u wii, „ & H The Ff&wkttye-fruk ajtfUHrQi) Apfe'lr > f io ttuiabtlij#l,4ct;i\o>.iW " ■ The Uav* kti,y.c:4iiii‘ i iIf it' v w-J(l£iy!y v . v sitt 4%b',«|hf' ■*WRI8fe «kttl^l;4KibR4tib'TI O A„ t'iii'il.wl !%sj)l'iijvhvi)-l>!«.i(s te MifPKi/foinSff fats * A *«-<*• 'MitoWel’ta . \.* : "TJ& Ab.o, sibTidi SfeigfeSftd See^i' (ass'd.X^siWiilifcy \* ' •■*1 Sd»laid&feik1bt,miefAtn'!j,',^>' 4 idkw •’ fill a®# Wwm send Vfi^U-ikk^VfH'- »‘4, \m kciituAi, k. vo& n T,° > . •• • \*T /.>•# fajpa:;[ *&**.'*••$ All. postage imid, to any address, for ■ 3 6( Address, KAVtf)l€VC PU&USjHIlfG icdl [ . EnrUagton, Iowa. ’ A?)VlvlCBISK,MF>XTS. „,. ., fill 1S&[7' i$4?, -ittZ£h4/ E. B, BEITT. !M*$3MlK)o5> | & %fei$riwt P&HWAV* ..m%4 HO „„ .)la JDI^UOODS, gSPBOOTaa,;^-^^ p A lin. ‘Xi ^Ljj.SS ANI) crockery , w M won bna • >i. .qin kaiqjsl/ SHOES, V* dt ii4fad ;«&' IATS, CAPS, »gjhM Jn'jO ?vvf i«'t .?. . it aruAS, LAMP GOODS, ! Tff. i* ".•;<* U. •<*^ «j> j-iav* ■ -\t:\- i Jdsj Reccfvecf'1 • X fl : i) TIN WARE. /fl.c!,:,j, il(lp ig. jtUIJfttA *1.11$ && 'hiUi >?if}s", *. i« ijjsndO :inn/.'i .’6 . H . . FLOUR, SUGAR, .:»->ri'DX COFFEE, AN’t> A . NlttS MNK o> ’ *?««» 1ft /«! iU oj fo.Mj* I «•/ VC-l-YtS/l S'ffc .'-stO-sJ-K j Ji i'fil'ct »d 4sa- I .tjii vk,{L«j: vtij > * *. ^i‘fn "TO « i U« (OKI ..A » oj )tn ... •• 4j ; •' •<’ V*yv-J i.’O JJa* }l I »CT*|US3 ,VOk'VA3';>'2a>jI lo., *!> A^e> Awpitcr IfesuH* fionyj-a fiUt line fpwmprrs tirtlrcnaWst -fnyT?s, anfCmost inpfroved patterns. All persons needing >ofneUim)^iiic(iand durable will please ■ d. a JWBI't?' f.~ ■»«!'» ■mtiw t\Tr. ii'yf * 70*! __ ’I TAJ.WSOIP4 RICHMOND, VA. .bM “SKSiM&citfNSrs i»PinjH»bW swAStaWm *r* fcnj^iles and 1kabrst:t»¥)Afi&Mta?>‘ co I; actory Machinery, Yi rough! .'frtra Vf*rtrkr kSra^M *h/t Iron '(jailing*, .1 Mm&in mr> of3D«*j>yd«s»», lti ti >„ ato;/ amgSwSflr* ■i Engia&s 4. ^sociality.. aepairing'Prc^v : ■ k> y 11*11*] we omr, aim -rsr iftrocrecwirtg use. ^Phe grc'4t*(Li!:i(;jan«yHj!' ' t*t»* Arrestor prominent features! are : 11 thirif Uaf ilejitr(ivV?!:ii draft. «ia itul^Si(nd il^f4'6tf^with cleaning the '.ullOS. —tt-vrfil not jHleiiiJhCldnr^tesiroys r^inottlA l»«i;ies. w i.ejtvr*erli. *s« 1 mmumsssm^]. fuj. 1 !1 iIslraUMl, tnri^ th>iHe, Uoldsborj*,; J. A. IIAUSKR, flenwalManactfr^ I" T. A. GRANGER, Local Managed., • sift '.ftjo-Jt y*(Lr ■'1 no, fip*” wa^f Jrfhwij*/ ., Lh^ p^plc m U$re)>yjj. iji|b£mfj,!ftifl5(th*ting, and soothing pro’vertiCs; It heiiis htdst If not .«J all of (He7h«Ptftol; clean, and soft, undcC’which conditions diseases ’ t>1!'tiie siiip an* hair arts impossible, laid to kico.3 ;1 hiaoi 4ltfaj'jh Aft a, Dressing: for Ladies’ Hair The VtaoR is incomparable. {t is color iMIVdOntaius neither oil nor dye, and will nofjidl white cambric. , Jt imparts vjfato agreeable and lasting perfume,-and as :ui article for the toilet it is cconomi cjd and rtnsju^p^ed in its excellence. PREPARES BY DR. I. 0* AYER & CO., iPraetieal And Analytical Qhpwbti, BOLD BY ALL DBUeulSTg KVOUWjU^US. ~rr alwayufn ^nd,‘ opposite fMjfggfr ’>■» -I ,-atj rniru j-." -wit Ui - - 'Mm Voor Pages Colored Plates. -5 (1 K^rtMed,* SUPPLEMENT of*Tf, f 4600 NEW Inctading such as hare cons into m during the pact fifteen years—many of wJiicirhareneTer boforefeun.l a place in any English dictionary, , .l- s ALSO ADDED, A HEW Siographicai Dictionary •f over 9700 KAMES of Noted Porsons.aneient and modern, incindf: iny MlMwS'gS/SSK?1 fcy, rroiession ana JJ&te oi cacru GET THE LATEST. -* • • EDITION contain* a Safttomoat- «f r; brer 4600 new word* and mya^nga,. ■gtohnovvanl in Pupplomeiit JCl Idetod and defined with great care, rank Biographical Dictionary. nnwadded, of W otoi9100 names of Noted PdAtonET '‘^GETTHEBEST ! !,»W ■'■rnMin tmtbfX b«* » "4 Language ever published. B>flnhion» hare always boon rhnredpd; thy \>j better than in any other l>i< tionsry. VI lustrations, 3000, . ol^lit tt.reo timra * A *i many a*Tn an* •♦*!>%ljn< tjopajy, 1 Tn/Mu^s-So'^iS^’ ■ >*nl v English Dictionary containing 0 EJo ^ gien. and Dnto of dyer ffTOO persona. Published bye- 4fellERBMteUrtnefield. Ms. A LftcTBtirtt Sidniw^Ry. j 3srb. Eifeto 0: TA.T:. m obtained for mechanical device*,• -medical or othtirCOmpouwils, ornamental designs, liraiteidliartsa -at id label*. ;t t.'aveats. -4 s 1hterft*r«votet,’ infringements, and all matter* relating to Patent*: jirottkjltj'-'nrtoniled to. We make prclimi liJAry-eMi^mliifllions and furnish opinions as to pntcntahrtitj' free of charge attd aH who are intAWiWtl ibllfowlnvolitions anti PPO in «»lV nJilvii-ui nrwt Vvr&vtariit? our **( i»ixitv* ifptesi Bae pi cJv fhirh wrtpl rich ™**mm*‘:* Sstiu-L ml$9&w.\uW' IrtiJHtemR'1, x ^jfTOMicilWsdf Patcdts ana Aftotnej-s at UV, L’e Uroit Uufldinb; WtftLl«*r ton, I>. C, f lit*. >t t^-6ry' coimtr y 1 PfcTKKSKUlip ltAU.KO,y> CoMl-ANY. ‘' r‘"T;<'Tv <«-'St'i'Kit 1NTKX1 .EXT, ,1 •g^ueao^^-jkuu, EFFECT ^ _«f»n*y 12th, 1880, > (»[ going sqvylw» :> . NIJ W _y OttK KX PKjESSi >E®# Petersburg daily at’ Y.(tf P, Mi ■hi °, * M • *WGliT .WITH PASSKNdEIi ptJ WA1MI iiVi'A&limk i**f W.r Lttave Petersburg daily (except Sunday! «*-• -——— -7;45 p. Mi (Arrire at WehW. tgjfto A. Al n v •“f'Cmifo fuKTUt NEW YORK EXPRESS. Eejiye Weldon daily at 1.10 P. M. Arrive a,t Petersburg at 1 3.30 P. M FREIGHT WITH PAS8KNGKB - coach attached.,. IftaVo Weldon daily -{except Monday* a*—. — -4:20 A. M. A^jrtVi at Ptttirisburg at i>1*81®*} jj. xh)achea’v'vySi‘‘-'rurf •'fhrbugli between \\ ilmiiigton and ' Washington and sleeping ears on night and day trains. Sleeping cqjf herths/cau bo. had. for one, dohar from’Richmond to Baltimore. No change of ears. 'xa^h011?*1 tickets sold to ail Eastern od’throh^ir^ ,““d Va(K*Se. check-' ‘ AY. J. BROWN, s f Dispatcher of Trains. ft. m. srf.r.y, . V 1 Goneml Suparinte'ndent fin. 23. ...... . - ’ ’Orirff-ig Stri-kKi'xTisxijisifT TtfAxea’OR -i •PAtiOX.—G. • & it, a. K. Go it m-y 79-X V t* z Portsmouth, Va., Novemberilh. 1879. J QIIANG& OE.gCIlEDlLE! i)mand after MONDAY. November 10, .trams as follows: - LEAVE PORTSMOUTH DAILY EX GEPT SUNDAYS. Mail train at •' v 9 25 a.m Accommodation Train ,, • 2.00 p.ji ARRIVE AT PORTSMOUTH DAILY, - • except-sundays. . ■ • Mail frain at 1 ’ ■:>: 5 45 p m Accommodation Train 11 53 p.M Mail train connects at Weldon with the Mail Trains of the Wilmington & Weldon, and Raleigh and Gaston Railroads. ■ And, oil Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at Prank !:n, with steamer for Edcnton, PlymoluH Aid1 Landings on IHackwatcr and G ho wan- rivers and for Washington ami stations on Jamesville aud Washington Railroad. Through pickets on salo to Tarboro, Goldsboro, Newbem,-Wilmington, Col umbia. Augusta. Charleston, Savannah, Jacksonville, Eernandina, and all points m Honda, Raleigh, Hamlet, Charlotte, rttatcsviHe, Marion, Hickory, Did Fort, ' ;«¥a '\V^„ All-... ’ Warm 8pting^ Atlanta,. Ma con, Montgomery. Columbus, Mobile, New Orleans, arid all points in Sonin and SblttlrthMt, •*> ‘ . > ; SollttrthjSt.'. - ..... . .... Freights received dhfly, except Sundays, from H to 4> i\sr. E. G. GHH). . Superintendent of Transpartaiipjft, GOING NOIiTlI. Express, Ptssenger-iuMl Matlj cUy train. ' • ’H No. 47. • H ' . LeAVe Wilmington diily, at ft,50 A. A1 Arrive at (tolcfshoru. at 9..50 A. M A rriTe at Weldon, at 11.50 P. M GOING SOUTH. }2*Of. is.. W.*l.k)ii ae-x1', Express, tl^ojj^F Krti-A^ awi;i>**s«»iger. GOlXGi XUUTifc ' J Leave tVJlnimglo V‘ Arrive at (ioidsboro, at •1 ViiM P. M Arrive»tJK»MeId.,*t %M A. M * Wc^oi,. at *- 3:40 A. M ■ GoiNfe sdtJfft, 2.i.-> a:ai a.M* a Km J.ftdaA. M Jjgis&Mi&iM&iPis Lpie. dally, except* Suntfby,i 'imwt daily ^aWie!ml«n«< aiidi*HT.-tiL ro«tCwui! >Xi{5iit irutn makes, j’jasg, connection at Weldon for all points'North,, via Itifch raoml. Sleeping-cars 'aW Itched irigtt'itifciiuuoil Pl^NB,. s AT ! General Sntoenhtenacht. TRADE WARS g.a5$g«**aH»t —euv. An un- esST ^ failing ' f curtt for .SutHinnJ vr e a k n e s V. SfierOvaftM-r t ben. htipatene* HfOIE TAKUUhcy, ,»j'd Uisease, *»»* Uwfc f*Uw M ft Self, Abuse; as loss of Memory. I ihvcrsaT Lsik r4t«de-. Pain irvtho Back; Uipn^sapf,Vision, Preiuatnvf? t)kl Aye.;f!yl,inam-other Dis eases that lead to insanity or Vonsumptfen anil » Premature fi*aVir ftSPFiill pnr tleiilnrk incur pwnpklet which-we ik-sue to send free by mail tpesery;tmef J^l'lie »Snoeitie Medicine is sold be All iSpoeilie.Mfctlityi^e fcf sold. by all 'ill ^_ "R per package,: or six pfekagbs for #3, ivin besem five bv1 mail oh re< i\d by all drukgists ri.\ receipt of At«l br \vi , _ _ the money b_y.-addro*sing. . THE GRAY -MEIHGINK Co., fK:nN6^rt‘Metil»iititt?s Hloek, *lRuhroix, ^Michigan. »0i ftfcjdwufo K«h -41J i-td £l ftfesr*an THjb>.^»r,x smvfrrtok IS THE FLACK TO GET HRAI7S, KK'rTER HEADS, OAREfS T^IyETS^t -rRINT^D AT SHORT NGTlCliAi